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buddiebeginz · 2 months ago
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aaron in eps | 12/18/24
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generalallxsanjishipper · 6 months ago
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I'll leave it here just in the case that I won't finish it. Because if my art stops artying and stuff, at least I have this :')
I might even start hating this sooooo
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a-drinking-pegasus · 7 months ago
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like, really really fast and really really high up, @ask-coppertop
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princesscallyie · 4 months ago
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Wanted to do a cover for my boys. They are so cute 😩 Don't know when I'll write another episode. Though the story in my head is quite expansive already. There's new characters and everything lol
Link to the 1st fic (m/m, humor with mature themes/mild BDSM, consensual punishment)
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humancelltournament · 5 months ago
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Within the cells of some members of basidiomycetes fungi are found microscopic structures called parenthesomes or septal pore caps. They are shaped like parentheses and found on either side of pores in the dolipore septum which separates cells within a hypha. Their function has not been established, and their composition has not been fully elucidated. The variations in their appearance are useful in distinguishing individual species. Generally, they are barrel shaped, with an endoplasmic reticulum covering.
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), also known as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), is an important organic compound in metabolism and is essential to the flow of energy in living cells. Energy transfer used by all living things is a result of dephosphorylation of ATP by enzymes known as ATPases. The cleavage of a phosphate group from ATP results in the coupling of energy to metabolic reactions and a by-product of ADP. ATP is continually reformed from lower-energy species ADP and AMP.
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relaxandtakealoadoff · 7 months ago
I know this will make me look like a salesman pitching sales for a show but I’m not. I’m just very much into history of Kings and Queens and The Medieval Era.
Anyway right now there are 2 seasons of this show to view for free- normally it’s like 15 dollars a season. If you love Medieval history and kings and queen this is a must watch. The only other film I consider great are the 2 Elizabeth movies with Cate Blanchett as Queen Elizabeth I. I mean I love history so almost all the things Ive seen are somewhat great but this show is the epic thing to watch! If you do watch it let me know what you think.
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jbcchan · 1 month ago
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exoluxionlove · 2 years ago
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230517 real__pcy Instagram Update: ADP 💛
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thosekillerheels · 10 months ago
I remember when we got the bit of news that T would be working with other women on her new record. We were all so intrigued! We could have never guessed that these were female archetypes. I felt American Doll Posse was Tori’s Ziggy Stardust. The live experience was such a novel, well executed idea. Every character was so developed and fully realized. The added element of suspense and surprise over which doll would take the stage each night really added a special element to each show. We also never could have imagined that Yo George and the person it alluded to were mere child’s play compared to the hell scape of 2016-2020. Each doll had such a distinct vibe. I’ve always liked to think of the Dolls and the Strange Little Girls as one large Posse-a group of friend who might hang out, oh I don’t know, at a hotel or something.I love that I can specifically hear the influences of Lynyrd Skynyrd (Big Wheel), The Doors (Father’s Son), The Beatles (Mr. Bad Man), Queen (Teenage Hustling), and others throughout. My favorite songs include, You Can Bring Your Dog, Body and Soul, Roosterspur Bridge, Father’s Son, Code Red, Dragon, Beauty Of Speed, Dragon, and Big Wheel. Each one is a vibe that enables the listener to access that part of themselves. We are all multidimensional, and contain multitudes-like Pip, like Santa, like Isabel, like Clyde, and even like Tori. ADP is a great concept album that stands a bit apart from records with more convoluted concepts. The embodiment of classic rock n’ roll by five self-possessed women does truly rock pretty hard. Moments of darkness, tenderness, humor, hurt, and longing contribute beautiful brush strokes to the tapestry of Tori’s catalogue. And the Dolls are friends we can turn to because they understand us, and help us understand ourselves
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angelanimedesaray · 11 months ago
It's been so long since I posted these stories I may pamper you guys with previews for the first time ever to tide you over until I'm ready to start posting again.
Once I've finished one chapter of each, anyway.
.......maybe I'll be extra nice and post the preview as soon as I finish the first chapter per story, so you get them a little spread out, and not just all at once and then it's a dry period until I've finished 3 or 4 and am ready to post lol
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sunshinette · 1 year ago
[M-lien love] Recherche d'un pl important <3
Hey coucou !
Je viens te présenter un lien attendu sur ADP - city vie réelle se déroulant dans le Maine (usa).
Un pl love tout mignon - ou presque - pour ma madame Helena (42ans) qui recherche son ancien amour de jeunesse : M - 43/44ans - ancien militaire reconverti https://alldelightedpeople.forumactif.com/t1428-1m-amour-de-jeunesse-pardonne-moi
Contexte :
Ils se sont connus durant leur enfance, ils sont sortis ensemble durant plusieurs années en relation à distance. Ils se retrouvaient chaque été à Bar Harbor. Il s'est engagé dans l'armée et elle est partie faire ses études à Londres. Il est revenu en espérant continuer leur histoire et pouvoir compter sur elle, mais Helena n'a pas été là pour lui et pour leur couple. Une fin brutale pour lui qui lui a fait beaucoup de mal.
