da-tasuky · 5 years
Ok, guys let’s get this straight! What about me and my projects now?
Some of you know that things are getting easier for me. Slowly but surely! First of all: Thanks to everyone who has been worried, cheered me up and texted me. Honestly, you are golden! Now that things are more or less settled into something resembling normalcy, I am taking things back into action.
Regarding Art/Commissions: I haven’t been able to do much. During all this time I couldn’t carry around my drawing tablet and well, that happened. Just yesterday I was able to try a sketch of Ladybug from my A Feral Lady fic and I’M SO SLOPPY! Suddenly my desk feels so uncomfortable and hard to draw in. Just give me some time to get used to it again and I’ll finish pending commissions along with art I feel I owe myself and to you all, dear wonderful people who still follow me for my art and I haven’t posted much *sobs*
Zines and other collaborative projects: Luckily some were on hiatus or during process that didn’t need me so they weren’t hindered much if not at all by my absence. Anyway, I’ll join again during the next days and share whatever I’m allowed to about them in due time. I’m very grateful of my friends from those projects for being so understanding over my situation and I’m very sorry for my absence, I’ll return... with weapons!
Regarding Fics and AUs: NOW THIS IS FUN! While I couldn’t take my huge drawing tablet, I certainly was able to take my laptop with me! And you see, I did a lot. I’m not a fast writer at all. And I try to get everything betaed now since I don’t completely trust I’m translating my ideas from my mother language correctly to English but I do what I can to be able to share it with yall ♥ Let me name them, give a summary of it and then tell you what I have in store for it!
Princess Scoop: Pairing: Marichat “A new superhero joined the party. Rena Rouge is a passionate ally with scary reporter and fox tendencies. She was starting to get used to her newfound lifestyle when she discovered something incredible called Marichat.”
Now, let me remind you this was written before Rena Rouge was introduced so it has a non-canon origin to Rena. I honestly have a lot written about this but the third chapter was a huge challenge and ended up split into three parts. And yeah, that’s why it’s been eons and I haven’t posted it yet. But soon, guys, soon. All that writing won’t go to waste. Besides, when I started it I had too specific expectations and I kind of messed up, but now I’m working it in a more relaxed way.
I know you better than that: Pairing: Daminette “Years ago, Marinette started exchanging emails with Damian as a favor for her uncle Alfred. Her first impression of the kid? Annoying and cold. Today, she wouldn't change him for anything. His friendship helped to keep her afloat during hard times especially after becoming Ladybug. Now, Marinette and Alya prepare for a flight to Gotham to meet the frowny bird.”
Chapter 3 is ready and soon to be posted! I have a lot of ideas for it and actually made a huge and wonderful document to plan the story so I’m pretty pumped up! Little secrets from the document along with future sketches will be shared in my Patreon!
A Feral Lady: Pairing: Ladrien “Mister Adrien Agreste has moved to his father abandoned estate in front of a gorgeous forest in the hopes to make new friends, connections, good business and hopefully meet a lovely woman to marry. He never expected this to be the start of close encounters with grievous dangers, witchcraft and fantasy stories becoming real. Who is this mysterious disappeared Miss Marinette he keeps hearing about? And most importantly, does the Werecat that lives in the forest mean him ill will?”
The first chapter is- finally- ready! Actually, it’s been for a long time but I was just very unsure of it, I did some minor adjustments and I think I just should go with it. The second chapter is half-written and I have several original songs for it written too. So what is this fic about? A Feral Lady is basically Beauty and the beast with Jane Austen's influence BUT taking everything from Beauty and The Beast and kind of inverting it. Like I mentioned above, I am doing art for this and will be posted in Patreon before being released here along with the first chapter.
