#AHHHH this was ruff :-)
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I found a love for me Darling just dive right in And follow my lead ~
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*chewing at baseboards*
✨This kills the man.✨
#rrrrarooorrr#aarrrooof! roof ruff rufff arragghhh!#awoooga! hhhHhrAGHHHH! WHAAGGN. AGHHHH!!! HYAAAAA!!!!#*animal noises* aoooooooooo! AWOOOOOOOOO#RRRRROOOOONNMMMM RARROOMNNNM RRRAAROOOMMMNNN#nu#AHHHH
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Inspired by and written for my partner in crime @jules0511. We greatly apologize for the angst in this one!!
The Mistress (their manager) runs a tight ship, and has a very tight leash on the twins. Veneer has let her down one to many times, and has attempted more than once to release Floyd.
Mistress no longer sees a need for him, her only desire is Velvet. So she plans a little accident that will take him out once and for all.
Floyd ran and ran.
He spotted the drawer in the middle of the hallway, so he took cover. Floyd heard the distant footsteps of the giant female Rageon.
“WHERE ARE YOU!” Velvet screamed. Floyd closed his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. Veneer, I have to go back, he thought to himself. He peeked from under the drawer. Velvet stomped around, peeking through every door….she wasn’t dumb, she’d know to look under the drawer. He had to be careful and calculate his move.
“DAMMIT!” Velvet bursted a door open and went int. NOW! Using his hair, he quickly swooped past the opened door and went running from where he came from…back to Veneer.
Veneer sat on the chair holding his eye. Unfortunately, his sister walked in on him releasing Floyd. There was an anger in her eyes and they turned pink. She punched him square in the face, leaving him a black eye. Hopefully, Floyd was long gone by now…back to his brothers….that's when he heard the small pitter patters of little feet on the floor. Veneer looked up to see Floyd coming back through the open door.
“Floyd! What the heck! You should’ve been gone!” Veneer knelt to the ground to get at eye level with the little Troll.
“Not without you! Now lets go! Before Velvet turns back around.” Floyd pulled the Rageon to get him to move.
“I can’t.” Veneer stated, “I can’t leave Velvet in all this mess.”
“We will comeback for her. I promise. Before we do, we need a plan.”
“Floyd, you don’t know what the horrid woman is capable of she- AHHHH!” Veneer was pulled up by his collar. He came face with a huge Bergen: Gruff.
“Hey!” Floyd yelled, but he was soon caught again. Encasing him a diamond was another Bergen: Ruff. Floyd banged his little fists on the diamond. “Let him you go , you big lugs!”
“We got the Troll boss.” Both Bergens turned towards the door. A tall Rageon woman entered…she was elegant, she was beautiful. Her hair was was the dark red tint of sangria, her skin was light redwood red. She walked in her black elegant suit, pointed shoulder pads made her look more menacing. Her hair pulled in a messy bun, with curls falling beautifully around her face; her piercing green eyes staring straight at Veneer…she was their manager…she went by her stage name: The Mistress.
“And I wonder how he may have escaped in the first place.” She didn’t take her eyes off Veneer…He shuddered under the grasp of the Bergen. “Do my associates here need to teach you another lesson?” Gruff pinned Veneer to the wall.
“No!” Floyd yelled. The sound of Velvet’s heels were heard as she entered the doorway, walking upon the sight of Gruff pinning her brother against the wall.
”Wait! What are you doing?” She called out.
“Your brother needs to learn another lesson.” Mistress said. Gruff was ready to strike…
“WAIT!” Velvet cried out. The Bergen withheld himself. Mistress turned to her and arched an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?” She asked.
“L-look at his eye. I already pounded him. He knows better than to do that again. If not I’ll seriously lay another one on him.” She glared at her brother through angry eyes. Veneer swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Mistress smiled at the effect that Velvet had on her brother…he was truly afraid of her….Though, what Mistress didn’t know was that Velvet never planned on doing that again. Something came over her when she hit him… she needed to control herself, she needed to prevent it.
“Very well.” She nodded at the Bergen to place him down. Gruff let go of Veneer, causing him to land to the ground with a loud thud.
“Ven!” Floyd cried out. Mistress looked at the Troll in disgust.
“Make sure these two are not left alone again. Lock him up. I will only have access to him until you two need him.” She snapped at Ruff who still held Floyd. The Bergen nodded and walked away. Veneer stared at Floyd wide-eyed and scared as the small Troll was carried away. “Velvet, a word in my office. You!” She turned and spat at Veneer, “To the showers and off to bed!”
Mistress closed the door behind her as they entered her office, “Sit.” She told Velvet. The young Rageon hesitantly sat down on the chair opposite of the Mistresses desk….The woman was intimidating, being in the same room with her was enough…but being alone with her..that was drawing the line. Velvet didn’t know what she wanted or why she was called to meet with her alone. If it was about what happened, Velvet had no idea Veneer would do that. Yes…they had a connection with the Troll…or they did, before he tried to leave them. That alone was enough to break Velvet’s trust, especially when you betray Veneer in such a way…that wasn’t forgivable….
Mistress finally took a seat opposite of Velvet. She crossed her legs and leaned in on her desk, “So, Velvet, there has been something I wanted to ask you for awhile…”
Velvet sat straight up and looked mistress in the eyes. She tried not to look afraid, but truthfully, she was terrified.
”If it’s about what happened, I didn’t know. Veneer still cares for the Troll, no matter how much I’ve tried talking him out of it…” Velvet began to explain.
“That’s a different matter we can discuss later. It’s about something else.” Mistress responded.
”Have you thought of solo career?”
Velvet was to stunned for words. Has she? In all honesty, no, she hadn’t. She was famous, she had money, that’s all that mattered. “No…No honestly not really. Why?”
“You have potential. Between you and your brother, you’re the one I can see holding your own. I’ve seen the analytics, you are FAR more popular than your brother is. You don’t think he’s holding you back?”
The young Rageon thought about it for a moment…Was he clumsy? Yes. Airheaded? Most definitely. Did his mistakes get them in more trouble than they should be? Always. But Velvet never once felt like he was holding her back. They survived down in the under-city by themselves, together…
”He’s an idiot. I won’t lie. Sometimes I want to wrap my hands around his neck and just shake some sense into the stupid big head of his….But….No, I’ve never thought of him holding me back. I mean, it’s been the two of us for as long as I can remember.”
Mistress figured as much…
”Well, I thought I would ask. Just letting you know you have it. That was all. You may leave.”
Velvet hesitated a moment..but then she got up and left.
“Ruff. Gruff.” Mistress called out. The two Bergens walked in, “The Troll?”
”Locked away.”
“Good. Good.” She picked up the phone and dialed.
“What is it?”
“Our girl didn’t take the bait. She is not going to ditch her brother.”
“Did she seem certain?”
“Very certain. He’s been screwing up. He let the stupid little Troll out today. It would have gotten away if he didn’t go back for the kid.” Mistress replied.
“Gone back? Why the hell would the Troll go back?” The voice in the other line asked.
“There’s history. The girl seems to hate the little Troll, but the boy is determined. It seems the essence isn’t effecting him as much as we hoped…He’s not fully under our control.”
“You think he’ll ever be?”
“No. He’s on the verge of ruining our little setup. If anything gets out what we’re doing, we’re ruined. Veneer is not going to give up until he sets that little Troll and his sister free…He’s annoying.” Mistress declared.
There was silence on the other line, then a long sigh, “Then, do what you have to do. He’s no use to us if he can’t be controlled.”
“Oh, I got this. It’ll be all over the news tomorrow.” The Mistress hung up. She tapped her fingers along her desk. “Are they here?” She turned to her Bergens. Ruff and Gruff came in and placed four diamonds on her desk…inside these diamonds were more Trolls. They banged and banged against the diamond they were encased in.
“Hey! Let us out of here you old hag!” John Dory yelled. Next to him, his brothers also cried out and cursed Mistress.
