#A.E. Wagner
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Diet-wise, Snails are Like Cows, not Bugs
by Timothy A. Pearce
When classifying organisms into broad categories, many people would group snails with insects rather than mammals. When it comes to diet, however, snails are much more like mammals than insects. That’s because, when choosing what to eat, insects tend to be specialists, while most mammals, and most snails, tend to be generalists. This pattern is especially striking when considering just herbivorous species.
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Webbhelix multilineata snail eating leaf.
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Cows eating grass. Image by Shubham Khatri, from Wikimedia Commons.
Many herbivorous insects specialize on eating one or a few species of plants, and most often within a single plant family. For example, when we think of tent caterpillars, we expect to see them on cherry trees. In the caterpillar life stage of butterflies and moths, 69% of species feed upon just a single family of plants. If you look at just tropical butterflies and moths found within 25 degrees of the equator, the figure rises to 83% (Forister et al. 2015). Herbivorous mammals, on the other hand, tend to be generalists, eating a wide variety of plants from numerous plant families. Snails, it turns out, have broad diets including a variety of plants from numerous plant families, making snails more like mammals than insects, at least in their diets.
Of course, there are exceptions. While most herbivorous mammals are generalists, two mammals are famous diet specialists. Can you think of them? Hint: one eats bamboo, the other eats Eucalyptus leaves. Did you come up with panda and koala? Good for you! Similarly, while most insects are diet specialists, sometimes we do hear about plagues of locusts that have broad diets, so they eat practically every green thing in sight.
Most plants make chemicals that are not directly involved in growth or other metabolic functions. Scientists call these chemicals secondary compounds. In fact, secondary compounds are responsible for many of the distinct aromas and tastes in the spices we rely upon to flavor our cooking. But why would plants bother making secondary compounds that don’t directly benefit the plant? The most common hypothesis for why plants make secondary compounds is to protect the plants from diseases or herbivores.
Herbivores have ways (e.g., enzymes) to detoxify or reduce the effects of plant chemical defenses. Herbivorous insects that specialize on a few related species of plants can, over evolutionary time, develop strategies that effectively detoxify the defenses of those plants. Sometimes co-evolution results, an ongoing process in which the plant will modify its secondary compound to be more toxic, then the insect will develop the ability to detoxify that, and so on. The plant’s arsenal of chemical defenses protects it from the vast majority of herbivorous insects, but not the insects that specialize on that particular plant group. For example, milkweed is fed on by only a very few insects, including monarch butterfly caterpillars, that have countered its defenses.
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Caterpillar eating leaf. Image by Krishna A. Gopala, from Wikimedia Commons.
In contrast to specialist insect herbivores, mammals tend to eat a wide variety of plant species. Consequently, mammals need general detoxification strategies that will protect them from a variety of plant secondary compounds. Thanks to detoxification enzymes located mostly in our livers and kidneys (Freeland & Janzen 1974), we can enjoy eating a wide variety of tasty plants without being poisoned.
Like herbivorous mammals, herbivorous snails also have general detoxification strategies, which might account for their large livers, where most of the detoxification occurs.
Now you know one way that snails are more like cows than insects: their diet!
Here is a joke about snails eating:
Two snails were munching a tasty salad made with a large number of different plants. One of the snails accidently dropped one of the exotic leaves from the salad. The other snail said, “You can still eat it, use the five-hour rule.”
Timothy A. Pearce is the head of the Section of Mollusks at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
Literature Cited
Forister, M.L., Novotny, V., Panorska, A.K., Baje, L., Basset, Y., Butterill, P.T., Cizek, L., Coley. P.D., Dem, F., Diniz, I.R., Drozd, P., Fox, M., Glassmire, A.E., Hazen, R., Hrcek, J., Jahner, J.P., Kaman, O, Kozubowski, T.J., Kursar, T.A., Lewis, O.T., Lill, J., Marquis, R.J., Miller, S.E., Morais, H.C., Murakami, M., Nickel, H., Pardikes, N.A., Ricklefs, R.E., Singer, M.S., Smilanich, A.M., Stireman, J.O., Villamarín-Cortez, S., Vodka, S., Volf, M., Wagner, D.L., Walla, T., Weiblen, G.D. & Dyer, L.A. 2015. Global insect herbivore diet breadth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(2):442-447; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1423042112
Freeland, W.J. & Janzen, D.H. 1974. Strategies in herbivory by mammals: the role of plant secondary compounds. American Naturalist, 108(961): 269-289.
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cristiano-reformado · 5 years ago
Yoel Kesep 15/11/2019
Muchos ateos me han preguntado: porque sigues al Dios cristiano, porque no sigues a los dioses Zeus o al dios Ganesha? porque de todas las religiones crees que el cristianismo es la religión verdadera?
Pues realmente yo sí creo en la religión cristiana y en su Dios pero no lo hago porque lo escogí de forma arbitraria, tampoco por seguir la tradición y continuar adorando al Dios que adoraba mi abuelita, la respuesta a la pregunta que me hacen los ateos es: creo en el cristianismo por la evidencia
Todos los dioses que inventaron las personas de culturas y civilizaciones antiguas eran dioses inter-universales es decir, se decía que vivían dentro del universo, actuaban y creaban dentro del tiempo, la ciencia ha refutado esas creencias y hoy todos sabemos que el politeísmo [1] es falso.
El Dios cristiano por el contrario es extra-universal, es decir, es trascendente y está fuera del universo, él es un Dios que antecede al tiempo, eso se conoce como monoteísmo [2] y si existe evidencia para ello [3]
Mientras libros como el Mahabharata, los Vedas, el Corán no tienen pruebas ni evidencias la biblia si las tiene, eso hace que el Dios y la religión cristiana puedan ser consideradas verdaderas y las demás falsas
Las personas de civilizaciones antiguas se habían inventado muchos dioses lo cual técnicamente se conoce como "politeísmo". Los politeístas en su ignorancia de cómo funciona la naturaleza pensaban que un ser dirigía cada fenómeno natural, pensaban que los rayos eran ocasionados por Zeus, que existía un dios que hacia fluir el agua de los mares, que Helios era el dios del sol etc como señalo Stephen Hawking:
"La ignorancia de la naturaleza llevó a las personas en la antigüedad a inventar dioses para enseñorearse de todos los aspectos de la vida humana" [4]
Todos esos dioses se suponía que vivían dentro del tiempo y se les asignaba un aspecto de la naturaleza pero todo ello quedo refutado por la ciencia, pero, que es la ciencia?
