#ALSO I'm so bad at figuring out what's shipping and what's ambiguous enough it is a constant struggle I'm just putting everything together
triplehearts · 2 years
Pinned go brr
Hello, you can call me Makkz or Rinni! My pronouns are she/her and I am an adult. Here are some blog rules n other stuff!
If you’re don’t want to see hermitshipping/trafficshipping please mute the tags PLUS #scarian! (<- I use this for reblogs bc I don’t really ship other pairs that often and it’s easier than trying to differentiate hermitcraft vs life series duo art)
My art can be used as icons, covers, put in edits, and other personal use with proper crediting, but PLEASE ASK if it’s explicitly shippy art (aka, I didn’t maintag it). 
Do not repost my art by itself on any platform (even with credit)
If you see art I’ve posted on twitter posted on here with a shipping tag, you don’t have to see it that way!! With ambiguous pieces I do that intentionally bc I equally love the qpr and romantic interpretations of their dynamic a lot. I mostly tag to be cautious, or if I see a lot of people tagging it as ship afterwards.
I only ship the characters/personas, not the cc’s. Obligatory disclaimer but it hopefully won’t need be repeated!
Main/multifandom blog: @rinnisome (i reblog here a lot more, if you see me in your notes i’m sorry)
Twitter: @sometimesmakkz (more active here!!)
Instagram: @versalatte​ (it exists)
Header art: @fishbloc (<333)
Art: #my art
Text: #rambles
Cool fics (rbs): #writing
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your visit <333
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elwynnie101 · 8 months
OFMD Finale Spoilers
I've had to think about this for a few hours, literally slept on it, and I've finally come to my conclusion on how I feel about the Finale.
(I am not going to be discussing the representation of disability as I simply just do not have the ground to stand on for that it is not my place, I will just be coming from someone who's done film and media studies.)
I would have been okay with Izzys' death, if Ed deserved it.
Don't get me wrong, I love and adore Ed deeply, but he simply hasn't progressed enough as a character for Izzy to have this 'mentor death' as David Jenkins wanted it to be. Yes, Ed has grown as a character, from the persona of The Kraken, to who he is now is a big distance, but just as Lucius called out, he hasn't actually apologised for what he's done. I don't think his brief 'Sorry about your leg' was enough for the weight of what he and Izzy did to each other. And again, I understand their relationship isn't very emotionally open, but part of both of their character arcs was accepting the love of others and growing as people.
(also the other characters reactions felt so out of place? We had just gone through so many episodes of the crew caring for Izzy, making him the ships figure-head, to just have only Ed be near him in his final moments? Not even Fang or Jim?)
I think if Izzys' life was left ambiguous, if Ed and Stede had decided to separate from the Crew when Izzy was in critical condition, I think that would have given Ed the chance to reflect on his and Izzys' relationship now that he isn't in the homicidal-suicidal headspace like in episode 2. He has Stede now to be able to help him grow as a person (and Stede can tell him what happened to him with Chauncey and his insecurities, then they can both grow, don't want anyone to think I think Stede isn't guiltless, he has a lot he needs to apologise for and talk about), no longer at sea with the reputation of Blackbeard to smother him, and I would have been happy with that ending.
It leaves room for a third season, with the narrative theme still that Ed and Stede aren't perfect people and need to work on themselves and their relationship. I would have been happier with that ending, I know it isn't perfect but if the verdict was to kill of Izzy anyway, at least he would have been with the crew that truly cares about him, and Ed would have had to face the reality of his actions in a clearer headspace.
(Also I just feel so bad for Con, to have this character that obviously meant so much to him, to have him killed off in such a rushed and honestly anti-climatic way)
I'm also just appalled at Izzys' character at the very end, after all of his growth, being chalked up to just being the dark side of the Blackbeard persona and 'needed' to die to free Ed from that. And this is coming from a Season 1 Izzy suffering enjoyer (in the sense of him being a rabid chihuahua type, not the toe cutting and eating).
I fully get that with HBO Maxs' budget cuts and episode constriction this season wasn't going to be what the writers wanted, but in the end to me it felt like when you write big lettering in pen, starting off fine and even and then everything gets messy and crushed at the end. I honestly now just want a season 3 to just see where the fuck do they go from here? I legitimately just don't know what they can do.
