annathefenecfox · 3 months
Small details in the Octonauts #6
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This is my favorite scene in The Caves of Sac Actun.
This scene shows how well Kwazii knows his Captain and how much he can be said to care for him.
After all, if he didn't know about Barney's fear, he would have said something like, "Come on, Cap, what are you afraid of." But no, he slowly swam towards him and said in a half-whisper that everything would be fine.
But whether they have known each other for a long time or he is just the second hand of the Captain is up to you. I personally believe that they have known each other for a long time and consider themselves brothers.
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autistic-writer-angel · 5 months
It occurred to me that not everyone is going to read Rise and Fall (Rude! Just kidding!🙃)
If you do want to read it, here's the link:
If not, I figured maybe I should also introduce Angel here. So, that's what this is (may add to this as I go):
Name: Angel Bingham
Species: Human
Nationality: English
Birthday: 25th December
Age: 10 (debut to The Great Christmas Rescue); 11 (The Great Christmas Rescue to A Very Vegimal Christmas); 12 (A Very Vegimal Christmas to end of original series); 13 (Caves of Sac Actun, onward)
Debut: Between episodes 12 and 13 (Monster Map and Lost Sea Star)
Role: Just someone who helps the Octonauts (or tries to, anyway), later Junior Octo-Agent
Home: Octopod
Physical Appearance: Longish dark brown curly hair; pale blue eyes with a streak of brown in her right eye; freckles; short; pudgy; wears a purple and white striped T-shirt and dark blue overalls (I wish I could add a picture, but I can't draw to save my life.)
Personality: Shy, sweet, sensitive, caring, clumsy, curious, anxious, unsure of herself, energetic, excitable, brave (sometimes)
Likes: Writing, reading, swimming, adventure, going on research missions, riding in the GUPs, listening to music, playing with her stim toys, helping the Octonauts, animals
Dislikes: Staying still, wearing skirts or dresses, getting up early, having her hair up or brushed, sports, vomit, screwing up and feeling useless (both of which she thinks she does a lot)
Fears: Fire, sudden loud noises, storms, the dark, needles, getting older
Ben Bingham (father)
Sally Bingham (mother)
Grace Bingham (older sister)
Benji Bingham (older brother)
Skylar Bingham (younger sister)
Favourite GUP is the GUP-P
Favourite kelp cake flavour is Neapolitan
When Angel was eight, she moved from England to Australia with her parents and her three siblings. In Australia, they lived on a boat.
However, while out on the boat when Angel was ten, a huge storm hit. A lightning strike set fire to the boat and killed her father. A gigantic wave hit, throwing Angel and her mother overboard, resulting in the death of the latter.
Angel held onto her backpack in the water and washed up on a deserted island. Six days later, Shellington found her, suffering from hypothermia and a broken leg. Luckily, the Octonauts came to her rescue, but Angel must adjust to life without her family and with an unusual new family, having learned that animals can talk. To make things worse, she's scared of Captain Barnacles.
Fortunately, she was able to get over her fear. Although, it did take her four months. She got stuck on the side of a cliff while rescuing a little penguin chick (one of Peso's cousins) and the Captain offered her his paw to pull her to safety.
The Octonauts were pretty shocked when Angel hugged the Captain after that. Until then, she would scream every time he came near her!
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novastaar · 2 months
I figured I might as well ask a couple more. I love this kind of stuff! 😁😍
Boom 🌋 - Where were they during Ring of Fire?
Dark 🕳 - Where were they during Caves of Sac Actun?
Reef 🐠 - Where were they during the Great Barrier Reef?
Bed 🛏️- Where do they sleep on the Octopod?
Deadly 🐌-Did they get stung by the cone snail?
