a1detective · 5 years
PM Netanyahu, “Serial Appeaser”, Then And Now: Abandons Heroes, Yet, Coddles AND Rewards Terrorists, and Dope-Carriers, Alike. How Can This Be? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
PM Netanyahu, “Serial Appeaser”, Then And Now: Abandons Heroes, Yet, Coddles AND Rewards Terrorists, and Dope-Carriers, Alike. How Can This Be? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
FULL DISCLOSURE: If not for this writer’s relationship with [NAME:]  Tsafrir Ronen  (of blessed memory), one of Israel’s “Lions of Zion“, much of the insight gleaned over the years – vis-à-vis Israel’s mendacious leaders and non-elected functionaries – would be mired in the leadership’s smoke and mirrors…
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a1detective · 5 years
Bringing Down America, San Francisco-Style: What Happens When Weather Underground Spawn Take Over American Justice & Cities, Too? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Bringing Down America, San Francisco-Style: What Happens When Weather Underground Spawn Take Over American Justice & Cities, Too? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
ANTIFA APPEARS NOW ARMED AND READY TO KILL YOU? – https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/the-violent-left-says-they-want-a-civil-war-antifa-forming-a-red-army/
<———————-> Bringing Down America, San Francisco-Style: What Happens When Weather Underground Spawn Take Over American Justice & Cities, Too? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki Posted on January 19, 2020
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a1detective · 5 years
Soleimani’s (Blessed) Elimination Awakens “Sleeper Cells”: Americans Forewarned. Be Prepared! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Soleimani’s (Blessed) Elimination Awakens “Sleeper Cells”: Americans Forewarned. Be Prepared! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
“General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC’s) Quds Force, and architect of its regional security apparatus, has been killed following a US air raid at Baghdad’s international airport on Friday.5 hours ago Al Jazeera › news › 2020/01 › iraq-… Iran’s Qassem Soleimani killed in US air raid at Baghdad airport | News | Al Jazeera” – PHOTO:…
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a1detective · 5 years
ANTIFA – pbs.twimg.com
“I am the storm.” – i.ytimg.com – youtube.com
AMERICA’S CIVIL WAR RISING: ACWR, Red-Green Alert” – Patriotic/Intel Site 2020 Debut! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki ARTICLE BY ADINA KUTNICKI:
Adina Kutnicki – “THE GODMOTHER” – La Madrina – La Marraine – Die Patin – امرأه قويه
December 26, 2019 6:16 pm
As is said, desperate times call for desperate…
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a1detective · 5 years
The Death Of The West Via Far-Left Millennials,The ”ME-TOO/WOKE” Generation: The Socialist Charge. The Jihadi Beneficiaries! What’s To Be Done? --By Adina Kutnicki
The Death Of The West Via Far-Left Millennials,The ”ME-TOO/WOKE” Generation: The Socialist Charge. The Jihadi Beneficiaries! What’s To Be Done? –By Adina Kutnicki
Adina Kutnicki – “THE GODMOTHER”
The Death Of The West Via Far-Left Millennials,The ”ME-TOO/WOKE” Generation: The Socialist Charge. The Jihadi Beneficiaries! What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki Posted on December 16, 2019 by Adina Kutnicki
THERE is an overwhelming volume of evidence to support the following charge: a cross-section of U.S. politicians and self-appointed elitists…
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a1detective · 5 years
U.S. Leadership’s “Hands-Off” Saudi Arabia Policy + Failure to Connect Jihad To Islam = Pensacola’s Slaughter – And More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
U.S. Leadership’s “Hands-Off” Saudi Arabia Policy + Failure to Connect Jihad To Islam = Pensacola’s Slaughter – And More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Adina Kutnicki
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U.S. Leadership’s “Hands-Off” Saudi Arabia Policy + Failure to Connect Jihad To Islam = Pensacola’s Slaughter – And More! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
December 8, 2019 10:22 pm
AS always, whenever Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (yes, those who slaughter infidels, including apostates, AND scream “Al…
