#ALSO I WANT TO MENTION that Loki DID have his ceremonial armour when he ended up with thanos
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How did loki keep his helmet when he was falling in thor 1 is it glued to his head or did he make a new helmet when thanos was torturing him ? If so then thanos was torturing him and loki was like oh stop time for crafts
\he kept the helmet on for most of the fight but in the final blast where the bridge broke we see it goes flying separately, and we can conclude it gets pulled into the wormhole too.
It’s... not glued to his head XD it just goes onto his whole head so isn’t as easy to knock off as it could be; here’s how the helmet works as a prop if you were interested.
I’ve done some analysis of the helmet here but basically I believe he redesigned the original Thor 1 helmet... in a scenario where he got to make his own or had another in a pocket dimension I’d still say he intentionally changed things up to be more rough and less refined than his Thor 1 helmet.
Listen. Buddy, anon, pal, it is heavily implied that Loki literally played arts and craft with his outfit before Avengers 1. His outfit is a mishmash of layers because of that, and the craftsmanship of the metal sections are rougher than his Thor 1 stuff, and less armour is not ideal to lead an army with, nor would Thanos have cared to keep Loki’s green/black/gold aesthetic if he was getting Loki new armour for the attack.
#loki used his own hand-me-downs to put together his Avengers 1 armour#like... I can't emphasise how much I think that's legit what he did#you joke about arts and craft time#but if loki did make a deal with thanos then yes he 100% could've gone ''i need to prep for war so artsin' n craftin' time yo''#I still think Thanos could've at least supplied Loki with a set of armour to attack earth#then again Loki would refuse on sheer principle if he took a look at their... ''fashion taste''#you think his hair just Did That in Avengers 1??#NO!#Loki definitely was given time to prep armour and get dressed up for the attack#he didn't go in blind#and with the Thor 1 end scene we know Loki can manipulate minds to an extent without the sceptre#ALSO I WANT TO MENTION that Loki DID have his ceremonial armour when he ended up with thanos#he HAD a proper metal set of armour and CHOSE to go with the leather#''oh stop time for crafts'' might just be what happened since it's implied he did have some degree of autonomy while with thanos
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You are my Sunshine Part 2
Welcome to part three! Again, angst and sadness. There is also a bit of abandonment and daddy issues in this one. Also, they wear white to the funeral. In a loy of cultures, white is a mourning colour. I personally follow this tradition if I'm able to. Some people don't like it and I like to be respectful of other people wishes about things like that.
Summary:The day of the funeral comes and a couple welcome arrivals come to support their grieving friend. Along with an unwelcome one.
Warnings: mentions of death, depression, daddy issues, abandonment issues, swearing I think
You Are My Sunshine
Noelle PoV:
I'm standing in front of a mirror in our hotel room. I am wearing a black dress with long sleeves and black Mary Janes. My hair is pulled back with a black ribbon. I can't wear this to my mom's funeral.
Loki comes out of the bathroom, his hair still wet from the shower. Feeling my struggle, he wraps his arms around me, letting me know that he wasn't leaving me.
'If you do not wish to wear this, you should change.' He whispers in my head.
I nod. I walk away from him and go to where my suitcase is sitting open on the bed. I sift through it a bit before finding what I am looking for.
I pull out a long white dress with flowers on it. The sleeves are loose and flowy with buttons up the side. My mom bought it for me in London, telling me that I looked like an angel in it. I hear a knock on the door but Loki is already going to get it. I hear murmuring from the doorway and see blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. Then dark brown hair. I turn to see Sif and Thor standing just inside the door.
I drop the dress and throw my arms around Thor. He hugs me tightly, lifting me off my feet. "You did not believe that we would let you go through this alone, did you?" He whispers in my ear. When he puts me down I move to Sif who hugs me just as tightly. Loki and Thor move out to the balcony while Sif stays with me and waits while I put on the dress. She starts to help me fix my hair, braiding the top part and leaving a few pieces to frame my face. When she is done I rifle through my bag again. I pull out my gladiator sandals and slip them on. I am finishing the lacing when Loki and Thor return.
Loki announces that Thor and Sif must have different outfits, as they are wearing what they would in Asgard. With a wave of his hands, he transforms their armour and leather into something more suitable for Midgard. Thor is in black slacks and a white button up shirt while Sif is wearing a white sweater and blue jeans. He then changes his attire to a pair of dark jeans (that could easily pass off as fancy and not casual) and a white button up with a black vest over it.
With that, we all exit the room and make our way to the street. Sif is shocked by all the cars and people, specifically the womens clothing.
I hail a cab and the four of us pile in. I tell the driver where to go and we're off. When we arrive, I pay the driver and lead my friends over to James.
He glances at the tall couple flanking me and Loki and at what we are wearing. He raises an eyebrow at us but clearly decides not to say anything. Wise of him. After I introduce my friends, he motions for us to follow him into the small chapel where the ceremony is being held. As we walk up the aisle, I spot the casket.
My momma is in there.
I grip Loki's hand in an attempt to stable myself. I do not want to fall in front of these people. Loki squeezes my hand reassuringly and I feel Sif loop her hand through my other arm. I look over at her gratefully and see Thor is holding her hand. I smile at them, glad that they are here.
I find seats in the front and sit down. I sit on the end because I will have to stand up to go eulogize my momma. Loki sits next to me, Sif and Thor behind us.