C'est un lien important pour le développement personnel de Helena qui remet tous ses choix de vie en question pour prendre un nouveau départ. Cela commence par demander pardon à l'homme qu'elle a aimé dans sa jeunesse et qu'elle a abandonné pour sa carrière au moment le plus critique de sa vie. Cette histoire ne sera pas sans rebondissement et je te garantis pas mal de fun ! Hésite pas à passer sur le forum si tu veux en savoir d'avantage !
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b2the4thpower · 2 years ago
The path to yourself is knowing that you come first in your life Angry Dad Links https://lnk.bio/angrydadpodcast Inner Circle Podcast Network Instagram @innercirclepn https://www.instagram.com/innercirclepn/ Twitter @InnerCirlcePN https://www.innercirclepn.com Website https://www.innercirclepn.com The Sponsor of Angry Dad Podcast Thrive Body Transform Learn to eat right for you and your day to day life START NOW! https://www.jonandersencoaching.com/you-tube-landing-page Pit Boss Grills Pit Boss brings the heat to the barbecue market with a Bigger. Hotter. Heavier. Instagram @pitbossgrills https://www.instagram.com/pitbossgrills/?hl=en Link https://pitbossgrills.77jaha.net/AngryDad CH Concrete Servicing the San Francisco Bay Area Offering concrete and landscaping services. Paving and concrete stamps Plus sidewalks, driveways, patios and walkways and all concrete custom work Instagram @ch_concrete_bayarea https://instagram.com/ch_concrete_bayarea?igshid=ka0z80g7222c Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CHHConcrete/ Gmail [email protected] Contact +1 (510) 314-5343 JEGS is a fully-stocked - preferred destination for every gear-head, professional racer, weekend warrior and restoration nut who wants to take their vehicle to the next level. @jegsperformance https://www.instagram.com/jegsperformance/ Link https://jegs.ork2.net/angrydad 5.11 Tactical Purpose-built clothing, footwear, bags, and tactical gear for life’s most demanding missions. #AlwaysBeReady Instagram @511tactical https://www.instagram.com/511Tactical/ Link https://511.pxf.io/qnbPXN.angrydad Ohfishl Clothing Hip Hop is our life, StreetWear is our passion! WE ARE THE OFSHLS | Live by your own rules! Instagram @ohfishlclothing https://www.instagram.com/ohfishlclothing/ Website https://www.ohfishl.com AngryDad at check out Sunday Everything you need to build a yard you love. Driven by data and science to make better easier. Instagram @getsunday https://www.instagram.com/getsunday/ Website https://sunday.pxf.io/2rXKNA #AngryDadPodcast #AngryDad #Motivation
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generalallxsanjishipper · 10 months ago
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ADP band interaction pt. 1
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a-drinking-pegasus · 8 months ago
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fros-art · 2 years ago
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some scribbly ms paint mouse art of darker's sona to go on their homepage!
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relaxandtakealoadoff · 7 months ago
I’m Sitting in this house and everyone is asleep and the sound of thunder and rain on the windows, I stare into twilight. When did it become so hard to forget things and to be happy, I hurt both emotionally and physically. The pain won’t go away no matter what I do to try and kill it.
I keep telling myself one day I may get married and be able to see my imaginary husband from my dreams pull into the drive while me and the dog go out to greet him and it’s nothing but smiles as he comes up the walkway with his arms open wide.
The autumn leaves are starting to fall as the Dog Days of summer are gone. I find myself closing the windows at night and pulling the fan from the one great breezeway that never fails me. I had fixed dinner and cleaned up as I go into the living room to join him and watch the first Halloween movie or something equally satisfying.
The room is dark and the shadows of the day dance across the nights walls. Almost like those little fairies in those really old cartoons. It’s time to go upstairs now, you go and I say Ill be up in a minute like I usually do. I check all the windows and doors to make sure they are locked up and go from room to room turning out the lights.
I slowly climb the stairs as I hear the dog run into our room and jump on the bed….I turn and go into the bedroom and the bed hasn’t been unmade there are no sign of you or your cloths, I go and check in our bathroom to see if maybe you are in the shower….nothing.
I go to sit down on the edge of the bed like I always do and look around at this big house and hear how deathly quiet it has just turned….I know you’re not there and that we haven’t met yet but, when we do…I have big plans for our lives! I plan on giving you the world.
I lay down on my side and just stare at the rain outside, wonder if I can guess which direction the drops will roll down…? No I don’t have time for that, I have to get back to you and that thought again….my dreams…they are hauntingly beautiful.
I get up and without turning on a light I sneak over and sit on the window ledge and curl up in a fetal like position and just stare…..into the darkness of the worlds tears rolling down my window. I’ll probably be here until morning…..wishing and hoping…..
A.D.P. 2024
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