Disassembly and Combat Drone F-4:
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
A very colourful robot approaches F4.
Hello there, my fellow construct, it's nice to see another of our kind around here.
Oh hi! Who are you exactly?
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
[There's like. a Whole Child made of rusty, sharp metal nearby.]
Hello! Who are you?
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
It's been great! Everyone who I have talked to has been so kind.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Oh, that's very cool! Is this done to develop a certain skill?
Hello! Who are you? - @serial-number-f4
Oh hi I'm Alex. You look roughly cuboid.
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Yeah, I also have a universal installed.
Hello! Who are you? - @serial-number-f4
Oh hi I'm Alex. You look roughly cuboid.
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
I like doing anything!
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
F4 lets them lead it to the cafeteria.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
That’s wonderful! Blodeuwedd is so wonderful! Now, are we close to this cafeteria you were talking about.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Indeed! You are very kind, my friend. You should meet my friend, Blodeuwedd. They are helping me with the whole murdering people that I don’t want to murder situation.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
F4 doesn’t have the ability to feel the gentleness of the grip but the warmth was still comfortable.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
That sounds like fun! I have never held anyone’s hand before!
F4 puts its hand into the Janitor’s. Its hand feels cold and like a well polished metal.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Why are you sticking your hand out like that? Are you trying to grab something?
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Oh, I would love to be friends! I don’t have a lot of friends…
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Oh, cool! I hope that this because you are happy because I am happy!
F4 having gone its whole life without people enjoying time with them does not put put two and two together.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
Interesting! That sounds, uh, fun I think is the word you used.
Hello! Who are you? - @serial-number-f4
Oh hi I'm Alex. You look roughly cuboid.
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
What is that rumbling noise you are making?
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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serial-number-f4 · 3 years ago
F4 follows behind them. Even with the lack of the ability to show a lot of emotion, it seems to be rather chipper.
*The Janitor is. Carrying two very large boxes somewhere. There is no real way to tell if they ran into F4, or F4 ran into them, approximately speaking - they didn't collide with each other, just wandered nearby. Their eyes spart with recognition* Oh! I Have Met You Before, Right? You Look Familiar! I Do Not Know If I Introduced Myself Though... My Apologies If I Did Not!
F4 scanners recognize Janitor immediately.
Oh… I am F4, I believe I tried to kill you. Sorry about that…
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