bizlybebo · 1 month
Doing a silly thing . Is this (slightly simplified) design for s2 finale William a 👍 or a 👎
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nephriteknight · 2 years
yall im halfway thorugh the wizard then & now and i,,,, my heart,,,, i am NOT ok
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First of all, I want to say that both the opening and ending were done beautifully. The visuals of both were so so so stunning and overall the scores are perfect and do fit the vibe of this season.
(So glad SID made a comeback for this season, made me nostalgic)
I was kinda bumbed that they left the whole easter chapter out but at the same time it was something i expected to happen. (rip)
The animation was alright, i think overall the beautiful art makes me forgive the stiff movements of the characters. I am really happy with how the characters look so far, they look a lot better then how they did in previous seasons.
I am so happy that the first ep is quite literally a replica of the manga, as someone who has read the manga a multitude of times, i could recognize every single pannel.
Profesor Michaelis looked absoltuely attractive!! his fangs!!! his eyes!! his voice!! everything!!
Wont lie to you guys, i did actually tear up at the end, especially with the anticipation and build up of Sebastian saying "yes, my lord." which to me screams "we are back bitches!" and it indeed made me emotional lmao.
Overall the pacing seems fine, the episode itself was peaceful. Ost was amazing as always and of course, BLACK BUTLER IS BACK BITCHESSSS!!
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prettylonelys · 1 year
Ok I hope you are ready for this mammoth. I am going to start off by telling you some cafes to visit. Eckers in Frogner is a really pretty and does nice coffee and food. Pust, which is just across the road from Majorstuen station is another cafe with a very cool atmsophere. As I have already said before if you are looking for a chain coffee shop I would pick Kaffebrenneriet. My favorite is the one by Nationaltheatre but you will probably want to go to the one from Skam which is on Skovveien. They do the best reasonably priced coffee and you must try the pastries. It is good to know you are staying in Gamle because then I will recommend a tiny brunch place called Kumi. It has the most beautiful interior and vegetarian food but I warn you it is on the pricier side. You absolutley must go to Hotel Bristol to get hot chocolate. Inside is absolutely breathtaking and has major dark academia vibes. This is quite popular so I would recommend booking a table in advance on their website. Do not let them fool you into getting two pots of hot chocolate, one is enough for two people to have two cups each. For places to eat, I would first recommend a burrito bar called Freddy Fuego. They have a vegetarian option and lots of options which are all delicious and not badly priced. For pizza go to Villa Paradiso, there are a few of these over the city. If you want a more general Italian restaurant I would try Olivia by the fjord. Great food but more expensive. If you like Japanese food I can tell you about a tiny, tucked away restaurant called Izakaya on Olavs Plass. If you just want to buy snacks or something to cook at your airbnb I can tell you again the cheapest supermarket by far is Kiwi. Now for the thrift shops! Oslo has some amazing thrift stores and Grünnerløkka is the place you want to be. You absoltuely have to go to Robot! This is the coolest thrift shop of all in my opinion. Lots of good finds and a huge shelf of second hand sunglasses. There's also Velouria and Good Vibes Vintage. UFF is worth a look in Løkka but they have a much bigger, I think better store across the city in Prinsens Gate you should check out. The best budget friendly thrift store is Fretex. They are linked with the Salvation Army and you can get items as low as 50nok, which I looked up is about the equivilant of 7 aussie dollars. Next I've got a list of other things nice things you might like to do if you have the time. I saw you like art from your blog so I thought I'd recommend you some galleries. I mentioned before the National Gallery and Museum are free on Thursdays and the Munch Museum is free on Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm. Astrup Fearnley is the only one without a free day. But I also have some smaller, lesser known galleries for you. It is worth checking out whether Peder Lund, Galleri Riis or Galleri Golsa have any exhibitons on while you are there. They are all free and very small, only a few rooms each. Galleri Golsa seems confusing to find but it is opposite a gym carpark and the door is heavy to open but I promise you're in the right place. They are well worth visitng. I would also recommend visiting a huge lake outside the city called Songsvaan. I know it looks far on a map but it only takes 20 minutes on one line and is still within your zone 1 ticket. There is something so magical about walking round the lake on a winter evening with it frozen over and snow covering the trees. They even have a little cafe. You will notice the increase in cold so you definitely want to your wool innersoles and tights under trousers here, I would recommend that if you venture out of the city anywhere or when it gets dark. If you like hiking and it's not too icy walk up Grefsenkollen and you will get a view over the entire city. In my opinion this is better than the view from Holmenkollen. Since you are staying in Gamle I will also recommend visiting Ekerberg woods which is a ten minute tram ride away and has a scultpure park and also the Botanisk Hage at Tøyen. It is small but pretty inside and guaranteed to be warm. I hope this is a help to you!
