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NAD+ este prescurtarea de la nicotinamidă adenin dinucleotidă, o moleculă care se găsește în fiecare celulă vie și care are un rol esențial în multe procese biologice. Descoperită în 1906, NAD+ a devenit subiectul unor cercetări intense în ultimii ani, care au arătat că NAD+ este crucială pentru menținerea sănătății celulelor, țesuturilor și organismului. Problema este că pe măsură ce îmbătrânim, nivelul de NAD+ din celule scade treptat. Această scădere a NAD+ este asociată cu numeroase boli legate de vârstă, cum ar fi declinul cognitiv, cancerul, bolile metabolice, sarcopenia (pierderea masei și a forței musculare legată de vârstă) și fragilitatea. Multe dintre aceste boli pot fi încetinite sau chiar inversate prin restabilirea nivelului de NAD+. Așadar, ce este de fapt NAD+, cum se produce și cum este folosită de celulele noastre? Răspunzând la aceste întrebări, vom înțelege rolurile NAD+ în menținerea unui îmbătrânire sănătoasă și dacă și cum pot fi tratate deficiențele de NAD+.
Unde se găsește NAD+ în celulă?
NAD+ este compartimentată în diferite structuri din cadrul fiecărei celule. Se găsește în lichidul gelatinos care umple celula (citoplasmă), în bateriile celulare (mitocondrii) și în locul unde celula depozitează informația genetică (nucleu). Aceste rezerve subcelulare de NAD+ sunt reglate independent unele de altele, iar în concordanță cu acest lucru, enzimele implicate în biosinteza sau degradarea NAD+ sunt foarte compartimentate.
Cum produc celulele NAD+?
NAD+ mediază multiple procese biologice majore și este mereu în mare cerere. NAD+ este în mod constant sintetizată, metabolizată și reciclată în celulă pentru a menține niveluri stabile de NAD+ intracelular. Unele celule, în special în ficat, pot sintetiza NAD+ de la zero (de novo) folosind mai multe surse alimentare. NAD+ poate fi făcută de novo din L-triptofan sau precursori vitaminici, cum ar fi acidul nicotinic (NA). În afara ficatului, majoritatea celulelor nu exprimă întregul set de enzime necesare pentru a converti triptofanul în NAD+. Dar poate fi și reciclată sau salvată din nicotinamidă (NAM), un produs secundar al utilizării NAD+ ca un cofactor de către enzime. Majoritatea triptofanului este metabolizat în NAM în ficat, unde este eliberat în ser, preluat de celulele periferice și în cele din urmă convertit în NAD+. În această cale, NAM este convertit în nicotinamidă mononucleotidă (NMN) de o enzimă numită NAMPT, care poate fi convertită în NAD+. NMN se formează și din nicotinamidă ribozidă (NR).
Ce roluri are NAD+ în celulă?
Rolul principal al NAD+ în metabolism este transferul de electroni de la o moleculă la alta. Reacțiile de acest tip sunt catalizate de o grupă mare de enzime numite oxido-reductaze. Numele corecte pentru aceste enzime conțin numele ambelor lor substraturi: de exemplu, NADH-ubichinonă oxido-reductază catalizează oxidarea NADH de către ubichinonă, o moleculă implicată în transportul de electroni în mitocondrii. În această reacție, NADH donează doi electroni și un proton (H+) ubichinonei, devenind NAD+. Ubichinona acceptă electronii și protonul, devenind ubichinol. Astfel, NAD+ este un agent oxidant, care acceptă electroni de la alte molecule și devine redus; cu H+, această reacție formează NADH, care poate fi folosit ca un agent redus pentru a dona electroni. Aceste reacții de transfer de electroni sunt funcția principală a NAD+.
NAD+ este folosită și în alte procese celulare, cel mai important fiind ca un substrat al enzimelor care adaugă sau elimină grupări chimice de la sau pe proteine, în modificări post-translaționale. De exemplu, NAD+ este folosită de o clasă de enzime numite ADP-ribozil transferaze, care transferă o grupare ADP-riboză de la NAD+ pe o proteină țintă, modificând funcția acesteia. Un alt exemplu este cel al enzimelor numite sirtuine, care îndepărtează o grupare acetil de la o proteină țintă, folosind NAD+ ca un cofactor. Sirtuinele sunt implicate în reglarea expresiei genice, stresului oxidativ, inflamației, autofagiei și longevității.
Ce beneficii are NAD+ pentru sănătate?
NAD+ are numeroase beneficii pentru sănătate, în funcție de tipul și cantitatea de procese biologice în care este implicată. Unele dintre efectele pozitive pe care le poate avea NAD+ sunt:
Îmbunătățirea metabolismului energetic și a funcției mitocondriale
Protejarea celulelor de stresul oxidativ și de deteriorarea ADN-ului
Reglarea expresiei genice și a epigeneticii
Stimularea autofagiei și a curățării celulare
Modularea inflamației și a imunității
Întârzierea îmbătrânirii și a apariției bolilor legate de vârstă
Îmbunătățirea funcției cognitive și a memoriei
Îmbunătățirea performanței fizice și a rezistenței la oboseală
Îmbunătățirea aspectului pielii, părului și unghiilor
Cum putem crește nivelul de NAD+?
Există mai multe modalități prin care putem crește nivelul de NAD+ în organism, fie prin stimularea sintezei sau reciclării NAD+, fie prin suplimentarea cu precursori sau analogi de NAD+. Unele dintre aceste modalități sunt:
Dieta: consumul de alimente bogate în precursori de NAD+, cum ar fi NA, NAM, NR sau NMN, poate crește nivelul de NAD+ în celule. De asemenea, dieta poate influența activitatea enzimelor implicate în metabolismul NAD+, cum ar fi NAMPT sau sirtuinele. De exemplu, restricția calorică sau postul intermitent pot crește nivelul de NAD+ prin activarea sirtuinelor.
Exercițiul fizic: practicarea regulată a exercițiului fizic poate crește nivelul de NAD+ prin stimularea sintezei mitocondriale și a consumului de oxigen. De asemenea, exercițiul fizic poate crește expresia NAMPT și a sirtuinelor în mușchi, ceea ce duce la o mai bună utilizare a NAD+.
Suplimentele: există mai multe suplimente disponibile pe piață care conțin precursor
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Ok so I will try to do what op asked with different fandoms
Don't think too hard about the order, I definitly didn't
Eliwood (Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade)
Rottytops (Shantae)
Finn (Fire Emblem: Thracia 776)
Adenine (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Lucatiel (Dark Souls 2)
The Little Girl (Katana Zero)
Virgo (Astral Ascent)
Hatsune Miku (Internet? or vocaloid I guess?)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Get tagged again @beantothemax but also @ancestorlegacy @orestais
TAG GAME— List 10 of your favorite characters from different fandoms
Thank you for tagging me @coderiderr
Hortensia (Fire Emblem Engage)
Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)
Kaze (Fire Emblem Fates)
Lisia (Pokémon)
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
Owain (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Shirayuki (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! on ICE)
Zeref Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
Tagging: @fayesdiary @dragonballwish @elegyofthemoon @sevarix-blogs @ghostlydragonpainter
#I'm noticing I don't interact with that many fandoms#I had just a little more trouble thatn I thought coming up with these#tag game
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Kaminoan: Phonetic Inventory and Counting System
While discussing clone things with @daitoshi, they offhandedly mentioned the weirdness of the number of clones in a batch (and incidentally the general structure of the GAR). Apparently this was all the inspiration I needed to decide I was going to create base-4 counting system for the Kaminoans. 32 clones per batch seems pretty random, but it is just 2 x 16 (2 x 4^2), so in a base-4 system, it’s no more random than say 200 (2 x 10^2) is in base-10. Base-4 also ties in thematically with DNA irl, so that’s fun for a bunch of cloners!
I’ve put together a guide to my process and rules for the enjoyment of all. And by enjoyment, I mean frustration because this counting systems it incredibly upsetting.
We normally assume most human counting systems are base-10 due to our (standard) number of fingers. How the heck to do count to four with three fingers, then?? Well, this is how Imma say the Kaminoans count on their fingers:
Does it make sense? I guess. Does it seem probable? Not really. But the joy of conlanging and worldbuilding for aliens is you can always just be like, “Whatever, their alien brains are built differently.”
Anyways, we’re gonna want some names for these numbers, so we gotta come up with some mouth sounds to represent them.
We do not have a lot of canon (or legends) words for Kaminoan stuff, and what we do have is of course plagued by the same issue that every collection of made up words in SW suffers from: absolutely no internal consistency. Okay, well maybe there is some internal consistency, so let’s look at what we got:
Taun We Lama Su Kina Ha Ko Sai Nala Se Erla Halle Burtoni
Tipoca Timira Derem Baran Wu Su Des Slici Tal An Glascretia Razoral
aiwha nahra
Protas Melkorr Kikla Thalina iiaa oii sso uded
Sre Len
Taun We, Lama Su, Nala Se: these are iconic of the vibe I want the phonetic system to embody. So, what features from this data set should I keep for the phonetic inventory?
I dismiss Glascretia and Razoral outright since they have a very “fake English vibe.” Same with Protas and Melkorr, since they just seem to be plays on Proteas (Greek myth) and Melkor (Tolkien) respectively. Also, I throw Halle Burtoni right out the window because every other Kaminoan we meet sounds like their name came from the same language. What the heck happened here?? Whatever language she’s named in, it’s not the one I’m building.
Get rid of thalina, too; I don’t like the <th> just because. Additionally, I’m not sure what the <h> in nahra represents (is it silent? pronounced? part of a digraph with <r>????), so we’re gonna ignore it for now. Finally, the terminal <d> in uded doesn’t fit the vibe I want to go for. I consider keeping the terminal <s> in Su Des but eventually decide against it.
