#AIX COnnect
networkthoughts · 2 months
Air India Express thinks different, goes live with Dohop to launch virtual interline with Scoot
Over the next one year, Vistara will merge with Air India, AIX Connect (erstwhile AirAsia India) will merge with Air India Express. This will then see investments from Singapore Airlines with a 25.1% stake in Air India. Even as the work towards this goes on in full swing, future cousins Air India Express and Scoot have started co-operation and in a unique fashion.  Air India Express has signed…
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glouris · 3 months
wuwa characters receiving variants in the future is a real thing and it can hurt you (maybe)
the elemental system we have with havoc, spectro, aero and all the other attributes can be flexible. characters resonate with frequencies of a phenomenon/object that can be distinguished by an elemental attribute, but cannot always be bound by it completely. there might already have been a couple cases of someone exhibiting signs of a second attribute.
for example, when jiyan summons the spear in his trailer there is a lightning effect around his hand, followed by the sound of electricity cracking. 
this might be a visual representation of sound waves reverberating, or it might just be an artistic choice. but if the source of jiyan’s resonance is, say, the storm, then he can be assigned both the aero and electro attributes - hence the lightning around his hand.
but the biggest offenders for a possible double-attribute deal would be aalto and the mourning aix, walk with me.
during the ‘stygian lacrimosa’ world quest (spoilers for it right ahead btw) there is a moment when they let us control an echo of the second aix. while the two aixes fight, something weird is happening: the aix you control clearly has spectro attacks, but ui for it’s abilities is green, as if it’s attribute is supposed to be aero; while the other aix, the one we fight for ascension materials and know as a spectro-aligned creature has distinct aero attacks. 
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I have two speculations for what’s happening here:
1. kuro might have mixed up the attacks of two aixes, the one we control was supposed to be aero, and the other one was supposed to be left as spectro. 
2. mourning aix was shown to be able to cover areas in fog earlier in the quest, so these aix TDs might be mimicking the frequencies of fog, which is a common phenomenon in the area they inhabit. 
fog is formed when cold air meets warm air, condensation happens, tiny water drops form and get suspended - aero connection. but then, the water droplets in the fog stop and scatter light in all directions, which limits visibility - spectro connection. so, creatures that mimic or resonate with frequencies of fog could have both aero and spectro attributes, which is why the aixes have both aero and spectro attacks. 
that sends us right to aalto, who resonates with fog. some parts of his kit already have things that might be spectro-looking: the avatar he conjures kind of looks like a prism, the mist bullets he gets from his skill and forte circuit form an attack similar to one of mournig aix's. those attacks of theirs are in turn similar in pattern to some scattering diagrams.
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fun fact, Rayleigh scattering is an optical phenomenon that is behind the sky being blue, and you can find a courier in the whining aix’s mire that will ask you that exact question, ‘why is the sky blue?’. then again, the court of savantae, where we spend most of our time with aalto, is also there. 
to finish the string of weird coincidences, resonance reports of both jiyan and aalto stand out too. aalto’s has statements that are loose, imprecise: 
“Further tests conducted to ascertain the properties of the mist he conjures yielded inconclusive results” accompanied by “As stated in the report, this resonator is cunning and a master of disguises, thus rendering the credibility of his recounts questionable”; his report has no overclock history cause bro just ?? left ??
it’s not established what jiyan resonates with (will probably be addressed later): “Jiyan's Resonance Spectrum Pattern shows no resemblance to known samples'';  then there’s this statement in his overclock diagnostic report: “there are two distinct waveforms identified, each with exceptionally high peak values”. there are characters that can create or summon creatures with their forte, and jiyan is still the only one to have a second waveform, so it’s not because of qingloong. 
my point is, kuro definitely has wiggle room if they wanted to make a character variant. until further notice, jiyan and aalto would be the most plausible candidates for that in my eyes.
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mooyuringwaves · 3 months
Interesting things about "As fate has Decreed" animation and some ideas.
Jinhsi name is Hsi , it changed when the ceremony with Jue concluded. Hsi means the past, her taking a new name "leaves the past behind".
The soldiers in the ceremony were holding the BP weapons, the bp weapon description already told the story of the ceremony.
The golden leafs that appear in the animation and weapons are known as Golden Ginkgo, symbol of longevity and resilience, themes very in sync with Jinzhou motto and Hsi character.
The baby in the snow is Jinhsi. The young girl with the cape can be theorized as Changli, but is not confirmed. Jue took Jinhsi and reanimated her from the cold.
Jue talks with two voices, female and male. Jinhsi and the people refers to Jue as it.
Jue will be obtainable as an echo confirmed by Kuro, players will say that this makes it a Tacet Discord, this is not a confirmed fact, since the database categorize (for now) three species: Tacet Discords like Crownless, Mutant Organism like Mourning Aix and Humans.
Jue first ascended in Mt. Firmament.
In the animation short we see the "stillness" mentioned in the wuwa lore about Mt. Firmament. In the starting seconds we can see how the ambience looks frozen in time, just Jinhsi walking, then the snow and tree starts to move again, this is an intentional choice.
In 1.0 you can see Mt. Firmament at the south of the map in Whining Aix's Mire-Frosting Harbour. The Mountain Dragon can be seen with two trees as it horns and red texture in the rock body, of course, the map in 1.0 is not implemented yet, so complete textures are not present.