“They are quite adorable.” She commented, smiling slyly.
“Where’s our brother!” Branch yelled from within the diamond, but the Mistress paid no mind to him at all.
“Prepare the setup. I want it all looking like an accident when our little Veneer takes a tumble off stage.” She waved off, signaling her Bergens to take the Trolls away. The brothers stared at each other in disbelief after hearing what they heard…Setup? Accident? They didn’t want to be a part of this…they just wanted their brother back…
The lights at the Rage Dome sparkled and shone the next night. Fans cheered and cried anticipating the arrival of their idols. Velvet and Veneer sat shoulder to shoulder in the pearl white limo as it made its way to the Rage Dome.
“More Trolls? We’re going to own this night Veneer!” Velvet exclaimed happily. On two of her shoulder pads she carried Branch and Clay, there was a centerpiece in her chest where Floyd stood.
“Leave my brothers out of this!” He screamed at the Mistress sitting across from them.
“They should have known better than to come. They’re practically asking for it.” The woman replied as she was glued to her phone. Veneer eyed Floyd with a sad expression. He looked solemnly at the other trapped Trolls.
”…I’m sorry…” He whispered to John Dory and Bruce as they were held captive in the diamond he had.
“Veneer, stop it! WE deserve this. WE deserve to be happy…and not at the hands of a squirmy little Troll.” She glanced down angrily at Floyd. The Mistress looked up to eye his reaction…
“Always Vels.” He said, but his face was still sad, still unconvinced…she was still to proceed with the plan as necessary…
The luxury vehicle arrived at the front of the Rage Dome…The fans roared and screamed louder and louder, “Here we go!” Velvet smiled at her brother as she stepped out. The fans boomed upon the sight of her. They screamed and chanted her name.
“Thank you! Thank you!” Velvet said with a smile across her lips. Veneer faked a smile as he walked out behind her. Waving at the crowd and signing autographs, they walked down the red carpet towards the facility.
“Velvet, come on. You have to stop this!” Floyd told her as she continued her journey down the red carpet.
“Shut it Troll.”
”I know you’re mad about what I did….I know…I almost abandoned both of you…seems like that’s all I'm good at.” He said, looking towards Branch. Branch and Clay exchanged heartfelt glances at each other. “But I am not going to abandon you this time, Vels. Come on, we have a chance to leave this.” Velvet was silent as his words tried to find a way into her closed heart…
“I’m doing this for Veneer. It’s just me and him now…it’s always been. So shut up!” She murmured.
“She’s planning something. That woman. She’s planning something against your brother.” Clay said. Velvet looked down at him, and she entered the Rage Dome.
”Shut up.”
“He’s telling the truth. We overheard it.” Branch added.
”I said shut up!”
She felt a hand on her shoulder. Velvet turned to meet her brother's eyes. “Are you sure about this?” He asked. “Maybe…maybe we shouldn’t do this. Let’s get out of this Vels. Me and you.”
Me and him, his words echoed in her mind. If they were to leave, if they were to escape…she’d go after them, torture them, send them back to the under-city. “We’re to far into this, Ven. They love us, they want us. We finally have everything we deserve.” She said, grasping his shoulders. “Me and you, right!”
He nodded softly, “Yeah…Me and you.” He smiled.
“Then let’s get this show on the road!”
The twins made their way to the stage where they were to perform. The fans could be heard screaming from the stands outside the stage:
V and V, V and V, V and V, they chanted over and over. This sent a fire burning inside Velvet, a desire to perform, to give the fans what they wanted…Veneer on the other hand still had guilt, shame…He glanced at the Trolls encased in the diamonds, his eyes falling on Floyd.
“I’m sorry. She’s my sister…I can’t, I won’t abandon her.” He told John and Bruce.
“Better than we ever were to our brother.” John sighed. He looked up at Veneer, “Kid. There’s something we overheard. This woman…she…” The Troll was cut off as the lights dimmed and the music began to play. The twins took their marks on two separate platforms.
“Ready to light this place up.” She held out her pinky, “Promises?”
”Promises.” He wrapped his pinky around hers.
The music grew louder and faster. “WHAT’S UP MOUNT RAGEOUS!” Velvet chanted into the mic as their platforms rose. The fans cheered as the twins appeared center stage in the rising platforms. “I CAN'T HEAR YOU!” She called out again. The fans screamed…silencing any sound from the outside world. “LET’S LIGHT THIS PLACE UP!”
As the platforms rose higher, Velvet began to sing. The crowd cheered and chanted, Velvet sang louder and louder…Veneer was about to join in himself when he felt the platform he was on shake.
”Huh?” He looked down. The safe rails appeared around Velvet, but failed to appear around him. He ignored it and joined his sister in the melody….The platform rumbled and shook again…it grew fiercer and fiercer. “Vels?” He called out to his sister on the platform next to him…but she was lost in a trance as she continued to perform.
He could hear the gears in his platform stirring and making noises he knew weren't normal.
“VELS!” He called out. Velvet turned to see Veneer’s platform give out…
His platform snapped in half in the middle. “VENEER!” She reached over her safe rails for her brother…Their fingers only brushed as he tumbled to the ground. The crowd around them screamed in horror at the sight. Security came in screaming for everyone to evacuate.
“John! Bruce!” Branch called out for his brothers as he saw them disappear in the falling debris along with the Rageon.
“VENNIE!” Velvet cried out as he disappeared below. Her platform didn’t lower, it didn’t falter.
“Stay where you are! We’ll get you down!” Security called out to her.
”My brother! Help my brother dammit!” She cried…
The fallen platform caused dust to fly up everywhere, debris now surrounded the entire stage of the Rage Dome. Tall structures bent and broken. John and Bruce stirred in their diamonds.
“Bruce…Bruce!” John called out.
“I’m good!” Bruce stood up. “Kid? Kid!”
Veneer lay on his back…his breathing heavy and rugged. Large pipes lay over his legs, blood trailing from his mouth and nose.
”…It hurts…” He said softly, “I can’t…I can’t move my legs…I can’t feel…just pain…” He struggled speaking as the pain in his lungs spiked.
“Don’t move. Don’t worry. Help is going to come and get you out of this mess.” John reassured him.
Veneer nodded his head…a few moments passed before he reached over to each diamond. Through pain, he popped out the diamonds and released the tiny Trolls. John and Bruce were finally able to get a good look at him…he was in bad shape…he was broken.
“Please…help my sister...” Veneer said in a whisper.
“Hey, we’re going to help you too.” Bruce replied…Footsteps were heard approaching. The Trolls looked at Veneer…
Hide, he mouthed at them. The two Trolls hesitated before hiding behind a pile of debris. They peeked through the gaps to see two large Bergens appear…
”…Oh no…This ain’t good.” John said.
“…help…” Veneer called out to the Bergens. They both hovered over him, staring down, then glanced at each other.
”Still alive?” Ruff commented. Gruff looked down at Veneer, pleading in his eyes that the Bergens would help him… This was not part of the plan, he wasn’t supposed to be alive. Gruff bent down and wrapped his hands around Veneer’s head…John and Bruce looked away in time…avoiding the horror that was to come…
That was all they heard… The Trolls peeked to see Veneer now laying motionless…The Rageons eyes were distant and glassed, his body still…he was gone…
“Not alive anymore.” Gruff responded. The Bergens retreated. They could hear the screaming from afar…
“VENEER! VENEER!” His sister called out. She attempted to run in the wreckage to look for him but was held back by security. “LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GO FIND HIM! VENNIE!” Her scream grew hoarse as tears began to fill her eyes. Security hawled her away. She kicked and screamed attempting to escape, but they dragged her to safety out of the Rage Dome against her will.
Bruce and John neared Veneer’s lifeless body, placing a hand on his growing cold cheek, “Kid. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry..” John said as tears began to sting his eyes.
“…We need to keep his request…We got to go for our brothers…and his sister.” Bruce added.