Akumapocalypse: Pairing: Lovesquare Since this AU is kinda huge and I want every single miraculous active, I decided to wait for more info about the characters on S3 to dive into it. Now that there are few miraculous we don’t know about, I was able to easily readapt what I had done with the new info and I can get creative with the others (unless we get leaks while I work in this!) Basically, this AU is pretty much what the name implies, the end of the world at the hands of Akumas. I’ll keep everything else as a surprise!
Oneshots/Other multi chapters: I miiight have mentioned some but honestly, I’m not big into those as much as the others mentioned above. Still, I might finish some one-shots soon and post them between the others, between those there is an akumanette idea, one about Master Fu, another cool and weird one idk how to describe but is basically about Marinette in a hard position and having to create an awful web to protect her identity (?) And I got one very cool multichapter Marichat! But before these, I want to prioritize the others first. Still, if anyone is hungry for the Marichat one, I might be swayed to jump from my headcanon document to a full first chapter. As a very loose way to put that one, I think I’ll call it “Chains” And it will be about an Akuma called The Chainer actually “winning”. Paris is severely damaged and people try to live the aftermath of the Akuma permanent magic. One of the big consequences is that Adrien “disappeared” leaving only Chat Noir and he is forced to live a new life as Chat 24/7. 
Well, that’s about it!
Which one catches your interest the most? My ask is open if anyone wants to know a bit more about my stuff too ♥
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
So, Rascal’s debut is now at the season finale?
Yeah, sort of like a big dramatic entrance.
(And I like dramatic entrances)
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(Also, he’ll appear in part 1) Evan knows Jared isn’t up for being a superhero, but the right situation is what gives Jared the boost he needs to take up the mantle (Like seeing Evan get hurt by an Akuma)
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da-tasuky · 5 years
lol guys, thanks for the new follows! I should have expected that 😂
So, a quick intro to myself! Hey! I’m Tasuky, you may call me Tas, my ask is always open so go ahead! English is actually my second language so I’m a bit messy with it ;;; You are welcome to visit my ART TAG, my TWITTER and INSTAGRAM! Also, you can support my projects on KO-FI and PATREON
About my current personal Miraculous AUs: - Princess Scoop: Alya discovers something wonderful called Marichat and is highly conflicted because it threatens her most beloved ships, Ladynoir and Adrinette! - Akumapocalypse: Imagine a Zombie apocalypse, but with akumas! Soon, sneak peeks of this AU on my Patreon! - Feral Lady: Mister Adrien has recently arrived at his new estate, ready to start a new life that definitely didn’t involve a werecat who called herself Ladybug. Expect sneak peeks of this AU on my Patreon too, lol!
I’m honestly still working on these, that’s why I’ll just be sharing wips there for now.
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
Weird idea, but what if Burn Queen happened in a prom chapter? You know how those hero themed masked balls were popular in the fandom years ago? Something like that. It could also have inspirations of the Ballad of Sara Berry.
You, know, I was thinking about it for a while, and Burn Queen seems more like a two parter chapter like Boss Battle and Akumapocalypse, so I’m probably moving that to Season 3
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
What was the hardest chapter for you to write? Was it Game Over?
Hell yeah. I bet Akumapocalypse will be even harder, though
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
At the moment, how many sentimonsters have you planned?
Dawn of the Peacock: Night Feathers’ starter Amok
Father Nature- Gaia
The Judge- Prosecutor and Attorney
Sapphic Siren
Fairee- A Pegasus
Hellion- Boa Snake
Blue Berret vs Night Feathers
Sinister Six- That Phoenix idea the one anon had
En Garde
Derby Queen
Miss Shadow
Queen of Hearts- Card Sentimonster
Akumapocalypse Part 1- Upgrade
Akumapocalypse Part 2- Sync Up
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
What akumas already have a definitive design?
