#ALL i want is a pose for Mandy's character page
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simandy · 2 years ago
Life is hard but have you ever looked for bed poses for sims that are not related to sex
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maxwellatoms · 4 years ago
I'm directing this question here on behalf of someone on Twitter (I wish my memory could serve on specifically whom), but they noticed that (and wondered why) in the later seasons of Billy and Mandy, the characters tended to draw more closely to their model sheets, more often than usual (in their original tweet they supplied a few episode pics, all of which feature Billy in his pose from the "Billy Expressions" sheet)
When I was making my pilots and sitting next to Greg Miller and Mr. Warburton, we had all sorts of crazy ideas. One was that a “pure” cartoon wouldn’t have a model pack at all. Each pose should be dragged directly from the artist’s heart and smeared across the page. Pure emotion!
And that’s all well and good until you realize that most people don’t care to spread their heart across the page. Most people just want to get done and get paid and go home and be normal. It took me a while to understand that. And nothing helped me to understand that more than B&M Season One. By the time we had that one in the can, I realized that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted out of not having a proper model pack. In fact, it just caused me more headaches and work. Without reference to draw from, the overseas studio usually just traced the storyboards. And storyboard artists don’t always do the best drawings. Takes one to know one.
Anyway, I eventually got B&M where I wanted to visually, but it would have been a lot easier to start out on the right foot.
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uberstip · 6 years ago
Lebih enak mana, traveling jaman dulu atau sekarang? Karena saya termasuk generasi Milenial (manusia yang lahir di tahun 1980-1997), tentu saja saya merasa jauh lebih enak sekarang. Kok bisa? Teknologi dan internet mempermudah segalanya. Berikut opini dari mata seorang om-om Milenial.
Sulit membayangkan jalan-jalan tanpa iPhone dan GPS. Dulu, nyasar dikit tanya orang. Sekarang, nyasar dikit liat Google Maps. Ada fitur offline maps nya lagi. Ga perlu buka maps kertas segede gaban.
Dulu traveling hanya untuk orang kaya, now everyone can fly. Dulu susah banget dapet tiket murah karena flight masih terbatas. Sekarang tiket murah berhamburan. Tinggal nunggu promo maskapai penerbangan atau Online Travel Fair. Pas lagi ga ada promo, tinggal search di Skyscanner untuk mencari opsi yang termurah berdasarkan waktu dan tanggal keberangkatan.
Dulu, belum ada pemesanan tiket pesawat, kereta, dan hotel secara online. Sekarang, Traveloka, Go Euro, Booking dan kawan-kawan siap memanjakanmu. Cukup dengan goyang jempol, kita bisa jadi travel agent untuk diri sendiri!
Dulu, sulit mencari informasi destinasi wisata. Mentok, liat brosur di travel agent atau beli buku panduan kaya Lonely Planet yang harganya ga murah. Sekarang, tinggal klik sambil tiduran, Google membanjirimu dengan informasi gratis dari web, blog, dan Youtube.
Dulu karena minim informasi, orang takut bepergian sendirian. Akhirnya mereka memakai tur wisata. Sekarang, orang mulai berani bepergian sendirian karena info destinasi beserta tips-tipsnya didapat dengan mudah di Internet. You are able to overcome your fear, and do what you dream.
Dulu traveling masih naik unta, sekarang udah naik private jet *kalo kamu sekaya Syahrini.
Dulu belum ada Internet, biaya telepon interlokal mahal. Sekarang bisa chat, video call, bahkan live streaming ditonton khalayak ramai. Gratis lagi! tinggal nyari Free Wifi. Papa mama tenang, fans senang, haters meriang.
Dulu kita masi meraba-raba seperti apa tempat tujuan yang akan didatangi. Sekarang, sebelum sampai kesana kita sudah tau apa yang mau dicobain. Must eat, must see, things to do, things to kiss. Itinerary pun bisa dipersiapkan secara detail.
Dulu kita gampang tertipu saat traveling. Sekarang, Kita lebih tahu mana tourist trap yang harus dihindari dan mana transportasi publik yang bisa diandalkan. Copet, tipu-tipu, fake taxi, harga dimahalin, pura-pura minta donasi, pelayan pura-pura lupa kasi kembalian. Kita belajar dari pengalaman yang dibagikan orang lain. Kita pun lebih pede dan mawas diri saat bepergian.
Dulu belum ada Instagram, Facebook dan kawan-kawan. Traveling benar-benar hanya untuk diri sendiri. Sekarang, kamu bisa berbagi apa yang ada didepanmu dengan semua orang.
Dulu, kamera masi pake rol film dan kualitas gambarnya masi kaya film Dono Kasino Indro. Sekarang, kualitas foto dari iPhone aja udah lebih keren dari kamera jadul. Apalagi dengan Mirrorless Camera atau DSLR yang kualitasnya super sharp dengan bokeh effect super smooth. Kamu pun berasa jadi foto model.
Dulu, HP Nokia cuma bisa buat mainan game uler kejedot. Sekarang, iPhone bisa menyimpan ribuan game, buku dan lagu. Jadi ga bosen pas lagi nganggur di kereta atau pesawat.
Dulu, semua serba cash. Bawa duit cash terlalu banyak resikonya gede. Sekarang, tinggal gesek Credit Card. Kalo sekaya Hotman Paris si bebas. Kalo sobat kismin, boro-boro bawa cash kebanyakan, makan di angkringan aja masih nyicil.
Tambahkan versimu sendiri.
Berbahagialah kita yang traveling di era milenial!
Namun, traveling jaman dulu punya romantisisme tersendiri. Bisa kirim-kiriman surat atau kartu pos, bisa nangis-nangisan di Airport karena bakal rindu beneran dan ga bisa berkabar dalam waktu yang lama. Zaman dimana belum ada Whatsapp buat keep in touch.
Dulu traveling benar-benar waktu menikmati kesendirian, kita tidak terganggu oleh keinginan mengupload foto di Instagram dan membalas comment di Facebook. Traveling murni karena ketertarikan ingin berpetualang ke tempat baru, menikmati pengalaman baru, dan menjadi diri yang baru.
Lalu apakah traveling jaman dulu lebih berkelas dibanding sekarang? Tidak juga. Dengan segala kemudahan dan flesibilitasnya, bukan berarti traveling kita jadi cemen.
“To travel is the experience of ceasing to be the person you are trying to be, and becoming the person you really are.” ― Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light
Traveling tidak selalu indah dan nyaman. Traveler era Milenial juga memiliki tantangannya sendiri. Pesawat yang delay, bule yang jutek, pemandangan yang tidak seindah foto, dikasih uang kembalian palsu, berantem sama temen, mencret akibat kebanyakan makan kari, likes Instagram yang sedikit, di blok gebetan karena cemburu, dan lain-lain.
Pengalaman tak terduga menjadi kenangan unik tersendiri. Kisah sebuah perjalanan ga melulu harus yang indah bukan? ‘It’s not always about the destination, sometimes the journey has its own rainbow’
Dulu dan sekarang, inti traveling tetaplah sama. Melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah kita lakukan sebelumnya. Menikmati penyegaran jiwa di tempat baru untuk pertama kalinya.
You can’t skip chapters, that’s not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won’t enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read the things you don’t want to read. But…
You will have moments when you don’t want the pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. (Not like Insta stories that you can skip everytime)
– Pillow Thoughts II
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Posing like Becks in front of the 5th largest palace in the world.  Fun Fact: It’s bigger than Buckingham Palace!
Barcelona, akhir musim gugur 2018. Di pagi yang cerah, angin terasa lebih menusuk dari biasanya. Saya menaikkan retsletting jaket, memasukkan satu tangan ke dalam saku dan menutupi kepala dengan hoodie. Adidas ZNE Hoodie yang baru saya beli sehari sebelumnya. Saat mengenakannya, saya merasa cool seperti David Beckham dalam iklannya.
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Picture courtesy by adidas.com
Benar, OOTD baru ga cuma meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, tapi juga bikin kamu songong. Walaupun sebenarnya kamu hanyalah korban iklan yang bahagia. Sambil menggeret koper, saya melangkahkan kaki menuju Universidad Metro Station.
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Barcelona to Madrid by Train
Keliling Eropa paling nyaman, gampang, dan relatif murah ya naik kereta. Saya berangkat dari stasiun kereta Barcelona Sants pada pukul 9 pagi, dan tiba di Madrid Atocha pukul 11.45. Dengan tiket renfe yang sudah saya beli melalui Go Euro app, saya tinggal scan barcode di gate keberangkatan dan menunjukkan mobile ticket via iPhone ke conductor. Ga perlu repot nge-print lagi.
Menemukan gerbong atau gate keberangkatan kereta tinggal baca di layar digital yang bertuliskan kota tujuan, jam berangkat, dan di jalur rel nomor berapa.
Sistem Kereta Eropa tepat waktu sampai ke menit-menitnya. Jadi kalau di jadwal akan tiba di Madrid pukul 11.45 maka tepat jam 11.45 akan sampai. Pasang ALARM! Jangan ketiduran sampe kebablasan! Jangan lupa ngambil bagasi koper!
Pemandangan selama perjalanan di kereta sungguh menyegarkan mata. Hamparan sawah ladang, hutan hijau, rumah-rumah berwarna-warni lebih indah jika dilihat langsung.
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Madrid Atocha Station
How to get around city?
Sesampainya di Madrid, saya membeli kartu transportasi umum di mesin yang tersedia. Fungsi kartu ini kaya Ez Link card di Singapore, cuma disini namanya ‘Abono’. Dengan kartu ini, kamu bisa naik semua transportasi umum seperti metro, tram, dan bus.
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The cheapest and most convenient way is to get your transportation card which gives you full access to all Madrid public transportation (metro, tram, bus). Order your transportation card called ‘Abono’ in the machine or counter. And then Top it up! It works just like an Ez Link Card in Singapore
Harga kartunya €2.50, belum ada isi creditnya. Kamu bisa membeli dengan koin, cash ataupun Kartu Kredit. Di mesinnya juga ada pilihan bahasa Inggris. Kalo bingung, kamu bisa beli di counter station yang ada penjaganya. Kamu juga bisa langsung top up atau menambah kredit jumlah uang di kartu. Ada berbagai macam pilihan top up, sesuaikan pilihan dengan itinerary-mu.