From Tal An and Erla, I decide that approximants can occur finally.
I take <c> and <k> to represent the same phoneme.
For absolutely no good reason, I have always assumed the <wh> in aiwha was inspired by Maori, so I’ll count that as one phoneme. However, I decide to have all approximants have a voiced and voiceless form. So, I end up not using the Maori rendering anyways.
Great, overall we’ve got what looks like it could be a very CV syllable structure. In order to match the vibe I’m going for, I won’t complicate that too much.
We have several C<l> consonant clusters, so we’ll say that it can occur initially. And since we said all approximants can occur finally, we’ll just say all approximants can occur in this position, too. Plus, since I’m mostly just doing this project to amuse Daitoshi, this also allows for their OC’s name to be permissible in the system.
Now, what is going on with these words from the Aiwha Pod short story?? Suddenly double letters. Okay. We’ll say <a> and <i> have long forms, and then we’ll say <u> does as well for a more balanced system. Same with <s> and then <h>, again for balance. Do these words represent diphthongs? Meh. I’ll say no, they’re bisyllabic because I want them to be.
After all that, we’re left with :
m /m/ n /n/
p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k/c /k/
s /s/ ss /sː/ h /h/ hh /hː/
lh /l̥/ l /l/ rh /ɻ̊/ r /ɻ/ wh /ʍ/ w /w/
i /i/ ii /iː/ u /u/ uu /uː/ e /e/ o /o/ a /ä/ aa /äː/
ai /äɪ̯/ au /äʊ̯/
C1 = -approximant if occuring in cluster
C2 = +voiced approximant
C3 = +nasal or +voiced approximant
Yay! Let’s work on naming some numbers now.
We’ll obviously want unique names for 0-4. Additionally, the number 9 is very significant in the GAR; squads consist of nine troopers, so every other division ends up divisible by nine. Cool, let’s give 9 a unique name and let it play a role in counting. I also give 36 and 144 unique names, thinking of things like “dozen” and “gross” and “score” in English. Aside from these, we’ll want the various powers of 4 to be something simple.
Futz around with the phonemic inventory, maybe drop it into a word generator, and here are the unique number name around which all other numbers will be based:
And there you have it! The basics, at least. I’ve worked out the names of number 0-64 with which, as long as you know the powers of four, you can work out any number you’d like up to 206 billion~!
Additionally, I decided to create a numeral system (I mean, it’s only four characters, so why the heck not?) very loosely inspired by the structure of the DNA nucelobases (adenine, guanine, thymine cytosine), so here’s that:
And here is a list of the names of all of the numbers through 64! The general rule is simply that if the smaller integer appears first, it is multiplied by the following. If the larger integer appears first, it is added to the following. Aside from a few of the earlier numbers, it’s pretty regular! 9 lends its name to its multiples, and of course 36 (and 144) have unique names, as mentioned above. After hitting 64, the numbers repeat (the same way that they do in English after 100).
*both rai hhel and kwado lho are used, though the latter is rarer
Aaaand for examples in this system, I thought I’d convert some clone designations into it :3
Rex 7567 → 1312033
each digit: lho hhel lho kwa abo hhel hhel
full number: rai hhelto lho whenau kwaiil hhelte hhel
abbreviated: tehhel tekwa abo hhelte hhel
wooooow you can immediately see why they wouldn’t go with base-4 designations haha
Fives 5555 → 1112303
each digit: lho lho lho kwa hhel abo hhel
full number: rai te lho whenau kwaiil hhelrai hhel
abbreviated: telho tekwa hhel abo hhel
maybe we will just call him “Telhon” in Kaminoan :)
Cody 2224 → 202300
each digit: kwa abo kwa hhel abo abo
full number: kwate whenau kwaiil hhelrai
abbreviated: kwate dokwa abo abo (or perhaps “abora” for “double zero”)
I accidentally made his name start with “Kwate” which sounds enough like his nickname I suppose :)
And that’s it! If you read this far, um, thanks (unless you’re Daitoshi: curse you for inspiring me to create this). idk why you would, but anyone is welcome to use this for whatever purpose. Would love to see what you come up with if you do, though, so hmu~! ;)
#star wars#words#kaminoans#kaminoan language#conlang#star wars worldbuilding#praying there aren't any typos or mistakes in this#cause i am outta energy for proofing it again#the tables are absolute eyesores#bc tumblr apparently hates html tables#and also image quality#ugh.
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spoiler!!! — “i’m rooting for our chemistry to get better like how lysine and arginine attract each other” jay used a pick-up line just to make you feel better and not awkward. (i'm dying here and actually proud because i made the pick up line </3, you like it alice?) guess what? it's for jungwon's fic :) — 💛
omg 💛 anon i have zero brain cells and have no idea what lysine and arginine are 🏃♂️ but !!!! if it’s discount adenine and thymine (or is that uracil??) then i Understand
omgg it’s for the jungwon fix :oo it’s cute !! i’m glad you’re proud of it so you’ll be happy creating it 🥰
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Pidge is actually trying to take this a tiny bit seriously. Last night, while she was working on moving her work station into the makeshift pharmaceutical laboratory she’s set up for herself over the last few months, she was putting together a presentation, like it’s a business pitch or a grant funding exercise. Still, it’s easier to illustrate her point when she has diagrams to go off of. The fancy little holograms from her PADD can even be manipulated in real-time in three-dimensional space, for added cool factor.
It also means she can keep her thoughts together as she goes through the theoretical aspects of this with @swordsedge Ulaz. Before she begins, she takes a shot glass, fills it with the Olkari root extract she’s come to love so much, and knocks it back like it’s so much liquor. That should keep her going for the next eight or so hours and stave off the fluorescent-inspired headache she’s guaranteed to get if she works down here too long. She offers some to the Galra in front of her, but he declines. Reasonable. He doesn’t know what it is, and she could have tampered with it, so she’s not offended.
They’d had a brief conversation last night, as well, about how to structure this upcoming week. Pidge had asked Ulaz what the Galra Empire would do for someone who had a genetic degenerative disease. The answer, unsurprisingly, was a mercy cull. For an empire driven by expansion at all costs, a disabled life is not one that can be afforded. Ulaz did show the correct amount of disgust as he explained, at least, which reassured Pidge that he was here for the right reasons, to do the right thing. What wasn’t so reassuring was that he hadn’t actually encountered this specific problem before, as a medical officer.
Tilting her PADD against her empty glass so the holograms can project onto the table, Pidge launches into her explanation. “so, you understand what we need to do here,” Pidge reminds Ulaz. “this is different from just keeping shiro in stasis and keeping disease from progressing. this is total genomic overhaul.” She flicks the first diagram out from her screen to the table, starts spinning it--a puffy little X shape made of squiggles. “what we’re working with is the x chromosome, a location on the short arm called p21.2-p21.1.” When she zooms in with her fingers, there's a noticeable length difference between the two top arms of the chromosome. “there’s a deletion here--not one of the worst, but not in a good place, either. this codes for dystrophin: the protein that builds human muscle. without it, the muscles we’re born with can’t be effectively re-built when they’re damaged. usually, you’d have a backup on the other matching pair in your chromosome set, so your body could just use the one that works and ignore the one that doesn’t, but shiro can’t do that, because he doesn’t have a second x chromosome, he has a y chromosome. which, don’t tell it i said this, but it’s pretty useless, aside from sry. poor little thing. smallest in the human genome.”
This is probably stuff Ulaz already knows. Based on what Pidge surmises about Galra, just from pure conjecture surrounding the fact of Keith’s existence, they also must have a similarly-based biology, with double-helix DNA, ACGT pairs, X/Y sex chromosomes, even the same number and arrangement of chromosomes. Otherwise, Galra wouldn’t be able to reproduce with humans, or proliferate so far with so many other alien races. Still, it helps to start from the common denominator and build up to more complex premises.
Pidge pinches her fingers together, then spreads them to zoom in on her DNA diagram--to the portion that’s missing. “there’s maintaining the dystrophin shiro still has, and there’s teaching his body how to make it for himself. two different things. he already had weakness in his legs, to be expected, but now you’re telling me he’s having trouble breathing. that means his diaphragm can’t repair itself. he’s too weak to work his own lungs. that’s... that’s advanced. the only way it could be worse is if it was in his heart, and we don't know that it's not. so, we can’t just plug this with pharmaceutical intervention. giving him the actual dystrophin protein isn’t, by itself, going to get him where he needs to go. he needs to do it for himself, and he needs to be able to rebuild what’s been lost on top of it. that means...”
Another diagram flicks next to the first. This one's the clip of what's missing. “i have to get this, here, but... everywhere. as far as you're telling me, this is something the galra weren’t even interested in devoting resources to. it’s something humans haven’t quite been able to achieve, even with crispr, our most advanced gene splicing engineering technology. altean alchemy isn’t suited to this, and i can’t see that they've ever attempted a genetic cure, just an amino acid replacement. the olkari seem to find it anathema to attempt it, even with their advanced biohacking abilities. but i’m--we’re not dealing with just one set of medicine. we’re not limited here. i can use all of this accumulated knowledge and make something bigger than the sum of its parts. i just need to run this by you, theoretically speaking, to see if it’s even possible in practice.”
