#ADSA: Chapter 34
isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 34
Chapter 34: Dragon Time
*Our heroes move on to the Medieval Terrarium, the time of knights and dragons. Other than your standard rolling hills, tall wizard towers, long dark caves, and castles are abound in the landscape. But beware, the past is not what it used to be...*
Spyro smirks. "I can guess what this terrarium is 'supposed' to represent."
Sonic: "I think this is the Medieval Era, at least from what I can remember from that storied outing."
Amy: "Does it bother you how others represent dragons?"
Cynder: "Nah. We know that some humans don't have an easy understanding of us."
Spyro: "And then there some who love us a whole lot, and even worship us."
Cynder: "To be short, we don't mind what they do."
Spyro: "As long as they don't hurt us."
Crash smiles. "Well, we wouldn't. Honest." *He hugs Spyro and Cynder. The others soon join in. Crash then takes the lead into the world.*
Level 41: Reversal Tower
*Cortex and Eggman appears.*
Cortex groans. "Again! You have defeated the time lord again! Have you no bounds?"
Eggman: "What Cortex is trying to say is that you got lucky. It's only going to get harder from here on out." *They disappear.*
Crates: 177
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:45.00
Gold: 1:40.00
Platinum: 1:35.00
KD2 to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Cynder
Badniks: Knight Lab Assistant Pawns: They like to swing heavy swords about after 3 grunts. Wizard Lab Assistant Pawns: They send magic from their staff after you. Watch those flying spells. Frogs?: They hop around like frogs, but if you let them get you, they become... Prince Lab Assistant Pawns. Ah, that's why they are here.
Mutants: Komodo Dragon Squared: A Komodo Dragon + Dragon Hybrid. It sounds redundant, but it does make for a heartier, stronger dragon. It might be a good idea to get it on your side .
Welcome to the Medieval Era, the time of swords and dragons... and futuristic technology? We are in the top of a tower and the only way is down... or is it up? For some reason, the tower is built very weird. Some of the rooms are made on the walls and others are made on the ceiling and floor. Every time you enter a door, the gravity changes to a different direction to fit the orientation of the new room. Do your best to survive all these gravity changes to the bottom floor.
Achievement Unlocked: Tower of Power (Crystals)
Level 42: Dragon Cavern
*Komodo Moe and Joe appear.*
Komodo Moe (He has a deeper voice): "Well, hello, Crasssh."
Komodo Joe: "Romping through the Medieval era?"
K. Moe: "Careful who you anger."
K. Joe: "We've got plenty of friends."
Moe and Joe: "Sssssssssic 'em, friendsssssss!" *Rather than disappear, they hop in with you and run into the level instead.*
Crates: 162
Time Trial (The dragon is only fought once.)
Sapphire: 1:30.00
Gold: 1:25.00
Platinum: 1:20.00
KD2 to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Spyro
Beasts: Goats: *Ba'ah!* Dragons: Cortex left these dragons bad-tempered and they will flame anything that comes near. They come in a multitude of colors that signify how quick they will breath fire. Red breathe the fastest, then orange, all the way to blue, which take the longest to breathe fire.
Now you find yourself in a cave filled to the brim with hostile dragons. Maybe it's because you are too close to their treasure piles of coins, gems, silverware, whatever. Or maybe it's because Moe and Joe are ordering them to attack you. Either way, keep on your toes unless you want to become cooked bandicoot.
Unfortunately, near the end of the cave, Joe and Moe are seen awakening a huge purple dragon blocking the exit. They climb on it and force you to attack it.
Mini Boss: Huge Purple Dragon
The dragon is too big to be attacked so all you can do is run from its snapping mouth. If you avoid is biting a few times, it will spew out flames at you. Naturally, you have to dodge it, but it is also your salvation. Around the room are chains attached to holding spools, and those chains connect to a large chandelier on the ceiling over the dragon's head. Do you see where I am going with this? Make the dragon destroy all the spools in fire and this will drop the chandelier on its head, preventing it from being able to use its mouth. It seems to also awaken the dragon from a trance since it then turns to Moe and Joe, making them run off.
