alchemicalwerewolf · 14 days
controversial opinion but
friends to lovers>>> basically any other dynamic
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talatomaz · 5 years
words | lena luthor x fem!reader
a/n: i love lena so much and i don’t appreciate what the supergirl writers are doing to her character
warnings: mentions of abuse. sexual references - just kissing tbh & a little morning after
word count: 2.7k
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r is a political journalist and works at catco. she is working late one night on her article about the presidential debate when lena notices her and interrupts her
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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Looking at the time on your phone, you sighed. You’d been here longer than you had intended to. You didn’t think writing your article would take this long but once you’d started, you hadn’t stopped. To be fair though, if you were home, you would probably be doing the exact same thing.
You often worked late, mainly staying up to all hours of the night working on your articles at home but tonight, you decided to stay at work.
You’d been in Washington, DC all week, interviewing politicians left, right and centre and had only just stepped foot back in the office earlier this afternoon. The majority of your notes were here anyway so there was no point in you going home yet.
You were currently transcribing your interview notes with your former boss, Cat Grant, who was the White House Press Secretary. You were happy for her, she seemed to really suit the job.
Then again, you think she just liked telling people what to do.
Laughing to yourself, you thought of the time when you used to be a junior writer working under Snapper. Miss Grant had given you the role but only because you had seized the opportunity to ask for it.
She always did like people who spoke up for themselves.
It was hard to say you miss her though, considering you saw her almost every other week. But now, her job had been taken over by James Olsen.
You were good friends with him, having known him when he worked at the Daily Planet. When he got the role, you celebrated alongside your other work friends, Kara and Winn.
Kara was now a reporter, a great one you might add, who always seemed to be getting exclusives with Supergirl.
That was funny to you because you knew she was Supergirl.
She didn’t know that you knew but the glasses didn’t exactly conceal much.
She was also very good friends with your new boss.
Lena Luthor.
You smiled at the thought of her. Whilst you were slightly intimidated by her, you did admire her. She was a very powerful and intelligent woman. And the fact that she was beautiful too didn’t hurt your perception of her. She was also the CEO of two major companies. That was impressive.
Glancing over at the large open office, you noticed the light on in the room.
It had to be Jimmy, you thought.
He did tend to stay over quite late; it gave him a reason to be out late when he conducted his Guardian business.
That’s right, you knew his secret identity too. He and Kara weren’t really good at hiding it, you thought.
Shaking your head, you clicked play on your tape recorder and decided to focus on completing the task at hand: finishing your article on the upcoming Presidential Debate so it could published for tomorrow’s evening issue.
Lena lifted her head at the sound of typing. She had been so focused on finishing the cross analysis reports for both CatCo and L-Corp that she hadn’t realised anyone else was in the building. Well, apart from the night team but they operated from a different floor.
She stood up and moved from behind her desk so she could see who the person clacking away on their keyboard was.
She stood in place, crossing her arms when she saw the woman hunched over at her desk, headphones plugged into her ears, typing furiously on her laptop, occasionally stopping to make brief notes on a piece of paper beside her.
Lena frowned. She had made it a personal mission of hers to interact with everyone on the floor so she could get to know her employees better. But she had never spoken to you. And she definitely would have remembered speaking to someone so dedicated to their work that they stayed in the office till this late at night.
She contemplated going over to interrupt you and introduce herself but decided against doing so. She began walking back to her desk before swiftly turning around, changing her mind at the last second.
As a reflection of the extraordinary nature of the Democratic field, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known as AOC, has-
You stopped typing when you felt the soft tap on your shoulder. Removing your headphones, you spoke, “Yeah, Jimmy?”
Turning around, you were shocked to see the person standing above you.
“I hope I have no resemblance to Mr Olsen.” The woman joked.
“I-Miss Luthor! I’m sorry-I thought-I mean. Why are you here so late?” You said, surprised.
The raven-haired woman chuckled as you fumbled over your words.
“Well, if my employees are going to be here this late, then why shouldn’t the following apply to me?” She smirked, accentuating her red-painted lips in the process.
“I believe we haven’t been introduced. I’m Lena Luthor, as you are already aware.”
“Y/N L/N.” You replied, standing up to shake her hand before leaning against your desk.
“It’s nice to meet you, Miss L/N.”
“Call me y/n, Miss Luthor. I feel like a teacher if you call me ‘Miss’.” You corrected, smiling lightly when Miss Luthor laughed. It was a genuine laugh, one that seemed to reach her eyes.
“If we’re ridding ourselves of formalities then please, call me Lena. So what are you doing here so late?”
“I’m finishing my article on the new Presidential nominees. I’ve been in Washington all week with Miss Grant and other politicians so I haven’t had a chance to complete my article.”
“That explains why I hadn’t met you.”
“Yeah, I’m constantly up and down the country, following the political story as it were.”
“I hope I haven’t disturbed you.”
“No, of course not. I was almost finished anyway. So, how are you finding it here?”
“It’s interesting. I’ve never really been involved with journalism. Been on the receiving end of scathing articles about me and my family, yes. But running a media empire, definitely not.”
“I do hate journalists sometimes. They just go with the crowd and join in on hating the new person of the week. People don’t realise that someone can grow up with their family but turn out completely different to them.”
Lena’s eyes narrowed, she appreciated your thoughts but knew there was more truth to it than it just being about her.
“I hope I’m not being too forward here but would you like to grab a drink from the bar down the street?”
You failed to hide your shock. You had only just met Lena and here she was already asking you out, as if she had known you for years.
“Yeah, sure. I would really like that Miss-Lena.” You said, correcting yourself.
“She didn’t?!” You gasped, holding your laugh.
“She did! She asked me if I was baptised and I just laughed and said no.” Lena chuckled. “She said she only sleeps with good Catholic girls.”
“Oh my god.” You couldn’t hold your laughter and almost spilt your drink in the process.
You and Lena were currently at the bar, hands nursing your respective drinks. Lena, much to your surprise, was drinking Scotch, and you were drinking Macallan Whiskey.
It was currently 3:30am and you had spent the past few hours chatting away, talking about your failed relationships among other things.
“So, y/n, tell me, what brought you to CatCo?” Lena asked, her chin resting on her hand.
You were about to give her your usual prepared answer that you gave everyone else who asked the question. But whether it was the fact that you had been drinking, or the fact that you had a beautiful woman sitting in front of you, you decided to actually tell her the truth.
“Truth be told, as much as I loved writing, I was actually studying to be an accountant.”
“Really?” Lena said, shocked.
“Yeah, my father always said journalism wasn’t a feasible career choice and pushed me towards accountancy so I could look after the family business. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed maths. It was reliable. There was a right and a wrong. Just plain facts. But, I don’t know.”
Lena listened intently as you continued.
“There was just something about writing. With words, you have this...this power where whatever you write can actually influence someone. It allows someone to see themselves in your work. And that’s what CatCo was to me. I started off at the Daily Planet but I think I knew that it just wasn’t for me and it was the same with James. So Jimmy and I both moved here and never looked back.”
You looked up at Lena when you had finished and saw her brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry. That was such a long explanation.” You began apologising before Lena interrupted you.
“No, don’t be sorry. That was just...very truthful. I appreciate your honesty, y/n.” Lena smiled, her eyes staring deeply at yours.
“Thank you. You’re one of the few people who do.” You added under your breath, as an afterthought, but Lena had heard you.
“What do you mean, y/n?” She reached over to place her hand on your arm and you felt your stomach clench. Such a simple embrace, but so caring.
“My father. Let’s just say he didn’t appreciate my change of career, among other things.” You stated, not really wanting to explain further but when you looked into Lena’s eyes, you saw truth and understanding and the next thing you knew, you were spilling the entire story.
You told her how your mother had died when you were young, leaving just you and your father. You explained how he pushed you to be the best at everything and how any failure was punished. How he controlled your life, preventing you from socialising, and instead, made you focus on work and furthering yourself in accounting. How, when you had told him that not only were you pursuing journalism but that you also were bisexual, he had slapped you and disowned you.
“It was for the best,” you shrugged, “don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the fact that he pushed me to always be the best, but I’m glad that we no longer speak.”
“I’m sorry about your father, y/n. He sounds like a horrible person to me.” Lena said, both horrified but also with understanding as she was treated similarly by Lillian.
“Thank you.”
Lena almost screamed then. You had explained how awful your father was and here you were, thanking her for sharing your sentiment and for believing you. She reined in her temper and brushed her thumb against the back of your hand.
“I’m really glad you decided to follow your dream, y/n.”
“Me too.” You smiled softly.
It was getting quite late, well, technically early, so Lena had called her driver and was insistent on dropping you off home.
You were now outside your apartment so you turned to face your boss.
“Thank you, Lena. I really enjoyed tonight.”
You moved to give her a hug and kiss her cheek but when you pulled away, you both sat there, faces inches away from each other.
Her eyes flickered down to your lips for a split second, but you caught it and just stared at her. Before you knew it, her lips were on yours, soft but demanding.
This time when you pulled away, Lena huskily whispered in your ear, “Come home with me.”
You considered the consequences.
She was your boss after all.
Lena placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth and then brushed her thumb against your lip, most likely removing her red lipstick.
“Well?” She breathed out.
Her hand slid across the back of your neck. Sending a hard shiver down your body but not forcing you close to her. That was exactly what you needed to close the distance once again.
You pulled back and murmured “yes” causing Lena to smirk and tell the driver to take you back to hers.
You woke up in Lena’s bed, moaning lightly at the feel of Lena’s soft silk sheets against your skin.
You felt arms wrapped around your waist and then slowly remove themselves from you. You turned in Lena’s arms and smiled.
“Hey, yourself, beautiful.” Lena said, making you blush.
“I’ve been called into work early but you can sleep a little bit longer before you have to go into work.”
“It’s alright. I’ll leave with you. I have to go back to my apartment anyway. But I’ll meet you at work?”
“Sure.” Lena chastely kissed your cheek before you both got ready and left.
After Lena dropped you off at home, you showered and got changed. You sat down on your bed and thought about the night you had spent with Lena.
You did have a few doubts because of the fact that she was your boss but she honestly was one of the most honest people you had ever met.
And she was great in bed too. All you would say is that she’s very giving.
You stood up, deciding to make your way into work.
Walking onto your floor, the quiet of the lift was immediately eradicated and replaced with the ringing of phones, people typing on laptops and a lot of chatter.
As you made your way to your desk, you saw a familiar blonde sitting in your chair.
“Hey, blondie.”
Turning around, the blonde jumped up and hugged you.
“Y/N! I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re back. How was DC?” Kara asked, pushing up her glasses.
“I’ve missed you too, Kara. It was quite good actually. I’ve just been so busy. But I’m going to be staying for at least a month now before I need to travel again, so that’s good.”
“Oh my god, yay. I’m so happy. Hey, you can start coming to game night again now that you’re back.”
“Oh, the iconic game night. How I’ve missed you.” You said dramatically, making you and Kara laugh. “Is it the same old gang?”
“Mostly yeah. Alex and Maggie will be there, as will Winn, James, Sam and Ruby but now Lena comes along.”
At the mention of the latter, a light blush rose to your cheeks, luckily going unnoticed by the superhero.
“Oh that reminds me, Lena wanted to see you. She’s in her office.” Kara said, nodding her head in the direction of the large office now occupied by the business woman.
Giving Kara another hug, you made your way to Lena’s office where the former was sitting on her sofa. Upon seeing you, she gestured for you to sit beside her.
“Y/N, how are you?”
“Well, thanks. And yourself?”
“Very well. Especially after last night.”
Another blush rose to your face but this time, Lena noticed and smirked.
“Do I make you blush, L/N? It’s good to know that I have an effect on you.”
“I really enjoyed last night, Lena. I know that you’re my boss and that it’s not exactly appropriate for us to have such a...personal relationship.”
“I know, y/n. But after last night, I don’t think I can keep my hands off you. You’re a very caring person, y/n, and I really would like to get to know you better. I think we have something between us.” Lena explained, placing her hand on yours.
“I do too. I can feel something between us but I don’t want it to be awkward in the event we don’t work out.” You said, expressing your worries.
“I don’t think it will. But how will we know unless we try?” Lena countered.
“That’s very true. I think you’re right. We’re both adults and we can see where this goes. And last night...Wow. But I do have to tell you one thing about last night.”
Lena raised her brow, trying to hide her concern.
“I’m sorry to tell you, but I’m not baptised.”
Lena burst out laughing causing you to laugh too.
“Oh god,” Lena said, trying to stop herself from laughing.
Once she had, she gave you a sober look, “I know we’re at work but-”
She cupped your cheek to bring you in for a sensual kiss which you happily reciprocated.
Pulling away, a wave of shock hit you as you realised something.
You were dating Lena Luthor.
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
If you made a squeal to paying the asking price (not saying you have to, but I’m curious) how you would rewrite season 3 with Brainy coming back.
Ooh. That’s a good question? And I’m not sure I would do a sequel, because if I did it would be pretty similar to the actual season 3 (since I did like most of it, aside from the love triangle). However:
In the first episode, the dream/vision Kara has is sent by Imra, who is a telepath in this version, foreshadowed by the planet Saturn being in the background as Kara reunites with Brainy and her mother. Here it would be something deliberate, using the information she has in the future of those most important to Kara, in order to give her hope and tell her (albeit subconsciously) that Brainy is not dead. Because Kara does not know her yet, she can’t appear in the visions herself, but she gives her a hint as to who is sending her the dreams and uses Brainy as a messenger of some sort to inspire Kara when she is at her lowest point.
(aka my theory from the actual season 3 when the premiere aired, that I for sure sent to Supergirl Radio back then.)
And maybe in 3x02 when she’s seeing herself trapped in a pod again, there’s foreshadowing there too? Like the planet Saturn pops up again, and she doesn’t think about it at the time. I’m not sure if I would have them show up earlier than episode 7, because that might not work with the story of the season, but I might also want to have Brainy reach out to Kara earlier. Even though I do like Kara working through her angst and trauma early in the season. That’s very good. (not sure if that would be as present here? Because she knows she’s sending him home? But then again she also doesn’t know if he’s going to make it, so it’s questionable)
I want Reign to have her sword earlier? But I’m not sure when exactly I would put it in. It just looks very cool and it would be neat/badass to see her forge it herself, or to see it presented to her by the Kryptonian witches. Or it’s in her pod? Or the cult guy finds it? I don’t know.
Cult guy can stay, he was interesting. And the former cult member girl that James befriends stays too.
Brainy is not married to Imra. Imra is in a poly relationship with the two other core Legion founders, and she is very happy. Also if they wanted to make her look Indian, she could have just been played by an Indian actress? So I would have that be a thing, in my version. Also I’m not sure which Legionnaires would be introduced? But here’s some fancasts: John Harlan Kim as Lightning Lad, Holly Deveaux as Dream Girl, Kimiko Glenn as Phantom Girl, Michael Seater as Invisible Kid, Summer Bishil as Saturn Girl, Aaron Pierre as Cosmic Boy, Jacob Batalon as Bouncing Boy
Superman shows up at some point, to reunite with some of his Legion friends and possibly to give Kara some advice, as he’s dealt with a guy he knew as Davis who was similar to Reign. But I’d still have Alex say what she did to Kara in 3x09, and 3x10 would be very similar to the canon episode because I love it so much. (In terms of Kara being in a coma, and Brainy helping her out of it by telling her what Alex would say. Also the Streaky scene in its entirety, it’s perfect and needs no improvements from me)
There’s obvious tension between the DEO and the Legion because Brainy is keeping secrets from them again (since we know he does respect the timeline and all here) although of course he is in on everything. When he would’ve returned to the future, after he was healed up he would find that while the AI plague his parents talked about wasn’t real, the Blight is, and of course he devotes his time to working on a way to fix it. But when he can’t find any solutions in the 31st century, he decides to go to the source of the problem, and either it’s the same deal as in canon and he puts everyone in cryo-sleep, or they arrive just a little bit early and they wait until the timeline says a spaceship is recovered from under the National City harbor.
Kenny isn’t dead, thank you. He’s kidnapped, or goes missing, but he’s not dead. That wasn’t necessary.
Kara and Alex go to Argo together, and there’s more of an exploration of Kara’s feelings about a part of her planet being preserved. Also because Sam randomly saw Alura in a vision, maybe Alura had a part in the Worldkillers’ creation?
We still get Space Granddad, he’s still a delight.
Not sure how I would tackle Maggie and Alex? Or James and Winn, for that matter. I’d just say that the latter couple is still going strong, and have them continue to work together, with similar emotional scenes in the second half of season 3 as we saw in episodes 14 and 16, at least.
Eve may or may not be working on something shady behind Lena’s back, or she inspires Lena to start working on something shady.
I would have some Kara and Brainy angst in addition to them being happy to see each other again, because of the keeping secrets and the difference in Brainy’s demeanor that the inhibitors have caused. But they work things out, and of course still love each other.
Also, there’s more depth with Brainy and Winn’s rivalry, which I did a whole separate post about.
Kara and Sam, as well as Sam and Alex, probably have more friendship scenes, and so do Lena and James. Maybe (since Jack in my fic isn’t dead) he and Lena begin to rekindle their relationship?
No fighting Nazis in the crossover. I don’t think that was necessary.
I would introduce the Kryptonian witches earlier too? Like that concept, have Sam be visited by their holograms too, or have Selena tell her about them. And have some kind of thing about their knowing magic and then Kryptonians being vulnerable to magic.
The Legionnaires’ costumes might be the same here? Except that Brainy’s costume is what we saw from him in 5x10 and 19, because again, it’s perfect. Although I don’t really see a reason why they would have darker costumes just because they’re in a Dark Future. Why not have them be symbols of hope, like the Super-cousins, with costumes to match?
Related: James gets a costume redesign.
I probably wouldn’t include the Bon Jovi thing from 3x10, but maybe Brainy does bring the 21st century things he discovered and came to love back with him to show his friends.
Kara gets a dog. Because she deserves it.
Fort Rozz’s malfunctions in 3x11 involve Indigo somehow.
I don’t know how I would change Morgan Edge?
I would keep the Alex and Ruby bonding, because that is adorable
The DEO doesn’t storm into Julia/Purity’s house
We see the game night with the Super-friends and the Legionnaires! Winn and Brainy play Trivial Pursuit as partners! It’s adorable!
Winn leaves and Brainy stays, like in canon. Also Winn mentions that Brainy’s chair in the Legion ship looks like an egg.
Kara speaks more Kryptonian
Lena doesn’t “outsmart” Brainy by taking control of the Legion ship when he leaves his chair in 3x17
someone points out Lena wearing dresses that are sometimes inappropriate for the settings she’s in
J’onn confesses his old secret
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Arrowverse: My 25 Favorite Fan-Ships
After doing my favorite Canon-Ships, here are my favorite Non-Canon-Ships of the Arrowverse. Like always . This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  25. Snowbertallen (Caitlin Snow/Julian Albert/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at in: The Flash Season 3
 While I don’t really see Caitlin and Barry as a romantic pairing, both of them did work quite well with Julian and in a world where Barry couldn’t save Iris, I actually could see him ending up with those two instead. I always wanted to write a fic about that but never came around to, but this threesome exists in my Arrowmultiverse – read „Multiversity“.
 24.  Coldwestallen (Leonard Snart/Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at in: The Flash Season 2-3
 This is one of my ships, maybe a little bit guilty pleasure, and I can’t really see this happening in canon, but before I decided to bring Eddie back, I was toying with this idea as endgame for my A/B/O-Arrowverse, after all Leonard works very well with both of them, so yeah, I definifly loved this ship.
 23.  Kalex (Kara Danvers/Lex Luthor)
 Hinted at: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Supergirl Season 4-5
 I discovered this one for me during „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ and was like … why is this ship not more prominent, I mean after all there where some hints of it before. In any way their chemistry is great and it’s a shame that pretty much everyone has given up or fled the Supergirl-Fandom at this point so no one is going to write anything about them any time soon. But maybe someone will once try a Crisis-AU where they will be found.