oh my god thank you so much, i know this must have taken a lot of time and effort to put together so i hope you know i really appreciate it!!!! these all sound wonderful i am about to start making notes literally right after i finish typing this xx
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docholligay · 2 years
As a Children’s Story for Children: Wolfwalkers
Age I was told midge should be: 7ish
Quick review: Not unenjoyable, but ultimately a bit more bland and Irish Ferngully than I was wanting and looking for. I think I expected too much of it, honestly. Not bad, though! Loved the art style.
Longer review:
I had such a hard time watching this as a seven year old because, I don’t use my phone when I watch things, which I do recommend because you notice things and gravitate toward, I think, better things, but unfortunately I have just enough grasp of the history of the area to sit there the entire time and go, “Lord Protector? Wait is this guy supposed to actually be Oliver fucking Cromwell? Did they use Lord Protector otherwise? Cromwell was a complete dick to everyone who had exactly one good idea (and it was a great one)  so I would be unsurprised. Is the year right? I feel like it is but now I don’t trust myself.” But not enough grasp of the history to actually resolve that in my mind up until the end when he was being weird and religious while dangling off a cliff and I was like, “Yeah, I’m almost sure that’s supposed to be Oliver Cromwell”*
Love the animation on this one! I would like to broadly see more diversity in styles of animation, and that’s not me particularly hating on other styles (though I do hate the bean mouth big eye rounded thing that’s so fucking popular now, even if I love the show itself) but it feels like you have three choices right now. But this I REALLY liked, and I loved how in some parts you coil.d even see the sketches underlaying the finished character. 
The story is not bad! But it’s VERY common. I mean, this has a different skin on it, and this is not me saying Cromwell’s time in Ireland wasn’t a garbage shitshow nightmare, but this is a very common kids’ story. I used Ferngully, but you see the motif of “person is part of the oppressor and learns to identify with the oppressed” come up over and over again. This is not to say that it is BAD. I am not saying that. But I am saying that Wolfwalkers did not, story wise, blow my mind and break new ground. Pretty much all of it hit the exact story beats I was expecting. 
One thing I did GENUINELY like, was showing that Robyn and her father are also victims of an absoltuely fucking insane government. And that her father could be a dick genuinely because he loves Robyn, and is afraid for her. I loved that it could make her father INTENSELY frustrating while refusing to coindemn him, and I think that is, storywise, its real master stroke. It walks that line REALLY beautifully. 
I laughed at her name literally being Robyn Goodfellow, I know as a kid I would not pick up on that but an amazing touch, especially since we know there’s no way in hell she’s not going to Learn A Vaulable Lesson about the value of the forests and the wolves and all that. 
Interesting to watch it and know that the wolves are going to be wiped out in less than 100 years, too, I’m fairly certain. So in Robyn and Mebh’s lifetime, they’ll basically see their entire pack killed, assuming they aren’t killed themselves. And if Jewlet turned to me and asked, ‘Id be like, “No they did in fact kill every single wolf in Ireland.” 
More than being interested in this story in itself, this movie made me open to the idea of watching Secret of Kells, which I’ve heard is very good but unfortunately was much hyped by one of the most annoying people I’d ever known so I skipped the fuck out of it, and perhaps I am now ready for reconciliation and healing. 
In all: Perfectly acceptable and enjoyable with a neat art style, but ulatimately a very standard kid’s story with an Irish coat of paint. Which could be neat if your kids have a lot of Irish heritage--God knows I would be singing the praises of This Exact Same Story But Jewish Tho as if it were the most remarkable tale on earth--but being have only what is statistically mandated by being a Montana Mutt, that’s not enough for it to be a must see for Jewlet. 
