#ADLER 67 Class
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needleman1 · 2 years ago
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190R, MTX190 Sewing Machine Needles Groz Beckert Size 80/12 Regular Point PFAFF, ADLER
190R, MTX190 Sewing Machine Needles Size 80/12 Regular Point PFAFF, ADLER
This listing is for 10 needles 190R Size 12/80
The SYSTEM or STYLE of this needle 190, 190R, MTX190, SY7555
This Needle SYSTEM is used in many PFAFF Industrial Sewing Machine MODELS:
145 146 195 335 540 543 545 546 1240 1245 1246 1545 3306
Walking Foot, Double Needle, and many other PFAFF INDUSTRIAL Sewing Machines.
This Needle Style is also used in the following machines:
ADLER: 67-1000 68-1000
BROTHER: B833-600V LT2-B833
JUKI: LH-525
PFAFF: 28, 143, 145, 146, 190, 195, 335, 343, 344, 390, 543, 544, 545, 546, 555, 593, 594, 595, 596, 1240, 1245, 1246, 1545, 3006, 3125, 3135, 4145
190R is also sold under these numbers: 190, 190R, MTX190, SY7555
We stock many different types of sewing machine needles, parts,
and supplies for the cutting, sewing, finishing, and embroidery industry.
Feel free to contact us anytime.
You can typically expect a response within 1 - 2 Hours
All orders are carefully packaged and shipped through USPS
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dineshgilfoyle · 7 years ago
My 100 Favorite TV Episodes Ever
1.     Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Restless
2.     The L.A. Complex: Don’t Say Goodbye
3.     Malcolm in the Middle: Cynthia’s Back
4.     Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body
5.     BoJack Horseman: The Telescope
6.     The L.A. Complex: Do Something
7.     It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs
8.     Adventure Time: What Was Missing
9.     Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Are You?
10. Review: Pancakes; Divorce; Pancakes
11. Parks and Recreation: The Fight
12. Gilmore Girls: The Big One
13. UnREAL: Truth
14. Garfunkel and Oates: Eggs
15. You’re the Worst: You Knew It Was a Snake
16. Community: Cooperative Calligraphy
17. Community: Remedial Chaos Theory
18. Parks and Recreation: Fancy Party
19. Phineas and Ferb:  Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!
20. Community: Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas
21. Batman: the Brave and the Bold: Mitefall!
22. Orange is the New Black: You Also Have a Pizza
23. Silicon Valley: Two Days of the Condor
24. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Storyteller
25. Clone High: Homecoming: A Shot in D’Arc
26. Black Mirror: Nosedive
27. The Simpsons: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
28. Supernatural: Sex and Violence
29. Superstore: Labor
30. Gossip Girl: Bad News Blair
31. Rick and Morty: Wedding Squanchers
32. Broad City: Burning Bridges
33. Master of None: Indians on TV
34. Stranger Things: The Monster
35. BoJack Horseman: The Old Sugarman Place
36. Bates Motel: Underwater
37. BoJack Horseman: Stupid Piece of S…
38. Gotham: Smile Like You Mean It
39. Master of None: Thanksgiving
40. 30 Rock: Black Tie
41. BoJack Horseman: That’s Too Much, Man
42. Silicon Valley: Homicide
43. Degrassi: Chasing Pavements
44. House: The Dig
45. Bob’s Burgers: Bad Tina
46. Girls: Beach House
47. You’re the Worst: Talking to Me, Talking to Me
48. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Mac Fights Gay Marriage
49. Legends of Tomorrow: Destiny
50. Raising Hope: Say Cheese
51. Cougar Town: Mary Jane’s Last Dance
52. Malcolm in the Middle: Dirty Magazine
53. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Innocence
54. Freaks and Geeks: Carded and Discarded
55. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Gang Tends Bar
56. Riverdale: In a Lonely Place
57. Ellen: The Puppy Episode
58. The Wonder Years: Pilot
59. Freaks and Geeks: Kim Kelly is My Friend
60. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Josh is Going to Hawaii!
61. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: I’m Back at Camp with Josh!
62. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Solves a Puzzle!
63. Scream: The Orphanage
64. Jessica Jones: AKA 1,000 Cuts
65. Gossip Girl: Blair Waldorf Must Pie!
66. Malcolm in the Middle: Malcolm vs. Reese
67. Oz: Napoleon’s Bony Parts
68. Gossip Girl: Hi, Society
69. Halt and Catch Fire: Yerba Buena
70. Bob’s Burgers: The Belchies
71. Silicon Valley: Founder Friendly
72. The Simpsons: Cape Feare
73. Parks and Recreation: The Debate
74. Silicon Valley: Minimum Viable Product
75. BoJack Horseman: Prickly Muffin
76. Malcolm in the Middle: Bowling
77. The Fosters: The Morning After
78. Bob’s Burgers: Mother Daughter Laser Razor
79. Steven Universe: Keystone Motel
80. Will & Grace: The Unsinkable Mommy Adler
81. The Simpsons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
82. South Park: Stanley’s Cup
83. King of the Hill: Luanne’s Saga
84. Superstore: Cheyenne’s Wedding
85. Alphas: Rosetta
86. Community: Introduction to Film
87. Rick and Morty: Pickle Rick
88. The Office: Business School
89. Raising Hope: Mongooses
90. Breaking Bad: Peek-a-Boo
91. The L.A. Complex: Burn It Down
92. Malcolm in the Middle: Surgery
93. Freaks and Geeks: The Little Things
94. Archer: The Wind Cries Mary
95. Superstore: All Nighter
96. Workaholics: Flashback in the Day
97. You’re the Worst: Men Get Strong
98. White Collar: Deadline
99. Breaking Bad: Hermanos
100.                iZombie: Zombie Bro
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unchartedtrash · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @cmonxlegend (Thanks youuu! You’re amazing!)
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Tagging: @dragonjedihobbit @darkri97 @unchxrtedfan  @chapinfan69 @trash-daddy-adler @solarsystemus @vikabelieser @jkreutzer82 @everythinguncharted @rafeadderall and anyone else who wants. (Y’all don’t have to if you don’t wanna.)
1. drink: coffee
2. phone call: boyfie
3. text message: my friends ‘cause I’m homesick af
4. song you listened to: West Coast by Lana Del Rey
5. time you cried: a few nights ago... ‘Cause homesick...
6. dated someone twice: ahahahaha I also dated someone three times (:
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah...... My friend and I were drunk and since we were the only bis in my party, we ended up making out....... The moment I woke up with her boobs (we were both dressed, mind you) on my face, I already knew what went down. Plus, there were vids and pics from friends.
8. been cheated on: Not to my knowledge
9. lost someone special: :/
10. been depressed: I think I told this during my 700 followers thing...
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Many, many times :)
12. Red
13. Black
14. My soul (oh wait, that’s still black)
15. made new friends: haha no
16. fallen out of love: I mean, I was young and naive.
17. laughed until you cried: Watching a Shane Dawson video. He’s THE KING of comedy, I swear.
18. found out someone was talking about you: Ho, ho, ho (merry Christmas) the amount of gossip that goes around my school is incredible. They’re really bad at it too.
19. met someone who changed you: A lot of people tell me that they’ve changed since they met me, but I never really felt the other way around...
20. found out who your friends are: Erm, I’ve still got many years ahead of me, but that doesn’t mean I’m thankful to have my friends. (Who knows, we may be friends ‘till we die!)
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Erm... Yeah..........
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except for a few.
23. do you have any pets: My little cute cat named Whiskey and I miss him so muchhhh.
24. do you want to change your name: I never really had a strong urge to do so. I did when I was like, 6. I wanted it changed to ‘Rose’.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Last October, I had two: one for my close friends and the other for the whole class. The one for the whole class, we watched Ms. Peregrine Home For Peculiar Children, went to a karaoke bar and ended the night in my place drinking alcohol. The one for my close friends, we went to this park, played lazer tag and all that fun stuff.
26. what time did you wake up: 10:40 smth
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Playing Sims 4 ‘cause I just watched a paranormal storytime. (I’m a wuss, leave me alone)
28. name something you can’t wait for: SEASON MOTHERFOOOOKIN 3 OF OUTLANDER AND DUNKIRK WHICH I’LL WATCH WITH MY DAD TONIGHT!!! (Yayyy daddy-daughter time :D)
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: a few weeks ago...
31. what are you listening to right now: the sound of cars passing by my house lmao
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I talked to a Tommy, but not Tom
33. something that is getting on your nerves: People self-diagnosing themselves when in reality, THEY’RE JUST BEING OVER DRAMATIC
34. most visited website: YouTube and Google
35. hair color: Dark brown. In May, I dyed it from black to blonde ombre.
36. long or short hair: It used to be very long (until my ass) but I cut it to half of my back ‘cause long hair sucks sometimes.
37. do you have a crush on someone: Does my boyfriend count?
38. what do you like about yourself: that I don’t mind being alone for weeks with no contact of the outside world.
39. piercings: I waaaant snakebites.
40. blood type: I know it has two letters... 
41. nickname: Ange, Angie, Sneaky Dicky (I’m actually a dick (mean person), but I’m sneaky about it)
42. relationship status: Taken (Long Distance Relationship)
43. zodiac: Libraaaa
44. pronouns: She/Her
45. favorite tv show: Outlander, How To Get Away With Murder, Rome, Orange Is The New Black, House, The West Wing
46. tattoos: I would looooove to have some. What I have in mind are small, but they have meaning to them (as one should). An empty heart on my top left collar bone; ying-yang on the top right of my back; semi-colon on my right wrist; g-clef somewhere.
47. right or left handed: Right
48. surgery: Nope
50. sport: Is badminton a sport..?
51. vacation: Scotland (and Korea ‘cause that’s where my boyfriend lives)
52. pair of trainers: I wear boots everyday and sometimes all black converse... I wear trainers when I jog or work out.