(You have no idea how happy these asks make me)
🌋: Trixie was back home the the Sahara during the Ring of Fire. She was only told it had even happened after the fact. Frog was in the repair station with Tweak and Kwazii but ended up getting caught under a pile of broken machinery and needing major repairs
🕳: Trixie had gone along with Barnacles and Peso to bring Coby back home, but she ended up staying behind at the cenote instead of going in the caves since she's not a strong swimmer. Frog was in the Octopod for most of the time. They only really had any role during the search for Barnacles and Peso
🐠: Trixie was helping set up the gup-W, and planned to leave once her help was no longer needed. Of course, she ended up getting caught in the whole sea star situation, standing guard by Corey and the other coral (I don't remember if he was named or not), making sure the sea stars didn't get to them. Frog was only present in the making of the pirate pies
🛏: Trixie (a lot like your own character, Angel [this wasn't on purpose, lol]) sleeps in a spare room. One that the Vegimals were using for storage that was made into a makeshift bedroom. It was pretty small, but that's what Trixie prefers. It was dismantled once she left to go back home to the Sahara. Frog sleeps in Tweak's room, kinda just propped up on a shelf while she charges
🐌: Trixie was the only other one (besides the Captain) who managed to catch the snail but dropped it once she was stung. She was the first one to come to after the sting, but the last one to fully recover. Frog isn't able to be stung since she's made of metal. She wasn't able to find the snail, though, so she ended up helping Peso with the other octonauts
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
do you have any hcs for barnacles and dashi ? I'm rewatching it and many episodes start with the two of them in the main area , oftentimes there's a third person involved but it's always the two of them so they must spend alot of time around each other :O 10 / 10 bonding
Had to think hard about this since Dashi's role in the main series is so small—but you're actually so right 👀 10/10 buddies 👍
You'll get my headcanons I promise but first you gotta listen to me infodump, okay? Deal:
I personally headcanon that Dashi was one of the first Octonauts, she hasn't been around a super long time- but at least long enough that she was probably around for the first Octopod, and that would give her and Barnacles (and the other OGs) plenty of time to get close.
We know Inkling canonically founded the Octonauts, but I imagine that it was actually Barnacles who picked out the crew—over various fateful encounters (Kwazii, Peso), or already knowing them (Tweak)—with the two exceptions of Dashi and Shellington.
Shellington heard about them through the kelp vine by pure chance, and got himself a job via determination. Then, at some point—he recommended Dashi to Barnacles or Inkling, and got her a position as an intern. (He knew her through her photography; she took pictures for him once or something like that.)
I also headcanon they weren't called The Octonauts yet at that point. I headcanon that Dashi came up with the "Octonauts" name during her first few days, and they kept it. (Coincidentally, the first Octopod crashed during those first few days. T'was completely unrelated, I promise 😅)
Fast forward: I've been thinking about Dashi in AnB a lot lately, and the one question that keeps coming up is: "Why did Barnacles make her the Captain of the Octoray?"
They haven't addressed it in the show yet, and it felt a little bit like the writers just wanted her to Do Something, y'know? So I went back to rewatch some of her main series episodes, and this scene from The Surfing Snails stuck out:
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This scene shows how much he trusts her. He trusts her to make the right calls, and to be careful. He shows this trust in her again in the Wild Windstorms:
"...I'm ready for this!"
"I know you are, Dashi."
I REALLY wish they had spent more time giving her some kind of arc, showing this trust being built. She absolutely deserved an arc like Peso's, where we could've seen her growth and her bond with Barnacles getting stronger. It would've made the Octoray thing make much more sense, and I would've loved to actually SEE her evolution from "getting stuck in a whale shark" to "inventing stuff with Tweak" to the level of respect that Barnacles clearly has for her in S4 and Beyond, but instead it feels like all that stuff happened off-screen.
I also wanna point out real quick; that Dashi is one of the select few characters to ever call Barnacles by his first name only. This is something that the writers frequently use to emphasize closeness between Barnacles and someone else (Kwazii, Natquik, etc), and Dashi has done it twice. I'll admit I thought it was an error the first time, but then I caught her doing it again in Sac Actun. SO CLEARLY THEY ARE CLOSE. YES? WE AGREE. YES.
ok I'm done. pleasure doing business with you 🤝
*slams hands down on table* MISC. HEADCANON TIME ‼️ (which technically, could all totally be canon until the writers finally decide to give us real information ✨)
She has 100% read ALL of his books and journals, at least twice. Sometimes he gives them to her so she can beta read them, and she's also helped edit a few.
She has written her own journals, mostly in the form of scrapbooks, that she shares with him too. He has a first edition signed copy of one of them.
She made friendship bracelets for everyone on the ship after the Octopod was rebuilt, and he keeps his on his desk. It's still in mint condition.
I feel like at least ONE of the cameras in her collection was a gift from him.