The scene of the ceremony in the bridge of Jinzhou with Jue and jinhsi makes a parallel with Jue and Jinhsi in the snow of Mt. Firmament. The union, connection is not there anymore,
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drakewyne · 3 months
an old connection found tim unaccompanied in paris yet again. when nancy peered around the room he'd acquired under a nom de plume, she mentioned quite casually that the painter cézanne stayed here; though she wasn't sure he historically ever Enjoyed paris. especially compared to aix - en - provence. aix had neglected the painter, but, "he was like its native son regardless."
then: "i think that phrase works better in france. did you get what i meant by that?"
he did.
nancy was not in france on any sort of business. it did not matter if she was doing multiple sorts of business while there. it wasn't her intention to move around. it just sort of happened.
she showed up twenty minutes past their arranged meeting time and chatted absently about what she had been up to in the french riviera — lazy, dreamlike, gooey, tomatoes and olive oil and saltwater.
he drove her back down in a rented car, through the countryside, and she leaned her temple to the open window the entire time.
her mother's townhouse was italian deco, though nancy warned him against saying anything of that nature. italy was france's evil twin, and vice versa.
tim called it Very Catalan instead, and laura was smugly delighted and agreed.
oliver the tomcat was big and orange and silent. tim scratched between his ears and was regarded with less of an ambivalence. oliver yawned at him. even the cat was dreaming.
nancy spoke gorgeous french that tim couldn't keep up with. it was smooth and deep and chocolatey, and he understood it to be changeless from how she spoke her native english. she trained her mouth to be the same because it was important to her that french was not her mother tongue, but was her mother's tongue.
her quasi - european sentimentality, if you considered it, was actually very american. she took the basis and expanded on it and called it all hers. she had recent history and wide open spaces. she was free as a bird and deluded herself into thinking she was light as a feather. she had an old eyebrow raising polaroid that someone scribbled on, not her handwriting — THERE R MANY WAYS 2 FOLD THE FLAG — of which she ripped out of his hand and demanded him never to say anything about.
laura beckoned tim outside where she kept three red gold hens who ruffled indiscriminately at anything as small to the slightest breeze, as if it disrupted their constant sleep.
«regardez,» she commanded of him, fresh eggs in her hands still covered in feathers, "see? i was a girl farming. constance is frightened of the chickens. they squawk to her, she at they. all my birds, very égoïstes. ç'est là."
that's that. 
on wednesday, children poured out of heavy doors at eleven in the morning in their uniforms in noisy rows before scattering amongst themselves down like ants. they dodged and weaved tim while he mindlessly walked down the rue droite. in his destroyed hand, a bitten pain aux raisins.
when he told nancy and her mother that he had, in lieu of not knowing much french at all, spoken in german to order, laura immediately approved of it as a smart decision. an american would have attracted too many questions and held up his time.
nancy's hand snapped out and took off an edge piece to pop in her mouth. "is that why you did it?"
"yeah," he said anyway.
she watched his face.
he wasn't offended and didn't consider it a lack of skill in lying. it was as much in her nature to call it when she saw it as it was for him to play it as it lays.
nancy cheek kisses her mother goodbye: Une Prochaine Fois, À L'Heure.
she says on the way to the airport that all french goodbyes revolve around time and hours. A Different Moment, To The Hour.
well, some things just work better in french.
floats her hand perpendicular to the asphalt out of the window.
A Land's Native Son, for one.
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tiredguyswag · 3 months
weakass posting game
In 1815, M. Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel was Bishop of D—— He was an old man of about seventy-five years of age; he had occupied the see of D—— since 1806.
Although this detail has no connection whatever with the real substance of what we are about to relate, it will not be superfluous, if merely for the sake of exactness in all points, to mention here the various rumors and remarks which had been in circulation about him from the very moment when he arrived in the diocese. True or false, that which is said of men often occupies as important a place in their lives, and above all in their destinies, as that which they do. M. Myriel was the son of a councillor of the Parliament of Aix; hence he belonged to the nobility of the bar. It was said that his father, destining him to be the heir of his own post, had married him at a very early age, eighteen or twenty, in accordance with a custom which is rather widely prevalent in parliamentary families. In spite of this marriage, however, it was said that Charles Myriel created a great deal of talk. He was well formed, though rather short in stature, elegant, graceful, intelligent; the whole of the first portion of his life had been devoted to the world and to gallantry.
The Revolution came; events succeeded each other with precipitation; the parliamentary families, decimated, pursued, hunted down, were dispersed. M. Charles Myriel emigrated to Italy at the very beginning of the Revolution. There his wife died of a malady of the chest, from which she had long suffered. He had no children. What took place next in the fate of M. Myriel? The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of ’93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror,—did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him? Was he, in the midst of these distractions, these affections which absorbed his life, suddenly smitten with one of those mysterious and terrible blows which sometimes overwhelm, by striking to his heart, a man whom public catastrophes would not shake, by striking at his existence and his fortune? No one could have told: all that was known was, that when he returned from Italy he was a priest.
In 1804, M. Myriel was the Curé of B—— [Brignolles]. He was already advanced in years, and lived in a very retired manner.
About the epoch of the coronation, some petty affair connected with his curacy—just what, is not precisely known—took him to Paris. Among other powerful persons to whom he went to solicit aid for his parishioners was M. le Cardinal Fesch. One day, when the Emperor had come to visit his uncle, the worthy Curé, who was waiting in the anteroom, found himself present when His Majesty passed. Napoleon, on finding himself observed with a certain curiosity by this old man, turned round and said abruptly:—
“Who is this good man who is staring at me?”
“Sire,” said M. Myriel, “you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. Each of us can profit by it.”
That very evening, the Emperor asked the Cardinal the name of the Curé, and some time afterwards M. Myriel was utterly astonished to learn that he had been appointed Bishop of D——
What truth was there, after all, in the stories which were invented as to the early portion of M. Myriel’s life? No one knew. Very few families had been acquainted with the Myriel family before the Revolution.
M. Myriel had to undergo the fate of every newcomer in a little town, where there are many mouths which talk, and very few heads which think. He was obliged to undergo it although he was a bishop, and because he was a bishop. But after all, the rumors with which his name was connected were rumors only,—noise, sayings, words; less than words—palabres, as the energetic language of the South expresses it.
However that may be, after nine years of episcopal power and of residence in D——, all the stories and subjects of conversation which engross petty towns and petty people at the outset had fallen into profound oblivion. No one would have dared to mention them; no one would have dared to recall them.