I want to love this episode, everything until Izzys' death was fine, a bit rushed but I had come to expect that from the last 2 episodes, but then after that it was so rushed that it didn't even make sense to me narratively. It's now just left a bitter taste in my mouth for those last 3 episodes, and almost this whole season, it was going so well :(
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princesssarisa · 2 years
For the character ask: Elphaba and Glinda (Wicked)
Well, I'm not deeply familiar with this show, just casually familiar, but here goes. Musical only, because I haven't read the book.
Favorite thing about them: I admire her for standing up against injustice and fighting to free others from oppression, even if it means being labeled a "wicked witch" by all of Oz and risking her life. Beyond that, I like how relatable she is, both in her anger and in her vulnerability and yearning for love, to anyone who feels different or cast out. For a wide array of reasons – race, neurodivergence, sexuality, gender identity, political stance – countless people identify with her and feel validated because she exists. This makes her a valuable character for much the same reason as her spiritual sister (and sound-alike) Elsa from Frozen. It's probably the main reason why the trend of "famous villain reimagined as an outcast hero or heroine" has become so popular throughout the last two decades – a trend that as far as I know, Elphaba single-handedly started.
Least favorite thing about them: I hate the catfight scene with Glinda after Nessarose's death, although I blame Glinda more for it – at least Elphaba's anger is righteous and not jealousy-based. Morally, though, the worst thing she does is imprison Dorothy.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I often feel like an outsider.
*I'm outraged by social injustice and do what I can to help the marginalized.
*I have a temper that I try to control, though fortunately mine doesn't cause magical mishaps.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not brave enough to become the most hated and feared outlaw in my country in the name of fighting for justice.
*I don't pretend not to care what others think of me.
*I don't have green skin.
Favorite line: The lyrics to "The Wizard and I," "Defying Gravity," and "No Good Deed."
brOTP: In-universe, Glinda. In crossover-land, I'd also love to see her meet Elsa from Frozen and Angelina Jolie's Maleficent (both of whom arguably owe their existence to her), and maybe Enjolras from Les Misérables, since he's a fellow revolutionary – there's a funny fan comic that shows them getting drunk together at a slumber party for musical characters.
OTP: Fiyero. (Yes, I know that for some fans it's sacrilege not to ship her with Glinda, but I just like her better with Fiyero romantically, and besides, if we don't believe she really loves him, then the emotional power of "No Good Deed" and the sweet part of the bittersweet ending both fall flat.)
nOTP: The Wizard, even if he weren't her father.
Random headcanon: Someday she'll learn that the Wizard was her real father, and she'll be shaken by the revelation, but ultimately it will matter less to her than it does to him. He was just a sperm donor.
Unpopular opinion: Two of them.
(1) I think some fans – and maybe the libretto itself – view her too much as a "morally ambiguous" character. "She's neither a good guy nor a bad guy," they say, "there are two sides to every story." But IMHO, the real morally ambiguous figure in this show is Glinda. Elphaba is never perfect, it's true, but she's a straightforward sympathetic heroine until the 11th hour, when she only temporarily turns "bad" because she's emotionally broken. For the most part, she is a good guy.
(2) She's not a lesbian, she's bisexual. While she might have some unspoken feelings beyond friendship for Glinda, she truly is in love with Fiyero (see OTP above).
Song I associate with them: All her solos, but especially the iconic "Defying Gravity":
Favorite pictures of them:
Idina Menzel:
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Eden Espinosa:
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Rachel Tucker:
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Dee Roscioli:
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Jackie Burns:
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Willemijn Verkaik (also the Dutch voice and German singing voice of Elsa in Frozen, reinforcing the Elphaba/Elsa spiritual kinship):
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Mary Kate Morrissey:
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Favorite thing about them: Her sheer three-dimensionality and growth as a character. Of course she's not the purely good, fairy-like Glinda from The Wizard of Oz, but neither is she the shallow, bubble-headed "mean girl" she seems to be at first. She's probably the most complex character in the musical. I think she's very comparable to the King in The King and I, her relationship with Elphaba corresponding to his with Anna. Like him, she's funny and she sometimes seems like a silly, spoiled jerk, but she has real warmth, cleverness, and sympathetic qualities too, and is torn between a flawed status quo and risky changes, as well as between her conscience and her ego, while navigating a position of power. This is rare for a female character, especially an unabashedly girly one.