53. eating: I actually barely eat...
54. drinking: I’ll always be a coffee drinker
55. I’m about to: Watch a YouTube video (Shane Dawson) after this tag
56. waiting for: Dunkirk and December for my boyfriend to visit <3
57. want: To walk around and be in nature ‘cause it’s actually sunny today
58. get married: By the age of 30, but it might change ‘cause that’s a long time ahead. 
59. career: Professional writer, but if that goes down the drain I really don’t know...
60. hugs or kisses: Kishessss
61. lips or eyes: Lips
62. shorter or taller: I’m... Short... Er...?
63. older or younger: I don’t have any siblings, lmao
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Both but if I had to pick, nice arms.
65. hook up or relationship: I’ve always been the hookup type, but I’m trying to change and be less slutty. So, relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: I’m usually a troublemaker (I’ve done a lot of shit), but I can be hesitant on some things.
67. kissed a stranger: Yeah. Alcohol can make you do crazy things.
68. drank hard liquor: Yish about a week ago >>don’t insert song here<<.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope...
70. turned someone down: Ahah... Hahaha.... Yeah....
71. sex on the first date: Lmao, no.
72. broken someone’s heart: Yeah....
73. had your heart broken: hahaha yUP
74. been arrested: was about to......
75. cried when someone died: Well, no one that I know of has died, but I have when someone did on TV.
76. fallen for a friend: Ehehhehe... Yuuuup
77. yourself: I’m gonna be honest here... No.
78. miracles: It’s amazing what the universe does sometimes.
79. love at first sight: nehhh
80. santa claus: neh
81. kiss on the first date: Yeah
82. angels: Oh hellzzz to the yass
84. eye color: Dark brown (black?)
85. favorite movie: The Silence of the Lambs, Forrest Gump, Gladiator and I have another in mind but I can’t quite pin it.
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tactical-sunglasses-blog · 8 years ago
Honestly I just wanted to do this
1: Name: Ivy
2: Age: 18
3: 3 Fears: The dark, abandonment, spiders
4: 3 things I love: Music, memes, Uncharted
5: 4 turn ons: Uhh I don’t really know, I guess (in a sense of imitating character voices or something) roleplaying, scratching, light hair pulling, dirty talk???? Idk man
6: 4 turn offs: Ego the size of Betelgeuse (the star), pushy attitudes, jealousy, too clingy
7: My best friend: The Internet
8: Sexual orientation: I don’t rightly know what to consider myself, can I put down “Undetermined”?
9: My best first date: I’ve never really been on a proper date
10: How tall am I: 5�� 10″ 
11: What do I miss: My cat
12: What time was I born: 4:02 pm
13: Favorite color: Black
14: Do I have a crush: Yeah kinda but we’ve only exchanged the phrases “I brought reusable bags” and “Have a nice day” rip
15: Favorite quote: “I won’t be able to enjoy a single one of these coins knowing you and your worthless brother are still sucking air”
16: Favorite place: Anywhere with food
17: Favorite food: Really any kind of red meat or potato
18: Do I use sarcasm: How do I properly answer this
19: What am I listening to right now: The Sound of Silence (there’s nothing on)
20: First thing I notice in new person: Their aura, like what kind of vibe they give off
21: Shoe size: Women’s 11, men’s 9
22: Eye color: Blue
23: Hair color: Brown, dyed blue/mint green undertone
24: Favorite style of clothing: Is black a style
25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah but I forgot to *67 so it didn’t work lmao
27: Meaning behind my URL: Rafe is daddy af
28: Favorite movie: Idk man I guess Labyrinth
29: Favorite song: Midnight in Transylvania (Indoor Percussion show)
30: Favorite band: Rammstein or SOAD
31: How I feel right now: I’m pretty bored
32: Someone I love: Platonically or what? Platonically I’d go with like David Tennant cuz he’s my dude but like if it were like a legit love interest I’d have to say ya boi @marshythevamp
33: My current relationship status: Single :/
34: My relationship with my parents: Love my mom, dad is reaaaaaaally iffy
35: Favorite holiday: Halloween
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: None
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: Tattoo of something Uncharted related on my arm or something, like a quote
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I’m trash and I wanted easier access to fanfic
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: yES
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? Yeeeeees <3
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: No
42: When did I last hold hands?: I don’t even remember
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: Like 10 minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: I think so?
45: Where am I right now?: My room
46: If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Why would I be drunk tho
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Depends
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Just mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: Yeah boi boutta send a birthday present to my best friend that isn’t the Internet
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Yeah man
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Yeah, at work
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I wouldn’t really care much, but I’d warn the poor girl
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: I don’t think so
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I worked out for the first time in like ever
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Nolan North
57: What do I think about most?: Food probably oops
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can bend just my fingertips and clover my tongue
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Public restrooms ????? And black toilets honestly those things are scary, they look like a void
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: I like both
61: What was the last lie I told?: “Oh yeah working out was fun”
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Neither really
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Ghosts, yes. Aliens, no.
64: Do I believe in magic?: What kind of magic? Tricks or like legit stuff--
65: Do I believe in luck?: In a sense
66: What's the weather like right now?: Gloomy, it just rained
67: What was the last book I've read?: Where The Wild Things Are
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Not really
69: Do I have any nicknames?: Adler, Fern
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: I broke my foot in sophomore year, broke my elbow in kindergarten. Not sure which was worse.
71: Do I spend money or save it?: A bit of both
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Ew no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: This one Jesus candle I bought as a gag
74: Favorite animal?: Shark
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Eating a quesadilla
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Morningstar, duh.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Catgroove
78: How can you win my heart?: Be nice and respect who I am, it doesn’t really take a whole lot.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “This user is Stefan Karl’s meme friend”
80: What is my favorite word?: Hinky
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Comeonrafe, behold-the-goddamn-silver-fox, galaxycat-1459, unchartedwrites, mine-uc BUT LITERALLY I LOVE EVERYONE
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: “If Sonic is so fast why does Eggman keep catching up to him?”
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I think so lmao
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Wait is this a Simpson’s reference--But I’d choose the ability to bring characters to life (Is that a superpower?)
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Idk???
86: What is my current desktop picture?: I don’t own a computer man, but my lock screen is Sully
87: Had sex?: Nah
88: Bought condoms?: Nope
89: Gotten pregnant?: Unless I’m the Virgin Mary, no
90: Failed a class?: Yeah oops
91: Kissed a boy?: Ye
92: Kissed a girl?: Ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: I don’t rightly remember
94: Had a job?: Yeah
95: Left the house without my wallet?: Guilty
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: Only if they started shit with me
97: Had sex in public?: No ?????? Guys why
98: Played on a sports team?: Marching band counts, right? It better count.
99: Smoked weed?: Once or twice. I didn’t like it much.
100: Did drugs?: Other than Mary’s iguana (lmao) no
101: Smoked cigarettes?: One, didn’t like it. Sam, keep your ciggies.
102: Drank alcohol?: Yee don’t tell the cops
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: Nah
104: Been overweight?: I don’t think so
105: Been underweight?: Yeah :/
106: Been to a wedding?: Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Those are rookie numbers
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ROOKIE
109: Been outside my home country?: No :’)
110: Gotten my heart broken?: More than once
111: Been to a professional sports game?: Kinda? I don’t know if you’d call the Reading Phillies “professional”
112: Broken a bone?: Two or three
113: Cut myself?: By accident? Yeah. On purpose? No.
