#AHH anyway. yeah . thumbs up. yep
wosowrites · 2 years
I Can Be Your New Home Part 2 (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️alcoholism⚠️
a/n: pretend your mothers name is hellen 💀💀part 2 of I can be your new Home. here is part 1:
prompt: in which after coffee, jessie goes home with the reader and it’s her turn to comfort the reader about a situation going on in her life.
"Game day tomorrow? How you all feeling?" Magda asked the girls who were out for coffee as you all sat around a round table outside. The London air was crisp and warm and the trees were finally starting to show their fall colours. It was a good time of the year, you loved august.
"You can drop the captain act, Mags." You joked, sipping a flat white. "Maybe I just actually care. Man United is a good team, I want to make sure no one is stressed." She said, smiling at you lightly.
Magda knew you weren’t great with your own emotions, she was always kind to you about it.
"Well I feel like we’re gonna kick some red devil butt." You said, lifting your coffee in the air. "Here here!" Guro echoed in her best, sarcastic british accent.
You all drank your coffee and talked, took teasing pictures of each other, and eventually you told the group you had to go. "Have to have my weekly call with Hell-en." you told the girls. The younger ones laughed, thinking the nickname for your mother was clever, the older girls rolled their eyes, believing you should try to fix your relationship with your mum. "Wait. I’m missing something here. Hell-en?" Jessie asked, confused. "Oh right, you don’t know about her. I’ll explain in the car, want me to drive you home?" You asked Jessie. "Yeah, sure."
She stood up and zipped her coat up before saying bye to the girls and walking towards your car with you. You guys settled into the car, you in the drivers seat. You subconsciously did the one hand on the wheel, and looking back thing to pull out of the driveway. Jessie visibly shivered. "You cold?" You asked her. "Nope. Now tell me what Hell-en means." Jessie asked.
"Helen is my mother. I don’t get along with her. She was deep into the addiction lifestyle by the time I was 10 and was just never really around. A year ago, she called me and told me she wanted to fix our relationship. She asked for one call a week, so I agreed out of the goodness of my heart… that’s a lie it took me two months to agree to an every week call. Anyways, it’s awkward, and long, and I hate it and I’m always in a bad mood after the call, which means that I’m in a bad mood when I go to bed, which means I’m in a bad mood for training or the practice the next day." You told her, eyes on the road. "Ahh, so that explains the reason why once a week you’re such a grump before the games." Jessie laughed. "Yep. That’s it." You smiled.
There was a little silence that was broken by Jessie putting her hand on top of yours who was resting on your thigh. "I’m sorry though. I’m really sorry. You deserved better, you were really young." Jessie said.
You bit the inside of your cheek, a bad habit you had developed, your heart pounding so loudly you were sure could hear. "Your heart is beating fast." Jessie said, almost a whisper. "Yeah. I know." You said quietly, not meeting her eye. The atmosphere was very tense, but not uncomfortable, just full of nerves. "Yours is beating hard too, Jess." You said, switching lanes. Her hand was still on yours. "Yeah. I know."
You had to move your hand to switch gears, it shocked her a bit as the car has been silent for five minutes. She took her hand back, and before you knew it, you had placed yours on her thigh, rubbing your thumb on her skin gently.
"Go to your house." Jessie said, breaking the silence. "What?" You asked, confused. "You said you’re always in a bad mood after the calls. Let me make it better. Call your mum, and i’ll cook for you. We can watch a movie and just chill. I have everything I need for tomorrow in my bag so I can even stay the night. Or I can just get a cab back-" Jessie started saying.
"No! No. You- yes. Yeah you can come to my house and stay over. That’s great. That’s good." You said quickly. Looking over to smile at her and pulling your hand away.
You couldn’t let the undeniable feelings you had for Jessie take over. Not right now.
You quickly took the exit to get off the highway and then made your way into London. You turned onto your street and then parked your car. "You’ve never been here, have you?" You asked Jessie, opening the car door for her. "Nope." She smiled, grabbing her bag. "Well it’s not much but it’s nice. It’s the best home i’ve ever had, easily." You said, not meaning for it to sound as sad as it did. "Well I’m happy you’re letting me see the place." Jessie smiled as you walked into the apartment complex. "Don’t be. I bring a lot of girls back here." You joked, but she didn’t catch it, instead her face scrunched up adorably. "I’m kidding, Jess." You laughed, throwing an arm over her shoulder, causing her to lay her head on your shoulder. "Oh. Good." She said, laughing softly. "Only my mothers have been here. And by my mothers i mean P and Magda." You told her, now on the third floor of the apparement building. "Really? Why?" Jessie asked, following you to the end of the hallway. "I don’t know. I like my personal space I guess. It’s also a little small so not great for gatherings." You told her, putting your key in the door and pushing it open.
Your apartment was really nice. Small, but cozy. Upon entry, to your right, was a kitchen with a marble island. Parallel to the door, there were huge windows exposing the city of London. You had a couch and a TV to the right, and a desk to the left. Farther to the left was the bedroom, with a washroom connecting it. The area was tastefully decorated in white tones, made homey with accents of colours.
"Why am I surprised that it’s not horribly messy?" Jessie laughed, taking over her shoes and her coat. You laughed and took her jacket, hanging it up in the closet. "Well… I don’t know. I guess I am messy at training but I like it clean at home." You said. "Want water?" You asked her. She nodded and you filled up too glasses. "Do you mind if I shower later. We showered at training but is it just me or do the showers there give you the ick?" She said. "No! I get what you mean! Sometimes I feel so dirty after I shower there. Feel free to use it. And anything else. My mums gonna call in about ten." You told her. "Okay. Well I’ll shower while you’re on the call?" Jessie said, making it sound like more of a question. "Yeah. Definitely. Oh there’s clothes in the dresser in case you want something else to wear." You told her with a smile. "And there’s a towel here…" you got one from a closet. "… the conditioner and shampoo are new and-"
"Y/n. It’s okay. I’m good." Jessie said, placing her hand on your stomach gently.
You were taller than her, it was a low bar, but as she stood 5,4, you were about 5,6. "Okay." You breathed out, her touching making you dizzy. "I think your phones ringing." She said, pulling her hand away.
You looked down at the counter, and indeed, the name Hell-en was written on your screen. "Great. Uhm the water warms up quickly, don’t worry."
She nodded and walked towards your room as you answered the call.
"Hey mom." You said, trying your best to give her some kind of enthusiasm. Jessie smiled at you as she closed the bedroom door and you smiled back. "Hey sweetie! How was your day? Big game tomorrow!"
She said the same thing everyday, even when the game wasn’t big.
"It was good. I- well I had training and I went out to get coffee with some of the girls." You told her, sitting up on the counter. You heard the shower turn on. "That’s great. I’m happy you’re happy there." She said gently. "I hear the shower. Is there someone there? A boy?" She asked, hopefully.
You had never come out to her. You never felt the need. You felt as though she didn’t deserve to know you. But everyone knew you were gay, you posted about it on social media, being a big activist for the community and having dated a footballer before. So if she really wanted to know you, she could have just looked it up. "Mom…" you said simply, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Okay! Okay! Actually I have a favour to ask you." Your mother said.
It would be a lie to say you hadn’t been waiting for it. 12 months of talking to your mother on the phone and she hadn’t asked you for anything yet. It was fishy. But you tried your best to be calm and not jump to conclusion. Concentrations on the sound of the shower, the sound they told you that Jessie was right there. "What is it?" You asked her gently. "Listen… I’m in a little financial trouble. Just a small bit! I just need… like… the equivalent of 300 pounds." Your mother said.
You were shocked. The apartment was silent other than the sound of water. "You still there?" Your mom said. "Not for long! Not for fucking long Helen! You call me telling you want to rebuild our relationship! You call me!" You yelled into the phone, not realizing the water had stopped running. "You never wanted a relationship with me! You wanted someone to call in case you ever fuck up again! You wanted somebody to give you cash." The door of the bathroom creaked open. "What is it now? Can’t pay the bills?! Need to bail your drug addict boyfriend out of jail?! TELL ME!" You yelled, tears running down your face and shaking your body.
Jessie was standing in the doorway now, a towel around her and wet hair dripping. She has been alarmed by the yelling. "Honey… I’m just a little short-" Helen started saying. "Save it. Save it. Don’t call me again." You hung up the call and slammed your phone against the counter, back turned away from Jessie.
You heard footsteps and you turned around, seeing Jessie walking towards you. "Y/n…" She said softly, coming up to you and putting her hand on your jaw, using her thumb to wipe your wet cheek.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to see that. That’s not me. I don’t yell." You said, sniffling. "I know you don’t. I know you. It’s okay." She said. "I want to hug you but you’ll get all wet." She laughed.
You laughed and sniffled but didn’t care, pulling her in and hugging her. Her head left a wet spot on your shirt, but you didn’t care. "Go get changed, I need to too." You smiled. She walked back to the washroom and you went to your bedroom. You pulled out a grey hoodie and sweatpants for Jessie and and blue sweatsuit for you. You tossed the clothes to Jessie who changed in the washroom as you changed in your room. "Movie?" You asked.
"Definitely." She said. She sat down on the couch and took the remote, scrolling through netflix as you made coffee in the kitchen. "Any particular movie?" She asked. "Nope, I’m open to anything." You told her, pouring you both a cup. "Oh coffee! Thank god. I love Niahm but every time I go over to her house she gives me tea and I can’t take it anymore." Jessie laughed. You smiled at her and handed her a cup. "So… you and Niahm?" You asked, trying to be subtle. "No! No. We’re just friends. Really." She said quickly. "Oh. Okay." You smiled, looking at the TV. She had picked a movie called Into the Tall Grass. "We should talk about the car. And the call with your mum." Jessie said, her eyes still on you as yours were on the TV.
"Mhm." You said, looking back to Jessie. "My mother wanted money. 300 pounds. I didn’t ask why. It doesn’t matter anyways because she’s not getting it. I’m not digging her out of the hole she dug herself in. No, scratch that. The hood she dug both of us in. I just got myself out of that pit. And it’s not my job to get her out." You told her. She nodded, listening you calmly. "I agree. I don’t want you getting hurt." She said to you, moving closer to you a little. Her legs were crossed on the couch, facing you, and your forearms were resting on your thighs as you leaned forward. "And the car…" you said, leaning backwards and turning your head to look at her. "I think you have a pretty big chokehold on me Fleming." You told her, making her blush. "I think you have one on me." Jessie answered, running a hand through her loose, damp hair. "But I can’t date you. You just moved here. You need to get settled in before we could even try to be together."
"That’s not what I want. I’m settled in. The only thing that feels unsettled is that I haven’t kissed you yet." Jessie said.
Her words caught you off guard. You had never once thought you would hear such bold words from Jessie. "Does it now?" You teased, sitting up and crossing your legs so that you mirrored her position. "Yeah. It feels wrong." She said.
"I don’t know how to be with somebody." You told her, entwining your fingers on the backboard of the couch. "Then we’ll learn together." Jessie said.
You looked into Jessie’s eyes, unfamiliar with the feeling of never wanting too look away. You didn’t think, for once, you let your mind go empty. You got closer to Jessie and pushed her gently down on the couch, your body hovering over hers. You looked at her lips, and then kissed her. Your lips tangling, your hand slipping under her hoodie gently as your other hand held your body up over hers. She moans lightly, the feeling of your cold hand taking her by surprise. "Sorry," you giggled into her mouth. "It’s okay" she laughed, not stopping the kiss.
However when air ran out, you had to move off from on top of her. "Feeling satisfied?" you teased her. She took her turn to push you onto the couch, laying her head onto your chest. "Yeah."
You spent the rest of the night with food, movies, and just talking, until it was 9:00 and you went to sleep, bodies tangled together in your bed, just happy she was with you.
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Oof Shaun and Lea :((
Y'all'll figure it out
Oof Asher :(
I'm sure it'll be fine lol, despite a cute nurse xD
Oof yeah it's rough to keep talking to someone far away :/ slay though Dom :)!
Nahh I don't think they still are lol
Yep/nope 😬 euogh
D: Aww sorry Dom :((
Don't worry Asher and Shaun if you are xd you guys will be fine
you better be I swear-
Ayy he's okay :D!
OOH the singing :o :D slay 🥰!
Aww they're cute 🥰🥰 I bet they'll have a thing 👀👀
Yeah glad he's getting the treatment he deserves her :) <3
LOL Charlie xD :))
Lol later that day xD
AWWW the thumbs up :'D okay I love her <33
It sucks :((
Ohh no she's pregnant isn't she D':
Yeah :'(( aww poor honeys <33
(not totally sure on this order btw I'm a bit behind)
LOL Park it's not for lunch xD
Though I mean SLAYYY Y'ALL
Happy for them lol :')
But they're totally gonna get interrupted lol
Yep xd
OOF and it's LIM lol o.o XD
Ahh yeah nice deduction
Hmm is there anything?
I bet there's gonna be something viable
:O that sounds slay!
YESS go off guys :D
What happened to him?
Hmm that can't be good
Aww the date lol :)
OOP Charlie lol o.o she knows xD
Uh oh that can't be good D:
Oh no D: tumors :((
I'm so sorry guy that sucks D:
Oh no his hearing D: with his singing :(
Aww he does slay though :')
I mean you could still sing in some way xd
I get it but 😬 :((
Aww Shaun lol xD
Aww :')
AWWW D: :'((
My babeys :'(( <3
AOIGUAUGHH "I miss you - Dr. Shaun Murphy" HEEEELP I'M NOT OKAY 😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰🥰 I love them so much 🥺🥺 <33
They're so adorable :'))
Hey Lim :D
Oogh that sounds good
Eh just eat it lol
Sounds delicious xD
Ooppp why is she here
😬 fair though she has a point
I mena Lim xd she has a point lol
I get not wanting your mom to interfere or act like she knows your life but girly, she has a really good point xd
Oop and it's about her dad o.o
The dramaaa o.o
Oogh xd
Hmmm we've gotta find some way
Oop o.o
Does he kinda have a point 😬?
Idk maybe /gen :/
Oof Jordan xD fair though lol
Lol Charlie <3 I love her
Yeeahh Jordan nowww we talk about the solutions xdd
Oop Lim o.o
I meannn yeeah it probably wouldn't have been a happy drive lol
Glassman don't you dare date Lim's mom XD
AWW hi Lea :'))
AYY go off y'all lol <33
Aww they're so cute I love them 🥰🥰
:D Yeah have a date night!!
Oof :(
I mean one at home?
:O Nah we're doing it!! Yayy go off y'all :D
AYY that's so slay :DD go off sir!!
He's remembering :'))
Awww :')) 🥰🥰
😭😭😬🥺 Oh nooo :'((( he doesn't remember her (that it's her anyway)
That sucks D: 😭
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datastate · 2 years
oooooh i love sharing opinions ❤️❤️
anyways probably my most controversial opinion on yttd is that im a joesara hater. like i just want two main protags who happen to be a girl and guy to stay besties (also at the start of the game joe was so excited to just hold ryoko's hand and i think that is so cute) i genuinely dont care if somebody ships it like do whatever but man sara is such a lesbian and joe is her transmasc bestie
10/10 honestly LMAOO i completely agree with you there! it's just not my type of thing, and it doesn't really add much to their general dynamic imo... at least with how most write/draw them.
most romantic joesara things that i do see are just like. needlessly romantic? like if you want to besties to be openly affectionate with each other, you can... do that. without making it romantic. there's nothing stopping you from giving out platonic physical affection, and honestly joe seems like he would be the type to like being overly affectionate with his friends alongside his razzing?
and yeah the point that the protags should be able to just stay friends and explore the importance of that platonic relationship is just. very important. i think the most sour interpretation of joesara i've seen was one where 1) sara died in joe's place in the first main game, joe became the protagonist and 2) romantic joesara, so you just had joe reminiscing about strictly romantic things he'll never have...? which is just. the COMPLETE opposite of what the game is meant to show.
people are down to do whatever, obviously (& at least it's not like. abuse or other nasty shit), but i feel like it definitely needlessly takes away from the importance of their actual dynamic. and completely disses ryoko, which is incredibly disappointing.
( this is leading into other opinionated territory for me, but based on that last bit - i feel like a lot of people tend to forget that the participants have lives outside of the death game... would know people outside of the death game... obviously there are bonds formed during DG that are important, but it's still. you can't completely forget the background that brought them here in the first place, the motivation to return, all that... it's part of why people are so upset at q-taro, without even trying to understand his situation. i can guarantee you there are more than 12 people at the orphanage, and he clearly has friends he intended to go out drinking with...? if he's playing the numbers game, then... it's worth it. BUT anyway yeah people tend to just shove aside ryoko, or acknowledge her in the relationship but only if it's polyamorous which is... disappointing. i'm all for polyam relationships, in certain scenarios they can be really nice, but here it feels like they felt awkward making her a third-wheel so just reached for the nearest excuse... )
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filthfix · 4 years
Anything - skz
Pairing: Reader x Ot8
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.7k
Tags: Birthday sex, turn taking, sloppy 2-7, creampie, cum kink/cum eating/cum covering, neck biting, voyeurism, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, “good girl”, unprotected
Summary: It’s Jeongins birthday and he wants to run a train 😶
A/N: I almost named this ‘All In’... 💀 anyways uhhhh happy birthday Jeongin here’s some absolute filth <3
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Four days before Jeongin’s Birthday
Chan throws himself on the couch next to Jeongin whose preoccupied with his phone.
“So.. what do you want for your birthday? I can get you anything.”
He’s being his usual playful self, nudging and pinching at Jeongin earning a light whine of acknowledgment from him. He doesn’t look up from his phone but he stopped scrolling, thinking it over quickly before lowering his phone with a soft click.
“Yep, name it!”
Chan nods feeling confident.
“I wanna share with you guys”
He says it plainly and at first Chan’s confused tilting his head to the side but then raising an eyebrow when it finally clicks. They all had a brief drunken conversation some time ago about something along those lines and it quickly became an unspoken agreement that they’d make it happen eventually with Jeongin seemed the most interested in it.
“I think I can set that up.” He smirks and pats Jeongin’s leg before getting up and leaving the room.
2 days before Jeongin’s birthday
Your phone rings on your walk around town and you pull it out to see Chan’s ID take up the screen.
“Hey, what’s up?” You answer
There’s hesitation in the air before he speaks
“Are you alone by any chance?”
You look around before crossing a small street
“Yeah, I guess?”
It’s probably as alone as you could be in the middle of town.
“Jeongin’s birthday’s coming up and we were wondering if you could help us with something.”
“Yeah, sure, anything.”
“Uh.. you might want to hold off on saying anything until you hear what I’m asking for”
“What? You gonna ask me to steal for him or something?”
You laugh
“Well, No.. he wants to try something...”
His voice trails off
“Something?” You push
“... are you familiar with the term ‘running a train’ ”
The way he says it mimicked ripping a bandaid off and it stops you dead in your tracks.
You’re completely thrown off and at first you thought you heard him wrong but he’s quick to confirm it again.
“Yeah.. you won’t have to do any real work, It’s just us all getting off together. You can lay back and relax and we’ll take good care of you.”
“Uh? All? Is this a joke?”
You notice an empty bench up ahead and move the conversation over there, dropping yourself on it haphazardly.
“It’s not.. I’m being serious” he laughs sheepishly
This isn’t something you ever thought would come up and a part of you is afraid to even think about this seriously.. but.. you are the type to want to try everything at least once. This could be your only chance for something like this and they’re probably the best option, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a bit interested. The more your mind paints a picture the more the little slut on your shoulder begs and without a second pause you agree.
“I’ll do it..”
“Really? Are you sure? If you want time to think about it let me know, I’d want you to be absolutely sure and okay with this.”
He sounds genuinely surprised
“I’m sure, I did say anything.”
Chan laughs and you have to bite you bottom lip to hold back the smile forming.
“Okay..” you can practically hear his smile “I’ll text you later about it.”
With that he hangs up and you let out the breathe you didn’t realize you were holding. You throw your head back and bring your hands up, brushing them over your hair. You feel dumbfounded and oddly excited with a million questions running through your mind. Was this a bad idea? Are you going to regret it? The relationship you have with them will definitely change.. without a doubt. They could of asked anyone else too? But why you? Are you even ready? All eight of them??????
The realization of what you’ve just done and are about to do hits you hard and you decide to abandon your original plans for the day and go back home to process this. You huff and jump off the bench, turning quick on your heels in the direction of your house.
Jeongin’s Birthday
Your minds been foggy for the last two days, a lot of alone time and a lot of texting Chan. He’d given you the details of how the night would go and washed away any worries you might of had. He even shared how they all (mainly the younger ones) argued over who was going after who which made you laugh and feel a lot more lighthearted towards the whole thing.
You threw on your favorite underwear set and some comfy clothes right over it. Since it’ll just be tossed to the side you don’t bother thinking too much on it and just check over yourself one last time in the mirror before you’re out the door to their place. 
Reminding yourself that
It’s for Jeongins birthday
Once you’re there, Chan’s the one to let you in greeting you with a warm hug. Behind him is Jisung and Hyunjin focused on a quiet conversation between themselves that they break only for a second to throw a wave your way. Chan points between the two, chuckling.
“They’re still not over the order.”
You smile and shake your head at their usual behavior. Chan then puts a hand on the small of your back and ushers you past them to one of the rooms. You’d been over plenty of times before so you’re familiar with the set up and feel pretty calm despite the promise of getting railed but multiple men tonight.
In the room you’re greeted by the rest of them all scattered around and hanging out like they normally do. Jeongin’s seated near a desk and he’s the first one you approach and pull into a hug.
“Happy 20th Birthday.” you coo in his ear
He thanks you with a giggle and tightens the hug. As you pull away your scent lingers and he realizes just how fond he is of you. His face is red and warm but you don’t notice since your attentions drawn to the door, Hyunjin and Jisung finally join the room looking content.
