#AEC's Worldbuilding Bonanza
radiates-confusion · 1 year
Day 2 of Worldbuilding: Stroke!
Ok, so, the actual amount of time each section is gonna take me will vary, cause lore *and* character design take time! We're probably gonna be closer to me getting one done every other day, and I havent decided if I'll do both parts together or lore on the 1st day and design on the second,
Either way, for our Day 2: Stroke!
I went looking into the books for an art God, couldnt find one. Not one I felt fit what I wanted at least, But that's what Homebrew is for! And the great part, imo is that deciding how I wanted this god to function and everything helped me work out how Gods within my world/campaign (?) would function!
I shall save everyone from my long ramblings no by putting everything under the Break.
Ok, Ok, Hi! If you're reading this, nice! Welcome to the insanity that is my brain!
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I made a chart!!! I had so much fun with it! I probably overthought all of it! I made it whilst on stream (which I regularly plug on my twt (It's most of my tweets TvT I'm bad at social media, ok))! But I decided on a few key bases for how Gods work whilst I was doing it!
A few Gods at the start made people,
After that, most of the Gods were made from peoples belief in them!
For the most part, the Gods talk incredibly sparesly to everyone
The Gods *can* talk *more regularly* with some people, but those are likely to be either players with whom it is required, or devotees within the world,
Now! Onto things specifically about my fancy shmancy new Homebrew God!
They like to talk *slightly* more regularly to followers than a lot of other Gods,
They cover the creation and craft of things for personal joy, or entertainment and such. So, things like making a painting, an outfit, even a weapon, for a *Job* wouldn't count. All of those listed above (and anything else considered a craft) for *fun* or side projects or stuff like that *would* count!
This distinction, personally, inherently means there is a similar God of Crafts, but specifically ones done as a Job and such!
Gods can choose if they'll take after their followers at all, and I rolled a dice, and came out with Halflings making up most of this Gods followers, so I made an attempt (I am *incredibly* hesitant to say I succeded) to allude to Halflings with their design!
Ok, Ok, If someone's still here I'm impressed. Anyway! Introducing my fun little Art God:
Varerio: God of Personal Crafts!
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I tried to make the fabrics and fun physics stuff make it look like they're floating TvT i also decided to use my sketch pencil for the scritches, cause I loved the texture, and uhh yeah!
That's all for today!
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
More Worldbuilding!
Ok, Ok, with the fuckery that is everything that's going on that I'm having to keep track of, This is no longer a 30 day, nor prompt based, thing, It's me making sure even my midnight thoughts are tracked, and also using social media to hold me accountable to actually get work done.
On that lovely note, I have made progress on the landmass that is where Campaigns take place! Man, When I tell you tryna work out how many days travel 3 hexes took drove me crazy, I mean crazy! I almost messaged my DM cause I just couldn't work it out from the book! I worked it out eventually, after working out that I could find a destination 180 miles away, put it inot google maps, and then just have that tell me how long it would take to walk there! I think I'm probably gonna make it slightly longer to each place but uhh anyway:
I decided to roughly map out the areas controlled by like, each major city, kinda like....Idk, each county in the country??? Anyway, here it is!
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(And we have the hexmat in use too!)
I *also* jotted down roughly the times between each major city, as I said, I think I'm gonna rejig it a bit, but I thought I'd at least make sure I had an idea of how long it took to currently get where!
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I had a lot of fun spending my evening doing this, and look forward to spending more time (hopefully if I get the time, as my evening is already occupied with not-my-usual-activities TvT) on this tomorrow/today!
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
When you're sat here slowly but surely planning an underground organisation, realising either you're gonna be up way later than is appropriate for having work in around 12 hours, or you're not gonna have enough time to finish this before you're onto 3 days for a daily prompt instead of two
(All the Day 3:Agent related stuff is apparently in the tags..... This was not initially intentional.)
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
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It's not perfect, but we'll call this Day 0: Map. I just spent about 2 hours (I was watching a stream so that number is actually accurate TvT) trying to make a repeating hexagonal pattern because It's a nice way to start for worldbuilding, but I'll be damned! That shit is hard to get repeating right, and it's still not even perfect!
Anyway, Now I have that done, I can start on our actual Day 1 for worldbuilding!
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radiates-confusion · 1 year
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Welp, we're back at it again. Another 30 day concoction of prompts to reach an end goal I wish to have! (It's litterally just the second time I'm doing this) This time, I'm worldbuilding! And will ramble about it below the break!
So we're going to have some section of worldbuilding related to each prompt, whether it be a town, a lifestyle, a job, a character themselves, a situation for potential DnD-ing etc etc.
Each worldbuilding block made will include a character design related to it. This is for two reasons!
Reason 1 is that it helps jumpstart my brain into making more Npcs, and that it helps me consider how what I have built affects the larger world!
Reason 2 is that this will help keep my brain engaged, as whilst worldbuilding can sometimes be very stop start for me, I am always willing to indulge into character design.
This is really helpful, because it means I will find it a lot easier to stick to the one design/worldbuilding block a day timeline!
Plus! This timeline gives me something to do towards the end of my summer, and will be able to follow me for awhile as I transition back into actually having to go to college again, soooo, fun!
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