Dismissing the first diagram to focus on the second, she twists her two hands, pulls them apart, and it zooms in on the individual molecules making up the DNA helix: red adenine paired with green thymine, yellow cytosine paired with blue guanine, clumped in threes (that’s a slight liberty with the illustration, but it works for these purposes). “coran’s taught me how to use this lab to make pharmaceutical compounds i thought would be impossible with the materials we have. apparently all you have to do is ask these atoms and molecules nicely to create their bonds. so far i’ve been... moderately successful in using it.” That’s false modesty. Pidge has been able to synthesize a full medication line for Shiro by now, from advanced corticosteroids to muscle relaxers, from gene-targeted therapies to painkillers. “but, i mean, dna is just a bunch of molecules, when you get down to it. huge, snarled-together molecules, but molecules all the same. the backbone of the helix is the same. the a, c, g, t are the same. if i can teach the lab to make the individual components, it’s just an issue of putting the building blocks in the right order and making them stick together. that part, actually making the gene i need, that’s the part i have the most confidence in. i know i can do it. what i don’t know is how much time it’s going to take, or if i can accelerate it by redirecting non-essential ship power to this one resource. and i won’t know for sure until i get started on it. but, the good news is, i know what i need to make and how i need to make it. easy.” Relatively speaking, of course.
The next image Pidge pulls up is entirely new. “this--this part’s more complicated. this little device is crispr. technically it’s a repeating genome sequence that humans synthesized from a bacteria, but you can use it for genome modification. depending on what kind of rna you attach to it, you can use it to snip out genes entirely, or cut and paste from one mis-transposed location to another. notice i didn’t say insert. it needs to get the material from somewhere to insert it in the first place, and creating the right sequence out of nothing was always a little too difficult to stabilize in human trials. plus, there were ethical concerns with using it on stem cell lines. no such worries here. if i use altean alchemy to create the missing piece, and if i use the right rna to point it at xp21.2 through .1, it should plunk it right into place. and there’s no medico-ethical dilemma present for doing this with a full-grown person, like there would be if we were trying to fix it in a zygote. it doesn’t even generate the should-we argument. now, getting the rna to target the right location, and getting the delivery mechanism to be stable, and getting it to lock into place, that’ll be a little more difficult.”
What flashes into the set of images Pidge is using, this time, is a series of ones and zeroes. “that's where the olkari technology comes in. their tiaras use human brainwaves, sent as binary code, to modify messenger rna, to redirect plants on what genes they should be expressing at any given time. it unlocks a gene’s potential. this should be the key to not only targeting the right location for the gene insertion, but also in making sure that it’s getting used correctly to code for dystrophin. the question you’re probably about to ask is, how does this work with dna when dna isn’t written in binary? but it’s not about reading it, it’s about finding it. rna will read it for itself, pull the correct amino acids, and make dystrophin. cells are pretty smart that way.”
Dismissing all those prior symbols, Pidge finally pulls up a diagram of the human body. “so, congratulations. using a series of increasingly unstable chemical reactions pulling from the most advanced medicine, science, engineering, and coding from three different starfaring species, we created, spliced in, and activated exactly one copy of the dystrophin-coding gene, into one cell.” The hologram zooms in to some generic muscle strand of the forearm. “that cell could die before undergoing mitosis. even if it survives, that’s no guarantee that the new, fixed genome will propagate very far, even within the same physical location of the body.” A red flash, indicating failure.
“but, if i’m understanding your research correctly, there’s something you can do with filtered quintessence to not just make it stick around, but to get it to actually change the whole body genome. this is the part that i’m the most skeptical about,” just in case Ulaz couldn't tell from her tone. “i don’t know how quintessence works at the best of times. as far as i care, though, if it does what you say it will, then it can be literal space magic--as long as it works by a set of fixed principles. if you’re saying we can wash out the old genome and, i guess, dye the new one into place by steeping shiro in enough quintessence, it’s worth a try.”
Presentation over. Pidge collapses her diagrams, puts her PADD face-down on the table. When she catches Ulaz’s face, his expression is unreadable. Just like always, really. “so, after all that, i have two questions for you. one, does that sound like something we can, theoretically, even do? i don’t want to waste time or energy on research if it’s not going to pan out in real life. and even if it does, question number two, how much quintessence would it actually take to do something like that? are we talking on the level of a d-cell battery, car battery, aircraft engine, starship-class balmera crystal, the type of energy it would take to hold strand in stasis for eons--what do we need, and can we actually get it?”
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Digital Object – DNA Data Storage
DNA, abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid. It’s a chemical of complex molecular structure that is found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and in many viruses. DNA codes genetic information for the transmission of inherited traits.
DNA digital data storage is the process of encoding and decoding binary data to and from synthesized strands of DNA. DNA storage has a large potential because of its high storage density but its practical use is very limited because of its high cost and slow read and writing times.
In 2021, scientists reported that a custom DNA data writer had been developed that was capable of writing data into DNA at 18 Mbps.
Currently, the most widespread DNA sequencing technology in use is one developed by Illumina which involves immobilization of single stranded DNA on a solid support, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the sequences and labelling of the individual DNA bases with complementary bases tagged with fluorescent markers. The fluorescence pattern (a different colour for each of the four DNA bases) can then be captured in an image and processed to determine the DNA sequence.
The nanopore technology is in which DNA molecules are passed through a nano scale pore under the control of a ratcheting enzyme. The passage of the DNA molecules causes small change in electrical current that can be measured. The main advantage of the nanopore technology is that it can be read in real time.
The genetic code within living organisms can potentially be co-opted to store information. Furthermore, synthetic biology can be used to engineer cells with "molecular recorders" to allow the storage and retrieval of information stored in the cell's genetic material. CRISPR gene editing can also be used to insert artificial DNA sequences into the genome of the cell. For encoding developmental lineage data (molecular flight recorder), roughly 30 trillion cell nuclei per mouse * 60 recording sites per nucleus * 7-15 bits per site yields about 2 Terabytes per mouse written (but only very selectively read).
The idea of DNA digital data storage dates to 1959, when the physicist Richard P. Feynman, in "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics" outlined the general prospects for the creation of artificial objects like objects of the microcosm (including biological) and having similar or even more extensive capabilities. In 1964–65, Mikhail Samoilovich Neiman, the Soviet physicist, published 3 articles about microminiaturization in electronics at the molecular-atomic level, which independently presented general considerations and some calculations regarding the possibility of recording, storage, and retrieval of information on synthesized DNA and RNA molecules.
DNA data storage is the preferred solution for the storage shortage problem because it can store large amounts of data in very little space. One gram of DNA can store 215 petabytes of data. A petabyte is 1,024 terabytes. So, one gram of DNA can store approximately 220,160 terabytes.
What is your immediate response to your object and why?
Not very excited because I never really liked biology or was that interested in it.
What is it?
DNA digital data storage is the process of encoding and decoding binary data to and from synthesized strands of DNA.
Where is it from?
Who made it?
DNA digital data storage dates to 1959, from the physicist Richard P. Feynman. One of the earliest uses of DNA storage occurred in a 1988 collaboration between artist Joe Davis and researchers from Harvard.
What is it made of?
It’s made of a DNA molecule which is made up of four bases that are distinct chemical units: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine. Making it very light in weight. It does not occupy much space for storing a huge amount of data. It also offers very high level of data security.
How does it work?
Data and information can then be encoded into these bases by converting the information into ones and zeros which is binary and then converting that into A, C, G, T.
A DNA device is sent to the lab for reading the data sequence which is stored as DNA language where A=00, T=01, C=10 and G=11.
How can it be used as a tool?
Can be used as a storage tool to store data, DNA storage is potentially less expensive, more energy-efficient and longer lasting. It also doesn’t require as much maintenance and files stored in DNA can be easily copied.
What are its limits?
DNA data storage has a higher error rate compared to the traditional digital systems and are much harder to correct.
DNA synthesis methods depend of organic chemistry making it very expensive.
Its time consuming to access the data. And in order for it to be cheap enough for daily use then the technology needs to mature to provide that.
Synthetic DNA needs to be stored in cold and dark storage.
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read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40780668 by icearrows1200 "There are still echoes in his mind that pull him as if an invisible string stretched from his thirium pump at his sternum to tasks over which he felt he had no control. Then again, humans do that, too: absently eating, or picking at scabs, chewing their lips and scratching their necks. They have their own programming, even if the aforementioned ones and zeroes are replaced by quadruplets adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine." Or: Connor is a deviant, but worries ad nauseam he isn't doing it right. Words: 3049, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Hank Anderson, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor Additional Tags: Post Revolution, Road Trips, Existential Crisis, Pop Culture, Angst and Humor, Computer Programming, Multi-media, Eventual Romance, Early 2000s references, Music, Reality TV, Films, every chapter starts with the letter f, because I say so, toledo lore, midwestern gothic, Vignettes read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40780668
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Ghost of you, 10/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 10/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "Maxence’s results were similar to Peggy’s but his genetic code was presenting some interesting particularities that needed to be studied to find the reason why it was so different."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“I wish I were a little girl again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken heart.” - Julia Roberts.