Standing at the entrance of the Rage Dome, Mistress had watched her plan unfold….a wicked smile on her face. The two Bergens approached her…
”Done.” Ruff stated.
Her smile grew bigger, more evil, a glint in her eyes. The screw up was gone, “Good. Now we focus on our girl to mold her into the perfect specimen.”
#trolls band together#trolls 3#velvet and veneer#veneer#trolls veneer#velvet#velvet trolls#velvet and veneer trolls#trolls 3 veneer#trolls 3 velvet#veneer trolls#trolls velvet#trolls au#trolls#trolls fanfic#fanfic writing#fanfics#fanfic#fanfiction#trolls 3 band together#trolls floyd
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Silly Game Time: I dare you to bark like a dog out loud right here and now.
Did you do it? If so, how loud on a scale of 1 to 10? And which kind of bark sound (ruff, woof, arf, etc.)?
Ahhhh yeah no sorry silly game im not doing that. My poor cat might have an aneurism
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he's so effortlessly charming
Lyney who uses his cape to shield you from the rain
lyney who, when it turns out his cloak isn’t quite big enough to keep either of you dry, also offers you his umbrella, and twirls it needlessly fancily around before opening it above your head. then, too add to the already over-the-too gesture, he bows and holds out his hand to you. deciding to humour him, you take his hand, and before you can react, he spins you around and pulls you into his arms. (‘the umbrella’s only big enough for one, so we have to be close to each other or else it won’t work!’—that’s what you imagine him saying as he winks at you, tugging you closer by the arm he’s snaked around your waist.)
“do you know any magic tricks to get us dry, by any chance, mr best-magician-in-teyvat?”
he stops to think for a moment. “the burning passion of my love for you should do the trick, no?” he leans in for a kiss, and you playfully bat his face away.
“lyney, please stop. you’re painfully embarrassing.”
he shrugs, settling instead to press his lips to your forehead. his eyes are bright when he pulls away. “it was worth a try.”
#GRRR RAA BARK BARK ROOF GRRRR GRRR AHHHH RUFF RUFF GROWLLL SNARL HISS BITES#why am i like this#best magician !! you used the lineee 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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MAY DO MORE LATER, I really enjoy that ship and michie, both of them are really fun
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Woof woof!
Hiya, good boy! I heard you needed some belly rubs for doing such a good job at work today and I knew it was this wolfgirl's time to shine! Can a good boy roll over for me? Show me that belly so I can give it some rubs and see that tail wag, good boy ♡
– 🍄
Ruff ruff!!! Ahhhh rolling over for such a sweet wolfgirl!!! Being such a good boy, wagging my tail and blushing thank you for the belly rubs.. 🥺🥺🥺
#shy puppy ears ahh you are so sweet#rubbing my belly for you anon <3#🍄 anon#anon asks#jasperbarks#asks#:3
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have i mentioned i lovelovelove your typing quirkz, mrow? theyre zo cool, ruff!! you in general zeem very cool, mrow!! just wanted to zay i hope you have a zplended day, ruff!!
#surprisingly not homestuck#tw caps#caps cw#cw caps#caps#tw capital letters#capital letters#ask#anon ask#nepeta sp33ks !! :3#AHHHH THIS IS SO SWEET IDIDNT REALISE PEOPLE LIKED MY SILLY WAY OF SPEAKING :33#this actually made me smile thankziez so much <33#edit: anon#tumblr saved this in my drafts for some reason ?? like ididnt see it for days#then igo in my drafts#and isee it now ?? anyways im just glad ican post this#thank you so much !! x33#\(^ヮ^)/
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I’m attempting to sell my ruffs and chokers rn and bro it is SCARY. I can’t actually take product photos til I get some sort of mannequin head, but I’ve started on making accounts and stuff and ahhhh
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RRRR RRR AHHHH DKDBANXBN£|€|£]!|¥.’!?:AJVDWNHXBj)2&.!&-!€!KEFHKWBZKnjbandzhibnanN’dbKJdbdjnzkjxkzbfkfj’JSRHNZJSNBXK’bdkwzb
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My character yay! Hooray!!! Yayy!!!

fart fight attak for @blanketmoss
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Let the Dead Weep | Jimin

→ summary: jimin falls in love the only way he knows how: catastrophically. your heart ends up as collateral damage.
→ genre: royal guard!jimin, princess!reader, angst → warnings: jimin is cold-hearted but only because he’s afraid, jungkook tries his Best to pick up the pieces, heart ache city babey! → words: 5.6K → a/n: this was commissioned by the wonderful @kookiebunnii��!! thanks again for giving me the freedom to write my own wips (this is admittedly Very old... so old that i almost forgot this existed in my drafts lol) i hope you like it bc this one is prime zee angst propaganda... sorry jimin but i had to do it to ya (again)

The sound of clicking heels is an unusual occurrence at the royal training grounds. Accustomed to the cacophony of grunting men and clashing swords, Prince Jungkook does not immediately notice that something (or rather, someone) is out of place.
“Your defenses are down.” Jungkook thrusts his sword forward, disarming his sparring partner in one smooth motion. Surprised, his partner yelps as his sword clatters to the ground, his now empty hands raised awkwardly in befuddlement. But his shock does not last long, as his previously occupied gaze returns to where it was, his jaw agape as he continues to stare somewhere just outside the courtyard.
When Jungkook turns his head to the source, he finally understands why he had so easily defeated his distracted opponent.
Your bright white summer dress stands out starkly against the dreary autumn scenery, your skirt bunched up to your knees to avoid tripping over yourself. It seems as though the world has gone still from shock, every man in the vicinity holding their breaths at their first glimpse of the princess from up close. Even from where he stands, Jungkook can see the sweat flowing freely from your temples as you rush towards them, your chest heaving as you dash past dozens of starstruck onlookers towards your destination.
You don’t even spare Jungkook a glance when you pass by him, your eyes trained somewhere behind him as though nothing (or rather, no one) else in the courtyard matters. “Jimin!” you call out, nearly collapsing onto the man you had been looking for as you fail to stop your momentum in time. Luckily, the head of the royal guard catches you effortlessly, his hand previously resting on the hilt of his sword jumping up to find its place on your waist to steady you.
Jungkook watches as Jimin’s gaze sweeps through the sea of heads before landing on him. The guard’s posture stiffens, jaw clenching as the two men size each other up. Eventually, Jimin drops his hand from your waist as if he’d been burned, taking an inconspicuous step back to regain some sort of respectable distance.
Jimin clears his throat, his expression as stern as ever. It only takes a single glare from him for the excited whispers to die in a second. “Well? Did I tell you to stop? Take your positions,” he growls. In an instant, the men around Jungkook rise back to action, the sound of metal hitting metal echoing loudly once more.
“Your Highness? Shall we continue?” The boy he had been sparring with speaks out hesitantly, breaking Jungkook’s trance. Jungkook blinks slowly in confusion, before remembering where he was and what he was doing. He takes one last glance at Jimin’s and your retreating forms, only managing to glimpse the trail of your skirt as Jimin quickly drags you away from prying eyes.
“Your Highness?” the boy repeats, more nervously this time. Jungkook fixes a smile on his face before turning to face him, gently patting the young boy on the shoulder with the ease and charisma only a prince could manage.
“Yes, let’s continue. On your guard,” Jungkook warns, poising his sword forward before taking the first strike.
x x x x x
Jimin drags you away to the nearby armory, causing a domino of shields to topple down in his haste to open the door. He shuts it closed, not bothering to find a light as he pulls you deeper into the large shed. Only the small window by the roof sheds any light for them to see, but it’s enough for you to see the barely concealed annoyance set in Jimin’s eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking? That was highly inappropriate for a princess,” he growls, lips downturned in a frown. He might be well-known amongst his men as a stern and unforgiving captain, but he has never been gruff with you. In any other scenario, you might have been shocked at his sudden change of face, but the news that you just heard from your father is still ringing loudly in your ears, distracting you from anything else.