La ciencia es un método humano construido para a través de nuestros sentidos sensoriales explorar el entorno natural que nos rodea y explicarlo correctamente, gracias a la ciencia sabemos que cada fenómeno natural es producido por una causa natural y que no existen dioses encargados de los rayos, de hacer que hayan buenas cosechas, de hacer que orbiten las estrellas etc la ciencia se encargó de matar a esos dioses y de sepultar el politeísmo, como bien lo dijo Keightley:
"La ciencia arrasó altar tras altar erigido hasta ahora a los dioses desconocidos, y derribó a deidad tras deidad desde los pedestales sobre los cuales la ignorancia y la superstición los habían erigido" [5]
El politeísmo el cual creía que los fenómenos naturales estaban causados por la acción directa de entes etéreos y que dichos seres eran "dioses" solo es producto de la ignorancia de mentes primitivas que no conocían las operaciones de la naturaleza fenoménica
Algo que hemos aprendido acerca del universo es que el universo no es eterno, el universo no ha existido por siempre, gracias a la ciencia moderna a través de muchas líneas de evidencia se sabe que el universo tuvo un inicio [6]
Gracias en la relatividad general de Einstein [7] también se sabe que el tiempo tuvo un inicio, Stephen Hawking [8] George Ellis [9] y Roger Penrose [10] ampliaron las ecuaciones de la relatividad general para incluir el espacio y el tiempo y se demostró que no solo el espacio sino que también el tiempo tiene un comienzo, Hawking señalo:
"La conclusión de esta conferencia es que el universo no ha existido para siempre. Más bien, el universo, y el tiempo en sí, tuvieron un comienzo" [11]
Científicamente sabemos que el universo tuvo un inicio absoluto y por ello sabemos que A= El universo es contingente y por lo tanto no debe su existencia así mismo (ver Leibniz) B= El universo debe tener una causa aparte que le precedía y produjo su inicio (ver Locke) C= El número de causas no puede ir atrás hacia el infinito (ver la 3ra vía de Aquino) D= Debe haber una causa eterna que creo el universo (ver Clarke)
Razonablemente podemos deducir en base a la evidencia que existe una causa creadora eterna, pero además, al analizar esa causa creadora del universo comprendemos que tiene características como ser: amaterial (porque creo la materia) atemporal (porque creo el tiempo) poderoso (porque creo todo el universo) personal (porque decidió crear)
Ahora, un punto importante es que todas esas características de la causa creadora son los mismos atributos del Dios cristiano, el ex-ateo americano J. Wagner escribió:
"La causa última del universo debe ser en sí misma eterna y no causada y para que podamos evitar la búsqueda ilógica e interminable de una causa anterior. Si la causa del universo tenía la capacidad de decidir traer el universo a la existencia, esta causa es personal.... Dios se describe como un no causado, aespacial, atemporal, causa inmaterial y personal con un poder increíble. El Dios de la Biblia cumple con los criterios descritos por la ciencia" [12]
Los dioses politeístas eran dioses habitaban dentro del tiempo y que creaban y actuaban dentro de el, pero el Dios monoteísta es un Dios que antecede el tiempo, la ciencia refuto de una pincelada al politeísmo pero la ciencia respaldo la hipótesis de un Dios creador, Hugh Ross es un astrofísico canadiense, el obtuvo su licenciatura en Física por la Universidad de Columbia Británica [13] y obtuvo su doctorado en Astrofísica en la Universidad de Toronto [14] Ross era un ateo [15] pero ante la evidencia acepto que existe un creador, Ross dijo:
"Es esa teoría de la relatividad general la que predice que hay un comienzo para el universo.. no fui criado en un hogar cristiano pero cuando estudiaba las diferentes religiones del mundo, lo que noté es que las religiones no bíblicas enseñan que los dioses crean en el espacio y el tiempo.. pero con el Dios bíblico el universo no existe hasta que existe el espacio y el tiempo. Él [Dios] crea el espacio y el tiempo. Y así, como hombre joven, reconocí que gracias a los teoremas del espacio/tiempo, es el Dios de la Biblia quien creó el universo, no los dioses de las otras religiones del mundo" [16]
La biblia la cual es el texto sagrado del cristianismo tiene una serie interesante de evidencias
Por ejemplo, la biblia hablaba de los Hititas y no había evidencia de la existencia de esa cultura antigua pero posteriormente se descubrió evidencia arqueológica sobre ese pueblo antiguo y con ello la biblia quedo vindicada ya que tenía razón, el rey Sargón mencionado en la biblia se creía que era un personaje imaginario hasta que se descubrió evidencia de que en realidad el existió, de Pilato quien fue un romano importante el cual es mencionado en los evangelios se descubrió una inscripción en latín con su nombre, gracias a la arqueología sabemos que muchos lugares y personas mencionadas en la biblia en realidad si existieron, la biblia habla de personas concretas y lugares concretos dentro del espacio-tiempo, lugares y personas reales y no fantasías
Existen muchos libros arqueológicos escritos acerca de hallazgos que han confirmado la biblia, pueden descargar un pack aquí:
La biblia tiene respaldo de fuentes externas (en los materiales escritos de Heródoto, Plinio, Filón, Tácito etc hay referencias sobre cuestiones relacionadas al judeo-cristianismo) muchas evidencias históricas están a favor del cristianismo, existen varios libros en los cuales se detallan las evidencias de la biblia y el cristianismo, El Dr. Armando Alducin escribió un libro donde con diversos tipos de evidencias de distintas áreas científicas demuestra la validez de las escrituras y lo revelado en ellas, el libro fue titulado "Evidencias de la biblia" el cual pueden descargar aquí:
La biblia es confiable en su texto y la forma en que fue transmitido y además la historia respalda lo escrito en sus textos, también existen profecías que han sido cumplidas y existen otros puntos que demuestran que el cristianismo tiene evidencia para ser considerado como una religión verdadera, Josh McDowell un ex-agnóstico fue precisamente por la evidencia acerca de la biblia y de la religión cristiana que él se convirtió en un creyente, el escribió un libro titulado "Evidencia que exige un veredicto" donde de manera académica presenta una documentación de pruebas masivas en favor de la biblia y el cristianismo, el libro se puede descargar aquí:
A.E. Luce apologista de nacionalidad británica publicó una obra sistemática de defensa del conjunto de verdades de la fe, su obra fue titulada "Estudios de las evidencias Cristianas" lo pueden descargar aquí:
El filósofo Norman Geisler y el apologista Frank Turek escribieron un libro titulado "No tengo suficiente fe para ser un ateo" donde reúnen la evidencia para mostrar la existencia de Dios y la veracidad del cristianismo, el ex-ateo Philip Vander que estudio filosofía y política en Oxford dijo acerca del libro:
"Lo invito a leer "No tengo suficiente fe para ser ateo" de Norman L. Geisler y Frank Turek. Es un libro académico que expone con detalles masivos y muy interesantes la evidencia filosófica y científica de la existencia de Dios, así como la evidencia histórica y arqueológica de la fiabilidad y veracidad del Nuevo Testamento" [17]
El libro pueden descargarlo aquí:
Como bien lo señalo el apologista Pablo Santomauro:
"Si en realidad hay una religión que tiene sentido, donde hay evidencias o pruebas para apoyar los reclamos que predicamos (históricas, documentarias, arqueológicas, antropológicas, lingüísticas, etc.) es el cristianismo" [18]
Dios y el cristianismo tienen un caso acumulativo de pruebas y evidencias a su favor cosa que no sucede con el budismo, el hinduismo, el ecléctico y tardío islamismo ni cualquier otro "Ismo". El cristianismo tiene lo que otras cosmovisiones carece: evidencias
Es por eso que tanto Dios y el cristianismo pueden considerarse como verdad, y es por eso que incluso ex-ateos se han convertido al cristianismo como ser: Chesterton, Strobel, Parker, Smith, Bechly, Jobe, Ross etc
[1] La palabra politeísmo deriva del griego "poli" que significa muchos y "theos" que significa
"dios" así politeísmo significa "muchos dioses" para más ver:
[2] La palabra monoteísmo deriva del griego "mono" que significa único y "theos" que significa
"dios" así monoteísmo significa "un dios" para ver más:
[3] Para ver sobre las pruebas del monoteísmo y la falsedad del politeísmo ver el artículo: "Sobre monoteísmo y politeísmo" el cual puede descargarse aquí:
[4] Stephen Hawking y Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design, 2010 p 17
[5] Keightley citado en: Una súplica por el ateísmo, Charles Bradlaugh, edicion 1895
[6] Tres evidencias científicas son suficientes para demostrar que el universo tuvo un comienzo, Robert Jastrow astrónomo que fue director del Instituto Goddard para Estudios Espaciales en la NASA escribió:
"Ahora, tres líneas de evidencia (los movimientos de las galaxias, las leyes de la termodinámica, la historia de vida de las estrellas) apuntan a una conclusión; todos indicaron que el Universo tuvo un comienzo"
Jastrow, Robert , God and the Astronomers, 1978 p 111
[7] Para ver una introducción a la relatividad general acceder: https://plus.maths.org/content/what-general-relativity
[8] Hawking, SW 1966. Singularidades y la geometría del espacio-tiempo. Ensayo del Premio Adams, Universidad de Cambridge
[9] GFR Ellis, Hawking SW, 1968. La radiación cósmica del cuerpo negro y la existencia de singularidades en nuestro universo. Astrophysical Journal 152: 25-36
[10] Penrose, R. 1966. Un análisis de la estructura del espacio-tiempo. Ensayo del Premio Adams, Universidad de Cambridge
[11] El principio del tiempo, Stephen Hawking, ver online: http://www.hawking.org.uk/the-beginning-of-time.html
[12] J. Warner, Is God real? The case cosmology, December 31, 2018
[13] http://www.reasons.org/about/who-we-are/hugh-ross
[14] http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/theses/theses30-96.html
[15] Theology, Philosophy, and Science. 2014. Atheist Scientist Becomes Christian After Researching Evidence for God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsbj7EN1Uzs
[16] Hugh Ross citado en: Cómo Einstein ayudó a demostrar que Dios es el creador, Paul Strand, 20-08-2017
[17] Philip Vander Elst, From Atheism to Christianity: a Personal Journey
[18] Pablo Santomauro, ¿Es Jesús Dios en realidad? - Parte 2 EL JESUCRISTO HISTORICO
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brandonraykirk · 7 years ago
Albert Adkins, Ferryman of Ferrellsburg, WV (1910)
Albert Adkins, #Ferryman of #Ferrellsburg #LincolnCounty #WV (1910) #Appalachia #history
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General Bonds No. 1, page 20, Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, Hamlin, WV. Albert G. Adkins (1866-1952), son of Enos “Jake” and Lettie M. (Toney) Adkins, operated a ferry in Ferrellsburg, Lincoln County, WV. 