The ceremony begins, though I barely listen as her friends speak. Loki keeps my hand between his two and in his lap. He keeps glancing at me to see if I'm alright. I'm not and he knows it but I don't cry.
The preacher introduces me and I stand, squeezing Loki's hand one last time before letting go. I go to my spot next to my momma's casket and picture. I pull the necklace she bought in France from my pocket and place it inside the casket with her.
I take a deep breath.
"My momma was the best person I have ever met. She was kind and patient and loved with her whole heart. She was more than this world deserved. More than I could ever hope to become." I blink a few times before continuing, "I wasn't a good enough daughter. I don't live close so I didn't see her except for a special occasion here and there. In the past 3 years, I saw her 4 times, the day she died included." I turn toward the casket, "I am so sorry for not being around Momma." I look back out at all the people in the seats. "When I was ten, my father left. We knew it was coming and we were prepared. We knew he had to go for his work. That doesn't mean that it didn't hurt that he abandoned us. This beautiful woman raised me on her own. We waited for my father for thirteen years. I eventually stopped waiting and moved away. When I moved out, my mom moved on with James. He made her happy again. When I first met him, I knew he was good for my momma. He treated her like the queen she is... was." I start to tear up again, but I let them fall this time. "I am so thankful for everything he did for her. I'm so happy that I got this woman as a mother. I wouldn't have traded my time with her for anything." I take a deep breath to steady myself. "Momma used to say to me, 'it's you and me, baby girl. You and me forever.'" I look at the casket. "Now it's just me." I break down. I let myself have my moment of weakness, then straighten and say, "You and me, Momma. You and me, infinity."
I walk down to my seat and into Loki's waiting arms. He pulls me close and I listen to his breathing. I don't cry.
I sit and listen to James speak. All the usual funeral things. I feel a hand on my knee and look up to see my father sitting next to me, facing James. He looks exactly the same as he did the day he left. It makes sense considering he is Asgardian. I turn my face into Loki's neck and match my breathing to his. I will not lose my temper here.
It isn't until I hear it around me that I notice people are singing. James turned around in surprise to hear it as he sang to my mother's casket.
I recognize the song immediately. My mom was a theatre geek. They sing I’ll Cover You reprise from Rent. I can’t help but sing along.
As the song ends, I feel my dad's hand on my shoulder and lean away from the contact. I just can't handle it.
We all exit the church and follow the hearse up the hill to bury her. I don't want to go but I do. I do the whole process. After the service, Loki, Thor, Sif, and I are huddled together at the gate to the cemetery deciding what to do.
I turn towards the sound of my name. I see my father standing a few feet away. I start to walk towards him when I feel Loki's hand on my arm. He follows me, constantly touching me in some way.
"Hello, Father."
"You have grown up so beautiful."
"What are you doing here?" I ask, biting back the urge to scream at him to leave and my face clearly shows it as Loki's grip on my arm tightens slightly.
"I came to pay respects to the mother of my only child." He says calmly, "and to see you."
"Well, you've done both. You can leave now."
Loki pivots his body so that he stands with his back to my father, hand still on my arm.
"Love, I know you are angry but maybe you should invite him for a drink with us. I will be with you the whole time." Loki whispers in my ear.
"I owe him nothing."
"You're right but your mother would want you to try with him. He did leave you and I understand that hurts, you know that I do. But you also have a chance that I never did. He seems to want to get to know you."
I know that he is right. I nod and he returns to his previous position.
"Prince Loki." My father says quietly, bowing slightly. Loki waves his hand dismissively.
"Please, Tyr. I am not a prince here. We are here for Noelle."
"Thank you for caring for my daughter." He says. My grip on Loki tightens. He covers my hand with his soothingly.
"How long have you been courting?" My father asks, eyeing my hand and not seeing a ring.
"Almost three years."
Tyr nods. I release Loki and walk back to Sif and Thor. Loki follows after a short conversation with Tyr.
"I invited him to meet us for a drink. He agreed and said he will follow us there." I nod and lace my fingers through his.
"Have we decided where to go, then?" Thor questions.
"There's a really cool place just down the road. We could walk." I tell them.
Lucky for Thor and Sif, they are dressed casual enough for them to get away with what they are wearing in a bar. Loki and I decide we can change before we leave. I brought a change of clothes but Loki can transform what he wears at will. We go somewhere empty and change: him into a t-shirt and leather jacket, me into jeans and a tank top with a denim jacket.
We start walking to the bar and my father follows. I use the term "bar" loosely. It is more of a brewery with a dance floor. We get there and I order five drinks, putting it on a tab. There are going to be more beverages and I don't want to pay every time. The IPA in these beers is high but not enough to get an Asgardian even close to tipsy. Thor brought his flask of Asgardian liquor and poured some in four of the five beers. We find a booth and slide in. My father pulls a chair up to the table. He takes out a flask of his own and adds whatever is in it to his own glass.
Sif raises her glass and we all do the same, "To Lady Beth." We all drink. The others only take a mouthful while I start pounding mine. I finish half of it and set it down to see them staring at me.
"What? You think a half Midgardian girl can't drink?" They laugh and we start to talk amongst ourselves. 3 drinks in, I'm a bit past tipsy and the others are definitely getting there. That's when the man on the mic announces that karaoke is about to start.