Jack was highlighting the most important data from the results given by Tegan. He was remarking the same details that Colin had noted earlier – details he wouldn’t share – and come to the same conclusions. He was alarmed by the risks there were for Maxence to die from the virus so he sent a message to Liv and Zach for them to keep a closer eye on him and be sure he wouldn’t get in any trouble, more than he already was. This done, he worked on the DNA data he had gathered. Maxence’s results were similar to Peggy’s but his genetic code was presenting some interesting particularities that needed to be studied to find the reason why it was so different. Maxence’s DNA wasn’t entirely corrupted by the virus. The four proteins were still present and mixing themselves with the four new ones in a perfect harmony. Maxence was clinging to his humanity like a drowning person would cling to the lifesaver that came for them. Whether it was a good thing or not, Jack couldn’t tell. His friend and colleague’s side wanted to believe it was because it meant that Maxence wasn’t dead, but the other side of him was having mixed feelings about it. What if they couldn’t reverse the process? What if Maxence was stuck with this mutated DNA? Would the nightwalker’s side be dominant and let him live in this awful condition? Or would it be a perfect mix allowing him to have a better life? Jack isolated three DNA sequences – one fully corrupted, one normal and one mixed – for a future study. He also had Peggy’s sequences but he hadn’t learnt much from them. Maxence was a much more interesting object of study. No offense to the man. Jack first chose the corrupted DNA and tried to determine what could be their role in the human system. Every strand of DNA had a particular function in the body. It was composed of four nucleotides: cytosine, guanine, adenine and thymine. All of these were forming the genetic code of a person according to the way they were arranged. It was all mathematical and almost unpredictable. But that was the funniest part of the job: solving the unsolvable. Clara knocked on the door and Jack opened it to her. She was coming to help him with the proteomics, with the identification of the new molecules composing the nightwalkers’ DNA. They didn’t exchange a word. They only shared their work and began looking for new clues. No visible answers on the corrupted strand of DNA so Jack picked the mixed one. That’s when he noticed something he hadn’t before. The beginning of something it seemed like. The moment everything started going wrong. Thymine and adenine were working together like an inseparable team, as well as cytosine and guanine. The combination for a strand could be infinite but those four could only be combined with each other. However, on this strand, everything was mixed and it was the reason why the DNA was so messed up. Jack looked closer at a molecule of thymine, one of the most essential molecules in the human DNA. It was having a strange form and it was changing under his eyes. The thymine was losing its original form and mutating to adapt itself to the other nucleotides. It wasn’t anything new. It was just the molecules changing and rewriting the human DNA. A sort of evolution, in the wrong way. It was making Humanity stupid and aggressive, back to some twisted primary instincts from another era. Something must have triggered this sudden mutation that usually took ages to appear. It was progressive and not so immediate unless something was speeding the process. Something strong enough to change Humanity so radically. All this new information was written down on a paper that was lying around here. The blood and DNA were showing mutations. They were slower than they should be since the nightwalker in question was refusing his condition. Jack would need a ‘complete’ nightwalker to compare the DNAs and see how someone clinging to his humanity could maybe be the key to a cure that would save the world. However, he doubted that anyone would want to go back outside now and with the lockdown that wouldn’t come to an end any time soon, it wasn’t making any mission possible. It meant that they would have to do with what they had by hand. It was more than they could have expected five years ago. Jack drew his attention back on the other molecules. They were having the same reactions. None of them was spared by the mutation. He added it to the notes. He re-read them, trying to get where this was all leading him and he realised something important about DNA. Something he should have thought of when he had seen that mutated DNA. There was one thing that could cause such a quick reaction and nightwalkers were running away from that thing and needing it all at once. He should have realised it sooner. When thymine and cytosine were mixing each other, it was creating a dimer that was causing kinks in the molecule. That’s how cancers started. And the noctiagus was like a non-lethal cancer. Many cancers were curable when taken in time. It took an awful lot of time to create such process as chemotherapy. How much time would it take to find something that could be working against the noctiagus? They had been working on it for five years and were only finding out how the virus could have come to life. Finding something to cure it or, at least, to reduce the symptoms and give the infected people a better life, would take even more time. It meant that the world would come to an end before they could succeed. It also was to fear that Maxence wouldn’t make it until they found something that could relieve him. He needed to let go of his humanity and they all knew he wasn’t gonna do this. Rose was gonna make sure he would never let go of it. Jack sighed and opened a new mail on the private network Zachary had created for them. He quickly typed his observations to send them to Tegan. He specified that it was useless to send them to Clara since he was working with her at the moment but they could be transferred to Rose. She would be happy to hear her husband was still inside that shell currently wandering in the cage downstairs. He added that the UV lights had to be turned off immediately. He would explain the reason in the complete report he would write later. “This is fascinating,” murmured Clara. “Absolutely fascinating.” “Are you speaking about the mutation or about the virus?” “Both. The way they are working… It’s bloody fascinating.” “Yeah. You might have mentioned that.” Clara had her eyes riveted on the microscope before her. She was observing the virus devouring the cells around it and pushing away the white cells trying to defend Maxence against the infection. It wasn’t working very well on both sides. It was a never-ending battle. “It happened during an eclipse,” she said. “Yes.” “And the DNA can be corrupted by UV lights.” “Yes, but it hasn’t last long enough. It takes ages to change a DNA, not just an hour.” “It still happened during that hour.” “In my opinion, it was caused by a human hand. The eclipse was just a coincidence.” “We gotta find the patient zero.” “We have to try. To save Maxence.” “How can we do that?” “I know someone.” Jack flashed her a bright smile and Clara rolled her eyes. Everyone knew how Jack had gotten so many acquaintances. It was no secret to anyone. He could get anything from anyone because he could be very convincing when he wanted. This was rather dirty in Clara’s opinion but she hadn’t refused some advices to make things go farther with Olivia. Advices that hadn’t worked in the end for reasons Jack ignored, reasons she would keep silent until the day she died. “I’ll talk about this to Tegan first; I need his approval before doing anything.” “Speaking of him… You seem very close lately.” “I’ve just given him some relaxation lessons.” “Jack!” exclaimed Clara, offended. “He’s our boss now.” “He asked for it,” shrugged the former Captain. “T asked you to… I don’t believe this.” She knew Tegan well enough to not believe Jack’s words. The man was too shy and cruelly lacking of self-confidence. Such an indecent offer like only Jack could do would have made him blush and stutter so hard that he would have run away before any answer left his mouth. She didn’t see him accepting to have sex with Jack. Unless... His sudden promotion to the highest responsibility of this lab had him so anxious that maybe, just maybe, he would have taken the offer just for one night. “You’ve tried with Max too?” “He always refused.” “You’re disgusting.” Clara threw a pen at him. He caught it, laughing, and put it aside. After all, she asked and he had answered in all honesty. Why would he lie? He had nothing to hide. “Wanna know why Colin is avoiding me?” “Colin’s a sociopath but an excellent scientist. He shouldn’t be out of this team.” “He was bullying T until I found out and stopped him. He wouldn’t go after me. He’s too scared.” “What have you done to him, Jack?” “Just showing him another side of himself.” “No?” “That’s what he said at first. He changed his mind.” “It’d be faster to ask you who you didn’t have sex with in this building.” “You,” replied Jack with a grin. “Olivia, Rose, Max. Zachary gave in the first day, said this probably was his best experience. Mickey refuses categorically. Martha wouldn’t say no if she wasn’t so loyal to him. I think that’s all.” “That’s quite a long list for you.” “Wanna take your name off of it?” “Keep dreaming, Captain. You won’t have any of this.” She pointed to her body and they both burst out laughing. It was nice to be laughing again but it also felt weird in the heavy atmosphere surrounding them but it also allowed them to relieve some of the tension that was on their shoulders. A guilty pleasure they couldn’t refuse in those dark times.
Allegro was sat on the camp bed, his back on the glass wall his cage was sharing with Maxence’s, and he was keeping still while Rose, Adam and Liv were working on him. He had chosen to have his back on Maxence not to see him wandering in his cage and observing them with his head tilted on the side as he tried to understand what was going on. It was making him rather uncomfortable to be a witness of what could happen to him. The virus was in his system. He wasn’t showing any symptom but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t suffer from them later. He wasn’t a scientist but had seen enough of them working to know that the symptoms could come later. He had seen Maxence turn into a nightwalker when they were out. He had seen his pain and horror and despair as something stronger than him was taking possession of his body. Allegro didn’t feel ready to go through something like this. He was quiet as Olivia was doing the blood tests, filling tubes of his blood and adding them in a sterilized case, as Adam took them away to his lab, as Rose was taking samples of hair and skin. It felt weird to be the Guinea pig they were working on. They were as silent as he was. It was driving him mad that silence. It was as if he was dead and they were working on his body. If only they were making observations out loud! It would break that heavy silence he already hated though he was gonna stay here for a long moment. At least, in the tent, he had Liv who was coming and talking to him. She was here today but she was in no mood to chat. Two man down, it wasn’t something good for them but maybe it was how they would find a cure. Rose and Adam were gone now and Liv was preparing the needle with the tiny sensors. Zach had made sure the settings were good. They only had to connect Allegro to the system. “It’s like a vaccine,” explained Liv. “It will hurt a little and you’ll have a small bump for a couple days.” He nodded and rolled his sleeve up to the maximum so Liv could have access to his upper arm for the injection. She cleaned the area and injected the sensors inside his body. That was it. She was done and she would leave. He would be alone to face his future. He wouldn’t beg for anyone to stay around but he would highly appreciate it if Liv was staying. She went to the airlock and picked a box she brought back inside. She dropped it on the bed. “You’ll find pyjamas and personal belongings in there. You can even watch movies via the interactive screen. You just have to log in your personal space.” “Thanks.” “Someone will always be around if you need anything.” “Okay.” The UV lights in Maxence’s cage were turned off and the sudden lack of light made them look in the other room to see what was going on. Maxence was looking up, confused. He suddenly lay down on the ground as if it was gonna bring the light back. Liv walked to the intercom. “Zach, what is going on?” “Sorry, I don’t have any explanation. The order came from Tegan.” “He just told you to turn off the lights?” “Yes.” That was weird but Tegan surely had a good reason for this. Allegro and Liv watched Maxence. He crossed his hands behind his head and was looking at the ceiling. What was he seeing in the dark? What was going on in his mind? “Can we… like make this wall opaque?” asked the guard placing his hand on the wall behind him. “I guess we can. Let me see.” Liv opened the interactive wall and selected the settings. She went into the walls category and changed the settings. The wall became black and hid what was happening in the other cage. It brought guilt and relief to his heart. Guilt to feel so relieved because he wouldn’t see what he would become in the near future. If the symptoms showed up. For now, he was just a prisoner until someone decided he was no danger to anyone, but with the virus in his system, he was contagious and, consequently, he was locked in quarantine until he was cured. “I’m sorry,” he apologised. “It’s just that…” “You’ve seen his transformation and it’s scaring you.” “Yeah.” “It’ll stay between us. Or you can speak to someone. We’e got someone in here.” “I’ll be alright for now.” “Ask Zach if you need anything.” “Will do.” Liv gave him a sorry smile as if it could make anything better and take him out of this cage. He gave her another smile in return anyway. It wasn’t her fault after all. She was only doing her job and that was when he had done his that he had gotten infected. Sometimes, being careful was not enough to protect oneself against the biggest threat the world had ever seen.