 22.  Karry (Kara Danvers/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: Worlds Finest, Invasion, Duet, Crisis on Infnite Earths, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 I actually prefer them as besties, because they each have an actual True Love in their own universe, but like anyone else, I love them together. They are probably to simelar to work as a couple on the long run, but as female partners for Barry go, Kara is definitfly up there at the top.
 21. BloodArrow (Sebastian Blood/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 2
 I discovered this while working on a Sebastian Blood Oneshot. I reread „Vengance“ and worked their relationship out and remembered how much I always regretted losing Sebastian at this point of his storyline, because those two had a connection. A better one than Laurel and Sebastian actually, and in many ways Oliver was more of an actual Love Interest for Sebastian than Laurel. Not that Ollie would ever go for this, but Sebastian might have. Who knows?
 20.  Tauriver (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 1
 Back in Season 1 I shipped this, because I don’t really believe in love triangles between three people that geniunily love each other. So this would have been the obvious solution. If Oliver and Tommy would just haved shared Laurel or touched it other as well, well, that would have been up to them. I think that given it’s Tommy, Oliver might have actually gone full in for this.
 19.  Timekid (Wally West/Rip Hunter)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomororw Season 3
 After I saw Rip and Wally do karaoke and get wasted together I was expecting a load of fics, but somehow this pairings seems to have eluded almost everyone. Maybe because no one really cares about Wally? Or because Rip was in bad standing in the middle of that Season? I don’t know, but for me this was a non-brainer.
 18.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2-3
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there. And Doomworld. Don’t forget Doomworld. Where those two totally did it, you can’t change my mind about that.
 17.  Toliver (Tommy Merlyn/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 1-8
 This ship kept coming and going in my mind, because aren’t Oliver and Tommy more like brothers and than like lovers? In the end I saw the potential for a romantic love between them and stettled on it as something that could have been very interesting if done right. I dabbled a little bit with TommyX in that pairing, but why not real Tommy as well?
 16.  Monwinn (Mon-El/Winn Schott)
 Hinted at: Supergirl Season 2-3, It’s a Super Life
 To bad Winn came back married to someone that isn’t Mon-El, because this is what should have happened, you know? Of course Kara is Mon-Els One True Love, but he and Winn were always great together, and given Winn is open minded and Daxamites are not hetero normative this was what we would have wanted after losing both of them in the same episode of the show.
 15.  Kanvers (Kate Kane/Kara Danvers)
 Hinted at: Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, The one and only Season of Batwoman
 I figured out why certain hate groups afflilated with „Supergirl“ hate Kate so much (It took me quite some time to rap my head around this), it’s because Kate is Karas only canonical female love interest and those people just can’t stand that thought. Now sady as gone for good as Batmoore Kanvers was what I would have originally wanted for Kara after it became clear that Mon-El was not coming back to the show. I mean I love Kate, and Kara did flirt back, so why the hell not?
 14.  Irivarry (Iris West/Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1, Invasion, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds
 While I stumbled over quite a few fics that include Oliver, Felicity, and Barry, I never really found this one, even though it’s much more obvious to me. After all this was set up way back in the first season of „The Flash“ and especially in Season 5 and a certain part of Season 7 of „Arrow“ I felt that it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for Oliver to visit our favourite Canon-Pairing in Central City and crash on their couch indefinitly which would lead too many interesting things among them this threesome. And yes, again a fic I never got around to write.
 13.  Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Rory/Amaya Jiwe)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2-3
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider. Given how much I do ship Atomwave and Vixensteel and that I also do ship Steelwave und Atomvixen that shouldn’t be a surprise, and you should know by now, that I do believe more partners make (fictional) relationships easier instead of more complicated.
 12. Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 1
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard, and Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome. Which was after all my endgame in my biggest Fanfiction-Verse and turned out to be a smashing idea.
 11.  Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-6 (so far)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know. What kind of love that was may have varied, but this kind was probably among it, and I think that if he would prove to Barry that he could change Barry would always give him a chance, because that’s after all who Barry is.
 10.  GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 3-4, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 A very underapprecaited ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential. I dabbled a little bit with that, but only few other ever did. Ray would basically be a better version of Felicity, having all what the fans love about their dynamic, but none of the issues that come with her. Also Oliver would date another hero, which is always a plus.
 9.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 4-6
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really. Attraction first, misunderstanding leading to years of silence, meeting again and talking it out, becoming friend and eventually more. I did dabble with it a bit and wish others would have taken to that ship around Season 4 already and not only in the last couple of years.
 8.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 3
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors. Or at least they wished it were. Their hate-love was so enjoyable and fans had their fun with this at least but could have had more fun still. Tom mentoned that was ready to come back to the show sometime back, and while I have little hope for that I still want it to happen so that we can get more interaction between them on screen.
 7.      Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 Hinted at: Supergirl Season 3 and Season 5
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard. I wanted Winn to have love, but after it became clear that the actress who played his Season 2 love interest wasn’t coming back, it probably had also become clear that Jeremy did plan on leaving the show, so the writers didn’t bother anymore, but Brainy crashed so beautifully with him so I picked him for that role. And even though I love Nia and Brainia I love Winniac-5 more.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 2-3, The Flash Season 1, Legends of Yesterday/Today, Invasion, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Arrow Season 7-8
 As unlucky as Olivers love life is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his life happens to be a man, which he is not willing to admit to himself of course. I mean we all remember the joke about Barry wanting to date Oliver and agree on that probably being true, but Oliver cleary is kind of in love with Barry too. He has been very different with him than most if not all other males in his life so there definitifly is something going on there.
 5.      Coldflash (Leonard Snart/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-2, Invasion
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart and we all love that. Leonard ist a player however, and makes sure everyone knows that, but if there is one person out there who he would be willing to change for it would probably be Barry. If only they weren’t mortal frenemies and Leonard wasn’t – you know – dead.
 4.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that. They even had a moment onscreen where the tension between them was aknowleged (remember the sofa-scene?). I saw a pretty accurate joke about the Season 1 love triangle once which stated that Iris felt guilty about having feelings for Barry while dating Eddie, while Eddie at the same time was doodeling Eddie Allen in his notebook and that really nails it, doesn’t it?
 3.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomororw Season 1-3
 Sara has many admirers onscreen and out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with. If he wasn’t dead, that is. Rip kind of had a thing for her from day one on and during Season 2 she seemed to realize that she had feelings for him too, but sadly Season 3 ripped them apart (pardon the pun) in every possible way. But there is still fanfic. I just wish there were more of it with them as the main couple.
 2.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-5, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship! When Iris und Barry got together on „The Flash“ even my brother was like: „Wait a moment … Barry und Iris are a couple, that means Mick still has a shot to get Ray next season!“ So yeah, no one could deny that their relationship was very prominent in the first two seasons. Sadly it faded in the backround when Ray met Nora Darhk, but in my opinion this would have been the much healthier endgame for him, which is why you find traces of this ship in pretty much all of my Arrowverse Fanfics.
  1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle: Just get them all together. I mean I love Westhawne, I love Thallen, and I love Westallen, but most of all I love Westhallen. Too bad poly is still a taboo in TV, and don’t get me started on the sin of killing of Eddie and never ever bringing him back not even an alternate version of him or something like that, but yeah in my heart those three were happy with each other and when Eddie died both Iris und Barry lost the man they loved. (And sometimes they got him back and other times they never lost him at all).
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
LONG post in regards to whats being said about Lena.
Man, every time the CW post something about Supergirl on Instagram or Twitter people really lose their s**t for literally no reason.  
People saying that Lena is awful, they wouldn't watch a show with Lena in it, someone went as far to say they would rather die that watch a show with Lena in it??? OK.... Dramatic much? Yet here you are following the Supergirl page and knowing exactly what has been going on in the show because you use it for your arguments. Seriously sort your s**t out!
Also, I may get hate for this and I DO NOT CARE but im totally fine with Lena punching Kara in the face. Personally i think she’s asked for it. You can argue until the end of time that she doesn't deserve the punch for keeping her identity a secret, debatable BUT she absolutely deserves a punch in the face for being an arsehole to Lena and calling her a Luthor and then going to her best friends boyfriend and talking him into betraying her trust! Oh and then letting Lena vent to her about how this meant she would never trust Supergirl again, that was disturbing behavior, played off as an ‘oopsie’ moment. Personally Kara’s Jeckell and Hyde act with Lena has always been a bit disturbing to me, its not always funny. Just like in season 2 when she landed at L Corp with Superman and basically looked her nose down at Lena (re watch it). But a punch in the face is warranted. Punching someone in the face isnt akin to becoming evil!
Also why are people saying ‘I knew she would turn Evil!’ ‘Look what Lena is doing!’ erm... Lena hasnt actually done anything yet. A punch doesn't mean full on evil. Lena said she wants to inflict the same pain on Supergirl that she has caused her, now that’s interesting to me, because Kara hasn't actually inflicted any ‘physical’ pain on Lena and Lena even said she doesn't want to kill Supergirl. Now save for a much deserved punch in the face which looks like it takes place in a virtual world anyway, perhaps Lena is going to go down another route and inflict emotional pain on Kara just like Kara has inflicted it on her. Maybe this is why we saw BTS of Alex and Kara fighting, maybe this world is set up so Kara can experience everyone she loves betraying her in some way? The same way Lena feels she’s been betrayed? Im not saying that’s a healthy way to deal with things but the show would be boring if Lena was like ‘nah its cool’.Plus this is how Lena will see it, something she wouldn't be thinking if Kara had taken the time to explain things to her from the off set. to late now. 
Now i know what people will say ‘Kara has suffered so much and doesn't deserve more pain’ yeah... well Kara should have thought about that before inflicting pain on Lena who has also suffered enough pain in her life to. Kara having suffered doesn't mean she has a free pass to treat others poorly, who haven't actually done anything to hurt her or intended to hurt her at all. If Lena had been a nob and out to get her from day one then fair enough, but Lena has saved Kara’s ass/life many times and has never intended to hurt her, but s3 kara (who i wish i could forget) decided being an ass to Lena was OK. Yes Kara thought she was protecting Lena, but that excuse became null and void the moment she started revealing her identity to every Tom, Dick and Nia that she met! Kara is NOT a space puppy! Sure she has her cute adorkable moments but dont mix fan fic with reality. Kara is actually a very serious person who doesnt have all the answers, and doesn't always have a clear view of things. Remember it was Kara who basically told Jonn that there was no more alien hate anymore because SHE didnt receive it, the blonde haired, blue eyed hero of the city who looks human didnt receive hate so therefore it no longer existed. Now this isnt having a go at Kara, its to show that Kara isnt always right and doesn't always have a clear view of things.
Now, people are saying that Kara’s other friends didnt have a bad reaction to Kara admitting she was Supergirl so how dare Lena? OK, you guys are reaching pretty far now and you’re conveniently forgetting what has happened on the show because you’re too busy hating on Lena, so:
1. Winn didnt hate Kara the moment he learned she was Supergirl. OK, well first off, she wasnt really Supergirl yet, just an alien. Winn thought it was cool and wasnt upset she had lied to him? Well Kara keeping her identity from Winn didnt effect Winn in any way at all. There was no Luthor/Super history involved in Winn and Kara’s friendship.
2. James already knew, Clark took that decision away from Kara because he felt she needed a man to keep an eye on her. But this aside, James already knew Superman and was his best friend, he didnt ‘already’ know Kara. He knew who she was before she knew who he was! Again, him knowing her secret had no Luthor/Super implications.
3. Alex already knew and grew up with her. There was no ‘secret’ identity, she came to the Danvers as an alien and anyway Alex was NOT cool with her to begin with.
4. Mon El was also an alien, he wasnt a massive fan of Kara anymore than she was a fan of him. In fact Kara was the ass to Mon El rather than the other way around. It was Kara who referred to him as a ‘Daxamite’ more than once. Now, you could say they did have a history like the Luthor/Super one. Only it was Kryptonian/Daxamite, but the difference is Kara immediately told Mon El who she was, there was no pretending to be an alien from somewhere else or someone entirely different like she did with Lena. Kara knew Mon El was a Daxamite because of the beacon he sent, he didnt deny being one either. No his lie was being the Prince because he knew Kara would NOT have been OK with that. So he got involved with Kara whilst pretending to be something he wasn't. I seem to remember Kara being pretty miffed when she found out he was actually the Prince, only the end of the world was happening and she didnt really get a chance to deal with those feelings because she had to send him away. But later when he came back Kara had had time to process her thoughts on him, but she still told him EXACTLY what she thought of him. Mon El deceived Kara so he could pursue a relationship with her, Kara deceived Lena so she could pursue a friendship with her. Kara and Lena should have a choice in these scenarios because the respective ‘secret identities’ would have made them take pause. 
5. Jonn. already knew, nothing to argue here. 
6. Nia, Kara told Nia in a moment of solidarity because she to had ‘lost’ her sister, and apparently this was an OK reason to tell the girl you knew for 5 minutes who you are. Do you know who else had ‘lost’ a sibling and Kara has had many a solidarity moment with and who has saved her ass more than once and who she has known for longer than five minutes??? oh yeah LENA!! Anyway.... again, Nia had no reason to be miffed at Kara, she hasnt spent 3 years lying to her or pretending to be someone she wasnt and not fully trusting her. No Luthor/Super family drama or anything. 
7. The Legion already knew
8. Cat, Cat was Kara’s mentor and although Kara absolutely lied and deceived Cat, she NEVER treated her crap (save for the red K thing) like Kara did to Lena. Plus once again no Luthor/Super drama. Plus she wasnt Kara's best friend. 
Lena is completely different, have a think about what would be going through Lena’s head. ‘Supergirl’ suddenly turns up at her office the moment she arrives in National City in disguise? Supergirl using this secret identity keeps coming back to Lena, using Lena to track down Roulette, to try and get info from her about her mother. Lena mean while keeps saving the lives of the aliens of National City (including Supergirl). Mon El leaves and Kara suddenly cuts Lena from her life until she once again needs her for something? Come season 3 and ‘Supergirl’ suddenly turns on her? All for having a substance she wasn't using to hurt her but to protect her friend Sam? Supergirl calls her a ‘Luthor’ and gets pissed at her for GIVING her the Kryptonite? Supergirl starts telling Lena what to do as though she can? Supergirl then uses Lena’s boyfriend to spy on her? Then suddenly  Kara is back and being her best friend again listening to all her vent about Supergirl? Lena goes out of her way to make sure Argo City survives and Supergirl is still later an ass to her because she decided to work with the substance SHE created because Supergirl doesn't approve? Supergirl is an ass to her when they are with Alex and its Alex who puts her in place, but Kara is still coming back to her as her bestie? Kara Joins her in trying to track down Lex and even lets Lena think that she’s been blown up? Lena then has the pleasure of being told by Lex of all people that Kara has been lying since day one and he even has footage?? Lena’s new ‘family’ all knew except for her, doesn't say much for Kara’s trust in Lena. If she hadnt already dumped James’ ass i hope she would now! She would probably be thinking ‘why did James pursue me? Was he sent told to keep an eye on me? Was Kara just sent by Superman to watch me? Did the gang befriend me for the same reason? Keep the Luthor close? This woman has been betrayed and deceived her whole life, not second guessing any of this would be the bizarre thing. 
But anyway, i agree that both Kara and Lena are right to feel the way they do. But i am more on Lena’s side. I get Kara’s reasoning up to a point, to begin with she wanted to protect Lena., but then she should never have become so involved with her if she truly wanted to keep her safe. Her reasons become null and void when she tells people she’s known for 5 minutes who she is without thought to their safety (Nia). She made the decision to be an arsehole to Lena and then use Lena’s relationships against her and called her the only thing she knew would hurt Lena the most. She then kept saying she wanted to tell Lena but allowed others (Mon El, Alex) to keep her from doing so to the point where it was to late. Kara’s reasons started out noble, but they went beyond to far. Especially since Lex and Lillian knew and Kara STILL didnt see a point in telling Lena, Lex got the opportunity to tell Lena because Kara couldn't step up. The moment she knew Lillian knew she should have had Jonn erase her mind or tell Lena herself. Kara doesnt ‘owe’ her identity to anyone, but she should think twice about how much she gets involved with or treats the people close to her that dont know. 
Also, it is a betrayal, the writers have said so and even Melissa has agreed she totally understands it. Not telling Lena her secret isnt the betrayal, its everything that came along with it, everything Kara did along the way. (though she could be talking to Eve)
They say the season is a ‘fight for Lena’s soul’ , personally i think being betrayed by Kara is a poor reason for Lena’s soul to be in danger, it doesn't say much for her. But that very statement implies that Lena hasnt gone full Luthor, Otherwise it would be ‘Lena’s soul is lost’. 
It will be interesting to see how Lena reacts to the rest of the super friends since back in season 3 she understood secrets that weren't hers to tell and to keep people safe. She knew Alex was DEO but kept it to herself and wasnt arsed abut it and she didnt on Sam to keep her safe. But knowing the writers they’ll forget this part of Lena’s personality and make her miffed at everyone. 
Lastly Kara may be the main character but that doesnt mean everything she does is right and she DOESNT have to be your favorite character. 
Anyway thats enough. Dont send hate as always will go unanswered and deleted. 
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imagine-lcorp · 6 years
A Word of Advice (One Shot)
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can you write a Lena x Reader fic where Reader is oblivious at Lena's advances/flirtings?
A/N:Hello beautiful beans, back at it again with another request. Still got a few left but they are coming your way, slowly but surely :) Remember to tell me what you think about it! Love y’all!!!
Lena Luthor x Oblivious!R//Word Count: 1,529
"Earth calling Lena, please, respond." Sam waved a hand in front of Lena's face.
"Sorry, what?" She had to blink a few times before focusing on her friend.
"You're looking at (Y/N) with love eyes again." Sam stood near her and placed her elbows on the kitchen counter.
It was game night at Kara's and after the Trivia game Lena had gone to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. You were telling the Superfriends one of those funny anecdotes everyone loved to hear and she hadn't mean to stare at you but she simply didn't seem to be able to take her eyes off of you. Every little gesture and smile you made as the story went was adorable.
"What? No, I'm just -"
"Absorbed by the story? Right, like you haven't heard it a hundred times by now." Sam raised an eyebrow at her. "C'mon, Luthor, everyone can see you are head over heels for (Y/N). Just say something already."
"I have," Lena sighed and crossed her arms, “I tried to be subtle about it but it looks like you're the only ones that notice it."
"Then, change the strategy." Her friend encouraged her. "My advice? Just ask (Y/N) on a date. If the answer is yes, you get to hang out and live the love story, and if the answer is no, I guess you can invent something to wipe out both of your memories."
Lena pondered the idea in her head. By all means it looked like a disastrous idea but, in her situation, it didn't sound that bad. If things went wrong and the proposition of a date with her freaked you out, she could take those memories away and pretend nothing happened. After all, it was not uncommon for you to miss things from time to time. Be it your to get your house keys before leaving, not reading the instructions of the new coffeemaker, or miss a whole conversation due to your habitual daydreaming. There was always something that would escape you. Honestly, it didn't happen often enough to represent a problem for you but for Lena it was becoming more and more frustrating each time you wouldn't get the hint about her advances.
During your lunch dates she would try to stay with you a bit longer, even when she had a meeting in ten minutes. On those late nights when you visited her at the office and the conversation went for hours, she would move towards to you, slowly getting closer to you. She would try to call you every now and then with any reasonable excuse she could find, only to see you once again.
From the first time she met you, she liked you. She liked you very much. You had the smile of someone who didn't have to worry everyday about turning into a villain or someone who didn't know what it was to be scared for one's life. You could talk and talk for hours and, even when you didn't fully understand what she was talking about some times, words also came easy to you. You took your time with her and you brightened her day with just your presence. It was so unfair how you didn't even notice it. So, following Sam's suggestion could definitely make things easier for her.
She shook her head after a moment. No, she wouldn't mess with your mind just because you were a little too oblivious... but maybe she could still use some of her friend's advice.
