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Mr Kiner thank you for giving my hyperfixations the soundtrack they deserve
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cuntyfieddemon · 2 years ago
listen i need someone to make a youtube video on the end credit theme of ahsoka and tell me exactly WHEN does sabine's and ahsoka's theme start and end, and then tell me WHAT and WHERE is hera's theme in there bcs for the life of me i cannot distinguish ANYTHING by myself my brain is complete GARBAGE
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timetodiverge · 1 year ago
Me, pretending be a normal, non-obsessive Star Wars fan: yes I liked the Ahsoka end credit sequence the Normal Amount
Also me, to anyone that will listen: note the use of the taiko drums to bring us back to Ahsoka's samurai/Japanese aesthetic as opposed to the Mandalorian's cowboy/Western aesthetic; the presence of non-Jedi force-users such as loth-wolves and purrgils suggesting Ahsoka's continued journey engaging with the Force beyond the Jedi-Sith binary; the weaving in of historical Star Wars soundtrack motifs such as Where the Sun Sails and the Moon Walks and Burying the Dead; and the exquisite timing & placement of actors' names within the sequence e.g. Natasha Liu Bordizzo when Sabine's theme from Rebels begins to play, David Tennant in the visually busiest and connected section of the star map indicating Huyang's long life and extensive connections, and Eman Esfandi at the visually most lonely part of the star map as the journey line heads into isolation. Also note the intensification of the taiko drums during Sabine's theme, an intriguing juxtaposition of the "Jedi" (/samurai) identity and "Mandalorian" (/cowboy) identity, linking both identities with Sabine, and linking Sabine and Ahsoka in the audience's mind. In this essay I will-
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tennessoui · 6 months ago
emerging from a fugue state just in time for wip wednesday
Vokara Che sits down across the desk from him with a pinched expression on her face. “I was under the impression that Master Kenobi called for this appointment, Master Skywalker.”
He did. Or, more precisely, his healing portal account did. Which Anakin accessed and then used to type out a missive in his master’s voice requesting to meet as soon as possible.
“Right, well,” Anakin says, shifting in his seat. “Something came up.”
Che does not look impressed. “Be that as it may,” she says delicately, “I am unable to discuss a patient’s medical history with a third party if the third party is neither present at the time nor has given me direct permission to do so.”
Anakin stares, feeling the first flickerings of real, dangerous fury well up in his gut. “But,” he says carefully. “He’s still sick. He, uh. Told me about it. And then we found a solution. To the problem.”
“The problem,” Che repeats, tilting her head and looking at Anakin as if she’s intent on studying him. 
“The hanahaki,” he spits. It’s a disgusting word. It’s one of the worst words he’s ever learned, and he can’t believe she’s making him say it. He can’t believe she’s being so—so cold when he’s telling her that Obi-Wan is still ill, that Obi-Wan is still dying, that Obi-Wan needs to be here to see her and he’s not. “Look,” he adds, leaning forward in his chair, “a few months ago a series of files were uploaded accidentally to my healing portal, but they were notes from one of Obi-Wan’s appointments. They were your notes from Obi-Wan’s visit. I know you know I know.”
Vokara Che looks at him and then looks down at the datapaad in front of her, lips thinned and lekku twitching. “I must apologize then,” she says, swiping through the files in front of her until she finds something that she lingers on. Her fingers dance across the screen of the datapaad, then it goes dark. “For the breach in ethicacy that you and Master Kenobi both experienced because of the Halls of Healing. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Master Skywalker. All files that were incorrectly uploaded have been deleted from your healing portal.”
Anakin looks at her and bites his cheek hard enough to bleed so that he doesn’t start screaming instead.
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mylordshesacactus · 5 months ago
God though there's something CHILLING about the Eye of Sion.
Like--the realization of what an ISD-sized hyperspace ring means, the inherent propaganda coup of bringing back the fucking Chimera is a bad thing, yeah, but I'm talking immediate emotional impact.
Because the thing, is, right--there's a Trope at play here.
And the Trope is that...this is a top-secret evil space project, you know? This is Morgan Elsbeth's Evil Masterpiece, her refuge-in-audacity strike at the heart of the New Republic, operating in the open under their very noses, etc. This is the 'Eye of Sion', the dark weapon that will restore Thrawn to the galaxy.
So it's just sort of...expected, with the way this kind of story goes, that the Eye of Sion would be a WARSHIP.