M. Myriel had arrived at D—— accompanied by an elderly spinster, Mademoiselle Baptistine, who was his sister, and ten years his junior.
Their only domestic was a female servant of the same age as Mademoiselle Baptistine, and named Madame Magloire, who, after having been the servant of M. le Curé, now assumed the double title of maid to Mademoiselle and housekeeper to Monseigneur.
Mademoiselle Baptistine was a long, pale, thin, gentle creature; she realized the ideal expressed by the word “respectable”; for it seems that a woman must needs be a mother in order to be venerable. She had never been pretty; her whole life, which had been nothing but a succession of holy deeds, had finally conferred upon her a sort of pallor and transparency; and as she advanced in years she had acquired what may be called the beauty of goodness. What had been leanness in her youth had become transparency in her maturity; and this diaphaneity allowed the angel to be seen. She was a soul rather than a virgin. Her person seemed made of a shadow; there was hardly sufficient body to provide for sex; a little matter enclosing a light; large eyes forever drooping;—a mere pretext for a soul’s remaining on the earth.
Madame Magloire was a little, fat, white old woman, corpulent and bustling; always out of breath,—in the first place, because of her activity, and in the next, because of her asthma.
On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general. The mayor and the president paid the first call on him, and he, in turn, paid the first call on the general and the prefect.
The installation over, the town waited to see its bishop at work.
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squawkoverflow · 1 year
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A new variant has been added!
Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) © Francis C. Franklin
It hatches from big, exotic, male, nearby, ornate, and small eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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tuttocenere · 11 months
On Ghosts in the Aix 2017 DG
On the topic of someone being a ghost:
1) Don Giovanni and the Commendatore
The "do you know which of us died that night?" in the post is directly a line from the libretto. "Chi è morto, voi, o il vecchio?", Leporello asks Don Giovanni after the murder. And sure, that's a joke. An early opportunity to show Leporello is easily upset and Don G is cruel to him about it.
But Leporello has a point: Don Giovanni is risking his life very lightly, he could have died in that duel. And while he survived, he has already signed his death sentence: The Commendatore's ghost will get him. But even if it didn't, his living enemies would kill Don Giovanni just as well.
Aix 2017 has some interesting ideas there. It has Leporello directly involved in the murder, just as he generally participates a lot in Don G's crimes in this production. So he has good reasons to be haunted by the ghost.
And then, this Commendatore and this Don Giovanni are very much the same type of guy. A lot of productions do that, because it makes a nice circle: Don G kills the older version of himself, because he doesn't want to think about the future, and yet the future inevitably comes around again to get him. I like it.
So who's haunting who? The Commendatore Don Giovanni? He has good reason. The Commendatore Leporello? He certainly seems more scared of him than Don G is. Don Giovanni Leporello? It could be argued.
Then there's the recurring motif of the bedsheet, symbolic of Don G's bedroom adventures but also of ghosts. And it's notable that Don G himself is barefoot for a large portion of the prod, another ghostly trait.
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2) Donna Anna
Then there's Donna Anna, who gets hurt by Don Giovanni in the very first scene and has a strong ghost theme for the rest of the story. She barely interacts with Don G, but she's as haunted as can be. And in the Aix 2017 production, she also has the literal ghost of her dad following her around and getting involved in her scenes.
Her fiancé Don Ottavio also has a strong connection with the ghost. One of his first lines is "hai sposo e padre in me" - he's taking the place of her father. And in this prod, the ghost has some feelings about that. Not purely negative feelings; he's supportive, but he is still a ghost.
So who is haunted here? Is there actually a ghost? Is Anna the ghost for being so sad and wan and fey and such? Is Ottavio the ghost for trying to replace her dad? Or is it their whole relationship haunted by Don Giovanni?
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3) Ghosts in general
Don Giovanni in this prod also has a couple of demons as servants. Now a demon isn't exactly a ghost, but we'll count them. And even the living members of the cast have a strong theme of hanging out in the background of scenes, in pale lighting, pointing at things, poignantly. Who is a ghost? Everyone.
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In conclusion, ghosts all around.
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voyages-de-reforme · 7 months
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Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral (Aachen Cathedral)
The Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral is located in Aachen, Germany. I chose this site because it was beautiful and our first trip this semester.
This specific Cathedral is connected to the European Reformation because Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, ordered it to be built. Charlemagne was buried in this Cathedral, and then 31 kings and 12 queens were coronated in this Cathedral, where it remains the Mother Church of the Diocese of Aachen.
One thing that surprised me about Aix-la-Chappelle Cathedral was the Ancient Roman ruins that remain under the city, and how you can see some of them when you walk in the Cathedral.
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jbaileyfansite · 11 months
Interview with Vanity Fair France (2023)
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Jonathan Bailey: celebrity, LGBT rights and cycling, words from an actor “in search of transformation”
New darling of cinema, Jonathan Bailey, the actor who played Anthony in Bridgerton, is taking a step aside in fashion. For Vanity Fair, he talks about his relationship with celebrity and the importance of LGBT representation on screen. Confidences.
What should a person dream of, after having experienced dazzling success all over the planet? Jonathan Bailey was only waiting for one thing: to get on his bike and cycle through the south of France. A memory comes back and his eyes sparkle: “A year ago, I visited Aix, Manosque and Marseille. I was dazzled by the energy of the latter and the beauty of the street art. » So, as soon as he could, this cycling enthusiast took a getaway far from the fog of his native England for a fashion shoot on the Côte d'Azur. At 35, the actor says he is exploring “new facets of his personality”, by posing in front of a camera lens or acting in front of the camera.
In perpetual “quest for transformation”, he is now ready to delve into the “darkest corners” of the human soul, he explains. Far, far from the role of enamored viscount which propelled him to stardom. In 2020, Jonathan Bailey made a notable appearance in the Bridgerton show, on Netflix.
The series tells the adventures of two aristocratic families during the English Regency, between tails, top hats and romantic intrigues. In the first season, he was content to be the protective brother of the heroine, the fiery Viscount Anthony Bridgerton.