“What am I thinking? I should be asking you that! How is it that despite being the princess of this damn kingdom, I am still the last to know anything around here?” you shriek, ignoring Jimin’s silent pleas for you to quiet down. No, you are done being quiet; if you had to choose a moment to you would throw away all etiquette classes out the window, it would be now.
Jimin heaves a sigh, rubbing his temples. “Your Highness—”
“Don’t call me that,” you hiss, interrupting him. You hold up a finger when he makes a move to argue. “No, you answer my questions, first and foremost. Why did I only find out from my father just now that you volunteered to get stationed at the border?” You can feel your face heating up from the frustration and betrayal you feel; blood rushes up to your head and leaves you feeling dizzy, but you refuse to stop until he budges.
You’re breathing heavily, speaking so quickly that you doubt you’re making any sense right now. “The king requested for volunteers to fill the station guard units over a month ago. We’ve met and seen each other multiple times since then, and yet here we are,” you spit out, jabbing a nail into his chest. He barely budges, only keeping his head lowered. “Huh? Why on earth would you keep this from me? Answer me, Park Jimin!”
Jimin grimaces, his face contorting as if he’s in pain. He does not make a move to reply, only continues to avoid your fierce gaze. But even from where you stand under this dim light, you can tell from his expression that he isn’t guilty—just forlorn. Heartbroken, even.
You swallow thickly, blinking rapidly to keep your angry tears at bay, but your voice still cracks when you ask, “Why won’t you say anything?”
Finally, he looks at you. “What else is there to say?” He sounds as defeated as you feel.
And yet, you’re flabbergasted. You’re angry, tired, and hysterical—but above all else, you’re hurt. It feels as though a massive rock has dropped in your stomach, crashing waves against your chest like fire licking at your bones. The heavy feeling that has been weighing on you finally has a name, as you have been fighting to ignore what it was for ages now. Deep down, you know that this is inevitable, but somewhere inside you still resides the six-year-old child entrenched in her happy fairy tales, the same girl who believes that good things will always happen to good people.
You hoped that you would have at least deserved a warning. Preparation before this mirage disappeared forever. But Jimin had always been the type to rip the bandage and muscle through the pain, so you shouldn’t have been surprised at all. You just hoped that the two of you would still have more time.
A naive thing to desire, as Park Jimin was never yours to call your own.
You’re struggling to find the words to speak, anything to convince him to stay, even if you know it is not your place. He can see you grappling for straws, and perhaps it is out of pity or self-preservation, but he does not mention it. He does not say anything about you at all.
Eventually, he speaks. “I am… I have to...” He hesitates for a moment, taking one short glance at you before staring at the door. His hand grips the hilt of his sword tightly, though you know it is not because he itches to wield it, but for his ease of mind. You have learned, after years of growing up with him, that his only comfort comes from his own strength, his own ability to control his fate.
“Unfortunately, I must leave for now, Your Highness. Let us speak about this later before my subordinates begin to wonder.” There is a heaviness in his tone when he says that, like it is disgraceful for you to be seen with him. It reignites the fire in your veins once more, and you reflexively reach out to grab his retreating shoulder before the shed is suddenly bathed in light.
“Princess Y/N? Are you alright?” Prince Jungkook stands by the entrance of the armory, sweaty hair matted to his skin from his morning practice routine. For a moment, you almost hate the way he had sounded so… well-meaning, even though he had done nothing wrong to spite you. In fact, Jeon Jungkook has always been the perfect filial son, someone any royal family would be proud of.
And unfortunately for you, that was quite possibly the only reason you were betrothed to him in the first place.
You see him eye the pair of you curiously, his gaze gradually coming to a stop where your hand still rests against Jimin’s shoulder. You retract it immediately as if burned. You clear your throat, curtsying respectfully to him. “I am fine, Prince Jungkook. I am sorry for the scene I caused. I hope I did not interrupt your daily practice,” you say carefully, folding your hands in front of you.
Jungkook nods silently, his expression giving nothing away. Feeling awkward under his scrutiny, you curtsy to him once more. You shuffle away from Jimin without sparing him another glance, but you feel his gaze trained on your back like a brand. You wait for Jungkook to allow you to pass him before scuttling away, the ends of your dress dragging across the dirt path as you rush back towards the castle.
Stupid of you.
Jimin had been right, like always. News spreads fast within these ancient walls, and the chatterings about your emotional display are sure to reach your father’s ears one way or another. You doubt he’d be surprised by it; it’s no secret that your affections have always lied heavily on the royal guardsman. As long as you kept your secret rendezvous a secret, the King is more than happy to turn a blind eye. A reward, perhaps, for keeping your side of the deal.
Except that side of the deal hadn’t meant to arrive until your older brother had been wed, right after his search for his queen consort had been completed. But Jungkook’s family had been adamant to move things along, most likely due to their desperation to form an alliance with your prominent kingdom. As the seventh son, Jungkook hardly had any use for them in their household other than being goods for barter, and in any other case, you might have felt bad for him.
The guilt feels like a dagger pressing itself against your throat, and yet, you do not have the courage to fight against it. You sigh, defeated, as you stay reclused in your bedroom, waiting for Jimin to join you.
You don’t join your family for lunch that afternoon: a bigger mistake on your part, as it probably incriminates you further. Even worse still, Jungkook and his escorts are guests at the palace, and your absence doesn’t look good for your reputation. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to care that day, only offering weak excuses about a headache to appease them.
To your surprise, Jungkook had vouched for you, according to your handmaiden. When you asked what he said, they said he had mentioned something about your pensiveness from this morning. You scoff, wondering if he must be covering your mistake for the sake of your future together.
The sun makes its way across the horizon and still no signs of Jimin visiting your quarters. You pace your room for so long that you fear leaving the carpet threadbare, your restlessness causing spikes of fear to trickle down your spine. Your entire body tingles with the need to do something, anything. Just to feel as though you still have some control, some sense of sanity.
By your dresser, your untouched violin sits, waiting forlornly for your hands to caress it once more. It is a gift from your mother for your birthday, though you have scarcely used it since then. You have always been talented with the violin, but the need to play it had died down once your days had been occupied with a different type of music—the sort of melodies that you could not pull from strings or brass.
You pluck the violin from its stand, the polished wood still smelling of varnish when you place it by your neck. You begin to play a piece from memory—a song that your tutor had once drilled into your head until your hands could move on their own. Even still, you love the piece with all your heart; the melancholy and longing of the notes resonate deeply within you.
You know that what you are doing is cruel, both to yourself and to him. With your window wide open, you are sure that the wind can carry your music to the royal offices, where Jimin is sure to hear it. Anyone would be able to tell that it is you playing, stringing note after note with hopeless abandon. Just to get a reaction, from anyone. Anything!
So deeply are you immersed in your playing that it takes a moment for you to notice the knocking. Your bow stills mid-way, your breath hitching when the knocking continues. “Just a moment,” you call out, hastily placing your violin back on your dresser before ripping open the door to find—
Prince Jungkook still has his hand poised to knock, not having anticipated you to open your door so quickly. “Oh, pardon me. I am so sorry to intrude on your playing. Have I come at a bad time?”
Your shoulders slacken, and your disappointment could not be more apparent. “Oh.”
Prince Jungkook smiles wryly, not appearing to be offended by your less than enthusiastic greeting. “I know that it is improper of me to ask, but could you invite me into your quarters for a moment? I would like to speak to you, if you would allow it.”
“Why would it be improper? We’re promised to each other anyway,” you reply bitterly, the words coming out before you can think twice.
Jungkook cringes, bowing his head sadly. “I suppose that is a bad thing, isn’t it?”