*I broke down and googled it the next morning. Definitely supposed to be Cromwell.
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universeskies · 2 years
The Owl House as a Show and Story to Tell
Howdy and Howdy Everyone! Hope Y'All are doing Fine! I'm going to talk about One of my ABSOLTUE and SO SO SO MUCH Favorite Shows of ALL Time!! Not even show! I mean technically speaking its a show, but as a whole, MY ENTIRE FAVORITE FAVORITE Story of Anything in general!!
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You Guess it! The Owl House! The Owl House is My TOP Favorite Show and Story in Everything and Anything. This Story is truly magnificent. And I had such a GREAT Honor to watch it since the very beginnings. I watch it back in 2020 for the First time, but not the First episode of the Series, "A Lying Witch and a Warden" but rather! My First episode was "Covention" and as a whole that Episode will also get its Review, and Analysis in how much its Awesome and Ramble about it. Each episode will get its own Rambling from Me and Infodumping a lot, HEHEHEHEHE XD
And thus! I shall start talking about in General of what I have in Mind for The Owl House in this post so far. I'll do a more structure one after this, but I just want to say how it goes within in what I love in within My Brainrot of The Owl House hehehehe
Anyways, with that, I want to first dedicate this Post to talk more about The Owl House as a general. Talk about how Simply Amazing this series is. Starting as of now, I gotta talk about the Story. The story of The Owl House is one that resonates with Me due to how We see the Growth of Many Characters and get to see them grow from the Flaws We see and have been presented as ever since the beginnings of the Episodes per say through the most actual one that is "For the Future" in the moment of my Post of this Post hehehe.
The Characters are so great and Awesome to follow through, and not only that, but the World-Building is absolutely stunning.
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Not only gorgeous and incredible and so much awe to see but also it creates a story that You can go on and see create a Story within in Our Characters. One of the Many things that I LOVE looking back in Season 1 is how Luz had this naive perspective of how the Boiling Isles can be like Her Fantasy World but just not exactly just like Her Azura books and that alone already sets the tone of how Luz is as a character at the beginnings and What We expect to see through the rest of the Story. And its done SO BEAUTIFULLY DONE WELL!! Luz slowly begins to realize that Reality is something per say universal or rather multiversal in this case XD But in the case that She was so wrapped up into Her fantasies, but in reality in a way to see that in Life, there will be high ups and low downs. We seen this happen to Her. The BEST OF THE BEST moments that is just incredible to see is Luz meeting and making New Friends, being into Loving Relationships from Family, to Friendship and of course Love. Getting to learn what She is passionate about, and also find Acceptance and of course being Understood. But even through that, She is also aware that Life can be very much so rough, but what truly is what make Us strong is to see how We respond after that. We seen it, with Her Dad passing away, the fear of lying to Her Mom, feeling Powerless. We all have been there, and its showcase that even then, We can get back stronger than ever and Continue moving Forward.
I did a bit of Luz character ramble but that will be its own post alongside the others. But the way that how much its showcase that in Luz's story of The Owl House and then overall in the Story of the Series is what truly makes Me love this Series so much. The worldbuilding overall is what makes it even more satisfying because We seen that more in Season 2 with the Story with Story of "Hollow Mind" how We are seeing puzzles and hints that We can piece together into deciphering more about Belos' past and how it came to be. I feel that is even more Satisfying to see the pieces finally being revealed with such lever puzzles and its truly Great! There are way And SO MUCH Way move MORE that I want to say about The Owl House, but all of that will be tell through my Ramblings of The Characters, Episode, Seasons in general and finally into the World Building hehe :3
Overall though, I love this Series so much and everything just hits close Home to Me, and is quite relatable. It has become a Comfort and Safe Space that I didn't expect when I first watch it, but it is indeed a Welcoming Surprise that I am Glad to look back and see how much it means to Me. Super Mario was and still is my TOP Comfort and Safe Space, but The Owl House TIED with Super Mario and I welcome it both!
With that, I'll keep it per say short as I could for this beginning Post of On-Going rambles I'll do. Just rambles about the Show that will be analysis but also much more too.