There was someone in the cage with him. He had first heard the airlock and now he could hear the distinct sound of a person moving in a hazmat suit, a person who was carrying stuff around. He didn’t move from his spot. The ground wasn’t very comfortable but he would rather be there than in the bed. He hated the bed. It wasn’t comfy, nor warm and it was lacking of something he couldn’t name. Plus, no matter how hard he tried to sleep, he just couldn’t fall asleep. So, it was better to lie on the ground and observe the ceiling. He couldn’t do that when the lights were on. He preferred being in the dark. It was giving him less headaches and he was feeling less dizzy and nauseous since it was off. But he was a little cold to be honest. Some warmth would be great. Some human warmth would be even greater. However, no one would come and cuddle against him to watch a blurry ceiling. Who would hug the monster he had become? Certainly not the cosmonaut who sat beside him. “Max?” Max. Diminutive of Maxence. Maxence, that was his name. Doctor Maxence Spitz. He was doctor Maxence Spitz. The astronaut next to him was a man. His voice was transformed because of the plastic helmet around his head. He was hermetically locked in this suit. Maxence didn’t envy him. He was locked in a cage but he was free of his moves and didn’t have to breathe smell of plastic for hours. “It’s Tegan.” Tegan. Doctor Tegan Smith. Neurologist. Maybe called T or Tenny for short. His little brother, he thought. He wasn’t sure. A lovely man, shy and lacking of self-confidence. Handsome with his dishevelled hair and three-pieces suit. Doctor Tegan Smith, currently being the boss of this place. “Rose thinks you still have troubles with your sight. I’ve come to check. Do you mind if I do that now?” If he minded… Of course not. He was half-blind and it was a real disability. He was always on alert and ready to attack. Sometimes, he felt furious for no reason at all and needed to unleash all this rage on the closest person or thing around him. But right now, he was calm. He sat up and let Tegan work on him. He answered to the questions the best he could with his hands. He could faintly see the light Tegan used during his medical exam. When he was done, he placed glasses on his nose. Maxence blinked a couple times and his sight seemed to get a lot better. Glasses. He had always worn glasses. Why did he remember this only now? “Would you let me change your bandages and inject you new sensors?” Once again, Maxence accepted the offer. He observed Tegan’s moves as the man was taking care of his burnt skin, of the bite in his neck. His hands were slow and soft. He never hurt him, not even when he did the injection. It was pleasurable, to be treated like a human being. But Tegan left after an apology and Maxence was alone again. Watching the ceiling wasn’t interesting him anymore so he stood up, leaning on the wall to keep his balance. Sometimes, it was really hard to be standing. He walked to the wall and opened its interface. He entered his username ([email protected]) and personal password (crcd120264) and went to his professional space. They had updated it. He had access to all the results of all the exams his team had done. Even of the tests they had done on him. He titled his head on the side, trying to understand what he had under his short-sighted eyes. In those results, he found the reason why the UV lights had been turned off. It always had had a bad effect on a human body and Jack had found out that the lights were increasing the symptoms. Since they were off, his mind was clearer. In his opinion. He felt less confused, but maybe it was just a good phase. Maybe it would be worse later. But right now, he felt clever again and could work and help his friends. Jack was thinking it was a virus created by a man’s hand. A man that had lost control of his invention at the moment of the eclipse, which had led them on the wrong path. He was requiring the help of a couple of special detectives specialised in finding the unfindable: Donna Noble and Camden McCarson. Maxence did a quick research on them. They weren’t described as nice people – Camden was called a “brilliant but incredibly rude detective” and Donna was a “sarcastic sidekick” – but everyone was content with their work. It was worth a try. The feeling of wellness he had had didn’t last long. He opened a window with his vital signs when the first signs of weakness showed up. It was almost imperceptible at first, but he felt it anyway. An oppressive feeling in his chest and a certain stiffness in his left arm. Moving it was impossible without pain. His vital signs confirmed what he was thinking: erratic heartbeats, short-winded, pain in the chest. It was all clear. He pressed his right hand over his heart and used the left one to hit the wall. Zachary was here, sleeping again. Maxence needed to wake him up. He slapped the wall harder as the pain crushed him. He wanted to yell for help but his voice was gone. All he could do was slap this wall hoping it would get someone’s attention – why wasn’t the alarm ringing already? – while his strengths, his life, were abandoning him…
To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
I can honestly say that I hate the person who forced him out of his lab to go on the field. Catching a living specimen… It really was a stupid idea and a suicide mission. Only someone who didn’t know about the reality of things outside could ask for such a stupid thing. It could only go wrong and it did. It was a real disaster. Some would say that it could have gone worse than it did. Only three men are down on the ten that were on this mission. One death, two infections. To me, it’s a huge mistake to have sent them outside. Event if it was for a good cause, finding that damn cure, what we’ve lost isn’t worth what we’ve gained. Our leader, my mentor, Maxence Spitz, has been infected when a nightwalker bit his neck. Xavier died protecting him from a possible slaughter and Allegro… Allegro kept Maxence safe until they could come back here. Maxence has turned into a complete nightwalker. He has come back here in a crate and was transferred in a cage immediately after they arrived here. Allegro is infected though he has no symptom. He was transferred anyway.
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Science and Chemistry Classes
Future of data storage is double-helical, research indicates.Imagine Bach's "Cello Suite No. 1" played on a strand of DNA.
-Jenna Kurtzweil, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
This scenario is not as impossible as it seems. Too small to withstand a rhythmic strum or sliding bowstring, DNA is a powerhouse for storing audio files and all kinds of other media. "DNA is nature's original data storage system. We can use it to store any kind of data: images, video, music—anything," said Kasra Tabatabaei, a researcher at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and a co-author on this study. Expanding DNA's molecular makeup and developing a precise new sequencing method enabled a multi-institutional team to transform the double helix into a robust, sustainable data storage platform. The team's paper appeared in Nano Letters in February 2022. In the age of digital information, anyone brave enough to navigate the daily news feels the global archive growing heavier by the day. Increasingly, paper files are being digitized to save space and protect information from natural disasters. From scientists to social media influencers, anyone with information to store stands to benefit from a secure, sustainable data lock box—and the double helix fits the bill. "DNA is one of the best options, if not the best option, to store archival data especially," said Chao Pan, a graduate student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a co-author on this study. Its longevity rivaled only by durability, DNA is designed to weather Earth's harshest conditions—sometimes for tens of thousands of years—and remain a viable data source. Scientists can sequence fossilized strands to uncover genetic histories and breathe life into long-lost landscapes. Despite its diminutive stature, DNA is a bit like Dr. Who's infamous police box: bigger on the inside than it appears. "Every day, several petabytes of data are generated on the internet. Only one gram of DNA would be sufficient to store that data. That's how dense DNA is as a storage medium," said Tabatabaei, who is also a fifth-year Ph.D. student. Another important aspect of DNA is its natural abundance and near-infinite renewability, a trait not shared by the most advanced data storage system on the market today: silicon microchips, which often circulate for just decades before an unceremonious burial in a heap of landfilled e-waste. "At a time when we are facing unprecedented climate challenges, the importance of sustainable storage technologies cannot be overestimated. New, green technologies for DNA recording are emerging that will make molecular storage even more important in the future," said Olgica Milenkovic, the Franklin W. Woeltge Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a co-PI on the study. Envisioning the future of data storage, the interdisciplinary team examined DNA's millennia-old MO. Then, the researchers added their own 21st-century twist. In nature, every strand of DNA contains four chemicals—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine—often referred to by the initials A, G, C, and T. They arrange and rearrange themselves along the double helix into combinations that scientists can decode, or sequence, to make meaning. The researchers expanded DNA's already broad capacity for information storage by adding seven synthetic nucleobases to the existing four-letter lineup. "Imagine the English alphabet. If you only had four letters to use, you could only create so many words. If you had the full alphabet, you could produce limitless word combinations. That's the same with DNA. Instead of converting zeroes and ones to A, G, C, and T, we can convert zeroes and ones to A, G, C, T, and the seven new letters in the storage alphabet," Tabatabaei said. Because this team is the first to use chemically modified nucleotides for information storage in DNA, members innovated around a unique challenge: Not all current technology is capable of interpreting chemically modified DNA strands. To solve this problem, they combined machine learning and artificial intelligence to develop a first-of-its-kind DNA sequence readout processing method. Their solution can discern modified chemicals from natural ones, and differentiate each of the seven new molecules from one another. "We tried 77 different combinations of the 11 nucleotides, and our method was able to differentiate each of them perfectly," Pan said. "The deep learning framework as part of our method to identify different nucleotides is universal, which enables the generalizability of our approach to many other applications." This letter-perfect translation comes courtesy of nanopores: proteins with an opening in the middle through which a DNA strand can easily pass. Remarkably, the team found that nanopores can detect and distinguish each individual monomer unit along the DNA strand—whether the units have natural or chemical origins. "This work provides an exciting proof-of-principle demonstration of extending macromolecular data storage to non-natural chemistries, which hold the potential to drastically increase storage density in non-traditional storage media," said Charles Schroeder, the James Economy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and a co-PI on this study. DNA literally made history by storing genetic information. By the looks of this study, the future of data storage is just as double-helical.
