dnangelic · 9 months
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mw the LN 2 post is 50 times the length of the LN 1 post
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dinossaurz · 8 months
@monthly-challenge 2024 | Long walks
Ateez!Hyungline; Fem!Reader
What would Ateez hyung line members would do when you call him to a late night walk?
Anxiety attack in some
WC: no idea aaa
A/N: I had no idea to what to write on it, so it just sucks aaaa
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"You're fine, babe?" You could hear your boyfriend asking you, voice full of caring.
He knew you too well, and you didn't know if you thought it as the sweetest thing or if you hated him for it.
You were passing to a anxiety attack. Your body was all tense, sitting by the window, observing the snow falling. It passed midnight, and you're just full awake just as you were by the morning. Your body trembling, just turning to Hongjoong and tried to smile.
"Come here." He said, fully opening his arms just for you. Hiding your face in his chest, trying to concentrate in your scent, just to forget a little about your trembling body. He tightens his arms around your waist, caressing your back.
"Wanna go to a walk?" He asked, knowing you all too well. At least, you're not going outside alone.
He hates when you do that by yourself.
After he puts you inside a hoodie that belongs to him, he take your hand connection your fingers together and then you both outside the streets, under the snow, feeling the cold water washing your pain in snow.
He's with his arms tangled in your waist by your back. You could feel his warm chest even if you're with more than three layers of clothing.
You're both looking at Seoul view on the top of a mountain. His chin resting on your shoulder, as his arms rested peacefully on your waist while you caress his bare hand.
You and Seonghwa always go to a walk by the night. Even if it's too cold for any human being to be outside. You feel that your bestfriend warmth was just all you needed.
"Y/N?" He called you in a whisper, lifting his chin away from your shoulder, just to look at your side profile. He now stands by your side, holding your hand tightly.
"I have this friend... that's in love with his bestfriend, but he have no idea of how to tell her that."
You turned yourself to him, frowning your eyebrows in confusion, he opens a little smile to you.
"Is that about Hongjoong? I thought he was feared of woman." You said, turning a little to look at Namsan Tower, shining in a bright blue light.
"He is. That's because I'm asking you, and not to him. He has no idea how to deal with women." He said, holding his laugh.
"So it's not about him?" He nodded, confusing you even more.
You knew none of the Ateez's boy would ask for Seonghwa's help when they had you.
You widened your eyes, looking back at him.
"You're talking about you!" You almost screamed, he puts his hand on your mouth, laughing at your reaction. You slap his hand away, looking at him with even more confusion.
"You like ME, Park Seonghwa?" You said out loud, making him chuckle at your red cheeks.
"What if I like? Hm?" He said, in an accusing way.
"So I... I... I'll kiss you." You said lowly, leaving him no time to say something and just kissed his lips calmly.
Seonghwa had no reaction at first, but then cupped your cheek with his right hand, his left one holding your waist.
When you both laughed lightly, pressing your foreheads together.
"I like you, Y/N."
"I like you too, Park Seonghwa. Way too much."
"Yun, what you think about that?" You asked, out of nowhere.
"Hum?" He asked you, silently.
He was holding your hand while you both walked on the cold streets. He was looking at you with hearty eyes, what made your own heart melt.
"You staying for the night, you know? A girls night, but a... couple night. Nothing else then skincare and talking bullshit. Just the two of us." You asked, looking at him with starry eyes, just like Puss in Boots eyes.
He laughed at your cuteness, thanking to the universe that you're already his girlfriend.
You were still looking at him, waiting for a answer.
"Okay, baby. We'll have the girls night of your dreams."
"Oh, so let's go to somewhere to shop the things to do it."
"You don't have it?"
"I have, jagi. But not for you. Your skin is different from mine, you know?"
He kissed your forehead, laughing again for the same reason: your cuteness.
"Okay, then. Let's go buy our things."
"Jagi!" You heard the low tone of your boyfriend's voice calling behind yourself.
You looked back in surprise. You're supposed to walk alone, to feel some kind of life in your body.
"Are you okay?" He asked when stopped by your side, touching your hair with his fingers.
You nodded, looking at him, but avoiding his eyes.
"Are you sure?" Those words made you look down, rubbing your neck.
"Nope." You said, lowly, holding his hand and playing with his fingers with both your hands.
"Can we walk a little?" You asked as he nodded and whispered everything to my girl.
Long before you start to walk, you feel your cheeks burning thinking about his words.
"Do you really like me?" You asked, looking elsewhere than your boyfriend.
"Of course I do, Y/N. Why you're asking?"
"I don't know." You stopped your feet, waiting for him to do the same.
He pass his arm on your shoulder, laying his hand by your cold shoulder. It was cold outside, and you were just with a soft and oversized t-shirt.
He took off his hoodie, revealing one more blouse under it, and put his even more oversized hoodie on you, making you feel just little feeling his scent too strong in the hoodie. You smiled a little.
"You know... I care and love you enough to borrow you my favorite hoodie." He laughed in that cute way only him does, making you look at him with heart shaped eyes.
He looks at you, smiling a little, pushing you to a tight hug, making you close your eyes, hoping it isn't a dream.
