#AI Camera Market trend
snehaturkar · 2 years
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roselinel690 · 6 months
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avikabohra6 · 2 years
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optiblog · 1 month
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Welcome to Optiviser.com, your ultimate guide to navigating the complex world of electronics in 2024. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, finding the right devices that suit your needs can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we’ll harness the power of AI to help you make informed choices with our comprehensive electronics comparison. We’ll take a closer look at the top smart home devices that are revolutionizing how we live and work, providing convenience and efficiency like never before. Additionally, we’ll offer expert laptop recommendations tailored to various lifestyles and budgets, ensuring you find the perfect match for your daily tasks. 
AI-powered Electronics Comparison
In today's fast-paced technological landscape, making informed choices about electronics can be overwhelming. An AI-powered Electronics Comparison tool can help streamline this process by providing insights that cater to specific user needs. These advanced tools utilize algorithms that analyze product features, specifications, and user reviews, resulting in a tailored recommendation for buyers.
As we delve into the world of consumer technology, it's important to highlight the Top Smart Home Devices 2024. From smart thermostats to security cameras, these devices are becoming essential for modern households. They not only enhance convenience but also significantly improve energy efficiency and home safety.
For those looking for a new computer to enhance productivity or gaming experiences, consider checking out the latest Laptop Recommendations. Many platforms, including Optiviser.com, provide comprehensive comparisons and insights that can help consumers choose the best laptop suited to their needs, whether it’s for work, study, or leisure.
Top Smart Home Devices 2024
As we move into 2024, the landscape of home automation is evolving rapidly, showcasing an array of innovative gadgets designed to enhance comfort and convenience. In this era of AI-powered Electronics Comparison, selecting the right devices can be overwhelming, but we've highlighted some of the best Top Smart Home Devices 2024 that stand out for their functionality and user experience.
One of the most impressive innovations for this year is the latest AI-powered home assistant. These devices not only respond to voice commands but also learn your preferences over time, allowing them to offer personalized suggestions and perform tasks proactively. Imagine a device that can monitor your schedule and automatically adjust your home's temperature and lighting accordingly!
Moreover, security remains a top priority in smart homes. The Top Smart Home Devices 2024 include state-of-the-art security cameras and smart locks that provide robust protection while ensuring ease of access. With features like remote monitoring through your smartphone or integration with smart doorbells, keeping your home safe has never been easier. For more details on the comparisons and recommendations of these devices, you can check out Optiviser.com.
Laptop Recommendation
In today's fast-paced world, choosing the right laptop can be a daunting task. With numerous options available in the market, it's essential to consider various factors such as performance, portability, and price. At Optiviser.com, we provide an insightful guide to help you navigate through the vast array of choices. To streamline your decision-making process, we have developed an AI-powered Electronics Comparison tool that allows you to compare specifications and features of different laptops side by side.
This year, we have seen a surge in innovative laptops that cater to diverse needs. Whether for gaming, business, or everyday use, our top recommendations include models that excel in battery life, processing power, and display quality. For instance, consider the latest models from top brands, which have integrated the best features of Top Smart Home Devices 2024 trends, ensuring seamless connectivity and advanced functionalities.
Additionally, if you're looking for a laptop that can handle multitasking effortlessly, we suggest models equipped with the latest processors and ample RAM. Our detailed Laptop Recommendation section on Optiviser.com includes expert reviews and user feedback to help you choose a laptop that not only fits your budget but also meets your specific requirements.
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cursedmoon-doll13 · 1 year
Based off conversations I’ve had in the server about the wizarding world and my thoughts/speculations as well as some headcanons regarding it.
Tl;dr overthinking world-building details
First of all: the living paintings. I have sooo many questions, like are there magical brushes that need to be used or do you simply enchant them with magic? What is the limit to this? If I doodle a stick man on a page and I enchant it does that mean it comes to life somehow? Also, there’s a lot of darker potential when it comes to this. Is there a black market dedicated to selling certain paintings? What about someone who will paint your deceased loved one for grieving purposes? Has someone ever fallen in love with a painting like we do AI? Are they fully sentient or are they similarly limited as an AI? And this isn’t even getting into photographs taken with a camera.
Speaking of black markets, while of course you have knockturn alley and your borgin and burkes, the real itching question in my mind isn’t on cursed or strange magical objects. It’s on drugs. Or specifically potions. Considering that basically mind-controlling love potions aren’t illegal, what sort of potions actually are? Or - I’ll do you even better - is there a muggle trade for the usual stuff (like say coke) which is made easier with owl post? Is there any sort of policing on non-Hogwarts owls? There must be a ministry force that cracks down on illicit trade with owls. Do they monitor the air for broom flyers as well? There must be some fine you have to pay if you reveal yourself on a broom to random muggles.
Yes we have the ‘are you a witch or not?’ Scene, but I also think for a lot of people who use magic, it would be interesting if they forget they can’t function without it. Someone who has been using magic their entire lives to do house chores suddenly not knowing what they’re doing if their wand snaps. Not even out of ignorance but just because it’s never how they’ve done things, like it’s their natural inclination towards magic. Since there seems to be a bit of anti-muggle bias in the books, I think it would be interesting to see how wizards struggle in comparison.