The second season propels him to the center of a sentimental intrigue. And Netflix broke a record, with 193 million hours of viewing in the first three days of broadcast. A line of dialogue went viral, cited thousands of times on social networks: “You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. » The whole world fell under its spell. What followed were magazine covers, front rows of fashion shows, red carpets of posh evenings…
After that, the actor changed register and dared to tread the boards of the West End theater in London with a play with the evocative title, Cock. A return to his roots for someone who started, at the age of 6, with the Royal Shakespeare Company. “I feel feverish if I’m not on stage,” he explains. "Acting keeps me fit as an actor. » Another challenge: he will soon be starring in the highly anticipated Wicked, adaptation of the musical comedy dedicated to the witches of The Wizard of Oz, alongside Ariana Grande and Michelle Yeoh (Oscar winner for best actress in 2023). Could he be stalked by madness of grandeur? Never. “There is no guide to learning how to deal with fame,” he admits. "I just focused on my first passions, notably music, surrounded by my friends, my older sisters, my nephews. » A secret: he also got back into some gymnastic movements - which he admits are still "'slightly kooky'. By that I mean: eccentric and approximate."
Some habits deserted along the way. With fame, he lost his anonymity and a little of his tranquility. “I will never give up public transport,” he says. "On the other hand, I tend to “underdress” so as not to attract attention. » His relationship with clothing has thus changed. He is just beginning to master the subtle art of matching his jewelry (like here with Mazarin jewelry). “I’m exploring more of the jewelry world as I get older and more confident. » Until then, he only had one fear: accumulating coins to the point of “resembling the donkey Bourricot”, loaded with mismatched fake coins. No risk. On his wrist, he wears the Omega watch of which he is the ambassador. A big first for him: “I participated in the launch of the Summer Blue Seamaster range this year,” he explains with pride. "I felt the connection of the house with the people of the sea. The travelers, the adventurers. The surfing and paddle enthusiast in me was delighted.»
This digression into the fashion sphere allowed him to meet his favorite designers – Daniel Lee, Jonathan Anderson, Giorgio Armani. Because, in fashion as in cinema, he only aspires to work with “creative people”, he admits. A second of reflection, a burst of laughter. All things considered, he would see himself as a “sheep of a sherpa”. Literally, “sheep” of a creative master who would take him into his merciless universe.
His only condition? Uphold the values that are close to his heart. Starting with LGBTQIA+ representation on screen, which he missed so much during his childhood. He remembers, moved, his meeting with Matthew Rhys, who plays a leading character in the American soap opera Brothers and Sisters: Kevin Walker, a gay lawyer. “This actor was a game changer for me,” insists Jonathan Bailey. "I found a bit of my family in the characters of the series. In the middle, he played a guy who led a fulfilling life and had a wonderful partner.»
The British actor is delighted to see today the very popular “Elite, Heartstopper or even Gossip Girl” taking over, with diverse and varied narrative arcs aimed at young audiences. He himself made his contribution, since his career took off on Netflix as an openly homosexual actor playing an heterosexual character. “It’s as rare as seeing gay actors playing gay characters and being praised for that performance,” he emphasizes. We will soon find him in Fellow Travelers, a historical mini-series centered on a romance between two men in which he co-stars with Matt Bomer. Proof that an actor can absolutely play anything.
To the aspiring actors who follow him on the networks, he provides a lesson: “Representation is crucial, but being an artist also means being able to inhabit a character totally different from your own experience.» He is moved by having the luxury of choosing his projects, thinking back to the time when he went through auditions and accepted all the roles that came his way. When he talks about his job, Jonathan Bailey spins the love metaphor. “When I like a project, I feel a romantic spark. I let myself be carried away by something obvious. » Love at first sight guaranteed.
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lavenderbuckyy · 1 year
Knit Happens [moodboard]
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a moodboard for my sweet friend aixing @plincess-cho's series, "Knit Happens"!
aixing, i love how your big heart and kind soul shine through your fics :) i love how you write bucky getting to receive this kindness and human connection with others. it meant so much to me that my comment about my granny knitting the baby hats inspired you to write bucky and his group knitting baby blankets. that felt really special. your stories are so soft and gentle, filled with so much compassion for these characters and the world around us. i like all the little details you include in your fics. love is found in small things. thank you for being my friend and for leaving such kind feedback on my own fics! i hope you're doing well and work isn't too busy! :) 💙🪡🧦
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jackhkeynes · 7 months
Axbane (Borlish Ausbagn /ozˈbɛjn/) is a major city on the southwest coast of Borland. It is located at the narrowest part of the Rustigh Strait, less than twenty leagues from Willemy on mainland Europe.
Both the English and Borlish names descend from (the dative case of) the original Latin name for the city Aquīs Balneīs "to the bathing waters". Compare the city of Bath in Albion and of Axton (Grand-Aix /gʀãˈdɛis/, Aughen /ˈɔ.xn̩/) [Aachen] in Willemy.
As a Roman city, Axbane was home to an extensive bathhouse complex, for which the city is named.
With the German migrations of the early medieval period, Axbane was demoted to a minor port in the Anglian kingdom of Sothbar, which comprised the southwestern portion of Borland.
The Peninsular Monastery which overlooks the city was erected in the name of the Order of Saint James (the Jacobin Fraternity), which had fled to Axbane in 1067 after a popular uprising against Drengot Emperor Geoffrey II in Flanders. In the modern day, the Order remains a powerful presence, owning much land in the city and a successful series of breweries.
The Axbane of the late twelfth century is the de facto seat of the County of Sothbar; by 1190 the earl Steven (Steign) is known to have resided year-round in the coastal town, bequeathing the old house in Heitriç to his younger brother. At this time, the location of Axbane on one side of the Rustigh Strait was of immense strategic value. The Great Flie Flood of 1171 swept away much of Lower Frisland, and Axbane was for several decades afterward the obvious choice of harbour for any trader moving from the Danish lands through the Drengot domain and onward to Spain.