"Lady Noelle! I will buy you a new book from the bookshop down the road if you sing." Thor roars over the thunderous music.
"With what money, Brother? You haven't got any of this realms currency." Loki laughs and leans his back against the wall, pulling me to sit between his legs.
"I am the almighty Thor, God of Thunder, Future King of Asgard! I don't need to pay!"
"Unfortunately, your highness,” I say with a mocking hand motion to look like a bow, “You have no royal status here in America. Even if Tony Stark himself were to be there, they wouldn't just give it to you."
"Stark would just pay for it." Loki adds.
I laugh and lean my head back on his shoulder to kiss his jaw.
"Not at the table, Noelle. Please!" Sif groans. I laugh and stop kissing him.
My father looks very uncomfortable. I find it almost… amusing.
"So, Lord Tyr. Where have you been all this time? Where did you go when you left my mother to raise me by herself?" I ask nonchalantly, though I let the sarcasm slip into my tone.
Loki's grip on me tightens in a small warning but I don't care. I keep my eye contact with him and wait for an answer. I deserve an answer.
"I had received a message from the Allfather. He required my services in a mission that I am not allowed to disclose to anyone." He explains coolly, "I was informed about your mother and took momentary leave so I could be here to pay my respects and see the woman you have become."
"You could have come earlier. Could you not come to my graduation? To any of my last sixteen birthdays? Three of which have been in Asgard, I might add."
"I am terribly sorry that I could not be there, I truly wish that I could have been there for you. I also had a job to do. A task to keep the universe safe."
I tear my eyes away from his and face Loki again.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, too," I mutter.
It's silent at the table for a moment. Thor and Sif go off to get another round and Loki and I talk to each other through our connection. My father pulls a book from inside his coat pocket. I watch him from the corner of my eye.
'You are so guarded to him. I understand why but you really shouldn't be so harsh. He feels bad enough, it seems.'
'I will behave with him as I like. I don't trust him and don't really want to pretend that I do. I grow tired of playing pretend.'
Loki nods but continues, 'I understand, my dear, but you really should try to be kinder,' Before I could protest, he starts again, 'I know you do not want to but your mother would wish for you to at least try and be nice.'
I sigh into his neck.
By this time, Thor and Sif returned to the table. They passed out the drinks and added the strong stuff.
I realize that my eyes are closed after a moment of them being that way. I really need to sleep. Loki realizes this and suggests that he and I go back to the hotel but I shake my head. I can't seclude myself. I need to have a little social interaction. I can't just shut the world out the way I did when I thought Loki died.
Loki frowns but let's it go. I take a sip from my glass and lean back into him. He leans my head against mine. Sif is looking at us like we have worms crawling out of our ears. Thor is just focusing on the current singer. When I notice Sif staring, I laugh and lean away from Loki to explain.
"In Midgard, this isn't scandalous in any way. In fact, this is tame compared to what some people do in public." She raises her eyebrows at this news. Thor must have heard me too because he reaches over and takes her hand between his own, all the while staring at the singer. Sif smiles and leans into his shoulder. I return to my previous position wrapped in Loki's arms, pressed to his chest.
We sit there for a while longer. Eventually, I decide to order a pizza and have it delivered out to the brewery. Loki explains it to Sif and Thor before they eat it and once they try it, we basically arm wrestle over it. My father just sort of sits there and watches us. I'm not sure what he's doing but I don't care that much. I make sure he gets something to eat but other than that, I let him be.
At around one in the morning, Tyr decides it's time for him to go.
"I know that you do not want to leave Noelle alone at a time like this, Prince Loki, but I was hoping I may have a word with her." He looks at me at the end.
"That is her decision, Lord Tyr. You must ask her." He replies, looking at me.
I take a deep breath and start to move away from Loki. He tightens his hold and presses his lips to my temple before whispering, "Are you sure you are alright?" I think for a moment. I realize that I'm not going to see father again for a very long time, if ever, so I need to try and forgive him. I've been angry for a long time.
I don't want to be angry anymore.
I nod to Loki and he kisses my cheek before letting me go. I stand up and take Tyr's arm. I lead him to an empty part of the brewery and stand in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"This was not you, Noelle. This was all me. I could not provide you comfort in a lightning storm and I would not have been of any use on a bright, sunny day either. I spent all my time in another place mentally to the point where your mother could not get me out of my trance. When you know you are not good enough for people, you begin to stop showing up and then you do not show up enough times and it starts to feel like leaving. Until you finally do."
"You were there for the Allfather, weren't you? And the queen while she lived? What did they do that I didn't do?" I am holding back tears.
He reaches his hand out to touch my arm. "You never did anything, Noelle. You were just a small girl." His eyes start to haze a bit, his voice cracking, "I was who I was and there is nothing you did or could have done. I just was not ready for you. Or anyone." He pulls his hand back as I look away from his eyes, so similar in colour to mine. "But I think I have changed." He pauses for a moment, taking a breath, "The Allfather and Queen Frigga believed that I am capable of the tasks they gave me. They never knew of you and your mother. They believed in who I have always been for them."
"Who are you?" I ask, letting the tears fall.
