soulsballad · 8 months
Name:  yuu horikoshi ( •̀ᴗ•́ )
Age:  18 years old
Do you like to cuddle?:  love to! but if you start cuddling me, i might fall asleep and not let you go, then we'll be late for class, then yaga-sensei will scold me again then-
Can we make-out?:  u-uh, yeah! totally!
A night in or dinner out?:  there's this place in yokohama i've been wanting to take you, petra, i think you'll really like it... also, i can't cook for shit so i don't think we have an alternative. the last time i tried to cook you something, i thought i was going to see god...
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?:  both, i've got some ice cream in the fridge that could really use it!
Chocolates and roses?:  yeah! but i don't want to say i'll get you some, otherwise that'll ruin the surprise! i-i mean that's not to say i won't get you flowers, i definitely will- i mean- ah, shit, it's not a surprise anymore is it? well, i hope you like tulips. and some chocolate with a fancy name i don't know how to pronounce.
What makes you a good Valentine?:  sweetie, love of my life, stars in my sky, i'm still trying to wrap my head around that i'm your boyfriend, the hell if i know why you've stuck around me this long. but, i'll always be good to you, i'll adore you until i get eaten by a curse or something, and i have a red panda which is a pretty cool bonus, right?
Would you cook for me?:  for both of our sakes, sweetie, i will never cook for you again so we can both survive.
Would you let me cook for you?:  again, for both our sakes, anything to keep me away from the stove. we could probably teach our little curse to cook, hmm...
Where would you take me on a date?: anywhere you wanted! i was thinking we could stay at my house, i'll set up the whole place. we'll put all the blankets and pillows in the living room, watch movies and play video games the whole day. i know a candle-lit dinner is supposedly a really romantic thing to do so i'd set up that as well, along with getting a bunch of food from your favorite places throughout the day.
Who’s paying?:  me, don't worry! i've never really used my funds from my family's vault before, it's a good way to make a dent in it, finally 👍
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?:  ... too much, i think. i was going around tokyo wondering what to buy you, until i ended up with ... a lot 😭 there's this jacket i bought you that i thought would go well with that one blouse you had, a bouquet of flowers ... two bouquets, actually. a lot of chocolate, this plushie that i made for you with a bunch of yarn, and a necklace that cost more than i thought it would. it's real shiny too! the crows tried snatching it once or twice, but i kept it safe for you! i also made you these arm - bracers, they're really light weight and thin enough to fit under your uniform, they have a little bit of cursed energy inside that can summon a shield for you. pretty cool, right?
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petra will never, ever, ever doubt yuu's love for her. ever. she never has, but this just solidified it. ❝ i - i don't even know what to say! you got me all that!? i - i hope you didn't spend too much money, yuu! ❞ even if she did end up scolding him for spending too much petra will always be grateful for everything he does for her. he really is the perfect boyfriend. but, getting back to the application, ❝ well i definitely agree with you on the cooking part... maki still asks where the black marks came from on the walls of the kitchen. ❞ luckily for them, petra is a great liar. ( no she's not, maki just doesn't want to know. ) ❝ why don't we cuddle after dinner? that way we can do everything you have planned and still get to cuddle! ❞ a bright smile flashes across her face at that, and it doesn't take her too long to find herself standing before the boy, arms wrapping comfortably around him. ❝ you're the best, yuu! of course your application is accepted! we'll have the best valentine's day ever! wait until you see what i got you. ❞
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