Achievement Unlocked: Dragon Drop
Level 43: Knight Time Tournament 
Crates: 157
Time Trial
Sapphire: 1:25.00
Gold: 1:20.00
Platinum: 1:15.00
KD2 to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Sonic
Badniks: Horse-bots: Badniks made in the shape of horses. They mostly just run around. Joust Lab Assistant Pawns: Lance carrying Pawns on horse-bots in knights clothes.  Sword Lab Assistant Pawns: They cross swords with each other until they see you, which will make them bring the blade down on you. Shield Lab Assistant Pawns (Medieval): They carry shields to block you off, but forget that it makes them easy to slide about by hitting them. Archer Lab Assistant Pawns: They keep their distance shooting arrows at targets... like you.
Night has fallen, but the lanterns come on in this obstacle course-like festival. Do your best to avoid the charging Joust Pawns around the starting area. If you can avoid that, then it's on to the swords tournament. There's plenty of blades flying and bouncing about. Next comes the shielded pawns, but they should be pretty easy to handle (Someone forgot to get rid of the Nitro boxes behind them). Finally, it's through the archery range as the arrows fly to targets. It's best not to dawdle in one spot here.
Achievement Unlocked: Joust Like a Dragon
Level 44: Dragon-Henge
Crates: 185
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:15.00
Gold: 2:10.00
Platinum: 2:05.00
KD2 to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Tails
*The level begins by showing Moe and Joe carrying the starts into the cave, showing what they did before you got here.*
Hmmm... another level where the exit is right in front of you, but this time it is enclosed in a block of ice. It stands atop a translucent metal star pedestal with 5 indents. Those indents appear to hold missing gold stars that complete the circuit which is broken right now. Head down the mountain to the ground below. Down there, you will find 5 caves to the stars.
The first star requires Crash to use his Tip-Toe ability to walk over weak ice platforms and small Nitro bridges to it. (You could also cheat by flying, but it feels a little unfair.) There are also patches of stronger ice that Crash's tip-toe can avoid a slip-sliding disaster. Touching the star will send it back to the mountaintop machine.
The second star requires using Crash's Wumpazooka or anyone's throwing ability to hit targets that drop bridges to said star.
The 3rd star requires Crash's strong belly flop or any strong attack to break reinforced crates to reach the star.
The 4th star needs Crash's Death Tornado or any flying character to get across gaps in ice floes to the star.
The 5th star is oddly the most simple since you just need to avoid/defeat the badniks and beasts to get the star.
Collecting the last star warps the player back to the mountaintop, watching a drill appear from below breaking the ice and offering you the means to escape.
Achievement Unlocked: Up on the Mountaintop
Level 45: Castle Conundrum
Crates: 198
Time Trial
Sapphire: 2:05.00
Gold: 2:00.00
Platinum: 1:55.00
KD2 to Save: 5
Helping Partner: Cream
Badniks: Cannon-handling Lab Assistant Pawns (Medieval): Exactly as it says on the tin. They aim and fire cannonballs at you.
You are dropped off in a forest, but will quickly change into the outside portions of a castle. The gate in is down right now, but if you look around, you will find your way into the prison area. Knocking out the guard here will procure the keys into the castle and into its courtyard. Then it's a long run through the various rooms with their electrified floors and ramparts full of cannons and dragons in the castle to the center. Then it's a short walk in the veggie garden (Hmm, carrots?) to the throne room, the exit.
Achievement Unlocked: A Kind of Sorcery
Cream: "Mr. Crash! Look!"
*She points out Moe and Joe running into the terrarium castle. They run after them and are trapped as a gate closes behind Cream and Crash in the Komodos' throne room.*
Moe: "Well, hello Crassssh, and bunny rabbit."
Joe: "You're trapped with usssss now."
Moe: "Thisssss won't be like before."
Crash gets into his fighting stance. “I bet it will!”
Cream gets into her fighting stance too but is visibly shaken.
Moe: “Aw, isssss little bunny rabbit too sssssssssscared to fight?”
