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rogue-vigilante · 7 months ago
God fucking dammit Brando Sando. Not again
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kaladinsspear · 4 months ago
Hello! I've seen a few pinned posts and I like the idea.
Welcome to my library! I'll explain a little bit about what you can find and how to find what you want.
This is primaraly a cosmere fandom blog, and I try to tag everything for easy reference. The catch is, its all tagged by what I think I'll search for if I ever want to find it again. Here is my attempt at an explanation for how I catagorize my blog. :)
Spoilers - I am tagging all WAT content as 'wat spoilers', this includes all content referencing the preview chapters. I will continue to tag content that incorporates WAT for 2 months after it is released, then the rest of my blog tagging policy applies.
I I try to tag super big twists and reveals with '[series name] spoilers', but ultimately the nature of Sandersons work is that it is really difficult to discuss it without discussing spoilers. Most of this blog assumes that if you are in the 'warbreaker' tag, you have read warbreaker. I try to tag series crossovers with both series so you can look at my 'mistborn' tag even if you havent read 'stormlight archive' as long as you have 'stormlight archive' blocked, but I'm not perfect at remembering which specific book my lore knowledge comes from so I may miss some things.
Series - This is primaraly a cosmere fan blog, so I tag by what cosmere series the content references. 'mistborn' covers both era 1 and 2, and 'mistborn era 1' covers the entire first trilogy. I tag the specific book if it is a specific reference, but most content is tagged by series catagory.
Characters - If the content references 1 - 3 characters I will tag by the characters name, if many more characters are involved, I will tag it as 'ensemble' the 'ensemble' tag may include characters from the same series, or from multiple series.
Relationship - Clearly romantic content between any of the characters is tagged with both the character names and their ship name. This can sometimes apply more generally to an intense relationship, so I might tag 'kalmoash' on a post that analyzes their relationship even in a non shipping way.
'mic cosmere' - Content that is more cosmere focused and assumes knowledge of all published works.
'my thoughts' - Content I made or added to. Includes diary entries, meta, comments, photos, and ramblings both on the cosmere and my life in general.
'stories' - Any form of storytelling. This can include headcannons, speculation, anecdotes, or fanfiction.
'funny' - Made me smile or laugh enough to want to share.
'art' - Self explanatory
There are subtags within each of those catagories that you can explore, but those should get you started. :)
I try to put content warnings on sensitive topics such as drugs, alcohol, blood, etc. but I only know what kind of content I would want a warning for. If there is anything you don't want to see and can't easily filter out of my blog, please let me know and I'll start adding a tag for it!
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cyborg-squid · 8 years ago
Ramblings #6
Ramblings #6: this one is significantly less serious and also just me raving about the Cosmere
god i love the cosmere so fucking much. i can probably say, without a doubt, that it is my favorite book series. I’ve kinda said this before, in an older post, that at least for me at times, the series interconnectedness works against it. I’m rereading Way of Kings and got to Ishikk’s interlude (which is one of my favorite parts, idk why, i just like it a lot) where Galladon, Demoux, and someone else are their. And i didn’t even realize it on my first read, only when i was browsing the Coppermind and read Demoux’s entry did I realize. But i kinda worry that, and this is mainly in Stormlight Archive and partially with Mistborn Era 2, that I’m missing out on the actual story of the books and instead playing Where’s Waldo with all the other cosmere characters. 
you got Wit in pretty much every book, Galldon and Demoux in WoK, Vasher and nightblood both in but separated Words of Radiance and apparently some members of the Ghostbloods are worldhoppers as well. And apparently Vivenna will be in Oathbringer! Plus Khriss and Nazh doing the the maps and Ars Arcanums for every book, though we’ve only recently been “introduced” to her in White sand. And Kelsier’s still alive and somehow visited Sel, or Elantrians visited Scadrial, in Secret History. And what kelsier said at the end of Secret History makes me think Spook is alive as well. And Sazed is god in conflict with other gods and Odium is fucking around splintering everyone. and it’s really difficult to both pay attention to the story being presented in each individual book with this sort of divine conspiracy going on in the background. i think Brandon (Brian Sandborn as my dad has called him) has said something along the lines of “you don’t need to worry about that yet, the real sort of cosmere crossover books are yet to happen”. i think, i may have thought i read that but actually didn’t. But still, I feel like I gotta keep track of it! Plus, making all these theories and stuff is a good way of actually participating in the fandom and helps pass the time between book releases. 
Part of that fault is probably with me. I don’t just want to read what’s going on, I want to know what’s going on. Also, I don’t like missing out on content and I feel like missing out on a cameo counts as that. And I want to, y’know, participate in the fandom and stuff and I feel that if I’m not really clued into the big cosmere conspiracy that I’m missing out on a sort of “inside joke” or that everyone knows something I don’t. And I think I know a lot and have figured it out but compared to other’s theories and the info that gets revealed at signings I have very little figured out. And all this is compounded by the fact that Stormlight Archive itself is so damn complicated (but in a good way). And it’s probably gonna take a lot of books for these plots to pay off or be figured out. Rereading WoK, in the prologue, Szeth notices Elhokar talking to “a dark-skinned Azish man who had an odd patch of pale skin on his cheek”. That soubnds a lot like Nale! also mentions a “thinner, Alethi looking man who kept glancing over his shoulder”, but idk who that is. 
TBH i’d just be content if, nearing when the cosmere crossover or finale of whatevs happens, there’s a sort of “Here’s what you missed previously on Brandon Sanderson’s The Cosmere:”. Cause even if I don’t have it all figured out now (and I’m fine with that I guess), I really want to know all of what leads up to the finale/crossover event. It would be really dissapointing showing up to the finale and not having any idea what’s happening or how everyone got there. Even if there’s no official guide/explanation, I can hope that the fandom will come up with some sort of “prepper” for the finale. oh god it’s gonna be like Infinity War but replacing Thanos with Odium. 
On a completely unrelated tangent that just occurred to me, it would be AWESOME to see all of the different cosmere magic systems used all in one scene or fight. Whether they’re working together or fighting each other, I would love to see Allomancy/the Metallic Arts used alongside Surgebinding and AonDor and Sand Mastery. 
Another tangent, I would ove to see a Stormlight Archive tapletop RPG. They’ve already got a Mistborn one, so It’s not too much of stretch. At this point in the books, with the lack of info about the Knights Radiant, it might not be lore-feasible, but as books progress, it would be great to have an RPG where you can play as a Knights Radiant, either in the sort of new Knights Radiant or maybe set prior, before the Day of recreance. The different Ideals of the different orders remind sort of paladins, having to abide by a certain sort of code in order to keep your powers. And all the different orders allow for a lot of different “classes” and playstyles as well. And they wouldn’t all be typical “paladin” goody two-shoes, with the moral and philosophical differences between the orders already established in the lore. And leveling up through discovering more about your character and saying more of the ideals and thus your spren gaining more sentience and getting access to more of your Surges and their powers. it would be mostly story/roleplay, and i can’t imagine it would be very popular if you haven’t already read the books.  Any way i would really love that and i hope it happens and i would either be a Skybreaker cause of their cool Surges or a Dustbringer cause it sounds super cool.
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