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princeconsortroad · 1 year ago
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via theagcd and rwrbupdates on Instagram.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 years ago
I'm recently seeing posts where they write "BBC Sherlock fans don't Interact" and. Idk I guess I'm just confused? And wanted to ask someone also in the fandom.
Why would someone not want other fans interacting? We all love the same charecters? We all love Sherlock and Watson? Why does it make a difference how you got to know them?
Idk. You see the same in the star trek fandom. People who got into trek will sometimes say "IF YOU LIKE DISCO YOUR NOT A TRUE FAN" and it never made sense to me cause like. We both like the same show? We just got into it differently?
Idk idk. I'm just confused
Hi Nonny!
Yeah, it's SUPER weird, but it's their blog, so and whatever makes them happy. It could be a variety of reasons: perhaps they had a bad experience and it's for their own mental health (which is completely valid) OR it could be the alternative and they just prefer to be in an echo-chamber, which I think is a not-good thing, but again, not my blog and not my choice.
A very small (and loud) minority of people think only the BBCS fandom is the "most toxic" fandom on Tumblr as if any other sect of any fandom doesn't have toxic people in it, or, on the flip side of the coin, they're very militant about the "purity" of fandom (and I won't go into that at all, because it's upsetting and gross). Hell, I found out years ago (and still recently) I'm blocked by a big name popular Benedict blog simply because of my username, and I have NEVER previously interacted at all with them, nor have I ever tagged any of their Ben posts with Sherlock tags because the one time I tried to reblog from them, I couldn't (even though like.... I checked the tags of the posts and a lot more controversial tags are on those posts than I ever would have put on them). It's so ridiculous, BUT it's their right and their blog, so I suck it up and move on, their loss. I'm too old to care anymore. I get salty for 2 seconds when I realize I can't reblog a post still, and then move on.
Granted, in the hey-day of the Sherlock fandom, it was a goddamned mess, lots of in-fighting and harassment, and a lot of cliques and gatekeeping and "if you're not this, then you're that" thinking, and I understand if they probably had a bad experience from that. Nowadays, though, I find it's a lot more community-focused in the parts of the fandom I lurk in because it is all about sharing our love for all versions of Holmes, and I try to encourage interactivity here.
Maybe I just have dealt with so much shit in my life that after 40 years it just... I'm tired. I don't CARE. I just want to enjoy my time here now, and I do that by creating a blog I enjoy. Just as those people who have "dni"'s on the posts, in a way, I suppose, are creating a place they can be happy in. I may not agree with it, and I can have contradictory opinions about it, but again, not my place to tell them how to run their blogs, and that's that. I would be a hypocrite if I said otherwise, since I have told people before "it's my blog, if you don't like it, block me and be happy". So, as I said, be salty, and move on, their presence (or lack there-of) is not worth your time, especially when 90% of the fandom is generally welcoming and encourages interaction and community and a general love for all-things-ACD/Holmes.
On the point of "real fans", I've discussed "real fans" before, and how fucking stupid this term is. There's no such thing; I still consider myself a Sonic fan (the first fandom I was ACTIVELY a part of in the same capacity as I am in this one), even though it's been years since I engaged in fandom content.... if you want to talk about toxic fandoms... WOOO be part of the Sonic fandom in the late 90s/early naughts.... EEE. The term, to me, just screams "gatekeeping" to the worst degree. It's in all media types of fandom too: Music, TV, books, movies, SPORTS... I can't even.
So on that count, Nonny, I'm just as confused as you are. If that's the case, then I guess I'm not a fan of Star Trek either because I've only watched TNG and own the complete first-distribution box sets with the coloured sides that were 100$ each season, know really stupid nitpicks and facts about TNG, and only watched the TNG movies and the new-Trek movies, all 6 of which I own and watch and love dearly... But nope, not a real fan because I don't like TOS. *shrugs*. Fucking ridiculous.
The way I see it, you spent money and time into and/or got ENJOYMENT from an IP, then you're a fan. Period, end of sentence.
ANYWAY, all that said, Nonny, I understand it's super upsetting to see those kind of things, especially if we're just here to make friends and talk about the things we all have in common, but we don't know their situation or personal history with the fandoms themselves. If they don't want to interact with you, then it's their right to not do so. Just continue on your merry way; there's WAY more people who DO want to chat than there are not. And, if some day they choose to want to interact with various sectors of the fandom, then we can only welcome them and show them the GOOD stuff we have to offer: fanfiction, fanart, gifsets, silly posts, and just all around good cheer. And in the case of my blog, MAYBE show them that some of us are just as disappointed about BBC Sherlock too, hahah.
Hope you have a good day Nonny. You are always welcome here, regardless of fandom or area of adaptation of fandom, heh. <3
Feel free to add on, all.
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isalabells · 4 years ago
@daughterofhecata hat mich dankbarerweise getaggt🙏 und zu einem guten Rant kann ich ja nie ‘Nein’ sagen [frustrated groans in the audience]
1. Lieblingsdetektiv
Und noch eine weitere Stimme für Peter. Bob hat nicht wirklich ne Persönlichkeit und besteht zu 80 Prozent nur aus Privatismen und Blödeleien, die Andreas in ihn reinlegt whoops who said that. Und dass Justus aus Perspektive von Schreibenden ein absoluter Traum ist, kann ich zwar sehen und nachvollziehen, aber persönlich reizt mich das leider wenig. Aber Peter? Charaktere à la “Ich will definitiv nicht, aber eigentlich will ich ja doch und die meiste Zeit steh ich mir selbst im Weg, aber manchmal bin ich doch mutiger/besser/schöner/klüger/toller, als man es mir zutraut” sind m e i n s.