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How Many Litters Can a Dog Legally Have? The Important Ethics of Breeding
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The numeral of litters a breeder allows their mother chase ( known as a decameter ) to legally have is a huge divisor separating reputable breeders from puppy mills. The United Kennel Club and regulations in other countries limit record litters to 4 or 5 from the like dam.
Reading: How Many Litters Can a Dog Legally Have? The Important Ethics of Breeding
The United States/the American Kennel Club actually has no legal limit on the number of litters a individual cad can produce. however, an ethical breeder will be taking many factors into consideration when it comes to the number of litters their dogs produce. ( read why it ‘s not wrong to buy puppies from a andiron breeder here. )
The main point to consider is that there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to dog reproduction. Just like in humans, reproduction can be complicated with dogs ! Some seem to have incredibly easy pregnancies, deliveries, etc. while others may struggle for versatile reasons or even unknown causes.
A effective breeder should be taking into report a boastfully number of factors and be bequeath to retire a andiron early if needed, while other dogs may be able to well have 5 subsequent pregnancies with zero health concerns.
Interested in adding a new puppy to your family?
A frump is able of having over ten litters in her life, however, most dogs will not be able to produce this number of healthy litters and remain healthy herself. One obvious sign that a female should be retired is that her litter size drops drastically. little litters or litters that for one reason or another have some health complications can happen even among unseasoned, fit mothers, but they can besides be a sign a mother is older and needs to retire from breeding.
A best commit is 4-6 litters per chase
Most reputable breeders will cap even their fittest, best mothers at around 4-6 litters so that she can be spayed while she is still new and at her goodly. Reasons that a reputable breeder may have to retire a cad oklahoman would be unmanageable deliveries that may require C-sections or other park generative related difficulties such as perennial mastitis or uterine infections.
however, most well-bred dogs are able to have a dear handful of litters with no health concerns. Remaining active during pregnancy and whelp and being able to maintain a goodly system of weights during nursing are signs that your dam is feeling good and able to continue producing litters.
physical health is one factor that breeders should be highly mindful of, but a decameter ’ s emotional health matters, besides. A breeder should constantly be in affect with their dogs and show a high academic degree of concern for their wellbeing. Some dogs seem to in truth enjoy being mothers and spend extra time with their pups and actively choose to play with them, bring them treat/toys, etc.
other times, a dog may not seem to jive with motherhood. A breeder should be volition to retire a frank early if they merely do not seem to enjoy being a ma. This can look like a cad not wanting to spend fourth dimension with her puppies, seeming particularly anxious during the whelp process, etc. A breeder who is in tune with her rear dogs will probably retire some earlier than expected for reasons such as these.
Besides actual count of litters, there are early questions to consider when it comes to the ethics of breeding your dam. When and how often your cad should be bred are besides questions that every breeder must grapple with. And alike to the topic of numeral of litters, the answers to these questions do vary based on size and breed of chase adenine well as other factors.
even generative vets tend to disagree when it comes to the answers to these questions. As an model, previously, skipping heats between pregnancies was powerfully encouraged in the breed community. however, newer research has suggested that the more heats a frump has in her life, the greater the hazard of pyometra and other health concerns.
Read more: Let’s Settle It: Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?
research shared by Dr. Claudia Orlandi PhD, suggested that a breeding female should not skip any heat cycles until she is retired. The report involved dissecting the uterus of retire females. The uterus that had the most scar and “ damage ” were from those who had skipped a number of estrus cycles.
indeed some breeders feel strongly about breeding their females back to back, while others insist that skipping heats allows their females to completely recover physically between pregnancies. Regardless of their answer, your breeder should be able to tell you why they breed their female equally much as they do in a room that shows concern for their andiron.
aside from the legally allowed total of litters, age at which a frump starts breed is besides crucial
When it comes to what age to start breeding your frank, most breeders aim to begin on the second or third heat. Younger dogs tend to recover faster from pregnancy and delivery, so the earlier you start breeding your cad, the better, if she ’ s amply grown. If your frump is besides young, she may not be in full turn and/or mentally mature enough to have a successful, healthy litter.
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While smaller dogs are frequently full grown by 12 months of old age, larger breed dogs may take up to two years. A female typically has her beginning heat between 6 and 12 months of age, and cycles every 6 months after that. As a leave, reputable breeders typically skip the beginning heat ( or two for larger breed dogs ) to ensure the pawl is in full developed before becoming fraught.
In conclusion, there is a batch of conflicting research when it comes to when, how much, and how many litters a dam should produce in her life. even among reputable breeders, you may find different answers to all of these questions. however, your breeder should be able to answer these questions honestly and with transparency and be able to give thoughtful answers that show concern for their frank ’ s health.
A reputable breeder should be working closely with a veterinarian who can help them answer some of these tough questions based on checkup inquiry. Your breeder should seem knowing about their dogs ’ health and be able to back up their answers to any of these breeding questions with inquiry and/or veterinarian guidance.
Breeders who seem to dodge these questions or give short, unreflective answers may not be putting their frump ’ s health first. As a buyer, doing your due diligence and finding a breeder who can and will take the time to answer these questions and read concern for the health of their parent dogs will likely pay off in the long footrace with a healthy, well-tempered puppy !
Be sure to do your research about the legal litter limits in your country before buying a puppy. Jenna the JLDD Team
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Read more: Is Goofy a Cow or a Dog? Find Out Here – The Teal Mango
source : https://blog.naivepets.com Category : Dog
source https://blog.naivepets.com/how-many-litters-can-a-dog-have-1645245432
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How Researchers Identify Omicron and Other CoV Variants
Find the Best trending news in India.
How do examiners perceive new assortments of the defilement that causes COVID-19? The response is a collaboration called DNA sequencing.
Analysts gathering DNA to finish up the requesting for the four designed construction squares, or nucleotides, that make it up: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The colossal numbers to billions of these development blocks signed up together aggregately make up a genome that contains all of the inborn data a living being requirements to scratch by.
Right when a living being repeats, it makes a duplicate of its whole genome to accommodate its family. Now and again blunders in the rehashing structure can incite changes in which something like one plan blocks are traded, annihilated or embedded. This might change attributes, the bearing sheets for the proteins that permit a living being to work, and can eventually affect the genuine credits of that living being. In people, for instance, eye and hair tone are the result of hereditary varieties that can ascend out of changes. By prudence of the illness that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, changes can change its capacity to spread, cause contamination or even avoid the protected framework.
We are the two standard physicists and microbiologists who instruct about and center around the genomes of tiny animals. We both use DNA sequencing in our evaluation to see what changes mean for antagonistic to infection hindrance. The instruments we use to social occasion DNA in our work are relative ones experts are utilizing right now to zero in on the SARS-CoV-2 pollution.
How are genomes sequenced?
Perhaps the most brief approach experts utilized during the 1970s and 1980s was Sanger sequencing, which consolidates stopping up DNA into regions and adding radioactive or fluorescent imprints to see every nucleotide. The parts are then put through an electric sifter that sorts them by size. Separated and seriously state of the art strategies, Sanger sequencing is slow and can manage just ordinarily short stretches of DNA. Regardless these deterrents, it gives altogether precise information, and two or three scientists are still feasibly utilizing this technique to social affair SARS-CoV-2 models.
Since the last piece of the 1990s, forefront sequencing has vexed how specialists amass information on and get genomes. Known as NGS, these headways can manage essentially higher volumes of DNA simultaneously, on an exceptionally fundamental level diminishing what measure of time it needs to movement a genome.
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4SEASONS stop half step DIET 7
diet 7 Mad cow disease Mad cow disease, identified in humans as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, came from the fact that herbivorous cows were fed with ground cows. The cannibals died out of unknown epilepsy, a sacred disease of their ancestors, when their priests ritually ate and gave others the brains of their grandparents to eat. The small nucleic acid-free unit of protein is the prion, which can enter cells and change their affirmation. Either way, it's an infectious agent. The prions of the same cow in the cow are recognized as their own proteins and are not digested. They are used immediately for construction. But these are the proteins of another cow! PrP, animal prions in humans, called PRnP, are therefore a confusing guarding and entering factor. Rangers and supervisor encourage the use of prions for building. After some time, the disintegrating parts with these prions, as well as their unused and undigested excess, litter everywhere. The cow defends itself and stores these prions in the body, or poorly built pieces with these prions, wherever possible. Prions are very small. They flow wherever they can, and cows sit in the brain and spinal cord with no way back. Most in the spine. The cannibals died out quickly because they were feeding themselves. The cows die in installments because the external breeder feeds them. Us too. This is a clear situation. What about the prions of the animals we eat? For example, sheep and pig meat a disease called scrapie scarpie? Animals whose protein is close to that of humans. What about simple organisms with non-specific and non-targeted proteins? Phytohormones just because they are non-specialized in function can they be used by humans to grow the body on a where you put it - it grows there. Phytohormones do not need a guardian, a manager who checks if it is possible. To rebuild the jaw bones, the dentist sews a sponge or agar-agar soaked with growth hormone into the root hole and the bone grows there. Well, we eat large amounts of phytohormones every day, because they are herbicides that are sprayed on gardens and plantations! They wreak havoc on our bodies and we die of cancer. They sit on clothes, cause abnormal skin functioning, rashes, sweating disorders and finally allergies. They get into the lungs, triggering the body's defenses, with which our nervous system does not know what to do and becomes stupid. We are afraid to breathe deeply, we have neuroses, fears and uncertainty. In the face of this disaster, isn't it better to go straight away and eat good, fatty, thick and salty fries? We can still do that much. Because our breeders do other things for us.
Plant hormones, also known as phytohormones, regulate many biochemical and physiological processes, such as, for example, protein synthesis, cell division and differentiation, and the occurrence of targeted movements (tropisms) of plants. As with animal hormones, phytohormones act at low concentrations and usually at sites other than where they are synthesized. However, the range of action of the plant hormone, as opposed to the animal hormone, concerns a whole range of different processes.