114: Been to prom?: Yeah
115: Been in an airplane: Ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: Nope
117: What concerts have I been to?: Only my own, unless you’d consider Blue Man Group a concert
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Yes
119: Learned another language?: Yes kinda
120: Wore make up?: Only on occassion
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: No
122: Had oral sex?: No
123: Dyed my hair?: Yeah
124: Voted in a presidential election?: No
125: Rode in an ambulance?: No
126: Had a surgery?: No
127: Met someone famous?: Ye
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: Yes oops
129: Peed outside?: YEAH MAN
130: Been fishing?: Yeah
131: Helped with charity?: Yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush?: Mmhm :(
133: Broken a mirror?: No
134: What do I want for birthday?: Meet a voice actor or meme dad himself, Stefan Karl
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Chris Kyle - American Sniper (audiobook)
Deep Inner Game DVD AUDIO RIP
Dr. David R. Hawkins - Power Vs. Force (MP3 Format)
Mark Hyman- The UltraMind Solution (audiobook)
Jonathan Haidt - The Happiness Hypothesis(audiobook)
Jordan Belfort - SLP - STRAIGHT LINE PERSUASION(audiobook)
Mayer, Jeffrey J. - Time Management for Dummies (audiobook)
Miller, Alice - Paths of Life Six Case Histories (pdf)
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Blake Mycoskie - Start Something That Matters (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem - Nathaniel Branden (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - Honoring The Self  (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Power Of Self-Esteem (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Psychology Of Self Esteem(pdf)
Nathaniel Branden Ken Wilber - Atlas Evolved  (audiobook)
Candace B. Pert - Molecules of Emotion (audiobook)
David R. Portney - How to Handle the Toughest Job Interview Questions You'll Ever Get (wma) (audiobook)
Mike Robbins - Focus on the Good Stuff - The Power of Appreciation (audiobook)
Stuart Wilde - The Journey Beyond Enlightenment
Stuff You Should Know - Super Stuffed Guide to Happiness (radio)
Grant Cardone - The 10X Rule Audiobook
Don Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements
Robin Sharma - The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Tom Torero - Badass Buddha
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
BOOKS (doc, pdf, txt, epub)
Made In America - Sam Walton.pdf
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.pdf
When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Drom a Persuasive Man - Jerry Weintraub.pdf
Biology, Psychology, Science
100 Simple Secrets of Happy People - David Neevan.EPUb
An Autobiographical Study (Hogarth, 1950) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Modern Library, 1995) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Black Holes and Baby Universes - Stephen Hawking.epub
Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking -  Malcom Gladwell.pdf
Brainwashing Manual. Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - L. Ron Hubbard.pdf
Brainwashing. The Science Of Thought Control.pdf
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2nd Edition) - Judith S. Beck Phd Aaron T. Be.pdf
Cosmos - Carl Sagan.pdf
Criminal Psychology. A Manual for Judges, Practitioners, and Students - Hans Gross.pdf
Death, Gender and Ethnicity - David_Field.pdf
Ecological Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.EPUb
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Emotional Intelligence Coaching Improving Performance for Leaders.pdf
Endless Layers Of Delusion.pdf
Engines of Creation.pdf
Evolutionary Psychology. The New Science of the Mind - David Buss.pdf
Evolve Your Brain - Joe Dispenza.epub
Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals.pdf
Fear of life.pdf
Flatland - Abott.epub
Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.pdf
Freud Reader [ed. Gay] (Norton, 1989) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Future of an Illusion (Norton, 1961) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Genome - Matt Ridley.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology. Personality And Social Psychology - Malestrom.pdf
Hooking Up. The Psychology of Sex and Dating - Katherine  M. Helm.pdf
How The Mind Works - Steven Pinker.pdf
Influence, Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Caldini.pdf
Interpretation of Dreams (Basic Books, 2010) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung.pdf
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl.pdf
Monogamy. The Untold Story (Sex, Love, and Psychology).pdf
Moses and Monotheism (Hogarth, 1939) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Penguin Freud Reader [ed. Phillips] (Penguin, 2006) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Physics Of The Future - Michio Kaku.pdf
Psychiatric Drugs. Current Clinical Strategies.pdf
Psychiatry. Current Clinical Strategies - 2002.pdf
Psychology of Killing.pdf
Psychology. The Science of Mind and Behaviour (6th edition) - R. Gross (Hodder, 2010) BBS.pdf
Quiet. The Power Of Introverts In  A World That Can't Stop Talking.pdf
Rework. Change the Way You Work Forever.epub
Sex at Dawn. The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality - Christopher Ryan.pdf
Social Engineering. The Art Of - Christopher Hadnagy.epub
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Social Psychology The Science of Everyday Life [2015].pdf
Sperm Wars - Robin Baker.pdf
Sperm Wars Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles.pdf
Super Brain. Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and S.pdf
The Ethical Slut - Dossie Easton, Hardy.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Mating Mind - Geoffrey Miller.pdf
The McDonaldization of Society - George Ritzer.pdf
The Mind and Its Educations - George Herbert Bett.epub
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg.pdf
The Red Queen - Matt Ridley.pdf
The Selfish Gene (30th Anniversary Ed) - Richard Dawkins.pdf
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal.PDF
Totem and Taboo (Routledge, 2001) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Wij Zijn Ons Brein - Dick Swaab.epub
Business, Finance
All Marketers Are Liars - Seth Godin.epub
Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerrold Mundis & Jerry I. Porras.epub
Cashflow Quadrant - Robert T. Kiyosaki.pdf
Contrarian Investment Strategies. The Next Generation - David Dreman.pdf
Dentist sales letter.doc
Dotcomology. The Ultimate Affiliate EBook For Online Marketing - Stone Evans.pdf
Fire Your Boss - Stephen M. Pollan & Mark Levine.epub
Flash Boys. A Wall Street Revol - Michael Lewis.epub
Freakonomics. A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.pdf
Good Business. Leadership, Flo. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.epub
Good to Great. Why Some Companies - Jim Collins.epub
Hiring People. Recruit and Kee - Kathy Shwiff.epub
How to Get Rich - Felix Dennis.pdf
How to Make Money by Fast Trading. A Guide to Success (Perspectives in Business Culture) - Renato Di Lorenzo.pdf
I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Ramit Sethi.epub
Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Peter Ferdinand Drucker.epub
International Finance For Dummies - Ayse Evrensel.pdf
Learn to Earn - Peter Lynch, John Rothchild.epub
Midas Touch - Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver - Michael Maloney.pdf
Scientific Advertising - Claude Hopkins.pdf
Seeking Wisdom - Peter Bevelin.pdf
Stop Sabotaging Your Career - Lois P. Frankel.epub
The 10 Laws of Career Reinvent. - Pamela Mitchell.epub
The Art of Contrarian Trading - Carl Futia.epub
The Circle of Profit.pdf
The Education of Millionaires - Michael Ellsberg.epub
The Four Pillars of Investing - William J. Bernstein.epub
The Handbook of Commodity Investing - Frank Fabozzi.pdf
The Innovator's Solution - Clayton M. Christensen.EPUb
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries.epub
The Mentor Leader. Secrets to. - Nathan Whitaker.epub
The Millionaire Fastlane - MJ DeMarco.pdf
The Most Important Thing - Howard Marks.pdf
The Narrow Road - Fellix Dennis.pdf
The Richest Man In Babylon - George Samuel Clason.pdf
The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles.pdf
The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life - Alice Schroeder.pdf
The Steve Jobs Way - William L. Simon & Jay Elliot.epub
The Ten Commandments for Busin - Don Keough.epub
The Two-Income Trap - Elizabeth Warren & Amelia Warren Tyagi.epub
Think And Grow Rich (version 1) - Napoleon Hill.pdf
What Makes Online Content Go Viral - Jonah Berger, Katherine L. Milkmanl.pdf
What Matters Now - Seth Godin.pdf
Why We Want You To Be Rich - R. Kiyosaki & D. Trump.pdf
Your First 100 Million 2ed - Daniel S. Peña.pdf
Your Money. The Missing Manual - J. D. Roth.epub
(Teach Yourself_ General Reference) Robert Ashton-Copywriting in a Week_ Teach Yourself-Teach Yourself (2012).pdf
11 Reasons your First Business Should be Online.pdf
33 Money Lessons I Learned from a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire.pdf
5 Simple Steps to Inner Peace.pdf
7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Modern Slave.pdf
Build a Business, Not a Job (3rd Edition).pdf
Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Robert Skrob-The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing_ Build a Million-Dollar Business in 12 Months_ Build a Million Dollar Business in Just 12 Months-Entrepreneu.epub
Dominic Gettins-How to Write Great Copy_ Learn the Unwritten Rules of Copywriting (2006).pdf
GLENN MURRAY (Divine Write)-SEO Secrets_ The DIY guide to topping google  -Divine Write Copywriting Pty Ltd.pdf
Highest Paying Occupations - Occupational Outlook.pdf
How to Become a Money Making Robot.pdf
How to Learn Technical Skills Faster.pdf
How to Make $1 Million in 10 Years or Less by Building an Online Business.pdf
Intro to online business - the fundamentals.pdf
Joseph Sugarman-The Adweek Copywriting Handbook-Wiley (2006).pdf
Robin Sharma's Little Black Book for Stunning Success.pdf
starting a wordpress blog.pdf
The 10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Career Change at 40 and Beyond.pdf
What is Wealth and how to acquire it.pdf
Confidence, Inner Game, Personal Development, How To
7 Habits Summary.pdf
A Lei do Triunfo - Napoleon Hill.pdf
Ask And It Is Given - Esther Hicks.pdf
Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins.pdf
Being Successful - Brian Burba & Tracy Travis.epub
Better than college - Blake Boles.pdf
Body Language - Julius Fast.pdf
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Charisma myth, The.epub
Create Your Own Future. How to Master. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Crunch Point. The 21 Secrets to Succ. - Brayn Tracy.pdf
Developing the Leaders Around Yo - John C. Maxwell.epub
Do the Work - Steven Pressfield & Seth Godin.epub
Do the work! -  steven pressfield.pdf
Drive The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.pdf
Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy.pdf
Eat That Frog - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Ego Is The Enemy - Portfolio (2016) - Ryan Holiday.pdf
Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism (1987) - Brad Inwood.pdf
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect - John C. Maxwell.epub