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General Bonds No. 1, page 20, Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, Hamlin, WV.
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General Bonds No. 1, page 20, Lincoln County Clerk’s Office, Hamlin, WV.
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sunny-day-sky · 6 years ago
How fitting that today is Best Friends Day, because I get to talk about some of my best friends on here (as prompted by my lovely anon)! So, here you are, cast as some of my favorite fictional characters! I put links so you can check out everyone’s character! So...
@pollypeaches​ : Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon because you’re sweet, adorable, and glamorous, and you spread love wherever you go! 💖
@amiedelabaisse​ : Violetta Valéry from La Traviata (Verdi), because you’re noble, loving, and gorgeous, and you have such a beautiful, kind, and wonderful spirit! 🌹
@prettypettypansexual​ : Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens), because you would do anything for the people you love, and you’re brilliant and amazing at what you do, even if sometimes you don’t get the credit you deserve! 🎨
@teascatsandsciences​ : Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena because you’re smart and cool, but you also have such a caring and kind side, and you would make an amazing prince! 🐱
@gooblchrob​ : Snow White from Once Upon a Time because you're so kind and full of goodness and light, and you believe in the power of positivity and love! 🎀
@terpsichorean-princess​ : Dounia Romanovna from Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky), because you're strong and smart and independent, but you also have so much passion and love inside you! 🎼
@over-milk-wood​ : Melody from Hunter X Hunter (Togashi), because music, but also because you're such a kind and lovely person who's always there to listen! 🎻
@jaylawheed​ : Juno from Roman mythology, because you’re elegant and powerful, and just a bit conniving! (in the best way) (also bc I know it was your Latin class persona, and it just fits you so well) 🔮
@wanttodrawmothsfrommemory​ : Pierre Bezhukov from War and Peace (Tolstoy) (or The Great Comet) because you’re a bit of a nerd, so kind and generous, and thoughtful and introspective! 🦋
@prouvaires-paintbrush​ : Terence, AKA A.E. Housman’s OC (there isn’t an article fully about him, because I pieced his character together from the entirety of A Shropshire Lad) because you’re beloved by your friends, in turn lighthearted and philosophical, and also, a darn good writer! 🖋
@lovethythrall​ : Ivan Karamazov from The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky) because you’re an intellectual (not an Intellectual™) who uses reason and philosophy to find their place in the world, and who would totally write a long poem about philosophy and existentialism like The Grand Inquisitor! 🦅
@s-keaton​ : Angelica Schuyler from Hamilton (not necessarily the real historical person) because you’re brilliant, charming, and passionate, and have a way with words, but you’re not afraid to smack down those who deserve it! 🐝
@macklesufficient​ : Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing because you’re smart and witty, with a strong character, and a loyal heart! (and also because Shakespeare) 🎭
@ujarunnop​ : Papageno from The Magic Flute (Mozart), because you’re fun and charming, but also warm and loving and helpful! (Also, I can totally see you in a basso buffo role!) 🎤
@decayingliberty​ : Marius Pontmercy from Les Misérables (the musical version, not the book version) because you’re good with words and languages, and are a bit introverted, but with a great capacity for love! 📚
@rubenesque-as-fuck​ : Brünhilde from The Ring Cycle (it has to be Wagner’s version) because you’re fierce and brave, with a tremendous capacity for love and compassion, and you do what needs to be done! 🌈
@the-melody-of-words​ : Pearl from Steven Universe, because you’re sweet and elegant, incredibly strong, and loving and kind to your friends! 🌸
@kazoomajor​ : Anita from West Side Story, because you’re passionate and fiery and stand up for what you believe in, are hardworking, and ultimately believe in the power of love! 💄
@clio-is-amused​ : Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy, because you love history and books, are super smart, and very capable! 💜
@pizza-snake​ : Shuri from Black Panther, because you’re brilliant, snarky, and a library of memes, and at the end of the day, all you want to do is help the people you love! 🦀
@coffeedyke​ : Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager, because you’re scrappy, brave, and strong, and have such a noble character and an unending capacity for love! (also, you have the same hair color) 💎
@enjolra-s : Valère from Tartuffe (Molière) because you’re a romantic (and Romantic) who cares deeply about his friends and believes in the power of hope and love! Also, I could totally see you rushing in at the last minute with some Vital News! 😇
@glitterfeyrac​ : Swanhilda from Coppélia (Delibes and Saint-Léon), because you’re whimsical and loving, but also a BADASS who gets stuff done, and who probably knows how to dance really well! ✨
@alluringwaters : Nora Helmer from A Doll’s House (Ibsen), because you’re sweet and charming, capable, strong, and able to do what needs to be done! 🌌
@apoliilo : Courfeyrac from Les Misérables (it’s my favorite novel; I gotta have two (2) representatives) because you’re warm, caring, generous, funny, and a little bit of a Meme! ☀️
@acynicandanidealist​ : Wash Washburne from Firefly, because you’re quirky and interesting and super cool, and have a good way with words! Also, I could see you keeping dinosaurs on your dashboard! 🤖
@montparnassee : Eugene Onegin from the Pushkin novel or the Tchaikovsky opera, because you're stylish, elegant, and a bit of a dandy! (but you don’t have his bad traits!) 🖤
@sailorgreywolf​ : Andriy Bulba from Taras Bulba (Gogol), because you’re passionate, brave, strong, and a believer in the power of love! 🏰
@the-march-hair​ : Carmen from Bizet’s Carmen, because you’re fiery and valiant, and you know what you want and how to get it! ✏️
@unclemoriarty​ : Young Marcel from In Search of Lost Time (Proust), because you’re curious, sweet, and smart, and you love reading and exploring the world around you! You’re also good with words! 📖
bonus, me : Waverly Earp from Wynonna Earp, because I’m super femme, super nerdy, super language-loving, and SUPER gay 💗❤️💋
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corkcitylibraries · 3 years ago
Echoes of our Past | May 20th 1922
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Meeting Falls Through Again
An already adjourned Cork Corporation meeting pertaining to proposed changes for the Cattle Market fell through again yesterday evening. At 7.05 pm Sir John Scott moved that Mr. Barry Egan take the chair. Another member suggested they wait ten minutes. At 7.15 pm Sir John again moved that Mr. Egan take the chair. Mr. Kelleher, “I move that we adjourn for a quarter of an hour”. Sir John said they had no power to adjourn. The City Solicitor said that when the roll is called, they could adjourn the meeting to any time they liked. A member, “give them a quarter of an hour”. Sir John, “I didn’t get my dinner yet”. Mr. Allen, “dinner first and the public after”. Sir John, “that’s where Councillor Allen comes in”. Mr. O’Leary then proposed that Mr. Egan take the chair. This was seconded and adopted. The roll was then called and only 29 answered with a quorum requiring 38. There was an adjournment for another quarter of an hour but only Mr. Gamble came in and the meeting was again adjourned. Alderman O’Sullivan said before they parted, they should register their protest at the attitude of the absentees on a matter of such importance. Mr. Allen said Alderman Kenneally was working nights and Mr. Day had to attend an important Union meeting. Some others were in Dublin.