Least favorite thing about them: That she turns against Elphaba and tries to get her captured by the Wizard, taking advantage of her sister's death to do it no less, just because she's angry that Fiyero left her for Elphaba. Yes, she regrets it and they have their heartwarming reconciliation in the end, but it's still very bad.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like pastel colors like pink and pale blue.
*I'm not always brave enough to stand up for what I know is right.
*I can be very lively and exuberant about things I enjoy.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've always been an "odd one out," not part of the popular crowd.
*I don't tend to be cutesy or flirty.
*I can't imagine myself becoming a political leader.
Favorite line: Most of her solo lines from "Thank Goodness," showing her inner conflict under her happy facade.
brOTP: Elphaba.
OTP: None. I know this is unpopular among fans who ship her with Elphaba, but I ship her first and foremost with personal growth.
nOTP: Fiyero or the Wizard.
Random headcanon: Someday she'll meet Elphaba and Fiyero again. I don't know the details, but it will be an exciting sequel, and even if they part again in the end, she at least won't need to live the rest of her life thinking they died because of her.
Unpopular opinion: I can't agree when I see people write about what a wonderful friend to Elphaba she is, how she's the best person in Elphaba's life, or how she's actually wiser than Elphaba because she knows that to achieve anything socio-politically you need to be liked. While of course she's more sympathetic than she seems at first, she's still deeply flawed both as a person and as a friend – that's part of the point – and while it's true that she, not Elphaba, is the one who frees Oz from the Wizard's rule in the end, she never would have done it without being "changed for good" by Elphaba.
Song I associate with them: All her songs, but especially "Popular":
Favorite pictures of them:
Kristin Chenoweth:
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Megan Hilty:
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Kendra Kassebaum
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Gina Beck
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Erin Mackey:
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Sophie Evans:
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Brittney Johnson (the first black Glinda):
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
That would be genius. Kazuichi as an abuse victim definitely seems like to fawn over someone who is in leader position because well his dad was the "leader" of his home.
And I absolutely despise one thing: They don't develop his relationships enough to show the effects of abuse.
Actually making him simp for Chiaki even sounds more compelling because she was seen as one who brings everyone together. So maybe if he sees him as a authority figure; he would def simp for her too.
And I like that idea of he and Twogami. It would genuinely affect him in the first chapter too the way he freaks way too much to an extent because the power figure is dropped dead.
Yeah! One thing I always want to see in abuse victim characters, but rarely do is... (and I'm sorry if this is too personal)
quite a lot of abuse victims do get quite good at manipulating their abuser into calming down. Even me, who's default communication style is "fatally blunt" can do it. Wasn't easy though.
Knowing how to manipulate someone doesn't make you a bad person. Intentionally manipulating someone into bad decisions does. Ya know? I want to see more morally good manipulative characters. (well, all of the Dr2 casts morals are ambiguous, but you get my point, right?)
So I dislike/don't get why Kazuichi specifically is portrayed as socially inept. (sounds crazy, I know, since I like socially inept in a blorbo) He's quite book smart. He's determined to get people to like him. And when he talks about how he dresses, we see that he notices and cares how he's being perceived.
But he doesn't know how to interact with kids his own age, and he does not know how Sonia wants to be treated by him.
So I'd have Kazuichi try vastly different techniques of pleasing her (like, one per chapter) and switch tactics when he gets a negative reaction. (...or something he thinks is one)
"hmm... she doesn't seem to enjoy my compliments. Maybe she thinks I'm being insincere! I should do something more concrete to let her know that I appreciate her, and that we are cool"
"hmm! That backfired. Maybe she doesn't want special treatment? I'll start treating Gundam the same way, so she won't be singled out. Yeah! That'll work!"
"okay, so Gundam and her are talking about horror movies! I'll watch some horror movies so I can talk to her about them later! ...even if they are gross."
etc. etc. etc.
Its never a fun process, which is why I don't do it.
Another thing that'd be interesting if we go with Fawn reflex!Kaz and run with it, like, as far as we can. (as we do here)
While he wants Sonia to like him, he also believes she can turn on him on a dime and doesn't trust her.
In the context of a murder game, this coping mechanism would be particularly fun. :)
While he'd openly defend Sonia from allegation, he'd secretly be considering if they have any merit and if she'd already decided to turn on him. If so, what did he do wrong? (Its not that there's a killing game or anything. Thats not how abuser logic works.) (also not calling Sonia an abuser, just saying that Kaz recently got out of an abusive place and is not yet out of the mindset)
and the crazy thing is??? we actually see this. Let me show you the bold bit, but change a few words.