"I have almost completed my mission. I have another lined up." He places his fingers under my chin and makes me look at him. "I came here to do what I told you I wanted to do: Pay respects to your mother. I am grateful that I saw you and I am sorry for what I put you and Beth through. I am glad that she took wonderful care of you. It brings me joy to know that you have become such an accomplished and beautiful young woman."
I sniff, take a deep breath to stop the tears before speaking again. "You have almost finished the mission?"
He nods and gives me a small smile. "I have."
"Your mission was to stay." My voice cracks. He is silent, the smile fading.
"Look, thank you for telling me your side. Loki thinks that if I forgive you, it will bring me peace." The tears start to well up again, "He is usually right about these things but... I don't see how he is right about this one. And I can't." I do my best to keep from sobbing and continue speaking, "Your mission was to stay. You don't think I had it in me to allow my father to grow?" I uncross my arms and look down at my feet before making eye contact again. "I'm happy I saw you and heard what you had to say and it makes me feel better knowing that I had nothing to do with what you did. I always thought that this was my fault somehow. But it... it's not." I pause.
"I didn't do anything." I take a step back from him, towards the door. I place my hand on the back of a chair to help me stand.
"I am glad you have found a prince. It pleases me to know you could work your way up in the world.”
I look down, take another deep breath and feel as though a weight is lifted off my chest.
"Wow." I sigh.
"I always thought you cared about me. It just suprises me that you only thought about who I would end up with. It’s almost like you believe we are beneath you." I suddenly feel the pull of Loki in my mind and know that he is checking to make sure I'm okay. I need him.
I start walking towards the door we came in, "Thank you for coming, I hope you get home okay." And I leave. I walk through the door and see Loki, Sif, and Thor sitting in the booth, watching the door Lord Tyr and I disappeared through. As I make my way back to the table, Loki stands and makes his way to me. He reaches me, wraps one arm around my waist and I start to break down. I stop halfway to the booth and look at Loki.
"I am going to pay and then we are going outside. I can't break down here. You go get Thor and Sif." He looks at me skeptically and I feel his worry surge and I squeeze his hand.
'I'm okay,' I tell him. He nods, not believing me and does what I ask of him while I go to the front and pay. I surround my body with illusion to hide my tears and red eyes. It fools the guy behind the bar so I pay and walk out to the parking lot. Loki finds me not long after with Thor and Sif flanking him. I take his hand and start walking. He doesn't ask questions, just allows me to pull him along with me.
I grew up here so I know the area like the back of my hand. I don't really know where I am going until I get there.
My mom used to take me to this park when I was a child. When I had a bad day at school, she would buy me ice cream and we would sit on the swings. We came here after my date left me at prom to go to a party with friends. We sat here on hot summer days with popsicles and watched the kids play.
Thor and Sif are suddenly fascinated with everything in the park and I take the opportunity to bring Loki to the bench Momma and I always sat at. The second he sits next to me and pulls me to him, I feel the illusion fall and I sob into his chest. He just holds me and strokes my hair, humming softly. He lets me cry all of the tears that I have been holding back all day and he does so without complaint.
As my sobs turn to whimpering, I turn my face so that I can see Thor and Sif on the swings. Well, Sif is on the swings. Thor is on his back under his. He must have fallen off because Sif is laughing hysterically. As big as Thor is, you can't deny his speed. Before she knows what is happening, Sif is on her back with him leaning over her. He laughs before she throws her arms behind his neck and pulls his lips down to hers. The sight of my friends happy brings a small smile to my smile. I look up at Loki, who is staring down at me with a worried look in his eyes. He gently brushes a strand of hair out of my face, letting his fingers linger on my face for a moment.
"I'm sorry," I tell him, tearing up again, "I know you wanted me to forgive him but I couldn't do it. You're wrong about this one, Loki." I keep eye contact as I watch the emotions pass behind his eyes.
"I never expected that, darling." He nods in the direction we came from, "That kind of forgiveness does not come so easily."
He pauses and pulls away enough to look me in the eyes without having to look down so much. "Life is a long time and I hope you get there someday. I hope I get there with you. But that is never what I was searching for right now."
My eyebrows pull together in confusion, "What did you want from me?" I ask him through the tears.
"Noelle, did you forgive yourself?"
We look at each other for a moment before I break down again. He holds me close as I cry. I'm so grateful for him at this moment. I don't know what I could have possibly done to deserve him.
'The question is not what you did, my love. The real question is what did I do to deserve you?'
I smile into his neck and lean my head up to kiss his jaw.
"Loki! Lady Noelle! Come join us on these things here!" Thor calls us over to where he and Sif are on the swings and Loki looks at me questioningly before standing and holding his hand out to me. I take his hand and we walk over to the swing set. I let go of Loki's hand and sit on the empty swing beside Sif.
I kick off and start to swing, throwing my feet forward and backwards to go higher. Sif follows suit and soon Thor and Loki are swinging with us. We are all laughing like little kids, getting progressively more competitive in terms of how high we could get. I show them how to jump off the swing while it's still moving and it isn't long until Thor and Loki make it a contest to see who could jump farther. Sif and I just sit and talk and laugh at the boys when they fall on their faces. I tell her stories of my mom and about things we did together.
By the time we head back to the hotel, the sun is starting to rise. The four of us get some breakfast from the little cafè in the lobby, then Loki checks Thor and Sif into a room near us. By the time my head hits the pillow, it is 6:30. Loki crawls into the bed after me and wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me flush against him and I fall asleep instantly.