She is trained on how to steer the Octopod manually. Considering the only two on board at the time who knew how to do it were Barnacles and Tweak—her showing slight interest was the only convincing he needed to teach her.
Sadly, she's never needed to use this skill. Yet.
She learned how to play harmonica when he decided to learn accordion, so they could duet together, but she got the hang of it much faster than he did.
They work out together sometimes. She's much stronger than she looks—and has won an arm wrestling match against him at LEAST once. She's also beat him in a foot race; it was almost a very close tie, and she needed to lay down for an hour after—but she did it. He will never live either of these down.
They definitely gossip in HQ sometimes, when it's just the two of them.
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gkathleenk · 6 months
I landed in San Ignacio, Belize on Tuesday, March 12th. I started my day off by checking in at my Airbnb. The place I stayed at was called "Bird Nest" and it is run by Terry who has been hosting for a year. The cost is 90 BZD (45 USD) and since I will be staying for 2 nights, my total ended up being 273 BZD (136 USD). The Bird Nest is located in the by the Mopan River, so I was only a 7-minute drive away from the city of San Ignacio.
After getting settled, I took a 10-minute drive to the Katun Ahau Belize Culture Tours. They offer 4 different types of tours along with the ability to customize a tour of your choice. I chose the A.T.M (Actun Tunichill Muknal) Cave Tour, which is a 2 1/2 to 3 hour tour that takes you all along the cave. We started off the tour by driving to the Tapir Mountain Reserve so we could take a 45-minute hike to the cave entrance. In the hike, we had to travel through knee height streams by using a rope. Once we got to the cave entrance, we swam across a spring pool for 15 seconds to get into the actual cave. We traveled through underground mazes, tunnels, chambers, and more, we ended up in a ceremonial chamber which housed the "Crystal Maiden" (a skeleton of a 17-year-old boy whose bones have been calcified which makes him look like he was made of crystals). In the same chamber, you will find "The Cathedral" this is the driest part of the chamber, and you will be asked to take your shoes off at this point. The cave is made of limestone and shoes can damage the floor. "The Cathedral" houses Mayan artifacts and 13 skeletal remains. After "The Cathedral" we kept walking and soon found our way out of the cave after spending around 2 hours there. The shuttle bus then came to pick us up and take us back to San Ignacio.
After flying this morning and going on this cave tour, I was completely drained, and I needed to sleep this instant. On the drive back to my Airbnb, I was fighting back yawns and trying to keep my eyes open. I unfortunately had to skip dinner. As soon as I got back to the "Bird Nest" I flopped on my bed and immediately crashed.
*Due to the cave's no camera rule, I could not get any photos of me in the cave. My apologies.
After the huge adventure that yesterday brought, I decided to relax and just tour the city of San Ignacio for day two. I started off my morning by reflecting my time yesterday. If I'm being honest, I did not like it. The cave was beautiful and seeing all the ancient artifacts was amazing, but it took the life out of me. I have never been more out of breath and exhausted in my entire life. And on top of that, I traveled alone, so I had no one to talk with and complain to during the walk-- and I am not the one to talk to strangers. But, today is a new day that will not feature any heavy travel, and hopefully I will get to actually eat today.
I got out of bed, dressed for some warm weather due to their moist and tropical climate, and drove into town. It was around 11:30 AM, meaning The Guava Limb Restaurant & Café just opened. I was debating between getting breakfast foods and lunch, but I ultimately ended up on lunch. I chose to get the Sesame Pork Panini, which is a shredded pork sandwich with mozzarella and herb cheeses with a side of french fries. My meal ended up being 52 BZD (26 USD) but I tipped my waitress 10 BZD (5 USD). Tipping in Belize isn't mandatory, and it's not a shitty thing to not do, servers do not get offended if you don't tip.
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After my amazing meal at Guava Limb, I took an 11-minute walk over to the Sacred Heart Parish church. As mentioned in my 'about me,' I am not religious, but I find religion fascinating, so I popped over to the church just to look around. The main religion in Belize is Roman Catholic. The Catholicism comes from the 16th century when Spain took over their country. After Spain, they became ruled by Great Britain. Because Belize was controlled by Britain from 1798 to 1964, their second-highest religion is Protestant, making it the country in Central America with the highest Protestant population. Before Britain took over, the Maya and Garífuna population practiced a mix of shamanism and Christianity. The main language of Belize is English, due to England's colonization.