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers.pdf
Flight Plan. The Real Secret of Succ. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focal Point. A Proven System to Simp. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focus _ Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Success and Influence-Heidi Grant Halvorson & E. Tory Higgins.pdf
Geoff Colvin - Talent Is Overrated (v5.0).epub
Getting Rich Your Own Way. Achieve A. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Getting Things Done-David Allen.pdf
Give and Take A Revolutionary Approach to Success - Adam M. Grant Ph.D.pdf
Goals - Brian Tracy.pdf
God and Cosmos in Stoicism (Oxford University Press 2009) - Ricardo Salles.pdf
golden rules the lost writings1 - napoleon hill.pdf
Great Little Book on Effective Leade - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Mastering Your. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Personal Achiev. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Successful Sell. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on the Gift of Sel. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Universal Laws. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Hacking The Mind - Mystic.pdf
How the Best Leaders Lead Proven Se. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How to Be a Gentleman. A Timel. - Thomas Nelson.epub
How To Be Idle-Tom Hodgkinson.pdf
How To Become An Alpha Male - John Alexander.pdf
How to Make the Rest of - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How To Read A Book.pdf
How to Read a Person Like a Book - Gerard I. Nierenberg.pdf
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie.pdf
How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes.epub
How to Win Every Argument.pdf
Influencing Human Behavior - Kevin Hogan.pdf
Inner Power Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing.epub
Jeffrey Pfeffer - Power_ Why Some People Have It_n't (v5.0).epub
John C. Maxwell Laws-Of-Teamwork-.pdf
John C. Maxwell]Attitude 101_ What Every Leade.mobi
John Hoover - Time Management_ Set Prioritie_one (v5.0).epub
John Sellars-Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies)  -University of California Press (2006).pdf
John_C._MaxSometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Put_Your Dream_to.theTest.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Self-Improvement 101_ What Every Leader.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]Ethics 101_ What Every Leader Needs to K.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]How Successful People Think_ Change Your.mobi
Law Of Attraction.pdf
law of success-napoleon hill.pdf
Lawrence C. Becker-A New Stoicism-Princeton University Press (1998).pdf
Leadership And Success in RelationShips and Communication - Marcus Durham.pdf
Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman.pdf
Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life - Martin Seligman.pdf
Linchpin - Seth Godin.pdf
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on  - Kamal Ravikant.epub
Managing Oneself - Peter Drucker.pdf
Many Miles to Go - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Mastery - Robert Greene.epub
Mastery - Robert Greene.pdf
Mastery, The Keys To Success And Long Term Fulfillment - George Leonard.pdf
Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy.pdf
Maximum Influence The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion - Kurt W. Mortensen.chm
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
MindOS - Dr. Paul.pdf
Money Master The Game - Tony Robbins.pdf
Motivation Success And Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain.pdf
Never Be Lied To Again. How To Get The Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversationa Or Situation - David J. Lieberman.pdf
No Excuses - Brian Tracy.pdf
No Excuses. The  Power Of Self Discipline - Brian Tracy.pdf
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Now, Build a Great Bu - Bryan Tracy & Mark Thompson.epub
Power of Self-Confidence, The - Brian Tracy.mobi
Power Talk Using Language To Build Authority And Influence - Sarah M. McGinty.pdf
Powerful Communication Skills - Colleen McKenna.chm
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz.pdf
Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton.pdf
Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism. A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality (Oxford University Press 2010) - Runar M. Thorsteinsson.pdf
Rudy Haynes - Deep Voice Mastery.pdf
Self Talk for a Calmer You.epub
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey.pdf
Six Thinking Hats - Edward de Bono.pdf
Something for Nothing. The All-Cons - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
Speed Reading for Professionals - Mantesh.pdf
Stoicism and Emotion (University Of Chicago Press 2007) - Margaret R. Graver.pdf
Stoicism. Traditions and Transformations - Cambridge University Press (2004) - Steven K. Strange & Jack Zupko.pdf
Talk Your Way to the Top How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It - Kevin Daley.chm
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu.pdf
The 100 Absolutely Unbr - Brian Tracy.pdf
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leade - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene & Don Leslie.epub
The 360 Degree Leader Developin - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 4 Hour Workweek - Tim Ferris.pdf
The 48 Laws of Power-Robert Greene.pdf
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded. - Timothy Ferriss.epub
The 50th Law - Robert Greene.pdf
The 50th law - Robert Greene and 50cent.pdf
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey.pdf
The Alabaster Girl - Zan Perrion.pdf
The Art Of Manipulation - R B Sparkman.pdf
The Art of Public Speaking - Dale Carnagey.pdf
The Art of War-Sun Tzu.pdf
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Verbal Self_defense - Lillian Glass.pdf
The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE - Barbara Pease.pdf
The Difference Maker Making Your - John C. Maxwell.epub
the effective executive.pdf
The First 20 Hours How to Learn Anything... Fast!.pdf
The Flinch.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Great Big Book of Wisdom - Brian Tracy.epub
The Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell.pdf
The Miracle of Mindfulness (7Summits).pdf
The Nonverbal Dictionary Of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues - David B Givens.pdf
The Obstacle Is the Way. The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph.epub
The One Thing. the book right here.epub
The Power of Charm. How t. - Brian Tracy & Ron Arden.pdf
the rational male  2013 - rollo tomassi.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 1st Ed.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 2nd Ed.pdf
The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters - Brad McRae.chm
The six pillars of Self Esteem-N. Branden.pdf
The Six Pillars of Self_Esteem - N. Branden.pdf
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck (2016).epub
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield.epub
There's No Such Thing As Business - John C. Maxwell.pdf
Thick Face, Black Heart.pdf
Thinking Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman.pdf
Time Power - Brian Tracy.pdf
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart.epub
Training Our Mind in, with and for Compassiona - Paul Gilbert.pdf
Tricks Of The Mind - Derren Brown.pdf
Turbocoach - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turbostrategy - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turning Pro - Steven Pressfield.pdf
Victory - Brian Tracy.pdf
Willpower - Roy Baumeister.pdf
History, Politics
Branded - Erik Saelens
Literature, Roman
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.epub
A Critic in Pall Mall.epub
A Florentine Tragedy.epub
A House of Pomegranates.epub
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.epub
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens.pdf
A Voyage in a Balloon.epub
A Winter Amid the Ice.epub
A Woman of No Importance.epub
Alices Adventures In Wonderland - Lewis Caroll.pdf
All Around the Moon.epub
An Antarctic Mystery.epub
An Ideal Husband.epub
Around the World in 80 Days.epub
Ballad of Reading Gaol.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 1.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 2.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 3.epub
Charmides and Other Poems.epub
Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky.pdf
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens.pdf
De Profundis.epub
Dracula - Bram Stoker.pdf
Facing the Flag.epub
Five Weeks in a Balloon.epub
For Love of the King.epub
Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.pdf
Godfrey Morgan.epub
In Search of the Castaways.epub
In the Year 2889.epub
Jane Austen & Vivien Jones & Tony Tanner-Pride and Prejudice.epub
Lady Windermere's Fan.epub
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo.pdf
Mark Twain - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.epub
Mark Twain - A Double Barrelled Detective Story.epub
Mark Twain - A Horse's Tale.epub
Mark Twain - A Tramp Abroad.epub
Mark Twain - Editorial Wild Oats.epub
Mark Twain - Extracts From Adam's Diary.epub
Mark Twain - Goldsmiths Friend Abroad Again.epub
Mark Twain - The $30,000 Bequest.epub
Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.epub
Mark Twain - The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories.epub
Mark Twain - The Prince and the Pauper.epub
Mark Twain - The Stolen White Elephant.epub
Mark Twain - Those Extraordinary Twins.epub
Michael Strogoff [The Courier of the Czar].epub
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man.epub
Off on a Comet.epub
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.pdf
Robur the Conqueror.epub
Round the World in Eighty Days.epub
Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe.epub
Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde.epub
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen.pdf
Shakespeare William - As You Like It.epub
Shakespeare William - Merchant of Venice.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Coriolanus.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Hamlet.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Julius Caesar.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Macbeth.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Othello.epub
The Canterville Ghost.epub
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas.pdf
The Duchess of Padua.epub
The English at the North Pole.epub
The Happy Prince and Other Tales.epub
The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.pdf
The Importance of Being Earnest.epub
The Master of the World.epub
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka.pdf
The Moon_Voyage.epub
The Mysterious Island.epub
The Pearl of Lima.epub
The Portrait Of A Lady - Henry James.pdf
The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli.pdf
The Secret of the Island.epub
The Survivors of the Chancellor.epub
The Trial - Franz Fafka.pdf
The Underground City.epub
The Waif of the 'Cynthia'.epub
Ticket No. 9672.epub
Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina (Barnes & Noble, 2003).epub
Martial Arts
Boxing Mastery - Mark Hatmaker.pdf
Brown, Robert, Spencer, Vann-I Am Soldier of Fortune.epub