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In a Name: 28
So guess who just delayed writing about the Ball by writing drabble of the dress and more angst? Spoilers... I want to write it, but like... It's weird that the end is nearing? So I'm like procrastinating. I feel like I'm building up to something big but have no idea what's going to happen at the same time, so like... I hope you enjoy, thanks for the supportive comments! Also kinda short - sorry...
The people @ladytaissa @xordinaryxwomanx @megasimpleplan4ever @stace1394 @thebookisbtr @lucifer-the-cuddler @xdebora @hannah-caitlynn @graysonmalfoy @falltoashes @solsticestorm @bingewatchingmylifegoby @elenoranave @incadinkadoo @melanin—senpai @juuliiaa05 @sigridlaufeyson @ihaveanobsessenproblem @oneweirdfangirl @kristenscamander @pabegay1
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked in the mirror.
“Does the dress not suit you child?” Frigga asked warmly.
You quickly shook your head, wiping the tears away. “No, my lady, it's beautiful.” Indeed it was, the dress made of the finest silks, floor length and in the most vibrant shade of green. Layers and layers of fabric sat upon each other, cinched at the waist and flaring out widely around you. The upper portion hugged tightly against your frame, a corset of sorts, decorated in gold threads and gold ceremonial armour. It had cut off sleeves, your shoulders bare – to be adorned with a beautiful necklace or wrap, whichever the queen decided – and long flared wrists.
“Then the tears?”
“Happy tears, my queen, it's beautiful. I have never felt so beautiful.”
“You have always been so beautiful, I'm merely enhancing it and displaying it.” Frigga tilted her head, “There will be many men there as well, members of Asgard's court, siblings of visiting royals, perhaps someone will find your eye?” She offered hesitantly.
You shook your head, “Oh no, my queen, I could never. This night is about your son.” You swallowed hard, closing your eyes briefly before returning to look at your reflection, “besides, I know my place.”
Frigga rest her elbow in her arm, using her hand to prop up her chin as she studied you. “Yes, perhaps, and yet perhaps not.”
“My queen?”
She pulled her hands away, “Never mind. Let's just see how the night goes.”
“How fairs the king?” You asked timidly.
Frigga sighed, “He sleeps, I dread seeing him in such a state but I know it is natural.”
“The princes?” You asked even more hesitantly.
The queen sighed heavily, rubbing at her hands. “Thor fairs well, as always. He is strong in the face of adversity, and I am proud of him. But he is not the prince you worry after, is he?”
You turned to face her, worried she might admonish you.
“Don't fret, child. Loki is troubled, it's quite obvious that he dreads the arrival of the ball.”
“I worry for him.” You admitted.
“He needs it.”
You sighed heavily, gripping the fabric before quickly letting go, lest you wrinkle it. Swallowing hard, you looked back up at her. “I support his decision fully, my queen, whoever he picks. It is for the good of the kingdom.”
Frigga nodded slowly, “I wonder of his heart though, do you think he will be happy in an arranged marriage?”
Biting your lip you studied the fabric, seeking answers it would not give. “Honestly my queen,” you looked back up, “I have doubts there. He is mature and intelligent, but I don't think he could truly go against his heart. Wherever it might lay, but perhaps he could grow to love someone, even if he did not initially choose them.” Your words sounded hollow, rehearsed.
“He could make himself love someone he does not?”
“Surely there is hope?”
“And yet, if his heart lay with another?”
“Who could it possibly be with, he sees no one now, yes?” You choked out, throat tight.
“Does he not?”
You stared at her nervously, unsure what to say.
“What am I to do? Should I follow my heart, or my promises? Should I seek the good of the kingdom or of the nine realms?”
“My queen?”
“You are my emissary, what is your advice?”
You blinked at her, terrified to be asked such a heavy question. “Surely no one can control the queen of Asgard, if your heart tells you something, perhaps it is with reason?” The offer turned into a question, doubt flooding you.
“That there is a reason my heart is telling me to break a promise?”
“Was it a bad promise? Coerced maybe?”
“Being queen for as long as I have, has taught me many things. Sometimes, I think, there are rules made to be broken.”
You smiled weakly, “That sounds like something I've heard Loki say.”
“Where do you think he learned it?” Frigga grinned. “Now, let us get you out of that dress and back to your duties, I think that's enough fun for one day?”
“Of course my queen.” You bowed low as a servant entered into the room, moving to help you out of the confines of the dress.
Frigga left the room from a side door and you were soon back in your Einharjar clothing, still smiling from the beauty of the dress. You left the room by the main door, opening it and stepping into the hallway, nearly walking into someone as you did.
“Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there.” Your mouth fell open as you hurriedly bowed low and added, “my prince.”
Loki smiled sadly down at you, offering his hand for you to straighten back up. “Hello beautiful.” He murmured.
You tried not to smile but the warmth in his eyes, so lacking these last few months when you had observed him without his knowledge, comforted your heart. “The ball is tomorrow.” Were the words that fell from your mouth and you instantly regretted it, shutting your mouth and gritting your teeth.
Loki looked away bitterly. “It is. Then another few months and I shall be married off, forced to turn some poor wretch into a pawn such as myself.”