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never-surrender · 2 years
Your portrayal of Tengen is absolutely spot on! I literally get so freaking excited when I see your responses on my feed! They always make me laugh!
hey…how’s my portrayal? ♡
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alittleemo · 2 years
I really dislike my birthday at this point in my life for many reasons but shoutout to my coworkers for making it actually quite fun for most of the day i appreciate it mroe than i could ever express to yall <33
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duskholland · 6 years
Hannah! I've been meaning to write you since you changed your url or when juicy july ended, and oh boy did it delivered, you know i will love anything you write! You have so much talent! Congrats on hitting more followers and lucky them to get a chance to read your fics! You go girl!
:’))) omg this is so sweet thank you so much! feels like i’ve been working rlly hard on my blog recently so this is really lovely to hear. i hope you’re having the best day! 💜
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years
She-Ra S5 E03 - Corridors
Sorry this one took me so long to write up. But even though it’s now been a while since season 5 was released, I still really want to finish writing up my thoughts on all the episodes, so here we go.
This episode. THIS EPISODE. GOD. I love it so much! I predict this post is going to be full of me gushing about how amazing it is. Also, there might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post.
- First of all, I love how this episode begins with so many “oh shit” moments for you as a viewer. First you realize there’s no scene before the opening and you’re like “oh shit”. Then you realize it opens with a Catra flashback and you’re like “oh shit”. Then you see present!Catra looking down on her planet getting destroyed and then standing undecided between two corridors - one light and one dark - and you’re like “oh shit, guess we’re finally answering the ‘redemption or not’ question.” I love how it’s set up in a way that everyone knows within the first few minutes what this is going to be about and that shit’s about to get real.
- I also love that this season didn’t beat around the bush and did the redemption so early on. I was worried that we’d have to wait until the very end and wouldn’t get to actually see Catra work and bond with the good guys. And like I said before, all the groundwork for the redemption was already there after season 4, so I’m glad they didn’t make us wait.
- I like that Catra runs on all fours when she’s trying to be fast.
- I really like that first scene between Hordak and Catra. I generally think their relationship is super interesting, since they’re not as different as they think and they’re narrative foils to each other in many of the same ways that Catra and Glimmer are. And they’re in a very similar situation as Catra and Glimmer, too: They don’t particularly like each other and were fighting/trying to kill each other before getting abducted. But now they’re stuck on Prime’s ship with no way out, and are one of each other’s only reminders of their previous lives, so they still end up reaching out for each other (albeit in a smaller way than Catra and Glimmer do). I like how Hordak calls her "Catra", clearly showing that he does remember, and how Catra immediately recognizes him because of that and calls him by his real name as well (though she doesn’t realize what consequences that’ll have for him). I also like that despite their history, Catra tries to bring his memories back and tries to bond with him. I also find the line “It’s good to see a familiar face” interesting, since the clones all technically have the same face. (Basically, I need more fanfics about Hordak and Catra talking things out and becoming friends post season 5.)
- Bow being an exhaused parent who’s trying to keep Adora and Entrapta from destroying the ship is hilarious, but I also feel really bad for him.
- I also just realized that Bow, Adora and Entrapta are the rescue party, while the respective people they’ll end up with (Glimmer, Catra and Hordak) are trapped on Horde Prime’s ship... there’s fanfic potential in this.
- The entire talk where Catra and Glimmer bond over Adora - Do I even need to get into how perfect that scene is? “You’re lonely, aren’t you?”, both of them admitting it helps to talk to each other, them sitting back to back, Glimmer talking about her perfect day and Catra looking visibly sad when she mentions Adora, but Catra NOT lashing out and acting jealous this time but talking about her own memories of Adora, them bonding over memories of Adora - JUST YES. GOOD STUFF.
- “We’d play tricks on Kyle, stay up all night whispering about... you know, whatever.” And that was another one of those really strong Catradora hints. I didn’t pick up on Horde Prime’s “elevated heartrate” line in S5Ep1, but this line I did notice and it was my first “omg, this is actually happening, isn’t it?” moment. (Because I kind of just assumed that Noelle wouldn’t queerbait us and wouldn’t put in so many Catradora hints if it wasn’t going to happen.)