Top up untuk sekali perjalanan, seharga Single ticket 1,50€-2,00€ (tergantung jarak atau jumlah perhentian metro yang dilewati). Kalo dari pusat kota ke Airport, kena extra charge 5,00€
Top up sekali banyak, seharga 10-journey ticket 12,20€
Tourist travel card 1-day 8,40€ – Pas buat kamu yang cuma punya waktu sehari di Madrid. Cukup top up sekali 8,40 Euro, puas-puasin naik metro kemana aja
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Madrid has one of the best underground systems in the world. It can get you almost everywhere in the city. Picture courtesy by planometromadrid.org Download Madrid Metro Map in PDF right here 
Sebenarnya, kartu ini jarang saya pakai di Madrid. Saya memakai Abono cuma saat hendak pergi dari Atocha stasiun ke pusat kota, dari hostel ke Santiago Barnebeu, dan terakhir saat menuju ke Bandara. Selebihnya saya jalan kaki karena tempat-tempat wisatanya saling berdekatan dan begitu sentral di pusat kota.
Dari semua kota di Eropa yang saya kunjungi, saya merasa sistem kereta bawah tanah di Madrid yang paling nyaman dan efisien. Rutenya jelas menjangkau hampir tiap sudut kota. Ga berjubelan kaya di Roma, dan jauh lebih bersih dibandingkan Paris. Dari Atocha, saya menuju ke Sol stasiun. Kemudian tinggal jalan kaki ke TOC, hostel tempat saya menginap.
Where do i stay in Madrid?
‘Hola!’ sesampainya di Hostel, resepsionis menyambut saya dengan ramah. Saya pun diperbolehkan langung menempati kamar, walaupun sebenarnya belum waktunya check in. Inilah nikmatnya stay di kota yang level touristy nya ga over crowded.
Dengan lift, saya naik ke kamar saya yang berada di lantai tiga. Begitu masuk, saya merasa begitu bebas. Karena di kamar ga ada orang lain, dan kasur masi tertata rapi. Yihaaa… satu kamar buat sendiri. Jadi hostel rasa hotel, saya pun selonjoran bebas tanpa memakai celana. I feel free! Syahrono berkumandang.
Lantai kamarnya berbahan kayu, lightingnya homy, kamar mandi dalem plus hot shower dan wastafel buat ngaca narsis. Kasurnya bersih dan empuk lengkap dengan gantungan buat naruh hape dan lubang colokan listrik. Kaca jendela bisa dibuka, liat pemandangan pertokoan di sekitar Puerta del Sol.
The best thing about it is the magnificent views from the window balcony
Big mirror with sink. Bathroom with a hot shower inside the room
comfortable, cozy and minimalist
TOC Hostel Madrid
In a traditional downtown apartment building. Bright, artsy mixed-sex and female-only dorms come with free Wi-Fi, shared bathrooms, bunk beds and lockers
Address: Plaza de Celenque, 3, 28013 Madrid
Price for one night in 8-Bed Mixed Dormitory Room 19 Euro | Rp. 315,000
Direction: 3-minute walk from Puerta del Sol metro station and 4 minutes from stately Plaza Mayor square TOC Hostel Google Maps Location
Lounge area nya keren abis. Dekorasi interior nya spanyol banget *iya lah lo lagi spanyol. Ada bar, meja billyard, dan sofa yang nyaman buat duduk sambil browsing. One of the best hostel that I’ve stayed in Europe.
Yang paling sempurna adalah lokasinya. Tepat berada di pusat kota. Area sekitar hostel dikelilingi pusat perbelanjaan. Keluar Hostel langsung liat Starbucks. Dari hostel, cukup jalan kaki sekitar 8 menit untuk sampai ke Royal Palace.
What to do in Madrid?
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The historic cafe that has deep fried Churros and chunky Hot Chocolate as their main course. The terrace is open, lively and cheerful. Must try in Madrid!
1. Ngemut Churros di Chocolatería San Ginés
Setelah menaruh koper dan bersantai sejenak di kamar, saya yang langsung menuju Chocolateria San Gines, cafe yang letaknya gak jauh dari Hostel. Tak lain dan tak bukan buat nyobain Churros! adonan roti goreng yang berbentuk stik. Kalo kita sarapannya bubur, orang Spanyol paling suka sarapan Churros.
Cafe bersejarah ini sudah buka sejak tahun 1894. Klasik abis! Pengalaman mereka menyempurnakan cita rasa Churros dan Hot Chocolate sudah ga diragukan lagi.
There is always a queue in front of this tile-covered counter, but it moves fast
Ambient of the room like from school canteen. It has two floors and white marble tables
Chocolateria San Gines
Traditional Churros with Chocolate since 1894. A bar reminiscent of the cafes in the late nineteenth century
How to order: Step 1, order at the cashier. Step 2, give your order receipt to a waiter and be seated
Best seller menu: Hot Chocolate with 6 Churros 4 Euro |Rp. 67,000
Address: Pasadizo de San Ginés, 5, 28013 Madrid
Open 24 Hours
Direction: San Gines Google Maps Location
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Porras! Spain’s most famous breakfast. The golden fried dough sticks coated in sugar, served with a cup of thick and rich chocolate
Setelah memesan, saya pun mencari tempat duduk. Karena di teras dan dalam penuh, jadinya saya duduk di lantai bawah. Keren… cafe ada bunkernya. Mungkin sisa jaman perang. Bayangan tentara menyembunyikan sedus Churros ke bawah tanah, tiba-tiba berputar di kepala.
Ga lama setelah duduk, Churros tiba di meja. Churros nya unik, saking panjangnya jadi sedikit melengkung. Disajikan fresh langsung dari penggorengan bersama secangkir hot chocolate. Churros nya yang berwarna yang coklat keemasan terlihat menggoda iman.
Begitu juga dengan Hot Chocolate-nya. Berbeda dengan negara lain, hot chocolate khas Spanyol bener-bener kentel dan pekat. Cara makannya mirip dengan Oreo, ‘diputer dijilat dicelupin’. Bedanya, Churros langsung dicelup ga perlu dijilat-jilat terlebih dahulu. Quickie! 
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Churros in here are warm, light, and less sweet. Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside. Dipping it into melted chocolate is simply right. They melts in your mouth perfectly with rich bittersweet chocolate. Bueno, fulgoso!
Abis sesi pemotretan, Churros pun masuk kemulut. ‘Kress kress kress’, saking renyahnya mulut pun bersuara. Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside. Ga terlalu manis, lebih ke asin dan gurih. Sangat berbeda dengan Churros Disneyland yang super sweet.
Habis ngerasain yang polos, saatnya nyobain yang liar! celup-celup Churros ke dalam chocolate. Slurrrrppp… rasanya kenyol-kenyol nyess dimulut. Menyatu sempurna dengan rich bittersweet chocolate. Tanpa sadar, 6 churros panjang habis dalam sekejap.
Makan makanan Spanyol di negara Spanyol memang ga pernah salah!
2. Strolling around Puerta del Sol
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El Oso y El Madroño. The 20 ton statue of a bear eating fruits from a tree. These two emblematic figures represent the official symbol of Madrid
Setelah kenyang, saya bertemu dengan beruang. Beruang pohon yang menjadi lambang resmi kota Madrid. Apakah dia beruang madu? saya tidak tahu. Apakah dia kenal dengan Winnie The Pooh? Bisa jadi. Yang pasti, dia beruang yang sedang memakan buah strawberry langsung dari pohonnya.
Beruang yang menjadi monumen perjanjian perdamaian antara pendeta dan dewan pemerintahan atas eksploitasi hutan di masa lalu.
Berdiri di salah satu square terbesar di Madrid, Puerta del Sol. Sekarang, beruang ini menjadi favorit para turis untuk berfoto. Kalo di Shibuya ada Hachiko, di Sol ada Hachibear *karena belum bernama, saya namain sendiri beruangnya *maksa
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In the middle of the Puerta del Sol, a large equestrian statue of King Carlos III looks out on a beautiful 18th century red brick building, the Casa de Correos (The House of the Post Office). The best mayor of Madrid! during his reign (1759-1788) he improves the city  greatly. Doing everything from building hospitals to founding Spain’s lottery
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According to legend the original name of the city was ‘Ursaria’ (land of bears in Latin), due to the high number of Bears that were found in the forest
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Locals are sitting and enjoying people-watching. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Puerta del Sol
Madrid’s most famous square, a bustling meeting place in the heart of the city. An equine statue of King Carlos III and 0 km marker stone for Spanish distances
Address: Plaza de la Puerta del Sol, s/n, 28013 Madrid
Direction: Lines 1, 2 and 3 – Sol station Sol Google Maps Location
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Siang itu, pertengahan November 2018, hawa di akhir musim gugur sejuk menyapa. Langit sedikit mendung. Bule-bule berseliweran dalam dekapan winter coat yang fashionable. Menyaksikan gaya berpakaian mereka, menjadi keasyikan tersendiri.
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Shopping therapy with belanja-belanji
Kebanyakan dari mereka mengenakan coat yang dipenuhi bulu di pinggiran penutup kepala. Konon, bulunya ga cuma buat menghangatkan tapi bisa menahan debu salju masuk ke mata. Slayer serta sepatu boot yang mereka kenakan juga necis dan keren.
Gaya hidup kekinian begitu menonjol. Pertokoan diantara bangunan bergaya abad pertengahan menghiasi kanan kiri jalan. Area ini dijejali kafe, restoran, toko souvenir, toko buku, dan mol barang bermerek. Ada Starbucks, La Mallorquina Pastry Shop, Apple Store, Tattoo shop, Foot locker, Zara, Casa del Libro book store, Supermarket El Corte Ingles dan Harapan Palsu store.
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Jendela yang banyak menjadi ciri khas rumah-rumah di Madrid, bentuknya seperti pintu dengan teralis di bagian depan. Mungkin sengaja dibuat gini, biar cowo bisa menggombali ciwi dengan bernyanyi sambil memainkan gitar dari bawah. Sang ciwi pun menyaksikan dari balcony dengan tersipu-sipu nafsu. Te amo más que nada en el mundo!
En palabras simples y comunes yo te extraño en lenguaje terrenal mi vida eres tu en total simplicidad seria yo te amo y en un trozo de poesia tu seras mi luz, mi bien
In simple and common words I miss you in earthly language my life is you in total simplicity, I would love you and in a piece of poetry you will be my light, my good
Chayanne – Yo te amo
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Supermercado El Corte Inglés. Huge shopping centre that sells almost anything! It’s also a nice supermarket, with a good range of clothes, food, and souvenirs
Area berbelanja disini ga cuma cantik dan menyenangkan. Di sepanjang jalan, saya terhibur oleh berbagai street artist nyentrik. Mata saya otomatis tertuju pada Alien yang lagi mengangkat tentara, seolah hendak memakannya hidup-hidup.