Large Pan of Fat Catches Fire
Shortly after half-past 12 yesterday, fire broke out at Mr. Mackesy’s restaurant in Market Avenue, off Oliver Plunkett Street. Huge quantities of smoke billowed from the windows when a large pan of fat in the kitchen caught fire. A telephone message was quickly sent to the Fire Brigade who were soon on the scene. In the meantime, Mr. Mackesy carried a chemical extinguisher in from the restaurant to the kitchen and, with this, and another large one brought by the Fire Brigade the outbreak was checked and extinguished. Beyond the scorching and discolouring of the ceiling very little damage was done. The outbreak attracted a large number of onlookers. 
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Band Equipment has Deteriorated
The equipment of the Butter Exchange Band has greatly deteriorated in the recent troubled years and its financial position is serious. Music supplied by the band is always and ever a pleasure and appreciated by Cork’s citizens and the band has given long and faithful service and been ever ready in the cause of charity. A band promenade will take place on Sunday at Fitzgerald’s Park at 4 pm at which the Exchange hope to raise funds. An excellent programme has been arranged featuring Shandon Bells, Crown Diamonds, Hearts and Flowers, Bohemian Girl, Erin go Bragh, a selection from Wagner and a Balfe Waltz. The conductor will be A.E. Ogden. The I.R.A. Pipers’ Band will play, The Little House on the Hill, Kilkenny, The Old Rustic Bridge, My Love She’s But a Lassie Yet, Buckley’s Reel and The Harp That Once. The Christian Brothers’ Boys will also play, and the reels and hornpipes will be danced by Madge Cix, Pidgie O’Brien, Mary K. O’Brien, P. Twomey, J. Healy and P. Reilly. 
This Week and Next at the Palace
There should be a crowded house to-night at the Palace Theatre for the closing performances of this week’s very attractive programme which featured Duncan & Atkins, Don Ealen and Joe and Jack. In addition, a splendid series of pictures is on show of last Sunday’s great All-Ireland Hurling Final in which Cork were beaten by Dublin. Variety is the keynote in next week’s programme. It will feature comedian Jack Byrne, dainty artistes Nina and Nora, unusual acrobat Percy Val and musical entertainers Les Bon Bons. Also featuring - “Around the Town” and Gaumont Graphics.
Last Sunday’s All-Ireland
They came trooping to Croke Park last Sunday. Endless streams of men and a big sprinkling of fair colleens with the soft touch of the south wind in their handsome, happy, slightly assertive faces. Cork’s fine pipe band was filed in at 2.20 pm to a rapidly filling arena quickly followed by the forty strong Brass and Reed Band of Dublin Transport. The pipers struck out bravely and the sun shone down on the heartening scene. Packed stands and embankments rose to the martial musicians – statesmen, soldiers, clergy, doctors, businessmen and tens of thousands of the country’s fine peasants and city workers were all here to applaud the auspicious opening. Led by big Dick O’Gorman of Midleton, the red jersied Corkonians appeared at 2.45. A wiry bunch of men, some such as Con Sheehan, were heroes of a hundred fights, others, like young Ring of St. Finbarr’s and Coughlan of Blackrock, taking All-Ireland battle thrills for the first time. Five minutes before the hour the Dublin team appeared. Swarthy, strongly built, smiling. Old Bob Mockler led them. They were more muscular than Cork’s team and looked quietly sanguine. Tony McGrath of Clare took charge and the contest for the highest honours in our Great National game commenced. (This was the delayed 1920 final which Dublin won 4-9 to 4-3. None of Dublin’s players was born in Dublin).
Farming Opportunities for Ex-R.I.C.
The Agent-General for Ontario has confirmed that arrangements have been made to guarantee employment on Ontario farms to a certain number of single ex-R.I.C. men who have farm experience. A number are proceeding to Ontario at the end of the month and the Agent-General will continue to consider applications. Meanwhile, in Tipperary, four retired constables have received notices purporting to be from I.R.A. authorities to leave. In three cases three days’ notice has been given and one of these includes the ex-constable’s wife and family. In the fourth case a month’s notice is given.
Negro Burned to Ashes
Texarkana, Texas – A mob here to-day battered down the door of the local gaol and seized a negro who had shot and killed a white man. They tied a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets until he died from strangulation. After which they built a funeral pyre and burned the body to ashes. (Reuter)
Women’s British Open Champion
Joyce Wethered, 20, won the women’s Open Golf Championship at Sandwich yesterday beating Cecil Leitch in an astonishing tournament. Leith held the title since 1914 and this was only Wethered’s second time competing. A tall, slim figure displaying little animation, she played superb golf.
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haab-blog · 5 years ago
Commercial Interiors
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Commercial Interiors
Out of Stock
640 pages • English size : 230 x 300mm • hard cover • color ISBN: 978-988-19738-2-5 pub: Design Media Publishing Ltd
TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICE 006. Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP – Paris 012. Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP – Los Angeles 018. Manchester Square 024. Jamba Juice Support Center 030. Gummo Advertising Agency 036. Larchmont Office 042. New Google Meeting Room 046. Baroda Ventures 052. Office Herengracht 433, All Capital 058. Saatchi + Saatchi LA 064. Office Lab 068. Turner Duckworth Offices 072. The Information Box 076. FOX Latin America Channel Base Offices 082. China Everbright Limited (CEL) 088. Ernst & Young University 094. An international firm – Shenzhen branch 100. Chengdu Sales Office 106. Machiya Office 110. City Year Headquarters for Idealism 116. Çağdaş Holding Office 120. MEINL BANK 124. DITTEL – Architekten 128. Headquarters Expansion 134. The LG Air–Conditioner Academy 138. DING PU HI-TECH SQUARE 144. TIC
RESTAURANT 148. Shiyuan restaurant 154. Maedaya Bar 158. Adour Alain Ducasse 164. Adour at The St. Regis Washington, D.C. 168. Dos Caminos 174. Matsuhisa 180. Wildwood Barbeque 186. Tiandi Yijia – Restaurant 192. BEI – ASIAN RESTAURANT 198. Sureno (Mediterranean Restaurant) 204. Cityscape Restaurant 210. NEVY 216. Vengeplus Capacity 222. SEVVA Restaurant 228. BRAND STEAKHOUSE 232. Inamo 236. “pearls & caviar” 242. Lido 248. VLET Restaurant 252. Chocolate Soup Café 256. Mc Donalds Urban Living Prototype 260. Oth Sombath Restaurant 266. Restaurant Alain Ducasse 270. Leggenda Ice Cream and Yogurt 274. Rosso Restaurant 278. VYTA – Boulangerie 282. EL JAPONEZ 286. TCharcoal BBQ 3692 292. Le Square Restaurant 298. SKY 21
HOTEL 302. Kush 222 306. Chambers MN 312. Carbon Hotel 318. The Dominican Hotel 324. The Dominican Hotel 330. Jeronimos Hotel 336. The Levante Parliament 342. CitizenM Hotel 348. Murmuri Hotel 354. Hotel Sezz 358. The George Hotel 364. Villa Florence Hotel 370. JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong 374. Hotel Pirámides Narvarte 378. Mövenpick Airport Hotel 382. The Library 388. X2 Koh Samui
CULTURE 394. THURLES ARTS CENTRE AND LIBRARY 400. A.E. Smith High School Library 404. Wagner Middle School Library 408. Ps 11r Primary School Library 414. The Danish Jewish Museum 418. Museum 424. New Acropolis Museum 428. The Art Institute of Chicago – The Modern Wing, Chicago 432. The Arts of Asia Gallery, Auckland 436. That’s Opera 442. Bachhaus Eisenach 446. Multikino Szczecinl 450. Blue Room Theatre at Chesapeake 454. Ordrup School 460. Medical Faculty, University of Groningen
FITNESS CENTRE 464. Chesapeake Fitness Centre, East Addition 468. 14 Street Y Renovation 638. INDEX 472. Y+ YOGA CENTRE
EXHIBITION 476. Breaking New Ground 480. Butterflies + Plants 484. Fuji Xerox Epicenters 488. Stylecraft Showroom 492. Bernhardt Design Showroom 496. BRANCH in Changchun 500. FlatFlat in Harajuku 504. homeculture 508. GRAFTWORLD-Exhibition in the Aedes Gallery 512. Moonraker 518. Internorm Flagshipstore 522. Heaven
STORE 526. Tesla Store 530. ProNature 534. Adour at The St. Regis Washington, D.C. 538. Barbie Shanghai 544. WEEKDAY MALMÖ 550. Monki Stockholm 554. MONKI 1: FORGOTTEN FOREST 558. LEVI’S BB Barcelona Summer 562. Forum Duisburg 566. Sexta Avenida 570. Celebrity Solstice 574. Gourmet 578. Only Glass 582. Rocawear Mobile RocPopShop 586. SENSORA 590. UHA Mikakuto 594. O2 598. Lefel the whispering world 602. NIKE AIRMAX 360 EXHIBITION 606. Kymyka shoes and bags, Maastricht 610. Offspring Camden 614. Sabateria Sant Josep 618. The Eyecare Company 624. FeiLiu Fine Jewellery 628. Couronne 632. VAID Ginza
638. INDEX Likes: 9 Viewed:
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pharmaphorumuk · 6 years ago
Parallel Trade for Pharma: Addressing Competition law and FMD challenges
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Highly Anticipated Agenda Released for Europe’s Only Parallel Trade Conference | 5 – 6 February 2019
SMi Group is proud to announce the return of Europe’s only Parallel Trade event conference, returning to Central London on 5th & 6th February 2019. The meeting will gather 90+ senior leaders in parallel trade to discuss upcoming trends and share best practices.