Also, while this is really more of a book thing, it seems that wizards don’t really know how to ‘dress like muggles.’ In the movies, Ron dresses exactly the same as Harry and Hermoine, but if we were following the books I wonder if he would dress very differently. Of course most of the time they would be wearing the uniform, but if you lined up a bunch of different kids from both pureblood and muggle backgrounds, I imagine they would have quite differing tastes in fashion.
Speaking of fashion. Are there wizarding fashion magazines? Specific trends exclusive only to wizards really? Like, obviously nothing is stopping a non-magical muggle from wearing a pointy hat, but given the history of it I would imagine all sorts of different styles of robes and hats emerged over the years. Even if it was simply minute details, we know from our own fashion history that it isn’t uncommon for wild trends to pop up. Maybe a craze for feathers or flowers or encrusted gemstones, or certain materials and fabrics that became popular.
We really don’t get a lot of information on clubs at Hogwarts from what I can see. Of course we have duelling club and quidditch and such, and I can imagine behind the scenes there must be wizard chess and gobstones clubs. What about music and drama clubs? Are there instruments only exclusive to the wizarding world? Can you enchant musical instruments to play themselves? Are there plays that are only known to the wizarding community or do they also do Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet sort of affairs? I imagine that certain Purebloods would look down on muggle playwrights, or really any sort of muggle artist in general. But still, you can’t tell me that the Malfoys or some other prestigious wizarding family don’t make visits to some magical opera house.
Also. Is quidditch the only big wizarding sport? We had duelling before yes, and again gobstones etc., but what about more physical sports? Aside from the more strenuous spells and flying (which tbh doesn’t seem that physically taxing anyway if you’re just going slow on a Cleansweep) I can’t help but wonder if many wizards are horribly unfit. I mean, given that they tend to live much longer on average compared to non-magical muggles, is it just the magic or is it also special wizarding yoga or pilates or something lol.
Quidditch itself is also an extremely dangerous pastime/sport I mean holy shit. While they do seem to have charms for cushioning, you’re often many, many feet up off the ground and if you fall off without one you could literally go splat and die. Just break your neck, snap and you’re dead.
We hear about certain bands that seem exclusive (or at least known) to the wizarding world e.g The Weird Sisters. There’s also Celestina Warbeck. Since the British wizarding community seems quite small compared to the wider population, it’s possible that there aren’t as many music groups around in it. There still seems to be radio frequencies though, in regards to the aforementioned Celestina scene and the rebel broadcast in Deathly Hallows.
Could there ever be an overlap? Like wizards who decided to break into the muggle musical industry and who are also enjoyed by the wizarding community? On the topic as well, since Arthur Weasley had his obsession with muggle technology, there must be others who are similar to him right? you can’t tell me there isn’t a wizard Ariel or something who tried to leave and integrate with muggle society. Not even a squib, but a wizard who just rejects it all. That’s a story that needs to be told.
All this just begs the question of how advanced is the technology in the wizarding world? Since apparently the modern stuff doesn’t do well in Hogwarts, where is the cutoff point? Maybe you can’t bring your gameboy into school, but what about a record player and vinyls? You just know muggle students in the past have tried to sneak all kinds of weird shit into Hogwarts with them.
Since we know that there are stories and tales exclusive to the wizarding community (Ron’s childhood stories in Deathly Hallows and Tales of Beedle the Bard I believe?) are there also popular wizard fiction authors outside of those who were penning school textbooks or autobiographies i.e good ol’ Gilderoy Lockhart?
I feel like there definitely must be. It makes me wonder how much genres such as sci-fi, (would it be a thing?) horror, romance & erotica etc. would differ in contrast to muggle novels. Especially historical fiction actually, since many of the notable figures may be different.
Getting into darker territory now. For an extremely skilled wizard, I think transfiguring someone in order to kidnap or kill them would be a likely move right? Or at least trying it. I mean if you turn someone into a bug you can squash them, or even into a small animal you can stuff them in a bag or something. Hell, transfigure a person into furniture if you’re feeling really nasty. I know this is fucked up but that’s the point lol.
I also wonder exactly how severe your crime has to be for you to get shut away in Azkaban? Like for petty theft and other minor charges. Of course if you commit a homicide then you get thrown in the slammer, that makes sense, and unfortunately so does Hagrid’s sentence to an extent since the Chamber was pretty dangerous. But do you just get a fine? Are there other holding cells in the ministry you get put in? Somewhere that isn’t Azkaban;;;
Also what about wizard serial killers? Not to be gruesome, but I imagine there are all sorts of options available to magical opportunists. Yes, you have the killing curse, but also you could literally just light someone on fire or leviosa them 50 feet off a tall building. It’s not that hard lol
Also are… Are there collectible cards for them…? I mean tell me there isn’t a true crime community in the wizarding world as well jekfkfktn
To reiterate my point with wizards all using magic for stuff, I wonder if any of them have considered like idk. Using a gun instead? Guns are most certainly not super advanced technology and they can’t be blocked really so… There’s a solution Tom and it’s called a glock
Basically all I’m saying is that there’s a missed opportunity to explore wizard crime bosses.