After my look around Sacred Heart Parish, I took a 5-minute drive to the Cahal Pech Museum, which is a museum located right next to the Cahal Pech Mayan ruins, which are the oldest known Maya site in Belize (10 BZD/5 USD entrance fee). The museum itself features all sorts of Mayan artifacts, such as, pottery, sculptures, paintings, and pieces of clothing. The ruins site is about 10 square miles and has 34 separate buildings you can tour. The largest building is 78 feet tall, and it's been rumored to be a sweat house.
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I spent around 3 hours looking around the museum and ruins, making the time around 6:30, meaning it was time for dinner. A 5-minute drive away from the ruins, I found Yoli's Pizza and I stopped in for a bite. I was feeling especially hungry, so I bought a whole pizza instead of just a slice. I got the Mediterranean Pizza which has sausage, bacon, olives, and onions, and it cost me 64 BZD (32 USD). Because it was only 7:45 PM, and I wasn't tires yet, I decided to do some exploring of the nightlife in San Ignacio. I took a 3-minute walk to San Ignacio's most famous nightclub, Revolution Nightclub. At Revolution Nightclub, I heard some live music and danced with the people of Belize. Performing at the club was DJ LYAN who is the main performer at Revolution Nightclub. Because the drinking age is 18, and I am still 17, I was unable to drink here. At midnight, the club closed, and I decided to head back to my Airbnb, so I can get some rest before my flight out tomorrow afternoon.
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My final day in Belize! My flight to Panama is at 5 PM and the airport is an hour and 50 minutes away from San Ignacio, so I decided to leave now and find something to eat in Belize City. The flight cost around 571 BZD (284 USD) and it should be around 2 hours and 20 minutes. I left San Ignacio around 11, meaning I ended up in Belize City around 12:50. I chose to eat at Midtown Restaurant & Bar located on the coast. Midtown specializes in lobster, but I chose to get the Jack Daniel's Burger. The burger had Jack Daniel's sauce, cheese, onion, tomato, and I chose to remove the lettuce and pickles. The burger came with french fries and onion rings, and it all cost me 64 BZD (32 USD). After lunch, it was around 2 PM, so I thought it was time to take the 23-minute drive to the Sir Barry Bowen Municipal Airport and say goodbye to Belize.
I had a phenomenal time in Belize, learning about the different culture here and eating the amazing food. I loved all the exploring and tours I went on, and I highly recommend coming if you ever have the chance.
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islandheating · 2 years
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dailyacinc · 2 years
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Be it installation, repairing, or replacement of AC, we at Daily AC Tune-Up in Plantation, FL deliver all the services at reasonable prices. Contact us at (855) 434-9692 for more information.
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ljrefrigeration · 3 years
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303heat · 3 years
Spring season has just started in Thornton, CO. It's better to schedule an AC tune-up during this season before the summers start.
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allaroundmech · 4 years
Need AC tune-up in Woodland, WA? Contact All Around Mechanical now!  Give us a call at 360-822-9186 to schedule your annual service or repair work. Our purpose is to give you assistance and comfort.
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star-scrambled · 3 years
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I freaking LOVE doodling with the Lasso Fill tool on IbisPaintX!!! So I doodled up my favourite Octonauts as per usual 🥺 🐱🌈🐰
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reclusivesapphire · 2 years
Octonauts incorrect quotes: Bob’s Burgers edition! (watch Bob’s Burgers, it rocks)
Barnacles: Tweak, are you sure there’s nothing down there you can use to get out of that tunnel?
Tweak: Oh, wait, here’s a grappling hook! Ohoho, and here’s an escalator! Silly me!
Kwazii: We’re about to die, Tweak! Do you really want your last words to be sarcastic?!
Tweak, sarcastically: No!
Pinto: Peso… listen carefully.
Pinto: Life is a journey.
Peso: Uh-huh.
Pinto: That’s all I got. I don’t have advice, I’m nine.
Kwazii: We are Octonauts! From the womb to the tomb!
Barnacles: That’s not our motto.
Kwazii: It should be.
Barnacles: No, it shouldn’t.