“We’ve decided”
“Okay then..” Chan gives a patronizing snort and then turns towards you with a warm smile
“Whenever you’re ready”
It all seemed to go by so fast from that
He waves to the bed, Felix and Changbin who had been laying on it get up and your feet automatically move towards it feeling all their eyes follow you. You crawl onto the bed and sit on your knees facing them. Chan said all you had to do to tell them you were ready was to get undressed. Your hands held the bottom of your shirt about to lift it. Tentatively, you give one last glance around the room before slipping off each and every item you had on and letting them fall to the floor next to the bed.
Once that last piece is off you hear a sharp inhale from Minho whose hooded eyes rake over your body. You feel awkward at first but having all their eyes on you, bare and waiting for them, satisfies some weird fantasy you weren’t aware of just yet.
Chans the first to make a move towards you, lightly pushing you to lean back on the bed. He hovers over you, one of his hands resting next to your head and the other grabbing your hand and snaking it under his shirt tracing them along his abs. His eyes are locked on yours and when your arousal becoming noticeable he backs up and strips off his clothes to his boxers.
Your eyes glaze over when you take in his body and the growing print on him. He watches you with a hungry expression and settles in between your legs. He licks his thumb and softly presses it to your clit earnings a low moan from you. He rubs slow circles until the confines of his boxers become unbearable and your mewls intensify.
He grabs at his waistband and frees himself in one move. With a few slow strokes down the length of his cock he’s lining himself up with you. You feel him against your folds warm and throbbing and you eagerly move towards him, shuddering when he slips all the way in.
“A-ahh” he gasps
He starts a steady pace, hands gripping at your thighs. Your expressions urge him on and he picks up the pace craving more of your body. You could already feel yourself ready to cum but hold back to enjoy the straight bliss as he slides against your walls. You squeeze around him and he groans in response dropping his hands from your thighs and letting them fall on either sides of your head, this position letting him reach deeper. He mutters endless praises of how glad he is that you said yes and how he wanted this just as much.
The stutter of his hips before he pulls out and cums right over your pussy is what sends you off the edge. You cover your face as each wave hits over and over. Sneaking a peak to the side through blurry eyes you watch Chan put himself away and breathlessly join the others on the wall. Each looking lust blown, hungry, and ready to pounce. You noticed a few palming themselves and shifting in their spots before you attention was stolen by Changbin.
He’s aggressive straight away biting at your exposed neck. You yelp once and then twice when you feel his fingers graze your still sensitive clit. He’s moving between your folds collecting your slickness and Chan’s cum. When he pulls away to coat his cock with it you look at him. He didn’t bother to undress all the way, just enough to let his frustration free. He lifts up his muscle tee slightly letting you catch a glimpse of his abs before he fills you up. He’s thicker than Chan and you feel every bit of the stretch.
“Go ahead make eye contact with them”
He growls, giving a cocky smirk and starting up at a rapid speed. Your head falling to the side involuntary and you catch a glimpse of all of them. You notice Jeongin first, still seated at the desk, bouncing his leg and gripping at his seat a little too tight. His face is fully red and you can hear slight pants coming from him.
When Changbin gives a particularly harsh stroke your attention shifts to Jisung seated on the floor next to the desk. He’s long discarded his clothes and has been jerking away at himself. You catch him stop abruptly and throw his head back, eyebrows furrowed and dick twitching as he clearly tries to hold himself back. Your highs already at its brink again when you lock eyes with Minho whose eyes are filled with the same devilish glare as before.
“Cum” he mouths and you do, probably the hardest you ever came but Changbin doesn’t let up. His hips rocking back and forth harder and harder. Your uncontrollable and overstimulated moans filling the room.
“Look at me”
He demands and you do as he says through now teary eyes. His eyes were as menacing as his strokes were and he give you two last deep pumps before spilling every drop in you.
“Good girl”
He backs out and with satisfaction watches your legs starting to shake. Hyunjin with his bottom lip between his teeth tags in next. He’s shirtless and his pants are tight. He immediately has his hands on your body sensually rubbing up and down your waist. You brace yourself thinking he’d immediately get to it and be just as aggressive but instead he chooses a softer approach.
“Are you feeling good?”
His silky voice asks as his hands stops just about your thighs giving you a light squeeze. You dazedly nod and he smiles.
“You’re doing so well for us.”
You only hum as he takes in your fucked out expression. He’s as playful as ever kneading at your thigh with one hand and unbuckling his self with the other. Once free he taps and slides against your hole collecting the cum leaking out of you and getting ready to push it back in.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“P-please” you purr and he easily glides in.
He’s longer but definitely thinner than the last two and choses a slower more rhythmic pace with you, which was nice and needed following Changbins aggressive assault. He slow fucks the cum into you savoring every pulse and grip of your walls over him. It takes a second for you to cum again this time in small bursts and Hyunjin exhales in approval, taking a small break after you ride your high all the way through to whisper praises and grip at your body.
When you move your hips down to signal him to keep going he meets it with a snap drawing moans from both of you simultaneously. This round his thrusts are more heated and feverish. You’re caught up in watching the way Hyunjins hair falls into his face to notice Jisung approach. Stroking himself over your chest.
“Mmm, wait for me.”
Hyunjin murmurs and Jisung just nods. You’re curious but your second high from him approaches too closely to get to question it. The coil threatens to snap and right as you’re about to let it Hyunjin pulls out prompting a whimper in protest. He strokes himself over you nodding at Jisung before painting your pussy in his hot seed. Jisung follows shortly after shuddering and spilling right over your chest.
Jisung then eagerly trades with Hyunjin his eyes glued to your cum covered body. He quickly aligns himself and slips in with a high whine. He falls on his hands and relentlessly thrusts into you fucking you like a rabid rabbit, the curve of him hitting all the right spots. He watches you bounce and moan under him with his bottom lip tightly bitten. The snugness of you and his already sensitive dick has him struggling to stay up and he doesn’t know how much longer he has before he busts again.
Luckily for you, he’s finishing off exactly where Hyunjin left off and you cum instantly squeezing around Jisung and milking him of his second orgasm in the process. Jisung practically falls to his knees and it takes every last bit of strength to pull away from you. At this point you’ve already lost count of how many times you’ve came and you’re just barely done with them. You start to relax into the bed breathing heavy and feeling fully spent when Minho comes up and taps on your thigh.
“Hopefully you’re not too tired to play with me”
He chuckles and passes a finger against your clit making you jolt. He collects the cum from you, bringing it up to his lips and licking it clean before closing your legs and roughly moving them to the side. He’s familiar with this kind of game and loves when they’re already this far gone when he gets to them. Easier to mold and easier to break. You’re clenching around nothing as he unbuckles and lines himself up. 
He pushes in all the way feeling pure ecstasy as you cry out. He hastily picks up the pace while pressing your thighs down together making you even tighter on him. You could feel him at the pit of your stomach making the joke of getting your guts rearranged seem all too real now.
This is overkill
Invades your mind when another orgasm hits you leaving your vision white. Minho takes this as his que to hit harder and quicker until your mouth is full of his name. It felt like hours of him relentlessly pounding into your overly sensitive cunt before he nuts in you with a grunt.
You feel so full and unable to move, molded into a true fuck doll for them at this point. Minho pulls out cleaning off his dick and uses you as a towel then leaves you without saying anything else. He pats Felix on the back before pushing him towards you. Felix looks star struck and you’re now needier than ever. Making it obvious by spreading your legs for him and rubbing at yourself with one hand, the other messing with the cum on your chest.
He whispers something inaudible and yanks off his clothes. Grabbing you by the waist to push you further up the bed so he could climb in right after. He’s clumsy and slips trying to find your hole and you have to guide him in.
His strokes are sloppy right away, either overly excited or new to this and it was barely hitting the right spots. You decide to help him out and grind back against him meeting each stroke. He stills automatically letting you take over, his face bright red and focused on where you and him meet. You move faster and mutter his name until you hit your peak.
“Y/N,” he gasps “C-can I cum on your face?”
Cloudy minded but still surprised by his dirty request you nod and he quickly moves to your side. His hands move fast up and down the length of his dick right over your face. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue bracing yourself for your reward. A slew of curse words leave his mouth before your face gets warm with his spunk.
You wipe the bit that covered your eyes so you could see again and popped that on your tongue keeping eye contact with Felix as you swallow, noticing the way he practically melts from it.
Begrudgingly, Felix gets up and Seungmin, whose been quiet this whole time, joins in his usual bright smile on his face.
“Poor baby,” He mocks “Tired, huh?”
You’re too incoherent to respond and he’s well aware of that. He laughs and massages your legs making sure you’re okay.
“Please” you beg
“What was that?”
All you could do is point at the tent in his pants and his eyebrows raise. He shrugs and starts to undress. He’s not one to hold back after all.
“You sure you can take this?”
He doesn’t even let you answer just buries his cock in you and waits. You grow frustrated thinking you were finally gonna get what you wanted just to be teased instead. You take matters into your own hand again and lift yourself up then slide back down onto him throwing your head back when he hits the spot. Seungmin shakes his head and lands a hand on your hip gripping you so you can’t move again.
He hums in an almost condescending way.
“Still needy? Or have you been fucked so dumb that this all you know now?”
He tilts his head as you whimper under him. All you seem to be able to do is pant in protest. You feel him twitch inside of you and your eyes squeeze shut at the slight friction from it.
“Can’t even answer.. tsk I think it’s obvious which one you are.”
He finally gives in and moves, slow and meticulously.
“You’re doing so well”
He pants
“And I thought I’d give you a second to catch your breath”
His thrusts get sharper and leave you gasping
“But if it’s not what you want...”
He speeds up
“..who am I to deny”
His fingers snake over to your clit and rubbing rough circles into it in time with the motion of his hips.
“So good”
Just like that you unravel with a loud groan
“Dummy.. couldn’t even wait for me?”
He laughs and pulls out a little too quickly leaving you with an feeling empty. He jerks off over your body drinking in the way you lay like a broken toy. It doesn’t take long for him to finish across your thighs and you thank him relentlessly.
He shakes his head
“No, no, baby”
“Thank you for letting us use your body like this”
In a blink, he’s gone and in his place was Jeongin with his pretty dick in hand.
“I wanna fuck their cum into you”
“So badly”
His voice is dripping in desire. He presses his red and angry tip to your folds collecting the cum and coating himself with as much of it as he can. Once he’s pleased he asks for the okay which you give him without hesitation. He bottoms out instantly digging his nails into your body at the same time. The urge to bust right then and there washes over him but he’s waited too long to be out already. He holds back for a few seconds till he adjusts before rutting into you. You hadn’t expected the level of precision that came from him and cry out as he fucks you raw.
Jeongin chokes out
He nods at you and Hyunjin without a second of doubt complies lightly shuffling over to where you lay. He leans over kissing you softly on the lips you lean in deepening it. When he pulls away you notice traces of cum left on his lips and he licks it away before winking at you and stepping back.
It takes a few more drags of his dick across you velvet walls for you both to cry out in one last orgasm. You could feel tears fall from your eyes and Jeongin’s quick to wipe them away. He then sits back on his knees with a sigh his now flaccid dick slipping out. He then topples over beside you followed by almost all of them who then coddle and whispering praises at you. 
Seungmin whose reaching for the door laughs.
“I’ll go grab a wash rag”
“And you know.. if you ever wanna do this again I, at least, wouldn't mind.” Jisung quips with a wink as he trails behind Seungmin with snacks in mind. You’re about ready to pass out but manage to laugh and shake your head over the hyper every day every situation demeanor Jisung carried.
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
14: “I’m screwed” shippy JMart :) 💚
Ehehe this one got away from me a little bit! But ask for shippy Jmart get a gushy mooshy Crow! Please enjoy! ; w ;
“I’m screwed…”
Martin watched helplessly through the slats of the yellowed blinds on Jon’s office window as his entire life went up in flames. He dimly recalled some trite old saying about seeing one’s life flash before one’s eyes before the moment of unceremonious besmirching from the cruel mortal coil, but for him it was more of a hysterical repeated rewinding of every single bumbling misstep that had orchestrated his imminent demise.
From the moment he decided he had just enough time before work to pop into the Tesco for the usual bouquet of flowers for his visit to his mother later in the day, to the snap decision to get the one made of tulips, bright crimson, orange, and yellow like a flame, rather than the usual white lilies, all the way up to entering the institute, Elias stuffing a file for Jon in his already laden arms, and then the chaos that had erupted as he attempted to deliver it, he lived it all over again. First there was something about the kettle being on the fritz, and obviously since he used it the most frequently, clearly he knew how to repair errant electronic kitchen devices. He was halfway through chastising Tim for false equivalencies in his logic when Sasha had breezed past and asked for a report he’d supposed to be finished with the day prior, and somewhere in the snarking with Tim and the flailing over his dereliction of duty the flowers had been abandoned on Jon’s desk and the file tucked under his arm instead.
By the time Martin realized he was missing something bulky and crinkly and fragrant it was too late. Jon was already in his office, tatty messenger bag still looped around his chest, forgotten, staring at the fiery bouquet on his desk with the scientific method scrolling visibly through his pupils as he regarded it like a corpse on an autopsy table, hand in a fist with his thumb pressed to his lips. Martin had never wished harder for some sort of horrific creature of the darkness to strike the institute again and just devour him whole this time to put him out of his misery.
“You’re what, mate?” Tim’s adjacent query only intensified that desire.
“Tim! SHUSH!” he squeaked, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and hauling him out of the line of sight from the office window.
“Easy there, big guy!” he laughed, “What’s all the hullabaloo?”
“I’m SCREWED. Big time,” Martin moaned, burying his face, which had been bright scarlet since the moment his hubris had roosted, into his hands, “See those flowers in there? I bought those for my usual trip to see my mum this afternoon but somehow between you being an idiot and me also being an idiot and forgetting to finish that report I sort of… left them there… by accident…”
Jon, meanwhile, had finally set his bag down and had circled his desk like a vulture. He reached out with delicate fingers like forceps and pinched the very edge of the card to inspect it, which, unfortunately, only added to the mystery with its coquettish blankness, as Martin had yet to fill it in. Tim watched, nonplussed.
“So? What’s the big deal about that? Just go explain it to him and I’m sure he… Oh. OH,” he cackled as realization dawned on him, “Yeah, nope you’re screwed.”
“Ahh, don’t sweat it. The man’s so thick I’m sure he thinks it’s just a prank or some continued spooky attempt on his life or something. The absolute last thing he would think would be that you of all people would…” Tim stopped himself in the withering blue glare blazing at him from behind round spectacles, “Anyway, again, this is Jon we’re talking about. He’ll just treat it like some weird cosmic mystery until he burns himself out on it or the next one shows up.”
“Y-Yeah but-“
“Just go explain! Unless you want to watch him wriggle about it like a fish on a hook all day. Which I am diametrically unopposed to, by the way, sounds absolutely hilarious.”
Martin winced, hating the idea of being the missing chunk of code that caused Jon’s brain to glitch for the remainder of the day, and sucked in a breath between his teeth.
“No, no you’re right,” he sighed, “Just… no flowers at my funeral if he kills me, okay?”
“Kate Bush songs only, got it, yep.”
Martin rolled his eyes, not dignifying that with a response, and shuffled on mechanical feet to the closed door of Jon’s office. He rapped lightly a few times before pushing his way in, smiling sheepishly at the head archivist who had clearly just unceremoniously flung himself in front of the mysterious bouquet to hide it from view.
“Martin!” he barked, “What in the hell are you-“
“Uh, just needed to talk to you for a second.”
He closed the door behind him
“Oh, uh… about wh-“
“About those, actually,” Martin confessed through his teeth, pointing, mortified, at the coy spray of flaming tulips peeking out from behind Jon’s hip.
He whipped around to look at them, then back to his assistant, then back to the flowers again, the blush that only ever seemed to find the tips of his ears glowing like two carmine rosebuds there.
That unreadable earthy brown gaze, somewhere between wilting regency heroine and venomous snake ready to strike with fangs bared, harpooned Martin directly to the heart.
“No! God no! S-Sorry!” he yelped, flailing his hands defensively in the air, “I-I mean they are mine, yes, b-but I-! Th-They’re for my mum! I-I try to visit her in her care home if I can on Fridays, and I always bring her some flowers! I was supposed to be dropping off a file for you, but then Tim was hounding me about the broken kettle and Sasha needed that damned report and I was all mixed up and I… I forgot them here. On your desk. Your desk of all places. I still have the file and um… T-Trade you? Hah…”
Jon’s finely sculpted brow shifted from pinched, to bemused, to a strange, sorrowful relief as Martin finished lamely in falsetto and he chuckled under his breath.
“Ah… right. Right! I thought for a second someone might have um…” he snorted breathlessly, “Hah, I knew that was a preposterous notion.”
The metaphysical harpoon still in Martin’s chest shattered in icy shards of anguish as his heart collapsed under the weight of itself.
“Wh- Jon, is it really that preposterous a notion someone might want to bring you flowers?” he asked, crushed.
Jon flourished a flippant, elegant hand.
“Come on Martin, this is me we’re talking about. I’ve never gotten flowers once in my life. I’m not the kind of person people think to buy flowers for. It’s not a big deal.”
“Well then let me be the first!” Martin insisted, his mouth and heart moving in tandem before his brain could stop them.
Jon’s brow creased again.
“What? Good lord no, I’m not going to take the flowers you bought for your mother. Who is also in a care home, mind.”
“I’d much rather give them to you.”
The skeptical expression marring Jon’s face did little to hide the blush flourishing at the tips of his ears again.
“Look. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Martin elaborated shyly, “Friends can send each other flowers. And honestly? My mum doesn’t even like them… no matter what kind I bring. They usually end up being for her nurse instead. So I… I think they’ll have a much better home with you.”
A tiny smile quirked the corner of Jon’s mouth, snipping an invisible thread that softened his entire face into something innocent and full of wonder.
“I see. If you’re sure, I suppose I could…”
“I’m very sure,” Martin replied without hesitation, “Just tell people an old friend sent them out of the blue, or you have a secret admirer or something!”
“Well I don’t know about all that, but-” Jon chuckled, smiling softly, “Thank you. Just the same.”
Martin looked up, just for a moment, and met Jon’s gaze, letting the piercing erudite wood of it lay bare his fluttering heart.
“You’re welcome…”
Jon shifted in the beat of ensuing silence, his eyes flicking away from sky blue radiance to shift his shoulders back into a professional square.
“You uh, said you had a file for me?”
“Oh! Yes! Right! I-I will go fetch that file for you indeed and uh-! Oh yeah! Make sure you snip off the ends of the stems a bit before you put them in water. Helps them last longer,” Martin offered, snapping out of his enchantment and already slinking backwards to the door, “Oh and also! When they start to go, I’ll show you how to press one in a book, so you can keep it, if you like!”
“I’d like that very much, actually.”
Martin smiled, nodded, and saluted awkwardly as he escaped Jon’s office and closed the door behind, leaving him in private to wait until he was sure no one would see. Once he was certain, he preciously gathered the tulips into his hands and brought them to his nose, breathing in the field bright scent of his very first bouquet from a secret admirer.
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ratmonky · 4 years
Out of Body Experience
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: semi-public
AO3 Link
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[You matched with Maru!]
[Send Maru a message!]
Maru: Hey.
(username): hiii!!
Maru: You look cute in your pictures on your profile.
(username): omg you think so?? i’m really happy!! i thought you had a rlly cool bio,,, i guess i did the right choice to like your bio
Maru: Thanks. I was surprised to get a notification that we matched. You’re way out of my league.
(username): don’t say that maruuu~ i bet you look handsome irl
Maru: I don’t.
(username): hmm, wanna prove it?? >.<
Maru: I don’t know.
(username): don’t be shy!! ur bio said you lived in kyoto, wanna meet up this saturday?
Maru: You’ll be disappointed.
(username): i promise i won’t!!! i like meeting new ppl!!! besides if we didn’t click we can still be friends?? i feel like you and i will be close no matter what!!
Maru: Are you sure? We just met.
(username): yep!!! come ooooonnnnn it’ll be fun to hang out!!
Maru: Fine.
(username): yay!!! let’s meet in front of the train station!! ahh i’m so excitedddd i can’t waittt TwT
Maru: Me too.
(username): <3
[Maru: <3………….. (send)]
Kokichi paused and deleted the message.
Maru: See you.
Kokichi’s first impression of you was that you were naive and careless. You wanted to meet up with him without any hesitation, what if he was someone who could harm you?
He stared at his screen and at your pictures.
You were gorgeous, he had never seen someone as pretty as you. On top of all that you wanted to meet him.
It made him feel special, wanted even.
When a notification sound filled his ears, Kokichi immediately checked if it was from you.
(username): maruuuuu!!!! i missed u  ))):
He stared at the message and read it three times but didn’t quite understand why you would miss him.
Maru: What?
(username): i thought you’d text me but u didn’t,,, i couldn’t sleep cuz i was thinking about u
Maru: I didn’t think you wanted me to text you.
(username): )):
Maru: ?
(username): )))):
Maru: (:
(username): (((((:
Maru: You’re childish aren’t you?
(username): what about it q;
Maru: Nothing. How old are you anyway?
(username): old enough to drinkkkk!!!
Maru: Me too. Which Jujutsu college are you going to?
(username): ohh, hehe… i dropped out cuz it wasn’t my thing
Maru: That’s irresponsible. Did you drop because you couldn’t keep up with your curse classes or was it for some other reason?
(username): maruuuu stop talking about jujutsu with meee!!!
Maru: Then what should we talk about?
(username): about our date >.<
Maru: Date?
(username): did u forget already )):
Maru: Forget what?
(username): our date on saturday )):
Maru: That’s a date?
(username): TwT ur making me sad maru
Maru: I don’t understand it, we just said we’d meet up.
(username): this is a dating website for ppl like us ///:
Maru: You want to date me?