Bruce Lee Between Wing Chun And Jeet Kune - Jesse Glover.pdf
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method.pdf
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method The Complete Edition.epub
Chinese Gung Fu - Bruce Lee.pdf
Complete Krav Maga - Darren Levine.pdf
Davies, Barry-SAS Jungle Survival.epub
Davies, Nicholas-Death Before Dishonour.epub
Gray, Wesley R-Embedded.epub
Hypnosis in Interrogation (CIA Study) - Edward Deshere.pdf
Jordan, Paul - The Easy Day Was Yesterday.epub
Kenpo Techniques - Ed Parker.pdf
Key Casting Manual - CIA Field Expedient.pdf
Lambeth, Benjamin S- The Unseen War.epub
Lawrence, William P., Rausa, Rosario-Tennessee Patriot.epub
Leahy, John F_-Honor, Courage, Commitment.epub
Mark Mazzetti - The Way of the Knife.epub
Pa Kua - Robert Smith.pdf
Paul Simpson - A Brief History of the Spy.epub
Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare - Tayacan.pdf
Robinson, Linda-One Hundred Victories.epub
Scahill, Jeremy-Dirty Wars.epub
Self Defense Nerve Centers - Mantesh.pdf
Smith, Douglas V_-One Hundred Years of U.S. Navy Air Power.epub
Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art Of Expressing The Human Body - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art of Weapons Armed - Marc Tedeschi.pdf
The Science Of Footwork - Ted Wong.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Army Survival Skills, Tactics, and Techniques.epub
U.S. Army Combat Pistol Training Handbook.epub
Ultimate MMA Conditioning.pdf
Unconventional Warrior - Walter Morris Herd.pdf
Williams, Brian Glyn-Predators.epub
Wing Chun KungFu - Yimm Lee.pdf
Woods, Randall B_-Shadow Warrior.epub
Xiao Hong Quan - Cyber Kwoon.pdf
Seduction, Pick Up, NLP
10 Second Sexual Attraction - Mehow.pdf
10 Tips For Dating Safety.pdf
101 questions.txt
25 Rules For Women (By Men).doc
28 Surefire Ways To Instant Dating Success (exerpt) - Carlos Xuma.pdf
3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines - Dererk Vitalio.pdf
30 Bangs - Roosh V.pdf
30 Minutes Quick Start - Marius Panzarella.pdf
5 Flirting Secrets - Chris Williamson.pdf
50 demonstrating confidence, kino and a good interaction.jpg
60 Years of Challange (David DeAngelo recommends).pdf
8 Body Language Clues That Say He's Interested - Tracey Cox.doc
8 Deadly Dating Mistakes Most Men Make - Datestacker.pdf
Adam Lyons - Principles Of Attraction.pdf
Adam Lyons-Understand Attraction.pdf
Advanced Macking - Anthony Berger.pdf
AFC Diary.pdf
All About Women_ Encyclopedia of Seduction - Giuseppe Notte.pdf
Argentina Compendium - Roosh V.pdf
Attract Women Now.doc
Attraction isn't A Choice _How to Use ''Secret'' Communication and Sexual Body Language to Attract Women- david deangelo.pdf
Bang Estonia How To Sleep With Estonian Women In Estonia.epub
Bang Lithuania How To Sleep With Lithuanian Women In Lithuania.epub
Bang Poland How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland.epub
Bang Poland_ How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland - V, Roosh.mobi
Bang Ukraine How to Have Sex With Ukrainian Girls In Ukraine.epub
Basic Arousal.pdf
basiscursus reader voorjaar 2013 def7.pdf
Best Conversation Topics For Dates.doc
Best Places for First Dates.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 1.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 2.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 3.pdf
Body Language Secrets _ A Guide During Courtship and Dating - R. Don Steele.pdf
Body Language Secrets to Silent Seduction.doc
Brazil Compendium -Roosh V.pdf
Brent Smith - The Shit Test Encyclopedia.pdf
Building Rapport _ Mirroring - Kim Mcfarland.PDF
Chapter 2 _ Using Body Language (B).pdf
Chris Nosal - The Alpha Blueprint.pdf
Christian Grey - Instagram Seduction.pdf
Cliff's List Interviews With Dating Experts.pdf
Cocky Comedy Manual.pdf
Conversation Dynamics.pdf
Creating Rapport_ Cheating The Chemistry - Bryan Plumb.pdf
Critical Moments And Bridges.pdf
Dating And Seduction For Dummies.pdf
Dating College Women - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating Factors - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating for Dummies - Dr. Joy Browne.pdf
Dating Online and How to Improve It By Writing Excellent Profiles - Drew Higgins.pdf
Dating SkillsbReview - Fast Track Dating Report.pdf
Dating Survival Techniques.pdf
David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating (2nd Edition).pdf
David Deangelo Total Guide to Cocky _ Funny.pdf
David X.pdf
David X - The Rules of David X.pdf
Don Juan Boot Camp - Compiled by Nicholas Hill.pdf
Double your Dating - David DeAngelo.pdf
Double Your Dating 2nd Edition - David DeAngelo.pdf
Dynamic Sex Life [Compact Edition] - Gunwitch.pdf
Easy Horny Women - Anthony Berger.pdf
Escalate Kino - Don Diego García.pdf
Escalation Ladder.pdf
Essentials of NLP - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
Fear Technology (1).pdf
Fearless Relentless Escalation - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Flirting Tips for the 21st Century.pdf
Get Ex Back - The EXorcist.pdf
Getting The First Date.pdf
Guide To Flirting.pdf
Hannah Fry - The Mathematics of Love.epub
HARDCORE Casual Sex Version (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
How To Text  Girls To Get Dates, Phone Calls And More.pdf
HOW two Meet Women _ The Shy Man's Guide To Relationships - Cartaphilus.pdf
Improve Your Looks by 3 Notches - Anthony Berger.pdf
Introducing NLP - Seymour and O'connor.pdf
Little Black Book Of Openers [Revised].pdf
Logan Edwards - The Art Of The Approach.epub
Make It Stick _ The Science Of Successful Learning - Brown, Roediger III, McDaniel.pdf
Mark Manson - Models.pdf
Mark Redman - Conquer Your Campus.pdf
Mel Robbins - The 5 Second Rule.pdf
Memoirs Of A Player.pdf
Mode One Notes (#1) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Mode One Notes (#2) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Modern Coin Magic - Jean Bobo.pdf
Natural Game.pdf
NLP _ Persuasion Engineering - Richard Bandler And John La Valle.pdf
NLP _ The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing -Michael Hall Ph.D.pdf
NLP Handout.pdf
No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Oooooh. Say it Again (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Psychic Seduction 5 - Joseph R. Plazo.pdf
Reading Body Language - David Shade.doc
Relationship Roulette - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Ron Louis & David Copeland - How To Be The Bad Boy Women Love.pdf
Routines Manual - LoveSytems.pdf
Secrets of a Sex Magnet - Chris Jackson.pdf
Secrets Of Sexual Tension - Vin DiCarlo.pdf
Secrets Of Speed Seduction, Home Study, Course Book And Workbook_ How To Create An Instanteous Sexual Attraction In Any Woman You Meet!!! - Ross Jeffries.pdf
Seduction Science Volume I - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume II - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume III - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Semantics And Scenarios (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Sex Secrets to Creating Chemistry - Bart A. Baggett.pdf
Sexual Rapport Modeling_ Nonverbal Sexual Cuing - Keanu J. Jagger.pdf
Simply Start Sex - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Social Circle From Scratch - Terry Clery.pdf
The Alpha Blueprint The Alpha Male Decoded - Chris Nosal.pdf
The Annihilation Method _How To Get Past Any Obstacle In A Pickup - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Annihilation Method _Jealously Guarded Inner Game Techniques - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Annihilation Method_ How To Transform From Chump To Champ In No Time - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Art Of Seduction - Robert Greene.pdf
The Attributes [Compact Edition] - Cameron Teone.pdf
The Big Book Of NLP Expanded - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
The Big Book of NLP, Expanded - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
The Blueprint Decoded NOTES.pdf
The Body Language Project - Christopher Philip.pdf
The Game - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Girl Hunt Urban Nightlife And The Performance Of Masculinity [CD2] - David Grazian.pdf
The Guide to Online and Text Game - Rebel.pdf
The Hello Kiss.pdf
The King, Warrior, Magician and Lover - Men's Psychology.pdf
The Married Man Sex Life Primer - Athol Kay.pdf
The Physical Game - Ozzie.pdf
The Possibility of Sex (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
The Seven Elements Of Charisma.pdf
The Sovereign Man - James Maverick.pdf
The Tao Of Badass - Joshua Pellicer.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men -  Alex Benzer.pdf
The Truth - Neil Strauss - Review - Summary.pdf
The Ultimate Guide To Text Game - Richard La Ruina.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls - Matt Artisan.pdf
The Ultimate Texting Guide - Tyler Tray.pdf
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida.pdf
Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game - Lovesystems.pdf
Ultimate Tinder Guide.pdf
Unstoppable Confidence (Audio Book) - Ross Jeffries.doc
Women Ignition - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Zan Perrion - The Alabaster Girl.pdf
Sex, Sexuality
Kama Sutra - A Modern Guide to the Ancient Art of Sex
Giving And Receiving Erotic Massage.pdf
Guide To Erotic Massage.pdf
Howard Evans-A Myofascial Approach to Thai Massage East meets West-Mantesh.pdf
Kenneth Ray Stubbs-The Tantric Touch Of Love.pdf
KURRE W. OSTROM-Swedish Massage.pdf
Massage techniques.pdf
Susan Mumford-Sensual Massage.pdf
Guide to Being a Gentleman.pdf
Martin Merrill-Make Women Laugh.pdf
Nick Casanova-Machiavellians Guide to Charm.pdf
Nick Casanova-The Machiavellian's Guide to Flirting For Both Men and Women.pdf
Your Essential Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniqes.pdf
Christmas E-Book.pdf
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Gregory J. P. Godek-1001 Ways to Be Romantic.pdf
How to say I Love You.pdf
Love Note Book.pdf
Michael Webb-101 Romantic Ideas.pdf
V-Day Poetry.pdf
37 Secrets About Women And Sex
5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed
Bedroom Boss
Better In Bed
Dirty Talk Phrases
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269 Amazing Sex Games.pdf
David Shade's Manual - Advanced Sexual Techniques And Pract2.pdf
Different Loving.pdf
Female Ejaculation.pdf
Female Orgasm Black Book.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - By David Shade (www.mast.pdf
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Sex and the Perfect Lover.pdf
Sex-Secrets to Creating Chemistry.pdf
Soul Sex.pdf
Tantric - Yoni Massage.pdf
Tantric G Spot Orgasm.pdf
The Complete Guide To Handling Women - By Wayne Ross.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Amazing Sex - By Sari Locker (A.pdf
The Feminine Mystique.pdf
The Health Needs of Gay Men - A Discussion of the Literature.pdf
The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men.pdf
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf
Wayne Ross - The Complete Guide To Handling Women.pdf
When A Man Loves A Woman - Unlimited Stamina With Multiple O.pdf
When A Man Makes Love To A Woman - Unlimited Stamina With Mu.pdf
Skills (Mental, Magic, Cold Reading)
Cold Reading - Full Facts Book of Cold Reading.pdf
Kenton Knepper
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An Enchanted Evening.PDF
Card Through Banknote.pdf