Axbane eventually became one of the star cities of the Corvine Concert, an association of mercantile cities in the region. The throughput of the Axbane port is thought to have accounted for over a third of European trade outside the Middlesea by 1400 N. The late fourteenth century also saw this Borlish city develop a particularly close relationship with Bremen.
The 1850s saw the Axbane-Texel undersea barric line, one of the world's first such steeplepost connections across the sea. At this time, Axbane was part of the New Urban Mesh along with independent cities like London.
The Secret Guide to Axbane (Y Gið Scos por Ausbagn), published first in 1962 on behalf of the Maglen Formeuç Caritativia, as part of a series of tourist guidebooks for cities along both coasts of the Rustigh Strait.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
1. Fibre optic cable sabotage causes global internet slowdown
A major fibre optic cable has been cut near Aix-en-Provence, France, causing a global internet connectivity slowdown, reports cybersecurity company Zscaler. Experts believe that the cable was severed in a deliberate “act of vandalism"; others have described it as “sabotage.” Read more.
2. Belgian society knows little of colonial past, study shows
Belgian society is “sorely lacking with regard to the colonial past of Belgium”, the AfricaMuseum (Royal Museum for Central Africa) and the University of Antwerp have concluded in a study published on Monday. Read more.
3. Chaussée d'Ixelles: Already 70,000 fines for pedestrian zone infractions in 2022
As of 20 September, 70,836 cars have been caught speeding in the restricted driving zone (RDZ) in the Brussels municipality of Ixelles this year – meaning there is a risk that a new record will be set in 2022 despite the fact that the zone has already been in existence for four years. Read more.
4. Belgium on course to miss EU emissions target
Flanders has increased its greenhouse gas emissions by 4% compared to 2020, leaving the Flemish-speaking region on course to miss the European Commission's target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. Read more.
5. Madame Tussauds statue of King Charles fed cake by environmental activists
Environmental activists from the Just Stop Oil group on Monday defaced the wax figure of King Charles III at London's famous Madame Tussauds museum. This is the latest in a series of actions since the beginning of the month that demands an end to oil and gas exploration. Read more.
6. Do look up: Partial solar eclipse today
Today the Arctic, Europe and parts of Asia will experience the phenomenon of the moon partially passing in front of the sun – in what is known as a partial solar eclipse. Around 30% of the sun's visible surface will be covered by the moon. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: The cobblestones of Brussels
You hardly notice them as you walk through Brussels, but the city’s cobblestone streets are among the most beautiful in the world. After years of indifference, the city is now more aware of this aspect of its heritage. Read more.
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lesmislettersdaily · 2 years
The Solitude Of Monseigneur Bienvenu
Volume 1: Fantine; Book 1: A Just Man; Chapter 12: The Solitude Of Monseigneur Bienvenu
A bishop is almost always surrounded by a full squadron of little abbés, just as a general is by a covey of young officers. This is what that charming Saint François de Sales calls somewhere “les prêtres blancs-becs,” callow priests. Every career has its aspirants, who form a train for those who have attained eminence in it. There is no power which has not its dependents. There is no fortune which has not its court. The seekers of the future eddy around the splendid present. Every metropolis has its staff of officials. Every bishop who possesses the least influence has about him his patrol of cherubim from the seminary, which goes the round, and maintains good order in the episcopal palace, and mounts guard over monseigneur’s smile. To please a bishop is equivalent to getting one’s foot in the stirrup for a sub-diaconate. It is necessary to walk one’s path discreetly; the apostleship does not disdain the canonship.
Just as there are bigwigs elsewhere, there are big mitres in the Church. These are the bishops who stand well at Court, who are rich, well endowed, skilful, accepted by the world, who know how to pray, no doubt, but who know also how to beg, who feel little scruple at making a whole diocese dance attendance in their person, who are connecting links between the sacristy and diplomacy, who are abbés rather than priests, prelates rather than bishops. Happy those who approach them! Being persons of influence, they create a shower about them, upon the assiduous and the favored, and upon all the young men who understand the art of pleasing, of large parishes, prebends, archidiaconates, chaplaincies, and cathedral posts, while awaiting episcopal honors. As they advance themselves, they cause their satellites to progress also; it is a whole solar system on the march. Their radiance casts a gleam of purple over their suite. Their prosperity is crumbled up behind the scenes, into nice little promotions. The larger the diocese of the patron, the fatter the curacy for the favorite. And then, there is Rome. A bishop who understands how to become an archbishop, an archbishop who knows how to become a cardinal, carries you with him as conclavist; you enter a court of papal jurisdiction, you receive the pallium, and behold! you are an auditor, then a papal chamberlain, then monsignor, and from a Grace to an Eminence is only a step, and between the Eminence and the Holiness there is but the smoke of a ballot. Every skull-cap may dream of the tiara. The priest is nowadays the only man who can become a king in a regular manner; and what a king! the supreme king. Then what a nursery of aspirations is a seminary! How many blushing choristers, how many youthful abbés bear on their heads Perrette’s pot of milk! Who knows how easy it is for ambition to call itself vocation? in good faith, perchance, and deceiving itself, devotee that it is.
Monseigneur Bienvenu, poor, humble, retiring, was not accounted among the big mitres. This was plain from the complete absence of young priests about him. We have seen that he “did not take” in Paris. Not a single future dreamed of engrafting itself on this solitary old man. Not a single sprouting ambition committed the folly of putting forth its foliage in his shadow. His canons and grand-vicars were good old men, rather vulgar like himself, walled up like him in this diocese, without exit to a cardinalship, and who resembled their bishop, with this difference, that they were finished and he was completed. The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood, that no sooner had the young men whom he ordained left the seminary than they got themselves recommended to the archbishops of Aix or of Auch, and went off in a great hurry. For, in short, we repeat it, men wish to be pushed. A saint who dwells in a paroxysm of abnegation is a dangerous neighbor; he might communicate to you, by contagion, an incurable poverty, an anchylosis of the joints, which are useful in advancement, and in short, more renunciation than you desire; and this infectious virtue is avoided. Hence the isolation of Monseigneur Bienvenu. We live in the midst of a gloomy society. Success; that is the lesson which falls drop by drop from the slope of corruption.