Kwazii: Special delivery! *Kicks Shellington, who’s in a box, down the stairs*
Barnacles: Do you wanna talk to your sister?
Koshi: No, I wanna talk to you! You’ve been selected as the subject of my important person school essay.
Barnacles, flattered: Shut up.
Koshi: *Pulls out a paper and pencil* Question one…
Barnacles: Does everyone know what they’re doing?
Kwazii: In general or the plan?
Barnacles: The plan, Kwazii.
Kwazii: *sighs in relief*
*The Sac Actun special in a nutshell*
Barnacles: I just realized something. I had a bad childhood.
Peso: Yeah, I know.
Barnacles: What do you mean ‘you know’?
Peso: Look at you!
Barnacles: What do you mean ‘look at me’?!
Peso: Look at how you stand! People who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.
Barnacles: We’ve got to find a way to cut down on expenses. What can we live without?
Tweak: Probably Kwazii.
Kwazii: Hey!
*Shellington showing the vegimals how to cook*
Shellington: Grab the peeler and peel the carrots.
Tunip: This?
Shellington: No, Tunip, that’s a measuring cup. You need a peeler.
Tweak: Who’s that comin’ up the stairs?
Dashi: It’s Kwazii. I can tell by the way he walks: confident, yet still figuring things out.
Peso, piloting the GUP-H: I can do this. I feel like Amelia Earhart.
Peso: Oh God, she died!
Shellington: Let's make this kitty purr. *turns on the GUP*
Barnacles: Mm, go ahead. Try a turn.
*Shellington groaning*
Barnacles: Shellington, why are you groaning? You're doing fine.
*Shellington groaning louder*
Barnacles: Rela... Shellington, relax. Easy, easy.
*Shellington grounding continuously*
Barnacles, chuckling: Okay, okay. Shellington, you're kind of headed toward the only other GUP in the lot.
Barnacles: You have plenty of time to turn, Shellington, so just go ahead.
Barnacles: Turn one way or the other... You're just swerving back and forth. Turn one way and stick with it, Shellington.
*Shellington groaning continuously*
Barnacles: Shellington, for the love of God, turn away or stop! The brakes, Shellington!
Barnacles: On the left! You’re about to hit that GUP! The brakes! Hit the breaks!
*Shellington crashes the GUP*
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Asks for Angel 😇
Ribbon 🎀 - Any accessories?
Precious 💎 What’s their most prized possession?
Hobbies ✍️ what do they do in their free time?
What is the weirdest place she has woken up while sleepwalking?
How often does she cry? Have any of the Octonauts seen her cry/has she seen any of them cry?
Thanks for the ask!
🎀 Not really. Angel doesn't really wear jewellery or anything like that because of her sensory issues. Most of the time, she doesn't even wear shoes. (She'll eventually start wearing the same boots the Octonauts wear, when she has to. Otherwise, she'll go around barefoot.) In Above and Beyond, she gets an Octo-watch, but can only wear it for a few hours at a time. If she's too uncomfortable and has to take it off, she'll either hold it or put it around the strap on her backpack or overalls.
I'm not entirely sure if this will happen, but I had a scenario in mind if Angel does go back to other humans for a while (if it does happen, it would be between the original series and Above and Beyond): Angel receives a special medal of courage, but she's ashamed, feeling like she doesn't deserve it. However, Captain Barnacles has said she's out of uniform if she doesn't wear it.
The only other thing I can think of is that she sometimes carries a purple backpack.
💎 Angel's blanket that she can't sleep without and her stim toys (a naked headless, limbless Barbie doll and a balloon stick) are very special to her. Not only does she use them virtually every day, but they're some of the few items she managed to save from the fire.
The rocks she has to remind her of how brave she is means a lot to her as well. One Peso’s cousin, Penny, gave her. She got given that because she rescued Penny from drowning. The other rock is one she found in the Caves of Sac Actun.
✍ Angel loves reading, writing and playing with her stim toys. She has a lot of energy too, so for her birthday, Tweak made her a trampoline, which they keep in the games pod. (Angel’s not the only one who uses it, though. Kwazii and the Vegimals have also been known to use it!) Sometimes, she'll play with Peso’s xylophone too (he lets her); she doesn't know HOW to play; she just messes around.