Your heart ached, yearning for him. Reaching out, you cupped his cheek gently, stroking it as he sank into your touch. “I shouldn't.” You managed to say as Loki gripped your hand, holding it in place.
He nuzzled into your touch, pressing a soft kiss to your palm before looking back at you forlornly. “And yet it feels so pleasant.”
You bit your lip, once more trying to pull away as Loki finally allowed you.
“If I don't choose the frost giant princess, will my future wife recoil when she sees me? Or shall I lie to her about that, just as I will lie of my promise to love her.”
“I don't recoil, perhaps she won't as well.”
“I love you for that.” Loki sighed heavily, looking away, “I love you for everything.”
“You mustn't.” You whispered, throat tightening as you felt tears pricking your eyes.
Loki looked back at you, “I can't help that I love you. Truly, I could never love another as I do you. What if we ran away?”
“Where would we go? You are a prince, we would be hunted everywhere.”
“I am a bastard, I would not be missed. You, perhaps, would be, your friend.” Loki trailed off. “You could never leave Asgard, could you?”
“It is my home.”
“Wherever you are, wherever you go, you will always be my home.”
“Please don't say such things.”
“The ball is tomorrow, I have to say it before it's too late. Say the word and we run away together.”
“Please don't put that upon me. You have your duties, your mother, we couldn't...”
“Loki? Emissary?” Frigga's voice cut through the hallway and the two of you turned.
“Mother!” Loki yelled, “what are you doing here?”
“I was intending to check on you, but it seems you left your room finally. Guards said they saw you making your way here and I came to see you.”
Loki quickly pulled away from you, his hands clasped behind his back. You stared at the queen nervously, wondering how much she had heard.
Frigga looked between the two of you. “I have some errands for you to attend to, emissary, if you might retrieve the papers from my chambers. I will see you at the ball tomorrow. As for you, Loki, let's make sure you are suitable for the ball tomorrow and know your potential suitors.” Loki swallowed thickly, nodding mutely. Frigga looked between the two of you sadly, her expression curious but torn and clearly deep in thought. “Perhaps some rules really are made to be broken.” She murmured under her breath.
“My lady?” You asked, not quite hearing her.
“Never mind, please, attend to your duties. You must be bright and attentive for the ball tomorrow, I expect you to act as my adviser with Loki, staying by his side. It will be a hectic time for everyone.”
“Of course.” You bowed low, hurrying off to find the papers Frigga had mentioned.
“I know that look, mother.” Loki said, tilting his head uncertainly once you were out of ear shot.
“It is a look you wear quite often, am I wrong, my son?”
A grin quirked the corners of Loki's mouth as he studied her, “That is fair to say.”
“You will wear your formal garb tomorrow. Perhaps it is for the best that your father sleeps.” She reached up and stroked his face, squeezing his shoulder. “I hate to see you suffering.”
“Thank you for your compassion, mother.”
“The guards said you were looking for me?”
“I was wondering what you were doing on the eve of such an important night. Thor is training with Sif, I hoped you might have other plans.”
Frigga winked at him, “Oh I always have my plans.”
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Released: May 1, 2015 Running Time: 2 hours 21 minutes
“When Tony Stark jumpstarts a dormant peacekeeping program, things go terribly awry, forcing him, Thor, the Incredible Hulk and the rest of the Avengers to reassemble. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, the team is put to the ultimate test as they battle Ultron, a technological terror hell-bent on human extinction. Along the way, they encounter two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff.”
Marvel Cinematic Universe – Source – Marvel Studios
You can find all of the reviews for the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the link here. At that link, you can also find the dates that the other reviews for the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be posted. My plan is to release one every single day, and because I’ve already reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 here, and Spider – Man: Homecoming here, they will not be included in the two weeks leading up to Thor Ragnarok.
As such, I will now move onto the actual review of the film, and I hope you enjoy!
The Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer – Source: Marvel Studios
Cast and Crew
This film was written and directed by Joss Whedon, returning for the last time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after he was ‘absolutely drained and exhausted after this film.’ Now, I’ve already mentioned his previous work in the review for ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’, however, I will do a quick recap of it here. Before joining the MCU, he was known for directing and writing hit television shows including ‘Firefly’, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and Dollhouse. He has since worked on writing and directing portions of the ‘Justice League’ movie that is coming to theatres on November 17, 2017, and is currently working on ‘Batgirl’ for Warner Brothers as well.
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The cast for the ever expanding Avengers: Age of Ultron includes Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, James Spader, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Cobie Smulders, Anthony Mackie, Hayley Atwell, Idris Elba, Linda Cardellini, Claudia Kim, Andy Serkis, Stellan Skarsgård, Thomas Kretschmann, Kerry Condon, Josh Brolin and Stan Lee
The opening sequence of this film is straight out of a comic book onto the big screen, and it was beautiful. The scene featured the Avengers all working together, having been clearing out the remnants of Hydra and going after Loki’s Scepter to finally get rid of the threats left behind by the Chitauri. It was exciting, and fun, and even has Cap telling people to watch their language. We are also briefly introduced to two new characters in Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, who use their powers to mess with the Avengers a bit.
The one thing that I had a problem with at the beginning of this film was the lullaby, that was used by Black Widow to soothe the Hulk, and to calm him down enough to get him to revert back to Banner. While that is something that they would have obviously tried to figure out as a team, I didn’t like the execution of it, nor the implications that would later be revealed between the two characters.