En Garde (So far my favorite)
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Father Nature
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Hellion might get an upgrade or two, maybe a flashy tailcoat and gold rings on his horns
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I’m currently working on designs for Fairee, Judge, and Sapphic Siren
Then a break…
Then Lifeboat, Atelo-Tron
Another break…
The Sinister Six followed by another break because I drew six Akumas, then Derby Queen, Gargoyle, Burn Queen
Yet Another Break
Then Typhon, Miss Shadow, Queen of Hearts
Another Break…
And a special Akuma I have planned for the Akumapocalypse Arc!
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
So, We’re Heroes? Season 2
Dawn of the Peacock
Father Nature
The Judge
Sapphic Siren
Miss Shadow
Blue Berret vs Night Feathers
Sinister Six
En Garde
Derby Queen
Queen of Hearts
Akumapocalypse Part 1- Upgrade
Akumapocalypse Part 2- Sync Up
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da-tasuky · 6 years
End of the Year Tag
I got tagged by @saijspellhart Thanks, love! ♥ I’m actually horrible at remembering stuff but I’m gonna try ;;;
~favourite food?~ Cheesecake, Lemon pie, blueberries, pizza and salmon! Yeah, I went from desserts to shit food to fancy real fast xD
~favourite drink?~ What kind of drinks are we talking about? :x Because I like Mojitos or a nice cocktail girly drink like cosmopolitan or sex at the beach, but you know, I also like lemonade and pinneaple juice  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~favourite clothing?~ Anything comfy. This year I haven’t been picky with clothes at all. My only rule is waist high pants and I’m happy.
~favourite product?~ ... Stickers and Purses. I have so many I might have a problem. And does steam games count? Because I havent finished playing all my library and I keep buying more games, I gotta stop but idk how Dx
~favourite month?~ I don’t actually know? There are too many ups and downs to all months to really have a favorite. Maybe september because the 1st is my birthday, my country celebrate national days mid month and I get to see a lot of people.
~favourite season?~ Spring! Everything comes back to life slowly and is still kind of cold. I would love summer if it wasn’t so damn hot!! Spring is the closest to that.
~favourite holiday?~ Christmas, actually! Because is the most set holiday I have. During all others I might celebrate or keep working. Sometimes somewhere I don’t like to be or people I don’t want to see (Especially new years, I hate new years). But Christmas? Always on the same wonderful house by the beach, between mountains and forests, always with my family. I can always rely on it.
~favourite place?~ That house by the beach, on a small village surrounded by mountans and forests. It snows over the mountains at winter and during spring you can see around 6 new waterfalls. a magical place ♥
~best experience?~ I have horrible memory and this year was pretty bittersweet to really recall anything exactly but maybe... The higlight of this year was feeling accepted by the art community, by the ML fandom and the support of my friends and family when I decided to go back and pursue self indulging art once again.
~best song?~ Got stuck with K/DA POP/STARS too much for not to mention it ;;;
~best movie?~ I saw Black Panther recently and i really liked it ♥ Honestly? I havent watched too many movies this year ;;;
~best series?~ I literaly just got lost looking at the wall thinking and I can’t decide wich serie I liked the most, seems I compensated the lack of movies with series.
~best book?~ Does fanfics count?
~best videogame?~ It took me too long but I finally started to play Child of Light!!! :,0 and I got terribly invested on Delta Rune ♥
~have you unlearned any bad habits?~ I think by the end of this year I have been treasuring and respecting myself more, maybe that counts!
~biggest disappointment?~ I don’t want to say it because word can get out and I don’t want to cause drama IRL. But some of my friends and family know and that’s enough for me.
~worst experience?~ Seeing my entire nail fall off my finger. I screamed for minutes because it made me nervous. THAT SHOULD STILL BE ATTACHED TO MY BODY! 
~any new hobbies?~ This year I’ve read fanfics like no other xD Not new but bigger!
~did you achieve your goals for 2018?~ That’s relative. My plans for the start of the year were pretty different. Stuff happened and I had to drop everything in order to start again with new objectives. I can say I partly managed to achieve them.