Be it said in passing, that success is a very hideous thing. Its false resemblance to merit deceives men. For the masses, success has almost the same profile as supremacy. Success, that Menæchmus of talent, has one dupe,—history. Juvenal and Tacitus alone grumble at it. In our day, a philosophy which is almost official has entered into its service, wears the livery of success, and performs the service of its antechamber. Succeed: theory. Prosperity argues capacity. Win in the lottery, and behold! you are a clever man. He who triumphs is venerated. Be born with a silver spoon in your mouth! everything lies in that. Be lucky, and you will have all the rest; be happy, and people will think you great. Outside of five or six immense exceptions, which compose the splendor of a century, contemporary admiration is nothing but short-sightedness. Gilding is gold. It does no harm to be the first arrival by pure chance, so long as you do arrive. The common herd is an old Narcissus who adores himself, and who applauds the vulgar herd. That enormous ability by virtue of which one is Moses, Æschylus, Dante, Michael Angelo, or Napoleon, the multitude awards on the spot, and by acclamation, to whomsoever attains his object, in whatsoever it may consist. Let a notary transfigure himself into a deputy: let a false Corneille compose Tiridate; let a eunuch come to possess a harem; let a military Prudhomme accidentally win the decisive battle of an epoch; let an apothecary invent cardboard shoe-soles for the army of the Sambre-and-Meuse, and construct for himself, out of this cardboard, sold as leather, four hundred thousand francs of income; let a pork-packer espouse usury, and cause it to bring forth seven or eight millions, of which he is the father and of which it is the mother; let a preacher become a bishop by force of his nasal drawl; let the steward of a fine family be so rich on retiring from service that he is made minister of finances,—and men call that Genius, just as they call the face of Mousqueton Beauty, and the mien of Claude Majesty. With the constellations of space they confound the stars of the abyss which are made in the soft mire of the puddle by the feet of ducks.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 days
File: The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Code Name: Planet Drool, the World of Dreams
Object Class: Apollyon Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: The Anomalous Celestial Body Management Department has created a large holographic mirror made of hundreds of satellites to cover SCP-AIX’s presence from the rest of the solar system. Site-DREAM has been constructed on SCP-AIX in hopes of cooperating the world into Project Medusa. Mobile Task Force Zeus-9 “Dream Catchers” are responsible for establishing security for Site-DREAM and fighting off hostile entities that reside on SCP-AIX. Resources and staff transitioning is done on a monthly basis, Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 is responsible for protecting transportation ships. 
Description: SCP-AIX is a world that exists on the very edge of our solar system, even more beyond Pluto. SCP-AIX is not actually a real world but instead created from the dreams of a boy named [data expunged]. Though he was only discovered in 2005 and in the same year was revealed to be a Level 4 Reality Bender. He created SCP-AIX entirely by accident but after being exposed to its existence he unlocked his Reality Bending abilities on the planet. For whatever reason [data expunged] can only activate his powers when on SCP-AIX. This has earned him the title of SCP-AIX-King. 
SCP-AIX as a whole is created from the bits and pieces of SCP-AIX-King’s chaotic dreams and imagination, the main driving force that unites them all is his desires. Despite the seemingly lawless nature everything within SCP-AIX follows their own set of rules, the real problem is finding out what those rules are. For example, in the land of cookies and cream of SCP-AIX, there are giants that exist to eat the giant cookies that populate the area from time to time. The power that flows through SCP-AIX to power the machines and robots is operated by large serpent-like plugs as well as various other plug and wire-based creatures. There are also floating cuckoo clocks that actively shoot out robotic cuckoo birds to attack people to signify the annoyance of alarm clocks. There are many other areas and various other rules regarding SCP-AIX, but this is the basic rundown of what the Foundation has discovered as of late. 
However, SCP-AIX is much more complex as it is filled with all sorts of living beings that all have their own job and abilities. The most notable of these are Shark boy and Lava girl also known as SCP-AIX-Shark and SCP-AIX-Lava. SCP-AIX-Shark is the king of all aquatic life on SCP-AIX despite seemingly only being 10 years old. He was supposedly born on earth and raised by talking sharks at least according to SCP-AIX-King though whether this is true and not another dream he made up is unknown. Regardless he is very strong, has teeth that can bite through steel, swim at a speed of 30 mph, and can manifest water from his hands. 
SCP-AIX-Lava is a girl seemingly made out of lava, she possesses great power but also intense and dangerous heat being able to burn almost anything she gets too close to. Originally this was thought to be a curse on her but in actuality she is the living source of power for all machines and living beings in SCP-AIX. Without her SCP-AIX will be stuck in darkness forever and SCP-AIX-King might end up losing his powers forever. Though thankfully the three of them are powerful enough to ensure that such a scenario will never happen. Furthermore, the Foundation has agreed to assist them in protecting SCP-AIX.
SCP-AIX was discovered in 1995 the same day SCP-AIX-King was born, though at the time there was no known connection between the two. At the time SCP-AIX was seen as nothing more than a spatial anomaly as it was a floating bubble of random shapes and colors. SCP-ANO seemed to have great interest in SCP-AIX; as such, the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition took interest as well. This led to a long and detailed observation of SCP-AIX, please see Addendum X-67 for details.
Addendum X-67
The following is a list of major events regarding SCP-AIX and possible SCP-ANO if involved, as well as the year they happened.