Patung aliennya real abis. Yang membuat saya ga habis pikir, apa ga cape ya dia digantung melayang gitu? Kita yang hubungannya digantung tanpa status aja cape.
Alien that allergic to human. Where’s Predator?
Street performer show off their magic
Hmmm… sambil motoin saya mulai berpikir trik apa yang mereka pakai agar bisa terlihat mengambang dengan nyaman? Kayanya sih ada handel berbentuk tangan palsu plus strap karet penopang tubuh tersembunyi di balik jaket. Namun tetap diperlukan fisik yang kuat untuk bergelantungan seharian. Kalo kamu terpukau dan lagi ga kismin, sisihkan sedikit koin Euro-mu buat mereka.
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Teatro Real Opera. The heaven for the arts, ballet, and flamenco music
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The street was lined with exotic buildings. I’m stunned by the magic of Spanish architectural design
3. Admiring The Beauty of Palacio Real de Madrid
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The striking architecture of the world famous Royal Palace. White washed and crystallised baroque exterior. It was inspired by the sketches for the construction of the Louvre in Paris made by Bernini
Setelah mengitari Puerta del Sol, saya sampai di Royal Palace of Madrid. Istana yang dulunya merupakan kediaman resmi keluarga kerajaan. Sekarang, istana ini dijadikan tempat upacara kenegaraan dan dibuka untuk umum. Bangunannya bercorak putih elegan. Sesuai dengan warna jersey tim sepakbola kebanggaan kota ini, Real Madrid.
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Beautiful fountain and Magnificent statue of Felipe IV, looks like he’s protecting the Palace
Patung perunggu Philip IV yang lagi menunggang kuda, berdiri megah diantara kolam air mancur dan taman hijau yang menghiasi istana. Raja Spanyol paling hebat sepanjang sejarah. Raja yang memegang kendali seluruh wilayah kekuasaan Spanyol di benua Amerika, Eropa, Asia dan Afrika (1621-1665).
Royal Palace of Madrid
18th-century, ridge-top palace for state occasions, plus tours with rooms full of art and antiques
Address: Calle de Bailén, s/n, 28071 Madrid
Entrance Fee: 10 Euro
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–8PM
Direction: Palacio Real de Madrid Google Maps Location
Jardines de lepanto. It has beautiful sculptures made from plants, The park is well maintained
OLD. Obsessive Leaf Disorder. Everytime you see colorful leafs, you become mellow. Memandangnya dengan tatapan kosong, sambil menggandeng tangan sendiri. Beautiful romance disorder
Next to the Royal Palace, good place to relax, and watch the people
It was a lovely sight in the afternoon. Taman cantik yang menghiasi istana terasa menenangkan. Sepanjang mata memandang, orang-orang duduk bersantai. Saya pun ikut nongkrong di bangku taman sambil memperhatikan sekitar. Ada om-om lagi baca koran, sepasang remaja bergantian berfoto di depan air mancur dan Penelope Cruz yang senyum-senyum sendiri menatap iPhone-nya.
Maksud saya, gadis yang wajahnya mirip Penelope Cruz. Wajah khas timur tengah dengan kulit kecoklatan, rahang pipi tirus, dan bermata biru. Saat itu saya langsung membayangkan artis asal Spanyol kaya Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, dan Salma Hayek. Betul, ketiganya memiliki lekuk tubuh yang aduhai. Gitar spanyol beneran, bukan boongan.
Sexy itu relatif, Montok itu mutlak
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I’d rather live in a cave with a view of a palace than live in a palace with a view of a cave – Karl Pilkington
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This square is surrounded by three-floor buildings and nine entrances
4. Saying prayer at Catedral de la Almudena
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Located next to the Royal Palace. The building of the Almudena cathedral completed in 1993. The Neo classical baroque exterior is simply wonderful. The perfect place to marry a princess
Berdekatan dengan Royal Palace, terdapat Katedral terbesar di Madrid. Bangunan gerejanya didominasi oleh warna putih, rose gold, dan biru. Sangat berbeda dengan gereja gothic di Eropa lainnya.
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The church’s door also with its unique design
Catedral de la Almudena
Baroque Catholic Cathedral known for its colourful chapels, Romanesque crypt & museum. Full of amazing stained glass and dome. Iconography of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and other saints on display. Please don’t miss visiting the small chapel to the right of the altar where the tabernacle for the sacred sacrament is kept
Address: Calle de Bailén, 10, 28013 Madrid
Hours: Gereja nya buka tiap hari. Museumnya buka Senin – Sabtu 10AM – 2.30PM
Admission Fee: Masuk gerejanya gratis. Masuk museum bayar 6 Euro
Direction: Lines 5 and 2 – Ópera station Almudena Google Maps Location
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I fall in love as soon as i step foot in this Cathedral. This Gothic interior feels so different to all the ones I have seen before. Grey, white and gold dominate the interior. It’s very bright and transfers a joyful atmosphere
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I really enjoyed the peacefulness or the cathedral, especially after a long week of traveling
Catholicism is an integral part of Spanish culture. it will be good to find some time and space for prayer and to marvel at the structure within
I was expecting another medieval cathedral, not realizing that this one was different especially the colourful ceilings
Calm and Serene. Incredible stained glass, casting cool light inside
Saat masuk ke dalam, saya dibuat termenung oleh interior gereja nya yang terang, tidak sekelam Katedral Gothic lainnya. Mungkin karena pilar dan temboknya yang didominasi oleh warna putih, disertai jendela kaca mosaic yang cerah. Langit-langit berwarna-warni dengan lampu gantung warm white di tiap sudut. Kesannya jadi tua-tua modern. Saat duduk, saya merasakan damai yang menyejukkan.
Gereja yang menjadi saksi royal wedding versi Spanyol. Tempat dimana Pangeran Asturias Felipe dan Putri Letizia mengucap janji sehidup semati. Di alam bawah sadar, saya mengenakan jubah pangeran, berdiri di altar dan mengalungkan cincin kawin ke Park Shin-Hye. Kami pun berjalan keluar gereja sambil dilempari bunga oleh para tamu, kayak di drama-drama.
Lalu kami berdua melepas sepasang merpati dan balon warna-warni ke udara. Diakhiri dengan mengecup bibir satu sama lain. Gereja indah sukses menghidupkan saluran halu di dalam diri. Saraf-saraf romantis bergejolak, urat malu putus seketika.
Fascinating stained-glass window
The religious painting of the nun
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The Catedral de la Almudena, took more than one hundred years to complete. The cathedral looks much older than it actually is though, as it was only consecrated in 1993. Beautiful cathedral that mixes history and modernity
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Sunset at the crypt of Almudena cathedral
5. Take a wander through the small lane and take pictures of the Basilicas
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I’m a walker. I love exploring Madrid on foot, loosing myself in tangled lanes of the historic buildings and neighbourhoods
Kesan klasik begitu terasa saat menyusuri gang-gang kecil dan jalan antik dari paving block. Di sela bangunan granit yang picturesque, saya tak henti tersenyum dan memotret. Soal daya tarik wisata, Madrid memang belum setenar Barcelona. Tapi disitulah letak keasyikannya.
Madrid menyisakan ruang untuk bernafas, ga perlu impit-impitan dengan turis lain. Berjalan sendirian di antara bangunan tua berarsitektur gothic, baroque, dan art nouveau, saya merasa begitu relax. Ga ada kepadatan berarti di tempat wisata utama, ataupun antrian mengular seperti di Paris.
St. Andrew’s Church
Tapaz bar are everywhere!
Basilica de San Miguel. Beautiful and charming church around the beautiful and lively tapas zone of la latina not far from the plaza mayor
Saya berjalan layaknya Hyun Bin di Memories of Alhambra. Jalanan terlihat sepi menjelang matahari terbenam. Keramaian hanya terlihat di sejumlah teras cafe dan tapas bar. Muda-mudi dengan dandanan trendi berbincang diselingi gelak tawa. Aroma kopi, roti, dan daging panggang tercium saat saya berjalan melewati mereka.
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Iglesia San Pedro el Viejo. Leaning Moorish Mudéjar bell tower topping an elegant medieval church, the city’s second oldest!
Sometimes i’m so comfortable being alone that it makes other people uncomfortable
You don’t have to spend penny to admire the architecture around the town
An empty street, an empty house, hole inside my heart – Westlife
The charmingly photogenic lane
6. Eating Calamari Sandwich at Bar La Campana
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A definite favorite among the locals. The best place to grab a Calamari sandwich with a beer. The staff are friendly. Great experience for a budget
Kalo di Italia ada Pizza, di Madrid ada Bocadillo de Calamares! alias sandwich cumi goyeng. Roti baguette panjang dibelek lalu diisi dengan cumi goreng tepung berbentuk cincin. Simple tapi mematikan.
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Chaotic at night, tourists and locals enjoy incredibly tasty calamari sandwiches
Bar La Campana
Typical Spanish bar for a fast snack. The best calamari sandwich in Madrid
Address: Calle de Botoneras, 6, 28012 Madrid
Best seller menu: Bocadillo de Calamares 3 Euro | Rp. 50,000
Hours: Senin – Minggu 9:30AM–11PM
Direction: La Campana Google Maps Location
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A definite favorite among the locals. It was absolutely delicious, and well worth 3€. Squid was crispy and warm, the oily goodness soaks into the bread, making it super delicious
Tempat terbaik untuk nyobain roti cumi ini ada di La Campana. Saya duduk di tengah keramaian, mengunyah dengan khusyuk. ‘Blah-dee-hell, it’s good!’ sampe merem melek. Sambil ngunyah saya ngeliatin orang di meja sebelah nuangin mayonnaise ke rotinya. Kok di meja saya ga ada, akhirnya saya minta ke pramusaji. Dan ternyata itu bukan mayonnaise biasa, melainkan homemade garlic mayonnaise yang enak banget.
Sluurrrppp… ditemani bir dingin yang busanya sampe tumpe-tumpe, hati berdenyut-denyut. Mungkin ini yang disebut dengan comfort food. Tempatnya super rame, namun pelayanannya cepat dan efisien, mereka memberi tahu dengan ramah saat saya bertanya apakah ada WC disini. Ga cuma favorit bagi warga lokal, tempat ini menjadi kedai favorit saya selama di Eropa.