While he wants HAJIME to like him, he also believes he can turn on him on a dime and doesn't trust him.
This is how he interacts with everyone else, so I don't get why its not how he's interacting like that with Sonia (shipping bait.)
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badassbutterfly1987 · 2 years
That ship bingo you posted is so fun I kind of want to ask you all the Dresden Files ships lol You know what, I'll spam you with your recent ships and then you can decide if you want to comment on them or pin them on the bingo ;) First: Margaret/Lord Raith
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this is the ship I affectionately call my beloved trash ship
I am weirdly attached to a ship that a) isn't seen in canon (being a past event that's only referenced by other people) and b) was definitely some form of abusive
I think what drew me to them at first was that it felt like a puzzle, because Lord Raith is such a complete monster in the books that I found it hard to wrap my head around why Margaret would be willing to be an ally, much less a lover to him
so I figured either LR has more complexity than we as readers get to see that drew her in, Mags was ignorant to how monstrous he was (which seems like a stretch since as an experienced wizard she had to have at least heard the stories), or she was morally gray enough to overlook the harm he did (for the greater good and all)
so canon's portrayal isn't very satisfying since there's so many unanswered questions but I've grown to really adore the version in my head; they're definitely not healthy together but it's the kind of incoming disaster that's hard to look away from
also the story would be radically different if they hadn't had their thing: Thomas wouldn't have been born, the White Court wouldn't have been limited, and I'm not sure Harry would have been born either (Mags cared about humanity certainly but I wonder if it was like how humans care about endangered species; she was the type to go after greatness, would she have noticed a simple good man like Malcolm if she wasn't in hiding and recovery?)
Vibes: we have a dangerously powerful incubus king and an ambiguous borderline-Warlock trying to make allies out of monsters, and it ends with them destroying each other! both of their lives are radically altered because of their relationship, and neither gets a satisfying victory when they turn against each other
Superhell: LR is an undeniably awful person and it's certainly possible Margaret wasn't a shining paragon either (she left her young son with his abusive father with no apparent plan to keep him safe, i have to jump through so many hoops in fics to give her an understandable justification for that decision)
I think my first official fic was with this ship (it was Bad Romance, not an awful attempt especially since I'd only recently started officially writing, but I've written so much better since then) and I don't think I'll run out of any ideas soon
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The season 3 finale of Big Sky was the most anticlimactic finale for a TV show that I've ever seen. Think of a balloon when the air is let out. It was the most jarring, disconnected mess.
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I've been through many, many TV shows, including the BBC Merlin and Once Upon a Time. Those shows had some wacky finales, but they were still exciting, they brought a new element that left the story on a cliffhanger, and most of the plot threads from the current season were tied up neatly. They also made you want to keep watching the show.
I don't know what it was that I watched last night. I feel like the show didn't answer even half of the questions that it brought up during the entire season. I have a list of the questions I wanted answered and which are probably going to stay unanswered.
Why/how did Paige steal the money in the first place and why was Luke involved in the theft?
Buck is the Bleeding Heart killer but never explains why, not even to Sunny? He said he tried to do good but can't explain why he murdered innocent girls and put their hearts in jars? Wtf? Is he just a cold-blooded psychopath? What is his story or "excuse"?
Walter's murderous tendencies (hunting Luke, the backpacker) are just wiped away as if they never happened?
Why was Avery even in Montana in the first place?
Why/how did Avery agree to work with the syndicate to get part of the money?
How did Avery know about the money or Paige/Luke when he got into Sunny's camp?
Who the hell ARE Paige and Luke?
Was Walter holding Paige against her will? Did she have any real feelings for him or just manipulated him?
Why does Buck kidnap Denise and Emily? He doesn't bargain for his freedom and I'm not even sure he knew that Paige saw the heart jars. What was even the point of this? He acted like he had no clear motive?! He could have asked Sunny to come anyway?