1995 - SCP-ANO observes SCP-AIX upon its manifestation for an extremely long time and even creates a tendril to get closer. The O5 Council and 108 Council agree it is not worth the risk to engage SCP-ANO, so they leave it be. This proves to work out in their favor as SCP-AIX seems to react badly to SCP-ANO’s contact and releases a wave of energy greatly harming SCP-ANO and forcing it back. From here on out SCP-ANO merely watches from a distance. 
Side Note: Upon the discovery of SCP-AIX-King Foundation agents reviewed archives and camera recordings of him as a baby. They found that at the exact moment SCP-ANO made contact with SCP-AIX, SCP-AIX-King eyes turned black, and he cried in fear while shedding a single tear of blood. His family quickly took him to the hospital, but he was confirmed fine as soon as SCP-ANO backed off. This is deeply concerning but there's not enough information to confirm what this exactly means.
1996 - [data expunged] entered our solar system but was destroyed after [data expunged] survivors of Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 noticed that several pieces were falling towards SCP-AIX and were absorbed by it. They seemingly disappeared from reality though if that is true or if something else happened is entirely known. 
1998 - SCP-AIX starts taking up a form of a planet but is changing form all the time which is most likely due to SCP-AIX-King still too young to keep an idea for very long and often letting his imagination go crazy. 
2001 - SCP-AIX finally take a concrete shape and different lands and continents start forming. Eventually SCP-AIX starts to resemble a large world, with different lands based on SCP-AIX-Kings’s dreams and ideas. 
2005 - SCP-AIX-Shark and SCP-AIX-Lava are spotted manifesting on earth for some reason and take SCP-AIX-King to SCP-AIX to help quell a rebellion caused by the plug creatures and their leader Entity of Interest: Mr. Electric. They succeed and SCP-AIX-King unlocks his power to manipulate everything on SCP-AIX. Thankfully anomalous exposure is limited so Foundation agents are able to quickly give amnestics to anyone who witnessed the event. 
2006 - The ACPA agrees to allow the SCP-Foundation to have custody of SCP-AIX and thus diplomats are sent to meet with the three. They ask for a means to colonize SCP-AIX by establishing Site-DREAM. This unfortunately led to lots of back and forth and nearly led to an all-out war between Foundation forces and the inhabitants of SCP-AIX. Shockingly it was only after SCP-ANO tried once again, to attack SCP-AIX that led to the alliance.
Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 tried to attack SCP-ANO while SCP-AIX-King imagined his own space fleet to attack the Celestial Scale Anomaly. Because the ships were made from SCP-AIX-King’s imagination, he could make an infinite number of them and thus eventually wore down SCP-ANO, for the first since its discovery SCP-ANO actually was hurt and retreated as a result. Peace was finally made, and the construction of Site-DREAM began.
2006 - The SCP Foundation helps SCP-AIX-King establish a more stable way to travel from earth to SCP-AIX without having to rely on imagining ships that don’t always work every time. 
Because SCP-AIX was able to harm SCP-ANO far better than any Foundation weapon or any weapon owned by any organization within the ACPA it is considered an extremely valuable asset. As such it must be protected at all costs, this includes SCP-AIX-Shark, SCP-AIX-Lava, and SCP-AIX-King obviously. Site-DREAM isn’t just a sanctuary designed to continue Foundation work should earth fall but also a place where new science based on SCP-AIX is made to assist in protecting the planet. It is with hope that SCP-AIX will be the spearhead in the eventual attack that will finally lead to the destruction of SCP-ANO.
Though it should be noted that SCP-AIX is not indestructible against SCP-ANO or other Celestial Scale Class Anomalies like it. We've already seen that SCP-AIX-King can get hurt if SCP-AIX is heavily damaged in any way. As such it is possible that to overuse SCP-AIX or for a possible God Like anomaly such as SCP-ANO can manipulate it. Still. as of late, SCP-AIX is the only viable candidate for Project Medusa.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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tempest-toss · 2 months
GOI File - Supernatural Sound
((visible to muses n anons))
Title: Supernatural Sound
First known active date: 6/24/201█
Known aliases in mundane world: While they often still use their original name, they also go by The Universal Music Agency, Harmonic Global, Melodic Fusion, Rhythmic Wave Enterprises, Country Melodies, and K-Pop Connect
Key Individuals - Non-Performers:
Unknown - Founder and head producer, no known alias
The Aix's - Personal producers for each star, operates as a hivemind.
Key Individuals and Micro Groups - Artists
Hana Yun - Siren, hypnotizes fans to obsess over her music, but ineffective unless heard in person. Specializes in the Korean Pop genre
Arthur Rutherford - Cyborg, Can manipulate machinery with his music. Specializes in the Steampunk genre.
P. Urity - Fallen angel who gets her power from the positivity instilled in others. Specializes in Gospel.
Clarence O'Donnel - Farmer and father of three who uses his singing to manipulate animals. Specializes in Country
Daddy Dazzler - A man who uses his music to immobilize his opponents in a dancing frenzy. Specializes in Disco
Millard Motzart - A pretentious pianist who is able to conjure physical music notes. Specializes in both Classical and Neo-Classical
K0N@M1 - An individual with a blurred face that progressively turns the world pixelated as music is made. Specializes in Chiptune.
Sonido Ardiente - A mariachi band that can generate fire and amplify the sun through their music. Specializes in Mariachi
OVER_LOAD - An unknown figure who uses his music to distort the world in his favor. Specializes in Glitch Hop.
Rejection Infestation - A small band who have the power to shake the earth with their music. Specializes in Punk Rock
Neruo Code - An enigmatic woman who uses her anomaly to drain people of their conscious thoughts. Specializes in Neurofunk
Hotline Synth - An online group whose music inspires an unnatural calmness paired with a tendency for disassociation. Specializes in Synthwave
Akemi - An artificial intelligence that has full consciousness, using his music to learn what he can from humanity. Specializes in Vocaloid
The Trickster Triplets - A trio known for their macabre yet elegant music that bears otherworldly whispers, turning those who listen into sleeper agents. Specializes in Dark Cabaret
Smooth Grooves - A smaller group known for their classical music with a modern flair, their music appears to have the power to manipulate time in bursts. Specializes in Swing and ElectroSwing
Toxic Wasteland - a young solo artist masquerading as a five-person band; uses their music to melt and sculpt the world. Specializes in Acid Break.