(username): idk anymore,,, seems like ur a heartbreaker and i feel like u don’t feel a connection between us as i do
Maru: Wait! Don’t jump to conclusions all by yourself! You don’t even know what I look like, how can you be so sure that you want to date me?
(username): i mean,,, we matched for a reason,,, i liked ur bio and wanted to get to know u better is that bad??
Maru: No. No, it isn’t. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm new to this sort of stuff.
(username): apology accepted!!!! ahhhh ur so cute,,, i can’t wait to meet u
Maru: Same here.
His classmates knew something was up. Robotic demeanor was gone and instead, it was actually a part of himself as Kokichi that was showing through.
“Mechamaru looks happy nowadays,” Kamo noted.
“It’s relieving that he shows us a softer side of himself,” Miwa added. “Makes me feel happy for him.”
“I wonder what caused him to become this way.” Kamo was talking to himself but Todo took it upon himself to answer.
“He has finally found himself a Takada-chan.” Todo grinned. “Reminds me, I never asked him what his type of woman is.”
There was a moment of silence before Todo walked out into the campus garden to make his way towards Mechamaru.
Mechamaru didn’t notice his presence as he was watering the flowers.
“Todo. Did you need something?”
“What’s your type of woman?”
Caught off guard, Mechamaru dropped the watering can. “I… I think someone who’s kind and cheerful.” Someone who’s submissive.
“Like I guessed.” Todo held his chin between the knuckle of his forefinger and thumb as he hummed thoughtfully. “You’re as lifeless as your puppet.”
What did that suppose to mean?
Kokichi was just telling the truth.
Days passed until Friday came.
Kokichi talked to you almost every day and whenever he could. He seemed to enjoy your company more than he thought he would when the two of you first matched.
He woke up to your messages and went to sleep only after he texted you goodnight.
Today, he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his ribcage, he could hear his own pulse when it got too quiet and it was dead silent in his hideout… as always.
All he could think about was your date tomorrow. He had made sure to dress up Mechamaru nicely for the occasion and checked the weather report thrice so the date wouldn’t be ruined because of anything out of his control.
There was still something that made him extremely anxious. What if you didn’t like him? What if everything went terribly and you blocked his number?
He needed something to distract him from these negative thoughts.
Maru: Hey.
(username): maruuuu!!!! what r u doin??
Maru: Going to sleep soon, I think.
(username): without me (;
Maru: Never.
(username): i’m blushing
Maru: How are you?
(username): fine, i'm doing skincare tonight to get ready for our date!!
Maru: About that...
(username): ....
(username): are you going to cancel our date?
Maru: No! I’m just anxious about it.
(username): good cuz i’d block u
Maru: I don’t think you would.
(username): you don’t know me
Maru: Because you never told me about yourself.
(username): ^-^; haha yeah,,, so,,, what would you like to know?
Maru: Everything.
Without even noticing the passing time, Kokichi chatted with you until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
He learned everything about you. From the earliest memory, you could recall about your first interaction with a cursed spirit to your latest obsession with an online game about cute animals.
His eyelids were getting heavier, he texted you goodnight and how he was excited to meet you tomorrow.
When he closed his eyes, this time he managed to fall asleep.
You pressed your phone to your chest and kicked at your sheets. The excitement was eating you up, the butterflies in your stomach wouldn’t calm down either. All because of someone you met online a couple of days ago.
It wasn’t something new to you to meet up with people you met online but this felt a lot different.
Previous times, you had used different dating apps or social media websites to make friends but this was the first time you had used a dating website specifically for people who knew the existence of curses.
Jujutsu sorcerers often found it hard to find someone they could click with because of their field of work but this website had risen up to popularity from day one. Your old classmates from your jujutsu college wouldn’t shut up about it so you gave it a go after their insisting.
Maru was one of the first people you matched with on the website. In his profile, he had written about how he wanted to find someone he could be himself with and date them.
That’s why tomorrow, you had to be on your best behavior so he could be himself around you.
You were twenty minutes early.
It wasn’t your intention to arrive this early but whether it be the excitement to meet up with Maru or not wanting to make him wait if your train was late-
Wait, those were all connected.
Letting out a sigh, you checked your phone. Yep, still twenty minutes. Once you put it back in your purse, your eyes scouted around the station. There weren’t any empty spaces for you to sit so you were standing by a meeting point next to the maps, hoping Maru would see you.
Although you didn’t know what he looked like, you had put effort into how you looked today so you could impress him. Deep inside, you hoped he would take notice of your appearance and compliment you but some men were just too dense.
From the way he had started texting you, he gave you the impression that he was one of those stoic and dense men but as you started to get to know him better, he turned out to be quite a friendly person. Very talkative and caring.
You pressed a hand on your cheek, you were burning up. Geez, were you really blushing this much because of him?
When you told your friends about this date, they had told you not to have too many expectations about Maru. They believed you were being catfished but it wasn’t possible, you didn’t want to meet him because of his appearance after all.
“Um, excuse me-”
Startled, you lifted your head to stare at a… robot?
You stepped away from its way, thinking that you were standing in front of its charging station or something. How long had it been since you had gone out? Had robots already taken over? Or was this one of those public pranks?
The robot was staring at you even after you moved away.
You lifted your gaze and looked at the robot with wide eyes. “M-M-Maru?”
It nodded, “Mechamaru.”
No, it wasn’t a robot. You could sense cursed energy oozing from it. More like a cursed doll. Nevertheless, you were speechless.
There was a long pause before you spoke. “Ah, I...” You looked around as if you were searching for an exit and anxiously clutching on your purse.
Great, you were going to make up an excuse and go away. Just like he thought you would.
“I thought I was going to meet you, not a puppet.”
“I’m here,” he said, static sizzling noise coming from him was like nails on a chalkboard. “I just can’t be physically here because of my condition.”
“You could’ve told me about it first… ahh, sorry.” You sounded more annoyed than you would have liked but quickly covered it up by bowing your head to greet him. “Nevermind, I’m (name).”
“Are we going to use real names?”
“Well, I’m not gonna call you Megaman.” There was a smile.
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. After a short silence, he added, “Kokichi.”
“Nice to meet you Kokichi, I hope we can get along well.” You bowed yet again.
“Why are you being so formal?”
“It’s cuz…” You pointed at him.
“Well…” You used both hands to gesture his whole body.
“If you say it’s because I’m a robot or anything similar to that, I’ll go home.” He sounded serious, or maybe it was because of the static.
You pouted and leaned forward on your tiptoes, “If I can’t even joke around then I’ll go home.”
“I thought you were looking forward to our date.” When you blushed at his words he spoke again. “You look cuter than your pictures.”
“Ahh, you really think so?” You started walking and he followed after you.
“I do.” He was keeping a large space between the two of you, whenever you tried to walk closer to him, he would move away but now when you were caught in the station with the crowd who were going home after work hours, you had to stay close to him.
You were being pushed against Kokichi thanks to the crowd trying to walk out of the station and he didn’t complain about it. Kokichi didn’t look at you, he thought about the things he read on the internet instead.
‘If you want your date to consider you as manly, you have to invest yourself to talk to her.’
“Your dress looks cute.” Kokichi came up with ‘the compliment her outfit’ route, he had seen men flirt before, he could do it too.
He stared down for a moment to see your reaction.
You smiled brighter than the sun, you played with your hair to give him a playful answer. “Thank you, I wore this just for our date.” Your eyes shined with small sparkles in them. “I really like your collar.” You pointed at his face, not too close, hesitant to invade his personal space. I’m here with his puppet not him, you reminded yourself.
When the two of you finally exited the station, you walked alongside him.
“Where to?” He nonchalantly asked while you were looking around the streets.
“What about karaoke?” You gave him an inviting smile, “It’d be fun.”
“Whatever you say.” He wasn’t sure which way you were taking. There was the main street and Kyoto's red-light district, of course, he knew you wouldn’t be going there. “Which street are we going for?”
You pointed to your right, “The main street, there is a karaoke place I know.” Your smile altered when you noticed how this time when you walked together to cross the street, it was close, your shoulder touched his fake biceps.
“I’m not good at singing for obvious reasons.” Back in his bathtub, Kokichi said it in a joking manner but thanks to the cursed puppet, it sounded a lot as if he was annoyed about the idea of going into karaoke. He bit his tongue and cringed, waiting for your reaction.
“You can still try, can’t you?” You gave him the best puppy eyes you could. “For me?”
Kokichi blushed but you weren’t able to see it through Mechamaru. “Y-yeah.”
“Oh, I didn’t know robots could stutter.”
“I didn’t stutter and I’m not a robot. This is a cursed puppet and sometimes the commands I give are interrupted, that’s why I-”
“You’re so easy to tease just as I guessed!”
Kokichi covered his mouth with his hand, watching you giggle at him through his screen.
“Here it is.” Pointing at a sign, you grabbed his arm and dragged him with you.
While you were showing him the prices, he was busy staring down at your shirt. He could… he could see your cleavage.
“The menu says they serve alcohol at this hour! Ahh, the prices are cheaper than the last time too! We can share the tab-” You stopped yourself from talking. Silence brought him out of his trance. “Oops, sorry. You can’t eat or drink through Megaman, right?”
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. “No, I can’t… But it’s on me anyway.”
“You’ll pay?” Your eyes sparkled brighter than the stars. Your pouting lips and hand on his chest didn’t help.
Kokichi looked away, blushing. “Y-yeah.”
“Y-you’re the best!” Mocking his stuttering, you offered him a cute smile. Then you went on to drag him inside while telling him about how this place was the best karaoke place in Kyoto because they served desserts and your favorite cocktail. All the while renting a room for the two of you.
“Would you like to share with others?” The employee asked.
“No.” Your answer was instantaneous.
Behind the register, the employee stared at Kokichi and down at you. It was easy to tell he thought the two of you were a mismatch. “Your room is to the left, you can order through the smart tablet. Have fun.”
“Thanks,” you said before walking past the register. When Kokichi caught up with you, you turned around. “Did you see the way he stared? So lame!”
“Well, anyone would have stared if they saw a pretty girl next to a robot.”
“So, you’re accepting you’re a robot?” You grinned, opening the door to the private room.
“That’s not what I meant!” He didn’t know what he was expecting. From the way you texted, he should have known you were this childish and unable to have a serious conversation.
“Nothing.” He closed the door behind him as you were ordering as many drinks as you could. Once he noticed you were about to order the entire menu, he barely managed to stop you by taking the smart tablet away from your hands. “Hey, I’m not rich!”
“It’s cheap, trust me!” You pouted your lips again, reaching for the smart tablet he was holding above your head.
His stare found the menu and froze. It was cheaper than he had thought like you said. He had never been somewhere like this, nobody could blame him for it.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice,” he said as he handed the device back to you.
“I was showing you the menu earlier, you weren’t listening, were you?” Your smile widened, eyes squinting knowingly.
“I was listening! You’re talking way too much, I can’t keep up!”
You crossed your legs, continuing to add stuff to your order.
It got quiet.
Realizing what he had said was rude, he apologized.
“It doesn’t sound genuine.”
“It’s because I’m talking through a puppet.”
You weren’t looking at him. Putting the tablet aside, you leaned back on the soft cushions. The mood had changed. When you weren’t talking, it was too quiet.
Decidedly, he walked over to the karaoke machine and grabbed two microphones. He sat next to you, placing one of the microphones next to you as he reached for the tablet.
There were way too many songs in the system and he knew none of them.
Scrolling further, he found Takada-chan’s songs.
“You like Takada-chan?” you asked, noticing how he had stopped scrolling.
“No,” he replied. “My friend-” Was he really his friend? “My friend likes her, he won’t stop talking about her and all.”
“I like her,” you said. “I’ve been to her meet and greets many times but they’re always ruined by some buff dude who has the most tickets. He’s always at the events, kinda creepy but seems like he supports her. He once beat up some guy who insulted her.”
Kokichi didn’t say anything. He didn’t want that guy to be the icebreaker on his date.
“Creepy,” he uttered before putting the tablet on your lap. “You should sing, I don’t know any of these songs.”
“None of them?” You raised a brow.
“You’re so boring,” you murmured, clicking on the first song you saw.
The loud music filled the room and his hideout. You tapped on the microphone, “Check, one, two. Kokichi is sooooo boring!”
Your laughter was the next thing that filled his hideout. He chuckled but it came out as a static noise through Mechamaru.
While you were singing, the same employee came with two trays full of drinks and snacks, he left them on the table before leaving immediately. None of you paid any mind as you were changing the lyrics to tease Kokichi.
“Are those really the lyrics?” he asked.
Another giggle.
Too cute.
Very cute.
He watched you stop singing for a brief moment to chug down your third drink. Your cheeks were flushed red from the booze and your neck was sweaty, you kept fanning your hand towards your face.
His gaze focused on a particular sweat droplet on your neck and idly watched as it drizzled down to your cleavage before disappearing under the fabric of your dress.
Kokichi tried focusing on something else but he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from you. Every single thing you did was seductive. When you bit onto a small rice cake or the way your lips closed around the straw of your drink and how your cheeks hollowed when you tried sucking the last bits of your cocktail in your mouth.
The last drop had to be when you grabbed an ice cube from your drink and held it over the skin of your chest.
His hand pressed on his lower half. He was thankful he wasn’t physically there or he would have been labeled as a pervert. Under the soothing medical liquid, he had a problem you didn’t need to see.
You weren’t singing anymore but the music was playing nonetheless to suppress the silence as Kokichi was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Heyyy, Kokichi~” you slurred, sitting closer to him. “You’re being too quiet!”
Taken aback, he spoke. “I’m not sure what to say?”
“Just talk…” you whined, putting a hand on his knee.
Oh, how he wished he could feel the warmth of your hand.
“Or better… Sing!” You held a microphone up to his face.
“I can’t sing,” he reminded.
“You said, you’d sing for meee~”
He blushed, taking the microphone from your hand. “I don’t know the lyrics.”
“It’s on the screen.”
Yes, the lyrics were on the screen.
He felt embarrassed, this was stupid. He wasn’t even actually in the room with you but he felt so nervous. His actual hands were shaking as he gulped.
When he started singing, you started laughing.
The static made it sound like he was an actual robot. Yet, Kokichi didn’t stop despite how tone-deaf his voice was coming through Mechamaru. He wanted to make sure you were having fun but the music stopped.
Both of you stared at the notification on the tablet, asking if you wanted to add another hour to your stay.
Had it already been an hour? Time was going fast when you two were having fun.
You looked at Kokichi.
He pressed to accept.
The music continued playing.
This time, Kokichi didn’t sing. The two of you started chatting about everything and anything until there was a lull in the conversation.
“Lemme see your hand,” you said, reaching your own towards him. He slowly placed his hand on your open one and you compared the size. “Wow, your hand is hugee, is your real hand this big?”
Funny, if not absurd. You were on a date with a puppet but you were getting turned on.
“It's the same size as my own hand.” His gaze dropped to his actual body. “At least one of them.”
“Can you feel that?” You intertwined your fingers with his.
“No.” He wasn’t looking and he didn’t need to look. The depressing realization that he was always going to watch people behind a screen and in this damn bathtub was starting to sink in once again.
“Can you feel this?” You were giggling.
“I told you, I can’t feel-” His breathing stopped at the sight of you pressing his hand on your breast.
“I wanna meet you, Kokichi~” Smiling enticingly, you sat closer to him. “It’s no fun when I can’t see if you’re blushing right now.” Your hand over his hand moved on your breast, the supple flesh jiggled under the front of your dress. “Are you blushing right now?”
“I am.” His answer was instant.
“You know,” you started, putting your free hand on his thigh and lifting your leg up on the cushion to face him. “I got all dressed up ‘cause I wanted you to lose your composure. You sounded so uptight and stoic. I wanted to see you lose it.” Tilting your head, you puckered your lips. “But you didn’t even come to our date.”
“I did.”
“Megaman did.”
“I wanted Kokichi to come.” You pulled his hand away from your breast and led it down to your stomach and even lower. “I wish you were here so you could feel how wet I am.”
“(name),” he said. “I can’t feel my fingers through Mechamaru.”
“Mm?” You placed his hand under the skirt of your dress. “But I can feel them.”
Kokichi’s actual hand started shaking in excitement as Mechamaru’s fingers brushed against your panties.
“Can’t I meet you?” Your voice was faint compared to the music but he heard it. “I wanna meet you.”
“You’ll be disappointed, I don’t look… normal.”
“You don’t look normal right now either.” Biting your lip, you moved against his hand. A soft gasp left your lips. “Yet, I’m so turned on right now.”
There were a thousand different thoughts invading his mind but Kokichi felt like he was hypnotized by your hips.
“Kokichiii, move your fingers,” you whined softly, your eyes hazy with lust.
“I need to see them,” he said. Back in his room, his own hand was pressing down on his growing erection. “Or I may move them wrong.”
“Pervert~” you teased, lifting the skirt of your dress up.
He didn’t say anything, instead focused his attention on your soaked panties. How long had you been this wet? From the moment you two rented the room or-
“Kokichi.” Your needy voice brought him out of his dirty thoughts. “You don’t have a cock under your pants, do you?” Your hand pressed against Mechamaru’s groin.
For the first time in his life, Kokichi felt his entire body jolt. Your vulgar way of asking was enough to get him rock hard. “No-”
“What a waste.” Sulking, you retrieved your hand. “But are you hard right now?”
“I… I am.”
A dangerous glint sparkled through your eyes. “If only you were here… I’d make you feel sooo good.”
Mechamaru’s fingers pressed against your clothed folds before moving along them. A soft moan left your lips and you balanced yourself on your hands.
“I look like a freak-”
“You keep saying that.” Your hips moved against his hand. “As if that matters to me.”
Mechamaru slid your panties to the side and spread your folds with two of his fingers, he carefully watched as wet strands connecting them together broke apart. Kokichi’s own hand was pumping his cock.
“What are you doing right now, Kokichi?”
“I’m putting a finger inside.” He inserted one of his fingers inside you.
“No, what are you really doing?” You bit your lip.
“I’m… I’m jerking off.”
Satisfied with his answer, you crossed a leg over his to settle on his lap with your back against his chest. Spreading your legs wider, you allowed him a better view of your wet pussy. Mechamaru’s digits slid inside as Kokichi moved his hand along the length of his cock.
Mechamaru’s other hand went to cup your breast over your shirt, making a moan escape your lips.
His fingers were reaching deeper than your own fingers ever could. The digits moved in a scissoring motion and curled against your gummy walls, pressing against the spot that made your vision blurry.
“Kokichi,” gasping, you squirmed on his lap, your back arched when his thumb grazed over your clit. “I wanna kiss you so bad.”
Kokichi’s hand tightened around the tip of his cock, he pulled the sensitive skin down to expose the pink tip and massaged it using his thumb. When his hand started moving along his cock again, the device helping him talk through Mechamaru picked up the clicking sound rather than the medical fluid splashing.
You moaned at the realization of what you were hearing.
The feeling of the metallic firm fingers stroking your clit made your hips buck against his hand. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, panting, you pressed your thighs together.
Mechamaru’s hand on your chest moved down on your thigh to hold you in place as his fingers inside your pussy started to vibrate. The sudden pleasure made you scream but the loud music concealed it.
Kokichi couldn’t breathe normally, his pulse had gone haywire as his hand was moving hastily around his cock while Mechamaru’s digits were messing you up.
“S-s-s-stop!” Your voice broke into a moan.
“Do you really want me to stop?” He barely managed to ask, his hand wouldn’t stop.
You shook your head rapidly, biting your lip.
Your walls clenched around the digits, sucking them in deeper. Kokichi’s own hand was moving faster than his heartbeat. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his shoulders tensed.
He was close.
From the way you were shaking, he could say the same thing for you.
So, when Mechamaru pushed his digits further inside, the vibration got stronger and stronger until your legs shook. The pleasure that was building in your gut suddenly got released, shaking you to your core.
Kokichi followed suit, his cock spurted thick clumps of cum and they landed on his stomach, his bandages absorbed his seed.
By the time he caught his breath, he realized you were still on his lap.
Mechamaru had gone limp as he had gotten distracted because of his orgasm. He revived the cursed doll while you were trying to fix your dress.
You wanted to say something but you couldn’t find something to say.
To your rescue, the music stopped.
The tablet had the same notification from before. Informing you that the second hour had ended and if you wanted to rent the room for one more hour.
Kokichi leaned forward and pressed on the tablet to end the session.
“We’re leaving already?” you pouted your lips.
“You said you wanted to meet me.”
Kokichi watched as the brightest smile he had ever seen formed on your face.
After he paid the tab the two of you exited the building as he held you up with one hand because your legs weren’t functioning properly.
“The employee behind the register noticed your wobbly legs,” Kokichi said.
“You think so?” you whispered, cheeks and ears colored in bright red.
“He was looking, so, yes.”
“You kinda went overboard by using Megaman’s vibrator hands.” Your giggle filled his ears and he smiled to himself.
“It’s Mechamaru.”
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evafrechette · 3 years
It’s a Match
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↠ yoongi x jimin | smut | hookup au | 18+ | 3.4K
↠ Summary: Loneliness can make you do questionable things. Like signing up to a dating app to suck the cock of a stranger.
↠ Warnings: deep throating, public blowjobs, cum sharing, kind of a social media au - but not, drunk Yoongi, flirting, masturbation, gagging.
Yoongi never thought he'd be desperate enough to download the app on his phone, but here he was at 11:37 on a Friday night, finger hovering over the install button.
"Ahhh fuck it.."
He clicked and watched as the app downloaded and installed on his phone. He never thought it would get to this point. He'd been single for years. Preferring his own company, he never found it necessary to date. People annoyed him, too loud, too intrusive, too manipulative. So he remained alone. But 4 years is a long time to be on your own and he was starting to grow tired of his own hand. Plus he'd watched evey fucking video there was on his favourite porn site a year ago. That should have been the sign he needed to get laid, but his dumb ass wallowed in misery for another 12 months and that's why he's here now, creating a profile in the hopes of getting fucked this weekend.
