444names · 1 year
the entire article on "incertae sedis" and the entire article on "elder scrolls" from english wikipedia + american forenames BUT excluding "b"
Aceso Acking Acquiper Addiney Addly Adedrita Adefices Aderta Advanna Affick Agarld Agglatko Aginecas Agity Ainmends Alicalk Alitti Altions Amitia Ammes Amotire Ample Andric Angen Anles Annallie Anset Ansie Anted Anting Apatuary Apirgia Applas Appos Araight Ariticed Avences Caacia Calaser Callemen Camid Cardine Cated Cation Cattine Chater Chous Chred Chres Cific Ciplett Cireah Civert Clake Clanny Clastage Cnies Colow Comody Conclue Coner Coneted Connecha Constass Contin Coritch Creen Crena Crever Cring Crons Culing Curina Cused Dackine Dacra Daings Danins Darielea Daspery Deary Dections Dedine Defor Deraccon Dernalie Derto Diang Dinsus Direlver Diver Domods Dorms Downa Drefe Driating Droinda Ductemen Dwadence Eanue Eased Eatual Edguy Eldis Elifight Ellaur Elopic Emicused Empasses Encea Ensavie Equilval Erree Ertivele Eukati Eveling Everia Evesinsh Evions Examern Exted Extume Exturi Facton Famprown Faneen Farna Fayed Fille Fivion Flemplel Forelyn Forion Forryon Forth Founamch Frading Fraser Frean Freed Fremolly Frewil Fulauto Fultio Gagroy Gaine Gannat Garah Gattives Gleadd Glont Glyned Gonsts Gorman Green Grelen Gresons Gretted Grold Grousess Gruda Guatong Gurriani Hadding Hadval Halight Harcurn Heigh Herres Hinte Histley Hodds Hology Hosed Hossoffs Houna Idesolos Imalsa Inall Infayer Inged Ingend Ingon Innald Insized Inted Irist Irizanny Ithord Itledo Jaced Jachreed Jainate Janclowe Janter Jasey Jecia Jefal Jefory Jerna Jills Jimard Joacil Joale Joang Joely Joinser Jorks Jorsim Jually Juarlate Kaggie Kagnmere Karle Katect Katio Keteced Kinvina Kirna Knectly Knoing Knowle Krical Krict Krille Krillies Krist Landaph Lanus Larvidna Lating Leath Lements Lennis Lootte Lorked Lormal Lowly Ludance Luppern Magamric Magred Mantly Mared Mariatin Marlda Marle Marly Marnatio Marral Marsis Maryo Mason Masone Matept Matern Mating Maxit Mayedie Mences Menum Mernall Merrio Mervely Messio Migned Milanda Misil Misons Modual Mondy Monsing Monver Mossived Motaly Mothels Moughted Moveren Mucil Mulesue Murica Mystiony Nalgated Namessif Naominal Netion Nevintly Notan Nualie Offerl Omily Omphys Ondann Opent Orchrown Orgen Ounielen Pacce Paciting Pacting Pactired Paine Panarly Parraced Paryok Paugh Paulang Pears Peatylos Pecaned Pents Pered Plows Poide Poored Pordes Porian Portade Portia Poryl Prins Procts Prodinal Prolst Prosed Prove Prover Prozoad Pulaim Ramands Ranny Raterce Ratyl Reassis Reasty Reath Reathnny Reeired Rends Rendyst Rents Reple Rescred Resus Retaint Retated Revers Rewary Reyonst Rocus Rocuses Rolact Rolory Rolvions Ronift Rordes Salle Samman Sanus Schris Sclor Scomong Scons Scris Scrodir Seards Serah Sesio Shappece Sharanda Sharl Shaugla Shazed Shelign Shindy Shoph Sicaty Sight Simmelp Sioly Sired Skiefter Slayer Sovers Spenast Spending Spervina Spold Sterse Strogy Succap Sures Swiduale Tadle Taigand Tanks Teddling Tedine Terion Thard Themend Thencer Theody Thers Thight Thonten Thower Tionya Topla Torle Toryanin Toted Tousiste Triated Trikeing Trune Unclaten Usids Ustele Valtomes Vares Vatintax Verferry Verge Verok Versher Viallial Viregial Viresion Voince Waden Wally Warld Wayeant Weaste Whoui Woodsch Wooke Worre Wouthly Wring Yolended Zelled Zoall
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addiney-blog · 11 years
My MacBook Pro is finally fixed.
Time to make and edit videos. Anything you lovely followers want to know just ask :)
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addiney-blog · 11 years
No longer LDR
I can't believe that we are together forever now! I'm so happy not to be in a long distance relationship! Life is finally becoming perfect. Now off to pick Addison up from work :)
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addiney-blog · 11 years
Sorry for the inactivity the past two days.
I was busy spending time with  my family before I move to Australia tomorrow and Addi has been working her butt off! Promise to send a new video and pictures once we are reunited in two days! 
Love you all!  Nighty night
xoxo Kourt
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addiney-blog · 11 years
Random Outtakes. Enjoy!
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addiney-blog · 11 years
So we really want to start connecting with other couples!
Follow us and we will follow back!  Doesn't matter where you're from. We just want to get to know even more fabulous people! 
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Go check it out!
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sashassalexander · 11 years
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Everyone always tells my girlfriend about how cute we are together...
But no one on here ever tells me. Epic fail.
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sashassalexander · 12 years
My fiancé on skype: Somewhere, over the rainbow. We will get married. And it's really really really fitting, because we are gay.
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Me: What is it with boys and not being able to flush the toilet? I don't want your piss splashing up and touching me when I go pee!!!
Addison: Lol men are gross.
Me: That's why I'm gay.
Addison: Amen.
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I get so discouraged when I see all these other long distance couples visiting each other so often. I guess a lot of them are closer than Addison and I but I still find it hard to be happy for them. Even though we both work two jobs and go to school we don't have the funds to visit one another as often as we'd like. I wish there was something I can do because my girl deserves the world but I feel so helpless. For now I shall keep my head high and try to pull extra shifts to save for my next and hopefully last trip to Australia. Only need $5,000 to stay there for a year on a visa! 
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I wish my photoshop would work so I could make gifs.
I would gif the shit out of us!
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