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Yang paling saya suka selama di Eropa, ga cuma di Madrid adalah rotinya enak-enak, kopinya luar biasa nikmat, gedung-gedungnya super eksotis, orang dan budayanya serba unik. Bener-bener perjalanan yang menyegarkan jiwa dan raga.
Selama disini, saya seperti meng-update cerita kehidupan. Ga selalu ada adegan spektakuler di tiap bagian. Kadang kebahagiaan kecil seperti makan enak, tidur pules, dan bangun meler merupakan scene yang paling membahagiakan.
“Try to live with the same intensity as a child. He doesn’t ask for explanations; he dives into each day as if it were a new adventure and, at night, sleeps tired and happy.” ― Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light
Things to do in Madrid. Kota Metropolis nan Eksotis Lebih enak mana, traveling jaman dulu atau sekarang? Karena saya termasuk generasi Milenial (manusia yang lahir di tahun 1980-1997), tentu saja saya merasa jauh lebih enak sekarang.
0 notes
demitgibbs · 7 years ago
Holiday Gift Guide: 2017
Sometimes it feels like I blink and the Holiday Season is once again upon us. I have compiled a list of 46 items ranging from $7.99 to $250, which I believe will be a hit with your loved ones. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of Florida a wonderful Holiday season and a happy New Year!
Health & Beauty
Ceramiracle’s FIRST LIGHT The Reboot Mask – $59 – Ceramiracle.comCeramiracle.com Reveal baby soft skin with this skin softening nutrient-rich clay mask containing ceramides and 25% BFE – that gently lifts away dead skin cells and impurities with rare black volcanic sand and lactic acid. Suitable for all skin types, fragrance-free and contains no parabens. Vegan friendly and cruelty-free.
Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse – $40 – brazilbronze.com This is a beauty product and tanning product in one. Infused with top beauty ingredients Resveratrol, Hyaluronic, Vitamin C & Vitamin D. Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse is a great way to keep your face and body glowing year-round. This light and airy mousse is easy to apply and creates a beautiful natural looking tan.
Smooth Operator–Loofah Soap/Spray Tan Remover – $15 – brazilbronze.com Smooth Operator Loofah Soap is great for removing your old spray tan and preparing your skin for a new one.  One side is a natural loofah sponge with a thin layer of glycerin soap around it. Seconds after applying to your skin the loofah is exposed and starts to get to work removing dead skin and the remainder of your old spray tan. The other side is a half inch of glycerin soap with a natural citrus scent to clean everything away. It leaves your skin silky smooth and ready for a fresh spray tan.  
Zue Beauty -zuebeauty.com Along with crafting quality, vegan, skin care products, they work with multiple social and environmental projects. With every purchase, Zue shares a portion of the proceeds with the partners that they support.
Purifying Facial Cleanser refreshes and balances your skin while gently removing impurities and traces of makeup and oils. Skin is left feeling revitalized and smooth.4 oz Daily Facial Moisturizer is formulated to help protect skin’s natural oils and preserve its hydration throughout the day. 1.8oz – $28.99
Scentbird Trendsetter – $59.95 (over $85 value) – ScentBird.com/giftboxes. The gift that keeps on giving, for men! It’s a designer cologne subscription site that delivers a different 30-day supply of cologne each month from brands such as Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Dior, Hermes, and over 350 others. These gorgeous gift boxes feature three cases in limited edition colors. Plus, each gift box includes a free month of Scentbird.
Xen-Tan (xen-tan.com) is a premium sunless self-tan company specializing in products that give a more natural color. Utilizing the most innovative ingredients and advanced technology in the industry, Xen-Tan products nourish the skin, contain pleasing aromas, and give a truly natural looking self-tan. Not only are all of their products safe for face and body, the superior formulas, textures, and colors are compatible with all skin tones and types.
Fresh Prep Scrub – $25; 8 oz Invigorating body scrub adjusts your skin’s pH to increase the length of your tan and give an even application. Use in the shower as a refreshing body cleanser to prepare skin before tanning.
Fresh Tanning Mousse – $48; 8 oz Created for those who want to feel and smell fresh all the time! Their hydrating, colorless mousse develops into XEN-TAN’s signature olive undertone in 3-4 hours with added skincare benefits. The smooth texture and light grapefruit scent give first time tanners the ability to feel comfortable.
Fresh Face Tan – $30; 2.7 oz Treat and tan sensitive facial skin in one easy step. This age defying sunless tanner is created specifically for delicate facial skin and leaves you feeling fresh while giving a youthful glow. The shower fresh scent lasts during application, then dissipates, leaving no odor while wearing it.
Gwen Stefani – http://smarturl.it/GwenChristmas. The Three-time Grammy Award-winning superstar released her first ever holiday album, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, on Interscope Records. An exclusive Deluxe Edition is available at Target. This special version includes a hard-back book with 24 pages of exclusive images from the making of the album and Gwen’s personal holiday photos. You Make It Feel Like Christmas features six originals and six classic holiday tunes.
George Michael – Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1/ MTV unplugged The Reissue of the late George Michael’s Iconic album, which was George’s second solo album is arranged, produced and almost completely written by George himself. It eloquently confirmed him as a pioneering, agenda-setting artist. Without Prejudice Vol. 1 remains a remarkable, timeless work, from the beautifully judged protest songs Praying For Time and Mother’s Pride, to the intimate Cowboys & Angels, via the autobiographical Freedom! ‘90.
Sam Smith – The Thrill Of It All – samsmith.world/TTOIAUS Rolling Stone awarded it four stars and hailed Smith as “one of the mightiest, most expressive singers of his generation.” The album contains the global hit “Too Good At Goodbyes,” which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Digital Song Sales chart and was certified Platinum by the RIAA today.
The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead Widely considered to be both The Smiths’ finest work and one of the greatest albums ever made, The Queen Is Dead has cast a significant influence over subsequent generations since it was first released in the summer of 1986. Now Warner Bros. Records has a remastered and expanded version of the album.  The Deluxe 3-CD/1-DVD Boxed Set – Featuring the 2017 master of the album; additional recordings featuring demos, b-sides, and alternative versions; the Live In Boston album; and a DVD featuring the 2017 master of the album, and The Queen Is Dead – A Film By Derek Jarman
Pet Shop Boys PSB released the second set of albums in their definitive ‘Catalogue: 1985-2012’ series of reissues of all their Parlophone studio albums. This second set sees the PSB albums ‘Yes‘ from 2009 and ‘Elysium‘ from 2012 reissued. Both titles have been remastered and are accompanied by ‘Further listening’ albums of master quality bonus tracks and demos created in the same period as each album, as well as Pet Shop Boys’ own remixes of their tracks, including some previously unreleased material. Both albums will be packaged with an extensive booklet in which Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe discuss each song, illustrated with many archive photographs.
This Is Us Season 1 – ($19.99) Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia star in this acclaimed, provocative new series centered on characters who share the same birthday, the story follows several decades in the lives of Jack and Rebecca Pearson. Filled with memorable performances from its acclaimed Emmy nominated cast, This Is Us is a smart, poignant dramedy also starring Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Ron Cephas Jones and Justin Hartley. Approximately 772 minutes.
Logan – The Movie ($18.99) In the near future, a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) cares for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.
War for the Planet of the Apes ($18.99) In this thrilling, climactic chapter of the Planet of the Apes saga, Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel (Woody Harrelson). But after suffering unimaginable losses, Caesar resolves to avenge his kind, pitting him against the Colonel for a final showdown that will determine the future of the planet!
Inheritance – ($24.99), bgpics.com
This is the tale of a young woman who learns her estranged father has died and returns with her brother and new lover to her childhood home of Belize. There, she must face her past while fighting for intimacy in her present. Staring Jessica Kaye, Mark Webber, Daniel Ahearn, Myrna Manzanares, and Shamira Gill-Card.
Dreamgirls – Winner of two Academy Awards and three Golden Globes Dreamgirls now in a Blu-ray Combo gift set with a Digital HD copy and on Digital HD featuring a Director’s Extended Edition and never-before-seen bonus features from Paramount Home Media Distribution.
The Defiant Ones ($34.99) UPHE Content Corp has made an unquestionably bold film about the unlikely but unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, two street-smart men from different worlds who have shaped many of the most exciting and extreme moments in recent pop culture.
DRAGS –  (Dragbook.com; Publisher: KMW Studio; $75 plus $10 s&h) Drags is a photo series documenting drag queens and drag kings from New York City, shot by director/photographer Gregory Kramer. Presented in the style of classic fashion portraiture, the collection features legends – and up-and-coming legends – in glamorous black and white, full-length studio portraits. Inspired by Irving Penn, each photo brings out the spirit of the performer through subtle pose, gesture and facial expression
The Healthy Jewish Kitchen: Fresh Contemporary Recipes for Every Occasion Too often, Jewish recipes have too much salt, fat, sugar, and processed foods and lack whole grains and fresh ingredients. In each of Paula Shoyer’s recipes she uses only natural ingredients and offers a fresh, nutrient-dense spin on every dish. More than 80 recipes include both Sephardic and Ashkenazy Jewish classics (Israeli Herb and Almond Salad, Sourdough Challah, Tzimmes Puree, Potato and Scallion Latkes, Schnitzel with Nut Crust) as well as American and international dishes that extend beyond the Jewish culinary world.
The Box Book Signed by the Artist  -$60 – ronamato.com/the-box-book/ Focused on themes of isolation, desire, conflict and empowerment, Ron Amato’s photographic series and book, The Box, speaks to human experiences of self-discovery and community building. Using a series of boxes to create visual metaphors, Ron echoes his development from adolescence to adulthood through over 100 color, and black and white photographs. 2017 American Photographic Artists Award Winner for Outstanding Photographic Series.
Sweet Tooth – $50 (includes shipping) Sweettoothworld.com How do you satisfy a man in the kitchen? Pour sprinkles and chocolate sauce all over him! Michael Craft’s new Photography book combines hot, naked men with a delicious array of desserts and the recipes that turn them on. The 27 models are as diverse as the desserts they devour.
Barefoot Bubbly (750ml – $7.97)
Moscato Spumante – this is a deliciously sweet sparkling wine perfect for your next special occasion or just a night in with friends. Wine paired with apricot and peachy flavors mix it up with a crisp acidity, finishing off with tasty tangerine. Keep it sweet with dessert or heat it up with a plate of something spicy. Enjoy with chocolate mousse, spicy tuna, or Kung Pao chicken.