If any of this is explained in later books or spin-offs, I apologise. I’m only using the original books as reference, and even then it’s been a wee while lol.
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shock-micro · 5 months
love the tech company trend of promising things that are straight from my pipe dreams and making me realize that they are still very much pipe dreams and what is being sold is completely underbaked
"ai"? that shit is not intelligent. it makes up lies and says them with confidence. it can barely do anything past predicting the next word!
"spacial computing"? does absolutely nothing a vr headset with a camera strapped to it couldn't do, and in fact does less! $3000 btw.
"virtual assistants"? at best, they google things for you, and at worst, they have the exact same drawbacks as "ai", but this time marketed to help!
time to retreat back to my hall of imagination where all of these ideas are actually cool and done well and ethical
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theinfiknight · 2 months
1, (post a pic of ur current favourite blorb) 4, 7, 11, 27, 35, 40, 49, aaaaaaaaaaaaand 56!
Ok ok I've put this off long enough
1) Selfie of me:
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Me with the pals (the post never specified the selfie had to be irl)
4) What are you looking forward to
Weeerrllll, I might eat some real nice spicy korean noodles tomorrow and even better, I might get to read the Avatar Roku novel next week! Yippee!
7) What was your life like last year
Hmmmmmm, kinda bad actually. I had taken a gap year from college to try and start HRT but couldn't find a single psychiatrist willing to take me seriously. I was basically just rotting away in my room while also running around the city humoring people who were trying to psychoanalyse me with an archiac and invalidating framework. Things are a lot better now in comparison.
11) Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah! It's Keiran's theme from Pokemon scarlet violet. My favourite pokemon rival since N
27) Things I hate
Hoo ok. Brace yourself.
Power outages. Hot food that's gone cold. People who are thoughtlessly mean, people hating on something you like after you told them you like it. People who live entirely inside their own heads. Random old men for some reason being allowed to decide your life. The inevitability of entropy. The fragility of human existence. Stupidly low catch rates on pokemon (whyyyyyy does magby or mantyke or sudowoodo need to be nigh uncatchable). The after effects of colonisation that define my life. Planned obsolescence. Vanilla ice cream. The fact that anything you can think of has been done better by others before you. People who spread hate and fear on an industrial scale for personal gain. Stories that treat characters as archetypes or plot devices instead of people. Random old men for some reason deciding that people on the other side of the earth need to die and then directly causing their deaths and facing no consequences for it. Comphet. The way Fushiguro is being treated in jjk. The way Sasuke and Sakura were treated in Naruto. The trivialisation of super Saiyan god immediately after it was introduced. Wasted potential. Random chance. The lack of any sort of higher justice. The fact that you have to pay separately to access Nintendo online services. Paid dlc that costs more than the base game. The short lifespan of hard drives. Too much nutmeg. The fact that you can randomly lose abilities you've had all your life. The Police. JKR. The power parents have over children. The anime pervert trope. Gender essentialism. What the main continuity Marvel comic writers have been doing to Spiderman for the last few years. The inevitable enshittification to the point of unusability of every company we rely on for society to function. The stock market. The intricacies of punctuation. The desecration and reanimation of long beloved works of art for the sake of short term profit. Monopolies. Teachers who do not see students as people. Generative AI. The incredible height of the skill ceiling of today's industry standards. The power shareholders wield over public utilities. Authors who cannot or more often do not bother to write female characters as people. People who treat real world problems like thought experiments. The fact that scissors get gradually less usable with time. Doctors who can no longer see humans as anything but cases. The disproportionate power of the USA. Having to 2D animate. Guns(sorry, I know you like those). The oversaturation of absolutely everything. Surveillance cameras. Visas. The trend of making characters who had bad parents also end up as bad parents to their kids. People's egos. Games with chairs and benches that do not allow the player character to ever sit. Organised religion. The pokemon diamond and pearl remakes. Songs that require more than two hands to properly play on the piano. Airport security. Gender segregated queues. Things that were once free, now costing money. Social media algorithms. Myself.
So yeah. You asked.
35) Favourite subject
Mildly embarrassing because I don't have very much in depth knowledge on any one subject but I have surface level knowledge of many. So my favourite subject would be maybe Pokemon or well done high fantasy. Or really just any engaging story with characters that feel organic. Bonus points for a well thought out magic system, more points if the story actually has a message, and even more points if the writing is smart, funny and well thought out. Needless to say I consider Terry Pratchett to be the absolute peak of literature.
40) Favourite memory
Ooh this is a tough one. Hmmm.
The exact moment when you defeat Giratina in Pokemon Legends Arceus and you think the battle is over and then the flatline plays and the music changes into its Pokemon Platinum theme and it turns into its Origin Form and you're just there staring at the screen and physically yelling with excitement.