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A frown formed on Yoongi's face, he had been scrolling through profiles for the last 30 minutes and hadn't matched with anyone. He knew it was because he was being incredibly picky, swiping left on nearly every single profile he'd come across. He wasn't gonna get his dick sucked carrying on like this. He swiped left on a profile of a man in his 40s - already starting to bald, arms wrapped around a girl half his age - when his eyes landed upon the profile of a young man.
Yoongi was intrigued. The man had the prettiest face Yoongi had ever seen, beautiful plush lips pulled into a seductive smile, with his blond bangs hanging over his eyes. Yoongi clicked to view the profile in full, Jimin - the beautiful man's name was Jimin. He used emojis in his profile, which made Yoongi let out a frustrated groan. He hated emojis, too childish. He continued to read the profile and decided that the two of them were too different and even though the man was beautiful he would swipe left, like he had been all night. Maybe it was an accident or maybe Yoongi's subconscious wanted those plush lips around his cock, because instead of swiping left he swiped right.
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He put the phone down and got up to make a drink. He shouldn't have a coffee this late, but apparently he was living recklessly tonight. With the steaming hot drink in his hand he climbed back onto his bed. He took a sip of the dark hot liquid when he heard the ding of a notification. He cautiously leaned over and grabbed the phone, swiping away his lock screen. He could see that he had been notified of a match, so he quickly opened the app, curious as to which one of the very small pool of men he'd swiped right on that would like him back. Yoongi could feel his cheeks starting to heat up. He didn't expect to match with the blond with the lips to die for. Not only that, but the man had messaged him too.
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Yoongi couldn't tell him the truth, he WAS going to swipe left, what the fuck happened with that anyway.
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Yoongi choked on his coffee, Jimin looked like an angel, but an angel wouldn't talk that way. How the hell does he respond to that? Does he even want to respond to that? He placed his coffee on the side table and dragged his hand through his hair. If he didn't take this opportunity his blue balls would actually kill him. Well fuck, his response just made him sound like the world's most pathetic asshole.
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Yoongi checked the time, it was quite early in the morning now. The coffee had helped wake him up, but the prospect of meeting with the cute man had him feeling even more awake than what was humanly possible. The two of them talked for the next few hours. Sharing stories of their worst dates, childhood pets, who was more powerful Superman or Ironman and their favourite songs. Yoongi finally said goodnight and put his phone on the charger. They had agreed to met at Jimin's favourite bar the 'Hit List' at 8pm that night. Seventeen hours for Yoongi to work himself up into a worried hot ass mess. Fucking great. And yet as he stared up at the ceiling a small smile broke out on his face.
Yoongi spent his Saturday doing everything he possibly could to distract himself from his date that evening. Was it a date? Do you call meeting some random off the internet to possibly fuck a date? He was too old for this shit. He rearranged his vinyl collection, read a decent chunk of his new book and practiced a few new songs on his guitar. Once the sky had turned a beautiful shade of orange and pink Yoongi knew he had to stop stalling and get his ass ready. He took an extra long shower, debating on whether to do some manscaping (since all the young kids do it these days) before deciding not to. He liked his bush, and if pretty boy wasn't a fan well tough shit for him.
He teamed his black and white shirt with a pair of black jeans ripped at the knee, a leather jacket and finished it off with a few pieces of jewellery. With one last look in the mirror Yoongi slid his phone and wallet into the pocket of his jeans and left his apartment. Just as he stepped into the lift his phone pinged. It was a message from Jimin.
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Jimin is sitting at the bar when Yoongi arrives. He's deep in conversation with the bartender, so Yoongi stands by the entrance awkwardly looking around. It's a nice place, very quiet and intimate. It's dark, a few low hanging lights scattered around and tealight candles sitting in a whisky glass on each table. To his right is a large floor to ceiling window, surrounded by a mix match of old leather chairs. There is a faint smell of smoke in the air. Oddly this smell starts to calm Yoongi down, it reminds him of his grandfather. Okay, now he's nervous again. Thinking of his grandfather at a time like this?
"I'm a fucking mess." he mutters to himself as he walks over to the bar.
"Uhh sorry to interrupt, Jimin right?"
The blond turns his head and smiles, he is really more beautiful in real life Yoongi thinks to himself. He's wearing a black shirt with one too many buttons undone, his hair parted in the middle falling gracefully to each side framing his angelic looking face.
"Mmm that's right and you are?"
Um what?! Fuck, Yoongi knew he made a mistake by coming here. Ahh fuck, why did he have to make that stupid profile? He loved Amateur Bareback 3-Way #2, he could have easily watched it 100 more times.
"Relax cutie, I'm just playing, you should have seen your face," a giggle escaped from Jimin's lips. "Nice to meet you Yoongi." he stood up and extended his hand out to shake. Yoongi quickly wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans and returned the handshake. Jimin's hand was engulfed in Yoongi's. He looked down and couldn't help but smile at the scene. Jimin's hands were so petite compared to his. It was a rather lovely sight.
"Order yourself a drink and we'll go sit over there." he pointed to the leather chairs Yoongi has been eyeing up earlier. He ordered an Irish Mule for himself and a Negroni for Jimin. He carried the drinks to the table, while Jimin followed closely behind. A little too close Yoongi thought. He could smell his perfume starting to mix with the smoke smell. It was a delicious combination.
The first half an hour was straight up torture for Yoongi. Even though the two of them had spent the night messaging each other it was different once he was sitting face to face with the most stunning man in all of Seoul. Yoongi avoided eye contact, mumbled and laughed dryly at Jimin's jokes. He was well and truly fucking this entire thing up.
Jimin huffed "You don't have to stick around you know, you can leave whenever you want."
Yep. He had fucked this up.
"Uhh it's not that," Yoongi starts to bite at his thumb nail "Jimin, I'm terrible at this. People stress me the fuck out, I haven't been laid in four years, I don't like leaving my apartment, you are lovely, fantastic even and that's making me even more nervous."
Jimin played with the hoop in his ear while looking directly at Yoongi, he tilted his head to the side "How can I help you relax? I thought we clicked last night?"
They did
"I'm sorry I make you nervous, I can't help it that I'm so cute." Yoongi finally looked into Jimin's eyes and they burst into laughter.
"It's not your fault. Fuck it, I need another drink . . or five that will help." he rolled his eyes before waking back to the bar.
With a few more drinks in him Yoongi was relaxed, he could feel the whiskey warming up his body. The heat in his stomach though, he was sure that was because of the attractive man sitting in front of him. The discomfort had finally vanished and instead a mellowness had fallen over the two.
"I've always liked older men." Jimin purred, his delicate small fingers, adorned with multiple silver rings, brushing against the now half empty glass.
"Aiisshh I'm only two years older than you!" Yoongi huffed, folding his arms across his chest.
"Yeah, but you act like you're nearly 60.” Jimin let out a hearty laugh, his eyes turning into crescents, cheeks plump and slightly pink. He slapped the table causing their glasses to shake. Yoongi quickly grabbed his to prevent it from spilling.
"It's not that funny." he didn't want to admit it, but the blond's laugh was hypnotic, he could watch Jimin laugh for hours and never tire of it.
Jimin straightened up, fingers now tracing the rim of the glass "I bet you don't fuck like an old man though."
Yoongi gulped and looked directly into Jimin's brown eyes, gone was the playful light, it was now replaced with desperate firey lust. He knew what the outcome of this date could be, and yet he was still nervous. He could feel his heart starting to race, his breath becoming faster. "Aaahh shit" Yoongi thought to himself as his left hand started to twitch, the blond's smell - a mix of orange blossom and patchouli was becoming overwhelming, he needed to calm down, he'd cum within seconds if he didn't get his shit under control.
"Heh, well I guess you'll find out later huh?"
Jimin reached over and ran his soft fingers over Yoongi's hand, playing with the bracelets that sat around his wrist.
"Why don't I find out now?"
Yoongi's friends love roasting him for his personality change when drunk. All of a sudden the quiet reserved man becomes giggly and loud. Cracking terrible jokes and singing at the top of his lungs. Sober Yoongi would never dare dream of taking a stranger to the bathroom to jerk off. Drunk Yoongi though? Try to stop him.
"Mmm Jiminshi are you sure?”
Jimin giggled at this "You are SO cute" he continued to draw his fingers over Yoongis hands "Of course I'm sure, do you wanna go back to mine? Or we could go to yours if you're more comfortable with that..."
Without thinking Yoongi stood, grabbed the blonds arm and pulled him up. They walked towards the exit, but before descending the stairs they took a left and made their way into the restroom. Once inside Yoongi pushed Jimin against the door and started kissing at his neck. "Fuck! Jimin, there is no way in hell I can wait to get back to my place, I need to feel you now." Yoongi whispered between kisses.
Yoongi leaned down and kissed his exposed chest, thank fuck Jimin had left those top buttons open. They had been torturing Yoongi all night long, but now he was thankful for it. Jimin's skin was so soft and it faintly smelled like cherry blossom lotion but he wanted more. He was desperate for more. Jimin ran his hands through Yoongi's hair and grabbed hard. Small moans escaped his lips, which drew Yoongi even crazier. He undid the buttons on his shirt and stood back. Jimin had the body of a god. Perfectly sculptured, with beautiful brown nipples begging to be sucked on. Who was Yoongi to deny god his wish?
Jimin let out a squeak when Yoongi ran his tongue over his nipples, hungrily licking and sucking at them. His right hand found it's way to the bulge in Jimin's pants and he pressed his palm down onto it. Jimin was now starting to get louder which made Yoongi smirk, he lightly nipped on Jimin's nipple before standing up and leaning in to sloppily kiss Jimin on those perfect, perfect lips, the taste of spice and bitterness still lingering.
"Uuuhhh Hyung, please touch me."
"That's what I'm doing Jimin."
"No you asshole, I want to feel you properly, get my fucking dick out." Yoongi stopped and looked at Jimin, slightly taken back by the tone of his voice. But he just smiled back - a wicked smile.
Yoongi got onto his knees and began undoing the zip of Jimin's pants. He pulled them down to his ankles, he then drew his hands up Jimin's legs, enjoying how smooth they were. He palmed Jimin's cock through his underwear eliciting a moan from the man above him. Yoongi pressed his face into Jimin's clothed cock. He took a deep breath, Jimin smelled wicked, his arousal mixed with body lotion was rousing. He alternated between sucking and licking on the cock trapped behind Calvin Klein underwear. He repeated this action a few more times before finally removing the now very damp briefs.
Jimin wasn't the biggest cock Yoongi had ever seen, but he was thick and absolutely smooth. He stroked his long fingers over his chiseled abs, along Jimin's length and then down to his balls which he cupped in his hand, massaging back and forth. He let go and brought his hand to his mouth, running his tongue over his entire palm. It was so fucking dirty and Jimin shuddered at the sight. He reached back up and gripped Jimin's cock in his now saliva covered hand. He drew his hand up and down at a frantic pace. He was too worked up to go any slower, but Jimin didn't seem to mind by the noises he was making. Oh shit, he was being too loud now. They'd get caught and thrown out or even worse the cops called.
"Shit Jimin, you need to be quiet or someone will hear us.”
“Mmm Yoongi I don't think I can cutie, why do you think I said we should get out of here."
Yoongi huffed and slowed his hand down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jimin's briefs, so he picked them up, stood and shoved them in Jimin's mouth.
"That should shut you up.... Is that okay? I can take them out if you don't like it.”
Jimin shook his head and moaned around the underwear. His mouth was stretched open and drool already starting to pool at the corners. What a fucking beautiful thing to witness. Pleased with himself Yoongi got back on his knees and kissed the tip of Jimin's cock. His tongue played with the slit, circling it before he slowly kissed down each side of his shaft. He then licked the base to tip, never taking his eyes off Jimin's. They both looked so fucked already, pupils blown out, flushed cheeks and lips swollen from the rough kissing earlier.
He started pumping slowly, wanting to tease Jimin a little, the blond was impatient though and bucked his hips into Yoongi's fist, letting him know he wanted and desperately needed it faster. Yoongi let out a small chuckle and started to move his hand at a pace the gorgeous man would enjoy. Muffled moans of pleasure let Yoongi know he had found the magic speed. He continued like this for a few minutes before letting go and taking Jimin's cock in his mouth. Oh he tasted good - of course he did he was perfect in every way why would this be any different? Yoongi hollowed his cheeks as he bobbed up and down on Jimin's length, taking it deep before pulling up and letting go with a 'pop'.
He took hold of Jimin's cock and rubbed his lips all over the head, spreading precum all over his lips and chin. He felt like such a slut, but he was loving every moment of it. Yoongi closed his eyes and slowly buried Jimin's entire cock in his mouth until it hit the back of his throat. He moaned around the feeling, this was what he had needed. To feel stuffed by a pretty cock attached to a pretty man. Jimin was squirming above him, his panting and moans muffled by the briefs in his mouth, but there was no doubt he was in ecstasy just like the cock starved brunette. Yoongi felt petite hands fist into his hair and start pulling and pushing trying to take some control of the situation, Yoongi slowed down and allowed Jimin to start fucking into his mouth.
With each of Jimin's thrusts his grunts became louder as he was getting closer to his orgasm. Jimin wasn't the only one getting close, after having practically become a born again virgin, Yoongi's head was dizzy with arousal and he wasn't sure how much longer he would last, his grip on Jimin's thighs tightening, bound to leave light marks the next morning. He closed his eyes and could feel the heat from his stomach rise throughout his body, his muscles tensing as he felt his release. The wet patch in Yoongi's pants made him feel absolutely filthy. He came just from sucking someone's cock? Before he had too much time to start mulling over how much of a slut he is, Jimin spills his load inside Yoongi's hot mouth. He thrusts hard a few times causing the cum to spill out of Yoongi's mouth and dribble down his chin, landing on the floor.
Jimin hisses as he slowly removes himself from Yoongi's mouth, he leans down and Yoongi yanks the underwear out of his mouth before smashing his lips against the blonds. He doesn't care that his mouth is still full of Jimin's cum, he tastes so good he wants him to experience the intoxicating taste too. When their lips part Jimin stands to put his softening cock away. Yoongi stands with him and looks around the room, avoiding eye contact.
"Umm thanks for that, that was .. uhh really good."
Jimin's bewitching smile returns "Yeah, that was amazing cutie can't say I've ever had my underwear shoved into my mouth though, but there is a first time for everything. Come here and I'll treat you good too."
"Well um, no it's okay. Honestly. I may have cum already." he sheepishly replies, still avoiding any damn eye contact.
A small "oh" left his pouty lips "well I'm glad I could have been of assistance."
The two stood awkwardly for a while before Jimin held Yoongi's hand and walked him over to the sink. He made the older man sit on the bench while he cleaned up all the mess he had made. Yoongi's heart couldn't stop beating. There was no need for Jimin to be so nice after what they had just done, but here he was doing something Yoongi actually felt was more intimate than painting the walls of his throat with his cum.
"Ah there ya go, now you can go back into the real world without anyone suspecting a thing.”
They walked outside together in silence, Yoongi had never had a hook up before. Do you crack jokes? Profess your love? Or just act like what happened never did? His mind was a million miles away when soft fingers were suddenly stroking his cheek.
"Please message me anytime you want to see each other again, and I'll be the one doing all the dirty work okay?"
This made Yoongi blush "Yeah okay. Thank you Jimin, truly I had a great night."
And it was the truth, he had so much fun he could relive the moment in his head for the next four years. Amateur Bareback 3-Way #2 wouldn't be needed when the memory of small hands, captivating moans and cum drizzling down his chin was enough to get him hard again. It had been less than 20 minutes. God dammit!
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Imayoshi x Reader
Title: First love 1/2 Fluff No Warning
Imayoshi never expected himself to fall hard for you, especially since he didn’t even know your name. It was kind of cliche if you thought about it because the moment you passed by him in the library, it was like flowers fell around you. Everything had moved in slow motion and he couldn’t focus on his studies. It was only when Susa had called you over and had a full conversation with you that he learned your name.
“How are you settling in (L/N)?”
“Call me (Y/N), I cringe when called my last name. I am doing okay though, its different my Japanese is not the best right now.” 
“Well, if you ever need help. I can help since we are in the same class. Plus English is my best subject.”
“That would be amazing~Susa right.”
“Yep, oh this is Imayoshi. He is the same year as us.” 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Imayoshi cleared his throat, and gave you a smirk like smile.
“The pleasure is mine, did you want to sit with us to study,”
“Sure, I got nothing else to do,” you sat beside Susa since you knew him better than Imayoshi. Imayoshi couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous but it didn’t show on his face.
“Oh (L/N), you should come to the party tonight. I think that would help your social circle he~” he trailed off as you grimaced at the mention of a party.
“Social circle? I need one of those?” Imayoshi cracked a smile and Susa laughed slightly.
“Sorry, I just~”
“I will go as long as the two of you don’t leave me alone. Once my social battery runs out I poof into thin air.” 
“Fair enough, if you give one of us your address we can pick you up.” Susa said and you wrote down your address and number giving it to the both of them. 
“Just text me when you are here, don’t knock. For the love of all things holy do NOT knock. The last thing any of us want is my dad and brothers giving us the talk…” 
“Alright…” They said in unison, Imayoshi glanced at Susa, and Susa knew that Imayoshi wanted to pick you up.
“Well, I should go. I need to change out of this, and into something more comfortable.”
“Alright, I will text when I am around the corner.” Imayoshi stated and you gave him a thumbs up.
“Seems good to me.” You were then gone, and Susa turned his attention to his friend and teammate.
“You like her?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yeah, for a brief moment, I could sense you got jealous when she sat next to me.”
“Ah, sorry… it just it came out of no where.” 
“It’s fine, she oddly suits you.” Susa said going back to his studying and Imayoshi smiled to himself. 
You had decided to dress comfortable, which consisted of ripped jeans, a tank top with a flannel on top and converse. You added a beanie to top the look off, and as on cue you received a messaged from an unknown number. 
To: (L/N) (Y/N)
From: Unknown
‘I am around the corner’
You knew exactly who it was and messaged him a quick ‘k’ and grabbed your key before leaving.
“I am heading out dad.”
“Wait before you do…”
“Your brother is staying at a friends house and I was called into work over night. Money for food is gonna be in your dresser, keep all doors locked and windows locked when you come home. If you need me call my work phone so I will answer immediately.”
“Alright love you dad.” 
“Have fun sweety… stay away from boys, they are disgusting little beasts.”
“Right, like you were with mom.”
“Exactly! So stay away from them!” 
“Alright, whatever you say. Bye dad!” You rushed out and jogged to meet with Imayoshi, and quickly pulled him so you were far away from your house.
“Why the rush?”
“My dad, that’s the rush.”
“Ahh…” He glanced down at your hand and he felt a tint of red on his cheeks. Once you guys were far enough you let his hand go.
“Susa said he will meet us there.” 
“Alright, so what is the occasion?”
“After midterms, just a small get together.”
“Makes sense.” You smiled at him and he looked ahead adjusting his glasses as he led the way to the house. Once you both arrived, he let you in first and Susa was by your side already introducing you to everyone. Your social battery was at about 3/4 so you hoped you could make it through the night. 
“Yo~” You waved and two dudes, one with red hair and one with a freckle under his eye came to you.
“You aren’t from here…”
“No sir I am not, what gave it away? My accent?”
“Yeah, I am Himuro that is Kagami.”
“Nice to meet you guys.”
“Where are you from?”
“Ohio, USA…” (if you aren’t just go with it)
“So the cornfields?” Kagami asked and you looked at him.
“Dude seriously? We have cities, its only when you go north that there are corn fields, why do everyone assume Ohio is out in the middle of no where.?” You said in English and you lost about half of the people there.
“Hey, I just assumed.” He replied and you rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, now that everyone is here. Lets play truth or dare!” Someone from a far said and you groaned. You hated games like this, but you didn’t let it show on your face. You sat beside Imayoshi, and Himuro. They went over the rules and put the bottle in the middle. 
The game was actually pretty fun, and there was a lot good dares. Luckily you didn’t have to do anything yet, but you knew you would do truth.” 
Kise, whom you learned the name of ended up spinning the bottle and it landed on you.
“(Y/N)cchi~ truth or dare?”
“Alright, I am gonna be lame… truth…” you said laughing causing several others to laugh.
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
“Are you single?” 
“As a pringle…” You spun the bottle and it landed on Susa.
“Truth or Dare, Susa?” 
“Dare?” You grinned and he paled slightly realizing he made a mistake.
“Great choice, I dare you too…. dance to APinks Nonono…”
“Or, wear lipstick at school tomorrow.”
“Fine, someone play the song.” He groaned and you secretly got the camera and videotaped the entire thing. When he was done he groaned slightly hiding his face with his hands. You couldn’t stop the string of laughs that escaped your lips, while everyone else was laughing at him.
“I am so going to get you back…” He said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Do your best!”
He spun the bottle and it landed on Imayoshi, and Susa groaned hoping it was you. Though a sudden idea came into mind and he smirked causing Imayoshi to blink.
“Truth or Dare Imayoshi?”
“I dare you to kiss (Y/N), not a peck either. I mean full on make out,” Imayoshi actually opened his eyes to stare at his friend. Susa knew exactly what he was doing, and Imayoshi was about to object.
“I can’t do that, we just met today.”
“Either that or wear a cheer uniform tomorrow.” You grimaced, you kinda felt bad for Imayoshi. He was on the receiving in of what was suppose to be your punishment.
“First off, why are you punishing him?”
“Oh he knows why.” Susa said and Imayoshi shot a glare at the male.
“I will just~”
“Just kiss me dude, I have no problem with it.” You said and everyone looked at you surprised.
“I am getting disturbed at the thought of you in a cheer uniform. Plus seriously, how bad can a kiss be? We are just having fun…” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I see, you must want to kiss someone more your type… I understand.” You teased and he slightly panicked but you laughed and he realized you were teasing him.