Brut Cuvée – is their driest and most traditional Bubbly offering, is vibrant on the palate until the last sip. Green apple, jasmine, hints of kiwi and peach flavors bubble up for a crisp, lingering finish. Bubbling with aromas of Chardonnay, it’s an instant favorite for any champagne occasion. Pairs well with others. Enjoy with fresh fruit or make a brut champagne toast to that buttery lobster!
Central Coast Callie Collection –(750ml – $14.99) Callie Collection is a specially curated collection of balanced and easy-to-drink wines that accentuate the beautiful aromas and distinct fresh flavors of California’s Central Coast. Each bottle boasts a re-sealable Helix cork that you simply twist-to-open and twist-to-close making holiday hostessing a breeze!
Chardonnay – Rich and creamy with pineapple, citrus, vanilla bean and toasty oak flavors and a balanced acidity and finish.
Pinot Grigio  – Medium-bodied with flavors of honeydew, ripe melon, citrus pear, flinty mineral notes and a subtle, clean finish.
Red Blend – A juicy blend of blackberry, strawberry, and caramel with hints of vanilla, soft tannins, and a long, lush finish.
WoodBridge by Robert Mondavi – $7.99
Cabernet Sauvignon – opens with aromas of cherries, berries, cedar, brown sugar, and toast. Flavors of berries, toasted marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker follow with a toasty caramel finish. This medium-bodied wine pairs deliciously with grilled meats and tomato based pasta dishes.
Chardonnay – opens with yellow apple, cinnamon-caramel oak, and slightly floral aromas. The apple, peach, and warm oak flavors of this clean and crisp yet silky Chardonnay pair perfectly with hearty dishes such as roast chicken with white truffle risotto and tuna noodle casserole. Best served slightly chilled.
Pinot Grigio – Intense citrus, lime, and stone fruit aromas lead the way into a crisp finish. A food friendly wine, originating from the northern coast of Italy, Pinot Grigio has long been known for its ability to pair well with seafood and other light dishes. The well-rounded flavors of our Pinot Grigio make for a beautiful pairing with Thai food, poultry, and a variety of cheeses. Enjoy Pinot Grigio slightly chilled.
Red Blend – combines some of the finest attributes of Petite Sirah, Syrah, Zinfandel, and Tempranillo with a touch of other complementary reds, resulting in a deliciously rich, full-bodied blend. The wine offers warm, toasty aromas and flavors, including jammy blackberry, plum, vanilla, and baking spices. It’s full and rich with a long, flavorful finish. Our hearty Red Blend pairs well with savory dishes like burgers, barbeque, sausages, potato skins, and other fried foods.
Go Glasses – are great as fun stocking stuffers this season. The Go Glasses are packaged in a shatterproof, single serve, ready to pour cup and retail for only $2.50. Super cute, super fun and super cheap.
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Limited Edition x John Maeda – $44.99 ReserveBar.com Acclaimed graphic designer, John Maeda, has created the latest edition of the Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Collector series. An elegant combination of art & technology, Maeda commissioned artist Giorgia Lupi to translate a musical composition of American guitarist Kaki King into a multi-hued design featured on the gift box and bottle. The 750mL bottle of Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège, recognized for its unmatched harmony and balance, features a rich bronze lacquer coating ideal for celebrating masters this holiday season.
Drag Queen Merchandise – Dragqueenmerch.com Is the “official” store for the queens you see on their website. DragQueenMerch offers a turnkey solution to drag queens to be able to have an online merchandise store which enables them to offer official products to their fan base.
Enamel Pins – $20 These pins are so damn cute and they have 17 different options, although the “Spin Me Trixie” tends to be my favorite, but don’t forget to buy thr iconic Amanda LePore pin!
Jack Adams (jackadamsusa.com) Founded in 2010, Jack Adams is an underwear and activewear brand that’s defined by the man who wears it. They appeal to the athletic man with a masculine style.
Cross Court Short – $59 The Cross Court Shorts are built for maximum performance, comfort and flexibility. This style features a tapered styling, side pockets and fits just above the knee.  Great for the gym or hanging out with friends.  Made of 50% Cotton and 50% Polyester.
Vintage 1″ Racer – $49 Jack Adams brings back the fun and a retro look for the season with their new Vintage Stripe 1” classic swimsuits.  Relive the past and redefine your future with these sexy, lightweight and quick drying swim suits.  Made of 100% Polyester.
Cross Train Brief – $29 The Cross Train Brief are a performance style brief, perfect for any activity, providing you with great fit, and long-lasting comfort. This fashionable performance brief features a no fly, contour pouch, giving you optimal lift and support. The two-tone waistband is wide, and has the Jack Adams logo on it, front and center. Vivid colored piping creates a unique design aspect, bringing these briefs to a whole new level. Made of 95% Cotton and 5%
Meister Watches – mstrwatches.com Their timepiece series was created to push the boundaries of contemporary fashion without compromising traditional craftsmanship. Meister watches feature multiple piece designs that blend various materials such as carbon fiber, stainless steel, and an assortment of rare leathers into a bold collection of functional timepieces.
Mstr Major – Rose gold/black/rubber carbon band – $250
Meister is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Major watch collection just in time for the holidays, making the perfect gift for the stylish, successful entrepreneur in your life.
This watch is for the serious man, an elegant timepiece that is the perfect accessory for young go-getters and experienced businessmen alike. Its unique, beautiful appearance is subtle yet eye-catching, powerful yet designed as the perfect accessory for an elegant outfit.
Leather Pint Glass Cuffs – $34 – toastmade.com/products/ Classic pint glasses wrapped in luxurious, hand-stitched real leather. They start by swathing a heavyweight, premium quality 16 oz. pint glass in a perfectly-sized, laser-cut sheath of gorgeous leather.  Then they securely hand-stitch each one with a crosshatched detailing in complementary pigmented waxed thread.  Available in 10 incredible, saturated colors of leather that run the gamut from classy to full-on sassy.
Men’s Personalized Wide Cuff ($78) – isabellegracejewelry.com This piece from Isabelle Grace Jewelry makes for a truly meaningful gift for the special man in your life. Measuring 5/8 inch wide, this cuff is personalized with your special message. Keep it simple or get creative!
Vintage Socks by LittleMissMatched  – $10 – Littlemissmatched.com
Exclusive collection featuring reinvented designs of fan favorites from the Little­MissMatched launch in 2003 available in knee highs, ankle socks and linear socks. Packs contain 3 single socks that don’t match, but perfectly coordinate. Age: 6+
Smelly Socks by Little Mismatched – $17 – Littlemissmatched.com Available in delicious cupcake, tasty pizza and savory burger scents, Lit­tleMissMatched introduce their Junk Food Collection. Each pack is complete with 6 different socks perfect end­less unique combinations for you to choose from! Age: 6+
Play Dirt by Play Visions – $15 – Playvisions.com It looks and feels like real dirt, but without the mess! Soft, pliable and moldable like their original Sands Alive!, now kids can play with the “Cleanest Dirt on Planet Earth” and their moms will love it! Sets Include: Play Dirt Bugs-in-a-Jar, Play Dirt Bag O’ Dirt, Play Dirt Bucket, Play Dirt Monster Truck Rally, Play Dirt Pig Pen. Age: 3+
FLOOF by Play Visions – $14.99 – Playvisions.com This new compound looks like snow, feels like a marshmallow and molds like clay! It’s lighter than air, soft and smooth to the touch, and easily molds into amazing detail. You need to feel it to believe it! Age: 5+
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/07/holiday-gift-guide-2017-2/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/168293080830
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years ago
Holiday Gift Guide: 2017
Sometimes it feels like I blink and the Holiday Season is once again upon us. I have compiled a list of 46 items ranging from $7.99 to $250, which I believe will be a hit with your loved ones. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of Florida a wonderful Holiday season and a happy New Year!
Health & Beauty
Ceramiracle’s FIRST LIGHT The Reboot Mask – $59 – Ceramiracle.comCeramiracle.com Reveal baby soft skin with this skin softening nutrient-rich clay mask containing ceramides and 25% BFE – that gently lifts away dead skin cells and impurities with rare black volcanic sand and lactic acid. Suitable for all skin types, fragrance-free and contains no parabens. Vegan friendly and cruelty-free.
Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse – $40 – brazilbronze.com This is a beauty product and tanning product in one. Infused with top beauty ingredients Resveratrol, Hyaluronic, Vitamin C & Vitamin D. Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse is a great way to keep your face and body glowing year-round. This light and airy mousse is easy to apply and creates a beautiful natural looking tan.
Smooth Operator–Loofah Soap/Spray Tan Remover – $15 – brazilbronze.com Smooth Operator Loofah Soap is great for removing your old spray tan and preparing your skin for a new one.  One side is a natural loofah sponge with a thin layer of glycerin soap around it. Seconds after applying to your skin the loofah is exposed and starts to get to work removing dead skin and the remainder of your old spray tan. The other side is a half inch of glycerin soap with a natural citrus scent to clean everything away. It leaves your skin silky smooth and ready for a fresh spray tan.   
Zue Beauty -zuebeauty.com Along with crafting quality, vegan, skin care products, they work with multiple social and environmental projects. With every purchase, Zue shares a portion of the proceeds with the partners that they support.
Purifying Facial Cleanser refreshes and balances your skin while gently removing impurities and traces of makeup and oils. Skin is left feeling revitalized and smooth.4 oz Daily Facial Moisturizer is formulated to help protect skin’s natural oils and preserve its hydration throughout the day. 1.8oz – $28.99
Scentbird Trendsetter – $59.95 (over $85 value) – ScentBird.com/giftboxes. The gift that keeps on giving, for men! It’s a designer cologne subscription site that delivers a different 30-day supply of cologne each month from brands such as Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Dior, Hermes, and over 350 others. These gorgeous gift boxes feature three cases in limited edition colors. Plus, each gift box includes a free month of Scentbird.
Xen-Tan (xen-tan.com) is a premium sunless self-tan company specializing in products that give a more natural color. Utilizing the most innovative ingredients and advanced technology in the industry, Xen-Tan products nourish the skin, contain pleasing aromas, and give a truly natural looking self-tan. Not only are all of their products safe for face and body, the superior formulas, textures, and colors are compatible with all skin tones and types.