2. Lieblingscharakter außerhalb den drein
Nach Ben Nevis bin ich wohl der größte Kelly stan hier, ne? Jelena is a given. Always had a soft spot for Lys. (Ich nehm jetzt einfach mal an, dass es um recurring characters geht?)
Wenn Episodenrollen gefragt sind: Dr. Maria Svenson (Toteninsel). Still would love to see her again one day.
3. Bester Bösewicht
Clarissa Franklin the one and only, bevor Minni sie in Signale aus dem Jenseits ruiniert hat. Amy Scream, weil es nix besseres gitb, als eine renitente Rentnerin, die einen auf unhinged psycho disco bitch macht und dazu eiskalt ist. Hugenay, can’t resist a good charming gentleman gangster. Und das gay duo Rodder & Ambler hatte auch was.
4. Lieblingsfolge
Unmöglich zu beantworten -- ich kann höchstens ne Liste bereitstellen mit meinen Top 15, aber selbst da ist die #1 abhängig von Tagesform und Jahreszeit. Ich sag jetzt einfach mal Toteninsel, weil es der beste Dreiteiler ist und bzgl. der epic grand scaleness der Story unerreicht bleiben wird. 
5. Schlechteste Folge
Alles von Dittert🙊 + FREMDER FREUND, GEISTERBUCHT, Die geheime Treppe, Das Geheimnis der Diva, Grusel auf Campbell-Castle, & das Phantom aus dem Meer, & der Schatz der Mönche (weil die Hörspielversion eine Frechheit ist), Pfad der Angst, & die Poker-Hölle, Zwillinge der Finsternis, Stadt der Vampire basically everything where good ol’ Marco just started typing without thinking.
6. Folge, die einem als Kind zu gruselig war
Im Bann des Voodoo. Das gar nicht mal aus so geilen Gründen, sondern weil Minni da schon irgendwie ein wenig (sehr effektiv) die body horror-Karte ausspielt und damit stark in Ruchtung Ableismus geht. War allerdings definitiv eine Folge, bei der ich im Jugendalter IMMER Angst hatte -- und sie trotzdem gehört hab. Weil- “Wir w o l l t e n uns ja alle gruseln”, ne.
7. Wenn man eine Sache ändern könnte…
Eine andere, GUTE B-Seite für Tal des Schreckens!!1 Und zwar, dass sie im Gebirge bleiben und das zusammen mit Debbie so ein Psychothriller-Horror-Chase mit den Bankräubern wird. Nicht der Trank des Vergessens-Quark, der da kommt.
Dass Brittany wieder auftaucht. (Dorette Hugo is still ACTIVE AND WORKING hello?!?)
Dass Jelena nicht ständig rausgekürzt wird und mal wieder einen essenziellen Part in einer Folge bekommt. (Alexandra Doerk is still THERE hellooo)
Dass Kelly nicht ständig durch Jeffrey ersetzt wird, weil Minni das so lustig findet.
8. Guilty Pleasure Folge
Mann ohne Kopf. Codename: Cobra. Der schwarze Skorpion.
9. Bestes Special
Brain Wash (obwohl ich bis heute slightly pissed bin, dass die Hörspielversion kein Zweiteiler geworden ist). Von den bislang noch nicht adaptierten ganz klar Shoot the Works & Savage Statue/Grausame Göttin (die einzige Adaption, auf die ich seit Jahren wirklich warte).
10. Unterschätzteste Folge
Jede einzelne BJHW-Folge mit der Ausnahme von Tatort Zirkus. Und die beiden (leider einzigen) Beiträge von Katharina Fischer, & der rote Rächer, aber vor allem Wolfsgesicht.
11. Überschätzteste Folge
Alle Klassikerfolgen, die nicht aus der Feder von Mary Virginia Carey stammen. Das dreiTag-Special (Ivar Leon Menger & Hendrik Buchna for most overrated writers in general).
12. Beste Folge zum Einschlafen
GEiSTERSTADT. Vor allem zur Winterzeit🥺
13.  Charakter, auf den man verzichten kann
Mr. Grey. Noch n schlechter Moriarty-Abklatsch, weil das nötig war. Noch ein villain, der hyperfixated and obsessed with Justus ist. Wie Hugenay, nur in dunkel und böse hahaha get it this is super innovative. Somebody should’ve kept Kari’s ACD obsession in check back then, just saying.
14. Schlechteste Szene/Storyline
Alles, was Clarissa Franklin in Signale aus dem Jenseits an- und umtreibt. Danke für nix, Minni.
15. Beste Szene/Storyline
Die ersten 15 Minuten aus Schatz im Bergsee = probably the most underrated scenes in the entire series’ history. Trio feelings at its best.
DDF bonding wit SPHINX was a thing of beauty (Dr. Svenson waving goodbye to Justus before disappearing in a crowded airport at the end of Toteninsel? Magical scene.)
Josephine Jones, die Justus am Ende von Labyrinth der Götter die Wahrheit gesteht.
Clarissa Franklin & Dr, Freeman having their little powerplay in Rufmord (basically a voice acting masterclass by Judy Winter & Jürgen Thormann and I will never tire of it.)
Die gesamte fiese Justus/Brittany Story, von Erbe des Meisterdiebs bis zu Feuermond.
Tagging @notajoinerofthings @charlyritter @hanniloli & @tallskinnyvanillalatte in case you wanna have a go at it. I’m super curious!
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