There are 5 main groups of plant hormones: Auxins Gibberellins Cytokinins Abscisic acid Ethylene The first known phytohormone was an auxin called indole acetic acid (IAA). This hormone is synthesized in young parts of plants where intensive cell division takes place. The amino acid tryptophan is the precursor of IAA biosynthesis. The IAA was found to be responsible in plants for: cell growth in length inhibiting the growth of side shoots (cutting the apex of the growth causes the growth of side shoots) stimulating root growth stimulating cell division in the wound tissue - callus (especially in deciduous trees) inducing fruit production without pollination (parthenocarpy) auxin, indole acetic acid
Gibberellins are a group of about 100 similar chemical compounds from the diterpenes group. Gibberellins are responsible for: stimulating the growth of the main shoot and inhibiting the growth of side shoots. interrupting seed dormancy regardless of the presence of external stimulating factors interrupting the winter dormancy of buds of woody plants, stimulating cell division in wound tissue - callus inducing fruit production. (pollination excluded), in selected plants, for example: tomato, cucumber and apple. Zeatin is a natural cytokinin. Cytokinins are derivatives of adenine; they are found in young organs. Zeatin is a non-directional phytohormone. Abscisic acid, also called dormin, is a hormone produced by the plant in response to unfavorable thermal or water conditions (drought). Here's how it works: inhibits growth processes induces the production of a cut-off layer in the petioles of fruits and leaves, which causes them to drop closes the stomata (during drought) puts seeds and buds in a state of rest. The phytohormones also include ethylene gas.
In low concentrations, they drive growth, in larger concentrations they act as an aggressive brake, blocking cell development. But farmers multiply the dose of spraying, just in case they do additional spraying, because they want to have a good harvest and earn money. They are poisoning us, with general consent, and quite legally. see episode one descriptive on Diet Zero. trututurtuu
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‘DNA-of-Things’ Technology Can Store Bitcoin Passwords in Everyday Objects
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/dna-of-things-technology-can-store-bitcoin-passwords-in-everyday-objects
‘DNA-of-Things’ Technology Can Store Bitcoin Passwords in Everyday Objects
‘DNA-of-Things’ Technology Can Store Bitcoin Passwords in Everyday Objects
Talk of bitcoin passwords being encoded and stored in synthetic DNA is not new, but in a recent development scientists have announced that DNA-encoded information can now be stored in everyday objects such as eye glasses or a shirt button, instead of a vial or test tube.
From Test Tube to Silica Beads
Bitcoin seed phrases and other private information can now be stored in the clothes you wear, or any number of other inconspicuous, everyday objects. While previous reports have detailed the process for encoding data via synthetic DNA, and storage in a test tube, a new study entitled “A DNA-of-things storage architecture to create materials with embedded memory” claims that the code can now be embedded within everyday objects. The authors state:
We devised a ‘DNA-of-things’ (DoT) storage architecture to produce materials with immutable memory … DNA molecules record the data, and these molecules are then encapsulated in nanometer silica beads, which are fused into various materials that are used to print or cast objects in any shape.
The process conceptually is straightforward. As DNA consists of four bases, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T), an algorithm can be used to convert digital information of ones and zeroes into sequences of these DNA bases called oligos. The researchers first detail how they were able to encode a “Stanford Bunny” with information needed to reproduce itself, loosely mimicking biology. The ‘bunny’ is a common 3D test model used in computer graphics. “First we compressed the binary stereolithography (stl) file of the bunny from 100kB to 45kB. Next, we used DNA Fountain [encoding protocol] to encode the file in 12,000 DNA oligo-nucleotides (oligos),” the paper states.
Overview of the encoding and decoding process. Source: https://www.nature.com.
The oligos are encapsulated in microscopic beads and then placed in a filament, which is used as material for the 3D printing of an object. After the object is created, the data can be extracted and decoded. Due to the high redundancy of the information contained in the object, the researchers note that “we can tolerate a dropout of even 80% of the DNA oligos and still correctly decode the file.”
What This Could Mean for Bitcoin
“Let’s say that someone is thinking that you’re trying to take information out from a facility or from a border, and they capture you and screen all your electronic devices,” the head author of the study, Yang Erlich, recently related to vice.com. The report suggests that steganography might be a useful application of the technology. If this process can be made affordable for the average person, current discussion and debate about data encryption could be taken to a whole new level. The report emphasizes:
The DoT architecture … enables a wide range of everyday objects, from a keychain to a bottle lid, to be turned into concealed storage devices that can secretly carry data.
Perhaps even more compelling for privacy advocates is the difficulty bad actors would face in attempting to extract embedded info. As the report notes, not only would an invasive party first have to confirm which, if any, physical objects on one’s person contained embedded data (there’s no visible way to know), but they would then have to extract that data using the same technology and protocols which encoded it. Just imagine the lines at customs.
Embedding data for a Youtube video in eyeglasses. Source: https://www.nature.com.
Still Too Expensive
The DNA-of-things study finally details how the scientists embedded a Youtube video into a pair of glasses. Erlich noted to Vice that beyond international espionage, the tech could have applications in security and medicine, and “Good people need to hide information, so why not give them more options?” As it stands, the process is still very expensive, with just the production of the rabbit’s DNA sequence alone setting the team back $2,500. That notwithstanding, at the rate tech is moving, cryptocurrency lovers might find themselves wearing crypto specs and drinking their morning coffee from a seed-phrase-infused mug before they can say ‘oligo.’
Source: news.bitcoin
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Published on Sep 29, 2012 Illuminati Knows YHVH Tetragrammaton Is Formula For DNA And Keep It Secret From You. (Some people in the comments section say the "formula" is not sound, but it is a interesting concept.) (INTERESTING COMMENT THREAD BELOW) StrumMaster I took O-chem 1 and 2 and biochem 1 and 2 and got A's. That picture made zero sense and was the dumbest thing I've probably ever seen. Margaret Stephens Interestingly, DNA is a transmitter and receiver of 'biophotons' (I think I found this in the Public Library of Science online). The precise structure allows it to do this so what was once called 'junk' DNA, not coding for proteins, actually has a marvellous purpose after all. Biophotons are weak packages of light; how many references are there to light in the bible, especially in the New Testament? In this way all the living organisms on earth and perhaps the earth herself can communicate with one another. Let's all nourish our DNA with non contaminated food and really communicate as YHWH meant us to. neongoat A few more things I've noticed about this diagram... both the deoxyribose and nucleic acid parts of DNA structure contain loops of carbons, but there aren't any loops in this structure (they would look like circles). DNA isn't just made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen either, it also has phosphorous and nitrogen, but that's not shown here. The last Heh also shows two unbound carbons, just chillin, floatin around, which is pretty strange, since they don't normally do that. The angles are really funky on this as well. Molecules don't usually form right angles with eachother, And there are too many carbons... and oxygens... did I mention it has no nitrogen or phosphorous? That's really important, because without nitrogens, you can't encode anything. And without phosphorous, the structure can't form long connected chains. They'll just wander off, which DNA isn't known to do. I think this might be false information... it might've been credible of he had said that the four molecules (adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine) that DNA uses to encode information somehow relates to the Yod Heh Vav Heh of the holy Tetragrammaton, that I might've believed. Especially since the Yod Heh and Vav Heh form natural pairs, just like A + T and G + C do. But this? Nope. Sorry. Citations: High school chemistry textbooks, and the Power of the Word by Donald Tyson. Good book for learning about the REAL mysteries of the Tetragrammaton formula, look it up!
#Illuminati#Cabal#Vril#The Jasons#Eugenics#DNA#CRISPR#GMO#GOD#Politics#Science#Tech#Technology#Math#Chemistry#Biology#Occult#Witchcraft#Satan#Esoteric
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Chrysanthemum Tea Benefits
Chrysanthemum tea is very prominent in areas of East Asia as well as is prepared from the chrysanthemum blossoms. These dried out flowers are boiled in warm water and also rock salt along with honey to enhance the preference of tea. The tea is typically clear or have tint of intense or light yellow color.
This tea has actually been utilized considering that old times to alleviate various type of high temperature as well as sore throat disorder. Review the post below to understand even more concerning benefits of alcohol consumption chrysanthemum tea in your diet!
You would rejoice to know that routine consumption of chrysanthemum tea helps in purifying your blood. Also, it cures sinus congestion in a good way. It wonderfully regulates the blood pressure of your body and also relaxes the nerves easily and also effectively.
Various investigates have actually verified that chrysanthemum tea is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, choline, amino acids, volatile oil, adenine, glycosides, flavonoids and numerous other crucial nutrients which are essential for the correct performance of your body. There is no demand to believe more to include this healthy and balanced tea in your diet.
You would be pleased to understand that normal consumption of chrysanthemum tea could help in alleviating the growth of different bacterias such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, tubercle bacillus, streptococcus hemolyticus B, staphylococcus aureus, shigella dysenteriae and also dermatomycosis.
The excellent information is that, Chinese medicines suggest the regular consumption of chrysanthemum tea to get relief from influenza disorder. Additionally, its consumption on routine basis helps in treating heatstroke in people as it is filled with cooling down properties.
Drinking chrysanthemum tea in addition to your meals helps in far better food digestion procedure of greasy and oily food items. Along with above, routine consumption of this herbal tea helps in enhancing your muscular tissues as well as experiences head congestion in an effective manner.
Chrysanthemum tea also aids in better hearing as well as vision in individuals. Right terrific news? Additionally, also calorie mindful as well as obese people could opt for this tea as it contains zero percent calories, if sugar as well as honey is not included while prep work of tea. Likewise, it is caffeine-free.
However, remember that excessive intake of this natural tea could create mild skin inflammation and dismayed tummy issue. Maintain a watch on its intake in your diet.
