allaten24 · 1 month
ALLATRA SUMMIT: We've set a precedent that has a very big opportunity
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The ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT Summit was held in PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC. The international conference was held on May 11, 2024, at the Prague Lucerna Palace, a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic. The summit attracted guests from 35 countries in the Americas, the European Union, Asia and Africa. Participants included representatives of various expert groups, academia and the media.
As the esteemed Dr. Egon Cholakian, a U.S. national security expert and federal lobbyist who attended the event as part of his visit to Europe, said at the Summit, “Friends, you are in the heart of a national security issue. It's climate change." 
Independent climate change expert Taliy Shkurupiy (USA) at the “ ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT” SAMMIT said: “we don't even have 10 years and this is unfortunately our reality”.
Dr. John Ahn (USA), an expert in the development of new technologies in energy, chemical processes and natural sciences said at the ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT Summit: “The X factor is the additional heat caused by the rise of
magma is a cyclical process triggered by external cosmic forcing every 12,000 years, and our planet is already in that cycle this year, 2024." 
Independent climate change expert Talia Shkurupii (USA) bluntly stated that: “we understand exactly why this is happening and we understand that there is an anthropogenic factor behind it pollution of the ocean with microplastics this is causing the ocean to heat up much faster we need to bring scientists together and create a unified science center and really start working on solving this problem” 
U.S. intelligence expert at the ALLATRA Summit in Prague, Czech Republic Dr. Egon Cholakian said, “because climate is our #1 enemy, forget about tomorrow, the enemy is here today.”
It is very inspiring to hear the message that ends the official trailer of the ALLATRA CLIMATE CRISIS EVENT: 
We want to live.
                                                           Do you? 
      We have set a precedent that has great possibilities. 
                                    The future of the Earth depends on us. 
                              Look. Speak up, act! 
                                       ALLATRA CLIMATE SUMMIT 
The press release of the event “ALLATRA CLIMATIC CRISIS” was published on the American media platform https://www.einpresswire.com/.
A large number of participants of the Creative Society project, which is a partner project of ALLATRA, were also present and spoke at the event. Creative Society has largely taken ALLATRA's long-standing climate analytics and developed it. The projects work together to solve the climate problem.
ALLATRA Climate Crisis Summit. Official Trailer
Subscribe to the partner channel 
#Summit   #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Sustainability #GlobalCrisis #FutureGeneration #ALLATRA 
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altur24 · 2 months
Large-scale Positive Activities of ALLATRA Volunteers and the Creative Society
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ALLATRAL, an international public movement, and the volunteers of the Creative Society project actively inform the global community about climate change and the need for people on the planet to unite in addressing these issues.
We understand that only by uniting all people, scientists, and a scientific and technological breakthrough can we help ourselves escape this catastrophe.
Our volunteers are actively working to solve the climate problem, informing people about the importance of this issue and offering ways out of the current situation.
Recently in Uzbekistan, participants of ALLATRA's partner project - Creative Society- presented a climate report  titled 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences' to the country's Supreme Mufti and the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences. The report presents compelling information about the negative consequences of climate change and emphasizes the need for immediate action.
ALLATRA volunteers and the partner project Creative Society are acting on a large scale and actively!
On July 15, at a meeting with the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, volunteers of the Creative Society project presented the climate report 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences'. The Vice-President was very interested in the topic revealed in this report.
Italy has also not stood aside. Volunteers of the Creative Society project held information meetings in the Acropolis, where they told people about the climate problem and the solution that could save the planet.
We believe that only by uniting the scientific potential of humanity can we find a way out of this difficult situation.
ALLATRA calls on all people to take active action: share information about the climate problem, demand the creation of a unified scientific center for scientists, speak the truth!
Let's work together to create a Creative Society where humans live in harmony with nature and the planet becomes a thriving home for future generations.
Together we can change the world!
Please share it, comment, like, repost, and of course applaud!!!
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mylittleliterarian · 5 years
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Det är så tydligt att Maria Nilsson Thore kan det där med barnets perspektiv, att följa barnets blick. I böckerna om förskolan Ärtan är vi nere på golvet med barnen, fröknarna ser vi bara benen på. ”Alla Tre på utflykt med förskolan Ärtan” öppnar upp till fantastiska berättelser om förskolan och vad som händer där. Särskilt mycket gillar vi sidorna där en massa små saker ligger upplagda. Ett uppslag med saker man kan hitta i skogen (barr, kottar som djur ätir på, pinnar … ) och ett vad man kan hitta på väg dit (tuggummi, hundbajs, äppelskrutt … ) På sista sidan är det en liten karta över vägen från förskolan, hela vägen till övergångsstället och skogen och där går vi nu. Fram och tillbaka, fram och tillbaka och på något magiskt sätt så tröttnar vi aldrig.
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mylittleliterarian · 7 years
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"Alla tre inne på förskolan Ärtan" av Maria Nilsson Thore kanske är världens bästa bok att hitta roliga grejer i. Här finns flörtkulor, dinosaurier, torkskåp, klossar, kastanjer, höstlöv, pärlor, bilar, toarullar, kuddrum ja you name it! Nu går inte August på förskola än men vi gissar att den är toppen att använda för att berätta om dagens äventyr där.
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