It is impossible not to feel bad after that, your face flushing deeply with shame. “Not exactly…” You offer an awkward smile to compensate, but you doubt that it reaches your eyes. You step aside, allowing him to enter. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
His long legs allow him to take only two strides to reach the center of your room, his large frame engulfing the space. It almost feels suffocating, being here with him. Your mind unhelpfully compares him to the other only man who has ever entered your room, a man who had a much more lithe figure to the one with you right now.
You notice how he scans your room with sharp eyes, how he locks onto your violin immediately. He moves towards it and makes a motion as if to hold it, and after you give him your permission, he picks it up with reverence, turning it over with meticulous grace. “I was not aware that you were so gifted with musical talent,” he murmurs, plucking the strings experimentally.
You shrug, leaning against your door. “It was never brought up during our dinner conversations.” Not that much was said between the two of you during your meals together, as your father seems more interested in learning about Jungkook’s competency in politics than what his hobbies are.
He nods, absent-minded. He returns the violin to its proper place, his touch featherlike and graceful. He might be a violinist himself, you think. “That piece you were just playing… What was it called?”
A common question. “It’s a traditional song based on one of the kingdom’s myths,” you reply easily.
He nods again. “Why were you playing it?”
A less common question, one that you find more difficult to answer. “It… happened to be the first one I thought of, I suppose.” A half-truth, at the very least.
He hums thoughtfully, turning to you with doleful eyes. “Then I suppose that you must be grieving, are you not? if that is the sort of song that first comes to mind.”
You’re immediately defensive, curling into yourself as you watch him suspiciously. “My father… He told you, didn’t he?”
Even though you do not expound on what you mean, the prince is quick to shake his head in denial. “Nothing my eyes have not already seen.”
You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, hackles rising as you size him up. “What do you want from me then? A confession? For me to go on my knees and ask for forgiveness?” you spit.
He stares at you, astonished. “Who am I to dole out absolution when I am but only a man?”
“So does that mean you have committed the same mistakes that I have? I find that hard to believe,” you scoff, lowering your guard in your annoyance. He’s only been in your room for a few minutes and already you tire of his company; you wonder how you’ll manage to keep your sanity while spending your life with him.
But in truth, even if he hadn’t irritated you, even if he was the nicest man in the world, he would never compare to the man you have already laid your heart with.
He shakes his head once more, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “Not quite, but I do understand what you’re going through. Somewhat.”
Somewhat, he says. The more you observe him, the more you realize how young he is. Not just in the way he appears, but also in the way he talks and moves, almost like the stars trapped in his eyes have yet to escape. You can imagine him falling for one of the servant girls back in his own palace, secretly swapping lovelorn gazes across polished halls. Unlike you, he must not have acted on his greed, knowing the extent of his responsibility to his house and kingdom.
Unlike you, he does not bear a cruel bone in his body, as he would never subject that poor girl to the sort of heartbreak that only a clandestine relationship could offer.
“I want to make myself clear to you, my princess. I did not come here to accuse you of anything. I came here because I wanted to make myself clear with you,” he says. You raise a brow, urging him to continue.
“I am not asking you to fall in love with me,” he says plainly. It surprises you greatly, to hear him speak so candidly. Ever the perfect politician, he’d only ever spoken with care and precision, always anticipating the other party’s reaction. You have spoken with enough visiting royals to know that he is well-versed in that sort of language, so to hear him speak so brazenly is almost refreshing.
“I wouldn’t have offered, regardless,” you respond, smirking sardonically. He laughs at that, and you can hear the honesty in his laughter, too.
“Fair. But for the sake of the people who put their faith in us, I would suggest,” he pauses, licking his lips as he mulls over his next words, “that we might be sincere with one another. Just so our union may not perish… prematurely.”
You don’t respond, scanning him for any ill intent. As a princess from an illustrious kingdom, you have needed to stave off numerous lords and princes from taking your hand for their own wicked gain. However, none of your previous suitors were like Prince Jungkook, who genuinely seemed to care greatly for his people, as seen by how kindly he has treated his entourage of helpers.
He waits for you to say something, but eventually, he continues, “Princess Y/N, it would be the greatest honor if you would allow me to know you better. I seek nothing more than your companionship.” He blushes slightly, coughing into his fists. “W-well, not that you owe me that, as we could very well live separately for the rest of our lives, but... Umm… That came out a little more awkward than I intended, but I hope you get the gist.”
You realize, then, that he desires to live peacefully with you—guilelessly and unselfishly. Perhaps he is doing this for his parents (highly likely), or perhaps he has no other choice (extremely likely). But the fact remains that in front of you stands a good man with a simple wish: to become friends with you, if not at least become amicable with one another.
“Then I suppose you want to know more about me? About my story?” you ask sarcastically. “Want to know why the eldest daughter of the king is off frolicking with the captain of his guard?”
Jungkook snorts, an easy smile on his lips. “Well, you could tell me that, but I was thinking more along the lines of ‘when did you learn to play the violin?’ and other neutral information. You know, like how normal people converse.”
It takes you a moment to realize that he had been making fun of you. “Hey, watch it, princeling. You’re not in the clear just yet,” you huff, but there is no bite to your bark. You can tell that he knows this, from the way his tense figure has relaxed tremendously in this short amount of time. You notice your own tension fading away too, if only infinitesimally.
“I can start if you want,” he hums, tapping a finger on his chin as he thinks. “Well, I have always wanted to tell you this, but you might think I might be buttering your ass if I did, pardon the language—”
You laugh loudly, baffled by his seemingly out-of-nowhere casual demeanor. In your bedroom, with his shoulders slackened and hair still disheveled from his morning practice, he looks nothing like the perfect prince you had boxed him in as. “Pardoned,” you say, rolling your eyes.
“—but I’ve always found your tenacity to be admirable. Your dedication to your people, evidenced by your tireless work to make their lives better, has always struck me as inspirational. Pardon the cliché, but you really aren’t like other girls,” he says.
You wave off his compliments. “By the sounds of it, you must have this line practiced to perfection. Don’t tell me this is what you say to the other princesses when you confess to them.”
He flushes darkly, stuttering at your brash comment. The sight makes you snort, only worsening his embarrassment. “I have, um, never confessed to anyone before…”
“I find that hard to believe. Sure, you might not be like me—” you say drily. You haven’t sentenced your own life to heartache and misfortune, is what you mean to say. The pang in your chest comes back with a vengeance, but you carry on. “—but I would imagine that you’ve had to sweet talk many princesses before me. I was not your parents’ first choice, was I?”
“Indeed,” he admits awkwardly. “But I am not completely powerless. My father had allowed me some freedom when choosing a bride, and I…” he trails off, swallowing nervously. He gestures to you vaguely, unwilling to keep eye contact as he does.
You gape at him, pointing to yourself. “You… You chose me? Why?”
“It’s exactly as I said,” he shrugs. “I read about the things you’ve done, and I was drawn to you. It seems that my freedom has indirectly caused your misery, however…” he says ashamedly.
Guilt coils up you for the umpteenth time that day, except now it is directed at the boy in front of you. Foolish of you to think that your actions only affected you and your lover. Foolish of you to believe that your actions don’t have consequences bigger than you might have imagined.
“It… is not your fault,” you grit out, though it pains you to say. Not because it is a lie, but rather, it is a painful truth: a pill you have finally been forced to swallow. “My recklessness has caused more wreckage than I would have imagined.”
“I must admit that I have always been in love with the concept of love,” he says. He scratches the back of his neck, shyly turning away from you. “I believe that while love comes in all different shapes and sizes, it is certainly never supposed to be cruel. It is never selfish or… painful.”
Your eyes narrow, fully understanding his implications. “Then you must be as naive as you appear,” you snarl. You step away from the doorway, making your way towards the prince until your chests were merely a breath apart. However, he doesn’t back away like you thought he would. He stands his ground, looking at you through his long lashes.
“You wouldn’t understand. Have you ever loved someone so deeply that even the thought of being apart wounds you? Have you ever stayed awake at night, listening carefully to the sound of your own beating heart, aching for someone you cannot have? It is an ache, Jungkook, that cannot be salved with pretty words and sentiments. It is not a choice,” you finish, vision growing blurry with unshed tears. But you refuse to let them fall, not for a boy who didn’t know better.