There are lots of weird places Angel has woken up. The weirdest- just because it's like, how did she get in there?- would have to be the secret room Kwazii has in his room. Somehow, she managed to open it up, get inside and lock herself in. Nobody knows how, least of all, Angel herself. It took the Octonauts the whole day to find her! Tweak installed an Octo-tablet in there after that, so someone could get help if it happened again.
Angel gets upset VERY easily, but she rarely cries. She absolutely bawls her eyes out most of her first day on the Octopod (after all, her entire family had just been killed; her house had just burned down and she'd found out animals could talk, including Captain Barnacles, who absolutely terrified her). The next time she cries is in the Ring of Fire, three and a half years later.
Mostly, she cries if she feels especially worthless or like someone's mad at her- and if it's that time of the month when she feels that way (I have a scenario in my head where she completely breaks down in front of Captain Barnacles) or when she's scared.
That first day, Shellington, Peso and Captain Barnacles all saw her cry. Dashi, Tweak and Professor Inkling all heard her, but they didn't see her. Only Kwazii and the Vegimals didn’t (Kwazii was out most of the day, getting her backpack back and the Vegimals were in the kitchen). The Ring of Fire is the first time Kwazii and Tunip saw her cry. So far, I think the only Octo-Agent to see her cry is Ranger Marsh, after she gets scared during a fire in the Everglades. She has a panic attack.
Angel has seen Shellington cry (he was upset he hurt her after crashing the GUP-E); Tunip (at the end of 'The Mariana Trench Adventure') and Dashi and Peso on several occasions.
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
why is your favorite character Barnacles? and do you relate to him in any way?
Oh, there are various reasons why he's my favorite character! And in some ways, I do relate to him! (Thanks for the ask btw!) Spoilers ahead! As well as some mentions of drowning, being stung by a jellyfish, and similar themes! So, a lot of the reason he is my favorite character would be his personality. He's clearly strict, to some extent, and protective. He's exceptionally detail-oriented and clearly hates when things seem out of place (or when things go out of his control). He has a preference for how things are done. That's evident in many ways throughout the cartoon itself (scenarios of the other Octonauts sounding the alert, something slightly inconveniencing his plans, or when Kwazzi goes on without order, he is clearly taken back and has to regain his thought process). Many instances show how protective he is with his crew as well (he has been stung by a jellyfish, swallowed by a whale shark, tossed into the ocean from considerably high, nearly drowned, nearly crashed, and various other items)!
Not to mention how he takes pride in his strength! He is very willed and takes matters into his own hands if necessary. It's typical for him to take conflict on with hands-on force (and not to mention that he actively works to maintain the strength he has). Despite being the most muscular member of the crew, he only teases with the knowledge (unless, of course, it's a dire situation). His mental strength is also quite interesting to see put into play throughout the show. Throughout the episodes, it's rather apparent that he has experienced some rather traumatic conditions but never once let the circumstances downhearten him. I feel his repression (of trauma) prevents the crew from worrying about him because they all look up to him; they rely on him. When you think about it, Kwazzi was the only one that knew Barnacles had claustrophobia (that we know of). He keeps most of his personal fears and his early life private. Seeing him come forward and open up to Peso (Caves of Sac Actun) was such an intriguing way to see a build of the character. He was opening up more (which he deserves) and showing that even as captain, he has a more sensitive side.
The fatherly act that he has is another reason he has my favorite character. He treats each member as more than a crew but a family, and it's clear that he's completely lost without them. His protective behaviors always come through most when one of his crewmates is in trouble. He is always quick to take a sting for any one of the people he loves (he even punched a block of ice mid-air to stop it from crushing three walrus pups and his relatives). I believe that any word to describe his paternal instinct could never be enough. He just has it engraved in his mind that HE is the one that is to protect everyone. He will not stop for anything. He most certainly knows that he's seen as a father figure. Ex (I couldn't find the clip): Sea creature @ Peso: "Is he your mom?" Barnacles: "Um, no, but I look after him!"
He's incredibly fatherly, constantly pushing the team to do what they want, blaming himself if something goes wrong. The best example would be "The Jellyfish Bloom," season 1, Ep. 34. He blames himself for letting Shellington stay out overnight, even though he had no control over what nature was bound to do. He just feels it's his fault if they get hurt. He ends up hurting himself while blocking the entrance to the Octopod, ensuring that neither the crew nor the jellyfish is harmed (and is clearly upset for most of the episode because he is rendered, mainly, immobile).