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a1detective · 5 years
[Islam Will Dominate The World, Including Christians] - Rep. Omar’s (Somali) Constituency Terrorizes White Community & U.S. While Taxpayers FUND Islamic Supremacy: Where Is The Nexus? As Always, “Follow The (Brotherhood’s) Money!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
[Islam Will Dominate The World, Including Christians] – Rep. Omar’s (Somali) Constituency Terrorizes White Community & U.S. While Taxpayers FUND Islamic Supremacy: Where Is The Nexus? As Always, “Follow The (Brotherhood’s) Money!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Article by Adina Kutnicki—La Madrina
Rep. Omar’s (Somali) Constituency Terrorizes White Community & U.S. Taxpayers FUND Islamic Supremacy: Where Is The Nexus? As Always, “Follow The (Brotherhood’s) Money!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
  EVERY competent investigator knows – be it during a criminal or civil probe – that a major investigative track revolves around the money trail.…
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a1detective · 5 years
Antisemitism’s “Mainstreaming” In America Via A Four-Pronged Assault:” The Remaining Acceptable Bias/Prejudice Within Polite Societal Discourse” – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Antisemitism’s “Mainstreaming” In America Via A Four-Pronged Assault:” The Remaining Acceptable Bias/Prejudice Within Polite Societal Discourse” – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
GellerReport.Com – “404, NOT FOUND.” – Photo Banned?
COINED by yours truly in 2011 and in 2012, the above truth-telling is cited by  Professor Emeritus Raphael Israeli, an esteemed and renowned expert in Islamic, Middle Eastern, and Chinese history at…
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a1detective · 6 years
Israelis/Jews Slaughtered By ‘Catch & Release’ Terrorists + Americans Murdered By Illegals: Where Are The Parallels? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Israelis/Jews Slaughtered By ‘Catch & Release’ Terrorists + Americans Murdered By Illegals: Where Are The Parallels? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Israelis/Jews Slaughtered By ‘Catch & Release’ Terrorists + Americans Murdered By Illegals: Where Are The Parallels? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki Posted on February 13, 2019
“He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel Will Ultimately Become Cruel to the Compassionate” (450 – 200 BCE)
THE above dictum is a Haggadic commentary on Ecclesiastes {7:16} AKA Kohelet Rabbah (קהלת רבה) and it is included in…
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a1detective · 6 years
CONSERVATIVE FAILURE The Left’s Deconstruction Of America: Capturing The Hearts & Minds Of The Kiddies – A Catastrophic Conservative Failure.
CONSERVATIVE FAILURE The Left’s Deconstruction Of America: Capturing The Hearts & Minds Of The Kiddies – A Catastrophic Conservative Failure.
CONSERVATIVE FAILURE The Left’s Deconstruction Of America: Capturing The Hearts & Minds Of The Kiddies – A Catastrophic Conservative Failure. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki Posted on September 6, 2018
IF anything, regular readers (from across the globe) know that they can depend upon this site to tell the unvarnished truth, come what may. Yes, it is this “take no prisoners” stand which has won…
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a1detective · 5 years
Rep. Engel (D-NY) Caves To Islamic Pressure; Australian & Belgian (Western Europe) Officials Mainstream Anti-Semitism – Political Islam Triumphant! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Rep. Engel (D-NY) Caves To Islamic Pressure; Australian & Belgian (Western Europe) Officials Mainstream Anti-Semitism – Political Islam Triumphant! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
Adina Kutnicki
YOU know that the truth has been turned upside its head – that the west has gone off its axis – when a consistent, moral Congressional voice against Islamic terrorism, Rep. Engel(D-NY), is muted. DOA. Effectively, said heretofore mainstream Democrat can no longer be relied upon to lead the way. Inexorably, a tragedy of monumental proportions. In tandem, the newly reduced sheeple…
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