The 2019 event will hold a particular place of significance due to Brexit and the UK officially leaving the EU on the 29th of March 2019. As such, the UK will no longer be part of the EU free market; hence, having a significant impact on parallel trade.
Furthermore, the FMD (Falsified Medicines Directive) will be coming into effect in February 2019. This conference will give companies affected the perfect opportunity to discuss and consider the impact that the FMD implementation will have on their practices and on the market.
The 2019 Parallel Trade conference will cover the important issues of:
Patient safety
Brexit’s impact on parallel trade
The falsified medicines directive
The supply chain and shortages
The legal aspects of parallel trade within IP, anti-trust and competition law
This conference will enable you to update on parallel trade regulations to ensure compliance, recap on regional markets’ parallel trade activities and outlooks and reassess and benchmark your supply chain and distribution model against peers for best practice.
2019 industry experts include:
Miranda Cole, Partner, Covington & Burling
Nerea Blanque, Senior Global Market Access & Pricing Manager, Almirall
Felipe Florez-Arango, CFO, Allergan
John Lisman, Attorney Consultant, Trainer, Lisman Legal Life Sciences B.V.
Shabnam Hanassab, Engagement Manager, IQVIA
Farasat A.S. Bokhari, Senior Lecturer, University of East Anglia
Flemming Wagner, CEO, Covington & Burling
Heinz Kobelt, Director European Affairs, European Association of Euro-Pharmaceuticals Companies
Antonio Mendonca Alves, CEO, MD Pharma
Vimal Unewal, Senior Manager in Market Supply, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Mike Isles, Executive Director, European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines
Iona McCall, Senior Vice President, AlixPartners
Martin Slegl, Regional Principal of East Europe, IQVIA
Maarten Van Baelen, Market Access Director, Medicines for Europe
Christopher Stothers, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Parallel Trade 2019 will also be accompanied by two exclusive post- conference workshops, running on 4th February 2019:
A: Parallel Trade & Brexit. What to expect? Led by Key Pharmaceuticals Ltd
B: Understanding IP, regulatory & competition law issues in pharmaceuticals parallel trade
Led by Arnold & Porter LLP
  For more information about the must-attend meeting please visit: www.parallel-trade.com/Pr1pharmaph
For those interested in registering, there is currently a £200 early bird discount available for all registrations made before 30th November 2018.
For media enquiries please contact Jinna Sidhu on +44 20 7827 6088 or email [email protected]
  13th Annual Parallel Trade
5th – 6th February 2019
Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, London, UK
—- ENDS —-
About SMi Group: Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world’s most forward-thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at http://www.smi-online.co.uk
  The post Parallel Trade for Pharma: Addressing Competition law and FMD challenges appeared first on Pharmaphorum.
from Pharmaphorum https://pharmaphorum.com/partner-content/parallel-trade-for-pharma-addressing-competition-law-and-fmd-challenges/
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calorieworkouts · 6 years ago
26 Healthy Habits That Really Aren`t So Healthy
From magazine headlines to smart words from our mother, we're frequently pestered with 'ideas' to maintain our wellness in check. Before sinking in diet regimen soft drink as well as daily showers, reassess some of these habits that may be doing even more injury than help.
Foods and Eating Habits:
1. Enhanced water. A little faux fruity taste could appear like a fantastic way to up WATER consumption, but flavored water, like Vitamin Water or even Smart Water, could be filled up with sugar. Miss the synthetically sweetened water as well as instill water with actual fruit. 2. Granola and granola bars. Granola is made from entire grains, so it can not be bad? Not so quickly. Granola and granola bars are both calorically thick and also frequently have a lots of sugar. You could too eat a sweet bar ... 3. Protein bars. Healthy protein bars do not fall much from the granola-bar-tree. They are usually ultra-high in calories and also sugar-not exactly just what the body requires after a tough workout. Choose a healthier high-protein snack instead. 4. Vitamins and supplements. Multiple studies have revealed that taking vitamins (in pill type) could not have any kind of favorable result on lasting health and wellness. Researchers have actually checked the nonexistent (and even potentially unsafe) connections of vitamin E as well as C supplements with heart disease, cancer, and also cancer treatment Vitamin C annoys the cytotoxic results of antineoplastic medicines. Heaney, M.L., Gardner, J.R., Karasavvas, N., et al. Departments of Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology and also Chemistry, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. Cancer cells Research, 2008 Oct 1,68(19):8031 -8. SELECT: the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer cells Avoidance Test: reasoning as well as design. Klein, E.A., Thompson, I.M., Lippman, S.M., et al. Section of Urologic Oncology, Division of Urology, Cleveland Facility Structure, Cleveland, Ohio. Prostate Cancer cells as well as Prostatic Diseases, 2000 Nov,3(3):145 -151. Vitamins E as well as C in the avoidance of cardiovascular illness in males: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial. Sesso, H.D., Buring, J.E., Christen, W.G. Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham as well as Women's Medical facility, 900 Republic Ave E, Boston, MA. Journal of the American Medical Organization, 2008 Nov 12,300(18):2123 -33. Epub 2008 Nov 9. . Plus, lots of people get all the vitamins they require from their food, as well as substituting tablets for entire foods might suggest missing out on out on the gain from various other substances found in the all-natural sources. 5. Light beer. News flash: Light-beer does not necessarily indicate much less calories. Rather, several just have a lower alcohol content. And also for those thinking about getting a buzz on, the calorie distinction could be negated by the demand to drink even more. Drink a much healthier beer rather, and also split up the six-pack in between buddies. 6. "Low-fat" foods. Hesitate prior to missing the fat-filled salmon. While reducing some fat can aid weight management, we might miss out on some large take advantage of healthy omega-3 fats, such as increasing mental capacity and also reducing the danger of heart illness Effects of a behavioral fat burning program emphasizing calorie restriction versus calorie plus fat limitation in obese people with NIDDM or a family members record of diabetes mellitus. Pascale, R.W., Wing. R.R., Butler, B.A., et al. Diabetes Treatment, 1995 Sep,18(9):1241 -8. Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and also DHA: health and wellness benefits throughout life. Swanson, D., Block, R., Mousa, S.A. Drug Study Institute, Albany College of Drug store and also Health Sciences, Rensselaer, NY. Advancements In Nourishment, 2012 Jan,3(1):1 -7. Epub 2012 Jan 5. Fatty fish, marine omega-3 fats and also occurrence of cardiac arrest. Levitan, E.B., Wolk, A., Mittleman, M.A. Department of Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, College of Public Health and wellness, Birmingham, AL. European Journal of Professional Nutrition, 2010 Jun,64(6):587 -94. Epub 2010 Mar 24. . 7. Skipping meals. Skipping meals probably won't conserve us any kind of calories in the long run. Passing up a meal might result in overindulging later on, so choose a much healthier lunch treat rather Obesity-related eating actions are associated with reduced exercise and also bad diet regimen top quality in Spain. Mesas, A.E., Guallar-Castillon, P., Leon-Munoz, L.M., et al. Department of Preventive Medication and also Public Health, Institution of Medication, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/IdiPAZ-CIBER in Public health and Public Health and wellness (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012 Jul,142(7):1321 -8. Epub 2012 May 23. Breakfast missing as well as health-compromising actions in adolescents and also adults. Keski-Rahkonen, A., Kaprio, J., Rissanen, A., et al. Department of Public Wellness, PO Box 41, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland. European Journal of Medical Nourishment, 2003 Jul,57(7):842 -53. Dieting as well as unhealthy weight control habits during teenage years: associations with 10-year changes in body mass index. Neumark-Sztainer, D., Wall, M., Story, M., et al. Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, Institution of Public Wellness, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Journal of Teen Health and wellness, 2012 Jan,50(1):80 -6. Epub 2011 Jun 25. . 8. Bottled water. Some bottled water could be filled with microorganisms or chemicals when bottled in plastic containers Removal of picked pharmaceuticals and also personal treatment products (PPCPs) and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during sand filtering and also ozonation at a community sewage therapy plant. Nakada, N., Shinohara, H., Murata, A., et al. Lab of Organic Geochemistry, Institute of Symbiotic Scientific research and also Technology, Tokyo College of Agriculture and Modern technology, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan. Water Research, 2007 Nov,41(19):4373 -82. Epub 2007 Jun 21. Endocrine disruptors in bottled mineral water: complete estrogenic worry as well as movement from plastic bottles. Wagner, M., Oehlmann, J. Division of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Siesmayerstr. 70 A, 60054, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Environmental Scientific research and Pollution Research International, 2009 May,16(3):278 -86. So get a water filter and also purify faucet water rather. 9. Passing on dessert. Don't refute your favorite dessert. If really craving that double delicious chocolate brownie, appreciate a few charitable attacks as opposed to choosing secs at the supper buffet line-which might rack up a lot more calories. 10. Diet soda. Diet plan Dr. Pepper may not be our pal. Researchers suggest way too much of these zero-cal refreshments can do as much damages as the sweet things, potentially resulting in weight gain and also an irrepressible craving for sweets Altered processing of pleasant preference in the mind of diet regimen soda drinkers. Eco-friendly, E., Murphy, C.San Diego State University/University of The golden state San Diego, Joint Doctoral Program in Scientific Psychology, San Diego, CA. Physiology and also Habits, 2012 May 11. [Epub ahead of print] Gain weight by 'going diet plan?' Synthetic sweeteners and also the neurobiology of sugar desires. Yang, Q. Yale Journal of Biology and Medication, June, 83(2): 101-108. The option? Miss the soda completely as well as pick a healthier selection. 11. Juice diets. A lot of us can utilize a few more fruits and also veggies, however we do not require to have spinach-apple juice for morning meal, lunch, and dinner. Juice diets could exclude vital nutrients and also sufficient calories to remain solid throughout the day. 12. Microwave diet meals. Try making your own meals, without the box and also frozen plastic tray. Several frozen dishes are loaded with sodium, while doing not have veggies as well as adequate calories. Short on schedule? Make a large batch of your favorite meal over the weekend break and freeze specific sections to consume throughout the week.
Hygiene and Health
13. Hot tubs. They may be extremely relaxing, yet hot tubs are a one-stop buy germs as well as bacteria, as well as may also trigger a rash. Gross. 14. Antibacterial soap. It may not be worth rubbing with the elegant things: Regular soap and also water is just as useful when it concerns remaining squeaky clean National and also regional assessment of the antibacterial soap market: an action toward identifying the effect of widespread anti-bacterial soaps. Perencevich, E.N., Wong, M.T., Harris, A.D. Division of Medicine, Department of Transmittable Conditions, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Facility, Boston, MA. American Journal of Infection and also Control, 2001 Oct,29(5):281 -3. . 15. Brushing right after every meal. Merely 'cause dessert was fed on does not imply we need to grab the toothbrush and also paste. Wait at the very least HALF AN HOUR after a meal so spit can neutralize the acid in the mouth and reinforce the enamel on those chompers. 16. Avoiding the sun. While too much sunlight might cause a nasty burn (or worse!) avoiding the sunlight in any way costs could bring about a lack of Vitamin D which is important for correct muscular tissue as well as bone advancement Vitamin D shortage: a worldwide issue with health and wellness effects. Holick, M.F., Chen, T.C. Department of Medicine, Boston College School of Medication, Boston, MA. 2008 Apr,87(4):1080 S-6S. . 17. Daily showers. Stop the scrubbing! Hopping in the shower too often might aggravate as well as dry skin. If you really need to refresh up, spray on some perfume or fragrance as well as conserve the shower 'till tomorrow. 18. Catching up on sleep. We're sorry to damage it to you, but it's rather complicated to capture up on rest. Rather compared to skimping on sleep in order to cash them in later on, purpose for a strong 7 to nine hrs a night. 19. Sitting up straight. Yeah, we're surprised too. Staying up directly may be bad for the back, so miss the seat and try a standing workdesk at the workplace What do physio therapists take into consideration to be the very best seateding spinal position? O'Sullivan, K., O'Sullivan, P., O'Sullivan, L. University of Limerick, HS2-025, Health and wellness Sciences Building, Limerick, Ireland. Guidebook Treatment, Man Ther. 2012 May 16. [Epub in advance of print] Association in between sitting and also job-related LBP. Lis, A.M., Black, K.M., Korn, H., et al. Job-related and also Industrial Orthopaedic Center, New york city, NY. European Spinal column Journal, 2007 Feb,16(2):283 -98. Epub 2006 May 31. . 20. Cleaning with sanitizing products. There's some proof that particular chemicals in disinfecting items can bring about asthma Quaternary ammonium substances and occupational bronchial asthma. Purohit, A., Kopferschmitt-Kubler, M.C., Moreau, C., et al. Solution de Pneumologie, Hôpital Lyautey, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France. International Archives of Occupational as well as Environmental Wellness, 2000 Aug,73(6):423 -7. Disinfectant usage as a risk variable for atopic sensitization as well as signs constant with breathing problem: an epidemiological study. Preller, L., Doekes, G., Heederik, D., et al. Dept. of Epidemiology and also Public Health, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. The European Respiratory Journal, 1996 Jul,9(7):1407 -13. . Merely use a normal cleaning product or cleaning agent without the chemicals instead.
Working Out
21. Only doing cardio. Hitting the roadways is great and also all, but don't retire the weights for the operating shoes. Ensure to strength train to shed fat, lean out, as well as look badass at the same time. 22. Doing a million crunches. The secret to six-pack abdominals probably isn't crisis after crunch. To squash out and condition the core, try running some intervals, lifting a couple of weights, as well as cleansing up that diet rather. 23. Breathing deeply through the chest. Whether running the final lap or heading down the basketball court, prevent deep breathing with the chest. For a most efficient breath to assist any type of athlete's performance, keep in mind to make use of the diaphragm! 24. Static extending pre workout. When warming up, fixed stretching (aka holding positions for a specific length of time) won't do a lot in way of protecting against pain Effects of stretching in the past as well as after exercising on muscle mass pain and threat of injury: systematic testimonial. Herbert, R.D., Gabriel, M. Institution of Physical rehabilitation, University of Sydney, Lidcombe, New South Wales 1825, Australia. British Medical Journal, 2002 Aug 31,325(7362):468. . Avoid the still motions and do vibrant stretches, like lunges and high knees, instead The effects of two extending protocols on the reactive strength index in women football and rugby gamers. Werstein, K.M., Lund, R.J. Department of Kinesiology, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research study, 2012 Jun,26(6):1564 -7. . 25. Lifting machines. Most training machines concentrate on single joint exercises, which cannot boost muscular tissue imbalance and does not melt as several calories as striking the squat rack or turning a kettlebell. 26. Hitting the gym daily. Don't obtain us incorrect, exercise is necessary! Investing too much time at the health club leaves little time for muscles-and the mind-to recuperate. Make sure to get a minimum of one or two days of rest, and also dominate those pinheads the remainder of the week. Additional research study by Kelly Fitzpatrick.