"I love you so, so, so much, Kang Yeosang."
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tumblunni · 7 years
Okay I tried to attempt making my first lets play video and somehow i forgot to enable game sound, lol! Just hearing my voice over gaping silence would be boring as hell, but especially bad because Ciel Fledge has an absolutely AWESOME soundtrack and at several times I just plain stopped and jammed out, haha! I was so excited for it and it was even better than I expected!!!!
But also I made a few flubs here and there and i was nervous and awkward so its probably best that i rerecord it. Cos I was dumb and decided to name the characters after my ocs and then halfway thru i was like OH WAIT people first discovering me on youtube would have no clue who those people are, lol! Plus I got super hyper attatched to Ciel immediately and felt like I couldnt really roleplay as grumpy Gremory. I immediately started talking to the damn screen already I REALLY CHERISH MY VIRTUAL CHILLLLLD
and AAAA the worldbuilding already has me hooked!! it isnt just a shoddy sci fi setting in name only like one of the Weird Android Games i’m gonna post about soon. like there is SO MUCH deep effort put into how the logistics of the government work in this post apocolyptic world, and loads of optional lil details you could miss! like for example you start the game with one expected intro tutorial mail in your inbox, but also three extra ones in the opened section. And they’re in-progress news updates on the currently unspecified ‘disaster’ that happened to sector 5. All dated several weeks apart and being like ‘praise to our glorious leaders! the battle is going great! don’t question anything!’, ‘never forget the losses we had at this battle today, we will rise like the phoenix and defeat our enemies!’ It raises even more curiosity about what happened, and gives a lil nugget of extra info-now we know the disaster was a battle with an enemy of some sort, or at least that’s how the news team is framing it... hmm...
and AAA ATHE BOSSA NOVA MUSIC I think thats the term for it?? and the really huge resolution awesome graphics??? and the sheer amount of detail to everything??? and holy shit THE FEATURES ALSO AAA THE FEATURES!! you can pick gender neutral pronouns or other titles for your protagonist! and even though they’re a faceless self insert like in the Princess Maker games you actually get to choose stuff to make them be like you! you can pick a bunch of backstory choices that give you different stat boosts to the child you’re raising, and apparantly there will be more choices during the game to change your parent’s stats and thus unlock more boost traits?? they’re a big presence in the game?? in this parenting game?? your parent actually has a stats??? aaaaa just as a person who’s a big fan of this genre i am just SO APPRECIATIVE of the changes they made to the formula! it really shows that the creators know A LOT about the genre and about common player complaints and wishes! like there’s a sort option on the list of jobs and classes and you can do alphabetical and by cost and stuff!!! AND YOU CAN DRESS YOUR KIDDIE UP IN EVEN MORE COSTUMES THAN USUAL!! YOU CAN PICK OUTFIT PARTS SEPARATELY!! ITS SO EXCITING!!!
and AAAA I’m so excited for all the new features that’ve never been in this genre before!! there’s this cool fully animated system for showing your adventure battle things, and a unique match-3 puzzle game battle instead of turn based or top down fighting. And you get ‘battles’ as milestones in your different aspirations too! this unique fight style can work in different ways for stuff like a swimming class test or cooking a cake! and also there’s a way bigger focus on story and worldbuilding and awesomeness!! and you can make friends and your kid can make friends and you can take them as party members together into adventures instead of only as romantic interests to get special endings. And that means there’s also lots of platonic friend choices and even stuff like friend values with her school teacher who will come and fight post apocolypse mutants together, yo! O_O and you can unlock bonus multiplier trait things and equip them to help at training your different stats! you get two of them at the start from your mom/dad/parent’s backstory choices, and then can get more from.. mystery things?? milestones I assume! cos there’s this system of achievements being framed as milestones set by the adoption company, so the government sends you rewards for being an exemplary citizen. There’s so much worldbuilding even in the lil gameplay chocies aaa!!! And you can talk to your lil kiddo and i love her and you can talk to her and do so many more bonding activities than expected and TALK TO HER AAA!! I actually have a form of direct interaction instead of just ordering her to do stuff. And the tutorial seemed to imply that she’ll develop like.. personality values?? And get goals and like or dislike certain jobs?? I’m so excited?? Aaaa???
god this game looks SO GOOD and lol i spent like a whole hour just going SQUEEEEEE at all the cool lookin things and rambling forever and then i lost the footage :P but i’m realizing that maybe a lot of my WOWWWW moments wouldn’t make sense without the context of having played other stuff in the genre like Princess Maker? so maybe i might do a short vid on that after the first episode of ciel fledge or something. not a full LP but just a summary of the goods and bads of that series and why i’m SOOOOOOO relieved to have a new entry in the genre that’s lacking all the.. grossness. cos seriously no matter how addictive the gameplay is, PM has a stupid gainax anime thing of sexualizing the daughter and treating it more like a waifu raising simulator T_T Ciel actually looks like a child and acts like a child and you act like a proper parent!! and its wholesome!! well its got dark stuff but the dark is ‘post apocolypse’ not INCEST! aaaaa im just so happy and i love my virtual daughter and i havent even really started playing yet haha!!!
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