Fresh Prep Scrub – $25; 8 oz Invigorating body scrub adjusts your skin’s pH to increase the length of your tan and give an even application. Use in the shower as a refreshing body cleanser to prepare skin before tanning.
Fresh Tanning Mousse – $48; 8 oz Created for those who want to feel and smell fresh all the time! Their hydrating, colorless mousse develops into XEN-TAN’s signature olive undertone in 3-4 hours with added skincare benefits. The smooth texture and light grapefruit scent give first time tanners the ability to feel comfortable.
Fresh Face Tan – $30; 2.7 oz Treat and tan sensitive facial skin in one easy step. This age defying sunless tanner is created specifically for delicate facial skin and leaves you feeling fresh while giving a youthful glow. The shower fresh scent lasts during application, then dissipates, leaving no odor while wearing it.
Gwen Stefani – http://smarturl.it/GwenChristmas. The Three-time Grammy Award-winning superstar released her first ever holiday album, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, on Interscope Records. An exclusive Deluxe Edition is available at Target. This special version includes a hard-back book with 24 pages of exclusive images from the making of the album and Gwen’s personal holiday photos. You Make It Feel Like Christmas features six originals and six classic holiday tunes.
George Michael – Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1/ MTV unplugged The Reissue of the late George Michael’s Iconic album, which was George’s second solo album is arranged, produced and almost completely written by George himself. It eloquently confirmed him as a pioneering, agenda-setting artist. Without Prejudice Vol. 1 remains a remarkable, timeless work, from the beautifully judged protest songs Praying For Time and Mother’s Pride, to the intimate Cowboys & Angels, via the autobiographical Freedom! ‘90.
Sam Smith – The Thrill Of It All – samsmith.world/TTOIAUS Rolling Stone awarded it four stars and hailed Smith as “one of the mightiest, most expressive singers of his generation.” The album contains the global hit “Too Good At Goodbyes,” which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Digital Song Sales chart and was certified Platinum by the RIAA today.
The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead Widely considered to be both The Smiths’ finest work and one of the greatest albums ever made, The Queen Is Dead has cast a significant influence over subsequent generations since it was first released in the summer of 1986. Now Warner Bros. Records has a remastered and expanded version of the album.  The Deluxe 3-CD/1-DVD Boxed Set – Featuring the 2017 master of the album; additional recordings featuring demos, b-sides, and alternative versions; the Live In Boston album; and a DVD featuring the 2017 master of the album, and The Queen Is Dead – A Film By Derek Jarman
Pet Shop Boys PSB released the second set of albums in their definitive ‘Catalogue: 1985-2012’ series of reissues of all their Parlophone studio albums. This second set sees the PSB albums ‘Yes‘ from 2009 and ‘Elysium‘ from 2012 reissued. Both titles have been remastered and are accompanied by ‘Further listening’ albums of master quality bonus tracks and demos created in the same period as each album, as well as Pet Shop Boys’ own remixes of their tracks, including some previously unreleased material. Both albums will be packaged with an extensive booklet in which Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe discuss each song, illustrated with many archive photographs.
This Is Us Season 1 – ($19.99) Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia star in this acclaimed, provocative new series centered on characters who share the same birthday, the story follows several decades in the lives of Jack and Rebecca Pearson. Filled with memorable performances from its acclaimed Emmy nominated cast, This Is Us is a smart, poignant dramedy also starring Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Ron Cephas Jones and Justin Hartley. Approximately 772 minutes.
Logan – The Movie ($18.99) In the near future, a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) cares for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.
War for the Planet of the Apes ($18.99) In this thrilling, climactic chapter of the Planet of the Apes saga, Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel (Woody Harrelson). But after suffering unimaginable losses, Caesar resolves to avenge his kind, pitting him against the Colonel for a final showdown that will determine the future of the planet!
Inheritance – ($24.99), bgpics.com
This is the tale of a young woman who learns her estranged father has died and returns with her brother and new lover to her childhood home of Belize. There, she must face her past while fighting for intimacy in her present. Staring Jessica Kaye, Mark Webber, Daniel Ahearn, Myrna Manzanares, and Shamira Gill-Card.
Dreamgirls – Winner of two Academy Awards and three Golden Globes Dreamgirls now in a Blu-ray Combo gift set with a Digital HD copy and on Digital HD featuring a Director’s Extended Edition and never-before-seen bonus features from Paramount Home Media Distribution.
The Defiant Ones ($34.99) UPHE Content Corp has made an unquestionably bold film about the unlikely but unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, two street-smart men from different worlds who have shaped many of the most exciting and extreme moments in recent pop culture.
DRAGS –  (Dragbook.com; Publisher: KMW Studio; $75 plus $10 s&h) Drags is a photo series documenting drag queens and drag kings from New York City, shot by director/photographer Gregory Kramer. Presented in the style of classic fashion portraiture, the collection features legends – and up-and-coming legends – in glamorous black and white, full-length studio portraits. Inspired by Irving Penn, each photo brings out the spirit of the performer through subtle pose, gesture and facial expression
The Healthy Jewish Kitchen: Fresh Contemporary Recipes for Every Occasion Too often, Jewish recipes have too much salt, fat, sugar, and processed foods and lack whole grains and fresh ingredients. In each of Paula Shoyer’s recipes she uses only natural ingredients and offers a fresh, nutrient-dense spin on every dish. More than 80 recipes include both Sephardic and Ashkenazy Jewish classics (Israeli Herb and Almond Salad, Sourdough Challah, Tzimmes Puree, Potato and Scallion Latkes, Schnitzel with Nut Crust) as well as American and international dishes that extend beyond the Jewish culinary world.
The Box Book Signed by the Artist  -$60 – ronamato.com/the-box-book/ Focused on themes of isolation, desire, conflict and empowerment, Ron Amato’s photographic series and book, The Box, speaks to human experiences of self-discovery and community building. Using a series of boxes to create visual metaphors, Ron echoes his development from adolescence to adulthood through over 100 color, and black and white photographs. 2017 American Photographic Artists Award Winner for Outstanding Photographic Series.
Sweet Tooth – $50 (includes shipping) Sweettoothworld.com How do you satisfy a man in the kitchen? Pour sprinkles and chocolate sauce all over him! Michael Craft’s new Photography book combines hot, naked men with a delicious array of desserts and the recipes that turn them on. The 27 models are as diverse as the desserts they devour.
Barefoot Bubbly (750ml – $7.97)
Moscato Spumante – this is a deliciously sweet sparkling wine perfect for your next special occasion or just a night in with friends. Wine paired with apricot and peachy flavors mix it up with a crisp acidity, finishing off with tasty tangerine. Keep it sweet with dessert or heat it up with a plate of something spicy. Enjoy with chocolate mousse, spicy tuna, or Kung Pao chicken.
Brut Cuvée – is their driest and most traditional Bubbly offering, is vibrant on the palate until the last sip. Green apple, jasmine, hints of kiwi and peach flavors bubble up for a crisp, lingering finish. Bubbling with aromas of Chardonnay, it’s an instant favorite for any champagne occasion. Pairs well with others. Enjoy with fresh fruit or make a brut champagne toast to that buttery lobster!
Central Coast Callie Collection –(750ml – $14.99) Callie Collection is a specially curated collection of balanced and easy-to-drink wines that accentuate the beautiful aromas and distinct fresh flavors of California’s Central Coast. Each bottle boasts a re-sealable Helix cork that you simply twist-to-open and twist-to-close making holiday hostessing a breeze!
Chardonnay – Rich and creamy with pineapple, citrus, vanilla bean and toasty oak flavors and a balanced acidity and finish.
Pinot Grigio  – Medium-bodied with flavors of honeydew, ripe melon, citrus pear, flinty mineral notes and a subtle, clean finish.
Red Blend – A juicy blend of blackberry, strawberry, and caramel with hints of vanilla, soft tannins, and a long, lush finish.
WoodBridge by Robert Mondavi – $7.99
Cabernet Sauvignon – opens with aromas of cherries, berries, cedar, brown sugar, and toast. Flavors of berries, toasted marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker follow with a toasty caramel finish. This medium-bodied wine pairs deliciously with grilled meats and tomato based pasta dishes.
Chardonnay – opens with yellow apple, cinnamon-caramel oak, and slightly floral aromas. The apple, peach, and warm oak flavors of this clean and crisp yet silky Chardonnay pair perfectly with hearty dishes such as roast chicken with white truffle risotto and tuna noodle casserole. Best served slightly chilled.
Pinot Grigio – Intense citrus, lime, and stone fruit aromas lead the way into a crisp finish. A food friendly wine, originating from the northern coast of Italy, Pinot Grigio has long been known for its ability to pair well with seafood and other light dishes. The well-rounded flavors of our Pinot Grigio make for a beautiful pairing with Thai food, poultry, and a variety of cheeses. Enjoy Pinot Grigio slightly chilled.
Red Blend – combines some of the finest attributes of Petite Sirah, Syrah, Zinfandel, and Tempranillo with a touch of other complementary reds, resulting in a deliciously rich, full-bodied blend. The wine offers warm, toasty aromas and flavors, including jammy blackberry, plum, vanilla, and baking spices. It’s full and rich with a long, flavorful finish. Our hearty Red Blend pairs well with savory dishes like burgers, barbeque, sausages, potato skins, and other fried foods.
Go Glasses – are great as fun stocking stuffers this season. The Go Glasses are packaged in a shatterproof, single serve, ready to pour cup and retail for only $2.50. Super cute, super fun and super cheap.
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Limited Edition x John Maeda – $44.99 ReserveBar.com Acclaimed graphic designer, John Maeda, has created the latest edition of the Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Collector series. An elegant combination of art & technology, Maeda commissioned artist Giorgia Lupi to translate a musical composition of American guitarist Kaki King into a multi-hued design featured on the gift box and bottle. The 750mL bottle of Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège, recognized for its unmatched harmony and balance, features a rich bronze lacquer coating ideal for celebrating masters this holiday season.
Drag Queen Merchandise – Dragqueenmerch.com Is the “official” store for the queens you see on their website. DragQueenMerch offers a turnkey solution to drag queens to be able to have an online merchandise store which enables them to offer official products to their fan base.
Enamel Pins – $20 These pins are so damn cute and they have 17 different options, although the “Spin Me Trixie” tends to be my favorite, but don’t forget to buy thr iconic Amanda LePore pin!
Jack Adams (jackadamsusa.com) Founded in 2010, Jack Adams is an underwear and activewear brand that’s defined by the man who wears it. They appeal to the athletic man with a masculine style.