- Glimmer: “I’d do anything to go back and make it right.” *camera focuses on Catra’s sad face* Enough said.
- “There’s nothing for me on Etheria.” The fact that Catra was so surprised to even be asked what she’d be doing on Etheria speaks volumes, imo. She never considered the possibility of getting to go back there and never really thought about what she even wants.
- I love that Entratpa named the ship “Darla” and the other characters (and Darla herself) just go with it without even questioning it.
- “If I could tell you where Adora is, I would. She’s my enemy, I want her gone!” This whole exchange is so brilliant. Prime is such a good villain. I love how he sees through Catra’s lies right away. Also love how he refers to Adora as “your Adora” (he definitely low-key ships them). I also love how Catra is still trying to protect Adora, even when Prime sees through her bluffs. And that shocked expression on her face when Prime asks if she wants to be “free” of her feelings for Adora - poetic cinema.
- Hordak’s purification: God, this scene is so incredibly messed up and creepy - I love it! Starting with Catra’s worried expression when she looks at Hordak and how she angrily glares at Prime, how Horde Prime does the creepy face-touch thing, how Hordak looks back at Catra with this sad, resigned expression, the creepy clone cult with their glowing eyes and their chants, Horde Prime’s whole cult language (“suffer to become pure”, I mean, wtf?), how Catra’s so horrified by the whole thing and Prime tells her "Do what I ask of you” (the threat very clearly being “or I’ll do this to you, too”). 10/10
- Catra blushing as she brings Glimmer the cake... she is baby.
- “Adora’s on that ship, isn’t she?” This line gets to me every time. I already love how before this, Catra was talking to Glimmer quietly, trying to make sure the clone in front of the door doesn’t hear them as she tells her about the ship - but this line kills me every time. How Catra whispers it so quietly, how she looks so concerned for Adora, how you can tell in just that one line how much she still loves Adora - seriously, shout-out to AJ Michalka for how she spoke that line.
- I feel like everyone has already spoken at length about the rest of Glimmer and Catra’s talk, but seriously, it’s amazing. I love how Glimmer reasons with Catra and points out the flaws in her thinking, and I also think she really got through to Catra here. It might be the memories of Adora that finally get Catra to make the right choice in the end, but I think Glimmer’s words really got through to her as well. “Do one good thing in your life” - I mean, damn!
- I also just noticed that Glimmer and Horde Prime act as foils to each other in this episode as well, with how they’re both trying to convince Catra to make a different choice. Glimmer bonds with her over their memories of Adora, while Prime offers to “free” her of those memories. Glimmer begs her to not to sell Adora out and tells her Prime will just get rid of her, while Prime assures her she’ll be “raised above the other creatures of her homeworld.” Both of them at one point ask Catra what she really wants. (Glimmer: “If Prime captures Adora, he can use the Heart of Etheria to wipe out the whole universe. Is that what you want?” / Horde Prime: “ You will be exalted, raised up above the other wretched creatures of your home world. Is that not what you wanted?”)
- Adora hanging from a mess of wires and saying “I have everything under control” needs to become a meme, please. It reminds me of that comic where the dog’s surrounded by fire and says “This is fine”.
- That whole scene where Bow’s ranting at Adora and then Entrapta just shows up in the background floating around outside the spaceship this absoltuely hilarious.
- “I made spacesuits for us and then I fixed the ship from space. Where I am! Aahahahaha....” Oh, I love her. Poor Bow, though.
- How can Entrapta use a blowtorch in space, though? Like... there’s no oxygen, how can she... you know what, I’ll just stop questioning the science here.
- I love the whole suspense of Catra selling Adora out at first, then remembering their childhood and changing her mind - good stuff.
- Also, I’m not crying over that childhood memory, you’re crying over that childhood memory! Did you see how little!Catra blushed when Adora said she was always going to be her friend? And the music is their childhood theme from “Promise”. I also love the callback to “Promise” in general - back then, the memories were projected by Light Hope and pushed Catra away from Adora by only showing her the worst ones. This time, Catra is remembering herself, remembers Adora being there for her and decides to protect her.
- “I’ll never say sorry to anybody, ever.” Yeah, we’ll see about that.