"Tell you what. I'll listen to you if you take your own advice." Lena took her glass and raised it towards Alex. "Ruby seems to like her." Then she took a sip of her own glass, faking innocence.
"Cheeky." Sam playfully nudged Lena and they chuckled at each other. "It's a deal, then."
You heard a soft laugh on the other side of the room and, like a spell upon you, you inevitably turned towards the sound.
You were finishing your story when that little laugh caught your attention. Lena was talking with Sam over the kitchen and you couldn't help but to smile too. You liked when she smiled.
Since you first met her, it worried you someone like her had to go through the things she had some times. Lena was a nice person, more than nice if people just gave her a chance, and you had made it your personal mission help her take a break from the craziness that was her life.
You checked up on her from time to time to make sure she wasn't working late or if she was eating regularly, instead of surviving on a bottle of scotch. Your visits at L-Corp or CatCo were nothing new and, even when she looked busy, you would sit on her office and chat about anything for the rest of the day. Then, you started going out more often, she worried a bit less about work and, if anything happened, you made sure to be there for her. You cared for her, maybe a bit more than you wanted to admit but she was your friend after all, and you cherished the time spent with her.
Your eyes met a moment later. Lena smiled softly at you and you returned the smile with a small blush. You hadn't meant to stare. Lena, however, did not mind at all.
The night with the Superfriends ended up shortly after your story time. It had been fun but most of you were all tired up for the day and the next day you still had work to do.
"Hey, (Y/N), wait for me?" Lena called. After her conversation with Sam, she had already formulated a plan.  
"Sure." You agreed and waited for her as she finished saying something to Sam.
You said your goodbyes to the rest of the group without further ado and they almost looked satisfied you were the first ones to leave the reunion.
"Want me to take you home?" Lena asked.
"Mm, I was thinking I would take a walk. My house is not that far." You said as you both went down the stairs of Kara's building. "Rent control side of town, you know?"
"Then, I'll walk you home." She said taking your arm.
"Isn't your chauffeur coming to pick you up?"
"Yes, but I told him to wait. I don't want you going home alone."
"What a gentlewoman you are, Miss Luthor."
"For you? Always." She offered you a smile and, in return, your own smile got bigger.
It was early fall, the wind was barely starting to get chilly and it was quiet outside and, as if you had decided to take your time, you walked slowly through the streets of National City. Maybe it was that you were enjoying the walk or maybe you hadn't wanted to disrupt the confronting silence, but neither of you said much. You turned your head just enough to look at Lena out of the corner of your eye, she looked stunning as always.
She realized you were looking at her and turned her head to look at you. "What?"
"Nothing." As before, you hadn't mean to stare for long but the blush came back and you tried to shrug it off. "You just look...happy."
"I am."
"Good to hear."
"You know why?"
"Cause you beat Winn at Trivia?" You made your guess.
"No, silly. Because of you."
As you kept walking, you noticed Lena was fidgeting with her hands and that a little frown and appeared on her face. If she was going to say something about all this it was now.
"Yes, you know. Since I met you, you had been very close to me and I found out that..." Lena stopped walking and took a deep breath before speaking again. "I really like you, (Y/N).
"Well, I like you too, Lena." You smiled, trying to keep the sudden flicker of joy within your chest at bay and unaware of what was coming.
"No, (Y/N)." She looked you in the eye. "I mean, like this."
Lena Luthor threw over the window all the subtlety she had tried with you. She placed a hand behind your neck and connected her lips with yours. She was kissing you right there and you suddenly couldn't believe how long it had took you to realize how much you had actually wanted this. You liked Lena, more than as a friend.
"Are you okay?" She pulled away slowly.
You tried to follow her lips for a second more until your brain registered she had asked you something. "I had no idea..."
"Yeah, I figured." She checked up on you, a bit worried she had gone one step too far. "You sure this is okay?"
"Absolutely." You cleared your throat, you didn't know what to do from there. "Hey, maybe you, uh, want to get some coffee...with me? Like, not right now, or yes if you want to, but I know your driver is coming and-."
"(Y/N). I would love to."  She stopped you mid-rambling and laughed softly. She would have to thank Sam later for her advice.
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clexaisheretostay · 5 years
Save Me From Myself
Summary: It’s been months since Lena found out about Kara lying through Lex and Kara had known something was wrong between them afterwards.  Lena had made every excuse under the sun to avoid her since and Kara wasn’t dumb, she knew, she suspected the reason for Lena’s recent behavior. Now, nearly half a year since their relationship became so strained Lena hadn’t seen Kara in half that time, Kara lands on Lena’s balcony after solar flaring and being shot out of the sky by a sniper ready for her.  Blood smeared everywhere and Kara didn’t have the strength to move as Lena came rushing over to a dying Kara.
Will Lena ever forgive Kara when her life isn’t in danger?  If she’s on her death bed, is that the only time Lena will willingly see her, Kara wonders as she lays on the ground with a pale Lena trying to get her to safety behind her bulletproof office windows.  Maybe they could have been more if she had just told Lena her secret and her feelings, instead of this limbo they were in.  Lena saving Kara’s life while Kara was trying so hard to stay dead, to linger in a state near death.
I decided to post this angsty post reveal fic with a because I’m a freaking masochist. Let me know what you all think. Song for this fic by Sistar is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U_H3dt4hWg  Please give it a listen because their vocals are amazing and sets the tone for the entire chapter so freaking well.  Also, if anyone is willing to donate to help support me since I’m seriously short on rent money please support me at Ko-Fi.com/himemiyahikaru
Chapter 1
I Just Miss You
My days without you, I can’t focus on anything
Never, no more
Even if I regret it, everything is over
I don’t even have the confidence to turn this around
You kindly come to me and shake me again
Oh no, oh no
Stop holding onto my heart
Only looking at you and crying for you seems foolish
 Oh no, oh no
This is not love
 Six months since Lena had started acting strange.  No, not strange really.  Just plain old avoiding Kara’s every call, text, and surprise visits that ended up not being a visit.  Visits implied you were seen by the person you were trying to actually see.  It implied you had spent some amount of time together.  Despite being best friends … Lena and Kara had not spent more than an hour with each other since Lena started avoiding her and giving reasons for why she couldn’t see Kara.  Kara’s chest ached when she thought about it too long, her lungs felt stuck with emotion, and her eyes became wet no matter how hard she tried not to let it show. The disappointment was slowly turning into painful understanding.  She had waited too long and either someone else had told Lena or Lena had figured it out on her own at this point.  And it hurt so much to realize that all of the wasted chances she’d had over the years meant losing the one person who meant the most to her outside of her family … well, Lena had been family at one point.  Kara was probably enemy number one now instead of the person Lena would turn to for comfort any time something happened and shook her world like Jack’s passing, Lillian’s betrayal, and the countless other things that had happened to her.
 Love, I pretend that I’m fine
That I don’t love you even though I do
I can’t do it
Crying, crying
 Love, I try to take it back
But you’re already gone
I’m endlessly
Crying, crying
 Kara took a shaky breath and looked around at her empty apartment.  There were no more game nights without Lena because she was her perfect partner during every game night … until she left.  And no more movie nights unless Alex came over and forcibly fed Kara food while attempting to watch the horror movies that they used to just love making fun of for poor plots or dumb decisions.  No, nothing was the same without Lena there.  Food tasted like the ashes of her home planet, colors looked dull without Lena’s beauty to appreciate things and make everything more beautiful and brighter, living was the same as being dead when you found you had nothing to find any amount of joy in doing.
 I open my eyes and after coming to my sense,
You’re not here
I rub my eyes and look around, but you’re not here
I close my eyes again and open them
But still,
You’re not here
 I thought I would be fine without you
But I keep looking back at our memories
Tears and memories spill out as if I’m vomiting
Everything is over, stop, for you and for me
 Would Lena ever come back here again?  It was a miserable existence without Lena to make everything better in Kara’s life. Even pot stickers tasted better when they were from Lena.  Now everything was bland and muted, like a world without color, sound, and everything was tasteless, a world in which she could only perceive things through touch alone. It made her life feel worse than dull. She’d prefer it if her life were just boring rather than this world of grief because she was grieving, grieving the end of the relationship she had with the person she loved more than anything in the world.  The one person who had made her better.  Kara would give anything to get it all back, to get Lena to come back and be with her again.
No one at work suspected a thing was wrong because Kara still left for her supposed hour-long lunch breaks, but just spent the time writing her articles above the clouds where no one could see her if she occasionally broke down crying where no one could see her even with a telescope or binoculars.  When she came back from supposedly eating, no one would bat an eyelash at her, give her a second look to see her eyes were just a bit puffy, and she made sure that her eyes were no longer red-rimmed and that none of her makeup was running.  Having glasses to hide behind had never been so convenient.
And then something else added to her stress.  It had been a long time coming though.  Kara was asked to go interview Lena about some new technology unfolding.  Despite Kara’s assertions that someone else might be better suited, Snapper insisted she go since she was friends with Lena. Kara had almost broken down and just said that he forgot to add that she had been Lena’s friend and that it was no longer the case at the moment. She almost said that they hadn’t even spoken directly for over three months now.  But no, she held her tongue and requested an interview with Lena through Jess.  Surprisingly, Lena had accepted apparently and the entire time had been stilted and restricted to work-related topics only.  Kara hadn’t been surprised by that.  And then as Kara was getting up to leave, feeling cold inside even though she had never experienced cold on earth before, Lena asked if she was feeling okay because she looked a little pale and thinner than Lena remembered.
With the fakest smile Kara had ever given anyone she said she was fine.  That smile wobbled and cracked like Kara’s heart.  Kara wasn’t sure if Lena had meant to say it out loud, but Kara heard it, the single word that reminded her of happier times between them, “liar,” she’d said.  But this time, it wasn’t under the same context as when she’d been grief baking two years ago.  Kara pretended she hadn’t heard that more than likely slipup and told Lena goodbye. She left before Lena could say anything else and felt an unusual throbbing in her chest when she turned her back on Lena and practically flew out the building with how quickly she was walking away.  Kara spared a single second to tell Jess to have a nice day over her shoulder before the door had even slammed shut with her haste.  It was probably obvious she wasn’t quite human with how quickly she had moved to the elevator but, again, why did Kara care if either of these people knew her secret now?  Lena obviously knew and Jess had probably suspected for some time because of how many times Kara had done something slightly less than human.
 You kindly come to me and shake me again
Oh no, oh no
Stop holding onto my heart
Only looking at you and crying for you seems so foolish
 Oh no, oh no
This is not love
 Only Alex knew the reason why Kara was so desolate and despondent.  James and Winn had obviously noticed the less than chipper Kryptonian but neither knew why Kara was the way she was and she didn’t have the strength to say the words out loud, that the relationship that had fulfilled her for years had come to a horrible end.  No, saying something like that out loud would only make it real.  Doing something that outwardly acknowledged it made it reality instead of something she could pretend was make believe.  A nightmare only she was awake.  The opposite of the Black Mercy, Red Mercy.  Perhaps that would have been a lovely explanation for this. But no, it wasn’t the Red Mercy, it was Kara’s actions, or lack thereof.  She knew it was her own fault she was experiencing this nightmare.  If Kara could live in the world of the Black Mercy and die right now … she would.  She’d take it over this pain.
 Love, I pretend that I’m fine
That I don’t love you even though I do
I can’t do it
Crying, crying
 Love, I try to take it all back
But you’re already gone
I’m endlessly
Crying, crying
 Kara Danvers, synonymous to sunshine in Kryptonian form to those who knew her true identity was now more like the blackest night, no moon to reflect the light of the sun at night on earth’s surface.  No more. Even though Kara hadn’t confirmed Lena’s reasons for becoming so distant, she had overheard it by accident one day when she had gone to talk to Lena after the first week of suffering near radio silence.  “Never again will I trust you, Kara Danvers. I’ll never let you in again.” That had been the catalyst for Kara to begin to almost frantically reach out to her only to be pushed away even more than before, as if Lena knew what Kara was trying to do and she wanted nothing to do with her anymore.  Perhaps there was more truth to that than Kara realized.  Every call unanswered, every text message ignored, every attempt at a visit rejected, and the biggest surprise was that Lena hadn’t banned Kara from the office.  Maybe that was just to keep things professional.
 No, I’m not the me that I used to know
I know this is just a part of life
But every time I breathe
I hate you
 What was life anyways? A collection of moments with those you come to care about as they fill your life with meaning?  What was life when that meaning was taken away like it meant nothing at all to the other person then?  Did life have any true meaning without someone to share it with? Life without Lena was meaningless to Kara now that she would never have her love again.  It didn’t matter if they stayed friends forever.
 I can’t sleep all night and I try to comfort myself
Saying it’s alright
But I can’t help it, I can’t take it back
I only have regrets that are too late
 Deep bags were accruing under Kara’s eyes as she tossed and turned every night.  She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, couldn’t smile genuinely. Was this what it meant to be sick? She had never experienced a human illness so she hadn’t experienced illness in nearly two decades.  The closest she’d gotten to feeling sick was when Kryptonite was involved, but that was more of a poison than legitimate illness. Kara wouldn’t even care if someone had some Kryptonite and stabbed her clean through the chest with it right now. It would have been a relief from this bland life.  No, it wasn’t even bland, it was just pointless now.  What was her life without Lena?  Everything Alex had done brought no comfort to the devastated person Kara had become.
 I don’t mind so don’t cry
 Love, you were different, you changed me
Now I think I know everything
No matter how much I push and shove you away
Only looking at you and crying for you seems so foolish
 Everything about life had become heightened with Lena as a bright spot in her life and so the high ended with Lena leaving her.  It was a worse crash than a drug addicted after they lost their high and needed more drugs to fulfill them again.  Her first high was meeting Lena, her addiction was not being able to go a day without seeing her, and her crash left her in her lonely misery.  Kara wasn’t sure when Alex was going to stop trying. She might never stop.  But Kara couldn’t even feel it.  Nothing was the same without Lena.  Love had given her life more meaning than she knew was possible. So life without Lena was pointless. Life had no meaning without her.
 Love, you were different, you changed me
Now I think I know everything
No matter how much I push and shove you away
You are my everything that can’t leave me
 I wanna go back
I couldn’t love anyone but you
 Anyone who knew Kara well would be able to see how much love had changed her.  She had been content in life before, so she was happy and so bright.  And then Lena came into her life looking like an angel on this earth.  Everything became so much more with her there.  And she felt true happiness then.  She experienced euphoria and became exuberant. If anyone thought she had been a ray of sunshine before, it was nothing compared to her after Lena showed up and made Kara feel more than she thought was even possible.
When she dated Mon-El, it was with the thought that Lena didn’t see her that way.  But she was still in her life and her rock, her gravity, her center.  Every day without her was another day less than worth living for.  How could Kara survive this long without that light in her life?  Kara was surprised she hadn’t died yet from this heartbreak.
Everyday was dark and just as miserable as the last no matter how hard Alex tried to help her through. Nothing would ever be okay again. Not without her angel next to her and making her see light in everything.  Alex had tried to joke that she thought she was the pessimist between them. Kara didn’t even smile.  Just looked on blankly before saying “funny,” like she meant anything but that word.  Alex was never going to stop, she was never going to give up on her sister but she was beyond frustrated and worried about this version of Kara dropping dead.
In a bid to figure out what exactly caused them to fall apart, Alex had gone to see Lena only to see that she didn’t seem to be doing much better than Kara was.  Every question was answered with a non-answer, adding to Alex’s worry and utter frustration.  She was at her wit’s end.  Looking back on it, Alex realized that Lena must know the truth because she had been so cold.  Honestly, Lena could have been worse.  Probably knew that it wasn’t Alex’s place to tell her someone else’s secret, even if it was her sister’s secret.  Lena hadn’t been cruel, just curt and evasive.  That was so like her though, locking her feelings away in fucking little boxes.
Was there anything Alex could do to fix her sister’s broken life?  Her broken heart wasn’t going to mend without Lena’s intervention. Lena was just as heartbroken and Alex didn’t know if she could do anything about that.
Kara’s powers blew out because these fucking Cadmus agents decided that having every alien weapon possible would have some desired effect on her eventually.  There was some merit to that because it increased their chances of finding something that would work on her eventually.  And it did work in sapping her of her strength and speed. She could still fly somehow and she used the last of her powers to get away when she was shot.  Pain she had never felt before caused her to fall right out of the sky and, in a twist of fucking fate, right onto Lena’s balcony. She caused a loud thud as gravity pulled her down to earth.  Kara must have passed out because the next moment she felt herself being dragged somewhere and she didn’t resist, wondering if those people were trying to finish her.
“Rao, in your light I was created and, in your light, I will go from this planet I was not born on,” Kara said, sounding weak in Kryptonese.
“Don’t you dare die Kara Danvers.”
“Let me go,” Kara’s voice was barely audible.
“Kara Danvers. Don’t you dare give up your life like this, do you hear me, Kara?  Kara! Fuck!”
She must have blacked out again because the next moment she was somewhere that felt like a strong ray of sunlight but she couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes.  If this was the afterlife … she was ready for her death.  Rao was waiting for her to come back to him.  Her father, Aunt Astra, Uncle Non … her lost Kryptonian family … they were waiting for her to come back.  Even though she was still angry with Non, the after life was for forgiveness of all sins while you were alive, right?
“Wake the fuck up!” Was that Alex’s voice?
Kara wasn’t sure what she was doing in Rao’s light.  Did Alex die too?  Her heartbeat started going crazy and she felt herself slipping out of consciousness again when a warm hand touched her neck, pressing into her pulse and it warmed Kara, soothed her distraught, dying soul.
Alex was pacing back and forth where Kara lay, still a bloody mess from the gunshot wound that had punctured her through her stomach and cracked several ribs.  Everything was a fucking mess and Lena was working through different treatments to make sure Kara didn’t die.  Dr. Hamilton had removed the bullet and Alex had been sick when the woman had done it to an essentially human Kara.  She held back the bile powered through what needed to be done to save her sister’s life as Lena did the same.  Alex had been surprised with Lena’s urgent phone call but less so when she realized that Lena had an injured Kara with her somehow. None of the details mattered as long as Kara didn’t fucking die.
When had things become so fucked up?  Alex continued pacing as she looked for things that might help her nearly dead sister.
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You know, sometimes the things I see on this website about Lena just make me go ???????? (and here is going to be some constructive criticism. Key word here! This is not bashing or hate but genuinely thoughtful and sincere critique about a character I love and often seen wobified by fandom)
Because Lena isn’t her family and she’s not responsible for their actions, but at the same time Lena is a billionaire. With a B. I am reminded a bit about what I’ve seen people say why they don’t like the modern day royal family, the Queen especially—sure they didn’t quite play a role in some of the atrocities their family committed and are innocent of those acts, but because of those acts they are still benefiting—and Lena is still benefitting from plenty of pretty damning things that her family did.
It would be one thing if like. Lillian and Lex and Lionel were just straight up murderers and she was suffering by guilty by association, and therefore didn’t actually derive anything from that, but she benefits from the profits made by their anti-alien technology—she’s not a self-made person suffering from mere stigma. She wants to be better than her family, and I genuinely do think she is better! But this is about how she can grow!
Lena is a billionaire and that has implications, but I think I’ve only ever read one fic that really explored that? Because if she is a billionaire, and knows that the former head of security is a xenophobic murderer, and she has in her possession several devices that can be used as weapons against humans and aliens alike, as we see with the anti-xray glass, with Kryptonite, with the device she made at the gala, with the Lexo suit, and god possibly the most dangerous and most innocuous looking one of all, the alien detection device (a device that outs you to any business or place of employment or residence or friend that requires you to take it, while also selling something meant to conceal your identity as an alien as well? Not great moral optics there). The actions of her family are not her fault, but the subsequent actions she takes are her responsibility.  