Apart from that I had some pretty good times back when I lived in hostel, staying up overnight playing smash bros with my two then best friends. I miss those guys and those times.
49) Where I want to be right now
Honestly I'd be entirely satisfied being exactly where I am now, only without the uncertainty ruling my life.
56) Favourite foods:
Buldak noodles, naan and paneer butter masala, a good spicy burger with spicy mayo and jalapenos, anything chocolate based that's well thought out, chilli chipotle chicken rice bowl, nachos with salsa, a nice spicy paneer or chicken wrap, chilli mushrooms or baby corn, Lotus stem when it's prepared dry, underbaked chocolate cake with ice cream, a nice spicy salad, just chilli paneer/chicken in general. Also a decent pizza. Or a good spicy vegetable sandwich.
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blissmissabi · 2 months
The Rise of Augmented Reality in Everyday Life
Augmented Reality (AR) is a transformative technology that superimposes digital information onto the real world, enhancing our perception of reality. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), which creates an entirely immersive virtual environment, AR overlays digital elements—such as images, sounds, or text—onto our physical surroundings using devices like smartphones, tablets, or AR glasses.
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Present-day Uses of AR Augmented reality (AR) is altering how we interact with technology and the world around us by making substantial breakthroughs across multiple fields.
Retail: AR is being used by retailers to improve the in-store experience. Customers may see how makeup, accessories, and clothing will appear on them without having to visit a store by using virtual try-on apps. One example is the AR app from IKEA, which allows users to see how furniture would fit and appear in their houses.
Healthcare: AR is being used in healthcare to help with medical training and complicated procedures. During procedures, surgeons can access real-time data and 3D organ renderings with AR glasses, which will increase accuracy and improve results.
Education: By increasing interaction and engagement, augmented reality is revolutionizing the way people learn. By allowing students to investigate 3D replicas of historical sites, the solar system, or anatomical structures, they may make abstract ideas come to life.
Entertainment: AR has been warmly welcomed by the entertainment sector. Augmented reality (AR) is giving consumers new experiences in everything from immersive movie advertising to apps like Pokémon Go that mix virtual characters with actual locales.
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Improving Social Media and Mobile App User Experiences AR features are being added to mobile apps and social media platforms more often to draw consumers in. AR filters are a feature of Instagram and Snapchat that enhance images and videos with fun, animated effects, encouraging user creativity and interaction. With the use of augmented reality (AR) apps like Google Lens, users can quickly get information about items, landmarks, and other subjects by pointing the camera of their phone at objects.
Effects on Marketing and Advertising Plans Through the creation of immersive, interactive campaigns that grab consumers' attention, augmented reality is transforming marketing and advertising. Through gamified marketing, interactive advertisements, and virtual product demos, brands are utilizing augmented reality to increase engagement and conversion. For instance, Pepsi's augmented reality bus stop campaign left a lasting impression by delighting onlookers with lifelike digital animations.
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Prospects & Development Trends for AR in the Future The development of augmented reality (AR) is expected to continue due to ongoing technological developments. AR experiences will be improved, becoming more smooth and accessible with advancements in AR glasses, computing power, and AI integration. We may anticipate that augmented reality (AR) will revolutionize a number of businesses and how we communicate with one another.
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Conclution The emergence of augmented reality is evidence of the infinite applications of technology. AR is changing our daily experiences in a variety of ways, from improving healthcare and retail to transforming education and entertainment. As augmented reality develops, it promises to usher in a day where the virtual and real worlds coexist peacefully, presenting countless chances for creativity and interaction.
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Marketing Your Home: Innovative Techniques to Sell Your Property
Marketing your home effectively is crucial to attracting potential buyers and selling your property quickly. This blog explores innovative marketing techniques to help you sell your property.
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High-Quality Photography and Videography
Professional Photos: High-quality photos can attract more buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture your home's best angles. Ensure the photos are taken during the day when natural light is abundant.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers. Use a 360-degree camera to create a virtual tour that showcases your home's layout and features.
Drone Footage: Use drone footage to capture aerial views of your property and its surroundings. This can provide a unique perspective and highlight features like large yards or scenic views.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook: Create a dedicated Facebook page for your property and share regular updates, photos, and virtual tours. Use Facebook ads to target potential buyers in your area.
Instagram: Share high-quality photos and videos of your property on Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and engage with users who show interest in your posts.
YouTube: Create a YouTube channel to showcase virtual tours and highlight features of your property. Share the videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
For mortgage services, consider Dubai Mortgage Advisors.
Online Listings and Real Estate Websites
Detailed Descriptions: Create detailed and attractive online listings with high-quality photos and descriptions. Highlight key features, recent upgrades, and unique selling points.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com. These platforms can help you reach a larger audience and generate more leads.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Hosting Open Houses
Virtual Open Houses: Host virtual open houses using platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live. This allows potential buyers to view your property from the comfort of their homes.
In-Person Open Houses: Ensure your home is clean and welcoming, and provide refreshments to create a positive experience. Make sure all lights are on, curtains are open, and the temperature is comfortable.