~have you fulfilled a long-term wish?~ First of all, I started a fanfic this year and I always wanted to do that :D And there is still another wish I haven’t fulfilled but I’m working on it!
~have you tried something new this year?~ Giving myself totally to a fandom was a new turn for me xD I always tried to keep some distance but I completely dived into ML and I’m so glad I did! I needed the support this fandom gave me and is still pushing me forward ♥
~what plans or wishes do you have for next year?~ I want to be able to spend more time for my own art!! Maybe finish my fic Princess Scoop but I think that’s gonna be hard for me. I know I’ll be able to put together all I want for Akumapocalypse AU! I BELIEVE IN MYSELF!
~what was the funniest moment?~ You know, I honestly laugh too much and actually find everything funny xD and when I’m mad, I try to talk it out or drink to get tipsy until I stop caring or find it funny. So, every moment was the funniest? Can it be? xD
~what are you thankful for?~ Oh gosh, I’m so thankful my family received me back at the old appartment when I had to leave my house and move cities! Also, to every irl and online friend who supported me even if they didn’t know what was going on. Just them being there to talk to was enough to make me feel. Thank you all guys ♥
Now to tagg! @kinythcosplay, @overworkedunderwhelmed, @perditaalottachocolate-blog, @chimpukampu, @mindfulmagics or anyone who wants to do it ♥
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
The season 2 order is like what now?
Dawn of the Peacock ✔️
Father Nature✔️
The Judge✔️ (Rattle Diva appears)
Sapphic Siren✔️
Fairee (Blue Berret appears)
Lifeboat (Miss Tang appears)
Miss Shadow (Honey Comb appears)
Blue Berret vs Night Feathers
Atelo-Tron (Rat Pack appears)
Gargoyle (Squeal appears)
Sinister Six (Hydra appears)
En Garde (Koopa appears)
Derby Queen
Queen of Hearts (Tiger Lily appears)
Akumapocalypse Part 1- Upgrade (Rascal appears)
Akumapocalypse Part 2- Sync Up
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so-were-heroes · 2 years
Wait if Burn Queen is moved up to season 3. What's going to replace it?
Akumapocalypse is still Season 2
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so-were-heroes · 3 years
What is the chapter you are the most excited to write in season 2?
Probably Akumapocalypse or Queen of Hearts
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da-tasuky · 6 years
What’s something that you’re working on that you’re super excited about???
oh boi! Thanks for my first ask ever! Where do I begin!? ♥
First of all, I’m doing 2 ML Secret Santas and I’m loving them so much. One have a lot of personal touches and I really wish my giftee likes it!
I’m also stealing moments to put something together for my Akumapocalypse AU! I already have the AU guidelines and like 5 short stories? I should get started with the drawings. It’s a huge AU and I have so much planned for it! ♥ Still can’t share much without the art done ;;;;
And lastly, the 2 Fanzines I’m on!I really like how my piece for @letspouncezine is going, I can’t share anything until the mods allows it but when I do, I hope you love it as much as I do!And there is only one week left for @kittylovezine apps to close! I’m nervous and exited to work with so many talented people ♥
Like my life is full of excitement rn? And everything gets me wiggling in my seat!!
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da-tasuky · 6 years
Last Line Tag
I got tagged by @perditaalottachocolate-blog Thanks, love! <3
Rules: Use the last line of writing you’ve done, then tag as many people as there are words.
Woah! Spoiler time! I wanted to keep it a secret until I got it ready but here we go xD I’m working on a new AU. “Akumapocalypse”
“ Rena and Adrien sighed worriedly, feeling the same way. ”
Wait for me a bit before I can share more about this AU QQ
Now, time to tag! @kinythcosplay, @seasonofthegeek, @rosalind2013, @marichat4lyf, @whatarubberchicken, @overworkedunderwhelmed, @disorganizedkitten, @celestial-author and @their-destinys-writer <3 And of course, anyone who want to do it x,D
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