Cross Court Short – $59 The Cross Court Shorts are built for maximum performance, comfort and flexibility. This style features a tapered styling, side pockets and fits just above the knee.  Great for the gym or hanging out with friends.  Made of 50% Cotton and 50% Polyester.
Vintage 1″ Racer – $49 Jack Adams brings back the fun and a retro look for the season with their new Vintage Stripe 1” classic swimsuits.  Relive the past and redefine your future with these sexy, lightweight and quick drying swim suits.  Made of 100% Polyester.
Cross Train Brief – $29 The Cross Train Brief are a performance style brief, perfect for any activity, providing you with great fit, and long-lasting comfort. This fashionable performance brief features a no fly, contour pouch, giving you optimal lift and support. The two-tone waistband is wide, and has the Jack Adams logo on it, front and center. Vivid colored piping creates a unique design aspect, bringing these briefs to a whole new level. Made of 95% Cotton and 5%
Meister Watches – mstrwatches.com Their timepiece series was created to push the boundaries of contemporary fashion without compromising traditional craftsmanship. Meister watches feature multiple piece designs that blend various materials such as carbon fiber, stainless steel, and an assortment of rare leathers into a bold collection of functional timepieces.
Mstr Major – Rose gold/black/rubber carbon band – $250
Meister is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Major watch collection just in time for the holidays, making the perfect gift for the stylish, successful entrepreneur in your life.
This watch is for the serious man, an elegant timepiece that is the perfect accessory for young go-getters and experienced businessmen alike. Its unique, beautiful appearance is subtle yet eye-catching, powerful yet designed as the perfect accessory for an elegant outfit. 
Leather Pint Glass Cuffs – $34 – toastmade.com/products/ Classic pint glasses wrapped in luxurious, hand-stitched real leather. They start by swathing a heavyweight, premium quality 16 oz. pint glass in a perfectly-sized, laser-cut sheath of gorgeous leather.  Then they securely hand-stitch each one with a crosshatched detailing in complementary pigmented waxed thread.  Available in 10 incredible, saturated colors of leather that run the gamut from classy to full-on sassy.
Men’s Personalized Wide Cuff ($78) – isabellegracejewelry.com This piece from Isabelle Grace Jewelry makes for a truly meaningful gift for the special man in your life. Measuring 5/8 inch wide, this cuff is personalized with your special message. Keep it simple or get creative!
Vintage Socks by LittleMissMatched  – $10 – Littlemissmatched.com
Exclusive collection featuring reinvented designs of fan favorites from the Little­MissMatched launch in 2003 available in knee highs, ankle socks and linear socks. Packs contain 3 single socks that don’t match, but perfectly coordinate. Age: 6+
Smelly Socks by Little Mismatched – $17 – Littlemissmatched.com Available in delicious cupcake, tasty pizza and savory burger scents, Lit­tleMissMatched introduce their Junk Food Collection. Each pack is complete with 6 different socks perfect end­less unique combinations for you to choose from! Age: 6+
Play Dirt by Play Visions – $15 – Playvisions.com It looks and feels like real dirt, but without the mess! Soft, pliable and moldable like their original Sands Alive!, now kids can play with the “Cleanest Dirt on Planet Earth” and their moms will love it! Sets Include: Play Dirt Bugs-in-a-Jar, Play Dirt Bag O’ Dirt, Play Dirt Bucket, Play Dirt Monster Truck Rally, Play Dirt Pig Pen. Age: 3+
FLOOF by Play Visions – $14.99 – Playvisions.com This new compound looks like snow, feels like a marshmallow and molds like clay! It’s lighter than air, soft and smooth to the touch, and easily molds into amazing detail. You need to feel it to believe it! Age: 5+
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/07/holiday-gift-guide-2017-2/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/12/holiday-gift-guide-2017.html
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hotspotsmagazine · 7 years ago
Holiday Gift Guide: 2017
Sometimes it feels like I blink and the Holiday Season is once again upon us. I have compiled a list of 46 items ranging from $7.99 to $250, which I believe will be a hit with your loved ones. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of Florida a wonderful Holiday season and a happy New Year!
Health & Beauty
Ceramiracle’s FIRST LIGHT The Reboot Mask – $59 – Ceramiracle.comCeramiracle.com Reveal baby soft skin with this skin softening nutrient-rich clay mask containing ceramides and 25% BFE – that gently lifts away dead skin cells and impurities with rare black volcanic sand and lactic acid. Suitable for all skin types, fragrance-free and contains no parabens. Vegan friendly and cruelty-free.
Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse – $40 – brazilbronze.com This is a beauty product and tanning product in one. Infused with top beauty ingredients Resveratrol, Hyaluronic, Vitamin C & Vitamin D. Brazil Bronze Anti-Aging Tanning Mousse is a great way to keep your face and body glowing year-round. This light and airy mousse is easy to apply and creates a beautiful natural looking tan.
Smooth Operator–Loofah Soap/Spray Tan Remover – $15 – brazilbronze.com Smooth Operator Loofah Soap is great for removing your old spray tan and preparing your skin for a new one.  One side is a natural loofah sponge with a thin layer of glycerin soap around it. Seconds after applying to your skin the loofah is exposed and starts to get to work removing dead skin and the remainder of your old spray tan. The other side is a half inch of glycerin soap with a natural citrus scent to clean everything away. It leaves your skin silky smooth and ready for a fresh spray tan.   
Zue Beauty -zuebeauty.com Along with crafting quality, vegan, skin care products, they work with multiple social and environmental projects. With every purchase, Zue shares a portion of the proceeds with the partners that they support.
Purifying Facial Cleanser refreshes and balances your skin while gently removing impurities and traces of makeup and oils. Skin is left feeling revitalized and smooth.4 oz Daily Facial Moisturizer is formulated to help protect skin’s natural oils and preserve its hydration throughout the day. 1.8oz – $28.99
Scentbird Trendsetter – $59.95 (over $85 value) – ScentBird.com/giftboxes. The gift that keeps on giving, for men! It’s a designer cologne subscription site that delivers a different 30-day supply of cologne each month from brands such as Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Dior, Hermes, and over 350 others. These gorgeous gift boxes feature three cases in limited edition colors. Plus, each gift box includes a free month of Scentbird.
Xen-Tan (xen-tan.com) is a premium sunless self-tan company specializing in products that give a more natural color. Utilizing the most innovative ingredients and advanced technology in the industry, Xen-Tan products nourish the skin, contain pleasing aromas, and give a truly natural looking self-tan. Not only are all of their products safe for face and body, the superior formulas, textures, and colors are compatible with all skin tones and types.
Fresh Prep Scrub – $25; 8 oz Invigorating body scrub adjusts your skin’s pH to increase the length of your tan and give an even application. Use in the shower as a refreshing body cleanser to prepare skin before tanning.
Fresh Tanning Mousse – $48; 8 oz Created for those who want to feel and smell fresh all the time! Their hydrating, colorless mousse develops into XEN-TAN’s signature olive undertone in 3-4 hours with added skincare benefits. The smooth texture and light grapefruit scent give first time tanners the ability to feel comfortable.
Fresh Face Tan – $30; 2.7 oz Treat and tan sensitive facial skin in one easy step. This age defying sunless tanner is created specifically for delicate facial skin and leaves you feeling fresh while giving a youthful glow. The shower fresh scent lasts during application, then dissipates, leaving no odor while wearing it.
Gwen Stefani – http://smarturl.it/GwenChristmas. The Three-time Grammy Award-winning superstar released her first ever holiday album, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, on Interscope Records. An exclusive Deluxe Edition is available at Target. This special version includes a hard-back book with 24 pages of exclusive images from the making of the album and Gwen’s personal holiday photos. You Make It Feel Like Christmas features six originals and six classic holiday tunes.
George Michael – Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1/ MTV unplugged The Reissue of the late George Michael’s Iconic album, which was George’s second solo album is arranged, produced and almost completely written by George himself. It eloquently confirmed him as a pioneering, agenda-setting artist. Without Prejudice Vol. 1 remains a remarkable, timeless work, from the beautifully judged protest songs Praying For Time and Mother’s Pride, to the intimate Cowboys & Angels, via the autobiographical Freedom! ‘90.
Sam Smith – The Thrill Of It All – samsmith.world/TTOIAUS Rolling Stone awarded it four stars and hailed Smith as “one of the mightiest, most expressive singers of his generation.” The album contains the global hit “Too Good At Goodbyes,” which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Digital Song Sales chart and was certified Platinum by the RIAA today.
The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead Widely considered to be both The Smiths’ finest work and one of the greatest albums ever made, The Queen Is Dead has cast a significant influence over subsequent generations since it was first released in the summer of 1986. Now Warner Bros. Records has a remastered and expanded version of the album.  The Deluxe 3-CD/1-DVD Boxed Set – Featuring the 2017 master of the album; additional recordings featuring demos, b-sides, and alternative versions; the Live In Boston album; and a DVD featuring the 2017 master of the album, and The Queen Is Dead – A Film By Derek Jarman
Pet Shop Boys PSB released the second set of albums in their definitive ‘Catalogue: 1985-2012’ series of reissues of all their Parlophone studio albums. This second set sees the PSB albums ‘Yes‘ from 2009 and ‘Elysium‘ from 2012 reissued. Both titles have been remastered and are accompanied by ‘Further listening’ albums of master quality bonus tracks and demos created in the same period as each album, as well as Pet Shop Boys’ own remixes of their tracks, including some previously unreleased material. Both albums will be packaged with an extensive booklet in which Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe discuss each song, illustrated with many archive photographs.
This Is Us Season 1 – ($19.99) Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia star in this acclaimed, provocative new series centered on characters who share the same birthday, the story follows several decades in the lives of Jack and Rebecca Pearson. Filled with memorable performances from its acclaimed Emmy nominated cast, This Is Us is a smart, poignant dramedy also starring Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Ron Cephas Jones and Justin Hartley. Approximately 772 minutes.
Logan – The Movie ($18.99) In the near future, a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) cares for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.
War for the Planet of the Apes ($18.99) In this thrilling, climactic chapter of the Planet of the Apes saga, Caesar (Andy Serkis) and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel (Woody Harrelson). But after suffering unimaginable losses, Caesar resolves to avenge his kind, pitting him against the Colonel for a final showdown that will determine the future of the planet!