Now, someone was going to take over LuthorCorp, and I do agree that it is better Lena, who does genuinely care about being a good person, than one of Lillian or Lex’s cronies. Bad shit could have happened. You can’t just get rid of a multibillion corporation overnight either without very bad consequences—jobs lost, stock market in tatters, etc etc. But, Lena’s still a billionaire. Funding this out of her own pocket if she absolutely had to—and she probably wouldn’t, since bad security looks really bad to the public and clients and the board would not want to have inventions and prototypes stolen.
Lena’s a billionaire. Let’s explore that.
This is a corporation. A corporation is, despite Citizens United (fuck that ruling), not a person. The first security breach wouldn’t be her fault, or even maybe the second, but consider that Metallo was able to steal Kryptonite, Lillian’s goons were able to throw her off the balcony in their attempts to get the information they wanted, and now this with Mercy—a pattern is being established.
Yeah, Lena, you may not use it against Supergirl but that is irrelevant if your security is so bad that the xenophobic people who would use it against Supergirl can easily enough break in and steal weapons. If it can’t be kept safe from the people who would use them to cause egregious harm, then it shouldn’t exist!
(this is one of the main arguments for gun control. If you can’t keep a gun securely in your house where other irresponsible people can find it and use it accidentally or on purpose that shouldn’t, then it should not be in your house.) Sure, that may seem unrealistic, and you may be then bringing up examples in your head of people and companies and organizations that don’t do this, but then ask yourself—are they good people? And if your argument is why Lena as the CEO of LCorp can’t do this without risking profits, then again, this ties back into Lena being a billionaire has interesting moral ramifications and they should be explored.
And yes, I am including the DEO in this answer. So many times I see oh what Lena does vs what the DEO does, especially regarding Kryptonite but they can both be wrong.
Sure, you may be saying she can’t guarantee that—well if that’s the case then do not make any life ending weapons. Lena is not a starving scientist type with a gun to her head; Lena Luthor has billions of dollars. She can completely afford to redo her security, and as long as others will be harmed if she does not then she has an obligation to do so.
The DEO is also her employer and a government agency who’s also tortured her aunt—they don’t have any obligation to listen to Kara, and she probably thinks she’ll be ignored. Lena is her friend, who’s life she’s saved several times—persuading your friend vs. persuading the US government? Yeah, I would go with trying to change the mind of the friend.
The DEO is a black ops government program started about 14 years ago originally headed by a very xenophobic man who hunted down not just Fort Rozz aliens but also J’onn and probably countless other innocents and is the reason why Alex grew up without a father. The only reason why J’onn took over is because he had to, and even still had to play the part of Hank Henshaw, a known xenophobe. Also, for a government organization, 14 years isn’t all that long to be working there—there are definitely people who have been a part of the DEO since the beginning still working for that organization, especially since it is nationwide, possibly even worldwide considering Alex in the first ep was on her way to Geneva. Shit happened at the DEO. (To quote James from season 1, the DEO is “a secret Guantanamo, and it’s not just for aliens anymore.” They torture aliens, hold them without parole, without trial, without a lawyer, definitely not complying with Geneva standards for holding and for bringing them in. What part of the DEO is not Guantanamo?)
And these are the people who recruited Kara’s sister and shot her out of the sky and are trained to take her down and tortured her aunt in front of her as Kara begged them for mercy. I wonder why she didn’t protest too much oh yeah IT’S BECAUSE KARA HAS VERY LITTLE INFLUENCE WITH ACTUAL DEO POLICY BEYOND WHAT SHE CAN CONVINCE J’ONN AND ALEX OF. AND GENERAL LANE CAN AND HAS TAKEN OVER WHEN HE WANTS.
The DEO has always been bad. It’s just been less bad with J’onn and Alex at the helm. But anyway. Back to the main point
Do you know how many times I’ve seen on this website “eat the rich”—and I am not at all saying you can’t like Lena because she is a billionaire. This is a fictional show. It is not real life. But it should be talked about.
With CatCo, they had one security breach, and it turned out to be an internal one. The consequences of that were on the shoulders of Cat Grant alone, and she was fully willing to pay the consequences herself and the only reason why she didn’t step down from CatCo is the last-minute save from Kara and friends. CatCo is a media empire built from the ground up by Cat herself, who’s talked about the consequences of her actions shaping her future direction—she thinks about the actress with the abusive husband every day, knowing that it wasn’t her fault but it was her responsibility as a reporter to say what she saw—and she didn’t. Inaction in itself has consequences.
They’re both willing to face the consequences of their actions–but Cat is the one who is a well known Democrat, who left her multi million dollar company to pursue public service, the whole: “ that’s why we do what we do. That’s why we’re driven to tell the truth. Not only because we want to be good journalists, but because we also want to be good people” and yes with Kara’s help, trying to elevate the conversation, valuing loyalty and integrity beyond just what it could potentially bring to CatCo (that video of Supergirl letting that Fort Rozz escapee go could have brought so much traffic to CatCo, but that wasn’t the point. Compare with the alien IDer. And. Well. We’re getting to the pretty damn grey area).
Cat is willing to do things that are for the benefit of National City and potentially the world at the expense of her company. That isn’t the case with Lena. Lena wants to be a good person! She does! But her motivations for being a good scientist haven’t, even as a kid, been “I am doing this directly because I want to be a good person”—we have seen time and time again that Lena’s main priority is LCorp, and doing what is in the best interest of her company. I am not going to stop harping on the alien identification device because it is horrific and this is something Lena, not her family but Lena, has done in an attempt to increase LCorp’s bottom line.
I am not at all saying Cat is perfect and without flaws and Lena is not, since I just finished detailing one of Cat’s past mistakes (and I’m not going on to detail Cat’s flaws and mistakes, which I have done in the past, because this is about Lena and I’ve counted this now--it’s a total of 2.1k and I’m tired) but when shit happens at CatCo it’s usually something that only affects Cat and her employees, or something unexpected—like really, having one of your employees spontaneously develop superpowers? Unexpected. You really can’t get security for that shit—and there are very few cyber security breaches (Winn is brilliant, but he’s also just one person. There are plenty of people L Corp could hire to deal with cyber security issue, and they have one if they were able to be hacked from the Cloud—and that hacking was human, predictable, and preventable.
I really did appreciate the single Lena/Kara scene past episode, because I keep seeing as well “oh but the DEO has Kryptonite and that’s fine”—clearly, as we saw this past episode, it is very much not fine that the DEO had Kryptonite since Kara almost d i e d. Lena very well have been asking herself this question—and we see this episode that for Kara it is equally bad. This is not a witch hunt because her last name is Luthor but as we see this episode there are very bad things that can happen when people can steal Kryptonite. Kara is the only one who suffers. Katie’s acting choices were great—she was genuinely shaken and concerned as she sees the scenario that Supergirl was most afraid of happening concerning Kryptonite happen—and happen only to her. Everyone else was fine—but Kara lay seizing in the hospital bed from the device that she created (although let me be clear—this one is completely on the DEO. They were the ones who were supposed to be guarding the device, they were the ones with the stolen Kryptonite that was entered into the atmosphere, it was their agent and their security breach that caused this, they were the ones who took responsibility for the device—and dropped the ball).
Lena sees Supergirl on a hospital bed, and hell if she didn’t realize Supergirl was Kara before Lena almost definitely did, staring as she watched the person she loved more than anyone else in the world fade away before her eyes and this is what she was talking about before. This is what she was worried about—it’s an understandable fear. They took the Kryptonite from the DEO, but if they didn’t get a mole, would they have turned to L Corp? Would they try to break in, and succeed?
Would this be because of her? She wouldn’t have deployed the weapon the used herself but she would have created everything they used to do it. Kryptonite isn’t used for anything except as a weapon. This isn’t about Lena “going evil,” or becoming like her family. This is about how just because Lena is willing to be the one who pays the price for her actions and the risks that she takes doesn’t mean that someone else wont.
Tl;dr the 2.1k word monstrosity: Lena is not her family and she isnt evil but oh my god shes the CEO of a multibillion dollar company that makes weapons and still benefits from the actions of her family, and who's main priority has always been her company. Shes not just a perfect ideal who can do no wrong or cant improve--shes done a lot of good but just look at the alien detection device--shes done a lot of wrong too.
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mrsluthordanvers · 7 years
Supercorp prompt: "Actually, I've never been trick-or-treating"
So I had been saving this prompt for a bit closer to halloween, so here it finally is! Also Kara and Lena aren’t yet officially a couple for this fic but are on their way lol
“Actually I’ve never been trick or treating.”
They were sitting on the couch in Lena’s office eating donuts again. Kara had been giving Lena an enthusiastic history of halloween in the Danvers household before she asked Lena what she did for halloween growing up.
“You’ve never been trick or treating?” Kara’s mouth hung open in disbelief as Lena shook her head breaking off another piece of donut.
“I mean I probably went as a baby with my mother before she died. But I don’t remember. And Lillian never had time for those sorts of things.” Lena shrugged as she put the piece of donut in her mouth.
“What about boarding school?”
“Oh we had costume parties.” Lena smiled deviously at the memory. “But we never went trick or treating.”
“We’ve got to change that.”
“What?” Lena coughed against the food in her mouth taking a moment before she stared at Kara. “I don’t think that’s really necessary…”
“Of course it is!” Kara was already shrugging into her coat. “Halloween is something every kid should experience.” Kara echoed Alex all those years ago when she had just got to earth. It turned out that Alex was right about how much she’d love halloween. A time when everyone was dressed up as something not of this world. Plus Alex had dressed her up as a ghost the first year and she floated around, they were so pleased with themselves that no body could figure out how they had done the effects.
“I am not a child.” Lena reminded Kara, bringing her back from her memory to where she stood in front of Lena in her coat, purse tucked under her arm. “Where are you going?”
“You’re not a child, but its not too late to still go. And we are going costume shopping.”
“Please.” Kara smiled, weakening all Lena’s fight as she held open the trench coat she had grabbed off Lena’s coat rack.
“Why not? I feel like you could really put them off.”
“Gee thanks.” Lena stood in the aisle surrounded up cheap adult costumes her arms wrapped tightly around her middle. If it was up to her she would have had her costume custom made, not bought off the rack. But it was too late for that, honestly she was surprised there were any costumes left at this point.
“Wonder Woman?”
Lena shook her head. She might not have a lot of time on her hands to go to the theatre and watch movies but she did know that Wonder Woman was probably going to be the most popular costume of the year.
“You have the hair for it! We could put in a few curls, and bam! Wonder Woman.”
“I’ll freeze.” Lena nodded down to the tall boots and short skirt.
“Oh.” Kara stood on her toes looking over racks on the other side. “We could find you a long dark men’s coat. Diana wears one in the movie over her costume at one point, that would help keep you warm. Plus we’ll probably only go to a couple houses before we meet everyone at the party.”
“The party?”
“The costume party at the bar.”
“You didn’t mention it.”
Kara paused, she hadn’t mentioned it, she had got so excited to take Lena costume shopping she forgot.
“Oh.” Kara repeats, before turning to Lena looking a little sheepish. “Did you want to go? I don’t want to presume…”
“Kara. You just dragged me to god knows where to go costume shopping to take me trick or treating. I think I can handle a costume party.” Lena smiled, trying to loosen her body language.
“Alex will be there.”
“We’ve met.”
“And her girlfriend and my friends.”
“I believe I’ve met Detective Sawyer, Mr Schott and Mr Olsen too.” Lena took the costume, trying to show Kara some enthusiasm as she looked it over.
“Wonder Woman it is, now what should you be…” Lena started to push through the costumes for the first time, ready to exact her revenge. Kara didn’t have the heart to tell her she had a costume sitting at home she had picked out weeks ago.
“Sexy nurse?”
Kara groaned as she turned bright pink, adjusting her glasses.
“Why are these all sexy?” Lena shuffled through a bunch, “here we go!”
Lena held up a costume that made Kara’s stomach drop. She couldn’t lie, she had wanted to go as supergirl as a joke ever since Clark told her about the year he went as superman, but the idea still did give her a bit of anxiety.
“We could be the ultimate superhero duo.” Lena smirked. “You have the hair for it! We could put in a few curls, and bam! Supergirl.”
Kara couldn’t help but smile at Lena mocking her.
“Do you have contacts?”
“No.” Kara shook her head, there was no way she would be going without her glasses in this costume.
“That’s ok. You’ll still look great.”
“Then I guess we’re going to the ultimate superhero duo.” Kara replied as she led them to a till, Alex was going to kill her.
Lena’s driver dropped them off in the suburbs of National City with strict instructions to stay close because they wouldn’t be long. The streets weren’t overly busy, groups of children running from house to house with bags of candy.
“Here.” Kara held out a white pillow case. Lena hadn’t even noticed when she disappeared to have been able to grab them but there they were.
“We gotta do it right.” Kara replied seriously, almost drawing out a laugh from Lena as she took her bag and shook it open. “Where’s yours?”
“I’ve already done my trick or treating.”
Before Lena could say more a little girl pulling on her mom’s hand interrupted them.
“I’m sorry.” The mom looked guilty. “She wanted to know if she could get a photo with you two.”
“Of course!” Kara exclaimed as she moved to stand at the girl’s shoulder striking a supergirl pose that had Lena vibrating with laughter as she shed her coat and mimicked Kara on the other side.
When the mom got her picture, Kara knelt down whispering in the girl’s ear before she ran off grinning, dragging her mom along to another house.
“What did you say?”
“I told her Rey is my favourite Star Wars character too.” Kara shrugged before taking Lena’s hand. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” Lena followed her to the end of a walkway, leaving her coat laying on the back of the town car.
“Wait here.” Kara ran up the steps, knocking on the doors before talking to an older woman, her hands waving erratically as she pointed at Lena. The older woman looking over at her before nodding with a chuckle and closing the door again as Kara returned back down the stairs.
“Your turn.”
“What?” Lena stood there holding her bag staring at Kara.
“Go knock on the door and say trick or treat.” Kara gave her a little nudge, as Lena hissed. “You’re coming with me.”
Kara followed Lena practically bouncing on her toes as Lena knocked on the door, the two of them saying trick or treat as soon as the door started to open. Candy was poured into Lena’s bag as the woman’s eyes danced.
“Beautiful costume dear. You have a wonderful girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Lena lifted an eyebrow looking at Kara who shrugged, ears a little pink but the door was already closing.
“I may have told her that my girlfriend had never been trick or treating before and I was trying to give her the full experience and asked if she could help me out.”
“Fuck it’s cold.” Lena’s teeth chattered as they slid into the car, “How are you not freezing?”
“My costume has sleeves?” Kara offered as she stole a kit-kat from Lena’s bag, leaning away when Lena took a swipe at her.
They had only gone to four houses, so there was only a couple handfuls at the bottom of the bag but Lena was feeling strangely protective of her haul.
The two of them were feeling the sugar rush as they walked into the bar hand in hand, no one even turning to look at them as they passed through the sea of masks. Winn and James managing to snag a booth early in the evening, waving down Kara and Lena as they spotted them weaving through the crowd.
“Wonder Woman. Supergirl.” Winn toasted his glass towards Lena and Kara sitting across the table in his red star trek uniform.
“Where’s Alex and Maggie?”
“Playing pool?” Winn pointed over the back of the booth, to where Maggie and Alex stood, Maggie in a typical t-shirt and pants her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail her detective’s badge hanging on her hip, Alex awkwardly leaning over the table in a white medical jacket.
“Rizzoli and Isles?” Lena questioned, quickly looking over both women. All eyes at the table widening. “What?”
“You’re the only one that got it.” James laughed as he drank. “We all had to ask.”
“I mean I get Maggie, but why is Alex Isles?”
“She’s actually a doctor.” Winn piped in at the same time as Kara. “She has her medical degree.”
“And here I thought she was impressive just as an FBI agent.” Lena smiled at the table as she excused herself to go start a tab for the group leaving Kara alone to join Alex and Maggie.
“Seriously Kara?” Alex hissed as she wrapped an arm around Kara’s waist pulling her for half a hug, her other hand still wrapped around a cue.
“Lena picked it out.” Kara blushed as Alex glared at her.
“If Kara makes the joke of looking like Supergirl herself no one will take it seriously.” Maggie flashed her dimples at Kara before taking a shot, pretending to be disappointed as it ricocheted off the corner of a pocket and back to the middle of the table.
“And I think Lena felt more comfortable us being in a couples costume.” Kara didn’t think anything of what she said as Maggie and Alex exchanged looks over the table.
“What did Lena come as?”
“Wonder Woman.” Maggie answered Alex, grinning as Lena came over to the table passing Kara a club soda. “Supergirl and Wonder Woman. I love it.”
“Thank you.” Lena smiled politely. “I like the Rizzoli and Isles.”
“Thank you!” Maggie threw up her hands, “Someone gets it!”
“Absolutely. And much more original then Starsky and Hutch.” Lena smirked towards Kara who was shaking her head.
“Can I play winner?” Alex looked at her in surprise as Maggie happily handed over her cue.
“Sure. I think I’ve lost enough times for tonight.”
James and Winn gave up the booth when they realized they weren’t being joined anytime soon. Instead they joined Maggie and Kara as they stood against the wood railing watching Lena and Alex prowl around the table. It was a much more intense game then when Alex played with Maggie, Lena almost clearing the table of her half of the billiard balls before missing a shot giving Alex a turn to catch up. Eventually it came down only to the black ball, on Lena’s turn, letting her sink it with ease into the far left pocket.
“I guess I owe you a drink.” Alex smiled as she waved someone over, trying to eyeball Lena’s drink as Kara pulled her in for a victory hug, before making an order.
“Oh. I, uh, I already put the table on my tab.”
“Lena!” Kara leaned back to look in Lena’s face, “you don’t need to do that.”
“I know.” Lena pushed a strand of Kara’s hair out of her face before she went in for a second hug, burrowing her face in the crook of Kara’s neck. “It’s just my way of saying thank you… for tonight.”
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Thinking With His Heart [Karamel Fanfiction]
I started writing this fic a couple weeks ago, and I promised myself that I would post it before the new year, so I'm pretty proud of myself for actually meeting that goal lol. Warning, angst ahead cuz I just can't help myself. Tagging everyone who shared their interest in the teaser (this is a lot of people I'm sorry): @emarasmoak @theleticiathings-blog @facepalming-since-chernobyl @ms-jane-darcy @whovianlunatic @busysciencegeek @jedelmanss @lostin-the-desert @cant-forget-karamel @notsomildmanerred @imtiredof-waiting
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
SUMMARY: "Mon El thought he knew what fear felt like... But in that moment, as he walked into the DEO med bay, he realized that he was wrong. Mon El had never really, truly felt fear until the moment he saw Kara on the table, fighting for her life while Alex tried desperately to save her."
[Picks up from the end of 3x09 and includes speculation for 3x10, told from Mon El's POV]
WORD COUNT: 3,263 words
NOTE: So my thoughts have been spinning since the midseason finale, and since the trailer for 3x10. Not only did we get our first peek of the Legion rings on the members, and our first glimpse of Brainiac 5, the end of the trailer seemed to have Kara in one of the stasis tanks on the Legion ship! This fic is pure speculation on what may happen for Kara to end up there. This fic also follows the theories that the marriage is fake and that the Legion's objective is to save Kara from Reign. With that said, enjoy!
Now available on AO3!
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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Mon El thought he knew what fear felt like.
His life had been marked by that emotion. He felt it first when his planet died, and he was shoved into that little pod and shot out into the vastness of space. Then, when he landed on a strange planet, not knowing anyone, and finding out that he was the sole survivor of Daxam. His encounter with Parasite, being captured by CADMUS, getting shot, almost dying from Medusa. Gaining the courage to kiss Kara for the first time, and then having to admit his feelings to her, and then falling in love with her. Finding out his parents weren't really dead, losing Kara, traveling to another Earth to save her from Music Meister's spell. Almost going back to Daxam, getting locked up by his parents, the Daxamite invasion. Each moment had been scarier than the last, and none of it was more terrifying than almost dying when the lead was released into the atmosphere, and having to leave Kara again.