Second, I think the show was unfair to a lot of people who were shipping the main couple because nothing happened. We're not asking for big dramatic gestures, but as far as I'm concerned, it seems like Jenny's interest in Beau was one-sided/unrequited and even if that interest was sort of returned, it was too weak to be noticeable. I would have preferred for them to just be good friends and partners instead of the writers teasing a building romantic relationship that they had no intention of pursuing. Maybe the season just wasn't long enough. At this point it seems like they are anticipating the show will not be renewed and they didn't want to upset anyone in particular, either those who don't like Jenny and Beau as a couple or those who wanted them to get together. When are writers going to learn that you can't make everyone happy and you shouldn't even try because that's bad storytelling? Pick a side, people!
I will admit I started watching Big Sky because of Jensen Ackles and his great performance in The Boys. I think the acting is good, but the scripts suck. Honestly, what even was this finale? It was action filled and yet it felt like nothing happened. There were no real stakes because nobody really got hurt except for Buck, and I even would have appreciated an ambiguous ending where we weren't sure whether the big baddie or the good guy survived.
I feel like parts of the story were taken for granted and the writers expected us to fill in the blanks ourselves without giving us any backstory or explanation. I'm afraid that just won't cut it for me. I'm not saying that I need everything to be handed to me on a platter - I can think and figure things out for myself - but I still need them to give me enough information to put together. Everything was so disconnected and motives were so unclear that the reason I should feel anxious or concerned for the characters didn't exist. Buck had no legitimate reason to kidnap those girls, and he didn't do anything with that action except ask for his wife, who wasn't in prison or under arrest. She was just under surveillance and that was it. Again, there were no real stakes here.
To me, the writers seemed tired of their own story and opted to create an ending that was the easiest for them to write. Do I sound disappointed? Good, because I wasted so much time on this show, expecting it to be thrilling and well written, and I got a season finale that was written worse than for a fantasy show. The plot threads were not tied up as they should have been, and there was only partial resolution for character arcs. The red herrings were ridiculous. Sunny was advertised as the villain of the season, and while she was involved in crimes, it didn't feel like true villainy at all. Most of the time, I thought she was boring and not fleshed out enough for me to hate or even dislike. She seemed as much of a player as any of the other characters in the story, not the villain that is supposed to stand directly opposite the hero or even anti-hero. Then Buck didn't even go to jail or do penance for all those girls and other people he killed. The serial killer tendencies are hinted at too late to make much of an impact. He was evil but not fleshed out enough to be a villain either! Why should I even care when he never said why he believed he could do what he did, knowing that it was wrong? Motivation is what makes characters evil or good. I even speculated that Buck was covering up for Cormac or they were both serial killers, a father and son duo. Anything?! You can't just say, "Oh, he's a serial killer!" and that's it. No explanation, no motivation, nothing. ALL CRIME HAS A MOTIVE. FREE WILL = MOTIVE.
Even if Big Sky gets renewed for a 4th season, I don't think I'll be watching it. Rant over.
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bisluthq · 3 years
On the topic of if gaylor rumours or baiting is commercially beneficial to Taylor? I think it has to be, or at least staying in that “is she/ isn’t she ?” zone is. I figure if it wasn’t she would’ve put her foot down about the rumours more solidly than she has in the past ya know. Like in a less ambiguous way than saying “... community I’m not apart of” while dropping ME! on lesbian visibility day then walking around like a walking talking biflag in YNTCD. There’s too much ambiguity around all this stuff for me to believe she’s not purposely standing back looking at all the cards and trying to find the best way to play them. I love love Taylor, her music has gotten me through a lot of stuff so I’m here for her always no matter what but I do believe this girl is playing some games. Like I can love her and admit when I think some shady business is happening. It’s the way her music is just ambiguous enough to satisfy ALL of her fandoms for me. Everytime a song of hers comes out, you can guarantee it’s ambiguous enough with just the right amount of references that every sub fandom of hers ( the Haylors, Swiftgrons, Kaylors, Toes) can pinpoint sufficient references to lay a reasonable claim to it. It’s the way her songs can seem to have queer subtext but be juuuuusst ambiguous enough for the hetlors to form a reasonable counter argument for why the song isnt gay e.g. "hide in the closet" in seven (a gay phrase) explained away by hetlors. Now she could be doing all this "to stay in the closet" or whatever and not just to appease everyone therefore keeping a wider audience engaged. But who knows? i'm sticking with her either way. I stan a good business woman who knows how to play the game and win. Absolutely nothing wrong with an ambitious woman at all. Why sacrifice any group when you can have all of em?