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Dr. Helen Cho, developed a machine that is able to create and synthesise quick healing of flesh wounds, and perhaps more (never explored further). It’s a quick and easy explanation that can be used if ever the Avengers are scene injured in one scene, and ‘fine’ the next. I enjoyed that little scene where Barton was getting fixed up, as it displayed the camaraderie that the Avengers had with one another.
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With the Scepter back in the Avengers hands, the mad scientist, Banner and Stark (mostly Stark), decide that it would be a good idea to use the scepter that they’ve been studying to help them in creating Ultron, the peace program that would be able to protect the planet. As everything Stark does with good intentions, it doesn’t really go all that well.
The celebration scene where we get to see the Avengers all relax and have fun, is somethign that the movie did extremely well. They managed to make these superheroes extremely relatable, especially in the Mjolnir scene, where all the men try and take turns in lifting the hammer. The best part of that scene was when Rogers made it budge, and the priceless look on Thor’s face was extremely satisfying and hilarious.
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Ultron as a character in this film starts off really terrifying as he has no control over the emotions that he has, and translates the phrase ‘peace in our time’ into meaning that to have peace, humanity must be extinct, as they are the ones fighting one another, and destroying the planet. It’s not a wrong analogy that Ultron comes up with, but the execution of the idea of manufacturing peace is not humane.
Over the course of the movie, he becomes more obsessed with destroying the Avengers in a grand and theatrical way (something he got from his creator (Stark), that he comes off as weak.
From Left to Right: Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Don Cheadle as James Rhodes / War Machine, Claudia Kim as Dr. Helen Cho, Thor, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff – Source: Marvel Studios
The music in Avengers: Age of Ultron was done by Brian Tyler & Danny Elfman. I feel that they both delivered great scores and themes for the heroes, while also being consistent throughout their differences. Before writing this review, I was under the impression that it was only Elfman who had worked on the score, not realising that they worked together and separately on this film.
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The cinematography of Avengers: Age of Ultron was done by director of photography Ben Davis. This film featured really somber framing, as well as gorgeous shots. I enjoyed and am surprised by how many characters he was able to fit into a single frame, as the group is only getting bigger. I really enjoyed the action scenes, and appreciated the one shot scene in the church with the Avengers fighting the Ultrons.
Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue – Source: Marvel Studios
The character of Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the ultimate android, using the Mind Stone as some sort of super battery. To Ultron, Vision is the perfect being, and as displayed when he picks up Mjolnir, he is worthy of that ability. I feel like they might be backing themselves into a corner with this character whenever the character meets Thanos. Once Vision loses the Mind Stone, will he be finished, or will he somehow live. Infinity War will answer a lot of questions, and will probably feature a lot of deaths. I hope that one of them isn’t Vision just to be able to see people’s reactions if ever Marvel Studios decides to further explore the love interest between himself and Scarlet Witch as implied in Captain America: Civil War.
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The Maximoff twins, without the use of Mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they have been named ‘miracles’, given their enhancements via the Mind Stone that was in Loki’s Scepter. Wanda / Scarlet Witch was portrayed wonderfully and creepily by Elizabeth Olsen. I really loved what they did with the character, even showing glimpses of the potential of her power after her brother’s death. I am happy that they chose to keep Wanda, and ‘let Fox have Pietro’, however I wish we could have had both.
Pietro Maximoff, Marvel’s ‘answer’ to the Flash from DC. He is able to run extremely fast without getting tired, however they chose to add that limitation in the movie so that he would not be overpowered. I feel like the back and forth that he and Clint Barton had throughout the film was fun and enjoyable, and I was happy to see that he will be remembered in the MCU through Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Clint’s third child, after Quicksilver sacrificed himself to save Clint and the child that he had gone to get.
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Scarlet Witch got to mess with everyone’s minds, and show them visions of either their worst memory or their worst fear? It wasn’t very clear on that, one thing I truly enjoyed of that was Clint Barton’s response in not wanting to be mind controlled again, and decided to electrocute her with one of his non-lethal arrows.
Tony’s vision showed him the death of the Avengers, and the gaping wormhole that the Chitauri were coming through in New York, it leads him to really go after the Ultron project as wants to prevent that from ever happening, and continues the journey that he was on in Iron Man 3, with wanting to protect those that he cares about.
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Natasha’s vision was a memory of her training that she went through in the Red Room, forcing her to remember the horrors that she experienced, including the graduation ceremony where she was sterilised, which influences her to taking the path towards Banner, especially because he doesn’t want to fight, and she just wants to escape, as he once did.
Steve’s vision included him back in the 40s, after the end of the war, where he survived and got to have that dance with Peggy Carter. It was a touching scene, where you realise that his worst memory / fear? is that he couldn’t grow old with the person he loved, and that everyone that he cared about is now long gone. I was surprised that we didn’t see Barnes in that scene of his, even if it was only a glimpse.
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Scarlet Witch had one more victim in mind for her mind games, and unfortunately we don’t get to see what caused the Hulk to change, but it’s easy to figure out, most likely the hulk is his worst memory / fear, and in that becomes self explanatory. The good thing about that scene, is that it displays to the world what the Hulk is capable of, and we also got to see the Hulkbuster armour go toe to toe with the Hulk. They caused so much destruction, and the fight was so intense and fun to watch, that you can understand that the Hulk is something to be afraid of, especially if he loses control as he was forced into doing.