“I am joking… so that cheer uniform or kiss me?” You asked and he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was gentle, he began to move his lips against yours gently. He bit your bottom lip slightly which you granted him access too, he gripped your chin slightly so you wouldn’t move away. Imayoshi felt his heart rate increase as the kiss continued. He hoped you felt it which you did because it felt extremely magical in your opinion. The kiss had lasted a few minutes, but when you both broke the kiss you guys were panting. His forehead was against yours, your noses were touching. 
“Well, don’t they make a cute couple?” You heard someone say but you ignored it and was about to pull away but Imayoshi captured your lips again. He didn’t want the kiss to end. He soon captured your lips and everyone realized that he wasn’t going to stop unless they made him. You gripped his shirt returning the kiss, but parted again shaking your head.
“W-Wait, that’s enough. We are in front of people,” this time you were extremely red. Imayoshi realized and couldn’t help his own blush dusting his cheeks.
“Sorry, I got carried away.”
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Your place Part 3
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (High School AU)
Warnings: yandere, obsession, bullying, dubcon (anal, fingerplay).
Words: 1081.
Summary: You suffer in the arms of America’s golden boy, the one who has been bullying you for years.
Part 1
Part 2
P.S. Yep, more shameless smut! All characters had reached 18 years of age.
"Steve! Steve, it h-hurts!" You moaned weakly beneath him, your beatiful prom dress raised up to your waist while Steve kept thrusting his huge cock into your ass mercilessly. "Please, p-pull it out!"
But he didn't listen, smacking your ass with his rough palm in return and filling you full, leaning closer and pressing you into the soft fabric of the sofa standing in his room. You could feel his angry breath just above your ear as he pounded into you. Unable to move as he pinned you down with his muscular body, you moaned and cried as Steve kept destroying your asshole.
It took just one dance with your classmate who complimented how good you looked tonight. You thought Steve wouldn't see as he went out to have a few words with Bucky and Sam.
"Little bitch." Steve whispered to your ear, grabbing you by the throat and inhaling your smell as he buried his nose in your hair. "Seems like I've been treating you too nice, yeah? Did you forget who are you?"
You closed your eyes as shame bubbled up inside you. No, you didn't. Although today was the prom and you weren't much of high school student anymore, you were still under Steve Roger's thumb, and God, provocating him was among the most stupid things you had ever done. You wouldn't get rid of him so easily, you knew it.
"Shit." He growled, closing his eyes for a moment as he enjoyed how you squeezed his cock with your little puckered hole, trying to push him out. "If I knew your ass feels so good, I'd be fucking you like that every day. You enjoy it, huh? You like to take me with your asshole, you fucking slut?"
But before you could reply he clamped his hand over your mouth, and you felt tears gather in your eyes as you tried to kick him - of course, to no avail as he used all his strength to push you down, preventing you from getting away. The lewd sound of his body slapping against yours made your face burn in shame. Fuck, why was it suddenly starting to feel good? You could feel pleasure mixing with pain as Steve pinned you to the sofa, pressing his hot lips to your temple. Shit, shit, shit, you shouldn't enjoy it. This bastard was forcing himself on you, and you couldn't possibly get pleasure from it.
"Steve, please!" You let out a high-pitched moan. "I didn't do anything! Ahhh, I d-didn't!"
"Oh yeah?" He growled lowly above your ear, bucking his hips and drawing more moans from you. "Then why did you fucking smile when he put his hands on you? You think I didn't see? Wanna say you wouldn't jump at him because he's nicer to you than I am, huh?"
He rolled you on your side, thrusting into your ass, his hand now on your sensitive clit. Fuck, it did start feeling good. The bastard knew perfectly how to play your body to make you squirm beneath him.
It was so stupid of you to dance with a guy, knowing how possesive Rogers was. It got a bit better at the end of your last year when he seemed to calm down around you, but you just had to ruin it like that. Was that dance worth it? No, but the feeling of being free from Steve just for a few minutes probably was.
"Who do you belong to?" He asked in a low voice, biting your ear as he stilled inside you.
"You, Steve." You mumbled, wishing you could bite your tongue off.
"Say it louder."
"YOU!" You cried out as he suddenly thrusted particularly hard, his balls slapping against your buttocks. "I'm... ahh... sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done, Steve!"
You didn't see his smug smirk, but felt his hand tightening around your chest, pressing you even closer to him as he worked his fingers inside your leaking cunt, curling them and massaging your tightening walls. Oh yeah, he was fucking delighted to see you submissive again, moaning like a little slut you were just for him. A part of him was still angry at you, accepting someone else's hand, but seeing you like this, a sobbing, boneless mess, really stroked his ego.
Rolling your clit between his fingers again, he kept fucking your ass until he felt his cock throbbing, breathing loudly and barely withholding from moaning. You sobbed softly, curling your toes at the unexpected mix of pleasure and pain, giving in to the feeling. It was so fucking good when he suddenly pumped his cum inside your ass, filling you up as he rode out his orgasm, and you let out a pathetic moan, tears shining in the corners of your eyes. Steve froze beside you, keeping his cock inside while still playing with your pussy, not letting you cum yet. You huffed, but didn't voice your protest, knowing he would just snap at you.
"You got it, kitten?" He whispered to you, feeling contented with your reaction. "No one's touching you but me. What did you expect to happen, anyway? You thought I'd let this guy have you?"
"No, I didn't... I just wanted to dance."
"Don't lie to me." Steve lowered his lips to your neck, and you tightened around his fingers. "You wanted to have some freedom when I wasn't around. Well, you don't have it, got it? You're my kitten, and I'm gonna keep you."
You fell silent, listening to his heartbeat slowly returning to normal as Steve snuggled closer to you, his cuddling habits taking over what was left of his anger. Your ass still ached painfully, but it was becoming better when he finally pulled out, drawing his hand away from your embarrassingly wet pussy. Steve didn't let you cum, and you bit down on your lower lip. Despite the pain, you wanted him to fuck your sloppy cunt so damn bad.
Suddenly, he moved up, and you glanced at him, leaving the sofa. The next moment you were grasping his hand involuntarily to keep him close to you.
Steve almost purred at this gesture.
"I'm gonna take care of your sweet ass, kitten, and then I will eat you out because you're being a good girl for me now. You like the plan, huh?" He smirked, watching you getting shy, but still eager for all of it to happen. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @lovelydarkdaydream @angrythingstarlight
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Sink Or Swim
tag list: @cleocc @feeling-kinda-so-so @hopelessromanticvirgo @dreamy-slytherin @adora8 @lockerfivethreefive @painfully-oblivious @poeticinemaa @jjustonemorething @saraben00 @wedarkacademia @coolguyssyndrome @hischbabe @suckerforsobbe @tayspots @starmansander @theah0lt @zoenneforever @invisibleme @chibibanane
Wednesday, 19:29
Song: Moglii - Face 2 Face
Jens is getting pretty used to running away to his room as quickly as possible. Dinner has become something of a chore—more so than it used to be. He answers polite, careless questions about school and the boys and his plans for the week. He teases Lotte until her pouts give way to giggles. He eats his food in the most respectable manner he can manage, without making it obvious that he’s trying to escape as quickly as possible. He’ll give an excuse about homework, and being in his final year means it works every time. He slips away from the idle, opinionated comments and ‘jokes’ and it allows him to exist in his more familiar chill state. Families are normally stressful. He’s intimately familiar with this concept, considering Robbe’s many nights at his side in an attempt to get away.
It’s nothing beyond the usual. At least, there doesn’t seem to be anything specific that Jens can pick out.
But the weight on his chest is unfamiliar and uncomfortable, and it creeps in slowly through dinner and lingers heavily now. He doesn’t know why it’s there, and most frustratingly, he can’t figure out how to get rid of it.
He could message the guys. Robbe, though he’s probably with Sander. Moyo, though he’s been having enough trouble of his own with his mother. Aaron...he probably won’t go to Aaron.
A week ago, that would have been his options up. A week ago, he didn’t know Lucas.
Now, he’s staring at his messages with the boy and running through possible conversation starters. It’s a similar feeling to that of the weekend, but also entirely different. He can probably consider Lucas a friend now. He’d messaged him on Monday after school, making sure he’d liked the Broerrrs, that they hadn’t already scared him away. They’d had lunch together again yesterday, all of them, and Robbe had invited Lucas to join them at the skate park after, which he’d hesitantly accepted after receiving no protest from the others. Jens hadn’t seen him today, though he’d done his best to try and catch him after school. It should be fine to just message him. Normal enough.
He just doesn’t really know what to say. It also doesn’t feel the same, when Jens can’t actually talk to him. He realises that’s what he actually wants, to hear Lucas’s low tones teasing him, to drag a smile out of him, to fall into their easy banter that works as an effortless distraction. It doesn’t matter, if he doesn’t actually talk about the weight on his chest. He knows that seeing Lucas would lift it.
Which is why, before he even realises what he’s doing, he’s tapping the video camera in the top corner of the chat.
He bolts upright on his bed, eyes widening as the phone rings on, calling Lucas, as Jens can only watch on, in shock of his own hands. He hadn’t meant to do that. He really, really had not meant to do that. Not when he doesn’t know if his hair is a mess or if there are stains on his hoodie or if his face is blotchy in the dim glow of his ceiling light.
Why do I care about that?
He should hang up. Send Lucas a quick message to say that it had been a mistake, maybe allow that to start a conversation between them. It’s been ringing too long for him to expect Lucas to pick up anyway. He’s probably busy. Maybe even still having dinner. Jens should just hang up.
His thumb hovers over the button, and then the tone goes off on its own and he sucks in a breath, thinking the time had run out. Only, that would have taken him back to the chat, and not be showing him a shaky black screen.
The realisation washes over him slowly that Lucas has answered.
His face comes into view rather abruptly, the screen stuttering before centering on a confused smile and pretty blue eyes.
“Hey?” Lucas is running a hand through his hair, somewhat hesitant, but he doesn’t seem annoyed or even displeased. There is a tiny smile. Jens may not be entirely stupid. He may not have messed up that much.
“Hey,” he says, resisting the urge to fix his own hair. “Sorry for just...calling. If it’s a bad time I can—“
“No, you’re fine,” Lucas interrupts softly. “I was just in the other room and didn’t hear the phone. Is everything okay?”
Jens nods, watching the wrinkles form in Lucas’s soft green shirt as he settles onto his bed. “Yep. Or, well,” he hesitates as Lucas watches on, tilting his head at him. Jens sinks back against his pillows, sighing. “I don’t know.”
Lucas’s brow furrows, but he nods slightly. Effortlessly understanding. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t really know what there is to talk about,” Jens admits. They lapse into a moment of silence as Lucas smiles patiently, tilting his own head back against his pillows. The angle should be unflattering, but he looks no less delicate or put together to Jens. It is simultaneously better and worse, seeing him. “I just felt kind of...I don’t know, I just wanted to talk to you, I guess.”
It’s strange to admit, and he feels heat creep into his cheeks, and he doesn’t quite understand what’s wrong with him. He’s not usually someone who is nervous to speak to new people. But Lucas makes him nervous.
And still, the ease he brings Jens overshadows it.
Lucas’s smile widens. “I’m honored. And grateful.”
Jens’s own brow furrows now as his own worry creeps up. “Is everything okay with you?”
Lucas sighs, rolling his head to the side before picking it up with a small shrug, and Jens decides he’s glad he hadn’t just texted him. “Yeah, sorry. I’m still just adjusting, I guess.”
Of course. It’s weird, but Jens keeps forgetting this little fact. For some reason, it’s easy to forget that Lucas is only a new citizen in Antwerp. Jens just gives him a sympathetic smile and nod. “At least now you’re not just hiding out in your room the whole week though, right?”
“Yeah,” Lucas nods back, smiling, gaze having gone soft again, and Jens is a little thrown by the exaggerated thump his heart gives in response. He hadn’t realised the stress has been building up so much anxiety. “I have free reign of the apartment usually anyway, so. I’m not really hiding out.”
“Your parents aren’t there?” Jens’s brow furrows again.
Lucas gives him an easy shrug. “My dad works late.”
Jens notices that he doesn’t mention his mother, and he doesn’t bring it up either. “Ahh, okay. Mine does too, sometimes. Other times, I kind of wish he’d work later.”
For a moment, Jens wonders if that’s the wrong thing to say. If it’ll only upset Lucas further. But the boy only gives a quiet huff of laughter and a nod in understanding. Clearly in agreement. For another moment, Jens is tempted. He has the sudden intense desire to somehow curb Lucas’s own obvious weight. He’s tempted to do something stupid, like suggesting they meet up so he won’t be alone. As if he’s even lonely, and Jens would be an acceptable cure. He’s tempted, until he reminds himself that he’s probably overstepping by calling Lucas in the first place.
Then Lucas says, “I definitely prefer your company.”
He’s still wearing that small, soft smile, and the pressure on Jens’s chest eases exponentially at the sight of it. “Yeah?”
Lucas hums, smile widening as he makes himself comfortable. “I mean, you definitely look better in a bathtub, but…this will do.”
“Oh?” Jens laughs. Lucas hums again. “I just wasn’t sure you could handle that, but it can be arranged.”
He wiggles his brows, and Lucas stifles his own laughter. Jens catches the flush that creeps up his neck, though. “Probably necessary, really?”
“Lucas Van der Heijden,” Jens says, aghast. “Are you suggesting I smell?”
“Maybe just a little dirty, no?” He wiggles his brows now, and Jens snorts.
“Okay, well played, well played.”
Lucas grins, and Jens grins back, and he feels like he could float.
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tinkonka · 3 years
richashe sick fic
characters: richard lopez, ashe bradley, noel levine words: 2,684 tags: @oncelerrichard @nekuuwu @burnt-toast-life 
note: this took. TOO LONG. richard is a little overdramatic sometimes ... he’s actually not that sick but he is pretty drowsy. ANWAY enjoy
Ah... he knew it was a bad idea. On a warm day, which Richard would usually spend outside with Claire, playing sports perhaps - he was wound up in his bed, a heavy mist settled on his head. If not for going out at midnight in the freezing cold to grab groceries for Ashe, which he should've done the next day, maybe he would've been enjoying the outdoors.
But alas, here he was, sick. Cold and hot at the same time, shivering without the comfort of his blankets - which he refused to put on as they would undoubtedly stick to his exposed skin, slick with sweat. Truly, this was the worst he had felt in years... the only time he recalled a fever this bad was when he was just a child, and that ended up with him in the hospital.
The hospital... he hates hospitals. And if this was to make him sit in one for hours on end without mercy, then he'd rather just stay still and and wallow. Yes, that's okay, isn't it? Let's just wait it out! What could go wrong?
He squeezed his eyes shut as a particularly harsh wave of nausea washed over him, concentrating on keeping the bile in his stomach down. Was this all he could do? Keep his tired stare fixated on a dent in the wall as he tried to ignore his peripheral vision bending and swaying?
He was so disoriented that he hardly heard the knock of his door, nor did he hear the door open after a few shouts. He only began to shift back to reality when he felt a cold hand shake his shoulder.
"-ard! Richard, are you alright?" He lazily turned his gaze to Ashe, who was standing over him with a wary expression. Too tired to give a response, all he did was stare - until a sudden bout of vertigo (albeit not as intense as the last) came. He gave a little whine as he let out a few harsh coughs.
"...Oh dear. Did you catch a cold?" A cold palm was placed on his forehead, and almost immediately, Richard leaned into the touch with a small mumble of content.
Ashe's cheeks unconsciously tinged a light red - though he quickly willed it away. This wasn't affection, this was illness. And he needed to help.
"...Hmm. What to do, what to do... How about I'll go make you some soup? That should ease the nausea a little, yes?" He spoke in a foreign, quiet tone - his upbeat demeanor seemingly absent as he rubbed his thumb on the smaller boys brow. "How about it?"
"...mm." That was the best response you were gonna get, it seems - he only seems around half conscious, Ashe noted. Ah... but it'd be a bit risky to leave him alone like this...
Were the others still home? He knew that Sirius, Noel and Claire had gone to town to look for some furniture (they had departed early in the morning), and Wilardo was at work... Which means it was just him and Richard in the house.
Or so he thought, as a familiar blonde haired boy appeared at the doorframe, peering over at the two.
"Noel! You're here?"
"Uh, yeah. I just woke up." He responded with a small smile, leaning against the wall.
"I thought you were heading to town with Sirius and Miss Claire?"
"Oh, uh. No, I wasn't feeling well this morning. I'm alright now, though." He waved it off, and took a few steps towards Richard's bedside. "Is... Is he okay?"
Another coughing fit - Richard brought a closed, shaky fist up to his mouth - luckily, the fit was short, so he was able to flop back down shortly with a groan. Ashe ran his fingers through the olive-haired boys hair idly, in an attempt to console the sickly boy.
"He appears to have fallen ill. Would you mind keeping an eye on him while I prepare him something?" Ashe requested, slowly taking his hand off of Richard and returning them to their place inside his abnormally large sleeves. Although Richard didn't seem pleased with the now absence of Ashe's hand - he seemed too tired to do anything about it.
"...Of course. Is there anything I should do?" Noel replied, dragging the chair used at the desk to Richard's bedside.
"Hmm... his forehead is quite high in temperature, it seems... Perhaps a cold cloth would do some good?" Ashe mumbled, and without another word, he rushed off in the direction of the bathroom - returning shortly with a bucket of water and a small, white cloth.
"Here we are- so." He placed the bucket next to the chair, and showed the cloth to Noel. "Every half an hour - or maybe every fifteen minutes, depending on how quickly the cloth warms back up - take the cloth off of his forehead, and soak it, like so." After rolling up his sleeves, he placed the cloth in the bucket. He let it sit for a few seconds before lifting it back up, wringing out any leftover liquid, and then folded it.
"Then you place it back." He stood up, and placed the cold towel on Richard's forehead - who by now was fully asleep, so he gave no outward reaction. Ashe flicked the leftover droplets on his hands back into the bucket, and pulled his sleeves back down.
"You won't need to do it for long, just until I finish up in the kitchen, alright? Did you get all that?"
"Yeah, I think I got it. I'll do my best." Noel replied with a smile, and sat down on the chair, grabbing a book from the shelves behind him. "I suppose I'll catch up on some reading while I'm at it?"
"Certainly! If you see any words that you have trouble with, just say the word, and I'll be there!" Ashe called, now out the door. "Oh! But-"
He peeked back, only half of his body in view. "I'd hate for you to get sick as well, Noel, so just keep your distance, alright? Be careful!"
"Got it. Good luck with the meal, though I doubt you need it, given your skill..." Noel grinned, and opened up the book.
"Ahaha! Even the greatest of cooks need lucks sometimes, but I appreciate the sentiment! I'll just be a few hours!" And with that, he disappeared - and the clash of pots and pans could be heard as Ashe got to work.
A swirl of colors, sharpening with a few blinks - Richard stirred, slowly but surely. He felt a little bit lighter - though there was a warm object on his head, which probably woke him up. He managed to sit up (with a little difficulty) and took the object off - a white cloth which was a little damp.
He then turned to his side - and startled, managing to keep down his shout of surprise - Noel was on the chair beside him, with a book open on his lap. Though his head was dipped low, and his cheek was rested on his palm... was he asleep?
Just as Richard was about to call out for him, there was a soft click of an open door - and a familiar teal haired friend entered with a tray (which held a bowl of something steaming) and a friendly smile.
"Oh! You're awake! Good morni-" He paused as he placed the tray on the desk near the door, peering at Noel's still form. "Goodness, is he asleep?"
"Yeah, I think so." Richard replied - his voice was noticeably hoarse, likely as a result of his cold. "I just woke up, so... I'm not sure how long he's been asleep."
"Ah, he did say he wasn't feeling well... perhaps it was a mistake to think he could complete a task where all you do is sit still for an hour." Ashe dropped to his knees, looking up at Noel. "Yep - asleep."
"Are you gonna wake him up?" Richard asked, taking the duvet off as sat on the edge of the bed. "Is that a good idea?"
"Well, we can't have him sleeping in an uncomfortable position - he'll strain his neck." After taking the book off of Noel's lap, he placed his hands on Noels arms and shook him a little. "Noel. Wake up."
"...hm?" Noel's eye opened, regaining consciousness slowly as he lifted his head off his hand. "...did i...?"
"Yes, you fell asleep. Apologies for making you stay awake - even though you said you weren't feeling well. You did good, though!" Ashe reassured him, grinning brightly as his hands travelled to Noel's, grasping them tightly.
"...sorry..." Noel spoke quietly.
"Now, now, there's no need to apologize! Come, let's get you to bed. Richard, can you manage eating yourself?"
"Uh... Yeah, I think I can." Richard nodded, deciding to ignore the pang of envy in his stomach. Noel was frail, and sometimes needed a little help - he knew that. So why did he feel jealous?
"Splendid! Here you go." Ashe cheered, and stood up, taking his hands off of Noel. He made his way to where the tray was, and placed it on Richard's lap.
"Don't mention it! Alright, let's go, Noel." Noel nodded and stood up, letting Ashe lead him out the room - though he gave Richard a small wave. It seemed he was too drowsy to give a smile, although Richard wasn't - he grinned as he watched the two disappear.
Back to the task at hand... the steaming bowl of semi-translucent yellow broth sitting on his lap. He spotted noodles at the bottom, as well as some peculiar shaped carrots... hearts? Stars? He couldn't tell - and he didn't want to spend any more time pondering, as the growl of his stomach prompted him to pick up a spoonful and shove it in his mouth.
Ahh... comfortably warm, such a nice taste. His mood immediately brightened as he took another bite, opting to pick up some noodles as well - man, Ashe's cooking never failed to amaze him. He wished he make food as nice as this - he wasn't envious, though. He remembered Noel's words.