- And here’s one of my favourite moments of the entire season: Catra visibly feeling guilty, remembering herself and Adora playing in the hallway, then that beat of music where she changes her mind and turns around. When I first watched this episode, this was the moment where I started so cheer and said “Well, finally!” Here we go on the redemption road!
- “I wanna do that one good thing in my life. Like you said. So... come with me.” That’s another amazing moment. And the music when Glimmer takes her hand... The entire episode from here on is basically just amazing moments with amazing music.
- “Are you saving me?” “Not you... Adora.” She did it for Adora... hold me. (I do think she also did it for Glimmer, though.)
- “Even if I sent her a message to stay away, she’d still come for you, that’s just how she is.” The heartbreaking part about this is that Catra genuinely didn’t realize that Adora would also come for her.
- “There’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me.” *cut to Adora*
- The whole scene where Catra saves Glimmer and sacrifices herself just gets to me every time. Starting with the music - it’s Promise, which played during the cliff scene in “Promise” (and will later play during Catra’s love confession in Heart Part 2).
- “Adora... I’m sorry! For everything!” 😭😭 What makes this scene work so well for me as a starting point of Catra’s redemption is that she was being completely selfless here. She wasn’t trying to gain anything out of sacrificing herself. She wasn’t asking for forgiveness, pity, or gratitude. She didn’t expect Adora to come back for her. She just wanted to keep Adora safe and let her know that she’s sorry. There were no expectations behind this apology or sacrifice. (And that’s not even getting into how she knew exactly what Horde Prime would do to her - because she saw it on Hordak earlier - and still decided it was worth it to save Adora.)
- “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Catra! Come back!”  😭😭😭😭
- The spacesuit designs are so ridiculous, but I kind of respect the show for saying “Yeah, we know this will never look realisitic anyway, so let’s just make it completely ridiculous. Ab-window for Bow? Hole for Adora’s ponytail? Let’s just do it all.”
- While I love that scene of them catching Glimmer in space, I’ve got to say it kind of makes me anxious to think about how lucky they were here. I mean, Catra’s plan was a little dumb here, sorry. Imagine if Entrapta hadn’t fixed Darla in time and they wouldn’t have been able to get to Glimmer? Imagine if Darla had been too slow? If the teleporter had been faster? Or if Bow and Adora hadn’t had spacesuits? If Glimmer hadn’t been able to survive in space for a few ‘I’m still glowing green from the teleport thingy’ seconds before Bow caught her? This ‘I’m just going to teleport her into space’ plan could have gone so wrong, just saying. (Also, why didn’t she just teleport Glimmer to Etheria? Wouldn’t that have been easier? And safer? Though granted, it wouldn’t have made as good of a story.)
- “I think Catra saved me. I think she saved us all.”  😭😭 Yes, she did! That’s my wildcat and I’m so proud of her!!!
- Can we talk about Horde Prime tilting Catra’s chin up with his foot? Everything about him is so creepy and evil, I love it.
- Catra just laughing in Horde Prime’s face... honestly, what an icon. (I also love the “What did you expect?” line. I mean seriously - what did we as viewers expect? I’m pretty sure most people expected Catra to redeem herself eventually.)
- “It doesn’t matter what you do to me. Glimmer is gone, and you will never get your hands on Adora!” She loves Adora so much I 😭
Amazing episode. Definitely one of my favourites. There’s probably way more stuff to talk about here and I only scratched the surface - but this post is getting way too long as it is.
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fragileizywriting · 3 years
Hi tis i the writing trademark anon lol
(I’m also the one with the heat seekin idea a long time back I think of wearing Adrien down 👑)
I thought I’d let you know that I do reread your fics and I always get so excited for an update! You’re one of my all time favourite fanfic writers. Aaaaaaand I stalk your blog a lot lol
So yeah you’re amazing!! Don’t forget it!! Keep up the good work!! Love you!!
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I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO REPLY??????? hgnmmfnngnmfmmdn i'm just going to sit here and think really hard about this for the rest of the night
you reread my works?????? i'm one of your favorite writers????? you look at my blog a lot????????? what the absoltuely hell i'm just going to sob
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gordhanx · 3 years
Helluva Boss, if you're doing fandom asks!