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Killer Kard 2.pdf
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Kolossal Killer.pdf
Little Book of Wonders.pdf
Lucky Number.pdf
Mind Reading.pdf
Miracles of Suggestion.pdf
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Rants into Raves.PDF
Sorcerer Series 1.pdf
Sorcerer Series 2.pdf
The Ring.pdf
Three Bill Monte.pdf
Wonder Readings.pdf
Wonder Words 1.pdf
Wonder Words 2.pdf
Wonder Words 3.pdf
Larry Becker - World Of Super Mentalism II.pdf
Lee Earle
Lee Earle - Early Earle.pdf
Lee Earle - M.I.N.D.pdf
Lee Earle - Manifestations.pdf
Lee Earle - Out of Syzygy.pdf
Lee Earle - Silver Bullet Lite.pdf
Lee Earle - Sun Signs.pdf
Lee Earle - SuperScript (Pass=KYJNKA).pdf
Lee Earle - Syzygy - The First Five Volumes.pdf
Lee Earle - The Gentle Art of Cold Reading.pdf
Ormond McGill
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 2.pdf
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 4.pdf
Phil Goldstein
Phil Goldstein - The Blue, Red, And Green Books Of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Blue-green and red Book Of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Violet Book of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Yellow Book Of Mentalism.pdf
Richard Osterlind
Richard Osterlind - Breakthrough Card System.pdf
Richard Osterlind - Dynamic Mysteries.pdf
Richard Osterlind - Making Real Magic.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book v3.pdf
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Richard Osterlind - The Perfected Center Tear.pdf
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Basic Card Control and Forcing.pdf
Best of Cards.pdf
Body Tricks.pdf
Card in ceiling.pdf
Card Manipulations I.pdf
Card Manipulations II.pdf
Card Manipulations III.pdf
Card Manipulations IV.pdf
Card Manipulations V.pdf
Completely Mental - Vol 2.pdf
David Blaine's Magic Revealed.pdf
Deadly Mentalism.PDF
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Dick Jacob's Three Card Monte.pdf
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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks.pdf
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism - Volume 1.pdf
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism - Volume 3.pdf
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European Mentalism Lecture Notes.doc
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Magic fo Bartenders.pdf
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Magic Tricks for the Beginning Magician.pdf
Mastering Hypnosis.pdf
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Mental Card Miracles.pdf
Mental Magic IV.pdf
Mentalism Incorporated.pdf
Miracle Card Change.pdf
One Man Mind Reading Secrets.pdf
Our Mysteries.pdf
Psychokinesis Magic Book.pdf
Sealed Vision.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Magic Tricks.pdf
Tricks in Magic.pdf
Video Vision.pdf
Tantric Secrets for Men
Diana Richardson and Michael Richardson-Tantric Sex for Men Making Love a Meditation.pdf
Diane Riley and Kerry Riley-Tantric Secrets for Men What Every Woman Will Want Her Man to Know about Enhancing Sexual Ecstasy.pdf
Anne Hooper-Kama Sutra.pdf
Barbara Keesling-How To Make Love All Night (And Drive A Woman Wild) - Male Multiple Orgasm And Other Secrets For.pdf
Hypnosis - Flirting Confidence.doc
J.D.Fuentes - Basic Arousal.pdf
Michael Zhao-Chinese Girl Exposed.pdf
Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook.pdf
Nicolo Machiavelli-machiavelli-prince.pdf
Robin Baker-Sperm Wars Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles.pdf
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf
10 Rules of Anal Sex.doc
269 Amazing Sex Games.pdf
40 Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex With Women.pdf
A Guide To Safe Sex Techniques.pdf
Advanced Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets.pdf
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Another Sex Tutorial.pdf
Art Of Male Masturbation.txt
Back Door.pdf
Basic Fellatio Techniques.pdf
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex.doc
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex v2.doc
Becoming A Master of Oral Sex!.doc
Best Penis Enlargement Exercises.pdf
Biological Basis of Tantric Sex.txt
Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex.pdf
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex.pdf
Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women.doc
David Shade - Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.pdf
Dictionary Of Sexology v1.0.pdf
Different Loving.pdf
Eating Pussy.doc
Erotic Stories.pdf
Exotic Sex Positions.doc
Female Ejaculation.pdf
Female Orgasm Black Book - Lee Jenkins.pdf
Female Psychic Attack.pdf
Fertility Demystified.pdf
Forbidden Flowers.pdf
G_Spot _ The Grafenberg Spot Mystery.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - David Shade.pdf
Good Sex Getting Off without Checking Out.epub
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Guide To G_Spot Orgasms & Female Ejaculation.pdf
Guide To Sex Toys.pdf
Gut Impact.pdf
How to Drive Women Crazy.txt
How to Eat a Woman Out.txt
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How To Get Into Threesomes.pdf
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How To Give A Woman A 'Rush' Just By Looking At Her.pdf
How To Give Her Great Orgasm.doc
How to have a XXX Life.pdf
How To Have Energy Orgasms.doc
How To Have The Best Sex Humanly Possible.pdf
How to Hypnotize Your Lover.pdf
How to Hypnotize Your Lover-Wendi Friesen.pdf
How To Make a Woman Orgasm.pdf
How to Make Her Orgasm.txt
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How to Make Love to a Woman without Penetration.txt
How To Seduce A Woman _ 3 Fears.pdf
How To Totally Mind_Fuck Almost Any Woman.rtf
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Instant Orgasm _ Excitement at First Touch.pdf
Love and orgasm 1975.pdf
Lover's Guide.pdf
Make Women Laugh (Martin Merrill).pdf
Male G_Spot.pdf
Male Libido.pdf
Male Multiple Orgasm Survey.doc
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible.pdf
Mathematics and Sex.pdf
Men And Women In Bed.doc
Men In Love.pdf
Men's Health Books.pdf
Mens Sexual Health Fitness for Satisfying Sex.pdf
Multi Orgasm Man.pdf
Multiple Male Orgasms.pdf
Murphy's Sex Law.doc
My Secret Garden.pdf
My Secret Garden - Nancy Friday.pdf
Oral Sex Technique_ Lover's Guide.pdf
Penis Enlargement.doc
Penis Enlargement Manual.pdf
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Power In Sexual Relationships.pdf
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Sex Encyclopedia _ How To Squirt.pdf
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Sex God Method 2nd Edition - Daniel Rose.pdf
Sex God Method, 2nd Edition - Daniel Rose.pdf
Sex Magic.doc
Sex Positions.pdf
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Studies in the Psychology of Sex I.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex II.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex III.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex IV.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex V.pdf
Superhot Sex-Tracey Cox[Orion_Me].pdf
Tantra Instructions for Life.doc
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Tantric G Spot Orgasm.pdf
Tantric Polarity Process.doc
Tantric Sexual Yoga.txt
Taoist Secrets of Love.pdf
Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.pdf
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy I.doc
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy II.doc
The Art of Concious Loving.doc
The Art Of Female Ejaculation.pdf
The Art of Oral Sex.doc
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The book of woman (Osho).pdf
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The G_Spot FAQ.txt
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The Jelqing Manual.doc
The Kama Sutra-Vatsyayana.pdf
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The Multi Orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia.pdf
The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide.pdf
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The Sexual Key.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Mastery.pdf
The Ultimate Female Orgasm.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women.pdf
The Ultimate Male Orgasm.pdf
The What Not to do Sex Guide.pdf
Thinking Womans Guide to Anal Sex.pdf
Top 10 Masturbation Tips From Women.doc
Top 100 Sex Secrets.pdf
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery.pdf
Ultimate Guide to Penis Enlargement Techniques.pdf
Understanding the G_Spot and Female Sexuality.pdf
Unlimited Stamina with Multiple Orgasms.pdf
Urban tantra.pdf
When A Man Makes Love To A Woman.pdf
White Tiger Tantra Handbook-Steve Piccus.pdf
Women on Top.pdf
Yoga The Tantric Penis Lessons.pdf
Your Guide to Better Sex in 10 Easy Steps.pdf
Social Skills, Influence, Selling, Speaking
Artful Persuasion How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People - Harry Mills.pdf
Catherine Blyth - The Art of Conversation (v5.0).epub
Comedy Writing Secrets 2nd Ed (Recommended by David DeAngelo) - Melvin Helitzer.pdf
Dealing with Difficult People 24 Lessons for Bringing Out the Best in Everyone - RICK BRINKMAN.pdf
Gestures - Toastmasters.pdf
How to Be a People Magnet Finding Friends—and Lovers—and Keeping Them for Life - LEIL LOWNDES.pdf
How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less - Nicholas Boothman.pdf
How To Persuade People Who Don t Want To Be Persuaded Get What You Wanr Every Time - Joel Bauer.pdf
How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends - Don Gab.pdf
How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes.pdf
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.pdf
How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie.pdf
Kickass Copywriting Secrets.pdf
Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life, 2nd Ed - Marshall B. Rosenberg.chm
Psychology of Selling - Tracy Brian.pdf
Robert Caldini_Influence, Psychology of Persuasion.pdf
Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.pdf
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
The Charisma Myth - Olivia Fox Cabane.pdf
The Comedy Bible - Judy Carter.pdf
THE POWER OF PERSUASION How We’re Bought and Sold - Robert Levine.PDF
The Psychology Of Persuasion How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking - Kevin Hogan.pdf
THE SCIENCE OF INFLUENCE How to Get Anyone to Say “Yes” in 8 Minutes or Less! - Kevin Hogan.pdf
Vocal Power _ Speak With Authourity, Clarity and Conviction Guidebook.pdf
Winning Through Intimidation.pdf
Your Speaking Voice - Toastmasters.pdf
Spirituality, meditation, Journey as a man
Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged.epub
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.pdf
Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth_ Awakening to Your_ose (v4.0).epub
Frederick E. Dodson - Levels of Energy.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 1 - Spiritual Enlightenment, The Damnest Thing.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 2 - Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 3 - Spiritual Warfare.pdf
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.pdf
PeacefulWarrior - Dan Millman.pdf
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self reliance - Ralph waldo emerson.pdf
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The Fountainhead-Ayn Rand.pdf