'Everyone has talents - abilities they are confident where others are not.' ...That really stuck with him. He found himself reminding both himself and others this. It was no use comparing, anyway. He's learned how useless that was after years of doing so.
"Hellooo! Noel's sleeping peacefully, it seems. How are you liking the soup?" Snapped out of his thoughts, Ashe appeared again, and instead of standing in front of him like he did before - he sat down on Richard's bedside with a smile. A really, really cute smile.
"Oh... uh! It's good. It's really good." Richard peered down at the soup with a smile of his own. Now is not the time to think about how cute he is. Shut up and drink your soup.
"I'm glad! I wasn't sure what type of soup is your favorite, so I went with instinct... Not sure what I would've done if you didn't like it, however, since there's nothing else left, hehe..."
"What are you talking about? I got groceries last night." Richard put his spoon down, looking at Ashe with a bewildered expression.
"...Huh? When?" Ashe asked, his smile falling as he looked back in the same confused manner. "I didn't spot anything in the fridge."
"Oh. Then where did it go? I could've sworn I left it on the counter..." Richard picked the tray up, placing it beside him as stood up, stretching a little.
"Ah- Richard! You really shouldn't get up-" Ashe protested, standing up along side him.
"I'm fine, it's fine. I got those groceries at like, 12 am in the morning - I'll be damned if they've been lost or something." Richard responded, padding over to the kitchen. Ashe followed suit, a bit frantic to see Richard up so quickly.
"See? Here they are." He pointed at the bag on the counter.
"...Those don't look like groceries, Richard."
...It appears that Richard was not used to late night shopping, as the things in the plastic bag consisted of a bag of potato chips, a chocolate bar and... a bag of spinach?
"...What on earth went through your head when you bought these?" Ashe queried, taking the bag of spinach out and examining it.
"I dunno man, I think I wanted something sweet and then remembered groceries and just." Richard shrugged. "Bought it and walked right out."
"Well- pfft." Ashe let out a few giggles as he placed the spinach back. "I appreciate... whatever this is meant to be."
"Haha." Richard laughed on his own. Not his proudest moment, but he'd honestly give anything to see Ashe's smile. Ah, he could feel the butterflies in his stomach... or was that nausea? Oh no.
His knuckles turned white as he gripped on the table, a sudden bout of vertigo washing over him - he should've expected this, honestly. Getting up and getting out of bed in the span of a few minutes - it's no wonder he didn't collapse when he got up primarily.
"Ah- Richard! Are you alright?! Do you not feel well-?!" Ashe jumped - his cheery expression falling as he saw the younger boy in distress.
"I'm fine, it's fine, just give me a second-"
"You're not fine at all, Richard - you look incredibly ill!" The teal haired boy protested, placing his hand on Richard's. "Come. Let's go back to bed."
“No! Do not tell me but! You’ll just make your condition wor-”
"...I... I'm not..."
"...I don't think I can walk..." Richard whispered, his face now crimson. He was trembling quite noticeably - he hated looking weak infront of anyone, Ashe being no exception. In fact, he was especially afraid of looking cowardly before Ashe - he wanted to be dependable.
"...Hmm. Here." Ashe spoke decidedly, and got up from his chair. With a few swift movements, he put his arm under Richard's legs, swinging him around and wrapping the other around his back. With a small grunt, he lifted the olive-haired boy up slowly, and looked down at him with a smirk.
"Shut up." Richard mumbled, his face in his hands - he was blushing madly. He could hear a few laughs coming from above - and then slowly, they began to move. His stomach decided to voice it's concern with the sudden movement, however - Richard was struggling to keep the soup down, clenching into Ashe's shirt as he squeezed his eyes shut.
And in only a matter of seconds, he was placed somewhere, and the arms left him - no more movement, but he was still equally as dizzy - not daring to open his eyes (in fear of the room warping before him).
And only until he felt a bump, an unfamiliar warmth, and two arms wrapping around him, did he open his eyes - only to be greeted with a familiar dark green fabric. There came a small hum of content from above him - Ashe had decided to accompany him in the bed, it seems.
"You don't mind if I cuddle with you for a little, hm?" Ashe asked, idly rubbing Richard's back with the palm of his hand.
"...No, you're... you're really warm..." Richard smiled, leaning further into Ashe's chest. No longer flustered, he felt... really drowsy...
And before long, he had fallen asleep in Ashe's arms. Following suit - even though he was barely tired - Ashe's eyes slid shut as he sighed quietly. He could feel his worries washing away with Richard's warmth - truly, he felt safe.
No. This warmth wasn't a feeling of security. It felt much more passionate than that - and as Ashe drifted away into unconsciousness, he recognized the feeling. Love.
Radiating from both him and the boy in his arms - the feeling of finally getting what you've longed for...
He was loved.
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peteywillproceed · 5 years
All The Lies
Author’s Note: I’m so glad you guys liked the teaser for this yesterday, I hope the full thing lives up to expectations! As always, I hope you enjoy! x
Summary: Admitting you got cheated on is hard. Being cheated on by the person your best friend set you up with is harder. But telling your best his girlfriend was the other woman? Impossible. What good could even come from it?
Word Count: 3,582
“I cannot believe you!” You yelled, hands in your hair, jaw almost on the floor. “You told him what?”
Harrison just laughed, wiping the dish you’d unceremoniously dropped in his hands after the revelation and putting it back in the rack. “I didn’t know it was a private thing.”
“My breakups are not a matter of public interest,” you told him pointedly “and why did you even feel the need to tell him about it anyway?”
“I dunno, we were just out and you came up and he asked what you’d been up to recently.”
You almost screamed, biting down on your lip before you could snap and say something you’d regret. “You could’ve answered that with ‘she’s good’, there was no need to tell internationally beloved actor Thomas Stanley Holland that my relationship was a complete and utter failure.”
He snorted, draining the sink of washing up liquid and chucked the tea towel into the washing machine. You leant against the counter, staring out of the window whilst you wondered what the most effective way to kill your best friend was and whether this constituted a well meaning kicking-out-of-your-flat. Sighing, you shook your head and blinked back the tears that had pooled in your eyes when you were distracted – you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t think about it, after weeks on the sofa and tonnes of ice cream. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Y/n?” Harrison said softly, moving behind you so his chin rested on your shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddery breath, plastering the best fake smile you could muster on your face and spun around to face him. “Yep?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t ready for people to know yet,” he pursed his lips and rubbed your arm, pulling you into a tight hug when a sob wracked through your body. You clung onto his shirt, feeling the material dampen as you pressed your face against it, trying to remember to breathe, trying to forget the loss of a two year relationship.
“It’s okay,” you finally managed, choking back the sobs, even though it definitely wasn’t. “I just didn’t expect you to be so blunt about it. Or to tell Tom.”
“Well he was going to find out sometime, or were you planning on leaving it till he came over and Justin wasn’t in the flat anymore?”
You laughed between tears, wiping your face with your palms. “That one.”
“And, may I ask, have you been Googling Tom again? Since when did you know his middle name?” Harrison poked your chest playfully and you rolled your eyes, batting his hand away.
“Since he wouldn’t stop teasing me about mine last time he came over, I figured I needed some ammunition.”
“Ahh, you never were that good at revenge, were you?”
“Excuse me?” you gasped, pretending to be offended “what are you implying?”
“Y/n, Tom’s an actor – he’s been teased so much about that name I honestly don’t think he gives two shits.”
You could hardly breathe between laughs, the tears drying up faster than they ever had before, and you wondered if that was what progress had looked like. You’d thought it was progress when you’d gotten out of bed, when you’d stopped eating two tubs of ice cream a day and finally brushed your hair, but the truth was Justin had still been in the back of your mind, always there, always reminding you of that night you so desperately wanted to forget. Except for the first time in months, for that little split second, he hadn’t, and it had just been you and Harrison in your own little bubble.
“Anyway, speaking of the dipshit, he’s home tomorrow,” Harrison pulled his coat off the back of a chair and slid his arms into the sleeves.
You frowned, trying to remember what Tom had told you the last time you’d spoken to him. You’d known both Harrison and Tom since you were young, always that little bit closer to Harrison, and you’d been nervous about Tom coming home because he’d missed so much. You’d dreaded telling him everything that had happened, because he was the one that had set you up with Justin all those years ago. So, when he’d invited you and Harrison out to Morocco a few weeks back you’d stayed behind, too scared to face up to reality. You thought you’d have more time to prepare yourself – he was supposed to be on set for another month. “Oh really? He’s done filming already?”
“Yeah, something about a schedule mixup,” Harrison shrugged and fished his car keys out of his pockets “there’s a welcome home party at Nikki’s tomorrow night, are you coming?”
Oh, that. You remembered the invite, burning a hole in the pocket of your jacket. You’d seen the little white note card lying on the floor last week, but you’d been so caught up in Justin and that stupid picture you’d barely had time to process it.
“Sure, I think it’s in my calendar.”
“I can’t believe you still have a calendar,” Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Hey, some of us like being organised!” You chased after him as he made for the door “Some of us actually make it to appointments!”
“It’s 2020, Y/n,” he smirked, looking over his shoulder as he got the flat door open “It’s time to live a little and take some risks!”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and tutted. “And what if I don’t want to?”
“Then life is going to make you,” Harrison called, already disappearing into the hallway outside “and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching.”
You pulled up to the Holland house later than you meant to.
Mostly because you’d spent half an hour in front of the mirror wondering if it was a better idea to just stay home. But also because you’d tried putting makeup on for the first time in weeks and somehow you just looked worse.
You’d ended up back on the floor, sobbing so hard you thought your chest would cave in and wondering if it was even worth going tonight. You hadn’t seen your best friend in months, and it sucked that you had to ruin it by having a conversation you never wanted in the first place.  By the time Harrison texted you asking when you were gonna get there, it was way past six and you were embarrassingly, stupidly late.  
You shouldn’t have gone.
Yet here you were.
And everything felt so much worse.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice yelled as you hopped out of the car and spun around. Harry was running down the steps and launching himself towards you, pulling you into a tight hug before you’d even locked the car. “Harrison told me, I’m so sorry, Justin’s a dickhead. No wonder you didn’t wanna tell Tom.”
“Yeah, well we didn’t need to ruin two relationships did we?” you laughed, pushing away the pain. You’d practised what you were going to say, run your lines like you were rehearsing a movie. You figured there was no way you were going to make it through this without crying, but you could at least try.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, clearly confused by what you’d just said, but you were interrupted by Harrison flying down the stairs and yanking you into the house. “Finally, thought you’d died or something.”
“Nope just car trouble,” you lied, more than grateful as he dragged you away from a frowning Harry. “Where’s Tom?”
“Right here, darling,” he said, stepping into the hallway and swinging you into the air.
“Jesus Christ, Thomas let me down!” You laughed, bashing his back as he spun you in a circle. Harrison grinned as Tom tipped you upside down, spinning you so violently the black and white floor blurred into one, meaningless grey, and you had to close your eyes or else you would’ve ended up vomiting.
“Six months, SIX MONTHS its been since you graced me with your presence!” Tom turned you back upright and pulled you against his chest, arms wrapping around your waist. “You can let me have this!”
“Yef but canft breafthe,” you mumbled into his shirt.
“Don’t care, you owe me.”
“Alright alright,” he relented, letting you go. You could feel the heat flooding your cheeks as you smoothed down your hair and fixed your top, rubbing your palms against your jeans. “But you do owe me a proper cuddle.”
“Should’ve stayed in England, mate, there’d have been plenty to go around,” Harrison smirked, but you eyed him wearily, knowing exactly what he was referring to. For a good three weeks after the break up, you were pretty certain Harrison hadn’t left your side.
Tom seemed to pick up on the double meaning, sliding his eyes between you and Harrison in turn. “Am I missing something here?” he asked.
“Depends how you interpreted it,” Harrison said, turning towards the living room. “But you two probably need a catch up. I’ll go find Sam and give him a hand with dinner.”
You glared daggers at his retreating back, mentally cursing him for not even allowing you to take your shoes off. You felt Tom’s hand rest gently on your shoulder, the other tilting your face to face him, and you took a deep breath, knowing that if you didn’t get it over with, you’d never be brave enough again.
“Yeah, he’s right, we probably should,” you sighed, and Tom’s frowned deepened.
“Is everything okay, Y/n?”
You hesitated, gnawing at a loose piece of skin on your thumb. “Not…not really. Can we go sit in your bedroom? I feel awkward doing it here.”
Tom nodded, not taking his eyes off you as you took your shoes off. You could feel him staring at your neck, knowing his brain was working over time to figure out what was going on that was so bad you had to wait to tell him. You knew he’d be thinking the worst, it was just what he did, and usually you never had to make that a reality.
But today…today was different - and you had no idea how he’d take it.
“So,” he said, closing the door and pulling you onto the bed “what’s up?”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and looked everywhere but his face, knowing you’d lose all the confidence you’d built the moment you looked into his eyes. His room was clean, a few pants chucked across the floor and a couple of dust bunnies lurking beneath the bed, but he’d only been a day. He had more than enough time to dirty it up to its usual standard.
“Seriously, Y/n, you’re scaring me now.” Tom’s voice reminded you he was still sitting in front of you, the two little lines creasing his brow even deeper now.
“Sorry, it’s just…I don’t really know how to phrase this.”
Tom smiled, taking your hand in his, and you almost snatched it back in shock. His palms were warm and clammy, just as trusting and open as they’d always been. You had a feeling this might change things. “It’s just me, I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“But’s that’s not the point. It’s just…well, it’s about Maura.”
“Maura? As in, my ex-girlfriend Maura?” Tom drew back slightly, confusion still written across his face. “What about her?”
“Well I- wait, your ex girlfriend?” you stopped mid-sentence, realising what he’d just said, mouth hanging open in shock. Tom gulped, flicking his eyes away from yours, and shuffled backwards on the bed. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, desperately looking for anywhere else to focus on, and this time it was you getting more and more confused. “Since when did that happen?”
“Since before I went away,” he sighed, scratching the side of his head as if that was enough of an explanation. “I figured we weren’t right for each other.”
“But I thought-” You’d been going to say you thought he loved her, thought she was the one for him and that was who he was going to end up with. This all seemed so…so random, so out of the blue you couldn’t even have written it as a surprise twist in a book. You could barely process what he was saying, a thousand thoughts crossing your mind at once. Why hadn’t he told you? What the hell had happened for him to break up with her? But the most important one of all, the one you didn’t really want to let yourself believe, kept flashing in front of your eyes like a neon sign.
If they’d broken up before he went away to film Cherry, then that meant Maura had been single that night.
“Justin cheated on me,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. “He cheated on me when you were away and I’ve had no idea how to tell you.”
“He did what?” Tom’s eyebrows shot up so fast they were a blur, and before you could process what he was doing he had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through his phone. “I’m gonna kill the bastard.”
“Wait, no, Tom, stop,” you desperately reached for the phone, clawing it from his grip as he tried to turn away from you.
“That arse hole cheated on you, Y/n, he’s not getting away with it!”
“But you don’t know what happened!” You finally grabbed the phone and yanked it away, panting from the effort. “There’s more to it than that!”
“Like what? What possible excuse could he have for cheating on you, Y/n?”
You huffed, folding your arms across your chest. Tom’s face was red with anger, his hands curled into fists at his sides. “We’ve kind of gotten off topic here.”
“Well you were the one that brought up getting cheated on,” Tom stepped towards you, holding his arms out “I honestly had no idea.”
You collapsed into his reach, remembering how much you’d craved his smell and warmth over the months he’d been gone, and sighed against his chest. “That’s because I didn’t want you to know. I made Harrison promise not to tell anyone.”
“But why? It’s not like I would’ve blamed you for it, it wasn’t your fault.”
“No,” you admitted “but, the thing is…he cheated on me with Maura and-”
“And you thought we were still together,” he finished the sentence for you and the relief that washed through you was like water poured on a wildfire. You’d kept it bottled up for months, sobbing to Harrison and wondering how the hell you were supposed to tell him about it. To finally say it, to finally hear him understand, was worth more than you’d realised. “You didn’t want to hurt me too.”
“Especially not whilst you were filming. I knew how much you loved her and I couldn’t bear the thought of upsetting you when you were thousands of miles away.”
He laughed, the sound hollow and unnerving as he guided you back to the bed and held your fingertips with his. His gaze was fixed on the door, barely acknowledging you as you turned to stare at him in bewilderment. “The irony is, you did still upset me.”
You frowned, your lips parting in confusion and your heart beating wildly in your chest. “What?”
Tom raked a hand over his face and lay back against the bed, his chest heaving a sigh as you fell down beside him. His curls were gone, the stubble of his head prickling your fingers as you reached up out of habit to run your fingers through it, trying not to panic. You’d worked so hard to keep everything to yourself so it wouldn’t mess up his work, that the thought you somehow hadn’t even managed to do that was crippling.
“When I set you up with Justin two years ago, it was for a reason other than just wanting you to get out more,” he said eventually, turning to face you. “I couldn’t admit something to myself and I figured the best way to…stop thinking about it, was to pass the problem on.”
“What problem?” you shook your head, still not really understanding what he was trying to get at. Tom’s hand reached to cup your waist and you gasped at the contact, not used to being this close to him.
“You,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. “You were my problem. Y/n, I’ve been in love with you for years and I couldn’t admit it to myself. I thought if I saw you happy with someone else it would make everything go away, but somehow…somehow it just made it worse.”
You couldn’t breathe, paralysed by Tom’s revelation from your head to your toes. Your eyes were locked with his, filled with desperation and a sadness you’d never seen before, and your heart almost broke at the thought he’d held himself back from this for years.
You’d never given much thought to it really, there’d been the usual teasing in secondary school but once Tom had gotten with Maura it had pretty much stopped. There’d never been any confusion, no wondering about what might have been – to you, he’d always been Tom, the boy who’d wiped a booger on you at six, and copied your chemistry homework for four whole years and never been caught. Sure, you knew exactly what people saw in him, why girls chased him on the streets and oogled him in the gym, and now that you thought about it you’d always liked it when you went swimming.
But he was still just Tom.
“I…I don’t really know what to say,” you said at last, pulling away from him slightly. You saw hurt register in his eyes, and it killed you to be the one that caused it. But what else could you say? You couldn’t tell him you loved him too because it was a lie...
...wasn’t it?
“Anything - anything but that this has scared you away.”
You held back a sob, somehow feeling more conflicted than you had than when you’d come here in the first place. “It hasn’t, I’ll always love you Tom,” you saw hope flare in his eyes “but I don’t think I love you like…like that.”
He nodded, pushing his tongue against his cheek and pulling away from you. Suddenly the air went cold, all the energy disappearing with him, and you wanted to sob at the loss. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair, his back blocking you from seeing his face, and you ran a finger across your lips, at a loss for what to say.
You knew today would go badly, but you hadn’t expected it to be because of this. You’d prepared yourself to deal with the fall out of a cheating girlfriend, not a declaration of love, and now you just didn’t know what to do.
Thinking on instinct, you reached out and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his shoulders shake as his warm hands embraced yours and he leant back into your body. You glanced at his cheeks, reaching up to wipe away a tear, and sighed into his neck, wondering how you’d gotten here.
“I’m sorry, you probably didn’t expect that,” Tom laughed, the sound full of a profound sadness you’d never heard in him before.
“I didn’t, but I’m glad I know,” you replied, feeling more sure as soon as you’d said the words.
“Of course. It seemed like it was upsetting you not telling me, and if telling me has made it any easier for you than I’m glad I know.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say it’s made things easier.”
You smiled, bending down onto the floor and cupping his cheek. “Maybe not, but things are always better out than in.”
“Isn’t that a drinking joke?”
“It applies here,” you grinned, relief filling you as he cracked a small smile. “Besides, things change.”
Tom’s brow furrowed, big brown eyes turning to look up at you as you rubbed your thumb over his chin. “What?”
Hesitating, you bit your lip and met his gaze, remembering what Harrison had told you yesterday about life and taking risks. This was either a horrendously bad idea or about to change a hell of a lot in the space of five seconds. 
You weren’t exactly known for your rational decisions after all, you barely managed to make it out of your flat alive most days. But the second he’d said it, the second he’d made you question everything you believed, you knew you had to find out what it felt like, even if it was just once and never again.
And so you went for it, without thinking, and pushed your lips against his, feeling the shock wave course through his body and his rigid mouth melting against yours as he finally registered what was happening. For a second, you wanted to pull away, pretend like it never happened, but then Tom reached for your neck and fireworks exploded behind your eyes.
It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, butterflies flapping excitedly in your stomach, your heart swelling and beating faster than ever before. Bolts of lightning raced through your veins, electricity crawling across your skin and setting your nerves on fire as his lips moved slowly against yours. Suddenly, there were no more questions, no more overthinking, just you and Tom, exactly where you were supposed to be.
And, for the first time in weeks, you were stupidly...embarrassingly...happy.
When you finally pulled away, you were both a little breathless, a little starry eyed and overwhelmed. Your lips curved into a smile, a small laugh escaping you as you fell against Tom’s arms and nuzzled your face into his chest.
“Does this mean...” he started, but you pushed your finger against his lips.
“Don’t even question it, Thomas,” you grinned, reaching up to press another kiss to his cheek. “It’s not something that needs to be thought about.”
Before you could think, his lips were back on yours and this time you were in his lap, pulled flush against his chest and he was running his tongue along your bottom lip. 
But before you could deepen the kiss, the door behind you suddenly burst open, Harrison nearly giving you a heart attack as he yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Oh FINALLY! Harry? You owe me twenty quid!”
(if you want to be added, send me an ask or leave a reply with the account you want tagged!)
@jinxfanfics @zabdisamor @jillanaholland @enjoymyloves @averyfosterthoughts @ziggyspurplehaze 
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coreastories · 4 years
A Drive Around the Coast
Well, several drives.
They go on a trip.
Like normal people, they get to know--and love--more about each other. 