His gaze is level with your own, his breathing steady. His eyes look dark to you, no longer sparkling like they once did. But before you can blink, the darkness is gone, replaced with his carefully crafted neutrality. The princely politician makes his return, except he’s a little sadder. Disappointed, even. “No, I have not experienced any of that. I cannot say for certain what is true, but I have always thought that love should be gentle and kind. Something to be enjoyed, and not a cause of strife.”
He steps away from you, his footsteps light as he makes his way to the door. When he twists the doorknob, he stills for a moment. “It was nice speaking to you, Y/N. Don’t… keep hurting yourself, okay? A lot of people care for you, even if they don’t say it. Even if it doesn’t seem that way.”
You bark out a laugh, but it sounds watered down to your ears. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen in love with me already.”
He smiles at you, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he murmurs before bidding you farewell.
You’re left alone again, and your room feels significantly more hollow. Your entire body is vibrating, filled with an unidentifiable feeling swirling in your chest like a hurricane. Was it anger? Frustration? Hopelessness? Guilt? Perhaps an ungodly concoction of all four?
You feel nauseous, almost falling over from the strength of it. Everything about today has caused you to lose your hold on your sanity, the urge to scream in anguish becoming more unbearable by the second.
Love should be gentle and kind, he said. Despite how sweet his intentions, his words still feel like poison. How dare he say that to you, when he knows that you wish it was true?
You grab your violin by the neck, your violent grip causing the wood to creak. Your hands shake, tears freely falling into the sea of your self-pity.
You drag your bow harshly against the strings, striking a sound louder than your own frustrated cry. A few of the hairs snap, but you continue, playing like a madwoman possessed. The music is frantic, agonizing—goosebumps trail your skin unprompted. Your pain overflows until even the dead can hear you weep.
Your violin almost drowns out the sound of another knock at your door. “Go away,” you growl, playing more fiercely. The violin groans, as if in pain. “If you’ve come back to lecture me about love again—”
“Your Highness,” a softer voice responds. It’s not Jungkook like you had thought. “It’s Jimin.”
Even if he had not announced himself, you would have known just by his footsteps. You freeze, your heart beating wildly out of your chest. You swipe a hand across your cheek in a futile attempt to hide away the evidence. Even without a mirror, you know that your eyes are puffy and bloodshot.
He enters without your prompting: comfortable enough to invade your space as if he had not torn your heart to pieces just hours ago. His gaze immediately goes to your face, a staggered breath leaving his lungs when he sees your hollow expression. But that moment of weakness disappears in an instant, the same stoic captain from this morning reappearing right in front of you.
“Had you been expecting someone else?” he asks in place of a greeting. There is an edge to his tone, you notice. If you didn’t know better, you might have missed it. Jealousy. How dare he.
You squint at him, but you say nothing. The air is icy with tension, enough to freeze hell twice over.
He clears his throat. “I’ve come to apologize, your Highness. It was out of line for a royal guard such as myself to drag you so brusquely like that. It will not happen again,” he murmurs.
You can hear the hidden meaning buried in his words. It won’t happen again, because I won’t be here to do it.
“Is that all you have to say?” you whisper. You place your violin down carefully, but your vision is already turning blurry once more. You won’t cry in front of him. You refuse to be the only one hurt from this.
He sighs, as if worn by your childish antics. “Y/N, you don’t understand—”
When he calls you by your name, the fraying string inside of you snaps. “Save it,” you seethe. “You’re a coward, that’s what you are. There isn’t anything to understand.”
“No, you should understand,” Jimin steps forward, grabbing you by the shoulders. He shakes you, desperation hanging off every inch of his frame. “As a princess, you should know what it means to serve the people. You should know more than anyone about the oaths I made to this kingdom. You should be proud of me!”
His increasing volume only encourages you to match him, your throat nearly getting torn in two from how loudly you shout. “Cut the patriotic act! Do you think I’ve forgotten all the whispers you’ve planted in my head? About how you wished more than anything to work with your brothers as performers, how you wished you hadn’t been the breadwinner of your family just so you wouldn’t have to sell your strength to my father?”
“I was naive. I should have known it was my responsibility,” he counters.
“Then what about all the promises you made to me during our nights together? You swore to love me forever under starry nights and disheveled sheets. You said you’d run away with me, just so I wouldn’t have to marry anyone else!”
Jimin grits his teeth. “Meer words of comfort. The babblings of a child.”
You shove him away, your skin burning from where he touched you. “Then actions must speak louder than words, correct? You cannot hide from me when your lovemaking spoke volumes. ”
For once, it seems Park Jimin is at a loss for words. He clenches his fists by his side, looking utterly defeated. “Y/N… You know that it’s the right thing to do.”
“I don’t,” you mumble, lips trembling. “I really don’t.”
“Even so,” Jimin says. He lifts a finger, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek. “It is better that I make the choice than you.”
Better that he breaks your heart than you. “We… we could’ve found another way,” you croak, helpless.
Jimin only smiles sadly. “The prince… He is a good man. I have been watching him these past few weeks and I know that he will—” his voice catches, and he has to pause for a moment to regain his composure. “He will make a good match for you. It would be wrong for us to…”
It pains you to admit it, but he’s right. Jungkook doesn’t deserve your infidelity. And yet, even if Jimin were to leave, would you ever be wholly Jungkook’s anyway? What would be the difference, if your heart will continue to yearn for another man regardless?
“Tell me this, then. For once, spare me from your half-truths. Drive the final nail into my coffin so that I know that you are truly certain.” You force him to look you directly in the eye, his pupils shaking as he takes you in for what might be his last time. It is almost as if time had stopped, and only the two of you existed in this space. This bedroom that you called your haven, the place where you had fallen in love—the place that will witness your first heartache.
“If our lives could have been different, would you have loved me then?”
Jimin has never looked so weary, so different from the boisterous boy you had met all those years ago. “I’m sure… that I would’ve done what was best. For the greater good.”
“And does that greater good include us? How do we fit in that equation?”
But he only steps away, his hand still outstretched as if to hold you. Then, he slowly tucks it behind him, his posture straightening the way a guard should. “I think you already know the answer to that,” he says, the note of finality ringing loud and clear.
He pries open the door, hesitating only for one more moment before chancing one last glance at you. “Tomorrow… I leave with my men. I would appreciate it if you don’t come.”
The door closes, and your question remains unanswered.
Just like him, the empty silence of your room refuses to respond, no matter how many times you ask.
Because in the sanctity of your bedroom, no promises ever did hold. The Park Jimin you loved was never real in the first place, and no matter how much you slam your fists and stomp your feet, he’s never going to love you the way you want him to.
And there you stand, all by your lonesome, without the prying gazes of those who expect better of you. Gruesomely, and painfully you.
#armiesnet#btsghostie#btswritingcafe#bts scenarios#jimin scenarios#jimin x reader#bts x reader#bts reader insert#bts fanfiction#bts#bts imagines#bts angst#royalty!au#park jimin#jimin angst#bts fanfic#bangtan#AHHHH this was ruff :-)#it's been a while since i've done like... pure angst#kinda felt like i went cold turkey on angst when i started writing fluff this year#feels good to go back to my roots B-)
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Happy day happy day!!!!!!!