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(This is a clip right before he is stung.)
I also love the fact that he is very proud of the fact that he was a Polar Scout. Most people would be ashamed that they were a scout, but he flaunts it as a tremendous achievement. It is fascinating to see from a leading character (though I'd like to see more of his past)!
And his past is another reason he's a favorite. What we know of his past is the stories about the Polar Scouts he shared, but nothing beyond that. His story, and the theories to go with it, are exceedingly intriguing aspects of his character. It makes anyone want to know more about him. Though there are hints to who he was (the wheel from the M.V. Manitoba, the sextant, and the anchor. As well as the Octopod that was before the current one). It makes me want to learn more about his character (even if I have theories).
- I relate to him because I am protective of those I love (willing to jump in front of anything for them)! I am a very parental friend, it's true! There are a couple of his aspects that I relate to.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
while rewatching the great christmas rescue after knowing about the events of caves of sac actun it’s so sweet seeing that tweak made the gup-x for barnacles- and it’s the most spacious gup with lots of breathing room 😊
omg yes you're so right actually. I rewatched the great christmas rescue recently too, and I thought hard about the Gup-x and it's my favourite Gup now fr. The Gup-x is straight up a symbol of their friendship and it IS so sweet you're right <333
think about it: she decided she wanted to BUILD a present specifically for Barnacles, so she took all the things she knew about him; his personality, his likes, his dislikes, and turned all of it into one of his favourite things ever: a ship.
lots of room so he doesn't feel claustrophobic? check.
multipurpose, good for anything? check.
strong-- toughest gup she's ever built? unbreakable outer-shell? check and check.
not too fast so he doesn't get overwhelmed? check.
full of clever secrets and tricks for him to play with? check.
The Gup-x is literally Barnacles in Gup form lol
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 2 years
Introduction: Hello!
I downloaded tumblr specifically for Octonauts content. Yep. I’m in highschool, definitely old enough to not be in the Octonauts main audience. I watched the show as a small child and have came back with an intense hyperfixation. Facts about me:
My name is Xena, they/them and I’m AroAce. Gifted kid burnout currently, miniatures collector and obsessive organizer. My favorite song is Little Dark Age by MGMT. Some favorite TV shows and such are Octonauts, both Venom movies, Moon Knight, Merlin, Agents of Shield, Community, Umbrella Academy, Good Omens, The Good Place, Psych, and What We Do In The Shadows. I am also a Ryguyrocky fan, another instance where it was nostalgic and I got back into it very deeply, undergoing the task of rewatching every single video. I really like sautéed spinach and potatoes, now the important stuff: Octonauts facts :)
I am an Honorary Octonaut from a meet and greet with Kwazii and Barnacles (I’ve got a certificate and everything he signed it himself) :>
Favorite Great Barrier Reef song: Trouble on the Reef
Favorite Gup/Gup theme song: Gup X I’m trying to get it as my ringtone
Favorite Octonaut and Octo-Agent: Shellington and Pearl
Least favorite character: I can’t stand Pinto, honestly I prefer Hugo and that’s saying something. I want a follow up episode to show Hugo character redemption.
The first episode I ever saw was the Narwhals. I had a old leap pad with the Flying Fish, Whale Shark, and Monster Map episodes downloaded so I practically know those episodes word for word.
I have all the books except for the Growing Goldfish, my favorite is the Frown Fish. I really want a little spinoff or special episodes where they go on the book adventures. I know they involve not real animals and are whimsical but it would be adorable.
I own a majority of the figurines and Gups. Gonna make some custom figures too with my duplicates.
I can’t pick a favorite episode, but Operation Cooperation is rather fruity so there’s that. I love all the movies equally they are all amazing and honestly better than most older audience movies. I do love the character development in The Caves of Sac Actun though.
I have a TikTok account, xjumbled_up_brainx : that is for edits and videos :D
I’d like to get some ideas out of my jumbled up brain and this seems like a good place. I suck at art but I have so many ideas it annoys me quite a lot, but I do enjoy writing. I love headcannons and theories, so that might be the majority I post. Well wishes to you!
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