The King: Eternal Monarch RPF (Real People Fiction) Yep, this is LMH/KGE. Don’t worry. No cringe. Never. :) 
Inspired by July 13 - My Love By My Side
Extended MEGA version of Twitter thread fic I posted on July 13
With thanks to Joyce @singersleeps on Twitter and RCL. On July 16, she shared her translation of the Weibo speculative posts that in turn inspired how I could extend the thread fic I originally posted July 13 on Twitter. 
For @collectsfallenstars and Patty @pateetsie again, because RPF shenanigans, and just because. 
Companion to A Ride Along the River, but can standalone. 
ON AO3 for kudos and download :) 
July 9
He was such a tall tree man that when she got into the driver’s seat, she fully stretched her legs and her feet just thumped uselessly on the car floor. She couldn’t reach the pedals at all. 
He laughed his weird laugh while he adjusted the seat for her. 
Once he had put on his seatbelt and the van passed them, she started the car and followed. 
They were on a coastal road now and everyone’s business was to drive along it, so both of them felt safe enough to open their windows. They grinned at each other at the delicious wind that buffeted their hair and faces. 
It was so good. She felt so good. 
She handed him her phone and she pursed her lips and tried not to smile when he expertly navigated it, and in another second, the speakers played exactly the song she had in mind for a drive like this, with someone like this, on a trip like this, in a life like theirs. 
She realized he was looking at her to see if he’d done right, and she scrunched her nose and smiled. Without taking her eyes off the windshield, she reached for his hand, and it was already there waiting to catch hers. 
Sometimes their sync scared her. Or was it how he was so attuned to what she wanted? She had never felt so carefully... observed. He observed her. Out of the corner of his eye or with both those beautiful eyes, he saw and catalogued everything. 
And when all this began it had made her feel conscious of what he saw and whether he liked it. 
And apparently he did. Everything about her. Her truest self. She hadn’t hidden anything, to test him, to test herself, and he’d passed every test. 
So now she was well beyond the point of being conscious and well into the territory of getting used to it and loving it. 
He flipped the visor for her just as the angle of the afternoon sun started poking her in the eyes.
He offered her a sip of water just when she felt a little parched.  
He reached across her waist to shut all the windows just when she felt the wind start to bite and sting. 
This time, she turned to him with an eyeroll. “I could have done that.” 
“You didn’t have to. I can do all the buttons for you.” 
It took three seconds. Then he realized the ridiculousness of what he said. The lip bite came first. Then the grin. Then the laughter. 
She kept both hands on the wheel, trying to keep her eyes open as she shook with her own giggling. His hand was on her shoulder, keeping her upright because her body was curving over toward the dashboard. 
She ended up pulling over because her fit of giggles refused to stop. 
He was still chuckling, probably more at her laughter now. She felt him put her ball cap on her head, put his on, and then she saw him climb out and round the car to her door. She opened it herself but she was still too far gone to do much else.  
She had both hands over her cheeks now, alternately covering and fanning her face as she tried to calm down. He gently grabbed both wrists and pulled her up and out of the car. 
The wind helped. The change in temperature helped. His closeness helped. She took a deep breath and she was done. 
The visors of their ball caps collided and dovetailed as he peered down at her face. “It wasn’t that funny.”
This just triggered another giggling fit and she pretty much collapsed against him with her hands sliding from his chest to his waist so she could hold on to his hoodie and not fall to her knees. 
He held her and laughed a little again, rubbing her back a bit. “What?” 
She took deep breaths. When she was sure that answering wouldn’t make her giggle again, she said, “I… I remember the… the... button scene. You know…”
“Ahh.” And he grinned. 
“Yeah.” She ducked her head because he was looking at her intently and-- just when she thought she was getting used to it, he always managed to show her she was still not used to it. Would she ever be? His gaze was so intense, so unbelievable, because it made her feel like all he saw was her.  
He twisted her ball cap on her head, and once she was visible to that gaze, he said, “Our first kiss.” 
Almost on instinct as a defense, she said, “That wasn’t us.” 
He blinked. “Oh. Right. So when was it us then?” 
She looked up at him and realized, after all their text messages and phone calls, that they’d never talked about this yet. 
Instead of pressing in that direction, he pushed her gently in another-- toward the car. “Let’s get you back in the car. It’s getting a bit cold. I’ll drive now.” 
“But I only drove for an hour.” He had already driven the two hours from Seoul to their meeting point. 
“You drove a bit more than that.” He gestured for her to get into the passenger side. “I think we’re less than thirty minutes away now.” He adjusted the seat before getting in. 
Only when he was seated did she drop back in. She took off her ball cap and tossed it to the back seat, where it joined his. The caps sat bill to bill like they were having their own dialogue. 
She faced him just as he started the car. “It was me when we kissed by the window.” 
And she was glad the sun was going down, because she felt her cheeks burning. 
He maneuvered the car back onto the road. As soon as they were cruising again, he turned to her for a bit and reached for her hand. And she loved it that whenever he did that, his eyes always sought hers first. For permission. Or maybe he just really enjoyed turning her to mush by making contact with his eyes before making contact with his hand. Or with his lips. 
She really was thankful it was getting dark, especially when he said what he said next.  
“It was me when we kissed by the bed.”
He squeezed her hand. 
July 10
She was sitting in the passenger seat on her side, clutching her middle. The lights from the street lamps showed him she was grimacing a little. 
“I think I ate too much.” 
He grinned. “They served too much.” He cursed when he hit a random pothole. “Sorry about that. You okay?”
Her expression and position hadn’t changed. He was afraid that would unsettle her currently full stomach. Apparently not. She really was made of sterner stuff. All she said was, “Let’s not have bibimbap again while on this trip. Not like that anyway. How many side dishes was it? I lost count.” 
He laughed. He remembered how well she ate. He loved that she loved food and had no compunction about eating with enthusiasm, wherever she happened to be. They’d booked a dining room at the restaurant so it was just them and their teams, so she probably felt at home. But he had seen her eat with everyone else before. She was consistent with everyone, everywhere. 
Her unchanging character was what intrigued and charmed him when he finally met the person behind those magnificent and diverse roles. 
“I’ll grill meat tomorrow. The guys got fresh fish and ojing-eo and saeu, too.” 
“That sounds awesome,” she said, carefully sitting up and adjusting her seatbelt across her body. “Is it weird to fantasize about food when I’m still about to burst from food?”
He laughed again. She could always make him laugh. “No.”  
“You lost weight during the shoot too, right?”
He nodded. “About eight pounds, I think. You?”
“About the same. Do you want ice cream?” 
She was smiling as the light of the convenience store fluorescent lamps filled the car. He pulled over, shaking his head and grinning. She flitted out of the car fast-- for someone with a heavy stomach-- and he wondered if she should have put her ball cap on. But sometimes being in plain sight helped better than any attempt to hide. People didn’t expect you to be bare-faced if you really were a celebrity. 
And it was a godsend that everyone wore masks right now. 
She came back to the car and he didn’t need to ask her if anything happened. She was usually blushing and a little unsettled when she was recognized. She was shy. Eight years in the industry and she still blushed when she was at the center of attention off-camera. 
But now she neither blushing nor rattled. Just excited with her loot. 
He started the car and they ate ice cream. She fed him as he drove, and he pretended nonchalance that he was sharing her plastic spoon. 
That was new. 
Another new thing to add to the list so far. 
Sharing a blanket when they were all hanging out together. 
Good night kisses before they went to their separate rooms with the team-- girls and boys together. (No funny business on this trip-- he took care of his people).  
Her hand playing with his hair and ear when he laid his head on her lap.
The cute way she nodded when he agreed with what he or anyone else said. 
The silken softness of the skin where her back met her nape, when he lost thought one time she sat by his leg while he was on the couch, and he didn’t realize where his hand had gone and stayed. 
She must have felt him freeze, because before he could casually remove his hand, hers was there on his wrist, stroking and patting his arm, before letting go and going back to strumming the guitar on her lap. 
He moved his hand to her shoulder, but his thumb was stubborn and stayed glued to that new delicious place. 
July 11
He leaned back on the passenger seat and closed his eyes, but he was grinning. She took her hand off the wheel for a second to poke him at his side. He dodged the second poke and caught her hand. 
“What?” he asked, eyes still closed. 
“Did you really not plan that? They just also happened to be here?” 
“I don’t believe you.” But she was smiling. It was so good to see the girls. The three of them hadn’t really gotten the chance to spend more time together during filming, but both women had become close friends. One she shared an agency with, and the other was such a nice and warm unnie. 
He had driven them to the bay today, with their staff staying behind at the villa, completely off the hook for their own plans. The bay was a perfect, secluded place for a sunset walk, and her heart recognized the romance of it and was thrilled at it. 
And then she saw two people approaching them, crossing the sandbar, waving and calling out annyeong. 
They had dinner right there, on a blanket on the sand, wrapping meat and sides in sangchu as fast as they talked, catching up with each other as the sun set before them. 
And throughout all that, he had sat slightly behind her, his back perpendicular to hers, so that whenever she leaned back she had something to lean on, and whenever her hand rested on the blanket, it was beside his, their fingers touching or overlapping. 
He let the women talk. He asked and answered questions, but for the most part, he let them talk. At some point he even leaned on her, so her instinct had been to lean back on him, and they stayed like that, until it got too dark and they packed up everything with the light of their phones. 
She and the girls had promised to meet again in Seoul. Her mind was already buzzing on how exactly to get that done. 
But she was also completely, entirely in awe of the man napping--or pretending to nap-- beside her as she drove his car. She hadn’t expected this sunset to turn out like this, with new friends she’d sorely missed. 
But then he always did surprise her. Not always in big ways like this one. But in quiet, small ways. 
Like how he always got embarrassed when their teams teased them. 
And how he intently listened to her all the time and looked surprised sometimes, even with his uncanny ability to intuit what was on her mind and what she needed or wanted. 
Or how he never assumed she would give him anything-- whether it was her hand, a kiss, or her head on his shoulder. 
Earlier on the blanket was the same. He had offered to be there for her to lean on, but he hadn’t pushed. He had this ability to get close to her without invading her space. 
Or was that her? Was he simply welcome now, his touch and presence beside her something she now wanted that it was never an intrusion in the first place?  
She leaned back on her seat, extended and locked her left elbow as she held the wheel with one hand, and looked at him again. 
She was almost startled when his eyes opened and looked at her. Almost. 
Because over the last few days, she had gotten used to him meeting her gaze. And holding it. 
Of course she couldn’t lock eyes with him just now because she was driving but she felt her lips turning up in a smile. 
She glanced at him again, and when he saw her smile, he grinned that boyish grin, reached out and took her free hand in his. 
“Did you have fun today?” 
She nodded.
“And my grilling is five-star, right?”
He laughed. 
Just to mess with him even though he did grill so well, she wrinkled her nose. “You’re pushing it.” 
She was in danger of loving that silly laugh too much. 
July 12 
They’d fallen asleep on the living room couch. 
Every single one of them was a little or a lot drunk. And judging from the blanketed lumps scattered around the living area, every single one of them hadn’t made it to the bedrooms either. 
He was on his back on the long white couch, his arm around her, securing her against him as she lay half on the sofa and half on him, her head fitting perfectly against his shoulder and neck. Her arm was around his waist, her leg thrown over his thigh. 
She sang last night. And he could still hear her singing voice in his head. 
She was an angel. And he couldn’t believe his good luck in meeting her, knowing her, and now holding her like this. 
With just a small movement, his lips reached her forehead, and he kissed her there. 
He closed his eyes again. 
She felt that kiss and smiled to herself, tightening her arm around him and relishing how warm and solid he was. She could feel nothing but space behind her back and beyond his hold, but she felt safe in his arms. He wouldn’t let her fall off the couch. 
After all, he had kept her secure while they were both on a horse. He hadn’t allowed her to be forced into anything she wasn’t comfortable with, even a tiny thing like calling him “oppa” in public. He had always… always made her feel safe. He was her sunbae and now he was… 
He was an angel. He was kind and he was funny and he was a dork and he made her heart race and made her feel at peace at the same time. 
With just a small movement, her lips reached his jaw, and she kissed him there. 
She closed her eyes again. 
This was their last day here. Maybe they could prolong it by sleeping. 
July 13
She was asleep, her legs tucked under her, both feet at her hip, the shape of her toes discernible through her yellow socks.
Her cheek was slightly squished where it rested on her shrimp neck pillow.
And he catalogued these details, these mundane details, because he was driving.
But when the lights turned red, he stopped the car and looked his fill of the details that stole his breath away, no matter how many times he'd already seen them before.
Those lips, slightly open, pink, and unadorned with any artificial color.
Their script had never called for him to touch those lips, he just did. And he had clung to the thought that it was because he was dedicated to his craft, and Lee Gon couldn't possibly NOT touch those lips when he kissed her. 
But HE couldn't either.
It was-- he was fascinated that she never had any artifice, especially on those lips, which in all the time he'd known her had never uttered a single word he couldn't like or adore.
If she wasn't saying respectful, thoughtful, or generous things, she was laughing or smiling.
Laughter that always made him laugh. Smiles that stuck to the back of his eyelids so that he saw them even when he was away from her. Just the thought of it made him smile right now. 
He pursed his lips, but his grin was too persistent, unstoppable, not when she was right there.
She stirred and scratched her nose. His eyes followed her hand as it went back to join the other on her lap. 
He loved those hands, too. 
Soft, and brave, because those hands never shied away from handling anything she thought worth the effort.
Including him. Apparently, she thought he was worthy, because here she was beside him.
And nothing else mattered. 
Everything else could be finessed.
But in the meantime, she was on a furlough before the mad rush of winter.
They had months, or realistically, weeks together. 
Or practically, perhaps days and nights scattered here and there. 
They'd be busy. So busy.
But they’d just spent four blissful days together. He had seen so much of her to fill his mind on their days apart. 
And in the meantime, she was right there beside him, sleeping and slightly... 
...slightly snoring. 
He grinned. He'd tease her about that later. And she'd probably punch him.
He loved those hits and punches. 
Like the image of her smiles, those punches gave him solid ground, made him think, anchored him to wisdom. 
He wasn't going to make mistakes this time.
He took her hand and waited for the light to change.
And then they were at the park, and her car was pulling up beside his. He squeezed her hand to wake her up. 
She saw her car the same moment she opened her eyes. 
She looked at him. He didn’t know what she saw. He hoped he didn’t look pathetic and woebegone. He tried to smile, but she had already taken off her seatbelt, already crossed the console, and already gently taking his cheeks in her hands. 
And then she was kissing him, and his arms were going around her, pulling her tight against him. She melted against his embrace and he loved the way her cheeks stroked his when she hid her face against his shoulder. 
He turned his head and pressed his lips against her neck. “I’ll talk to you later?”
She nodded against him. 
She kissed his cheek. He kissed hers. And then they were smiling at each other. “I’ll talk to you later,” she repeated. 
He hugged her again and it was her turn to nod against her hair. 
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Reed1700: Connor noticed Gavin and Nines spending time together a lot and he felt left out. Plz end with fluff
ahh the ending is so soft!!
Connor was busy. That was actually the understatement of the year, but it still fits.
Cases had been pouring in non-stop and Hank and he could barely keep up. He still had some free time, though, but it was incredibly small.
Even with being so busy he had time to notice things around him. Like how his two boyfriends would whisper to each other while looking at him.
Connor would have brought it up, at least ask if he had something on his face but the two avoided him like the plague.
It hurt far more than he'd care to admit, so he threw himself headfirst into the cases. Hank didn't miss this fact at all, but he didn't bring it up. If Connor wanted to talk he would.
Then they finally got a break. They had solved the case and Fowler said that if he saw either of them at the office for the next few days he'd fire them.
So they both went home to Hank's. Connor still lived there after all this time. He loved being there and he loved Hank so it wasn't a problem. Hank definitely enjoyed having him there even with all his grumbling.
Connor had sent a message to both Nines and Gavin letting them know he was free. He hadn't gotten to spend much time with either of them and he just wanted to hold them again.
They didn't reply. Which could just be them being busy but he knew they had a break too. So unless something had come up, they were avoiding him.
It stung so much that he almost just curled up in his room and never left. But Hank had been pacing around the living room and Connor knew he was worried.
So he dragged himself out of bed and into the living room, he had spent most of the day laying there. Hank watched him as he sat down on the right end of the couch, pulling himself into a tight ball.
Hank finally sat down beside him, turning on the TV. They didn't say anything for a long time but Connor slowly scooted over so he could lean his head against Hank's arm.
"Do you wanna talk about it, son?" Hank asks, no longer paying attention to the TV at all.
Connor shrugs and stares ahead for a few seconds. He wanted to talk about it, but saying it out loud made it real. "Nines and Gavin are avoiding me."
"Why do you think that?" Oh, Connor hated the way he said that. Like he agreed but wanted Connor to talk it out anyway.
Connor swallowed thickly, pushing back the tears. "They keep whispering and looking at me. They won't return my messages and when I try to make time for us to be together they always say they're busy." Yep, it definitely hurt to say that out loud.
What had he done wrong? He knew he was new at the whole boyfriend thing but he thought he was doing well. He thought they were incredibly close.
Maybe he had been kidding himself this whole time. Maybe they only asked him out because they pitied him. Or maybe it was a cruel joke. He didn't think they were the type to do that or be capable of it. Though, maybe he didn't even know them at all.
"From my experience, guys get super sweet before they break up with you. Maybe something is going on with one of them and they don't want to worry you." Hank suggested.
It was a good idea but it still hurt. He wanted to be worried about them. He wanted to be able to hold them and pepper them with kisses until they forgot whatever was wrong. He wanted to be there for them.
But they weren't letting him. They weren't even giving him a chance. Was he not trustworthy? Everyone had told him that he was forgiven for things he did before deviancy. Though, he had told them both about Amanda. Did they not trust him because of her?
"Then why won't they even talk to me?! I thought they…" he trails off, shaking his head. He thought a lot of things.
"Connor, what did you think?" Hank asks, turning so they can face each other.
Connor quickly shakes his head again, ducking it so Hank won't see the tears. "It doesn't matter. I was obviously wrong." His voice comes out staticky and he hates it.
Maybe this is why they didn't want him. He was too weak, or too emotional. He cared too much when he should have played it off as being cool.
"I need you to tell me, Connor." Hank sighs, reaching out to place a hand on his trembling shoulder.
"I thought they loved me, ok?! They've never said it but I thought they had shown it. I thought they wanted me around and that they loved me as much as I love them!" His voice cracks and he can no longer hold in the tears.
Then Hank is pulling him in and rubbing slow circles into his back.
Part of him wishes he never became deviant. If he hadn't then he wouldn't have to deal with all of these emotions. He wouldn't have to deal with love and heartbreak. He wouldn't have cared either way if they loved him or not.
But he was deviant and he did feel it. He felt so much and it was overwhelming. How did humans survive like this? With all of these emotions constantly distracting them?
"From what I've seen, they do. They look at you like you hung the fucking moon, Connor. They both get this stupid grin on their face when you do something adorable and you don't even realize you're doing it. That looks like love to me. But what do I know, I'm just an old man." Hank says, pulling away and reaching out to wipe away Connor's tears.
Connor quickly shakes his head. "You're only fifty-five, Hank." He points out.
"And you're only two, so let me call myself old." He smiles as Connor's eye roll. "Seriously, I do think they love you."
Connor shrugged, pulling his knees to his chest. "Then why are they ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?"
"Not from what I've seen. If you really want to, you can go to their place and barge in, demanding answers. Be dramatic as hell and make them feel like shit." Hank said.
That was another thing. Gavin and Nines already lived together. Connor was happy for them and before all of this he actually spent most nights there. He even had some clothes in the drawers alongside Gavin's and Nines's.
Connor giggles and shakes his head. "I don't want to make them feel bad, but I do want to talk to them."
"Do you want to talk to them now or do you wanna watch Cupcake Wars?" Hank already knows the answer but it still warms his heart to see Connor perk up a bit.
"Cupcake Wars!" Connor said, bouncing just slightly. Hank chuckled and quickly found it. It definitely wasn't one of Hank's favorites but the kid loved it so much that he'd watch every episode a hundred times if it made him happy.
They watched the TV until both of them are falling asleep. Connor surprisingly does actually fall asleep as he leans against Hank.
Hank turned the TV off, gently picking up Connor and taking him to his room. He couldn't help himself as he tucked him in, and then pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Damn, this kid was turning him soft again. He was so glad to have this chance but it still hurt to think about Connor like a second son. He wouldn't replace Cole, but that didn't mean he couldn't also be his son.
Connor snuggled into the blankets and Hank just stared for a second. "Sleep well, son." He mumbled before leaving, shutting the door as quietly as possible.
Connor wakes up warm and comfortable, snuggling in a bit deeper. His stress levels are a bit lower than it had been last night, which was nice. He didn't remember how he got to bed, so Hank must have carried him.
Then he remembers why he had been so upset. Right, Gavin and Nines avoiding him.
This was it. He was going to go talk to them whether they liked it not. One of the most important things in a relationship was communication, and they definitely were failing at that. At least with Connor.
So he pulled himself out of bed and ruffled through his clothes. He decided on a soft cream-colored, cabled knit sweater and jeans. Nothing fancy but it was definitely comfortable. He wanted to be as comfortable as possible if this didn't end well.
Hank gave him a thumbs up and a quick hug before Connor was out the door.
The walk to Gavin's and Nines's place didn't take too long, but normally he gets a taxi. For today he decided to walk to relieve some of his stress and energy.
When he got there he hesitated. He hadn't even messaged them that he was coming. He normally didn't, but now it seemed odd. It was almost like he didn't feel welcome anymore.
Before he can fully second-guess himself he knocks firmly on the door. He can hear some shuffling, so they were home.
Then the door is pulled open and Gavin is standing there. He didn't expect Connor to show up as his eyes go wide. "Connor, um, how are you?"