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giuseppenoc · 6 years ago
Bilderberg 2018 Turín - Italia
Un Nuevo artículo ha sido publicado en https://web2meet.net/bilderberg-2018-turin-italia/
Bilderberg 2018 Turín - Italia
El Club Bilderberg 2018
Realizará su reunión anual entre el 7 y el 10 de junio en Turín, Italia. Entre los participantes de este año se encuentran: el ex secretario de Estado de los EEUU, Henry Kissinger; el rey Guillermo de Holanda; el Secretario General de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg; miembros de juntas directivas de Google y Facebook; presidentes de corporaciones petroleras (Shell, British Petroleum, Total); primeros ministros; presidentes de bancos internacionales (Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Santander, Lazard, KBC); el presidente del Foro Económico Mundial de Davos; ex-directores de la CIA y del servicio de inteligencia MI6 británico; el director de la UNESCO, CEO’s de medios de comunicación globales (Turner, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Economist, Bloomberg, PRISA).
Por primera vez en 66 años, fue invitado el Secretario de Estado del Vaticano, el cardenal Pietro Parolin.
En total serán 128 participantes de 23 países.
Agenda de 12 temas:
El populismo en Europa: la amenaza de gobiernos «populistas» en Europa a las intenciones de Bilderberg.
El desafío de la inequidad: invitado especial, el Vaticano.
El futuro del trabajo: se hablará de la robotización
Inteligencia Artificial: uso de esta tecnología en lo civil y en lo militar (a cargo de la empresa Google Deep Mind)
EEUU ante las elecciones de medio término: En noviembre de 2018 se realizarán las elecciones legislativas para remplazar la Cámara de Representantes y un tercio del Senado norteamericanos. Para la élite liberal-financiera será una oportunidad crucial para intentar restarle poder a Donald Trump.
El libre comercio: En el nuevo mundo de Trump y el brexit, la emergencia de los proteccionismos y nacionalismos.
El liderazgo mundial de los EEUU
Computación Cuántica: es el nuevo paradigma de computación distinto al de la computación clásica basada en el binarismo de unos y ceros.
Arabia Saudita e Irán: El enfrentamiento entre estos dos países podría devenir en la próxima gran guerra en Medio Oriente.
El mundo de la “posverdad”: Tema que comenzó a ser estudiado cuando la emergencia de las redes sociales posibilitó la multiplicación de sitios, blogs y portales alternativos que rompieron el cerco mediático tradicional.
“Acontecimientos actuales”: Espacio para el debate de temas misceláneos que siempre tienen su lugar en la agenda de Bilderberg.
  Lista completa de participantes a Bildeberg 2018:
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Institut Montaigne
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Treasurer, Bilderberg Meetings.
Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group.
Alesina, Alberto (ITA), Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Economics, Harvard University.
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore.
Amorim, Paula (PRT), Chairman, Américo Amorim Group.
Anglade, Dominique (CAN), Deputy Premier of Quebec; Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation.
Applebaum, Anne (POL), Columnist, Washington Post; Professor of Practice, London School of Economics.
Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNESCO.
Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), President, Temaris & Associés.
Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Former President, European Commission.
Beerli, Christine (CHE), Former Vice-President, International Committee of the Red Cross.
Berx, Cathy (BEL), Governor, Province of Antwerp.
Beurden, Ben van (NLD), CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
Blanquer, Jean-Michel (FRA), Minister of National Education, Youth and Community Life.
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chairman, Banco Santander.
Bouverot, Anne (FRA), Board Member; Former CEO, Morpho.
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA.
Brende, Borge (INT), President, World Economic Forum.
Brennan, Eamonn (IRL), Director General, Eurocontrol.
Brnabic, Ana (SRB), Prime Minister.
Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Burwell, Sylvia M. (USA), President, American University.
Caracciolo, Lucio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, Limes.
Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England.
Cattaneo, Elena (ITA), Director, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, University of Milan.
Cazeneuve, Bernard (FRA), Partner, August Debouzy; Former Prime Minister.
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, El País.
Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of International Trade.
Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc.  <<<—Google.
Colao, Vittorio (ITA), CEO, Vodafone Group.
Cook, Charles (USA), Political Analyst, The Cook Political Report.
Dagdeviren, Canan (TUR), Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab.
Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform.
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE.
Ecker, Andrea (AUT), Secretary General, Office Federal President of Austria.
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE.
Fallows, James (USA), Writer and Journalist.
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA.
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Fischer, Stanley (USA), Former Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve; Former Governor, Bank of Israel.
Gilvary, Brian (GBR), Group CFO, BP plc.
Goldstein, Rebecca (USA), Visiting Professor, New York University.
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV.
Hajdarowicz, Greg (POL), Founder and President, Gremi International Sarl.
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University.
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind.
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner.
Helgesen, Vidar (NOR), Ambassador for the Ocean.
Herlin, Antti (FIN), Chairman, KONE Corporation.
Hickenlooper, John (USA), Governor of Colorado.
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC.
Hodgson, Christine (GBR), Chairman, Capgemini UK plc.
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners.
Horowitz, Michael C. (USA), Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania.
Hwang, Tim (USA), Director, Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative.
Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference.
Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard.
Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies.
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc..
Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), CEO, NEOM.
Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank.
Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S..
Köcher, Renate (DEU), Managing Director, Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University.
Kragic, Danica (SWE), Professor, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH.
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR.
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; President, American Friends of Bilderberg.
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group.
Lepomäki, Elina (FIN), MP, National Coalition Party.
Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Federal Minster of Defence.
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group.
Makan, Divesh (USA), CEO, ICONIQ Capital.
Mazzucato, Mariana (ITA), Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University College London.
Mead, Walter Russell (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute.
Michel, Charles (BEL), Prime Minister.
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP.
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist.
Mitsotakis, Kyriakos (GRC), President, New Democracy Party.
Mota, Isabel (PRT), President, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Moyo, Dambisa F. (USA), Global Economist and Author.
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates.
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD).
Neven, Hartmut (USA), Director of Engineering, Google Inc..
Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal.
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C..
O’Neill, Onora (GBR), Emeritus Honorary Professor in Philosophy, University of Cambridge.
Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard.
Özkan, Behlül (TUR), Associate Professor in International Relations, Marmara University.
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Company S.A..
Parolin, H.E. Pietro (VAT), Cardinal and Secretary of State <<<— VATICANO.
Patino, Bruno (FRA), Chief Content Officer, Arte France TV.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute.
Pichette, Patrick (CAN), General Partner, iNovia Capital.
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Total S.A.
Pring, Benjamin (USA), Co-Founder and Managing Director, Center for the Future of Work.
Rankka, Maria (SWE), CEO, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.
Ratas, Jüri (EST), Prime Minister.
Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), MP; Former Minister of Health.
Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party.
Rossi, Salvatore (ITA), Senior Deputy Governor, Bank of Italy.
Rubesa, Baiba A. (LVA), CEO, RB Rail AS.
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary.
Rudd, Amber (GBR), MP; Former Secretary of State, Home Department.
Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister.
Sabia, Michael (CAN), President and CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.
Sadjadpour, Karim (USA), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Sáenz de Santamaría, Soraya (ESP), Deputy Prime Minister.
Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners.
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy.
Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor.
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue.
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland.
Simsek, Mehmet (TUR), Deputy Prime Minister.
Skartveit, Hanne (NOR), Political Editor, Verdens Gang.
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO.
Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University.
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital.
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S.
Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation.
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB.
Woods, Ngaire (GBR), Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University.
Yetkin, Murat (TUR), Editor-in-chief, Hürriyet Daily News.
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International.
0 notes
investmart007 · 7 years ago
PHOENIX  | Draft decisions to have huge impact on 2018-19 hoops season
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/FSccmh
PHOENIX  | Draft decisions to have huge impact on 2018-19 hoops season
PHOENIX  — The deadline for college players to withdraw from the NBA draft has a widespread impact, from the individuals involved to their families to the teams who may select them in June.
The decisions made on or just before Wednesday’s deadline also will have a lasting effect on the 2018-19 college basketball season. Teams losing key players will have to find replacements, possibly ending up in rebuilding mode. Teams who get their stars back will be eyeing NCAA Tournament runs.
A rundown of how some of the top teams fared at the NBA draft deadline:
AUBURN. Not only did coach Bruce Pearl pull together one of the nation’s top recruiting classes despite the program being caught up in an FBI investigation, he will have three of his top underclassmen back. Bryce Brown, Jared Harper and Austin Wiley all opted to withdraw from the draft, possibly putting the Tigers in position to contend for an SEC title.