When he crashed into the 31st century, he was met with an almost calm acceptance. The feeling of crashing onto a strange planet was somehow familiar. His life was constantly filled with new beginnings, with pain, with fear. He knew the feelings well.
But in that moment, as he walked into the DEO med bay, Mon El realized that he was wrong. Mon El had never really, truly felt fear until the moment he saw Kara on the table, fighting for her life while Alex tried desperately to save her.
He felt panic rise up in his chest, and he was sure that his heart would collapse under the weight of it. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Kara, and he knew that the image of her would be burned into his retinas for a long time.
Her skin was paler than usual, and it had a thin layer of sweat. She had blood dripping down the side of her head and into her hair, staining her locks a dark, rusty color. She had tubes all over her, monitoring her vitals, and she even had one sticking out of her mouth.
Mon El had to remind himself to breathe. It wasn't right. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable, so human.
He couldn't even hear himself think over the sounds of the machines. They were beeping over and over again, reminding him and everyone else that something was very, very wrong.
His frantic thoughts were interrupted by a weird feeling in his mind. It felt almost as if someone was caressing his thoughts, turning them from shouts to whispers.
Imra. She was using her powers on him, trying her best to soothe his fear and calm him down. This was one of the reasons he had recruited her for this mission in the first place. Not only was she dedicated to the cause, but her unique power served as a safety net for whenever he strayed from the objective. She was there to give his mind a gentle nudge and make sure he stayed focused on the task at hand.
"She'll be okay," Imra told him aloud, squeezing his hand slightly as she spoke, while continuing to soothe his thoughts as best as she could. His eyes flickered down to hers briefly. He could tell that she wasn't worried. In the back of his mind, he knew that there really was no reason to be. They had seen this all play out in the history books, and Imra was right. Kara was going to be okay.
But it didn't matter. No amount of mind control could take away his worry for the woman he loved.
He was taken away from his thoughts by Alex's voice. "Stay with me, Kara," she muttered to her sister, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke. Her terror was evident in her eyes as she looked at her. "Stay with me."
As she spoke, one of the machines started beeping again, indicating that what Alex and the other medics were doing wasn't working. All he could do was watch in silent shock.
This wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to die. She can't die.
"We need to get her under a yellow sun lamp," one of the medics told Alex, but the agent was already shaking her head.
"No..." Alex replied, not taking her eyes off of Kara as she spoke. "We need to stabilize her before we can do that. The sun lamps will only help her if she's stable. Otherwise they won't heal her fast enough and..." She trailed off her words, not having the strength to finish her sentence.
He could tell that Alex was starting to lose her patience, seeming to get more frustrated with each beep of the machines.
He knew that the other medics were speaking, but he couldn't hear them over his own thoughts. They played in his head like a mantra.
No, no, no, no, no...
"This should be working," Alex exclaimed. He could hear her unshed tears in her voice, and her frustration was evident.
Mon El was no doctor, but the look on Alex's face scared him. It was one full of uncertainty, of fear, of worry. It told him that she didn't know what else she could do to save Kara's life.
It was Alex's look that shocked him into action. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind, and before he even had a chance to think about it, he voiced it aloud.
"Put her in cryosleep."
The room fell silent with his words; the only sound was the noise of the machines. Alex didn't look up from her work, but the expression on her face showed him that she was open to suggestions at this point. From the corner of his eye, he saw Imra snap her head towards him, but he ignored her.
"What are you talking about?" J'onn asked. He had been standing next to Mon El in silence, watching Alex with worry evident on his face. Now, he looked at Mon El with skepticism.
Before Mon El could respond, he felt Imra in his brain, harshly tugging at his mind. This went against their entire plan, but he didn't care. Kara's life was more important, and he couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He focused all his energy on ignoring the pull in his mind before he spoke.
"The stasis tanks on our ship. If you put her in cryosleep, the ship will repair the damage to her body and stabilize her. It should work as long as you can get her there."
Mon El made eye contact with Winn as he spoke. Terror was plastered on his face, and he ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm himself down. He was too scared to speak, but Mon El didn't miss the small glimmer of hope that appeared in Winn's eyes, mixing with his panic and worry. He could tell that Winn was on board with the idea.
J'onn thought about it for a moment before directing his attention to the agent. "Alex. Your call."
She chewed on her lip, weighing her options as she looked down at her sister. One look at the machine, however, and her mind was made up. "Okay." She whispered.
Mon El was about to turn around and leave the medbay when he felt Imra in his head, stopping him dead in his tracks. She had a vice grip on his mind, holding him in place.
"Mon El," she hissed, just quiet enough so only he could hear.
He looked over at her, pleading with his eyes. He knew that she disagreed with helping Kara right now, but surely she wouldn't stop him, right?
Please, Imra, he pleaded in his mind, hoping that she would listen to him. He knew there was no mistaking the desperation in his thoughts. Please.
As Mon El thought the words, he saw her eyes soften, and he knew she had caved. She let go of his mind with a sigh. Once he had regained control of himself, he snapped into action.
"Let's go," he ordered, turning around and leaving the medbay, the squeaking of Kara's stretcher echoing behind him.
Mon El stood silently in front of one of the stasis tanks on the ship; the one that he had just helped Alex, Winn and J'onn put Kara into. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, but even that couldn't prevent them from shaking.
There she was— her eyes closed, her skin pale and her hair floating around her head in a golden halo. She had a white band secured to her forehead to help them to track her vitals while she healed. Kara. His Kara.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had to be there for her when she woke up, and he worried that he would miss that moment if he looked away.
That's why Mon El was surprised when someone came up to him, grabbing his left bicep and spinning him around to face them. Once his eyes settled and he registered the face, he let out a sigh. He knew this was coming.
He had a lot of explaining to do; that much was for sure. He was supposed to be the leader of the Legion. He wasn't supposed to be the one messing up their mission.
He was about to try to fumble his way through an apology when she interrupted him.
"What the hell, Mon El?"
He almost wanted to chuckle at her words. He had missed this Imra in recent days. Now that Alex, Winn and J'onn were immersed in their own conversations, Imra could finally drop the "sweet and docile wife" act. He had to admire her commitment to the job, because the Imra he knew was anything but docile.
It was only now that they were alone that he saw the Imra that he had known in the 31st century. She was fierce and she was determined and she was empathetic and she was passionate.
And she was pissed at him.
Her eyes were ablaze with anger, and in that moment, Mon El was thankful that she didn't have heat vision.
"Imra, I'm sorry," he started, his voice sounding exasperated already. He knew this conversation was coming, but that doesn't mean he was ready for it.
Imra just scoffed at him before continuing. "You should be sorry." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You're putting everything we've worked for at risk."
"I know," he muttered.
"We've been planning this for months... for years! You've been planning it!" She threw her arms up over her head. pacing back and forth as he talked. She stopped moving and dropped her arms to her side. "I... I just don't get it, Mon El. Explain it to me. Please."
Mon El opened his mouth, ready to answer, but nothing came out. He didn't know how to explain his reasons to her, because truthfully, the answer was quite simple. He did it because it was Kara, and he couldn't stand to see her like that. He had to do something.
She sighed when he said nothing. "We're lucky that we didn't mess anything up when she found you on the ship, and we're already trying to do this job while we have men still asleep. We've analyzed every point of this, and found the exact point to interfere where we have the greatest chance for success. History says that Supergirl fights the first battle with Reign, and yes, she gets injured but she lives. I just don't get why you would interfere now..."
"We've already interfered!" Mon El interrupted, unable to hold back anymore. She looked at him with a shocked look on her face, but stayed silent, so he continued. "Every day we're at the DEO we're interfering. And we've already messed things up. Kara was supposed to get injured, not beaten within an inch of her life. I couldn't let her die."
"She wouldn't have died." Imra retorted. "You know we would have known immediately if anything had changed that much."
He ignored her words, not wanting to admit to himself that they were true. "We already changed things. She was off her game in her fight with Reign because of us."
"You don't know that," Imra stated, starting to sound frustrated with him. "We didn't know how injured she got in the first fight. All we knew was that she survived."
Mon El stayed quiet. Imra was right, but that didn't mean he had to be okay with that.
Imra's eyes softened, and her voice was quieter when she continued. "Why can't you just admit it was a personal decision? That you did it because you were worried about her?"
Mon El was about to say something before he stopped. He wasn't expecting that question. He wondered briefly if she had read his mind. She had a habit of doing it unconsciously, but he shook the thought away, still trying to find an answer to her question.
She smirked a little, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "You know, you're lucky I'm the one that woke up. I've been in your mind. I've seen firsthand how much you care about her, and I understand. If it was Brainiac who woke up, he'd be trying you for treason right now."
Mon El wanted to chuckle, but he felt a sickening feeling sink into the pit of his stomach, because Imra was exactly right. Brainiac had an unparalleled intelligence, but it made him see things as black and white, with no area for gray. As a leader, that was what he should have been doing, but he had let his fear guide his decision instead.
He couldn't admit it was a personal decision. This wasn't the time for him to be thinking with his heart. If he was letting his emotions guide him, then he shouldn't be leading them on this mission.
But Mon El couldn't think of anything worse than sitting back and leaving Kara's fate in someone else's hands.
Instead, Mon El clamped down hard on his thoughts before speaking. "I had to make sure there was a Kara to save in the future. If I hadn't saved her now, the entire mission could have been ruined by her dying early. I intervened because I thought it was right."
The look Imra gave him let him know that she didn't believe him, but she didn't question it. "I'm going to go," she told him instead, and he didn't miss the weariness in her voice. "I'm going to make sure nothing changed too much from this."
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He feared that if he spoke, he would spill all the words that he was trying to hold back. He knew that Imra knew how he was feeling anyway, even if he didn't want her to.
Before she turned to walk away, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're going to save her, Mon El. I know it. This isn't your burden to bear alone."
Yes it is, he thought before he could stop himself, and he knew that Imra had heard him by the look of pity she gave him. She looked like she was going to say something else, but then thought against it.
Imra started to walk away, but Mon El called out to her before she could. "Hey Imra," he started, and she turned back around, looking a bit surprised. "You could have stopped me back in the medbay, but you didn't. Why not?"
Her face was unreadable, her eyes hardening as she responded. "I may not agree with you, but that doesn't mean I would stop you. I'm not that kind of person."
Mon El couldn't help but think that he had insulted her with his question. As a telepath, many people expected her to be cold-hearted and manipulative, and he knew that she struggled with that perception. However, he knew that she was anything but. If anything, her power made her more empathetic, and her response made perfect sense to him. Despite not agreeing with his choice, and knowing that he could be endangering their objective with it, Imra still wouldn't use her power to forcefully take his free will away. She would only control him if he asked because that was the type of person she was, and even then, it had been a struggle to convince her to control him when he was around Kara.
She turned on her heel and walked away without another word, and even though Mon El knew that he should probably stop her to apologize, he let her go. He thought it would be better to let her have her space first.
And even if he had wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to move. He wanted to stay by Kara's side until she woke up. She needed to wake up.
"Hey, Kara," he muttered. He relished in the feeling of being able to talk to her freely, without all the baggage surrounding them right now. He knew that all of the tension between them was his fault; it was because of all of the lies he was telling in the name of saving her life. Even though he knew he was doing it for the right reasons, he still couldn't stop his stomach from churning with each lie he told.
Her pain. Her heartache. Her sadness. It was all because of him.
"I know you can't hear me," he continued, walking closer and pressing his hand against the glass of the tank. He wished that he was able to grab her hand, to touch her, to look into her eyes, but he couldn't. Instead, he pressed his head against the glass as well, squeezing his eyes shut. "But I need you to wake up. I need you."
He felt tears coming, and he tried his best to hold them back. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before continuing.
"And when you wake up, I'm going to be here for you, even though you hate me right now. And I promise, I will do everything I can to protect you. To save you. And, once it's all said and done, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will love you again, with everything that I have."
He felt a tear escape him, silently sliding down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, cursing himself for not being strong. "So please," he said, his voice hoarse from the tears left unshed and all of the things that he wanted to say but couldn't. "Just wake up."
He sighed, backing away slowly from the stasis tank, fixing his eyes onto her face once again. Imra was right. He wasn't thinking clearly. He couldn't think clearly when it came to Kara.
One good thing had come from his conversation with Imra. He had realized that this wasn't going to work. They wouldn't be able to complete the Legion's mission in their current state, with only him and Imra awake. He was too close to Kara, despite his better judgment. And Imra, she was too good of a person to keep him in line. He needed someone calloused, someone with a one track mind, someone who wouldn't be afraid to keep him in line, even though he was their leader.
He needed to wake another Legion member, and he knew just the one.
[NOTE: Imra may seem to be a bit ooc from what we've seen on the show, but that was done on purpose. I think Imra is playing the wife role right now, and I'm hoping to see her drop the act and show Imra, the soldier, a bit more in the future.Despite that, I do think she actually is a good person at heart, and I do like her character a lot (and she was fun to write.)]
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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salamadersaurus-rex · 7 years
A Vasquez/Lena fic that got out of hand. Feat. nb!Vasquez.
Also on AO3.
Vasquez rides a motorbike. It’s an Iron 883, with a throaty roar that any DEO agent hears it rolling into the underground carpark knows by heart. When the Harley grumbles, Vasquez is near. So when a beautiful black Ferrari Spider pulls up outside the city base at eight am sharp, spilling Vas out onto the curb with a cheery wave to the driver, it raises some eyebrows.
“Sweet ride,” Alex says as Vasquez opens their locker.
“Though you preferred bikes, Danvers,” Vasquez teases. They change quickly out of their MIT shirt and jeans and into their uniform, comfortable enough with Alex that they don’t mind her seeing their binder.
Lucy comes into the locker room, fresh out of the shower after an early workout. She swats at Alex’s ass with a towel.
Alex yelps. “What are you, fifteen?”
“Twelve. Good night, Vas?”
“Dinner and a movie,” they say. “Well, microwave meal for one and Netflix.”
“Thought you had a date,” Alex says.
“What makes you think that?” Vas replies, keeping their tone nonchalant just so they can enjoy the look on her face.
“The fact someone drove you to work in a two hundred thousand dollar sports car?”
Lucy gapes. “Damn, Vasquez. Now you have to tell.”
Vasquez grins. They want to tell their friends who they’re dating. In fact they and their partner have talked about coming out for a while, but there’s just something so satisfying about watching Lucy and Alex squirm.
“Bike’s in the shop. I just thumbed a lift.”
And with that they saunter out the locker room, Alex and Lucy already bickering behind them.
They head to their computer, smoothly dodging Winn who’s wearing VR goggles and zooming around happily in his wheely chair. They put their headset on, tuning out the quiet chatter of a team on a routine patrol until it’s just white noise and set to reading over some code Winn sent. They actually manage to get five and a half minutes of work done before Kara comes sidling up to their desk.
“Sooo,” Kara says, playing with the edges of some paperwork in Vas’ in-tray. “Good night last night?”
“You’re as nosy as your sister, Danvers.”
“Wha- me? Nosy? Psshh.” Kara waves a hand, that adorable look on her face she gets when she’s trying to bluff. “I’m just… catching up, y’know. Haven’t spoken since-“
“You texted me and asked if I wanted coffee?”
“When was that? I don’t really…”
“Half an hour ago. Hey, complete change of subject but do you know how to play poker?”
“Just say no, Supergirl.” J’onn growls, spoiling Vasquez’s fun. “Agent Vasquez, I heard your motorcycle is out of commission. Do you need to borrow something from the garage?”
“No thanks sir. I have a ride sorted.”
“That’s what I wanted to ask about,” Kara says, jumping on the opportunity. “That was a very nice car.”
“Hmm.” Vasquez grins. “Driver wasn’t bad either.”
Supergirl makes an odd noise, taps out a quick rhythm on the table top. Vasquez is a highly trained agent and knows how to hold themself together, but damn, Kara’s making it hard.
“Did you not use your x-ray vision?” Vas asks.
“Didn’t think it was polite,” Kara mumbles.
She’s probably kicking herself with those nice red boots, Vasquez thinks. It’s hilarious. They spot Alex and Lucy leaving the locker room, both of them in badass agent mode and immediately starts paying attention.
There’s been an accident just outside of the city, an unmanned alien vehicle out of control. Kara’s already away with a whoosh that sends Vas’s paperwork flying, Alex and Lucy following her much more slowly out the door. Vasquez pulls up as many traffic cam feeds as they can, searching quickly for a good view of the accident.
It looks like a small, sleek vehicle has collided with a lorry, burying itself in the side. Billows of strangely coloured steam curl from a small fire raging in the wreckage, the occasional cascade of sparks shooting out towards the traffic snarling behind the crash like fireworks. Three cars back from the crash Vas can make out a familiar black Ferrari. The driver’s door opens and a slim figure gets out, the small first aid kit Vasquez made her start carrying in her hand.
Supergirl lands suddenly, blocking Vasquez’s view of Lena Luthor hurrying towards the crash site. Cursing under their breath, Vasquez pulls up another feed, checks Alex’s tracker to see how close she is.
Kara’s freeze breath easily puts out the fire. She pulls out the lorry driver, stunned but alive, and gently sits him at the side of the road. She must tell Lena to keep back as she approaches because Lena scoffs, picks her way over the debris daintily in her very expensive heels brandishing the first aid kit.
Vasquez can hear Supergirl over the comms.
“Keep back Ms Luthor, this could be dangero- oh okay, never mind.”
“Supergirl,” Vasquez asks calmly, burying the spark of fear deep down in their belly. “What’s she doing?”
“She says the lorry’s hers, it’s transporting a prototype.”
“Oh shit, that was today.”
“Um, yeah.”
Vasquez clears their throat. “Agent Danvers is en route, ETA one minute. Is the driver hurt?”
On their screen they can see Lena checking the guy over. He’s conscious, doesn’t seem to be hurt more than a few scrapes. Better safe than sorry though. “Take him to the hospital.”
J’onn’s asking what the prototype is, where Lena was taking it, probably what she ate for breakfast knowing him but Vas is busy checking every cam in a hundred meter radius, checking for danger as Lena makes her way over to the wreckage. She starts digging through the mess of twisted metal and burned canvas, and Vasquez can’t tell if she’s looking for the prototype or examining the alien vehicle.
They find a new angle just as Alex’s van screeches to a halt and roll their eyes when they catch Lena pocketing a bit of debris. Alex jumps out, Lucy not far behind. The both of them are in full tactical gear but Vasquez can’t make out a single threat in the area.
“What the hell is she doing here?” Alex asks, and Vas watches as she approaches Lena.
“Lorry’s hers,” they jump in. They decide not to mention the tech theft for now, it’ll only make things worse for Lena and Vasquez can easily confiscate it.
“Bring her in for questioning,” J’onn demands. He’s hovering behind Vasquez, which makes a change from his usual pacing but is still very uncomfortable when he’s ordering the arrest of their girlfriend.
J’onn stiffens behind them.
You can read minds, Vasquez thinks. I forgot.
“Do you know anything about this, Agent?”
“I knew she was taking a new piece of tech out of town for testing, and I know it’s harmless because I helped build it.”
“Do you know why anyone would want to destroy it?”
“It helps people and she’s a Luthor,” they snipe, not bothering to hide anything from J’onn.
J’onn clears his throat but doesn’t say anything. Vas knows they won’t have changed his mind at all, but they also know he respects and trusts them enough to hear Lena out.
Alex checks in and says she’ll be five minutes. Vasquez gets back to work. They dispatch a couple of agents to the hospital to watch the driver, organise a clean-up crew for the wreckage and a tow truck to pick up the alien vehicle. They know Lena’s machine will be brought back as evidence so they send Terry, who won’t manhandle and break the thing any more than it already has been. Vasquez sighs. Lena had worked so hard on that project, a machine that could plant, maintain and harvest crops all on its own. It could be cheaply and safely manufactured, easily built and disassembled by local workers, and what asshole in their right mind would want to deprive to world of that?