The God Delusion-Richard Dawkins.pdf
The Impact of the Highly Improbable-The Black Swan.pdf
The Manual of the Warrior of Light - Paulo Coelho.pdf
The Power of Now-Eckhard Tolle.pdf
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida.pdf
The Zahir - Paulo Coelho.pdf
Warrior of the Light _ Volume 2-Paulo Coelho.pdf
Training, Nutrition, Recovery
10 Ways to Modify or Regress a Movement.pdf
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365 Strong - Brandon Lilly.pdf
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5 3 1 method _ 2nd edition - Jim Wendler.pdf
50 Greyskull Conditioning Workouts - John Sheaffer.pdf
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-A Feast of Ice and Fire.epub
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APFT Program.pdf
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Beyond 531 - Jim Wendler.pdf
Building Base.pdf
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Cross Fit Bodyweight Workout Resource v2.0.pdf
Cube Method for Strongman.pdf
Cube Method Spreadsheet.pdf
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Dinosaur Diet.pdf
Dinosaur Strength Training Notebook.pdf
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Facebuilder for Men - Carol Maggio.pdf
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Gladiator 2.pdf
Grain Brain - David Perlmutter.epub
Greyskull LP 1st Edition - John Sheaffer.pdf
Greyskull LP 2nd Edition.pdf
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Issuance of Training Insanity 2.pdf
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LBEB Press Program.pdf
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Level 1 Rookie Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 2 Recruit Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outcast Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outsider Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outsider Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 4 Rebel Guide.pdf
Level 4 Rebel Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 4 Renegade Guide.pdf
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Miracle Superfoods - Aine Belton.pdf
MP45 Training _ Build Muscle Burn Fat.pdf
Never Gymless-Ross Enamait.pdf
Nutrition for Healthy Living 2nd ed. - W. Schiff.pdf
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oly & strongman.pdf
Olympic Weightlifting - Everrett.pdf
Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics.pdf
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Powerful Sleep Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock - Kacper M. Postawski.pdf
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Primal Blueprint Fitness - Mark Sisson.pdf
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Principles of Violence.pdf
Project Buff - Omar Isuf.pdf
Quick Reference Video Guide.pdf
Read This First_The High Performance Handbook.Pdf
Rebel Diet Guide.pdf
Rebel Fitness Guide.pdf
Rebel Food Fighter.pdf
Relax Into Stretching-Pavel Tastsouline.pdf
Science and Practice of Strength Training.pdf
Secrets of the Best Chefs - Adam Roberts.pdf
Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training 3rd Edition - Rippetoe, Mark.pdf
Strong Man Manifesto.pdf
stronger manual.pdf
Stronger Phase 3.pdf
Stronger Phase2.pdf
StrongLifts 5x5 - Mehdi.pdf
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Supplement Goals Reference Guide- Examine.com.pdf
Swole-Johnny Pain.pdf
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Team Elitefts 2009 Holiday Tips.pdf
-The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.epub
The Anabolic Diet.pdf
The Black Book of Training Secrets.pdf
The Cube Method for Strongman.pdf
The Four Layers Of Strength - Elliott Hulse.pdf
The Four Layers Of Strength [How To Become The Strongest Version Of You].pdf
The Hero Handbook.pdf
The High Performance Handbook Nutrition Guide.pdf
The Juggernaut Method 2 0.pdf
The Ketogenic Diet.pdf
The Ketogenic Diet-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Lean Muscle Diet - Alan Aragon.pdf
The Lilliebridge Training Method.pdf
The New Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding-Arnold Schwarzenegger.pdf
The Oxford Book of Health Foods.pdf
The Paleo Diet, Claims vs Evidence - Alan Aragon.pdf
The Power Of Posture-Naudi Aguilar.pdf
The Primal Blueprint Reader Created Cook book.pdf
The Primal Blueprint_ Reprogram your genes - Sisson_ Mark.pdf
The Stubborn Fat Solution-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Texas Method Advanced.pdf
The Texas Method Part 1.pdf
The Ultimate Diet 2.0-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Westside Barbell Book of Methods.pdf
Total Health CookbookProgram - Dr Mercola.pdf
Troubleshooting Single Leg Exercises.pdf
Ultra Mind Solution Guide.pdf
What Every BODY is Saying - Joe Navarro.pdf
You Are Your Own Gym _ The Bible Of Bodyweight Exercises For Men And Women.pdf
(Revised Edition) Benjamin Graham-The Intelligent Investor.pdf
[eBook] NLP - Richard Bandler - The Adventures of Anybody [found via www.FileDonkey.com].pdf
1- The Friend Zone.pdf
2- Monogamy vs Poliamory.pdf
3- Breaking Up Like A Man.pdf
4- Never Get Cheated On.pdf
50 Shades of Grey.pdf
Advanced Fellatio Techniques And Secrets.txt
Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets.txt
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google.epub
Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Warren Buffett-Security Analysis-McGraw-Hill (2008).pdf
Beyond Good and Evil.pdf
Bob Proctor - Thinking into Results.pdf
Body Language Basics.pdf
Brad's Fashion Bible.pdf
Buzan, Tony - Use Your Head.pdf
Conquer Your Campus.pdf
Day Bang by Roosh V.pdf
Eating Pussy.doc
Effortless Conversational Tactics To Keep Her Giggling All Night.rtf
Emotional_Intelligence_2.00 - Travis Bradberry.pdf
Emotional_Intelligence_2.00 - Travis Bradberry (1).pdf
Expert Persuader.pdf
Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn.pdf
Full Facts Book of Cold Reading.pdf
Generation SLUT.pdf
How to Analyze People on Sight-Mantesh.pdf
How to Be a Genius Your Brain and How to Train It.pdf
How To Have Multiple Orgasms.pdf
How To Read Body Language.pdf
Hypnosis Leslie Cameron - Bandler, David Gordon and Michael Lebeau - The Emprint Method.doc
Jab,Jab, Jab Right Hook - Gary Vaynerchuk.pdf
Jim Rohn The Challenge to Succeed - A Philosophy for Successful Living Workbook.pdf
Machiavellians Guide to Charm.pdf
Magic Bullets.pdf
Master Of Body Language.pdf
Mehow textgame.pdf
Mode One.pdf
More Body Language.pdf
Notes from the Underground.pdf
P. D. Ouspensky - Psychology of Man s Possible Evolution.pdf
Persuasion IQ.pdf
PhD of Persuasion.pdf
Pitch Anything_ An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal - Klaff, Oren.pdf
Pride and Prejudice.pdf
Richard Bandler - Insider's Guide to Sub-Modalities.pdf
Richard Bandler - Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton Erickson II [found via www.FileDonkey.com].pdf
Richard Bandler - Time For A Change (OCR) v1.00 [found via www.FileDonkey.com].pdf
Richard Bandler - Using Your Brain.pdf
Richard Bandler & John Grinder - Trance-Formations.pdf
Richard Bandler And John Grinder - Patterns Of The Hypnotic Techniques Of M.pdf
Richard Bandler And John Grinder - Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming And The Transformation Of Meaning.pdf
Richard Bandler And John La Valle - Persuasion Engineering.pdf
Richard Bandler- Frogs Into Princes.pdf
Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction.pdf
Roland Lazenby-The Life+Michael Jordan.epub
Sensual Massage.pdf
Sons and Lovers.pdf
Speed Reading Dummies{kay94}.pdf
Stephen R. Covey-The 7 habits of highly effective people_ restoring the character ethic-Free Press (2004).pdf
Steven Pinker - The Better Angels Of Our Nature (Epub) [Qwerty80].epub
Tao Flow Chart.pdf
The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion.pdf
The Art of Sensual Massage.pdf
The Big Leap Conquer Your Hidden - Gay Hendricks.pdf
The Multi-orgasmic Man.pdf
The New Voice - How To Sing And Speak Properly.pdf
The Structure Of Magic Vols I And II By Richard Bandler And John Grinder [found via www.FileDonkey.com].pdf
The Tantric Touch Of Love.pdf
The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps - Tony Buzan.epub
The Way Of The Superior Man.pdf
Tony Buzan - Taking Notes With Mind Maps(LoMy.Gho).pdf
Tony Buzan - The Photo-Reading Whole Mind System [Speed-Reading Course. Learn It. Do It. Use It. W(LoMy.Gho).pdf
Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game - Braddock.pdf
What Every BODY is Saying.pdf
Why Is Sex Fun - Jared M. Diamond.mobi
Will and Ariel Durant - The Lessons of History.pdf
A Brief History of Time.epub
A Course In Miracles - Helen Schucman.pdf
A First_Rate Madness - Ghaemi, Nassir.epub
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle.pdf
Affirm Your Life - Michele Janine Johnson.pdf
Alan Watts - The Book_ On the Taboo Against_Are (v3.0).epub
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itsworn · 6 years ago
Origins of the iconic 1963 Corvette Sting Ray split-window design
In 2015, hemmings.com posted a story about an obscure car called a 1938 Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine. Maybe 10 were built, the exact numbers are not known; and four or five raced at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1937, 1938 and 1939. One of the cars took a 1,500cc Class win. Today, only three are known to exist. The styling is late 1930’s German aero: rounded front; wraparound windshield and a long, tapered tail. This is a quirky-looking car … until you get to the back of the roof. Wow! It’s a Sting Ray with a split rear window and two round taillights on each side!
The Sting Ray story is that in 1957, young GM designer Peter Brock sketched the basic design, as per Bill Mitchell’s loose direction for the next Corvette: “Mitchell’s” Corvette! Around the same time, Chevrolet general manager Ed Cole wanted all 1960 Chevrolets (Corvette included) to use a transaxle for better weight distribution and improved interior space. Brock’s design was used for the body of the Q-Corvette and included a fastback; but not what we know today as the Sting Ray. A fullsize clay model was created, but due to cost, the overall project fell apart and only the Corvair got a transaxle. Brock left the company shortly afterward.
When Mitchell acquired the mule chassis from Duntov’s Corvette SS racer, he had Larry Shinoda take Brock’s Q-Corvette shape and make a roadster body to fit the chassis. This became the Stingray Racer. When it was decided that the Stingray Racer shape would be the styling direction for the next Corvette, Mitchell gave the assignment to Shinoda. But the Stingray Racer was a roadster, and Mitchell wanted a convertible and a fixed roof coupe for the new Corvette. So how did Shinoda come up with the now-iconic Sting Ray roof? Everyone just assumed that Shinoda or Mitchell designed it, and no one ever asked.
In July 2015, I wrote a post about the Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine on my corvettereport.com blog site, as part of my “Corvette Odd-Ball” section. In September 2018, I got an email from a man in Florida named James McLynas telling me that he found my story and that back in the late 1980s he owned a 1938 Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine. I got his phone number and we had a very interesting conversation.