That's just the trope, you know? All this time, all thes resources--it's supposed to have impenetrable armor and some kind of fucked-up new atomization weapon and maybe some murderous AI, it's supposed to have bristling firepower and impossible maneuverability and a massive swinging dick--it's supposed to be Thrawn's Newer And Badder Flagship TM, the terror of the galaxy.
It's not.
It's a hyperspace ring.
That's all. It's just a hyperspace ring.
All that time, all those resources, all this secrecy, the death, the sacrifice...And the Eye of Sion is a hyperspace ring. It has token point defense, and they've had nothing but time in which to do some very nice interior decorating (which is, compared to the cost of the ring itself, a nonexistent price tag) but. It's not a battle station. It's not a flagship. It's not even a light cruiser. It's a piece of tech that was already old-fashioned during the Clone Wars.
All those resources went toward a single, solitary purpose. One journey. Two hyperspace jumps. There, and back again.
That's how difficult it is, this thing they're attempting. Those are the stakes. All of the Imperial Remnant's remaining resources went toward this project--and the result is nothing more or less than a single, massive, unprecedented hyperspace ring.
That's all they think they'll need.
It would have been so much less intimidating if she was a warship.
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awsok · 1 year ago
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sabine wren (and shin hati)
dreams of clytemnestra, dacia maraini / ahsoka, ‘master and apprentice’ / ahsoka, ‘master and apprentice’ / dreams of clytemnestra, dacia maraini / terrible thing, ag / ahsoka, 'fallen jedi' / the perjured city, hélène cixous / ahsoka, 'fallen jedi' / machineryangel / ahsoka, 'dreams and madness’ / love, an index, rebecca lindenberg
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armoralor · 1 year ago
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@wolfwrenweek day 2: intricate rituals | based on Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals) by Barbara Kruger (x) ✰ reminder that T*RFs can fuck off, only interact if you love trans & nb women ♡
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aconstantmotion · 1 year ago
Not me crying 5mins into the episode when Threepeo showed up and mentioned Leia, because you know damn well if Carrie Fisher were still here, she would have been all for showing up in this show!
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Hey remember when Kevin Kiner wrote one of the greatest scores in television history and then it was promptly ignored by the majority of the fandom
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peachyhoolagan · 1 year ago
Ok ok this might be controversial and sure beggars can’t be choosers or whatever.
But i kinda hate how they brought ezra back. I LOVE him. He looks amazing, Eman did such a good job. But ezra sabine and ahsoka were all created for shows that had 20 episodes per season…. It took 4 seasons to liberate a single planet in rebels and they were going to make it 5.
Ahsoka show rushed the hell out of Ezra’s return and honestly I’ll never forgive anyone for it. Again, I’m so happy he’s home. But I still can’t process it because within two episodes of leaving the galaxy they found him… and I get that it couldn’t have been done without the map or whatever. But I thought we were getting a space adventure. I thought we were going to follow dead ends and the tiniest of leads.
Not immediately be brought to thrawn and within 20 minutes of being brought to thrawn, finding ezra.
I’m so SO happy he’s home and I can’t wait for him to kick ass but I feel like if it had been written in a more rebels/ clone wars style It would be so much more believable that he’s home.
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apocalyp-tech-a · 1 year ago
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While we're on the subject of similarities between Tech and Huyang. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now I'm certain they're teasing us. 😏
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starwarstrack23 · 1 year ago
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The all black outfit and Vader theme at the intersection between realities? This could actually be Vader. Lord Vader who never lost to Kenobi and never lost his legs. It could be the Brother from Mortis. He may have pulled Ahsoka in because she is, in part, his sister. It could be an Anakin who is still the Fallen Jedi, but whose Ahsoka stayed. It could straight up be our Anakin
I trust nothing
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jetcorax · 6 months ago
the organs the war drums the slow build the invocation of fear oh lawd -- the way its haunting even when his theme is stilted and disparate
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dreamoflosingsleep · 1 year ago
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whippedcloudsofcream · 10 months ago
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“My world has been burning since I was a child. Why should this one be any different?”
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inquisitor-apologist · 1 year ago
Yeah this is incomprehensible if you haven’t been following my deranged train of thought for the past hour but you cannot convince me that Peridea shouldn’t have been the final resting place of the Zeffo. It just makes so much more sense (incomprehensible. But it’s about the purrgil)
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