They’re distracted by Lena being escorted in the front door. Escorted being too strong a word maybe, given she was striding in way ahead of Alex and Lucy, head held high and wearing the most glorious resting bitch face Vasquez has ever seen her pull.
Vasquez gets out of their seat, hurrying behind J’onn to meet Lena in front of the computer bank. They must look worried because Lena shoots them a brief, comforting smile. When Vas got so attached to Lena they don’t know, but they care about her enough for it to show.
“Thank you for coming Ms Luthor,” J’onn starts. “We just need to ask you some questions.”
“It’s a harmless prototype I’m developing to help reduce widespread famine. I was escorting it to the desert to test the range of movement over a wide area. As you’ll see when you no doubt bring it in it’s perfectly safe. I don’t recognise the vehicle that crashed into the lorry, I didn’t see what happened, I am not in any way involved.”
“Any more questions or do I need to call my lawyers?”
“She’s telling the truth,” Winn pipes up. He scurries over with a tablet, shows J’onn the data from the traffic cameras, the Ferrari’s on-board computer, probably Lena’s cell phone and email data too but they don’t want to tell her that. “There’s nothing to prove she has anything to do with the crash.”
J’onn clears his throat. “Thank you for your time, Ms Luthor.”
“I’m free to go?”
J’onn nods, and Lena turns on her heel and strides right back out the building. Vas can hear the Ferrari’s engine from where they’re standing, and they realise one of Alex or Lucy will have driven it back. The two of them are waiting by their computer when they turn around, expectant looks on their faces and arms crossed. They sigh, and motion in the direction of Alex’s lab.
“You’re dating Lena Luthor?”
“Did you not hear me the first time or…”
Alex is leaning against her desk, a look of shock on her face. Lucy’s pacing, scrambling for words and it’d be hilarious if Vasquez wasn’t so worried about Lena.
“Since when?” Alex asks.
“About four months now,” Vas replies. “We met at a bar.”
“Really? Not that exciting.” Lucy says.
Vas half-heartedly waggles their brows and Lucy sputters. “We’re so getting into this later Vasquez. But right now… how likely is she to do something stupid?”
“Remember that fundraiser?” Vasquez takes their phone out their pocket. Nothing from Lena, she knows they’ll be busy with the crash, knows she might even get a head start whilst they’re still working. Vas hits speed dial.
“Voicemail,” they grumble.
“Think you can talk her down?” Alex asks.
“I’ll go to her office.”
They start to make their way out of the lab, but Alex stops them. “You really care about her, huh?”
Vas nods. “I do.”
“We’ll do what we can to find out what happened and keep her safe,” Lucy promises.
“Thanks,” Vasquez says. They know it must be hard for them, hell they didn’t trust Lena at first either, but now her last name doesn’t mean shit to Vasquez except the fact it can get them both into fancy clubs and cosy little booths at expensive restaurants.
“Stay safe,” Alex calls as they rush out of the lab.
Vasquez chuckles to themself. Working so long at the DEO, fighting alongside superheroes every day, catching Winn trying to wipe his browsing history? Safe isn’t even in their vocabulary.
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New fic alert: Supercorp!
Pick Me, Trust Me, Love Me: 1
Second shot at Supercorp because I can't knock this AU out of me head.
CEO Lena and Assistant Kara have been benefiting for the better half of a year and while they have an open relationship to seeing others, Lena is VERY much in the closet. So what happens when Sanvers decides to hook Kara up with Lucy Lane? A WHOLE lot of jealous!Lena because god, who doesn't love jealous Lena?
"If you turn to page 12 you'll see that we're already on mark to hitting our half year goal, only being a month into Q2. If we keep up the way we have been, we'll be on track to hitting our 2020 goal by the end of 2018. Any questions?"
The room of men all turn their head to their commander sitting at the head of the table, all waiting for some sort of reaction but they get none. Instead the CEO nods her head and stands.
"I want to thank all of you for your time in putting your presentations together. I know that those before me," she surveys the room for a reaction and finds none. "have been more relaxed with reporting but it's my duty and goal as CEO to make sure that there isn't a single department that goes undetected. Transparency is very important and I hope that you will all keep that in mind moving forward."
Ten heads nod in acknowledgment and the CEO gives them a smile and lets them know they're free to go home for the remainder of the day. Once the room has emptied the dark-haired CEO let's out a sigh, slouches back into her chair and kicks off her heels.
"You were amazing."
The CEO turns around and finds her assistant standing in the doorway.
"I don't know, I think I could have been a bit more..."
"For lack of a better word, yes."
Her assistant laughs, "Well if it's any consolation I heard a few of the guys say that you might be more terrifying than Lillian.
"Now that is a compliment," the CEO laughs. "So what's next on the schedule Kara?"
"Nothing," the blonde replies moving into the conference room and shutting the door behind her.
"So does that mean I can go home?" the CEO asks with a glint of something in her eye.
"The decision is completely yours Miss Luthor," Kara says. "But there is one thing on your schedule that you can potentially move up to this afternoon if you'd like."
The CEO's chair is swiveled around and to her surprise she finds her assistant on her knees looking up at her and her mouth immediately goes dry.
"I think...I think that will be just fine Miss Danvers."
The blonde smirks as she quickly throws her hair up into a ponytail and nudges the CEO's legs apart, which she happily obliges to do.
"No underwear, really Lena?" Kara teases as she hikes the girl's skirt up.
"Thought I'd make it easier for you," Lena pants desperate for the other girl to touch her.
"Tsk, tsk Miss Luthor, patience."
"Kara," she whines. "You know how long -"
Lena moans.
Kara takes her surprise by running her tongue slowly through her folds as the woman above her bucks into her.
"So is there really nothing left on my schedule for the day?" Lena asks as she slips back into her skirt.
"Nope. You're free, board presentations were the only thing on the agenda today. You just have a call with China tomorrow at 8 am but I've already prep materials sent to your place."
"Lifesaver, what would I do without you?"
"That's a terrifying thought," Kara says as she brushes a hair out of Lena's face. "The car's waiting for you downstairs so you're good to go whenever."
Lena hums, "Thanks. Are you coming by later?"
"Can't, I have plans with Alex."
"Ah," Lena clicks her tongue.
"Lena, she's my sister, stop."
"She's your sister that hates me."
"What does that matter?"
Lena pauses before she answers knowing that they're beginning to trek into murky water.
"You're right, it doesn't. I'll see you tomorrow then
"Yep, tomorrow!" Kara replies rather chipper. "See you later!" leaving a somewhat frustrated Lena behind.
"So you're in a good mood, too good of a mood I'd say," Alex says.
Kara shrugs while grabbing another potsticker, "I got off of work early."
"Uh huh."
"Is that the only thing that got off today?" her sister asks.
"Alex, don't start."
"I'm your sister Kara, I'm just looking out for you!"
The blonde remains silent and goes to grab another potsticker, only this time from Alex's plate.
"Kara, she's your boss. You've been working for her for over a year now and this arrangement of yours with her...It's not healthy."
"You and Maggie work at the same place and you're dating," Kara fires back.
"We work in separate departments and that's exactly that, we're dating!"
"I just don't want anything serious right now..."
"It's been six months Kara...It's not like you're out going on dates you know? Meanwhile Lena has a new date for every L-Corp function."
"That's not fair, you know why she..."
Alex senses her sister is about to hit the point of no return so she dials in back. "I'm sorry Kar, I just...I worry about you. You're amazing and I think you deserve to be with someone who makes you feel just as amazing."
Kara sighs, "It's not like I don't want to see other people you know...I just work a lot and that rarely leaves me with free time to go on any dates."
"Well you're free now right?"
Kara looks around like she's missing something to what Alex has said.
"I mean you and I are just hanging out, why don't we head over to Martians, I know Maggie's there with some friends and there's someone she's been meaning to introduce you to."
Kara mulls this over for a second, while she has absolutely no obligation to Lena she can't help but feel that nagging feeling in the back of her head telling her that she's very much tied to Lena whether she wants to admit it or not.
"Yeah, let's go."
"Let's go?" Alex asks in disbelief.
"You're right, I should think about myself more, so let's go. Just give me a minute to change."
Alex nods her head still in awe that her little sister's agreed to go out but she shoots Maggie a quick text letting her know she'll see her soon.
Martians is packed but when the Danvers sisters make it over to Maggie's table there's already two beers waiting for them.
"Hi babe," Maggie greets her girlfriend, dimples in full effect. "Kara, glad you could make it out!"
"Of course!" She smiles.
Soon they're joined by James, Alex's friend from college and Winn, a fellow L-Corp colleague of Kara, who have made themselves a staple amongst their group of friends and then there's Lucy. Lucy Lane.
"Luce, this is my friend Kara, the one I've told you about," Maggie says gesturing towards the blonde seated next to her and Kara blushes.
"It's great to meet you Kara," Lucy says sticking her hand out for Kara to shake and if Kara's intimidated by the softness of her hands she doesn't let it show.
"Likewise, wanna grab a drink?" Kara offers and Lucy is pretty quick to take her up on it.
"So you weren't kidding that Little Danvers was acting weird," Maggie says looking at Alex.
"I don't know, she might just be ready."
"Or...She might just feel obligated to because you brought it up to her...again. How hard were you on her Alex?"
Alex gulps, "I wasn't that hard on her...I just...I don't want to see her get hurt..."
"You know Lena's actually not that bad right? Her dad knew my dad back in the day...she's a good kid she's just...lost."
"Whatever she is, I'm not letting her drag Kara down with her."
At the bar Lucy and Kara are quickly thrown into a debate about which Hogwarts house they'd be in and what class is completely underrated. They move to the pool tables and it's quickly agreed upon that Kara is no doubt a Hufflepuff while Lucy straddles the line between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw which Kara finds endearing, naturally.
"So how come we've never met before?" Lucy asks while she racks the balls up for a game.
Kara smiles, "Honestly? I don't know." Kara laughs. "Alex and Maggie are always trying to get me to go out but my job doesn't really leave me with a lot of room for socializing."
"You work at L-Corp right?"
"Yep," Kara replies taking a long sip. "I'm Lena Luthor's personal assistant."
"Oh that must be interesting...I've heard she's quite the firecracker," Lucy laughs.
"That's one way to put it," Kara replies, finding her stomach twisting into knots.
"I'm sorry," Lucy replies sensing Kara's discomfort. "I just haven't heard such positive things about her, but I shouldn't make judgements."
Lucy makes her way next to Kara and hesitantly reaches to cover one of her hands with her own. "I'm sorry, did I...Did I mess this up?" She looks up to her through her lashes and Kara suddenly feels...butterflies.
"What? No...Lucy, no. I'm sorry," Kara says rubbing her thumb over Lucy's hand. "I guess I'm just more tired than I thought I was but I'm not offended, I promise."
"Miss Luthor, I have those reports from China you requested," a timid Kara Danvers says setting them down on her boss' desk.
"And the stats from R&D?"
"Just emailed them to you and sent a hardcopy to your home."
Lena nods, still not having looked up from her tablet.
"Also, your mother called and asked to see you for dinner a week from tomorrow."
"Did you tell her that I have no -"
"I already told her you're unavailable and will be for the next month or so while R&D is in high gear mode."
That catches Lena's attention and she puts the tablet down making Kara sweat and not in the good way.
"You did what?"
"I um...I told your mother that you would be unavailable for the next month?"
"Are you asking or telling?" This is the Lena Luthor people have come to fear, the one with power in her voice and determination on her face.
"I'm telling, yes, I'm telling," Kara frantically nods and suddenly Lena is laughing.
"Do tell, what did that terror of a woman say after you told her that," Lena asks, her slight Irish accent slipping.
Kara lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and smiles, "She told me to put some things into some not so nice places that I feel would be too inappropriate to repeat to my boss."
Lena laughs and snorts and Kara doesn't think she's heard anything as adorable as that laugh. "Well I am terribly sorry that you had to deal with that," Lena replies.
"It was no trouble Miss Luthor."
"I'm sorry?"
"Really Kara, we've been working together for about a year now, the least you can do is call me by my first name, at least outside of office hours, don't you think?"
Kara smiles, "Very well then, Miss...Lena."
Kara and Lucy are into their third game of pool before the rest of their friends come up to call it a night.
"Oh wow, is that the time?" Kara asks as she pulls Winn's watch to her face. Kara pulls out her phone and her eyes glaze over her social media notifications and instead settles on the 5 text messages she's missed from Lena.
Lena Luthor (10:35 PM): How's your sister night going?
Lena Luthor (10:53 PM): I really hope you haven't put yourself into some sugar coma, I know your diet...
Lena Luthor (11:06 PM): So I feel really stupid for this but...I noticed Alex checked you in at Martians...Feel like coming by for a nightcap?
Lena Luthor (11:15 PM): Or not, it's totally up to you. No pressure or anything.
Kara smiles at Lena's nervousness but it's the final text that gets her.
Lena Luthor (11:27 PM): I'm sorry I've been bothering you tonight, I can tell you're busy. See you in the morning.
What could Lena mean by that? Kara racks her brain trying to figure out but Alex is calling her name and she's brought back to the present.
"Do you need a ride back or are you staying?" Alex asks.
"I can take you home," Lucy suggests and Alex gives her sister a knowing smirk.
"You sure?" Kara replies.
"Yeah, I tabbed out hours ago, I'll just go grab my jacket," Lucy smiles and heads back to the table.
"So that's going well," Alex says hip bumping Kara.
"Alex..." Kara whines but her cheeks are already flushed.
"It's a good look on you Little Danvers," Maggie chimes in. "You ready to go babe?" Alex nods, gives her sister a quick peck on the cheek and follows Maggie out of the bar
"You ready?" Lucy asks
"Let's go!"
Lucy pulls up to Kara's apartment complex and walks around to Kara's door to escort her out. She sticks her hand out and Kara graciously accepts.
"Well aren't you the sweetest," Kara smiles, looping her hand arm through Lucy's as they walk to the front.
"So I had a really great time tonight," Lucy says slightly bumping into Kara.
"I did too, I'm really glad I came out tonight."
"Me too," Kara smiles.
"Would you be opposed to doing this again sometime? Maybe just the two of us?"
"I'd love that."
"Really?" The brunette seems so surprised and Kara can't help but find it quite endearing.
"Really," Kara replies. "How about Thursday night? Dinner?"
"It's a date!" Lucy steps closer into Kara's space placing a gentle kiss on her cheek before bidding her goodnight again and walking back to her car.
When Kara makes it up to her apartment she's suddenly the furthest thing from tired as the events from that night play over in her head. With a frustrated groan she grabs her phone to text Lena back but after re-reading her messages she decides against it. After all, Lena would understand.
Kara's in the office an hour before Lena's due knowing the CEO has meeting after meeting that day. At a quarter to 8 she hears the elevators ding and the blonde is quickly waiting to the side with Lena's latte.
"Good morning, Miss Luthor," Kara greets as Lena accepts her coffee.
"Good morning, Miss Danvers," Lena replies barely looking up from her phone, her sunglasses still on. "Can you please patch Dr. Spheer through to my office?"
That has Kara stop dead in her tracks, "Dr. Jack Spheer?"
"Do you know any other Spheer's?" Lena asks entering her office. Kara quickly follows and shuts the door behind her and her assistant facade falls to the wayside.
"What do you need to speak with Jack about?"
Lena finally looks at Kara, unable to read her expression.
"He's in town, he wanted to grab drinks."
Kara's expressionless.
"Does that answer satisfy you, Kara?"
Her tone is cold and strong and Kara knows better than to push but she can't help it especially knowing of their past.
"I just, I just didn't realize you and Jack were still in contact."
"You know our history," Lena replies booting up her laptop. "Do you have any other questions for me? Perhaps you need the afternoon off given your girl's night."
She's been caught.
"I was going to tell you about that..."
"I believe Winn's Snapchat told me enough," Lena replies cooly.
"Oh for fuck's sake..." Kara mutters. "How bad was it?" Kara asks, racking her brain for anything stupid she might have done last night but finding herself unable to think of anything.
Before Lena can reply her reminder goes off reminding her of her 8 AM phone call and she can sense that Kara isn't done with their conversation but the last thing she's going to do is jeopardize her work ethic because of this.
"I'll patch Dr. Spheer to you after your call at 8," Kara replies not waiting for a reply and closing the door behind her.
Kara slumps back to her desk, patches Lena into her 8 am call and returns to checking the CEO's inbox and separating the important from the not-important. A light goes off on her desktop letting her know that her boss is off the phone and she immediately dials Jack Spheer's assistant and lets her know that Lena Luthor is on the line for him. Once she hears the phone click, she sends the call straight to Lena's office, grabs her own tablet and makes her way to the break room.
"Yo, Kara!"
"Winslow," she grits.
"Oh crap, what did I do?"
"You sent Lena Snapchats of me last night!" Kara hisses, grabbing Winn by his wrist and leading him to a less crowded area of the room.
"Was I not supposed to?" he asks wondering where he went wrong.
"Winn," she whines. "I know you and Lena are MIT buddies and all but she's still my boss," Kara says.
Winn sighs in defeat, "Okay, fine, you're right. I was just trying to show her that her sometimes nerdy assistant knows how to have fun. Besides, it wasn't bad, it was just a video of you and Lucy playing pool."
"Oh," Kara says a bit confused now as to why Lena might be upset with her. "Oh."
"Gotta go, thanks Winn," and Kara speeds back to her desk, notices that the door to her boss' office is now open and that she's off the phone. She quickly glances to her schedule, Lena has 45 minutes until her next call and she knows that she may as well get it over with. Kara knocks gently on Lena's door as to not alarm her and with a simple glance from her boss she enters her office for the second time that morning and shuts the door behind her.
"I have a meeting."
"In 45 minutes."
Lena sighs and puts her tablet down knowing whatever is about to happen isn't going to allow her to get work done at the same time.
"Will you sit with me?" Kara asks in the way that Lena can never say no, so she agrees and settles into her usual spot on the couch alongside Kara.
"You're mad at me," Kara states rather than asks. "You have every right to be mad at me but I didn't mean to lie to you. Alex and I were having a girls night and she wanted to meet up with Maggie and everyone else."
Kara pauses waiting for Lena to say something but she doesn't so she continues, "Alex also, as you know...Is aware of our...situation," Kara says picking her words wisely. "She's worried about me, she wants me to be happy she thought setting me up with someone would make me happy."
"And did it?" Lena asks with her CEO mask.
"I had fun, I'm not going to lie to you, we've never lied to each other before, I'm not going to start now."
Lena's still quiet, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten - "
"Jealous?" Kara finishes for her with a smirk.
"Don't start Kara."
"Start? I have no idea what you're talking about."
"How about you come by my place tonight? I'll draw you a bath with those salts you like, I'll cook us dinner and we'll do lots of things we're not supposed to do?"
"That sounds amazing," the brunette replies as Kara's hands work their way up Lena's skirt. "But I have a dinner."
"A dinner?" Kara asks. "I didn't see anything on your schedule."
"How about tomorrow night?" Lena asks instead.
"I have a dinner."
"A dinner?" Lena asks suddenly putting two and two together. "Ah, a dinner with Miss Lane then?"
"Careful Lena, your green is showing."
"I wasn't trying to hide it darling."
"Show me, Lena."
Without missing a beat Lena's skirt is hiked up and she's straddling her assistant.
"So Lena, not that I'm not happy to see you but I must say your call this morning was a bit out of the blue."
Brown eyes meet green ones that don't quite shine as much as they used to.
"Can't two old college friends get together from time to time?" Lena asks.
"Not when one of those college friends is Lena Luthor," Jack takes a sip of his wine. "I'm assuming this is about Biotech."
"You have assumed correct," Lena laughs. "Come on Jack, no work talk tonight, that's what tomorrow's for."
"Tomorrow...morning?" Jack asks sounding hopeful.
"You were always a charmer," Lena replies. "But no, I'm...Unavailable."
"Lena Luthor, unavailable? Since when?" Jack asks flabbergasted.
"It's nothing...serious," Lena replies taking a sip of her own wine.