Inheritance – ($24.99), bgpics.com
This is the tale of a young woman who learns her estranged father has died and returns with her brother and new lover to her childhood home of Belize. There, she must face her past while fighting for intimacy in her present. Staring Jessica Kaye, Mark Webber, Daniel Ahearn, Myrna Manzanares, and Shamira Gill-Card.
Dreamgirls – Winner of two Academy Awards and three Golden Globes Dreamgirls now in a Blu-ray Combo gift set with a Digital HD copy and on Digital HD featuring a Director’s Extended Edition and never-before-seen bonus features from Paramount Home Media Distribution.
The Defiant Ones ($34.99) UPHE Content Corp has made an unquestionably bold film about the unlikely but unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, two street-smart men from different worlds who have shaped many of the most exciting and extreme moments in recent pop culture.
DRAGS –  (Dragbook.com; Publisher: KMW Studio; $75 plus $10 s&h) Drags is a photo series documenting drag queens and drag kings from New York City, shot by director/photographer Gregory Kramer. Presented in the style of classic fashion portraiture, the collection features legends – and up-and-coming legends – in glamorous black and white, full-length studio portraits. Inspired by Irving Penn, each photo brings out the spirit of the performer through subtle pose, gesture and facial expression
The Healthy Jewish Kitchen: Fresh Contemporary Recipes for Every Occasion Too often, Jewish recipes have too much salt, fat, sugar, and processed foods and lack whole grains and fresh ingredients. In each of Paula Shoyer’s recipes she uses only natural ingredients and offers a fresh, nutrient-dense spin on every dish. More than 80 recipes include both Sephardic and Ashkenazy Jewish classics (Israeli Herb and Almond Salad, Sourdough Challah, Tzimmes Puree, Potato and Scallion Latkes, Schnitzel with Nut Crust) as well as American and international dishes that extend beyond the Jewish culinary world.
The Box Book Signed by the Artist  -$60 – ronamato.com/the-box-book/ Focused on themes of isolation, desire, conflict and empowerment, Ron Amato’s photographic series and book, The Box, speaks to human experiences of self-discovery and community building. Using a series of boxes to create visual metaphors, Ron echoes his development from adolescence to adulthood through over 100 color, and black and white photographs. 2017 American Photographic Artists Award Winner for Outstanding Photographic Series.
Sweet Tooth – $50 (includes shipping) Sweettoothworld.com How do you satisfy a man in the kitchen? Pour sprinkles and chocolate sauce all over him! Michael Craft’s new Photography book combines hot, naked men with a delicious array of desserts and the recipes that turn them on. The 27 models are as diverse as the desserts they devour.
Barefoot Bubbly (750ml – $7.97)
Moscato Spumante – this is a deliciously sweet sparkling wine perfect for your next special occasion or just a night in with friends. Wine paired with apricot and peachy flavors mix it up with a crisp acidity, finishing off with tasty tangerine. Keep it sweet with dessert or heat it up with a plate of something spicy. Enjoy with chocolate mousse, spicy tuna, or Kung Pao chicken.
Brut Cuvée – is their driest and most traditional Bubbly offering, is vibrant on the palate until the last sip. Green apple, jasmine, hints of kiwi and peach flavors bubble up for a crisp, lingering finish. Bubbling with aromas of Chardonnay, it’s an instant favorite for any champagne occasion. Pairs well with others. Enjoy with fresh fruit or make a brut champagne toast to that buttery lobster!
Central Coast Callie Collection –(750ml – $14.99) Callie Collection is a specially curated collection of balanced and easy-to-drink wines that accentuate the beautiful aromas and distinct fresh flavors of California’s Central Coast. Each bottle boasts a re-sealable Helix cork that you simply twist-to-open and twist-to-close making holiday hostessing a breeze!
Chardonnay – Rich and creamy with pineapple, citrus, vanilla bean and toasty oak flavors and a balanced acidity and finish.
Pinot Grigio  – Medium-bodied with flavors of honeydew, ripe melon, citrus pear, flinty mineral notes and a subtle, clean finish.
Red Blend – A juicy blend of blackberry, strawberry, and caramel with hints of vanilla, soft tannins, and a long, lush finish.
WoodBridge by Robert Mondavi – $7.99
Cabernet Sauvignon – opens with aromas of cherries, berries, cedar, brown sugar, and toast. Flavors of berries, toasted marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker follow with a toasty caramel finish. This medium-bodied wine pairs deliciously with grilled meats and tomato based pasta dishes.
Chardonnay – opens with yellow apple, cinnamon-caramel oak, and slightly floral aromas. The apple, peach, and warm oak flavors of this clean and crisp yet silky Chardonnay pair perfectly with hearty dishes such as roast chicken with white truffle risotto and tuna noodle casserole. Best served slightly chilled.
Pinot Grigio – Intense citrus, lime, and stone fruit aromas lead the way into a crisp finish. A food friendly wine, originating from the northern coast of Italy, Pinot Grigio has long been known for its ability to pair well with seafood and other light dishes. The well-rounded flavors of our Pinot Grigio make for a beautiful pairing with Thai food, poultry, and a variety of cheeses. Enjoy Pinot Grigio slightly chilled.
Red Blend – combines some of the finest attributes of Petite Sirah, Syrah, Zinfandel, and Tempranillo with a touch of other complementary reds, resulting in a deliciously rich, full-bodied blend. The wine offers warm, toasty aromas and flavors, including jammy blackberry, plum, vanilla, and baking spices. It’s full and rich with a long, flavorful finish. Our hearty Red Blend pairs well with savory dishes like burgers, barbeque, sausages, potato skins, and other fried foods.
Go Glasses – are great as fun stocking stuffers this season. The Go Glasses are packaged in a shatterproof, single serve, ready to pour cup and retail for only $2.50. Super cute, super fun and super cheap.
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Limited Edition x John Maeda – $44.99 ReserveBar.com Acclaimed graphic designer, John Maeda, has created the latest edition of the Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège Collector series. An elegant combination of art & technology, Maeda commissioned artist Giorgia Lupi to translate a musical composition of American guitarist Kaki King into a multi-hued design featured on the gift box and bottle. The 750mL bottle of Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège, recognized for its unmatched harmony and balance, features a rich bronze lacquer coating ideal for celebrating masters this holiday season.
Drag Queen Merchandise – Dragqueenmerch.com Is the “official” store for the queens you see on their website. DragQueenMerch offers a turnkey solution to drag queens to be able to have an online merchandise store which enables them to offer official products to their fan base.
Enamel Pins – $20 These pins are so damn cute and they have 17 different options, although the “Spin Me Trixie” tends to be my favorite, but don’t forget to buy thr iconic Amanda LePore pin!
Jack Adams (jackadamsusa.com) Founded in 2010, Jack Adams is an underwear and activewear brand that’s defined by the man who wears it. They appeal to the athletic man with a masculine style.
Cross Court Short – $59 The Cross Court Shorts are built for maximum performance, comfort and flexibility. This style features a tapered styling, side pockets and fits just above the knee.  Great for the gym or hanging out with friends.  Made of 50% Cotton and 50% Polyester.
Vintage 1″ Racer – $49 Jack Adams brings back the fun and a retro look for the season with their new Vintage Stripe 1” classic swimsuits.  Relive the past and redefine your future with these sexy, lightweight and quick drying swim suits.  Made of 100% Polyester.
Cross Train Brief – $29 The Cross Train Brief are a performance style brief, perfect for any activity, providing you with great fit, and long-lasting comfort. This fashionable performance brief features a no fly, contour pouch, giving you optimal lift and support. The two-tone waistband is wide, and has the Jack Adams logo on it, front and center. Vivid colored piping creates a unique design aspect, bringing these briefs to a whole new level. Made of 95% Cotton and 5%
Meister Watches – mstrwatches.com Their timepiece series was created to push the boundaries of contemporary fashion without compromising traditional craftsmanship. Meister watches feature multiple piece designs that blend various materials such as carbon fiber, stainless steel, and an assortment of rare leathers into a bold collection of functional timepieces.
Mstr Major – Rose gold/black/rubber carbon band – $250
Meister is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Major watch collection just in time for the holidays, making the perfect gift for the stylish, successful entrepreneur in your life.
This watch is for the serious man, an elegant timepiece that is the perfect accessory for young go-getters and experienced businessmen alike. Its unique, beautiful appearance is subtle yet eye-catching, powerful yet designed as the perfect accessory for an elegant outfit. 
Leather Pint Glass Cuffs – $34 – toastmade.com/products/ Classic pint glasses wrapped in luxurious, hand-stitched real leather. They start by swathing a heavyweight, premium quality 16 oz. pint glass in a perfectly-sized, laser-cut sheath of gorgeous leather.  Then they securely hand-stitch each one with a crosshatched detailing in complementary pigmented waxed thread.  Available in 10 incredible, saturated colors of leather that run the gamut from classy to full-on sassy.
Men’s Personalized Wide Cuff ($78) – isabellegracejewelry.com This piece from Isabelle Grace Jewelry makes for a truly meaningful gift for the special man in your life. Measuring 5/8 inch wide, this cuff is personalized with your special message. Keep it simple or get creative!
Vintage Socks by LittleMissMatched  – $10 – Littlemissmatched.com
Exclusive collection featuring reinvented designs of fan favorites from the Little­MissMatched launch in 2003 available in knee highs, ankle socks and linear socks. Packs contain 3 single socks that don’t match, but perfectly coordinate. Age: 6+
Smelly Socks by Little Mismatched – $17 – Littlemissmatched.com Available in delicious cupcake, tasty pizza and savory burger scents, Lit­tleMissMatched introduce their Junk Food Collection. Each pack is complete with 6 different socks perfect end­less unique combinations for you to choose from! Age: 6+
Play Dirt by Play Visions – $15 – Playvisions.com It looks and feels like real dirt, but without the mess! Soft, pliable and moldable like their original Sands Alive!, now kids can play with the “Cleanest Dirt on Planet Earth” and their moms will love it! Sets Include: Play Dirt Bugs-in-a-Jar, Play Dirt Bag O’ Dirt, Play Dirt Bucket, Play Dirt Monster Truck Rally, Play Dirt Pig Pen. Age: 3+
FLOOF by Play Visions – $14.99 – Playvisions.com This new compound looks like snow, feels like a marshmallow and molds like clay! It’s lighter than air, soft and smooth to the touch, and easily molds into amazing detail. You need to feel it to believe it! Age: 5+
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/07/holiday-gift-guide-2017-2/
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