Joe: “Doesssssss sssssshe need to run back to Mommy Rabbit?” *The Komodo Brothers laugh.*
Crash goes over and checks on Cream. “Are you okay Cream?” He asks as he pets her head.
Cream: “I-I-I’m okay.” She tries putting on a tough face. “I’m alright.” *She’s clearly still trembling.*
Crash: “It’s alright, Cream. It’s okay to feel scared. I won’t lie, those scimitars do worry me quite a bit.”
Cream: “They do?” *She stops trembling*
Crash: “Yeah, but just remember that with the right mindset, you can do anything. I mean, look at me, I have to fight these ‘henchmen’ almost every time with Cortex, yet they never seem to get any tougher.” *Moe and Joe can be heard saying “Hey!” *
Cream: “Really?”
Crash: “Yeah. I can see it in you Cream, that fighting spirit.”
Cream: “Yeah... “ *She gets into her fighting stance without a tremble.* “Yeah!” *She looks at Komodo Moe and Joe.* “In fact, they look quite weak if you ask me!”
Joe and Moe, with a slight twinge of anger say “Weak?!”
Crash: “They are, if you ask me.”
Cream: “They couldn’t even hold a candle to what I’ve fought! They look simple compared to Eggman’s mechs and other creations!”
Joe and Moe, more angry say “SIMPLE?!”
Cream: “Let’s beat these ugly lizards,  Crash!”
Crash: “Yeah!”
Moe has reverted to a more praying stance. They have lost their lisps “So, you think we are weak, simple, ugly lizards, hmm?”
Joe: “Thems fighting words.”
Moe: “ ‘Lizards’ is very derogatory to us. So now, you are going to witness our true strength.”
Joe: "See if you can break my illusion." *Komodo Joe creates 4 hologram copies of himself.*
Boss: Komodo Moe and Joe
The fight starts with the Joes spinning with their scimitars and Moe kicking away the 4 spinning Joes around the room. The first round is easy in that the real Joe spins around opposite of the other three. You need to wait until he gets tired and slumps on the floor to then send Joe into Moe, knocking out some health. If you hit a fake one, it will disappear, making the round a little easier as they spin again. When you hit the real Joe, knocking out their health, Moe will throw scimitars at you for a set time before Joe gets up again and creates more holograms (It will be easy to notice the real Joe now since they come off him). To throw you off, they rotate about each other first to confuse you before being hit by Moe. Repeat this 2 more times to win. (It's tougher in the second and third round when the attacks last longer.)(And to answer why Cream is here, if you really are tired of figuring out the real and fake Joes, you can sic Cheese on them, but please try to use it as a last resort.)
Achievement Unlocked: Dizzy Dragons
*Komodo Moe and Joe fall on the floor defeated as they are teleported away. The gate opens, letting Crash and Cream leave to the others.*
Cream ran to Tails arms and hugged him.
Cream: "Hey, Tails! I did it! I wasn't fearful of fighting the enemy!"
Tails was happy for her. "That's great, Cream!" *They went back to hugging.*
Vanilla smiled. "Ah. My little daughters growing up."
Vector was standing right next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I think she going to turn into a fine rabbit. I bet she'll turn out like you, from what you told me."
Vanilla blushes a deep red. "Vector!!" she shouts, although she doesn't say it in a negative tone. 
*The heroes leave out the terrarium.*
Death Head / Space Egg's Bridge
*Cortex facepalms at the Komodo brothers defeat.* "Ugh, I have such incompetent henchmen."
*Just then, Nina comes from the elevator.*
Nina: "Oh, god, is my old man moping about again?"
Eggman: "Yes, he is. And who are you?"
Cortex stops moping and has a smile on his lifted face. "Ah, my niece, Nina Cortex. You can deal with the bandicoot."
Nina: "Of course. And I get the Transylvania Terrarium, huh?" *She has an evil smirk.* "Heh, this should be fun. Transport! Take me to the Transylvania Terrarium!" *She is transported away.*
Next Time: Terror travels free in the Transylvania Terrarium.
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