Created SCPs?: None, as they prefer to produce music.
Known Relationship with other Groups of Interest:
Foundation (Enemies)
Cacophony Symphony (Rivals)
Chaos Insurgency (Partial Allies)
Serpent's Hand (Enemies)
Snapdragon Smugglers (Partial Allies)
Marshall Carter & Dark Ltd. (Occasional allies)
Mana Charitable Foundation (One-sided hatred)
Description: Supernatural Sound is a music agency that operates around the globe, often using other monikers to avoid detection. The group is split into two sets of entities, those being the producers in charge of the talent and marketability and the artists, who produce and perform anomalous music.
Divisions of Supernatural Sound have not all been identified, however, sub-groups have been confirmed in the following places: America, Mexico, England, Scotland, Korea, Japan, Egypt, Russia, Argentina, Canada, China, Thailand, Samoa, and Australia.
The ultimate end goal of the Group of Interest is still largely unknown. The artists have yet to make any statements explaining why they joined and still remain with the talent agency, leading to some (not corroborated) rumors that all the artists are under some form of mind control.
Known Incidents:
2/11/1980 - The trademark for the Supernatural Sound logo appears in public records.
5/12/1982 - Hana Yun is contracted as the first artist.
5/13/1982 - Hana Yun's popularity skyrockets from an overnight viral sensation. She launches into fame and the company with her.
8/██/198█ - Eight more artists are signed on from around the world.
7/23/1990 - Supernatural Sound is brought to the Foundation's attention following several unexplained anomalous incidents that all had common themes regarding music.
4/15/2000 - Three more artists are signed over, extending the reach of Supernatural Sound into Canada, the United States, and Mexico
█/19/201█ - the most recent artist, Toxic Wasteland, is signed on after the producers discovered him melting a skatepark with his music. The Foundation attempted to halt this but were overwhelmed with the boy's anomaly.
1/3/2020 - Supernatural Sound reaches its height of popularity thanks to the pandemic, boosting them even further in the modern eye.
7/8/2024 - Supernatural Sound attempts to recruit O5-4's daughter Melody Lycan. This fails.
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bbumtravel · 3 months
The dreamy city of France.
Provence, France: A Detailed Introduction
Provence is a captivating region in southeastern France, renowned for its picturesque landscapes, rich history, vibrant culture, and Mediterranean charm. Here’s an in-depth exploration of Provence:
Geography and Location
Location: Provence is located in the southeastern part of France, bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the south. It encompasses a diverse geographical area, including coastal plains, rolling hills, vineyards, and the rugged terrain of the Alpilles and Luberon mountain ranges.
Climate: Provence enjoys a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. This favorable climate contributes to the region's agricultural productivity and makes it a popular destination for sun-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts.
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Cultural Heritage
History: Provence has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It was settled by the Greeks and later became part of the Roman Empire, leaving behind numerous Roman ruins and monuments. Over the centuries, Provence has been influenced by various cultures, including the Gauls, Romans, and later, the Franks.
Art and Literature: Provence has inspired numerous artists, writers, and filmmakers, drawn to its stunning landscapes and vibrant colors. The region was famously depicted by artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne, who found inspiration in its light and natural beauty.
Cuisine and Wine
Provencal Cuisine: The cuisine of Provence is renowned for its fresh ingredients and Mediterranean flavors. Dishes often include olive oil, garlic, herbs (such as rosemary and thyme), seafood, vegetables (especially tomatoes and eggplants), and local specialties like ratatouille and bouillabaisse.
Wine: Provence is one of France's oldest wine-producing regions, known for its rosé wines, which are highly prized both locally and internationally. The region also produces red and white wines, benefiting from the diverse terroir and favorable climate.
Natural Beauty
Lavender Fields: Provence is famous for its stunning lavender fields, particularly in the Plateau de Valensole and around the town of Sault. These fields bloom from June to August, filling the air with their fragrant aroma and creating a vibrant purple landscape.
Coastline and Beaches: The Mediterranean coastline of Provence boasts beautiful beaches, charming seaside towns (such as Cassis and Saint-Tropez), and picturesque harbors. The Calanques National Park near Marseille offers breathtaking limestone cliffs and clear turquoise waters.
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Cultural Attractions
Avignon: Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes), Avignon was once the seat of the Catholic Church during the 14th century.
Aix-en-Provence: Aix-en-Provence is famous for its elegant boulevards, historic buildings, and artistic heritage. It was the birthplace of painter Paul Cézanne and is known for its charming markets and vibrant cultural scene.
Outdoor Activities
Hiking and Cycling: Provence offers numerous hiking trails through its scenic countryside and mountainous regions, such as the GR 6 trail in the Verdon Gorge and the Luberon Regional Park. Cycling enthusiasts can enjoy scenic routes through vineyards and lavender fields.
Water Sports: The Mediterranean Sea provides opportunities for sailing, kayaking, and diving, while the Verdon River offers thrilling rafting and canoeing experiences in the Verdon Gorge.
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Practical Information
Transportation: The main airports serving Provence include Marseille Provence Airport (MRS) and Nice Côte d'Azur Airport (NCE). The region is also well-connected by train and road networks.
Accommodation: Provence offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels and resorts to charming guesthouses and agriturismos (farm stays).
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Provence is during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to October), when the weather is pleasant, and tourist crowds are smaller compared to the peak summer season.
Provence, with its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, delectable cuisine, and Mediterranean allure, offers a truly unforgettable experience for travelers. Whether you're exploring ancient Roman ruins, wandering through lavender fields, savoring local wines, or relaxing on pristine beaches, Provence captivates with its timeless beauty and vibrant charm. Worth to go 9/10 ( I love flower )
Thanks for reading ♥
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