"Fuck me," Jack replies. "This is Roulette all over again isn't it? Isn't it?"
Lena wasn't expecting that, no, having Jack bring up Veronica Sinclair was that last thing she expected to come out of his mouth.
"Lena, come on, we've been over this, I'm not going to say anything." There's something about Jack's accent that calms Lena, maybe it's the familiarization to her own Irish accent, something she never could quite shake, no matter how much Lillian yelled at her to mask it. It was a reminder of her mother, her real mother and Lena did all she could to hold on to that one thing she had left of her.
"I can't, I can't tell you who it is," Lena replies. "But she means a lot to me, I'm just afraid I'm not going to be able to give her what she deserves."
Lena feels like a weight is immediately lifted off of her chest and she finds Jack smiling back to her.
"What?" she says, trying to hide her smile.
"I know Lillian practically screamed the gay agenda right out of you but happiness looks good on you Lena."
"I'm inclined to agree with you," Lena replies lifting up her wine glass towards Jack. "To new beginnings?"
"To new beginnings."
"Kara! Stop hogging all of the pad thai!" Alex squeals trying to grab the carton of noodles away from her sister.
"I'm stress eating Alex, I'm stressed," Kara says through a mouthful of pad thai.
"Babe, let her be," Maggie chimes in from the kitchen bringing over three fresh beers. "Little Danvers is sad her girl's out on a date, she can stress eat all she wants."
"How did you - " Kara asks before being cut off.
"I'm a detective, I detect," Maggie replies nonchalantly.
"I thought you were going out with Lucy?" Alex asks at this new bit of news.
"I am," Kara replies.
"So why are you so hung up on Lena being out then? OUCH!" Alex exclaims after Maggie not-so-subtly digs her elbow into her girlfriend's ribs.
"Sensitivity training Danvers, use it."
Kara smiles at her sister and Maggie's interactions.
"You can't always pick Kara's side, Maggie."
"I'm picking the side I can sympathize with. If she wants to date Lucy and get her kicks in with Luthor, who's to say it's wrong?"
"Yeah, who's to say it's wrong?" Kara pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Mom worries about you," is all Alex says.
"Oh come on! You can't pull the mom card Alex!"
"I can too, it's true!"
"What am I marrying into..." Maggie mutters.
"What?" Both Danvers girls say immediately turning to face Maggie.
"I said...."
"No way Maggie Sawyer, super hearing, remember?" Kara says pointing at her ears and then she looks at her sister.
"Kara," Alex says taking her sister's hands into her own. "I wanted to tell you when mom came to town next week," she continues. "Maggie and I, we're..."
"You're engaged?" Kara asks with excitement in her voice.
Alex smiles and then looks to Maggie, "Yeah, we're going to be a family."
Kara screams and jumps onto the ottoman in front of her, "I'M GETTING ANOTHER SISTER! BEST DAY EVER!"
Maggie and Alex break out in laughs before kissing each other quickly on the lips, they share a moment where they exchange I love you's and Kara let's them have it because nothing could ruin her night after finding this out, absolutely nothing.
It isn't until Kara's in a cab on her way home, scrolling through her Twitter notifications that she realizes there is something that can ruin her night and it'll be front page of the gossip column in CatCo Magazine tomorrow morning.
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unicyclehippo · 7 years
omg can you please write a sequel/ part 2 to that supercorp fic you just posted where Lena finds out Kara is supergirl?!? It was so great but now I'm stressing that Lena doesn't react well. Only if you've got time of course :) also I love how you write supercorp in general, it's amazing and feels so on point
i have a fever & im hacking up a lung: this is, in my humble opinion, the time when my writing ability rly soars. rly comes into its strengths. rly just,,, fucjin rocks. enjoy, ur welcome :))/
kara has been waiting, and hoping - and stress eating her way through the kids menu - and more hoping, beyond the normal bounds of hope, that lena will turn up for the dinner date they’d set up before… before all that “i’m an alien blah blah specifically supergirl blah blah blah” stuff.
kara shoves her hand into her bowl of fries, pats around to find one as she checks the long row of windows and the two doors for any sign of lena. her face falls when all she encounters is the cool ceramic feeling of betrayal. and no lena.
she flags down a waiter.
“can i get another of the fries, please?”
he looks at her like he knows she’s already eaten her way through six of them. or maybe like he knows she’s been stood up. it makes her feel worse - slump back in her chair and try to keep from feeling like her heart is being crushed kind of worse - and he nods hurriedly and scurries away into the kitchen.
she pulls out her phone, taps on the second contact, aaalex.
>if after three hours someone hasn’t shown up to a dinner….
>u got stood up>or they’re dead
kara rolls her eyes. then has a minor panic because, well, lena is kind of a magnet for attempted murder. she strains her ears to listen for lena but it’s futile this close to the ground, this close to so many people.
>kara >lenas fine>dont break the restaurant or ur phone
kara blinks down at her phone.
>have you been playing with the telepath drugs
>no lol i learned my lesson. i just figured she’s the only one u have been going on dates with so…
kara glares down at her phone, taps the CALL button with furious precision.
“we aren’t dating, alex. they’re friend dates. dates between friends.”
“and also i have been on plenty of dates lately!”
“sure,” alex allows, but kara suspects she’s only half listening.
“they’re not dates,” she mutters. “but she did stand me up.”
“yeah i know. you put your "date between friends” in my calendar so i was kind of surprised when she marched herself into my office tonight. she signed everything.“ alex waits for a moment. kara says nothing, just stubbornly munches through the fries the waiter puts in front of her. she’s relieved to hear lena is actually okay, and that she signed, but it’s all overshadowed by the fact that lena isn’t here, with her, eating something kara can’t pronounce and gushing about the science she’s been working on and the way she smiles when kara orders seconds and tries to pay and alex is talking again. "not sure what kind of damage control thats worth, if any. i mean, she’s a luthor. but i told j'onn not to even think about wiping her. or, i thought it really loudly.”
kara sighs.
“as is my right as a big sister, i get to tell you you’re an idiot,” alex says, far more mildly than kara expected. or deserved, really. “so what the hell happened? i thought we’d at least talk about it before you told her.”
“it wasn’t something i could deny. maybe i could’ve,” kara mutters, “if it weren’t for my too expressive face.”
“the too expressive face,” alex agrees unhappily. “you got us in a lot of trouble with that.”
kara rolls her eyes. “sorry twelve years late?” she offers and alex hums her thanks. “plus m'gann said hi. like she knew me, you know? she didn’t know someone was with me, it’s not her fault, but yeah. lena knew. i could see it. and then we were at her place and i realised she just knew i was an al- a foreigner,” she corrects, looking around the mostly empty restaurant, “and not supergirl,”
“hold up. she let you into her place knowing you’re an alien?”
“huh, okay.”
“no, nothing. let me guess, you told her.”
“dramatic reveal and all.”
“and this was…”
“last night.” kara checks her watch, lifts her hand to get the bill. she grimaces when she sees how expensive it is to eat her way through her feelings. but hey, if she’s going all out, what’s a little more? “can i get two of your pizzas takeaway and also four brownies? please.”
the waiter looks ill at the request but kara is too upset to care that she’s eaten way too much tonight. by human standards. she could still eat.
“alex, you still there?”
“are you free tonight?”
“nope.” she pops the ‘p’ with some relish. “day off tomorrow, maggie and i are taking our bikes down the coast, remember?”
“right, right.” kara hands over her card to the waiter, signs the bill he brings over. “what do i do?”
“about lena?”
“no, about the state of affairs in, ugh i can’t be bothered,” she mutters. “yes, about lena.”
“um. well, she hasn’t tried to kill you yet so…talk to her?” kara hears her step out into an echoing room - the parking lot, she guesses, and alex’s car beeps. “hold on, i’ll switch you to my hands free,”
“no, no, it’s okay. drive safe and have fun tomorrow.”
“we will. and i love you.”
“love you too.”
“hi, jess.”
“kara!” jess smiles over at her. “late night for everyone, hmm?”
“yeah, what are you doing here? it’s midnight, you should be home.”
“i’m just finishing up some work, i have the week off from tomorrow,” she explains. “do you want to see miss luthor?”
her phone buzzes on the side and jess glances up at kara after reading the message.
“let me guess, she’s not in.” jess gives her an awkward smile and kara closes her eyes, nods. “of course,” she says quietly. “okay, well,” she swallows around the thick feeling of tears and sets the brownies on the counter. “um. these are for her. or you. have a good night bye have a fun week,” she says very quickly and almost runs back to the elevator.
it dings open in seconds and kara rushes in, leans back against the wall of it. she holds herself together as much as she can, can’t really help sniffling but she can excuse that on a cold. she stares over at the shut box doors of the elevator and knows the second she gets home she’s going flying.
she wonders if she still has her aunts suit. she doesn’t feel like reds and blues tonight, wants to fly without the expectation that comes with her suit.
the suit, alex tells her, was quarantined.
kara shoves herself into some old jeans and a deep blue sweater and jumps into the sky. when she’s higher than the tallest building, she rolls onto her back and floats, staring up at the sky.
winn is still in the DEO headquarters. she doesn’t fly down, but she hears him typing away and watching some show on his second monitor. he’s been working late a lot lately. she doesn’t know if something is wrong or if it’s more guardian business but she misses him. she’d text him an invite, or ask him about a game night, only she left her phone at home.
james is on the phone to lucy when she flies overhead and they’re over but he still sounds adoring when he speaks to her, and happy.
alex is - doing things no sister needs to hear.
lena’s voice is small and kara jerks, almost rolls into the path of a bat, before she detects the slight slight whine of a voicemail.
“i know it’s late, you’re probably asleep, i just wanted to talk and,”
kara lands with a slight thump on lena’s office balcony and lena turns. the slight stutter of her heart comes not when she sees kara’s face, but her body. or, clothes.
she ends her voicemail, steps over to unlock the door.
“hi. i wasn’t - i was flying, i heard you.”
“oh.” lena’s fingers twitch. she folds her arms. “i signed everything.”
“yeah. alex told me.”
“i apologise for missing dinner.”
kara takes a step back, shakes her head. lena looks nervous the moment she frowns and it rips at kara. she takes another step back.
“you didn’t miss it. you stood me up.” lena doesn’t say anything. “why - what does it change?” she asks. “how am i different?” she tries to keep the frustration from her voice but whatever, she’s upset that her best friend is all wonky over this, fight her about it.
“you’re supergirl.”
“if you say a luthor i’m going to scream,” kara tells her, and lena’s teeth click closed around that exact phrase. “i’ve been telling you for months that i don’t care about that.”
“that’s from before i knew,”
“but i knew!” kara cries. “i knew, and i meant it, and i still mean it, and i just want,” she stutters to a stop, lifts a hand to her eyes. she’s not wearing her glasses so she just covers them with a hand and slowly drags it away when she’s contained again. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you. i didn’t want things to change. i didn’t,” the reason, or a reason, occurs to her and she sags a little. it’s selfish but lena deserves to know. “i didn’t want you to leave me,” she tells her, in a small voice.
lena has been very quiet and still as kara spoke and now she nods. “i am sorry about tonight. sometimes, i do things like that. when someone’s upset me.” she rolls her eyes delicately. “i’ve been told it’s a defence. throw someone off balance so i feel we’re on equal terms again.” her eyes are dark, cool. “i didn’t know. that you were an alien. i keep thinking and thinking, and i keep picking out all these instances and i just,” she shakes her head. “i can’t believe i didn’t know. i don’t like that i didn’t know.”
“i’m sorry.”
lena nods. “i can’t promise everything will be as it was before.”
kara nods as well. things - this, them - have changed and nothing goes back to how it was before a shift like that. as much as something might look the same, it never is.
“but i can tell you that in a month, there is a restaurant opening. i have four tickets, i would like for you to take one.” kara blinks at her. lena doesn’t smile but she does soften, a little. “i can’t tell how this is going to go, which is freaking me out a little and in a week i’m sure i’m gong to do something drastic,” she says with an edge of warning.
“i’ll be ready,” kara promises.
“good. all i can really say is that i will still want you to be around in a months time.” kara feels herself light up at the words. they’re not 'i’m not leaving you’ or 'i’m not sending you away’ but they’re pretty damn close. “and i don’t know how i feel about this, i don’t know when I’ll figure it out, but i already miss my friend kara.” kara nods her agreement. she can feel a lena sized hole opening up inside her the longer lena speaks, making herself clear that there is going to be a distance, a time for them to figure this out. she’s sure it’ll be a good thing; she’s equally sure it’ll hurt like hell.
“tomorrow is too soon to hang out, right?” kara checks. “it’s just, alex is away and winn is busy and,” she holds up her hands, shakes her head. “no, nevermind, too soon.”
it grows a little awkward - lena thanks her for the brownies, declines when kara offers to fly her home.
but the next morning, kara opens her front door to lena’s driver, a box of cookies and a small pot of yellow flowers and a note with just a short message.
'our lives are filled with tomorrow’s. this one isn’t ours, but perhaps the next one will be. enjoy your day x’
kara tucks it between the photo frame on her bedside table and the lamp and brings the flower pot with her to the couch. she sets up her next season and pulls the pot into her lap, wraps an arm around it. she pats the pot fondly, sends a photo of herself with it to lena, and settles in.
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supergirl-imagines · 7 years
Lena Luthor/you fic pt. 22
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“Rise and shine!” Your eyes cracked open at the sound of Kara’s voice, far too cheery and loud in your ears.  One of the first things you realized was that you weren’t seeing your surroundings, you were seeing through them.  Sitting up, you blinked a few times in an attempt to adjust, only to have a pair of glasses slid onto your face.  As soon as the frames settled against your features, your vision returned to a crystal clear ‘normal’. “Thanks,” you croaked tiredly.  Kara placed a warm cup of coffee in your hands and sat down next to you on the bed. “How did you sleep?” “Like a rock, so why did you wake me up?” “Cause its day 1 of training!  Also, I brought doughnuts, because one of the best things about being a Kryptonian is that you don’t have to watch what you eat.” The beaming blonde produced a box from behind her and opened it up to give you first choice.  Considering you hadn’t eaten since lunch on the day Lillian took you, your stomach growled and you reached for one of the glazed treats.  You stifled a yawn before dipping it into your coffee and taking a bite. “Jesus,” you mumbled with a mouthful of doughnut, “why does this taste so good?” “Another perk; all of your senses are enhanced.  That includes taste.” “And the downside is I could accidentally kill someone by sneezing.” “Yes,” Kara admitted begrudgingly, “but that’s why we’re training; so that your sneezes don’t kill anyone.” “You’re not going to make me wear a cape and run around the city, right?  Like, I get that it’s your thing and I respect it, but it’s not really up my ally.” “No, no,” Kara laughed and sipped at her own coffee, “you don’t have to be a hero.  As soon as you finish learning to control yourself, you’re free to do whatever you want.” “Alright, good.  How, um, how’s Lena doing?” “Well, I had Winn set her up a little office so that she could keep herself busy with work things.  She didn’t have much to say this morning, but at least she’s got something to distract herself during the day, right?” “Right,” you nodded half-heartedly, “and what about Lillian?  Any sign of her yet?” “Actually, yes.” Her answer surprised you and you stayed silent, waiting for her to elaborate. “Alex’s team has been surveying all known CADMUS bases and believe her to be in one of them.  It’s heavily armed, but they’re planning a strike for tonight.” “To kill her?” You failed to hide the hope in your voice, but Kara pretended not to notice. “Not unless they have to.  Their main objective is to capture her and bring her back to the DEO for containment.” “You want to bring her here.” “There are some of the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals locked up in this facility and you can’t even tell.  This place is far more secure than any prison out there.” “You guys got a death penalty around here?” “Y/N, I know Lillian has hurt you and Lena in more ways than I could imagine,” Kara sighed, “but as horrible as she is, we’re not going to hurt her.  But, she will spend the rest of her life rotting away in here, so there’s that.” “Fine,” you relented and gave up on your need for revenge, at least for the time being.  “So, should we get this over with?” “Not exactly the attitude I was looking for, but sure!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m still in charge, Jess,” Lena assured her assistant once again, phone balanced between her cheek and her shoulder.  “But, I need to take some time and I trust Randall more than anybody to fill in for me.  I still want bi-weekly reports from you and if you think anything is being done in a way that I wouldn’t approve of, call me and I’ll set it straight.” The dark-haired woman glanced at the door to her temporary residence as Alex Danvers poked her head in.   “I need to go; I’ll speak to you soon,” Lena sighed and hung up the phone before Jessica could blurt out any other questions.  She wasted no time in fearing the worse as she looked at Alex either.  “Has something happened?” “No, no, everything’s alright,” Alex assured her quickly.  “I just wanted to know if you’d like to take a walk and maybe take a peek in at the training rooms?” “Is she in there?” “Oh,” Alex’s eyes widened when she realized how things had been interpreted and chewed the inside of her cheek, “I didn’t mean actually go in.  I’m sorry.  We just have viewing platforms that look into the training rooms.” “I understand.”  Lena hid her slight disappointment well and stood from the desk.  “Is there any word on my mother—Lillian,” she corrected herself and flinched slightly.  The two women entered the hallway as Alex started to reply. “That’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about; my team and I have traced her to one of the CADMUS headquarters.  We’re planning to strike tonight.” “And if you find her?” “We’re going to lock her up in one of the cells we usually reserve for alien fugitives.  We aren’t taking any chances of her escaping.” “Good.”  Lena pursed her lips and followed Alex into a stairwell and the two embarked upwards. “Do you mind if I share something personal?” Alex asked as they continued their ascent.  Lena nodded a little uncertainly.  She wasn’t quite sure what the older woman was about to share or why she was sharing it. “I underwent something similar to what happened with Y/N a while ago.  Fugitives from Kara’s home planet devised this mind-control program called Myriad, and they used it to force me to try to hurt Kara.” “How were you supposed to hurt someone with Kara’s abilities?” Lena frowned. “I had a bionic exoskeleton and the Kryptonite saber I used to kill Kara’s aunt.” “Oh,” Lena replied softly.   “I know the situation was different, but I remember how awful I felt inside during that fight.  And how terrifying it was to have no control over myself.” “I can’t imagine.” For a second, Lena felt the prickle of tears in her eyes.  The dark-haired woman was quick to blink them away. “But, I was able to move past it.  So was Kara.  I know that once Y/N gets a hand on her powers, you two will move on too.” “Thank you, Alex,” Lena said sincerely as Alex opened a door at the top of the stairs.   “No problem.  If you ever want me to try talking to her about it, just let me know.” “That’s probably a good idea.  She…she’s going to blame herself no matter what we tell her, though.” “It’ll be hard for a while,” Alex admitted as they entered a simple room with a table and several chairs.  Once she flicked what appeared to be a light-switch, several panels on the wall slid up to reveal thick panes of glass.  “One-way glass,” she explained.  Lena walked up to the windows and peered down into the large chamber below. ----------------------------------------------------------- “As long as you can control your temper, you can control your powers,” Kara started off, taking on an authoritative tone in her voice.  “When I came to Earth, the hardest thing for me was keeping my vision normal, but the glasses fixed that.” “What about the heat vision and steel-bending strength?” Kara rolled her eyes at the sarcasm in your voice, but reminded herself to be patient. “Like I said; temper,” she replied.  “Pick up that egg.” You had wondered why there was an egg sitting among the other various objects on the steel table between the two of you.  Unsure of where Kara was going with this, you reached out and picked up the smooth piece of food as delicately as you could.  Relief flooded through your chest as you realized you weren’t crushing it by accident. “Go ahead and squeeze it a little—no more than if you had just tripped and were afraid of dropping it.” Hesitantly, you tightened your grip.  The egg still didn’t break. “Doesn’t even feel like you have powers, does it?” Kara asked.  She watched as you examined your hand and shook your head.  Then, the blonde hopped the table in a split second and shoved you. “What the hell?” you frowned, regaining your balance.  The egg in your first was quickly forgotten as her hands made contact with your chest again and pushed.  “Kara, knock it off.” She closed the distance and rammed into you again.   Before Kara could shove you another time, there was a quiet crunch and your hand was suddenly wet.  The blonde stopped her advances and you looked down. The egg wasn’t just broken.  Its shell had all but disintegrated and the yolk had shot in streams between your fingers, staining the floor several meters away.   “If that had been someone’s hand, you would have crushed every bone in it,” Kara informed you softly.  Your heart raced at the idea of it having been Lena’s.   Kara turned around and went back to the table; handing you a paper towel after reaching it.  You wiped off your hand and tried to slow your own pulse. “So how do you do it?  How do you keep from hurting people?” “I learn to let things go.  I take deep breaths.  I count to ten,” Kara sounded almost thoughtful as she spoke, “and I pay attention to my body.” “You’ve had what, over a decade to practice?  I’m going to be dangerous for years.” “Hey, that’s not true,” Kara reassured you quickly.  “I’m going to help you through this, and so is Lena.  Take off your glasses.” “What?” “Here,” she reached over and slid them down the bridge of your nose, then pointed towards a seemingly blank wall on the far side of the huge room.  You squinted uncertainly at the surface and suddenly, you were squinting through it.  Lena was on the other side with Kara’s sister.  You froze. --------------------------------------------------------- Lena felt her pulse quicken as you appeared to look right at her.  A few moments later, Alex spoke and confirmed her suspicions. “I’m pretty sure they’re looking at us.” The entire “training” session up until this point had left Lena relatively confused; the egg and the shoving didn’t seem to make any sense at all.  But now that you were looking up towards her over the top of your glasses, her confusion changed to anxiety, and then sadness.  She wondered when she’d ever even be able to touch you again. Boom.  Sadness.  Life is hard.  Lillian mission and maybe a reunion next time.  Let me know what ya think!