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headcanons|| when you get jealous
ahhhh, I had so much fun writing this!!!
also, I got my phone taken away, and now that it’s gone, I want it a billion times more😭😭
tw: mentions of sexual harassment, cursing, mentions of cheating, toxicity
character pairings: Mikey, Baji, Chifuyu, Haitani brothers x reader
word count: 3.2k+
v “ Fuckkkkk”, you said, staring at the test below you. For the life of you, you just couldn’t focus on your damn math test that you needed to focus on, and it didn’t help that you were already so drained from your very……unique morning
v You see, today had been very ruff for you because Draken got sick, meaning you were left alone to take care of Mikey
v You, of course, loved your boyfriend, but he was very……needy to say the least, and it was absolutely exhausting to take care of him
v And because of this, almost all your energy was drained just from taking care of him, and now you were stuck doing this test that you could barely stay awake through
v Ironically enough though, you were so exhausted that the only thing you wanted was to see and cuddle with your boyfriend
v Being in his arms was the only thing in the world that could comfort you, and that was exactly what you needed right now
v So, when you finally managed to push through your test and finish it, you immediately rushed to Mikey’s classroom
v But when you got there, you saw something you didn’t expect
v And you sure as hell didn’t like what you saw
v Because what you saw in front of you was a random girl flirting with your boyfriend, who clearly was clearly uncomfortable
v The girl was twirling her hair, blowing him kisses, talking to him with an annoyingly high-pitched flirty voice, you know, all the classic flirts
v But when you saw her touching him, you almost blew up on the spot
v Because not only was she touching your boyfriend, but he was clearly uncomfortable with it and didn’t like it, as Mikey even told her to get off, but she didn’t listen and continued flirting
v The moment you saw that, you decided to confront the girl, and you stormed your way over to Mikey and her
v “Excuse me?”, you said, giving her a very strained smile. Mikey on the other hand, looked up at you in pure excitement and relief
v “Ughhh…. what do you want?”
v “Just what do you think you’re doing with Mikey?”
v “Umm…. he obviously likes me….so I’m giving him a little……. something”, the girl said, smirking at you
v “Hahaha, him…. like you? That’s fucking hilarious”
v “Well, he does. Gosh………… you don’t have to be such a jealous bitch”
v You could feel your anger burst the moment she said that. How could she say that so cockily, to you, Mikey’s s/o? You absolutely couldn’t believe that
v You were so angry in the moment, that you couldn’t hold yourself back, and you grabbed the girl’s collar, and pulled her up towards your face, choking her
v “Listen here you little shit……. Mikey is my boyfriend and you have no right to flirt with guy who clearly doesn’t like you and is dating someone else. So…. if I ever see you looking at him again, I swear I will slit your throat right open…….got it?”
v The girl immediately gave you a horrified expression, as she looked into your infuriated eyes. “Y-y-yes……I won’t do it again!!”
v “Good, now hell out of my sight”, you said before shoving her out the door.
v You only stared at her as she ran away, making you sigh in relief. Well, that was until Mikey spoke…...
v “Y/nnnnnnnn”, Mikey said, gaining your attention.
v “oh god………what?”
v “You totally just snapped out of jealousy!!!”
v “Fuck off”, you said, not wanting to put up with his shit
v “Don’t worry…. I think you look super sexy when you act like that”, he said, winking at you
v “W-what?!”, you said, with a bright red hue on your cheeks.
v “Hahahaha!!! This is amazing!!!!!”
v And from that day on, Mikey never let that situation go and he brought it up “how badass his s/o was”, every single day for the rest of your lives………….
v The dirt crunched under your feet as you walked along the trail that trailed all over the park
v For you, today was an amazing day, as you were not only going over to your boyfriend’s apartment later, but you also had just bought your favorite ice cream, only making you happier than you already were
v The bright smile on your face only showed your happiness as you walked through the peaceful park
v But what made you even happier was seeing Baji himself, casually sitting on a bench in the very same park
v You immediately noticed him, and started running up to him, hoping to be able to spend even more time with him today
v But as you got closer to him, you ended up seeing an unfamiliar blonde girl approach him with 2 different cones of ice cream
v And to your surprise and anger, Baji got up with the girl, put his arm around her and casually walked around the park with her
v You were furious at this
v You loved and trusted your boyfriend, but that certainly wasn’t normal, so, you decided to follow them to see if anything else strange happened
v Unfortunately, you were also too shy and scared to confront them, so following them around was also the only thing you could bring yourself to do
v Your footsteps quietly mirrored theirs as you followed behind them from a distance
v And the longer you followed the pair, the weirder things they did
v They held hands, they hugged, they got way to close for comfort……Baji even slapped her ass
v And to say you were infuriated was an understatement, but no matter how mad you were, you were even more heart broken
v You trusted Baji more than anyone else in the world, but he took that trust and shattered it into pieces
v And anymore, you couldn’t stand looking at them, it just hurt you so much
v So, you got up, and went home
v The whole time on the way home, you were crying your eyes out, even to the point that you couldn’t even breathe
v And by the time you got home, you were so exhausted, and heartbroken that as soon as your head hit the pillow, you immediately passed out on your bed……….
v An all too familiar ringing sound suddenly went off, scaring you and waking you up
v You groaned as you reached towards the small metal box to see who would be calling you, only to be shocked at the name that popped up on your screen
v Because the name that was there, was your boyfriends
v Having found out that he was cheating, you obviously ignored him, but Baji was…...stubborn
v And he kept calling you……non-stop. After a while of the annoying ringing, you just gave in and finally decided to answer him
v “……what?”
v “Where are you?! You said you’d come over at 5!!”
v “Huh? Why that hell would I come over to see you?”
v “Uhhhh…because we made plans?”
v “Well those plans went out the window when you CHEATED ON ME!!!!!!”, you said, letting your rage take over.
v “…….Pardon?”
v “Don’t act so damn clueless. I saw you in the park with that blonde chick earlier!! You slapped her ass and all!! You absolutely disgusting cheater!!!”
v “The park……you saw me at the park…...?”
v “Yeah asshole, you can’t hide it from me anymore!!”
v “OH FUCK!! HAHAHAHA”, he said, laughing his ass off.
v Silence came from your side of the phone as you sat their absolutely bewildered
v “what…...? Last time I checked, Chifuyu had a….penis”
v “He was dressed up as a girl for some weird thing Mikey wanted us to do! He hated it and it was fucking hilarious!!!!”
v The shame you felt in that moment was immeasurable. You couldn’t help but bury your face in the middle of your blankets, purely out of embarrassment
v “You got jealous over CHIFUYU!!!!!!!”, he said, still berating you
v “Stop!!! It’s not funny!!!”
v “IT IS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!”
v And from that day on, Baji made fun of you for that. Even on your wedding day, he teased you for it, and would continue to for the rest of eternity……….
v A happy giggle escaped your mouth as you walked through the shopping area with your best friends
v You were having so much fun with them that you genuinely couldn’t stop laughing, and you all even kicked out if some stores for being so obnoxious
v But you couldn’t care less, you were just enjoying yourself so much, and even better, tomorrow was your 6 months with your boyfriend, Chifuyu, and you were ecstatic to say the least
v You and Chifuyu had amazing plans to go to an amusement park and celebrate your 6 months
v And you were so excited to go on all the different rides, eat the many different types of food, and see the huge, beautiful fireworks
v If only you knew that not even 5 minutes later, your life would do a complete flip…….
v Because as you ended your shopping day and started heading home, you saw a familiar poof of blonde hair standing in front of one of the shops windows
v You weren’t sure if it was your boyfriend, but you decided to check anyways, just to be sure, so you walked up to the spot you saw the blonde hair, only to see Chifuyu
v Once you realized it really was your boyfriend, you immediately started running up to him, but as you got closer, you saw something strange
v Chifuyu seemed to very intently focusing on something inside the shop. Originally, you didn’t think too much about and thought he just saw something he liked, but the closer you got, the more you saw
v And as you came up behind him, you saw he was staring at a man that you had never met
v Even worse, he ended up being so concentrated on staring at the guy, that he didn’t even notice that you were right behind him, and instead continued staring
v This wouldn’t have concerned you so much, if it wasn’t for the fact that when the guy left the store, Chifuyu started following him
v And it was at this point that you became extremely concerned
v Not only was your boyfriend stalking someone, but he was stalking someone when he’s dating a different person
v And you were honestly scared of that
v But being the bitter person you were, you decided to follow Chifuyu longer, just to see how long it would take him to notice you
v And after an hour of following him, and him not noticing you, you had enough, and you let your rage take over
v “……. Chifuyu…….”, you said, sadistically
v “Y/n?! W-when did you get here?”, he said, nervously turning around
v “Oh, I’ve been here for……. awhile”
v “You have?!”