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New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/genetic-code/
Genetic Code
Genetic Code Definition
The genetic code is the code our body uses to convert the instructions contained in our DNA into RNA, proteins, and the other essential materials of life. It is typically discussed using the “codons” found in mRNA, as mRNA is the messenger that carries information from the DNA to the site of protein synthesis.
Everything in our cells is ultimately built based on the genetic code. Our hereditary information – that is, the information that’s passed down from parent to child – is stored in the form of DNA.
Like binary code, DNA uses a chemical language with just a few letters to store information in a very efficient manner. While binary uses only ones and zeroes, DNA has four letters – the four nucleotides Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine.
Together, these four letters are used to “spell” coded instructions for each amino acid, as well as other instructions like “start transcription” and “stop transcription.”
Instructions for “start,” “stop,” or for a given amino acid are usually coded in three-letter sequences called “codon.��� Each amino acid is coded in our genetic instructions by one or more codons.
The table below shows the genetic code for each amino acid, as encoded by RNA (note that DNA uses a “T” for “Thymine” instead of a “U” for “Uracil”).
One of the most remarkable evidences for the common descent of all life on Earth from a single ancestor is the fact that all organisms use the same genetic code to translate DNA into amino acids.
There are a few slight exceptions to be found, but the genetic code is similar enough across organisms that when a gene from a plant or jellyfish is injected into a mammal cell, for example, the mammal cell will read the gene in the same way and build the same product as the original plant or jellyfish!
Function of Genetic Code
The genetic code allows cells to contain a mind-boggling amount of information.
Consider this: a microscopic fertilized egg cell, following the instructions contained in its genetic code, can produce a human or elephant which even has similar personality and behaviors to those of its parents. There is a lot of information in there!
The development of the genetic code was vital because it allowed living things to reliably produce products necessary for their survival – and pass instructions for how to do the same onto the next generation.
When a cell seeks to reproduce, one of the first things it does is make a copy of its DNA. This is the “S” phase of the cell cycle, which stands for the “Synthesis” of a new copy of the cell’s DNA.
The information encoded in DNA is preserved by the specific pairing of DNA bases with each other. Adenine will only bond with Thymine, Cytosine with Guanine, etc.. That means that when a cell wants to copy its DNA, all it has to do is part the two strands of the double helix and line up the nucleotides that the bases of the existing DNA “want” to pair with.
The specific base pairing ensures that the new partner strand will contain the same sequence of base pairs – the same “code” – as the old partner strand. Each resulting double helix contains one strand of old DNA paired with one strand of new DNA. These double helixes, in turn, will act as templates for two new double helices to be made when it comes time for the daughter cells to reproduce!
When the time comes for a cell to “read” the instructions contained within its DNA, it uses the same principle of specific pair bonding. RNA is very similar to DNA, and each RNA base bonds specifically to one DNA base. Uracil binds to Adenine, Cytosine to Guanine, etc..
This means that, just like DNA replication, the information in DNA is accurately transferred to RNA as long as the resulting RNA strand is composed of the bases that bind specifically with the bases in the DNA.
Sometimes, the RNA strand itself can be the end product. Structures made of RNA perform important functions in ourselves, including assembling proteins, regulating gene expression, and catalyzing the formation of proteins.
In fact, some scientists think that the first life on Earth might have been composed mainly of RNA. This is because RNA can store information in its base pairs just like DNA, but can also perform some enzymatic and regulatory functions.
In most cases, however, the RNA goes on to be transcribed into a protein. Using the amino acid “building blocks of life,” our cells can build almost protein machines for almost any purpose, from muscle fibers to neurotransmitters to digestive enzymes.
In protein transcription, the RNA codons that were transcribed from the DNA are “read” by a ribosome. The ribosome finds the appropriate transfer RNA (tRNA) with “anti-codons” that are complimentary to the codons in the messenger RNA (mRNA) that has been transcribed from the DNA.
Ribosomes catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between the amino acids as they “read” each codon in the mRNA. At the end of the process, you have a string of amino acids as specified by the DNA – that is, a protein.
Other building blocks of life, such as sugars and lipids, are in turn created by proteins. In this way the information contained in the DNA is transformed into all of the materials of life, using the genetic code!
Types of Genetic Mutations
Because the genetic code contains the information to make the stuff of life – errors in an organism’s DNA can have catastrophic consequences. Errors can happen during DNA replication if the wrong base pair is added to a DNA strand, if a base is skipped, or if an extra base is added.
Rarely, these errors may actually be helpful – the “mistaken” version of the DNA may work better than the original! In that case, the new version may become more successful, and its carrier may outcompete carriers of the old version in the population. This is how evolution progresses.
Redundant Coding
In some cases, genetic mutations may not have any effect at all on the end product of a protein. This is because, as seen in the table above, most amino acids are coded for by more than one codon.
Glycine, for example, is coded for by the codons GGA, GGC, GGG, and GGU. A mutation resulting in the wrong nucleotide being copied after two Gs in a codon, then, would make no difference as the resulting codon would still code for glycine no matter what substitution was made.
The use of multiple codons for the same amino acid is thought to be a mechanism evolved over time to minimize the chance of a small mutation causing problems for an organism.
Missense Mutation
In a missense mutation, the substitution of one base pair for an incorrect base pair during DNA replication results in the wrong amino acid being used in a protein.
This may have a small effect on an organism, or a large one – depending on how important the amino acid is to the function of its protein, and what protein is affected.
This can be thought of like furniture construction. How bad would it be if you used the wrong piece to bolt a chair leg in place? What if you used the same piece for the chair leg itself? The results would likely be very different!
A missense mutation may result in an enzyme that functions slightly slower than normal, for example – or an enzyme that does not function at all.
Nonsense mutation
A nonsense mutation occurs when the incorrect base pair is used during DNA replication – but where the resulting codon does not code for an incorrect amino acid.
Instead, this error creates a stop codon or another piece of information that is indecipherable to the cell. As a result, the ribosome stops working on that protein and all subsequent codons are not transcribed!
Nonsense mutations lead to incomplete proteins, which may function very poorly or not at all. Imagine if you stopped assembling a chair halfway through!
A deletion changes the number of DNA bases by removing a piece of DNA. Small deletions may remove one or a few base pairs within a gene, while larger deletions can remove an entire gene or several neighboring genes. The deleted DNA may alter the function of the resulting protein(s).
An insertion mutation occurs when one or more nucleotides is erroneously added to a growing DNA strand during DNA replication. On rare occasions, long stretches of DNA may be incorrectly added in the middle of a gene.
Like a missense mutation, the impact of this can vary. The addition of an unnecessary amino acid in a protein may make the protein only slightly less efficient; or it may cripple it.
Consider what would happen to your chair if you added a random piece of wood to it that the instructions did not call for. The results could vary a lot depending on the size, shape, and placement of the extra piece!
A duplication mutation occurs when a segment of DNA is accidentally replicated two or more times. Like the other mutations listed above, these may have mild effects – or they may be catastrophic.
To imagine if your chair had two backs, two seats, or eight legs. A small duplication and the chair may still be useable, if a little odd-looking or uncomfortable. But if the chair had, for example, six seats attached to each other, it may rapidly become useless for its intended purpose!
Frameshift mutation
A frameshift mutation is a subtype of insertion, deletion, and duplication mutations. In a frameshift mutation, one or two amino acids are deleted or inserted – resulting in a shifting of the “frame” which the ribosome uses to tell where one codon stops and the next begins.
This type of error can be especially dangerous because it causes all codons that occur after the error to be misread. Typically, every amino acid added to the protein after the frameshift mutation is wrong.
Imagine if you were reading a book – but at some point during the writing, a programming error happened such that every subsequent letter shifted one letter later in the alphabet.
A word that was supposed to read “letter” would suddenly become “mfuuft.” Boe tp po.
This is approximately what happens in a frameshift mutation.
1. The base pairing rules of DNA and RNA are as follows:
A – T/U (Uracil is used instead of thymine in RNA.)
C – G
G – C
T/U – A
Given that, which of the following would be the anti-codon sequence for an mRNA codon reading “UUGCUGCAG?” A. AAGGACGUC B. AACGAGGUC C. AACGACGUC D. AACGACGUG
Answer to Question #1
C is correct. It contains the correct compliment of all the letters in the three mRNA codons provided.
2. Which of the following could NOT occur as a result of the deletion of a single nucleotide? A. A missense error. B. A nonsense error. C. A frameshift mutation. D. None of the above.
Answer to Question #2
A is correct. The deletion of a single nucleotide would result in the frameshift mutation, since every amino acid is coded for by three bases. The ribosome would continue to read nucleotides in sets of three – and since one nucleotide was missing every set of three after that deletion would be incorrect.
3. What amino acid string is coded for by the mRNA sequence UUGCUGCAG? A. Leucine-Isoleucine-Glutamine B. Leucine-Leucine-Glutamine C. Leucine-Leucine-Arginine D. Isoleucine-Isoleucine-Glutamine
Answer to Question #3
B is correct. If you consult the table of the genetic code at the top of this article, you will see that this is the correct translation of this nucleotide sequence.
What kinds of gene mutations are possible? – Genetics Home Reference. (n.d.). Retrieved May 10, 2017, from https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/mutationsanddisorders/possiblemutations
Rodnina, M. V., Beringer, M., & Wintermeyer, W. (2007). How ribosomes make peptide bonds. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 32(1), 20-26. doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2006.11.007
Writer, L. G. (2016, September 29). Do Humans and Bacteria Share Common Genetic Codes? Retrieved May 10, 2017, from http://education.seattlepi.com/humans-bacteria-share-common-genetic-codes-4511.html
Crick, F. (1990). What mad pursuit: a personal view of scientific discovery. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
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