I hear you on the Gaylor baiting - I do think she’s being smart about it - and agree but where I disagree is the sub fandom stuff. Her shippers just find shit because you can deductively link anything to anyone if you try. Like obviously there are EXPLICIT Joe references (”icy outdoor pool” being his family tradition, like literally every single line in invisible string) but everything else is just people... reading shit into it?
Like people find Joe in places where there is no Joe at all lmao like his fangirls think Gold Rush is for him. My homies it’s about A BAD NEWS BEAR like that’s what it’s explicitly about. It’s not about Joe. 
With Dianna, explicit references to her stop after 1989 tbh. Like Wonderland is pretty explicit and Hyiannis Port is like... INSANE. That was legit NUTTY of her. But everything after that is.... reaching.... 
With Karlie there’s even more reaching. We have like the daisy, which is legitimately interesting and worth side eyeing though it isn’t as loud as the Dianna stuff for me. Like Hyiannis Port is just.... fucking mindblowing. But the Kaylor stuff is a bit all over the place. 
Haylor stuff is like... also reaaaaal reachy even on 1989 because so much of it is fanfic!Harry not like real world pansexual muffin. All the Haylor stuff after 1989 is legit dumb. 
So I don’t think she feeds the shippers tbh I think people just see what they want to see because they ship deductively and not inductively - that’s like a fact for shipping because you need to find stuff to make it fun - so as a result shipping leads to a lot of bad brain logic and that’s not on Taylor.
But ya IF SHE IS STRAIGHT she is legitimately baiting and DOING SO ON PURPOSE. Or she’s like literally dumb as a rock and so is everyone in her life but I doubt that.
If she is queer she’s signaling but unwilling to come out (which I understand). 
But if she is straight she is doing this on purpose because yes she could shut it down far more clearly than she does without doing the Shawn homophobe vibe.
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usagi-chan95 · 5 years
So a few days ago I was on TV tropic looking up a few shows I like and of course I'm a huge Umineko Fan so I looked up the character and everybody who knows me just a little bit now I said I ship this one character with Black Hat. So why not list all hee traits that he would probably like about her. In the end I think the two would get along with each other.
Affably Evil: She is completely indifferent towards the suffering of everybody else, but she sure is polite.
All-Powerful Bystander: She has more than enough power to solve any problem in the setting or destroy everything in the blink of an eye if she wanted to. Fortunately, Featherine prefers to remain a spectator for the most part while she lets Bernkastel cause all the trouble she wants. The one time she does intervene in the plot during her "fight" with Lambdadelta we see that everything would have been lost with Featherine as an active enemy.
Always Someone Better: Bernkastel is regarded as the strongest Witch, but even she knows not to get on Featherine's bad side. Even Lambdadelta, who was more than holding her own against Bernkastel earlier, is terrified at the thought of having Featherine as an opponent. It makes sense when you realize Featherine is not just a Witch, but a Creator as well. She may just be a Witch in name only.
Ambiguously Evil: Both Bern and Lambda describe her as extremely nasty, and indeed she doesn't think much of humans, but she doesn't really have any Kick the Dog moments, and in the end she gives up on publicly revealing the contents of Eva's diary, thus preserving the catbox as Battler and Beato wished.
Curb-Stomp Battle: Delivers one to Lambdadelta in Episode 8. Special mention to the fact that Featherine didn't even have fight at all; she simply wrote down "I utterly defeated Lambdadelta and sliced her into pieces". And then poof, Lambda is completely dismembered.
The Dreaded: Anyone that can inspire genuine fear from Lambdadelta and even Bernkastel is definitely not to be trifled with.
Evil Mentor: Implied to have been Bernkastel's in the ???? of EP6.
The Fog of Ages: She has lived for so long that she needs a special horseshoe-shaped device around her head to keep her memories and avoid insanity.
God Is Evil: Averted, though just barely. She's not so much evil as she is uncaring of how she achieves her goals... though given the things she does do in the story (and apparently before it), you'd be forgiven for thinking it was played straight.
Greater-Scope Villain: Featherine is said to be a Witch thousands of times more powerful and evil than Bernkastel could ever be, but she never becomes a direct villain to the story and remains a bystander for the most part. However, she is indirectly responsible for all the problems from EP7 afterwards as she was the one who gave Bernkastel the power to keep messing with the game board because she wanted Bernkastel to rip the game apart for her and give her the answers to the mystery.