For property sales, visit sell house quickly.
Innovative Marketing Techniques
3D Floor Plans: Create 3D floor plans to give potential buyers a better understanding of your property's layout and dimensions.
Augmented Reality (AR): Use AR technology to allow potential buyers to visualize how their furniture and decor would look in your home.
Home Staging Apps: Use home staging apps to virtually stage your property and showcase different design options.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Emily, who successfully sold her home in Dubai by using innovative marketing techniques. Emily hired a professional photographer, created a virtual tour, and used drone footage to capture unique angles of her property. She also leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. As a result, she received multiple offers and sold her home quickly and at a great price.
Future Trends in Home Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze buyer preferences and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
Chatbots: Chatbots can provide instant responses to potential buyers' inquiries, improving customer service and engagement.
Virtual Reality (VR): VR technology can create immersive experiences for potential buyers, allowing them to explore properties in detail without physically visiting them.
By using innovative marketing techniques, you can attract more potential buyers and sell your property quickly. High-quality photography, social media marketing, online listings, and virtual open houses are effective strategies to reach a wider audience. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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break-time-blogs · 3 months
2025 Rivian R1S and R1T Updates
June 7, 2024
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Rivian has unveiled the second generation of its R1S mid-size SUV and R1T pickup truck for 2025, featuring significant updates under the hood and minor visual changes. Both models now offer an 850-hp Tri-Motor configuration and an improved Quad Motor setup with 1025 hp.
Battery Enhancements
The 2025 R1 models come with three battery options: Standard, Large, and Max. The Standard pack now uses a lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) chemistry, simplifying service and reducing complexity. The Large pack’s usable capacity has decreased to 109.4 kWh, providing up to 330 miles of range. The Max pack offers up to 410 miles for the R1S and 420 miles for the R1T. Charging rates remain at 220 kW for all but the Standard battery, which is capped at 200 kW.
Powertrain Improvements
The default Dual Motor powertrain remains at 533 hp and 610 pound-feet of torque, while the Performance version maintains 665 hp and 810 pound-feet. The new Tri-Motor setup produces 850 hp and 1103 pound-feet of torque. The revised Quad Motor model now boasts 1025 hp and 1198 pound-feet of torque. Rivian claims the 1025-hp R1S can accelerate to 60 mph in under 2.5 seconds, with the 850-hp version doing it in 2.9 seconds.
Chassis and Technology Upgrades
Rivian has reworked the suspensions for improved ride and handling. New Pirelli tires and 22-inch aero wheels are introduced, along with updated lighting elements featuring animated light bars and an Adaptive Drive Beam. The electrical architecture has been streamlined from 17 to 7 control units, enhancing serviceability and reducing costs. The updated infotainment system now uses AI, and advanced driver-assistance features include 11 cameras and 5 radars.
Pricing and Availability
The 2025 R1S Dual Motor starts at $77,700, with the Large battery at $84,700, and the Max pack at $91,700. The new Tri-Motor model with the Max pack starts at $107,700. The R1T prices remain the same at $71,700 for the Dual Motor with the Standard battery, but the Large and Max pack versions are now $78,700 and $85,700, respectively. The Tri-Motor R1T with the Max battery starts at $101,700. The R1S Dual Motor is currently available, with the R1T following soon. The Tri-Motor variants are expected this summer, and the Quad Motor models later in the year.
Rivian’s 2025 updates to the R1S and R1T enhance range, performance, and technology. These improvements, along with a streamlined production process, position Rivian’s flagship models as more competitive in the evolving electric vehicle market.
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geekslogicity · 10 months
The Top Android Apps of 2024: Enhancing Your Digital Experience
As we dive into the ever-evolving world of technology, the Android app landscape continues to thrive, providing users with innovative and indispensable tools. Top Android apps in 2024, the Android ecosystem boasts a plethora of apps designed to enhance productivity, entertain, and simplify our daily lives. Here are some of the top Android apps that are making waves this year:
AI-Enhanced Productivity Apps In 2024, productivity takes center stage with a new wave of artificial intelligence-infused apps. Apps like SwiftTask and BrainSync leverage AI to learn and adapt to your work habits, offering intelligent task management and scheduling. These apps aim to streamline your workflow, making you more efficient and effective in managing your daily tasks.
Health and Wellness Apps As the importance of mental and physical well-being continues to gain recognition, Android users are turning to apps that cater to their health needs. Mindful Moments and HealthHub are at the forefront, providing features like guided meditation, fitness tracking, and personalized health insights. These apps empower users to take control of their well-being holistically.
Augmented Reality (AR) Gaming Gaming on Android will reach new heights in 2024 with the integration of augmented reality. Apps like AR Clash and AdventureQuest AR bring gaming into the real world, creating immersive experiences that blur the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Whether battling virtual monsters in your living room or going on treasure hunts in your neighborhood, AR gaming is set to redefine mobile entertainment.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Apps As the world of finance undergoes a digital revolution, Android users are increasingly exploring blockchain and cryptocurrency apps. Apps like CryptoWallet and CoinTrackr provide intuitive interfaces for managing digital assets, tracking market trends, and executing transactions securely. These apps cater to both novice investors and seasoned traders, contributing to the widespread adoption of digital currencies.