I am :D . Thanks!
Top 5 episodes:
5: Murder Family-A really great introduction, the show and a fun season starter. Not much in terms of story, but we have some fun dialgoue, a nice arc for Moxxie, some great shading and the official debut of Millie & Stolas’ new VAs.
4: The Pilot-So much great comedy and dialogue. Sets up a brillaint premise for the show and gives us a great introduction to these characters.
3: Spring Broken-Loona centric episode! Okay, all joking aside, I loved getting to see a new side of the usually apethic Loona, who so far hasn’t got much in terms of development compared to everyone else. We also get the introduction of Verosika and her past with Blitzø, Millie gets to kick ass and all the reveals regarding the tense relationship between Blitzø & Loona was so great! Really looking forward, to see where that goes. Also, Drunk Moxxie. Nuff’ said.
2: The Harvest Moon Festival-Really liked seeing more of Hell other than Pride. We didn’t get much of Greed aside from the amusement park, so it was great to see the culture and design of a completely different realm. Moxxie’s character arc and scenes with Millie was wonderful. But of course, Striker! Oh man, did I love Striker. He makes for such an amazing foil for Blitzø, with an incredible design & voice. His scene in the third act, where he nearly tempts him into joining him, is one of the best written and shot scenes in the show so far. The coloring is absoltuely beautiful.
1: Loo Loo Land-This was honestly, where the show went from something I liked, to something I LOVED. Getting to actually see how Stolas’ arrengement with Blitzø is effecting his marriage and relationship with Octavia, was some powerful stuff, I didn’t expect. You really end up feeling bad for the both of them, after their touching opening, seeing just how badly things have gone. It was handled so well, and really turned Stolas into a character I didn’t give a shit about, into one of my favorites in the whole show. Plus, the comedic bits were fun, Loo Loo Land is a great location, the lullaby was really sweet. And we’ve got Robo Fizz. Looking forward, to seeing him come back.
Favorite character-I wanna say Loona, because I love her constant done-with-this-shit attidue, but considering she hasn’t had anything to do since Spring Broken, it doesn’t really feel right. So far now, I’m gonna say Stolas, for being a wonderful, problematic, dorkly owl dad.
Least favorite character-Wasn’t that blown away by the Cherubs honestly. Was kinda hoping for more than what we got. Though Stella is a close second.
OTP-You can’t beat Moxxie & Millie. The two are made for each other.
Favorite non-romantic relationship-So far I love both of the father & daughter relationships in here (Blitzø & Loona/Stolas & Octavia). Both girls are honestly pretty darn similar to each other, and yet both have wieldly different relationships with their dorkly and sometimes overbearing father figures. Loona does seem to care for Bltizø, but is frustrated and resentful by how clingy he is, whereas Octavia openly loves Stolas, but blames him for the state of the family and constantly fears that he’ll abondon her. I am so excited to see how Viv and the crew handle the two relationships as the series goes on, because I so want to see this explored further.
Favorite villain/arc-I love everythign about Striker. His design, voice, personality, rivalry with Moxxie and being what Blitzø could’ve become. He makes for a great villain for I.M.P. Hope he sticks around, for a long time to come.
Least favorite villain/arc-I hate to say the cherubs, but after the build up to them being the “evil” counterpart of I.M.P., I found their introduction to be kinda underwhelming and the three of them not that interesting as characters. Maybe they’ll improve as the series goes on, but we’ll see.
5 songs I associate with it and why-
1: Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer (becuase of this amazin AMV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ40vTZv138)
2: You’ll be Okay (because it’s a canon song, one of the most beautifully sincere things I’ve heard in a while)
3: Oh Millie (because it’s canon and there’s no better match to Moxxie & Millie’s relationship)
4: Oh No by grandson (because I think it matches the tone of the series pretty great honestly)
5: The I.M.P. jingle (because it’s canon and insanely catchy)
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wattemeer · 5 years
excuse me mam,,,, i just wanna say,,,, ur kagehinas,,,,, absoltuely beautifully amazing and lovable and AWESOME
Thanks sweet internet person pls take all my love and affection for you
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bibleofficial · 4 years
acid boof storytime??