The 1963-’67 Corvette Sting Ray coupe roof is one of the all-time great automotive styling elements. Photo: GM Archives
McLynas explained that he’s always liked unusual cars. One day in the late 1970s, in Michigan, he saw the back end of an unusual-looking car parked in an old man’s side yard shed. Thinking it was a Corvette Sting Ray, McLynas knocked on the door of the house and met the eccentric owner, Rubin Halprin. When McLynas asked about the old Sting Ray, Halprin went off on him. “Ha! That was Hitler’s car! That’s not a Sting Ray! That’s a 1938 Adler Trumpf! It was raced at Le Mans and won its class! Those bastards at Chevrolet photographed my car, stole my design (Halprin did not “design” the car) and made it into the Sting Ray!” Halprin was a serious hoarder and a real crank.
Halprin went on to explain that he bought the car for $2,000 or $3,000 from a retired Air Force officer that brought the car back from Germany in the mid-1950s. The paint was bad so Halprin gave the car a $19.95 Earl Scheib blue paintjob and used the car for years as his daily driver. One day in July 1959, Halprin took a bunch of local kids to the State Fair. While at the fair, GM Styling executive David Holls and a co-worker approached Halprin and asked if he would bring his unique car to the GM Tech Center. Thinking that GM was going to buy the car and he’d make a nice profit, Halprin had a friend follow him to the Tech Center so that he’d have a ride home.
Holls met Halprin at the tech center with a photographer to document the car. After the pictures were taken, Holls thanked Halprin and that was that. Well, Halprin is royally pissed. He cussed them out, left all steamed up, and was surly about it the rest of his life. A few years later the car was stolen then recovered with the car’s nose banged up. Eventually, the car wouldn’t run anymore so Halprin pushed it into his shed.
In 1985, McLynas happened to be in Michigan and thought he’d look for the old Adler Trumpf. Halprin still had the car, only by then the shed had fallen down and the car’s condition was even worse. McLynas has affection for unusual cars, so he worked a deal with Halprin and bought the car.
The shape of the Sting Ray’s roof and sharp creases fit perfectly with the shapes of the fender humps. The only other car to use this unique design was the 1971-’73 Buick Riviera. Illustration: K. Scott Teeters
McLynas didn’t do much with the car and eventually sold it in 1990 to the Black Hawk Collection. The new owners gave the car a total restoration with the help of a prison work program that taught auto restoration skills to inmates wanting to learn a trade. Years later, the 1938 Adler Trumpf won a class at Pebble Beach, was purchased by a private collector, taken to Austria and never seen again.
After McLynas sold the car, he heard that retired GM Design Director David Holls was to be one of the judges at a concours car show. McLynas went to the show to specifically ask Holls if the Adler Trumpf that he bought from Halprin, had been photographed at the GM Tech Center. Holls explained that he couldn’t talk then because he was judging the show, but offered to have him over to his house. Holls said, “I think I know what you want to know.”
The following week, McLynas visited Holls in his studio. After they had lunch, McLynas asked, “Did GM take the roof design from the Adler Trumpf and use it for the 1963 Sting Ray?” Holls then took out a binder and showed McLynas the photos of Halprin’s 1938 Adler Trumpf. McLynas was looking at his car; the day eccentric old Rubin Halprin took to car to the tech center thinking he was going to get a lot of money. Instead, all he got was a “thank you.”
Holls then said, “Let me answer your question.” (All the while nodding his head up and down) “This car had nothing to do with the Sting Ray.” Holls also had snap shots taken the day he saw the car at the State Fair.
What happened was this; the GM designer photographed an unusual-looking car, one of maybe 10 ever built before World War II that survived the war, eventually becoming a G.I.’s “spoil of war.” Bill Mitchell was GM’s Sr. VP of Design and racing his Stingray Racer on his own dime. But what he was really doing, besides having fun, was testing the public’s reaction to the Stingray’s unique shape. Mitchell saw the photos of the Adler Trumpf’s roof, handed the photos to Shinoda, and instructed him, “This is want I want.” Everything comes from something. The fact that the Sting Ray’s roof shape came from the Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine in no way detracts from the iconic Corvette. Mitchell had a keen eye for design and intuitively knew his Corvette had to have the Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine’s roof. Vette
    The Adler Trumpf Company produced automobiles in Germany from 1932 to 1938. When this car was built in 1936-’37, it was considered advanced aerodynamic design. After World War II and by the 1950s, it was just a quirky-looking European car. Coincidently, the car’s wheelbase is 98 inches, the same as the C2 Sting Ray. Photo: www.dieselpunks.org.com
The Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine (racing sedan) was styled by airship designer, aerodynamicist Paul Jaray. The car’s basic profile shape was half of a lighter-than-air airship; rounded in the front and tapering back into flat wings on each side. The roof featured a curved windshield that wrapped around and tapered back to form a teardrop shape. This was very advanced for 1937. Photo: RM Sotheby’s
After attending the 1957 Turin Auto Show, Sr. VP of Design Bill Mitchell came home with a packet of photos of the Abarth 750 and Abarth Alfa 1000 Speed Record cars. He instructed his designers to produce sketches based on the Speed Record cars. This was one of 19-year-old Peter Brock’s sketches. Mitchell commanded, “This is what I want!” Photo: GM Archives
Working from a space buck designed by Duntov for Ed Cole’s Q-Chevrolet transaxle program, Brock and his stylist co-workers created a fullsize clay model. The final clay model had two rear window configurations, but the overall look was not yet what we know as the “Sting Ray.” Photo: GM Archives
The view from the back is amazing: teardrop coupe roof, split-window and two pairs of dual taillights. Photo: RM Sotheby’s, Illustration: K. Scott Teeters
Here’s the Adler Trumpf at the 1937 24 Hours of Le Mans. The Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine looks like a space ship surrounded by jalopies. By the time the 24 Hours of Le Mans started again in 1949 after World War II, streamlined coupes and open roadsters were becoming common.
Three Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine cars raced in the 24 Hours of Le Mans event in 1937. Every Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine was handmade and slightly different. Note that cars No. 33 and No. 34 have the bug-eye headlights. Car No. 35, in the back, has faired in headlights and is the car that Halprin owned and was photographed at the GM Tech Center in July 1959.
Here are the drivers of the Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine in the 1937 24 Hours of Le Mans: Fritz “Huschke” von Hanstein (aka, “The Racing Barron”) and Anne-Cecile Rose-Itier. Anne was the ninth woman to drive in the 24 Hours of Le Mans and competed in 1934, 1935, 1937 and 1939. Fritz and Anne were black-flagged for an improper fuel stop and were a DNF. The car had a crude four-wheel independent suspension, a four-cylinder engine with 56 horsepower that was cooled by a gravity-fed oil system and front-wheel-drive.
Above: Adler Trumpf car No. 33 raced at the 1938 24 Hours of Le Mans. This is the car that was photographed at the GM Tech Center. Bottom: This car raced at the 1939 24 Hours of Le Mans. Every Adler Trumpf car was handmade and slightly different. This version had a more streamlined roof and no rear quarter-windows.
This is another Adler Trumpf on display in Berlin. The roofline just screams “Sting Ray” and fit perfectly on Peter Brock’s design that Larry Shinoda was working on for the 1963 Sting Ray. Photo: www.flicker.com
After World War II, the surviving Adler Trumpf cars were used as daily drivers. One car was exported to America and eventually became part of Jimmy Brucker’s “Movie World Cars of the Stars and Planes of Fame” museum in Buena Park, California. Photo: www.justacarguy.com
When James McLynas visited retired GM Director of Design Dave Holls, he took photos of Holls’ photo album. The young woman in the photos is Anne-Cecile Rose-Itier at Le Mans in 1937. Photo: James McLynas Collection
GM Design Director Dave Holls took this photo of Halprin’s Adler Trumpf at the 1959 Michigan State Fair. Holls asked Halprin to bring his car to the GM Tech Center where it was photographed. The images were no doubt shown to Mitchell and Shinoda. Months later a full-size clay study of the XP-720 with the Adler Trumpf roof was shown to GM’s management and the project for the next Corvette was approved.
These three photographs are part of the GM Heritage Center Archives and are irrefutable proof of Rubin Halprin’s story. The photos are dated 7-27-59. Photo: GM Heritage Center
Bill Mitchell charged Larry Shinoda to take the styling of his Stingray Racer and make it into a car that could be manufactured as a convertible and a coupe. On October 20, 1959, the full-size clay Project XP-720 was on display for GM management viewing, with the Adler Trumpf “Sting Ray” roof. Photo: GM Archives
By the time James McLynas bought the Adler Trumpf in 1985, Rubin Halprin’s car had become a derelict. Photo: James McLynas Collection
Note how different the roofline of Halprin’s car is from the car the raced at Le Mans in 1939. This roofline is similar to the 1963 four-seater Corvette study. Photo: James McLynas Collection
There’s a strange kind of beauty with barn find, junkyard and side yard find cars. Photo: James McLynas Collection
Meet eccentric Rubin Halprin. Had he not bought his Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine from a G.I. in Michigan, we probably never would have had the iconic look of the 1963-’67 Sting Ray. Photo: James McLynas Collection
Here’s James McLynas helping to load up his Le Mans-winning Adler Trumpf. I’m certain that Halprin’s neighbors were very happy to see the car gone. Photo: James McLynas Collection
It’s hard to believe this is Rubin Halprin and James McLynas’s Adler Trumpf Rennlimousine. At least this unique car had a happy ending. Photo: www.wallpapermania.com
The post Origins of the iconic 1963 Corvette Sting Ray split-window design appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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needleman1 · 2 years ago
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needleman1 · 2 years ago
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needleman1 · 2 years ago
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