Language Learning Apps with AI Integration In an era of global connectivity, language learning apps have become essential tools for those looking to broaden their linguistic horizons. The latest apps, such as LinguaAI and Polyglot Pro, incorporate artificial intelligence to personalize learning experiences. These apps analyze your progress, adapt lessons accordingly, and provide real-time feedback, making language acquisition more effective and enjoyable.
Smart Home Integration Apps The concept of a smart home is no longer a futuristic dream but a present reality. Apps like HomeHub and SmartLife serve as central hubs for managing connected devices, from smart thermostats to security cameras. These apps enable users to create personalized automation routines, enhancing convenience and energy efficiency in their homes.
Advanced Photo and Video Editing Apps The demand for visually appealing content is higher than ever, and Android apps are stepping up to the challenge. Apps like PixelPro Edit and VideoCraft Pro offer advanced editing tools, allowing users to create professional-looking photos and videos directly from their mobile devices. With features like AI-driven enhancements and augmented reality filters, these apps cater to both casual users and content creators.
Personal Finance and Budgeting Apps Financial management takes a front seat in 2024, with Android apps designed to help users take control of their finances. MoneyMind and BudgetBuddy provide intuitive interfaces for tracking expenses, creating budgets, and setting financial goals. With features like AI-driven expense categorization and predictive budgeting, these apps empower users to make informed financial decisions.
Conclusion The Android app landscape in 2024 reflects the ongoing evolution of technology, with a focus on AI integration, augmented reality, and holistic well-being. Whether you're looking to enhance productivity, stay fit, or navigate the complexities of digital finance, there's an app for that. As we continue to embrace the digital age, these top Android apps play a pivotal role in shaping our connected and efficient future.
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rajubhadra · 1 year
TargetAi Review (Victory Akpos) - Good or Bad?
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Welcome to my review blog and this TargetAi Review. I’m Raju Bhadra an Affiliate Marketer and Review Writer. TargetAi is a newly released YouTube Ads SPY App.
Victory Akpos is the author of this TargetAi App. He turns $5 into 169.71 using this App. This Targeti App help to find out the ‘BUYER ONLY’ section that YouTube hides from the public.
This is AMAZING! This works for ANY offer… in any NICHE rinse and repeat for unlimited potential.
Keep reading my honest TargetAi App review. After completing my review you can make the right decision.
What is TargetAi?
TargetAI is the only app on the market that uses a natural-language model
It helps to find hidden ads targeted for youtube, that they keep hidden…
These are unlike any targets you have ever seen.
It gives us a 100% success rate with their campaigns with no fail… Helping them turn a laughable $5 into hundreds of dollars with ease.
Why Do People Love TargetAi App?
– Exploit YouTub’s “BUYER OLNY” Traffic Section for High-Converting Traffic
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How Does TargetAi App Work?
TargetAi Works In 3 Easy Steps…
1: SUCCESS – Click on any of the links to get instant access to TargetAi
2: GENERATE – Create your new AI app in seconds, complete with all sales material and everything
3: PROFIT – That’s it…
What Are The Benefits of This App?
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Does TargetAi Scam or Legit?
TargetAi is a LEGIT App.
TargetAi leaves nothing for you to do. It takes care of everything for you. ​ It helps to build a futuristic AI app for you to build all the sales material, to even sell it for you.
They don’t even have to manage the business. All that we do is just refresh our account every day. ​ And watch the money roll in.
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. This Starter was not made only for affiliate marketers.
It was made for anyone who wants to start an AI business and capitalize on a trend that will never die. ​It doesn’t require any skills and doesn’t require any tech setup.
I think TargetAi is perfect for beginners who want to get super-targeted buyer traffic with little investment.
Get Instant Access Here >>
Raju Bhadra.
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seriously-mike · 1 year
So You Want To Use AI-Generated Images Commercially?
Fuck off. And keep fucking off until you're out of my sight. Not because of any moral issues, but because whatever the marketing goons tried to sell you, they're ripping you off and bullshitting you with a straight face.
First, the generators, despite being merely large-scale statistical models, have no concept of consistency. The level of human interference into generation process to keep everything consistent between images is large enough at the general level to have you hire an actual artist who will do it by hand instead. At specific level, it's outright hopeless.
I saw a good example in a Facebook reel today. Some goth chick fed the frames from a five-second video of her getting up and walking towards the camera into an image generator with what I assume is the same prompt and the result was a jittery mess with details being drawn completely differently every frame, even despite the Image-To-Image process trying to stick to the original concept at least a little bit.
Another one was a guy trying to have the generator draw the portraits of four public personalities: Ralph Baer, Shigeru Miyamoto, Andrzej Sapkowski and a fourth guy I forgot. Not just every one was in a different style, but Miyamoto's likeness went off the rails like an absolute motherfuck. It added some twenty years on top of his current age and made him barely recognizable, if that.