"I'm good, actually that's a lie. Can I come in?" He hated asking that like it was his first time here.
Gavin nods and quickly moves out of the way, closing the door behind them
"Who is at the doo- oh, Connor," Nines says, walking over, shirtless. He looks just as shocked as Gavin which punches another hole in his heart.
Connor shuffles slightly, completely forgetting everything he had planned to say. 
"Not that we aren't glad you're here, but did you need something?" Yeah, just saying that sounded like they didn't want him there. Like he needed something to come over to his boyfriend's house.
"I wanted to talk to you both if you have the time," Connor says, looking towards the couch.
They both get the drift and headed towards the couch. The two sat next to each other and Connor looked around before picking the loveseat. "Right, so this is important to me, and I need you both, to be honest, no matter what."
The two glance at each other before nodding. "We'll be as honest as possible," Nines says, taking Gavin's hand.
"I have noticed that you two have been… avoiding me. You may not have meant to, but you still did. It feels like you both don't want me here, and if that's true, please just tell me. I'd rather know for certain rather than having to keep guessing." That sounded good, right? Composed and to the point.
Gavin flinches at his words and Nines glares at the ground. So they did notice they had been doing that. He didn't know if that hurt him more or less.
They both sat there quiet but Connor wouldn't break. He wouldn't apologize when he hadn't done anything wrong. The two knew what they had been doing so the only ones that had to apologize are them.
"Connor, we didn't mean to upset you but we had to make a decision," Nines says, still not meeting his eyes.
Connor slowly nods, trying to urge them on. "It was really important and he couldn't decide how you would feel about it since it's about you." Gavin's eyes bounce around the room, never landing on one thing for too long.
"Then shouldn't I have had a say in it?" It made no sense. Wouldn't they want his input if it pertained to him? "I don't understand."
The two glance at each other again and Nines gives a slight nod. Then Gavin finally looks at him and Connor can see the panic. "We didn't want to ask you this way, we were actually planning something romantic but…" Gavin paused.
Nines gives a slight squeeze to Gavin's hand, smiling hopefully at Connor. "And we know how close you and Hank are, so we understand if you aren't ready for this." Ok, now he was incredibly confused. What did this have to do with Hank?
"We wanted to ask you to move in with us." Gavin finished.
Connor sat there for a second in shock. He had to triple check that he had heard that right, and when he did his mouth hangs open.
Out of all the options he hadn't considered this at all. "Move in? Here?"
"Actually, we wanted to get a new place. Gavin's lived here since the academy and we thought he could get an actual home, not an apartment." Nines says.
Their own place? A home? "I thought you were breaking up with me." He mumbled.
"No! No, of course not. We were looking at places that we could afford before we asked to see if this was even possible yet." Gavin says, reaching out to him.
Connor gladly takes the hand, still shocked. "We understand if you want to stay with Hank," Nines says, also reaching out.
He would miss Hank but he worked with him and he could always visit. He was really thinking about this. It was a huge commitment, but he had already been thinking about it. Imagining just living with the two.
"You really want me to live with you? Actually, fully live with you?" He asks, looking between the two.
"Of course, Connor we love you," Gavin says, smiling.
Connor's eyes go wide once again and he's pretty sure his heart stops.
"We do, we love you." Nines nods.
"I love you too!" He blurts out, laughing giddily. "I love you both so much. I thought you didn't feel the same and that's why." The two instantly pull him into the couch between them.
They pepper him with kisses and he can't stop his giggling. They both hold him close and keep mumbling that they love him between kisses.
"Yes, yes I'll move in with you." He grins. Then he's pulled into a kiss by Gavin. He gladly sinks into it. He lets out a startled moan as Nines kisses down his neck.
Then Gavin is pulling back and he's quickly spun around so Nines can fully kiss him too.
"We have a few houses narrowed down, we just need your opinion," Nines says once he pulls back.
"I, I'm so happy. I'm so glad you aren't breaking up with me." He sighs out.
"No, we would have told you if that was the case. We were both just nervous." Gavin shrugs.
Connor pulls him into another kiss, not stopping the grin. "I love you; I love you both so much."
Before Connor got too distracted by the two he sent Hank a message letting him know he was fine and very happy. He'd tell him the news in person, though it would definitely have to wait until his two boyfriends were tired of him.
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 5 years
But I Hate You (4)
Florian Munteanu x reader
Warnings: SMUT!
A/N: I know y’all have been thirsting for the smut and I hope it was worth the wait. Lol 
Word Count - 2,814
The night before it was time to leave they convinced you to come to a club with them. You tried to decline, but Kay made a big deal about it, so you went just to shut her up.
Of course the moment you stepped inside, the women noticed the guys immediately and flocked right over to them. You were led into a VIP section by a bouncer away from the swarm. Not that it mattered, Kay and Michael went right back down to the dance floor and after a while, Florian dragged you down with him.
You were all having fun until once again, the groupies closed in. You went to the bar and had a drink to get away from it. That damn jealousy was relentless. Some guy sat next to you and began talking.
"So your boyfriend likes the attention he's getting huh?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" You looked to him. He nodded in Florian's direction. "Oh, he's not my boyfriend."
"I'm Drake," he stuck his hand out for a shake. You took it and introduced yourself. "So, you just on vacation with friends?"
"Yeah, I was supposed to be on vacation with a friend, but the guys decided to crash." You said.
You fell into comfortable conversation with the new face. Telling him about your work in real estate and he told you about how he was actually on a work retreat and snuck away from the group to be there. He had gradually leaned in closer the longer you talked. But suddenly you saw Drake's gaze shift. You looked behind you and Florian was making his way over and the scowl on his face let you know that he wasn't coming to be friendly. The man next to you had visibly shrunk in his seat.
He wedged his large body in between the two of you and completely ignored the other man's presence.
"Flo, move, don't be rude." You said to him.
"Come on, we're leaving," he grabbed your arm practically dragging you off of the barstool. He reached into his pocket, threw way too much money on the bar and led you out, but not before he turned to give the mystery man scathing glare.
"Let go of me. What is your problem?" You pulled away once you were outside.
"Get in the car," he instructed as he opened the door for you. Rather than cause a full scene, you dipped inside and he followed behind you.
The car ride back was quiet. You pulled out your phone and sent a text. Just as the car pulled up to your destination, his phone started ringing. You hopped out and went inside without him. You could hear him on his phone outside as you undressed and hopped in the shower.
By the time you got out, he still hadn't made his way inside. You were sitting on the bed putting on lotion when he burst inside the bedroom.
"Hey!" You snatched the towel up and covered yourself. "Closed door means do not enter!"
"You told my mom?!"
"Yep," you shrugged. "Don't man handle me then."
"Wow," he said with disbelief.
"Don't you 'wow' me, Munteanu. You snatched me off of a chair and rudely interrupted a conversation I was having. You scared that poor man to death!"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed you. He shouldn't have been so close whispering all in your ear."
"You had women grinding all up on you for most of the night and the second you noticed that someone else was paying attention to me, you get jealous."
"Of course I'm jealous. I don't even care about those women, but I don't want to be rude to fans either." He said.
"Oh please," you tried to move around him and out of the door. "Move."
"We're not done talking."
"Yes, we are, now move." He stayed planted in front of the door. You turned to get your phone. "Now, I can tell her you're keeping me trapped —"
He snatched the phone from you and went to the other side of the bed.
"This is so childish!"
"No, what's childish is you running away with my stuff," you hopped on the bed and ran across it. He held the phone out of your reach, so you threw a pillow. He lost his balance trying to dodge it and fell on top of you.
Completely forgetting that you were in a bath towel, you wrapped your legs around him and reached for his hand causing the towel to slide down and expose your breasts.
He rolled over onto his back taking you with him. He stopped moving for a moment and you followed the line of his gaze. His dick springing to attention pressing against you through his pants. You scrambled to cover yourself.
"You're such a pervert, you did that on purpose."
When you moved off top of him, he snatched the towel off.
"I'm tired of playing with you," he grabbed you and threw you on the bed. He pressed his body to your back keeping you pinned to the mattress. His warm breath on your neck caused you to shudder.
He ran his fingers down your spine and in between your legs. You clamped your thighs together denying him access. He bit your shoulder earning a shaky moan from you. He tried to touch you again, but you still didn't open your legs.
You turned your head and gave him a sly smirk.
"Oh, you're going to make this hard for me?" He asked. He ran his tongue across your neck and then bit you again. He smacked your ass. "Open them," he demanded.
Your resistance to him was weak. You spread your legs apart allowing him entry. He brushed a thick finger lightly across your pussy.
He slid it in between your plump folds and just barely pressed at your waiting hole. You mewled as you tried to push back on his finger, but he kept moving back to keep his touch light.
"Either fuck me or leave me alone," you said.
He chuckled in your ear, "Do you think you're in control here?"
"Of course I am. I'm always in control."
"Wrong," he smacked your pussy. You clenched your thighs shut, so he smacked your ass again. "Did I tell you to do that?"
You hurried to spread your legs again and brought yourself to your knees. He started back up with the feather light touches. When he wouldn't apply more pressure, you decided to do it yourself. Sliding your hand down your stomach, you started playing with your clit.
He watched you. Enjoying every bit of the show. He watched as your pussy became wetter and wetter with every stroke of your fingers.
Florian removed his pants and shirt as you pleasured yourself. Stroking his hard dick as he watched you.
"Smack that pussy for me. Let me see how wet it is," he directed.
You pulled your finger out and followed his command. First rubbing it to spread your wetness around and then slapping it lightly. He watched as your slick fingers met your flesh.
He pulled you closer to the edge of the bed and dropped to his knees behind you. He ran his tongue over your clit and then sucked it into his mouth. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He continued to eat your pussy from the back until you felt the all too familiar pull of an orgasm building in your stomach.
"Yes, yes, yes, don't stop! Don't stop I'm gonna cum!" You yelled.
Florian kept a steady pace of his tongue going on your trembling frame. He waited until you were right on edge and then stopped. He slapped your ass hard as he stood.
"What the fuck, Flo?? Why did you stop??" You turned to him.
"Ah, dragă meă, I feel like you're still under the impression that you are in control here." He grabbed you and turned you on your back. He spread your legs wide and palmed his dick just before rubbing himself up and down your slit. You watched as he coated himself in your juices.
"Put it in, Flo. Please?" You asked.
"No, you don't deserve it. Not yet anyway," he said before pulling you up. "You like to run your mouth and I don't think you've ever had anyone shut you up." He forced you to your knees.
The sound of his voice and the look in his eyes kept you from protesting. He was done playing games with you. All the mouthing off that you do? He was about to put a stop to it. All the attitude you've ever given him? He was about to fuck it right out of you.
Your pussy throbbed with anticipation. You sat on your knees and looked up at him, eagerly awaiting his instruction.
"Open up," he tapped your lips with the tip of his dick.
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. He rubbed his tip on your tongue. The mixture of your slick and his precum invaded your taste buds. It took all of your willpower to stay still and not wrap your lips around him. He cradled your chin in his hand as he admired you.
"Go ahead," he said giving you permission to start sucking.
Your eyes drifted shut when you slightly closed your mouth. He guided himself in and out of your throat slowly at first. You placed your hands on his thighs for purchase when you felt him increasing his pace.
He moved his hand to the back of your head and held himself in your throat. You could feel the tears pricking the corners of your eyes after a few seconds, but you refused to push back. He pulled out slowly and you sucked in a heavy breath. He pushed in again. Holding you a little longer this time.
When he finally started pulling out, he placed his hand on your chin again, so he could see your eyes. You blinked and the tears fell, causing your mascara to run a little.
"Fuck," he said and tapped your face with a light slap. He slid his dick back inside of your mouth. You took control and bobbed back and forth. He watched as you worked him. Listened as you moaned.
He pulled away from you when he felt himself about to cum. Grabbing his spit coated cock, he pumped it as you held your mouth open waiting for him to deliver. Your hunger caused him to tip over the edge.
Florian moaned loudly as his seed spilled into your mouth. He was jerking so hard that some of it got on your face. You didn't care.
"Ahh, let me see."
You stuck your tongue out to show him then he swiped his thumb across your face to add the bit that he'd missed. You sucked his thumb and swallowed his essence without having to be asked. He froze. Your actions catching him by surprise.
Your heart skipped a beat, you didn't know if you had done a good thing or a bad thing since you didn't wait for his permission.
"Come here," he wrapped his hand around your throat and crushed his lips to yours. Once you were fully standing, he scooped you up and laid you back on the bed.
Without breaking the kiss, he guided himself inside of you.
"Oh my god," you exhaled into him. He paused to give you time to adjust to him, but you wanted more. You pushed your hips forward to take more of him in. He drove into you giving in to your silent plea.
His gait steady as he rolled his hips. Giving you exactly what you had been dreaming of since that first searing kiss.
"You feel so fucking good, dragă. Like you were made just for me." He spoke closely to your ear.
"I am. All for you. Only you," you crooned.
He pushed your knees up to your chest and repositioned himself.
"All for me?" He said and started slamming into you harder. "Then I want to hear you say it. Is this my pussy?"
"Yes!" You screamed. You wasted no time letting him claim you. If you could get fucked like this regularly, you would shout that shit from the mountain tops.
"Yes, what? Tell me, whose pussy is this?" He slammed into you harder. You felt your orgasm building. Walls clenching around him as you clawed at his hands.
"It's your pussy, Florian. All yours!" You pledged.
Your body quivered as you erupted with your words.
"Good girl, prințesă. But I'm not done with you yet," he pulled out and dove in between your thighs. He'd denied himself your sweet nectar the first time around by not letting you cum. He wasn't going to deny himself again.
You heard him moaning as he lapped up every last drop.
"I knew you'd taste good," he said just before turning you over and placing you on your knees.
He drove into you from behind, holding onto to your hips as he joined your bodies. You gripped onto the sheets and arched your back, so you could feel all of him.
He reached around you to rub your clit, never losing his rhythm.
"Fuck me, Flo, yessssss!" You howled as the pressure started to build again.
"That's it, prințesă, cum for me again."
Your pussy squeezed tight around him again. You bit the sheets as your orgasm rocked your body. He smashed into you harder and then released inside of you.
You both collapsed onto the bed trying to catch your breath. He leaned in to kiss you before going to the bathroom and returning with a warm wash cloth. He cleaned you first and then himself. After discarding the cloth, he came back to lie next to you.
You reached out to caress his face. Never in a million years did you think you'd be naked in the same bed with this man and not dry heaving about it.
He grabbed your hand and kissed your palm. His eyes were the last thing you remember before drifting off to sleep.
On the way back home, you Florian tried to pretend that nothing had happened. Kay could see right through your parody. She'd caught the two of you stealing glances at one another more than once.
She really knew something was up when you didn't protest to Florian taking you home instead of her.
"It's fine," you shrugged," he did crash the trip. The least he could do is make sure I get home safely."
"Mmm hmm," she'd said before hugging you goodbye.
When you arrived at your building, he brought your bags up. He'd barely put them down before you were jumping into his arms.
He slammed you against the wall and made quick work of his button and zipper, so he could pull himself out of his jeans.
"I'm so glad you wore a skirt," he reached under it and moved your panties to the side.
"Why do you think I wore it?" You breathed.
He slid into you and fucked against the wall.
"Fuck, I wanted to do this the entire ride home," he nipped at your collarbone.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on for the ride. He panted into your throat as rocked in and out of your sweet cavern.
"Yeah, baby, give it to me. Give it all to me," you chanted as you felt his body shift gears. "I'm gonna cum too."
He picked up his speed and soon couldn't hold back anymore. His release racked his body and yours followed. He held you up until you both came down from your orgasmic highs, then he slowly lowered you.
He kept his arm wrapped around your waist, "Can you walk?" He asked smugly.
"Of course I can walk," you playfully slapped his shoulder. He let you go and you wobbled a little, "It's the shoes," you claimed.
His phone started ringing in his pocket. He smiled at the name on the screen before picking up. He started speaking in German. You tried your best to translate, but you gave up. You didn't know an ounce of German. He fixed his clothes just as he finished his call.
You couldn't help the pang of jealousy that pricked at you, but you repelled the urge to ask who he was talking to.
"I have to go, dragă. I'll call you later," he leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"Okay," you put on a fake smile.
You watched him leave. You should have known that when you got back home, you'd be back to your regular lives where a relationship between the two of you didn't really exist. The time you'd shared was fun while it lasted.
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gideongrace · 4 years
Ahh I want 17+27 please?
Ohhhh, this is a good one! This is gonna be some kinky shit! 
"Steve," Billy sighs his name more than he says it. "Please." 
"I know, I'm just…" Steve, turned painfully away from Billy, roots around in the complete disaster that is his closet. He knows he's got some rope in here somewhere…
"Steve," Billy says, all but begging this time. "Come on…" 
"I know!" Steve says again, more desperate, more wild. "Just…" 
The rope's not here. He could've sworn it was in here. He knows he has some, he can even picture it exactly, it's this beautiful pale green and it's the super soft silk kinda rope made explicitly for kink. He can even remember the last time he used it…
The last time he used it was at that girl Anna's a couple months ago - he must have left it there. 
"Steve?" Billy's suddenly at his side, all concern with his big, warm hand on his shoulder and Steve doesn't have to look to know that the same concern coloring his voice is coloring his face, too. 
He looks anyway and he finds that - yep, Billy looks just as concerned as he sounds. 
Steve, in response, sighs. 
"What'd I say?" 
Billy gives him the most disarming grin he's got in his arsenal and it's almost damn near blinding. Almost, but Steve's been doing this Dominant thing for a while now and he knows how to deal with a bratty Sub. 
He gets to his feet with a raised eyebrow and pushes back his head and shoulders, making himself appear larger, even if Billy's still got a good bit of muscle on him; that Billy is still kneeling on the floor and he's standing helps a little.
"I believe the words I used were 'stay here'," he says, pointing with an index finger towards his bed. 
Billy scowls. 
"Fine," he grumbles as he half shuffles-half crawls back to the bed, dragging his feet so they squeak along the hardwood along the way. 
Steve sighs again as he watches Billy set himself squarely in the center of the mattress, looking like a golden-haired, angelic island in the middle of a navy blue sea. 
It's beautiful… but it's also all wrong. 
He walks over to the bed with the walking speed and countenance his first police captain had taught him - slow but determined, calm but not friendly. 
He crawls onto the bed and pushes Billy back, tips him over with one finger to the chest and Billy goes without complaint and without a struggle, tips over as easy as blowing over a feather but he also sprawls out like an octopus when he lands and he's got the biggest, most shit-eating grin on his face as he does it and Steve isn't quite sure if he wants to kiss him or hit him for it.
But, instead of either of those, he grunts and grabs Billy's hands one at a time and drags them up to the bottom rung of his metal lattice headboard and holds his hands there until his fingers uncurl one by one and he wraps them around the cool, cold metal. 
Then finally, finally, with that finally done (even though Billy still has his legs spread wide and that grin on his face) Steve says, "Stay here," and goes back to looking for something to tie Billy up with because lord knows, Billy's not going to stay where he's put. Not for long. 
"I just want cuddles and obedience," Steve grumbles, more to himself than anything, "Is that so hard? Cuddles and obedience. And rope." 
He's strongly considering using the one and only tie he's got hanging limply off a deserted tie rack lingering in his closet - he's never really liked the thing anyway and barely ever even needs it - when he spots a spare pair of handcuffs dangling out of a shoe sitting in the corner and he thinks, Perfect. 
Of course, when he turns to face Billy with them, Billy is lying with one hand spread lazily over his stomach and the other only just barely clinging to the headboard by the barest touch of a pinkie. 
And Billy's still got that fucking grin, the one that he just knows lights a fire in Steve's bones, the one that he just knows sets all Steve's edges to razor blades and his insides to barbed wire. 
But instead of saying anything even half that challenging, Billy says, "Really, Stevie? Handcuffs? A little cliche, isn't it?" his voice a soft and gentle purr that fights tooth and claw against that grin. Fights tooth and claw and loses.
And it makes Steve want to roar, makes Steve want to become like thunder and crack the sky and rattle the windows, but instead he remains calm, instead he holds the handcuffs gently in his hands like there's nothing threatening about them, like there's no threat at all and he says, "Oh, right, 'cause I'm the cliche," all delicate, gentle teasing as he prowls towards the bed. 
"Last week you wore your fireman's pants to the grocery store on your day off just to see if you could get a discount," he says as he climbs up and over his navy blue comforter - the one that matches the sheets he'd bought when he'd started dating Billy. 
In response, Billy snorts and the tension breaks and falls away as easily as snow sliding down a roof in the middle of winter. "Yeah, I guess we're both cliches, huh?" 
Steve rolls his eyes. "Sure, an asexual gay firefighter and an asexual bi cop, super cliche." 
He holds the handcuffs up questioningly, giving Billy a last chance to back out if he really wants to. 
When Billy's grin morphs into this dopey, happy look and he wraps his hands up around the middle rung of the headboard as tight as they'll go, when he nods and holds his body perfectly straight and perfectly still, when he does all of that, Steve advances, closing the distance between the two of them to lay himself over Billy as he chains his wrists up to the headboard. 
"There," he says, leaning back to admire his handiwork and the way that now that he's got what he wants Billy is perfectly behaved, perfectly still, perfectly obedient just like he knows Steve wants. 
Steve lets out a breath as he watches Billy breathe heavily underneath him and he can't help it, he needs to feel it so he drags his hands down Billy's chest and groans, stopping just over his nipples and thumbing them gently. 
"Alright," he says, once he's looked his fill, once he thinks the pattern of Billy's breathing has been imprinted into his skin, "Let's get started."
fic tag squad:
@a-magey @xgardensinspace @myboyfriendsteve @haxpr0cess @thinger-strang @nagdabbit @demi-don @lissieisspacey @tracy7307
(I can add or remove people from this list just let me know in a comment or whatever. 😁)
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