#AB 2017
sparklingspidey · 9 months
Why is no one writing the very specific fic I have in my head? And no, I can’t do it myself because I am small and stupid and sleepy.
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
every day i think about what it would have been like if richie and eddie had been the ones to meet outside the restaurant instead. like eddie is just standing there, building up the courage to go inside, a big part of him is still contemplating turning right back around and going home, when a voice from behind him speaks up, “hey, man, you know you can just go in, right? you don’t have to wait for someone to check your ID and let you through, you know?”
eddie frowns, turning around quickly to tell this random guy to shut up…. when his eyes land on a familiar face.
richie’s smug grin quickly disappears. “eds,” he says, almost sounding out of breath, and upon hearing that nickname, eddie feels something rush through him that he hasn’t felt in a long time.
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sprout-is-cool · 8 months
danny pudi was made for lesbians and i will die on that hill
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spacemanxpaninis · 2 months
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I was right and I should continue to say it
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writebackatya · 9 months
Huey duck is so autism coded, they see Danny Pudi and make his character a gay neurodivergent
I see no lies here
Absolutely love it when Danny Pudi plays a gay neurodivergent
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omgcheez · 5 months
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Something something something Danny Pudi playing a ND character that has major emotional growth around lava
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des-pa-three-toes · 1 year
danny is so good at playing silly little guys that are definitely stable like 95% of the time but fiiiive percent of the time could lose it a little bit for whatever reason whether it be the pressure of keeping up their appearance (huey, brad) or because of. other problems (abed) i love him for it
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cowboylikeekatie · 6 months
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do you feel when you hear my
ashamed name?
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artphi · 8 months
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Pedestal by URI is free play it if you love mystery and toxic yuri
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spacetimesanytime · 8 months
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Artwork from Vocaloextra, presented by Exit Tunes in 2013. Album illustration by Fujima Takuya, phone straps and additional artwork (an illustration used inside of the CD boxes) by 濱元隆輔. The squares in the last image are mousepads that were sent out as preorder bonuses, done by various artists.
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
no i don’t automatically connect every media i consume to reddie and use it to somehow make a reddie hc what kind of person do you think i am anyways i just started watching business proposal and now im thinking about richie helping out his friend, bill, by sometimes filling in for him on blind dates that his family sets up. bill’s family really wants him to settle down, but bill doesn’t want to, so whenever he’s set up to go on a date and he really doesn’t want to, richie will go instead, pretending to be him, to basically scare off the date and make sure that there will not be a second date.
richie doesn’t mind it. after all he did always want to pursue comedy, and this little act is usually pretty fun for him, plus bill pays him for doing this (not to mention they’ve been friends since kindergarten and richie would do anything for bill anyways) so he keeps it up.
until… he goes on one of these blind dates and realizes that it’s with none other than eddie kaspbrak… the CEO of the company richie works for.
richie panics, but he tells himself that he just needs to get through this one date, that he just needs to fuck up on this date SO badly, so much that eddie kaspbrak will want nothing to do with him ever again…….
but things sort of backfire. you see, eddie kaspbrak is used to going on blind dates set up by his family. every person he meets is the same: the child of another big-name family, with intent of marrying only for the kaspbrak family name. “love” isn’t even in the question. no one he’s never gone on one of these blind dates with has ever left a good impression on him…
until he meets richie. richie, who acts a little weird, but seems to have his own personality and not just one fabricated for him by his family, who actually tells jokes and somehow makes eddie laugh into his drink and accidentally spill wine on the table in the middle of the high-class restaurant they’re in. richie, who just… doesn’t seem like the rest of the guys eddie’s been on dates with.
and as for richie, well… he does usually enjoy the blind dates he takes over for for bill. not because they’re necessarily “good” dates, more so because richie gets a fancy meal paid for him and he gets to have fun and mess with some rich asshole. but on his date with eddie, richie actually finds himself… having fun? a few times he has to remind himself that he’s supposed to be putting on a show, making things bad, but… richie thinks that it’s a lot more fun to make eddie laugh than to make him angry.
richie can only think about one thing as he walks out of the restaurant that night, with eddie kaspbrak’s phone number and plans for a second date: sorry, bill.
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sprout-is-cool · 7 months
i think i need to talk about the fact i met DANNY PUDI more often because OH MY GOD???? i met THE danny pudi!!!
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bludpudding · 10 months
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@breedaboyd said more donnie and I agree. more donnie.
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thechaseofspades · 1 year
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Late to the party but shoutout to Paget Brewster and Danny Pudi for being born various years ago today!
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sour-punch-art · 2 years
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Three Kins: Abed Nadir, Oswald Cobblepot and Donald Duck. 
Make of this what you will lolll
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the feminine urge to remake as many book-to-film adaptations as possible in the highly specific way that you interpreted them from the book (i’ve never made a film in my life btw)
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