i’ll edit this later (like way later like in 8hrs lol) w links to my posts that i was making WHILE i was tripping BUT:
essentially it 2 gel tabs thats were amazing and i had to really push me up there w a water based lube bc my asshole is like tissue paper so i shoved em up there and was like RIGHT but it was about to rain and i didn’t realize that when i shoved em in so i was like well FUCK bc they were already in so i had to yeet bc shit was hitting within like a few minutes and my parents were home so i was like ..,,, uhh GOTTA JET so i grabbed my bike and i went off it started raining so hard i rose to my elementary school through the wooded area near me to get there and i was trippin BALLS my blood sugar was wack bc i hadn’t eaten anything so i went to the 7/11 deal at the plaza close by the school and the cashier was one of my band directors from middle school so i was praying she wouldn’t recognize me bc the way i was acting was very obvious that i was a) on drugs b) a little slow bc it was RAINING H A R D and i was on a BIKE and acting SUS as FUCK and this bitch starts asking questions like ‘what’re u up to ? :)’ and i’m like ‘just riding around :)’ and then i escape and shove the ice cream sandwiches into my face hole and then i continue my ride and i’m quaking it’s great so i ride off to a field near me. en route there i stopped by a little river thing in the forest and look at the turtles and they swim up to the side of the bridge because people feed them all the time like bread and shit lol (also people steal them literally from the rivers and streams to keep as pets or to sell to other people because idk free animals lol) so at this point i’m absolutely losing my mind and it’s phenomenal and then this mother daughter on a walk come by and i smile and nod and pretend i’m not on drugs. i get back on my bike after eating a twinkie and off i go; next i find this random grey labrador running around she’s so sweet so cute and if i werent so Absoltuely Fucked UP i would’ve tried to find her owner but labs are smart so i figured she’d find her way back home after i pet her she was such a sweet baby, then she runs off in the opposite direction from where i was going and i continue. i get to the field that i had in mind and i sit down and start listening to this new song by foster the people i forget the name of it but it’s a bop i think it’s a single but the album art is like a trippy thing idk so i start the spotify radio on that song and i just VIBE and start to doodle what i see - at this point it’s stopped raining for now and i’m just chillin having fun picking up a hobby of drawing that i’ve been wanting to do for ages. so i’m there for idk an hour and i’m peaking which is wonderful and looking at the clouds and the trees and watching them breathe and sway; everything has it’s own aura, which is normal on acid, and i love it. watching the horizon conform as if it’s right in front of my face and is a being rather than just a flat backdrop as is typical for ‘horizons.’ it starts to drizzle again and i get back on my bike and start heading home, kinda coming down at this point. i love the rain and feeling the water on my skin and the sound and everything so i’m riding home absolutely drenched in the torrent coming down around me - all through the woods. listening to the birds and the squirrels run around. i get home and shower and i come down and am just relaxed and mellow. i felt completely reset because i’ve been stressed for other reasons and just wanted to /relax/. boofing it rather than taking it orally is i mean much harder but it’s a LOT more intense, but shorter acting. i’d totally recommend it but my asshole was quite unhappy, as it usually is, but worse for a few days after. but idk i honestly would recommend everyone try acid when they turn 21 if they’ve like depression or just feel lost or something idk it’s nice i really do think there’s something to it by using it to treat certain mental illness; i’m not a mental health expert or a dr or in anyway eligible to comment on it other than through my own experiences with my own mental health. i’m currently taking 60mg cymbalta, so my trips may be different than others’
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cybercitycomix · 5 years
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Top New TPB/Hardcover Releases for the Week of Jan 8th, 2020.
Absolute Carnage Tp,
Absoltue Carnage vs Deadpool Tp,
Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer Tp v6,
Black Panther Tp v8,
Black Widow Tp Welcome to the Game,
Captain Marvel Tp v2 Falling Star,
Dr Strange by Mark Waid Tp v4 Choice,
Dreaming Tp v2 Empty Shells,
Injustice Gods Among Us Year 5 Complete Tp +
Loki Tp.
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candyredterezii · 5 years
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saturniidae-served-cold submitted:
Last thing I see before Anubia bricks me to dead in the catacombs [amsr]
(I love she)
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