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Prompt from @goteamsuprcorp -- “do you think your write a fic were Kara and Lena have a hurt/comfort moment after Man-Hell is yeeted… and kiss” and @ohhsoadorkable -- “Also, Lena feeling guilty for hurting Kara after Mon-El gets yeeted. Cause we all know bb is too precious and will feel bad for hurting the love if her life” and “Someone actually praising Lena for helping them getting rid of the daxamites ?!?!? Pretty bb deserves a thank you !”
She tells herself she’s not being selfish.
That Kara is in need of comfort. That she is Kara’s best friend.
Aside from her sister, of course.
Which is why Lena is setting out for Alex’s apartment.
Because she knows her best friend. And she knows that’s where she’ll be. To lick her wounds. To heal. To be held close by someone who loves her in the ashes of dead Daxamites.
To be held close by someone who needs her after someone she thought she needed had to... leave.
She tells herself she’s not being selfish -- that she’s seeking to hold, not be held, to offer comfort, not seek it -- and she tells herself that Kara would be the first person to offer her comfort, even when in dire pain herself.
She tells herself she is not taking advantage of Kara’s goodness. 
She tells herself that she is not her mother, is not Rhea.
She paces and she rings her hands and she breathes deep, deep, slow, and she knocks on Alex Danvers’s apartment door.
It’s late -- so late that it’s actually, technically, early -- but there’s a light on under the door, and there’s immediate movement inside at the sound of her knock. Lena gulps and stiffens and prays she won’t regret this.
The detective who’d arrested her -- the detective that Kara was coming to accept, coming to like, coming, even to love, who was dating her sister, who was turning her sister into a tremendous puddle of mush -- answers the door, wearing boxers and a t-shirt so oversized on her that Lena refuses to believe it’s hers.
“Thank you for what you did,” is the first thing the woman says, and Lena is nothing if not surprised. Shocked, even.
“You and Winn. You two saved the planet. And before you worry about blood on your hands, don’t -- Rhea was killed, and so were some of the Daxamites who were on the surface, but most of them transported up and took their ships out of orbit in time. So they can’t come back, but their species... It’s not dead. Okay?”
Maggie says all of this softly, soothingly, leaning slightly forward into Lena’s ear, and Lena doesn’t know the last time -- outside of Kara, or Supergirl -- that she felt this... heard. Without even having to say anything.
“Babe, who is it?” Alex calls, because apparently Kara is too exhausted, too pained, too agonized, to strain herself with her x-ray vision.
“A friend,” Maggie steps back and gestures Lena inside, and Kara stirs from the blanket Alex has her wrapped in. Stirs from the arms Alex has her wrapped in.
“Lena,” she croaks, and Lena holds out her hands.
“No, no, Kara, no need to get up, I just... I wanted to see if you’re alright. I heard... I heard you’ve suffered a loss.”
She doesn’t give details, and when something flashes across Kara’s eyes -- a classic but vague does-she-know panic -- she holds back both a sob and a chuckle.
Now isn’t quite the time.
“I’ll be alright,” she murmurs, and Lena holds out the bag she’d carried over.
“Your favorite place for potstickers in all of National City is still open for business, you know. Something about people needing good food and good company in times like this.” 
She glances around at the empty pizza boxes and potsticker containers.
“It seems you already knew that, but more can’t hurt, can they?” she asks, almost timidly, and Alex smiles as she stares up at this woman who can save the world, over and over and over, while her own mother is trying to destroy it, but who is so, so, so gentle with her little sister.
“Potstickers can never hurt,” Kara murmurs as she unwraps her arms from the blankets and reaches for the potstickers gratefully. Alex and Lena exchange a soft laugh.
“Well, I’ll just leave you three to it then,” she says, and she starts to head out the door.
“Lena, wait!” Kara is on her feet by the time Lena turns her head.
“We can share these. At my place. If you want. Alex and Maggie have a lot of... processing to do, and we can do the same. Processing, I mean. Processing, as friends. You... Rhea hurt you, and I want to be there for you, too.”
Lena shakes her head -- she is not selfish, she is not selfish, she is not selfish -- but Kara knows better.
She strides across the room and reaches for Lena’s hands with one of hers, both of them oblivious to Alex and Maggie’s wide-eyed glance.
“You’re allowed to need someone, too, Lena. Just because I’m hurting doesn’t mean I can’t be there for you, too. We can be here for each other.”
“I...” She fights tears and she reminds herself that she is not, perhaps, worthless. “I don’t want to take you from your sister and -- “
“Alex? Do you mind? If I go with Lena?”
Alex suppresses a knowing grin and shakes her head.
“I love you,” she pulls her into her, close and warm and very slightly needy.
“I love you, too,” Kara reminds her, giving Maggie a squeeze, too, before setting out the door with Lena.
They don’t speak much on the walk back to Kara’s apartment.
The walk back through war-torn streets and downed electrical lines.
They don’t speak much as they go through Kara’s apartment, powerless, lighting candles and pouring wine.
Kara takes everything that can spoil out of the fridge and freezer and piles it onto the table.
“Who knows how long the power will be out?” she offers by way of explanation, and Lena suppresses the urge to kiss the redness from her eyes.
They don’t speak much as they plow their way through ice cream and yogurt and potstickers.
They don’t speak much until Kara lets herself break.
“Everything I do, everything I try, it just... he made me feel connected to my... my parents, my family, my history, you know? My people.”
She’s either too grieved to notice her slight slip, or she trusts Lena too much to care.
Or a little bit of both.
“You haven’t lost them all over again, you know,” Lena says in a small, small voice. “Your parents. Your people and your history. If anything, Kara Danvers, you’ve honored them.”
Kara furrows her brow and adjusts her glasses and shakes her head, and Lena hesitates slightly before tucking a few strands of loose hair behind Kara’s ear. Kara freezes and meets her eyes with an intensity borne of months of unspoken feelings, months of repressed need.
“I don’t feel like I’ve honored much of anything lately,” Kara sighs, and Lena nods and chuckles slightly.
“Neither do I. You know I was actually foolish enough to let Rhea manipulate me so baldly? I walked right into every single thing she had planned for me. When Supergirl said she’d fight her...” She looks at Kara significantly, and she thinks she sees a spark of unspoken acknowledgment there. “I know it’s ridiculous -- she was fighting for the whole planet -- but it also felt... like she was fighting for me.”
“You deserve that, Lena,” Kara tells her, her voice barely above a whisper. Her voice barely distinct from a prayer. “Someone to fight for you. You deserve that.”
“Kara,” Lena swallows, and Kara silences her with a slight shake of the head. 
Slowly, steadily, eyes a burning, chaotic storm, she takes her glasses off of her face. Lena inhales slowly, steadily, eyes a beacon, chaotic clarity.
“I’d like to kiss you, Lena. Can I?” Kara asks, and Lena lets her body respond.
It’s soft and it’s tentative, because it doesn’t matter what Kara might think she wants tonight -- in love with him or not, even liked him or not, she cared for him, cares for him, and Kara Danvers, Supergirl, her best friend, deserves better than mourning sex -- soft and tenative is all it’s going to be tonight.
When their lips part and Lena’s heart starts beating again, her eyes stay closed. When she opens them, Kara is looking at her like she’s a work of art, like she’s a miracle.
Like she’s hope.
“Was that alright?” Kara wants to know, and Lena’s smile is as warm as her fingers on the underside of Kara’s wrist.
“That was perfect,” she whispers, and when she reaches across the table for a spoon, Kara giggles softly, because maybe there is hope after all.
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supertworld · 7 years
Hogwarts AU
So it’s officially (just barely) Sunday here in the Eastern time zone. Which means Sanvers Week is officially over....  but @queercapwriting I did the thing. My Hogwarts AU is finished. Don’t know how good it is guys, but I’m proud of myself for finishing it.  This features NB Maggie, because I mean why not? ;) and Alex and maybe other characters (it’s late and I can’t remember) use incorrect pronouns... but only before they know that Maggie is NB and not maliciously.  Without further ado, on with the fic :)  ******** “So Winn… blown up any more potions lately?” Alex asks with a smirk as she sets the latest round of butterbeers down on the table.
 It was their first weekend in Hogsmeade and Alex, Kara, and Winn had started their day off catching up and enjoying some butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. “Oh come on Alex! It was one time!!” Winn exclaims indignantly. “I mean… He and James are in the same house, which means classes together. He can’t help but get distracted.” Kara says, the picture of innocence.
 “What??? I…. no… I don’t… but…really, we’re just friends guys” Winn rambles.  He starts fidgeting with his hands while a blush rose up onto his cheeks. “Okay, so maybe he’s not so bad to look at”
 Alex grins at Winn’s cute stammering and casts another stealthy glance at the Ravenclaw across the room. She can’t help it, even in her hand me down robes the girl was breathtaking. But also intriguing, because transfer students were rare… but mid-year transfer students were unheard of. And being that Alex hadn’t seen her around, she must be very new. Alex could understand not noticing her in class, because she focused on her work and didn’t have time for much else. She could even see herself not catching sight of her at meal times… because the great hall could get chaotic. But there is no way that they could be this far into the school year and have not run into each other in the common room.
 “Speaking of looking at people… Come on Alex. You’ve been watching that Ravenclaw since we got here. Just go over and say hi. You know you want to.” Kara says giving Alex a gentle shove.
 “What?? I… I wasn’t… Pfft.. What even. I totally wasn’t watching. And I mean even if I was, which I totally wasn’t. I couldn’t go over. I mean she’d just be mad that I interrupted. She looks busy reading, she’s not going to want to talk to me…” Alex trails off finally running out of steam.
 “Well clearly the cute babbling runs in the family, even if you two aren’t related by blood. And on that note I promised James and Vasquez we’d stop by Weasley Wizard Wheezes and see what’s new, I’ll see you guys later!” Quickly straightening his black and yellow tie, he makes a run for the door before Alex could process what he’d said.
 “Hey!” She shouts, half raising out of her seat before slumping back down as he was already through the door.
 “I promised to meet up with Lena so she can help me with my potions homework, but seriously you should go over and talk to her.”  With a quick hug, Kara walks away and Alex goes back to … who is she kidding, Alex goes back to watching the mysterious Ravenclaw.
 “Excuse me.” Kara says trying to get the waitress’ attention as she makes her way by the bar on her way out. When the waitress looks up she slips a gold galeon across to her.
 “Could you do me a favor? Bring a butterbeer over to the little Ravenclaw in the corner and say it’s from the Ravenclaw at that table over there pretending not to moon over her?”
 At the waitress’ nod Kara heads out the door with a smirk… sometimes her sister just needed a helpful shove.
 “Excuse me, I just wanted to say thank you for the butterbeer. It was really kind of you to send it over”
 Alex looked up to see the Ravenclaw she had been watching all day standing in front of her table. Words...she needed words… she was good at words, why wouldn’t the words come. “What butterbeer… I didn’t… Kara!” Alex exclaims. The girl looks at them awkwardly and then turns to go. “No, wait! I’m sorry, would you like to join me?” Alex gestures to the chair that Kara had recently vacated.
 “Thanks, I’d love to. Maggie Sawyer by the way.” The girl says as she takes a seat.
 “Alex Danvers. Sorry about before.” Alex says sheepishly. “I don’t usually make outbursts like that… it’s just the drink must have been my sister Kara’s doing… she’s always meddling… I mean not that there’s anything to meddle in. Nope, nothing to meddle in at all.” As Alex stopped rambling she started blushing.
 “Well Danvers, I’m kind of glad your sister meddled. I’ve been meaning to introduce myself since the beginning of the year. But whenever we’re in class you’re always so focused on the work that I didn’t want to interrupt you… and any other time you’re surrounded by Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins. It’s a bit intimidating.” Maggie said with a shrug.
 “Just a second. You’ve been here since the start of term? But that’s impossible. How have I not run into you in the common room?” Alex asks, getting a crinkle on her forehead and looking like she’s trying to figure out how a very difficult spell works.
 “Oh that’s easy. I’m non-binary… and well the castle doesn’t quite know what to do with that. When I came to meet with Headmistress McGonagall before the start of term to be sorted into a house and all of that, we went to the Ravenclaw dorms to see about where to put me. Well we tried the female dorms… and that lead to the stairs becoming all confused and not knowing whether to turn into a slide or stay stairs, the result wasn’t safe to climb. We tried the boys dorms with the same results. It’s happened a time or two with various students and so they have a room or two in another area of the castle with no stairs. I’m not barred from the common room or anything… but I’ve just never had reason to venture over there.” Maggie finishes speaking. Their looking at Alex with a mix of challenge and fear. Daring Alex to say anything negative, but at the same time afraid that she will. As fate would have it this is the moment that Vasquez walks up to Alex.
 “Hey Danvers, so I see you’ve met my roomie.” They say gesturing towards Maggie with a grin on their face.
 “That I have Vasquez… But I thought you were living in the Gryffindor dorms?” Alex asks confused.
 “Nope… Well I mean yeah, I was. Worked great, Lucy and I had a blast hanging out in the common room. Then Kara got sorted into Gryffindor and I mean someone had to keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble when you couldn’t. But then about halfway through last year I figured out I was genderqueer… and well the castle didn’t quite know what to do with that. Let me tell you it’s not fun never knowing if the stairs will let you up to your room or turn into a slide at any moment. So I talked to Professor M’orzz, and she helped me talk to Headmistress McGonagall. The end result was a room of my own, which was just fine. And now I’ve got an awesome roommate. But speaking of Lucy, I left her with James and Winn while I came back to get more butterbeer… and who knows what kind of trouble they’re getting into, so I better get back there. See you both later!” And with that Vasquez was off and out the door, Alex shaking her head at their constant energy.
 “So you room with Vasquez? That’s good. They’re pretty chill most of the time… hopefully their pranks stay away from the dorm though. Oh, what pronouns do you use?” Alex asks, because she had noticed how Maggie seemed to relax when she used Vasquez pronouns.
 “I use they/them/theirs, thanks for asking. And rooming with Vasquez has been great. They haven’t let their pranks make it into our dorm at all. But honestly, even if they did it would still be way better than where I was last year. Beauxbatons was great, until a girl I thought was a friend took it upon herself to out me to the whole student body. At first I tried to just ignore it… but by the end of last year it was getting to the point where the pranks and bullying were becoming dangerous. My aunt found out what was going on and we relocated and now here I am at Hogwarts… But enough about all that, what did you think about Professor M’orzz last Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson? What do you think she’ll show us next?”
 And just like that they moved on to lighter subjects. Both the conversation and the butterbeer flowed all afternoon, and Alex found herself knowing that she would defend this wonderful person against anyone who would dare try and hurt her. “Oh well look who we have here.” A voice broke into their conversation, and Alex looked up to see Mon-el trailed by his Slytherin cohorts Maxwell Lord, and Siobhan Smythe. “You know Danvers, you should really watch who you hang around with, you hang around with filthy little mudbloods and it might just rub off on you...and that’d be a shame.”
 Siobhan and Maxwell snickered. Maggie made to get up and have a go at all three of them, but calmed momentarily as Alex put a hand on her shoulder and leaned in and whispered “Not now Sawyer, you’re drunk and we’re outnumbered.” Just as Alex was about to have a go at them a voice from behind her made her turn.
 “Mon-el, Maxwell, Siobhan… well I can’t say I’m surprised, but you should all be ashamed of yourselves. You should all know better than to use such an ugly word! There was a time when such behaviour would have been expected from someone from our great house, but not anymore. That is not how Slytherins act.” As Sara Lance said this, she stormed up, staring each of them in the eye just daring them to say or do anything. “Now Alex, I know you want nothing more than to teach these three a lesson… but if you go at them here Professor J’onzz is likely to walk in and you don’t want to risk losing points for Ravenclaw or getting yourself suspended from the Quidditch team.”
 “I’d actually risk it,” Alex says, staring daggers at the three would-be bullies. “But I have a feeling you have a better idea, so let’s hear it.”
 “Oh you know me so well Danvers.” Sara says with a smirk. “While I’d love nothing more than for these three to get caught and finally get what they deserve, in the interest of neither of our houses losing points… I propose a duel. Twenty minutes, in front of the shrieking shack. That way we should avoid the professors. Alex will duel Mon-el, you can choose two people as your seconds to ensure a fair duel as we both know Mon-el will have Smythe and Lord with him.”
 “Alex, you don’t have to do this. I can take care of myself.” Maggie says, a little unsteady on their feet as they make their way toward the shrieking shack. Alex reaches out and gently steadies them.
 “Sawyer, I have no doubt that you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. I also know that you are under the influence of the butterbeer and dueling while drunk is a good way to get hurt, especially with those three. I wouldn’t trust them not to fight dirty. This isn’t the first time these three have tried to pull crap like this, so I’m happy to teach them a lesson. That’s what friends are for.”
 It was supposed to be just the eight of them...Sara, Maggie, Mon-el, Max, Siobhan, Alex, Vasquez, and Kara. Winn had wanted to be one of Alex second’s, but Alex had pointed out that he had been having trouble with his wand recently and the last thing they needed was a wayward spell. But at Hogwarts nothing stayed a secret for long, so as they reached the shack they found not only both groups and Sara, but Lucy, Lena, James and a good chunk of the students who had come to Hogsmeade that day.
 “Today we will be having a duel,” Sara stepped into the clearing in the middle of the crowd as Alex and Mon-el took up position across from each other. “You will use disarming spells only! On the count of three you will use your spell. The person who disarms the other first wins.”
 “Also,” She says as she points her wand at Lord and Smythe. “Any funny business and I’ll make sure you’re coughing up slugs for a week. Now 1...2...3!”
 As Alex hears three, she raises her wand and casts Expeliarmus. It hits its mark and Mon-el goes flying. Maggie smiles at her, and the crowd cheers. The professors never find out about what happened at the Shrieking Shack that afternoon….or if they do, they never do anything about it. The story of how Alex Danvers defended Maggie Sawyer against the three Slytherin bullies becomes the stuff of legends… A story told to first years as both a warning and a promise. A warning that bullying will not be tolerated, and a promise that if you find yourself being bullied there will be plenty willing to defend you. If you’re really lucky you might even find the great Auror Alex Danvers showing up to defend you.
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