Second, time spent on refining the prompts, yanking the lever and binning failed attempts is time wasted. Particularly to those even dumber than you who have no idea how the entire shitshow works, but demand Results (With A Capital R) in less time than required to load the model and run a render with enough steps to get something barely convincing. Look, even I don't exactly know how it works beyond mathemagics and fairy dust.
Third, 3/4s of what you read about image generators online is complete horseshit. That includes positive and negative prompts. If you know how the original datasets were built (read: a web crawled bot scraped images and their alt texts off Google Images and made them into a database), it becomes obvious. A lot of folks bang terms like "4k photoshopped trending on artstation" into positive prompts like fucking apes, thinking it will yield results - it won't. Particularly thanks to the nature of alt-text, which is widely used by screen readers for visually impaired people, so it needs to be short, sensible and to the point. And negative prompts are magical thinking as well. Realize this: when the datasets were built, they did not include any of the typical AI-generated fuckups like distorted torsos, too many limbs etcetera. This becomes obvious when you get the thing you explicitly asked the generator to avoid over and over again. And finally, you need to remember that StableDiffusion asking you to set the image dimensions as multiplies of 64 is there for a Reason. The Reason being, 64 by 64 pixels is the smallest area the model can render, and even then it's often a part of a larger element described in general terms.
Fourth, online generators themselves are a scam, more or less. Some defend themselves by having their own, custom-built datasets, like Leonardo AI - these guys dared to build a Stable Diffusion 2.1 datasets when everyone else sticks to 1.5 version. Others, like mage.space, are bullshitting you - when I went through the list of the generators they want you to pay ten bucks a month for, I found nothing but stuff available for free on HuggingFace and CivitAI, based on SD1.5. Half of them I already had downloaded. Not to mention, online generators usually don't have the fancy plugins you can use with your local machine install (I do know that LeonardoAI lets you use ControlNets, and that shit is next-level even despite the general wonkiness described above). That, of course, is true for StableDiffusion, but Dall-E is just as shit and Midjourney might do a couple of things better, but it still wipes out in a good few areas.
Image generators are good only for memes, shitposts and Tijuana bibles. And you'd need a special kind of schmuck to pay for any of those.
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mikaelhastrup · 2 years
In real estate, what kinds of technology are used?
Real estate technology is a broad term for the tools used to look for, buy, sell, and manage properties. Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality are some of these tools. Historically, transactions, underwriting, and asset management are ready to be changed by property development technologies that help teams make important decisions quickly and accurately.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very important in the real estate industry. It helps businesses streamline their processes and give better service to their customers. AI can look at transaction data and predict how the market will move in the future. It can also be used to help real estate agents find the best homes for buyers and improve their marketing.
It can also be used to make faster and more accurate property documents and land records. It can also be used to make it easier to handle rental payments and maintenance requests. AI is also used to improve the safety of business buildings. It can let building managers and property owners know about possible threats to their properties. It can also keep track of renter activity and late payments to prevent problems in the future.
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can automate tasks and make smart suggestions. This technology is used by a lot of businesses because it helps them analyze data more quickly and accurately. Machine learning can be used to find patterns in a lot of data and spot trends that people might not be able to see. It is also used to guess what will happen in the future.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of smart devices that can talk to each other in real time. It can be used for many things, like making the customer experience better and cutting down on operational costs. IoT sensors can be used by property management companies to find problems with infrastructure and other risks. This can help them cut costs and make more money in the long run.
IoT can also make buildings safer by letting security cameras and other systems be watched. The information gathered can be sent to emergency workers to help them respond to a situation as soon as possible. IoT is also good because it can save energy, which is a big plus. Smart lighting systems can be set up to only turn on lights when they are needed. This means that lights don't have to be on all the time in an entire building or floor. This could cut energy costs by a lot.
Blockchain is a system that records transactions in a way that can't be changed and is safe. It also makes it easier to share information and makes fraud less likely. Blockchain is being used by real estate companies to improve how they market, search for, buy, sell, and invest in properties. Some are even using it to turn real estate assets into tokens to make them more liquid.
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger system that stores information in blocks of data that are stamped with the time and linked together. It can be used to record all kinds of transactions and data in a way that can't be changed, such as the title, deed, land registry, details about co-ownership, and more.
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victorlincolnpine · 2 years
AI art may not be art, but AI can still be used to make art if it is used intentionally to make art and not just a pretty image.
Maybe of the early images of AI art, the ephemeral blobs of indistinct things that are arms or legs in odd places were themselves closer to art than the perfect images of the human body or landscapes so often made today. Because the person working with that AI worked to make something they wanted to see, and used the AI as a tool, a paintbrush, to create it.
There's a process in AI art called "inpainting". Where the artist (yes, the artist) takes a generated image and begins working out another, more detailed image within it. They do this by selecting sections of the image and prompting refinements or outright changes without disturbing the rest of the image. Often taking hours carefully selecting and prompting tiny sections of the overall work until they arrive at something they actually want.