Insult Backfire: When Lambda pulls a You Monster! on her, she takes it as a compliment, which really makes you wonder what amount of chaos she caused in her distant past. It's fully possible that, being Bernkastel's mentor, she possess a trolling capacity far surpassing her miko Bern's... and considering Bern is the most malicious character in the story, that is a scary thought.
It Amused Me: The main reason she doesn't fit into God Is Evil instead. Physical Godliness and lack of a Freudian Excuse notwithstanding, she's still a Witch at heart and will do whatever it takes to keep herself entertained.
Lack of Empathy: Definitely, but better off than Bernkastel at least. Like any other Witch, Featherine sees human lives as nothing but means of entertainment, but she can show her respect to her opponents when it's due and at least now, doesn't seek to actively make others miserable for amusement's sake.
Manipulative Bitch: In the past, she's used Bernkastel as her monkey wrench to unlock the mysteries of worlds and game boards alike, whether Bern wanted to do it or not. Worse yet, Bern was aware she was being used but couldn't do anything about it because Featherine was just that good. This does in fact happen in the story, where she makes Bern the Game Master to crack the mystery of Rokkenjima when the rest of the cast loses interest in it, using Bern's desire for revenge against the family as her motivation.
Offstage Villainy: Bernkastel, the cruelest example of a witch so far seen, finds her a hundred times more horrific than she could ever be. The evidence is suggested at, but never concretely shown. Within the series, Featherine never does anything nearly as horrible as the other witches. Of course, Bernkastel is no doubt very biased, seeing as how she came into existence because of Featherine's callousness and indifference. She probably has room to exaggerate.
The Older Immortal: By far the oldest witch in the series.
The Omnipotent: Without a doubt, the most powerful character in the setting. She's perfectly capable of pausing the plot when she wants a scene to play out a different way.
Outside-Context Problem: Needless to say Featherine is in a whole other league compared to the other witches Battler deals with in the story, which is really saying something. A single wave of her hand to make Bernkastel the Game Master is all she needed to do turn Battler's happy ending into a non-ending.
Physical God: One of the Creators described in Episode 4's TIPS.
The definitive example is that she's ultimately the one responsible for bringing Bernkastel as we know herinto existence. It's heavily implied that she was the one who abandoned Bern as a piece in the Unwinnable game (that she ended up winning anyway), and while it's never explained how she pieced together/recruited all the physically and emotionally destroyed Rika Furudes, it's made clear in the narration that Featherine was the one who taught what would eventually become her miko and the Cruelest Witch. And why? Because she was bored and wanted someone to help stave off future boredom.It's not so much that she meant harm by creating Bern, more that she doesn't care as long as she is entertained.
If you want a more "literal" example, she can use her power to rewrite the script of reality itself and have people do as she dictates. And you would never even know she's doing it.
Really 700 Years Old: She is said to be older than Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, both who are said to be centuries old. By the way it's alluded, Featherine might as well be a Time Abyss.
Retired Monster: Given what Bernkastel and Lambadelta say about (and to) her, this is heavily implied. Featherine herself personally thinks she's much worse.
Rewriting Reality: Her power as a Witch/Creator and as an Author Avatar. Featherine can literally rewrite the script of reality itself to make events go as however she likes. She doesn't even need to write how things go, she only needs to write the result.
Story-Breaker Power:
Literally. When Lambdadelta tries to attack her with magic, Featherine just says that she doesn't like the development of the story, stops time and begins editing the script of the story herself. Not willing to write a fight scene at the moment, she starts from the end of the fight where she dictates Lambdadelta was smashed into a bookshelf and had all her limbs severed. She doesn't even think about how she accomplished such a brutal attack, deciding to "figure it out later". When Featherine starts time again, Lambdadelta ends up just as she wrote, with "what the fuck just happened" being her last conscious thoughts before dying.
She couldn't comprehend the 'something' that Featherine had killed her with. However, that was only natural. After all, Featherine herself hadn't decided what the 'something' was. However, Lambdadelta did understand one thing. She was already dead.
You Cannot Grasp the True Form: The memory device around her head also preserves her form. At one point in the past it got damaged, abruptly changing her personality and appearance. Her witch power also allows her to weaponize this. Refer to the spoiler in Story-Breaker Power above.
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