v “Yeah……. If you don’t mind me asking………why are you stalking someone?”
v “Oh……don’t deny it asshat, we both know what you were doing”
v “N-no!! You’ve got it wrong!!”
v “……. Is that so? Because I literally saw you stalking that guy”, you said, pointing to the guy he was following
v “NO!!! That’s my friend, and he’s about to ask a girl out, so I followed him to see what would happen!!!”
v “That’s bullshit, because I don’t see a girl around”
v “Really!! See, he’s asking her now!!!”, he said, pointing to the now seemingly couple
v And you froze as you saw them, because not only had you just gotten angry at Chifuyu for no reason, but you were also jealous, and that was something you absolutely hated…….
v “fuck……”, you muttered. A smirk appeared on Chifuyu’s face as he realized what happened
v “You were jealous…….”
v “No, I wasn’t!!!!”
v “You were!!!!! That’s so cute!!!”
v Although the boy in front of you was teasing you for your jealousy, you were secretly breathing a sigh of relief as because, as it turned out……your boyfriend wasn’t some creepy-ass stalker
Rindou Haitani
v The city buzzed as you and your boyfriend walked around hand-in-hand, shopping for some things, with his brother, Ran, trailing not far behind
v It was truly peaceful, being able to spend time with your boyfriend, despite the older Haitani brother being there
v But you loved spending time with the duo, so you were really happy to be here
v Ohhhhhh, if only that peace and happiness lasted, because it sure didn’t last long
v Because as you were walking around, suddenly, a high-pitched female voice came from behind you
v “Rin Rinnnnn, is that youuuuu?”
v The both of you only turned around in response, only to see a beautiful blonde-haired, green-eyed girl running towards you, or Rindou
v The purple eyed male beside you only groaned as he saw the girl. “……. fucking great”
v “Rin rin, I missed you soooo much”, she said, shoving you onto the ground, and clinging onto Rin’s chest
v You immediately felt yourself get infuriated at this chick, because not only did she shove you away from your boyfriend, but she was also being………weird with him
v And clearly, his reaction wasn’t normal, because he literally looked at her like she was a rat
v “Get off me Brittany”
v “Awwww c’mon…….it can’t hurt to have some fun together………just like old times”
v Just like old times?! You could literally feel your brain explode from pure anger hearing that, because this chick was seriously trying to have sex with your boyfriend
v “Seriously, get the fuck off me, I don’t want you near me or my s/o”
v “S/o….?”
v “Yeah…. fucking me”, you said finally standing up and walking beside the Brittany girl
v “Oh…..don’t tell me this is who your dating now……”
v “Yeah he is…….so you better fucking leave”
v “Why would I do that……Afterall, I can’t leave Rin rin with someone like you”
v You could feel something snap inside you………and you must of let your anger take over you
v Because when you heard those words, you ended up raising your fist up, and punching the girl in the face, hard
v She fell onto the ground from the pure impact of your punch, and it was them that you saw your chance to get away from her
v So, you grabbed your boyfriends’ hand and dragged him away from the bitch, but as you turned around to look at him, you saw that he held one of his very rare smirks
v “oh no……. what’s up with you”
v “I’m quite impressed at your……. sexy jealous”
v “….sexy?”
v “Mhmmm……. you look hot when you get all angry like that”
v The all too familiar feeling of a blush came onto your cheeks as you looked away from your smirking boyfriend in embarrassment
v “Ewwwwww………you guys are so gross”, a voice suddenly said from behind you
v It was only then that both you and Rin remembered that Ran was following you that whole time
v “Go fuck yourself Ran”, Rindou said in response, starting another argument with his brother
v You could only happily sight as you watched the brothers yell at each other, you wouldn’t say it, but you were happy
v Because not only had you protected the all too famous Rindou Haitani, but he also called you sexy……
v And that made you so giddy and happy
Ran Haitani
v You shivered as you leaned back and watched your boyfriend, Ran, beat up another person
v You see, earlier today, you decided to visit Ran and his younger brother, Rindou, but as you were visiting them in their luxurious area, another gang suddenly appeared and that led to the current fight they were having
v Of course, you loved watching your boyfriend fight with his cocky smile and all, it made him look really sexy, but you still couldn’t help but worry about him
v He was in a fight, and he was fighting some really strong guys, and you were really worried for his safety
v But what worried you even more was the very unique feature of this gang, which was the fact that there was a woman in it, who was also currently fighting Ran
v You were happy that woman were starting to appear and show there strength in gangs, but this particular girl was strange……
v Because as she was fighting him, she was also flirting with your boyfriend
v Every time Ran would hit her, she would blush and ask for more, like it was a kink, she continuously tried throwing herself onto him in an odd way, and even worse, she even bluntly asked him if he wanted to leave with her
v And you were very uncomfortable with all of this to say the least
v You were so uncomfortable, that you couldn’t even look at Ran himself, even though it wasn’t his fault, it was just your mind making you feel worse
v But even with all of this, you still went with Ran and took care of his wounds whenever the fight ended
v “Did you see how fucking badass and sexy I looked out there? I bet you couldn’t resist me”
v Nothing
v “Do you wanna cuddle tonight?”
v Nothing
v “Can we get some candy later? It’s almost Halloween and I wanna buy some candy before those kids have a chance to get some”
v Still nothing
v “Y/N?”
v “Are you speechless from my hotness”
v “……..”
v “Uhhh….are you alright?”
v “I’m fine”, you mumbled
v “What?! Listen, I’m not exactly good at reading people, but I can tell when something is wrong with you, so, what’s up?”
v You looked up at his face, only to see a rare, truly worried expression on his face as he looked at you. He cupped your cheeks and brought you closer to him, hoping it would help comfort you
v “It’s just…….don’t you think that girl you were fighting was….strange?”, you quietly said, looking away from your boyfriend.
v “Ohh…that weird chick”
v “Yeah……did you like the way she….maybe sort of flirted with you”
v “Ewww…no, I hated her. I beat her ass for a reason”
v You couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s response, and as you looked back up at him, you pecked his lips
v “Thanks Ran”
v “……what?”
#tokyorev#tokyorev x reader#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x reader#manjiro x reader#manjirosanoxreader#mikeysanoxreader#mikeysano#keisuke baji#bajikeisukexreader#baji keisuke#keisuke baji x reader#chifuyu matsuno#chifuyu matsuno x reader#chifuyu x reader#headcanons#ran haitani#ran haitani x reader#rin haitani#rindou haitani#rindou haitani x reader#haitani x reader#haitani brothers
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Hiii guys !! I rarely ever post my art and edits here but :'•) I have such major transfem Clotted Cream brain rot ahhhh-- so here's an edit of her! Feel free to use it, if you wanna ! :•)
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A sprite edit of Clotted Cream Cookie, a character from Cookie Run: Kingdom. She is edited to have longer hair and eye lashes; freckles; a bit of eye and lip make up; and a longer coat. Her coat also has extra buttons and her ruff has a green stripe through it. She also has blush on her cheeks. END OF DESCRIPTION]
I've been hyperfixated on transfem Clot for like a month now lol. Its one of my biggest comfort headcanons at this point :•3
#cookie run#cookie run kingdom#cookie run ovenbreak#cookie run fanart#crk#cookie run sprite edit#clotted cream cookie#oyster odyssey#cookie run hcs#cookie run headcanons#my description#please please PLEASE talk to me about her omg#as my friend once said#the cookie odyssey arc hits different when u read Clotted Cream as a closeted trans bi girl rather than a cishet man 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾#kaliya kolours
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