They willingly abandon the primary advantage AI provides, the absurd speed of creation, so they can create something they definitively wish to create, and use the AI to that effect. Some of these images created are actual art, because they have artistic intention.
Counterbalance this with the cheap and tawdry use of AI to create perfectly marketable images by the bucketful without any real care about the artistic content of the images aside from looking like whatever is popular (see: the use of "trending on Art Station" or "trending on DeviantART" in the prompt list), and to me at least, the difference between AI being used to cram out images and AI being used for real artwork becomes apparent.
AI is a tool for an artist to use. A very powerful tool, but a tool nonetheless. Much akin to a drum machine or a synthesizer, or the camera, it is a new medium for us as humans to play with and to express ourselves with.
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raychelsnr · 2 years
How to Dominate 2023 As a Creator
Every year, I make a series of stories on Instagram giving my thoughts on where I’m concentrating marketing efforts for the next year based on current trends and such. I don’t think I’m going to have time to really do that this year, or I might! Still, I wanted to put these in writing this year. Some things on my list end up being right calls, others not so much — but I pivot! As you should always be open to doing!
Last year a few of the things I talked about included the imminent near total crash of the NFT market and why I wasn’t jumping in, the accelerating heavy pivot to video on all platforms, and the continued trends of short-form video content exploding in popularity.
Those who follow me know I always preach three things when it comes to online content: make it good, make it consistently, and make it on your own platform.
Looking ahead to this year, I think that mantra is going to become very important, including the last one.
Overall Trend
The overall trend I’m seeing in 2023 is the quickly dawning mass realization that social media isn’t a viable place to build an audience on exclusively. Be it people burned by major platform changes, platforms collapsing, etc. — it seems that more and more people are realizing the importance of building your own platform with your own audience. This is the biggest trend I see catching on in 2023 and it is what everything else is filtered through.
Dichotomy of Video Content
Video content is quickly going in two different directions. On one hand, short-form content has finally completely exploded onto the marketplace. 10-30 second videos are major winners. On the other, longer-form videos are also proving quite successful. Videos at 6-20 minutes are dominant on YouTube and well watched. A successful content strategy in 2023 will rely on both ends for success which is exactly my plan.
Photography is Viable*
Still photography is going through a bit of a crisis right now in the sense that current trends are unfavorable for it on the most popular distribution platforms. Even more pressing is AI generated content is quickly beginning to come onto the scene which is going to impact photography in ways people are …probably… underestimating. Photography will always have a place in content and in the upcoming year I will be exploring more ways to make photography a storyteller vs. just something that is pretty.
Content Saturation and Fatigue is Increasing
People have seen incredible photos of Yosemite. They’ve experienced thrilling videos of a tornado nearby. They’ve seen timelapse segments of just about every possible thing. At this point, it is really hard to show visuals of something completely new that won’t elicit a “haven’t I seen this before?” feeling from huge sections of any generalized audience. What is going to become important to differentiate your product/brand in 2023 is learning how to incorporate YOU into your visuals and story. The most unique selling point anyone has is themselves, and that is going to become more and more important in the years to come. Its time to learn to be comfortable on camera if you haven’t already (I’m tripling down).
The Rise and Fall of Platforms
I think two major platforms are going to run into major headwinds this year. TikTok is about to run head first into a US government concerned about national security and Twitter is about to run head first into what happens when you are bankrupt. I actually think either TikTok getting banned in the U.S. or Twitter shrinking dramatically to the point it is unrecognizable will happen by year end. Any efforts I put here here will be spent putting into moving my audience to my owned platform.
Meta is Fine. Meta is Stable. Meta is Good.
There was a lot of breathless coverage of Facebook shrinking and losing money — the simple fact is Meta is making tons of profits on their social media wing and user numbers are going sideways to slightly up still. If they have to, they’ll cut some spending on VR to maintain profitability. I’m investing a slightly more into both Facebook and Insta this year as I think both are very stable platforms.
YouTube is the GOAT
There’s no better platform for creators. From the ability to connect with your audience to the best monetization policies of any creator-centric network, YouTube is by far and away the best option for creators. I ignored this platform for too long and I’m paying the price by playing catch up — but I’m investing a ton of time (AND money) into YouTube this year.
Owning Your .com and Audience
This is still the key to success. The Titan newsletter is quite large, and I’m super excited about the growth I’m seeing with it. Same with TornadoTitans.com. Regardless, I’m investing a lot more time and energy into these platforms this upcoming year, as I somewhat anticipate a bit of de-centralization of internet traffic in the coming year. It’s time you learn SEO.
Simplified Social Presence
I’m feeling it so I know others are too — we’re going to see many brands and creators scale back their ambitions a bit in 2023 to concentrate on fewer places they’re distributing content so they can increase the quality of community they are generating. It’s overwhelming right now otherwise! Currently, a lot of creators are distributing content in 4, 5, 6, or even more places. That’s unsustainable for individuals hoping to foster a real community, it definitely is for me. I’m bringing distribution channels down to 3 or so + my website.
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