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Avengers: Age of Ultron is also the start of the rift that will grow to cause the Civil War between the Avengers, with Tony wanting to protect the planet at any cost, while Rogers wants to have the power of free will, and be able to save who he wants and when he wants. The scene between the two chopping wood really shows the tension between the ‘two leaders’, and I feel like it was brilliantly acted by Evans and Downey Jr..
The part of the movie that I feel was the most forced thing out of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe was the whole Banner / Romanoff ‘relationship’ throughout the movie. It wasn’t needed, it was awkward, boring and just plain weird. Natasha must know that there could be no sex life with Banner, as evidence from ‘The Incredible Hulk’, where Banner can’t sleep with Betty Ross because he can’t even get a ‘little bit excited.’ I feel like it was forced, as I’ve already mentioned, and I still don’t know why Marvel thought it would have been a good idea.
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The final confrontation between the Avengers and Ultron felt weak, and copies the same third act formula from the first Avengers film. A shit ton of robots (Chitauri) that are extremely expendable and able to be taken down with ease, versus the Avengers team, with two new heroes added, after an inspiring speech from Hawkeye to Scarlet Witch.
That is one of the greatest problems with the film, was that it felt very much like a carbon copy of the first one, while also throwing in Deus Ex Machina of a Heli Carrier with the help from Maria Hill and Nick Fury. It felt like they just didn’t know how to properly do a third act of the film on this one, and that’s a shame because the first act was fantastic, the second one was good, but the third one was weak.
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I really enjoyed that Clint Barton had a secret family that Natasha of all people knew about. It was a little convenient in that Ultron had access to everything on the internet, but wouldn’t have known that Barton was married and had 2 kids. I found it really touching, as it gave a reason for Barton to be a part of the team, he is the most human out of them all, and he is doing the superhero act because it’s his job, and he wants to protect his family. I thought it was touching to see the Avengers reactions upon finding out.
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At the time, I thought that Thor’s vision that Scarlet Witch had given him was kind of lame, and took him out of the story and it added a storyline that wasn’t needed in that movie. I still believe some of that, as it doesn’t add anything whatsoever in the film, but it does set up the next movie that he is set to appear in, Thor: Ragnarok. He sees the infinity stones that have been seen in the MCU thus far, and he knows that it’s not a coincidence, so he decides that the best thing to do, is electrocute the cradle to bring Vision to life with the Mind Stone. One thing that doesn’t really make sense is how would he know about the Power Stone being in the MCU?
His vision also hints at the whereabouts of the last Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone, when he questions Heimdall about what happened to his eyes, which were white in this scene, but are usually orange, the colour of the Soul Stone).
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The Hulk, after being tricked and forced to turn by the Black Widow, decides to leave the Avengers after the events in Sokovia, and ends up disappearing. We will hopefully find out exactly what happened in Thor: Ragnarok, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they just gloss over that little detail.
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The Avengers end up getting a new facility, courtesy of Stark using one of his father’s old warehouse in upstate New York to avoid a confrontation where civilians can be hurt near their base of operations. We also get to meet the new Avengers, which include Black Widow, Vision, Scarlet Witch, War Machine, Falcon and Captain America.
We get a fun little chat between Thor, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark where the ‘humans’ debate whether Vision being able to lift Mjolnir counts, as he’s an android. Thor finally leaves, running Stark’s lawn, and heads off towards Ragnarok.
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There was only one post credit scene in this film, and that was of Thanos grabbing a gauntlet and saying that he’s going to have to do it himself, leading into Avengers: Infinity War.
Josh Brolin as Thanos ‘doing it himself’: Post Credit Scene – Source: Marvel Studios
Overall, I feel like this movie could have been a lot better in terms of how the villain was used, the manipulation / release of the Maximoff twins, the lullaby, the hinted relationship between Banner and Romanoff, and being too much like the first Avengers film. There was a lot of good moments, which is why the score might be higher than people think. I really enjoyed the opening sequence of the film as well as the after party that followed. I feel like it made the Avengers relatable and fun to see them interacting as the friends that they’ve become since their first mission in New York.
The twin’s ability was visually well done, except I had problems with Quicksilver being tired. I loved the realization that Barton was hiding a whole life from his friends, having his family off the books at S.H.I.E.L.D. which was really convenient but held true to the character. This film also helps in setting up a lot of films from Phase III of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with; Ulysses Klaue for Black Panther, Stark and Rogers starting to have more friction due to their beliefs for Captain America: Civil War, Thor on his side mission & Hulk disappearing for Thor: Ragnarok, and Thanos in the post credit scene for Avengers: Infinity War.
Promotional poster – Source: Marvel Studios
At the end of the day, this movie had a lot of shortcomings, and was extremely noticeable after coming off two very great movies in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy. I have to give this film a score, and that score is 7/10.
What did you think of the film? Are you excited for Thor: Ragnarok? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading,
Alex Martens
The Avengers: Age of Ultron Review Released: May 1, 2015 Running Time: 2 hours 21 minutes "When Tony Stark jumpstarts a dormant peacekeeping program, things go terribly awry, forcing him, Thor, the Incredible Hulk and the rest of the Avengers to reassemble.
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