#ALSO yaaaay its 10 minutes till midnight im fucking EEPY
honkowo ยท 2 years
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yaaay growth post's done! yippee!!
was originally gonna have only one image but I suck ass at writing so I did some extra images to help :)
angels have 5 main stages in growth: egg/pouchling, newborn, imp(toddler/child), adolescent, and adult. because they can be such high maintenance(ESPECIALLY when young), young angels are usually raised by a group or community rather than specific parental roles.
putting the details on each growth stage under the cut because it's long as fuck :3
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on average, an angel will spawn over 30 eggs at a time, with only a few being successfully fertilized. the fertilized eggs absorb the others as they grow and eventually hatch. these babies are yet to develop more prominent sail bones, calcium teeth, and wing membranes. they also have an extra nail that serves as both extra defense against their hatchmates and as an egg tooth equivalent. once pouchlings hatch, they immediately start tearing into their hatchmates as that's how they get the nutrients required to grow strong enough to leave the pouch. this can be avoided by removing the eggs just before hatching and transferring them to an artificial pouch instead, as some modern angels aren't usually too happy to let their children shred eachother in utero. the pouch will fill with liquid that allows the pouchling to breath upon hatching.
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newborns are essentially just bigger pouchlings with more wing membranes and thicker skin. they still reside in the pouch most of the time but they can now leave to feed and breathe, as the liquid they lived in as a pouchling will drain as it's no longer needed. if they were allowed to cannibalize in development, pouchlings will be much more aggressive even outside of the pouch compared to hatchmates grown in an artificial pouch.
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a newborn is considered an imp when they grow too big to fit in their parent's pouch, and as a result, are more active amongst the other imps in their community. it's around this time that both the third nail they had as a pouchling falls off and their wing membranes fully grow in, although they won't be able to fly properly until the fatty layer surrounding the wing membrane grows in. imps aren't quite as bitey as their younger selves but are now very curious about their environments, investigating all they can see and babbling to their guardians.
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adolescent is the final major stage of development, with anything after this point in time being minor or drawn out over a much longer time period. an angel's calcium teeth finally grow in at this stage, with the keratin teeth being pushed forward to accommodate. other changes include reproductive organs developing and flight membranes finishing their formation. angels will now be experimenting in choir-forming and other social activities, as well as dressing up and accessorising as a form of aesthetic individualism.
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