NORTH CAROLINA. Luke Maye, an AP third-team All-American, decided to come back after testing the NBA waters, giving the Tar Heels three returning starters to go with the program’s best recruiting class in years. He averaged 16.9 points and 10.1 rebounds last season.
GONZAGA. The Zags could have been in a tough spot if Rui Hachimura, Killian Tillie and Zach Norvell had all decided to leave early. All three are back, putting Gonzaga in position for another deep NCAA Tournament run.
PURDUE. The Boilermakers lost four key seniors, but the return of Carsen Edwards, a Big Ten player of the year candidate, and Nojel Eastern leave them in good shape for 2018-19.
FLORIDA. The Gators faced the prospect of losing their leading scorer from last season when Jalen Hudson declared for the draft. He didn’t hire an agent and announced Tuesday he is coming back for his senior season, which should help Florida remain competitive in the SEC.
MICHIGAN. Charles Matthews’ decision to pull out of the draft and return to Ann Arbor should lessen the loss of big man Moe Wagner, who declared for the draft and hired an agent. Matthews averaged 13 points after sitting out a season following a transfer from Kentucky.
NEVADA. The Wolf Pack had to wait until late Wednesday to get news on the Martin twins, but it was worth it. Cody and Caleb Martin carried Nevada to its first NCAA Tournament victory in more than a decade and their return — with Jordan Caroline — will likely make the Wolf Pack the favorite to win the Mountain West Conference.
VILLANOVA. The 2018 national champions will have to defend their title without four key players who left early. The Wildcats knew they’d lose national player of the year Jalen Brunson and Mikal Bridges after both signed with agents. Final Four most outstanding player Donte DiVincenzo and Omari Spellman joined them, both saying this week they will remain in the draft.
MARYLAND. The Terps knew they’d be without Justin Jackson after he signed with an agent. The return of Kevin Huerter could have softened the blow, but the sharpshooting forward opted Wednesday to remain in the draft, leaving Maryland without its top two players. At least the Terps will have Bruno Fernando, who decided to return for his sophomore season.
STANFORD. Reid Travis’ decision was to withdraw from the NBA draft. That should have been good news for the Cardinal, but instead of being a top contender for Pac-12 player of the year in 2018-19 with them, Travis announced he would play elsewhere as a graduate transfer.
BOSTON COLLEGE. The Eagles took a big hit when Jerome Robinson, the ACC’s second-leading scorer, opted to hire an agent and remain in the draft. His return would’ve given BC nearly its entire team back to pursue the program’s first NCAA bid since 2009. The good news: Ky Bowman, the ACC’s top returning scorer, decided to withdraw from the draft.
UCLA. The Bruins lost one of the nation’s best players when dynamic guard Aaron Holiday declared for the draft and hired an agent in March. UCLA’s big loss was offset, at least to a degree, by the decisions of Kris Wilkes and Jaylen Hands to return to Westwood. Freshman forward Cody Riley made it a trio staying at UCLA with a late announcement on Wednesday.
KANSAS. The Jayhawks lost Lagerald Vick and Malik Newman after both declared for the draft and signed with an agent. But Kansas got some good news on Wednesday when burly big man Udoka Azubuike announced he will return for his junior season instead of remaining in the draft.
MICHIGAN STATE. The Spartans will certainly miss Jaren Jackson and Miles Bridges after both hired agents. Michigan State received good news this week, though, when forward Nick Ward decided to head back to East Lansing.
KENTUCKY. The Wildcats kept one, lost two. PJ Washington is staying in Lexington after averaging 10.8 points and 5.7 rebounds, but Jarred Vanderbilt and Wenyen Gabriel are headed to the pros. Coach Cal has another strong recruiting class coming in and the Wildcats could be in the running for Stanford’s Travis, so they should be all right.
By JOHN MARSHALL, AP Basketball Writer,By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/gop-bid-for-control-in-nevada-raises-fear-of-endless-recalls/82327/
GOP bid for control in Nevada raises fear of endless recalls
/February 7, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —
Nevada’s major political parties are locked in a legal battle over a Republican effort to take control of the state Senate by recalling two freshly elected Democratic lawmakers — a tactic that Democrats warn could undermine the validity of elections across the U.S.
Experts and those from both parties say the move could be the way of the future for the losing side to keep control of influential statehouses. In Nevada, no official reason was given for the recalls, and none was required. Some conservatives have been open about hoping Republicans gain partisan advantage.
Republicans in 2016 lost hold of the Nevada Senate, which Democrats now control by an 11-9 margin. The GOP then circulated petitions to recall two Democratic senators and one independent who caucuses with them.
Republicans gathered enough signatures to launch recall elections of the Democrats, Nicole Cannizzaro and Joyce Woodhouse, who had been narrowly elected the previous year from swing districts in the Las Vegas area.
Democrats launched a counteroffensive. They sued in federal court, arguing the recalls violate the U.S. Constitution. They also persuaded thousands of people who had signed the petitions to withdraw their signatures — likely dropping the petitions below the threshold needed to qualify for the ballot.
Whether the signatures are allowed be withdrawn is at the heart of the case heard in state court Wednesday in Las Vegas.
The attorney for those opposing the recall effort told a judge that allowing people to remove their names from a recall petition protects them from fraud and deception.
“It protects the rights of the voters so they are not duped into signing a petition they don’t believe in,” attorney Marc Elias said.
A ruling could be issued next week, but Judge Jerry Wiese said he expects it to be challenged.
National Democrats fear the Nevada effort, if successful, could become a template for Republicans seeking to hang on to power in statehouses nationwide, especially if the midterm elections this year lead to losses in some of the 68 legislative chambers the GOP controls.
Democrats have drawn parallels to other recent steps Republicans have taken to retain power in the states.
In Pennsylvania, the Republican-controlled Legislature this week threatened to impeach the elected Democrats on the state Supreme Court, who ruled that the GOP had improperly drawn the congressional districts.
In North Carolina, the GOP-led Legislature has tried to wrest control of how the state administers elections from the newly elected Democratic governor.
National Democrats have invested heavily in Nevada to try to undermine the recall and mount legal challenges.
“We are in a new frontier in that they are using the recall statute to change an election,” said Marc Elias, a prominent Democratic election attorney who represented Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
But Joshua Spivak, who tracks recall elections and is a senior fellow at the Hugh Carey Institute at Wagner College, said the Nevada case is not that unusual.
He noted that Democrats in 2012 briefly seized control of the Wisconsin Senate after a series of recalls sparked by Gov. Scott Walker’s attacks on public sector unions. While Nevada Republicans have not cited a single big decision like the Wisconsin union vote to justify their effort, Spivak said that’s in line with history.
“It is a feature of the recall to just kick someone out for partisan benefit,” Spivak said.
Lawyers for the recall effort did not return multiple calls for comment Tuesday. They work in the law firm run by Republican Nevada Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, whose office said it would not comment on the campaign.
Logan Churchwell of the conservative Public Interest Legal Foundation, which intervened on behalf of the recall, stressed that Nevada law allows recalls and that Democrats are trying to limit voting.
“Nevada places few barriers on the electorate to trigger a recount,” Churchwell said. “It’s curious that the Democrat Party’s attorneys would label such a system and its uses as frivolous when their actions are undemocratic by definition.”
But the state’s Republican governor, Brian Sandoval, has voiced alarm at the recalls.
“There really wasn’t, I think, a legitimate reason for the recalls,” Sandoval told The Nevada Independent news website last year. “So it just kind of escalates the politics, mean-spiritedness politics. I think both parties will now use it on a regular basis, and that’s not what Nevada politics has ever been and that’s not what it should be.”
This story has been corrected to show that the Public Interest Legal Foundation intervened in the case, not that it filed an amicus brief and that The Nevada Independent is a website not a newspaper.
By NICHOLAS RICCARDI,By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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investmart007 · 7 years ago
NCAA Latest: Michigan needs another comeback in San Antonio
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/gVhg8F
NCAA Latest: Michigan needs another comeback in San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO /April 2, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —The Latest on the championship game of the NCAA Tournament (all times local):
9:40 p.m.
Michigan is going to have to overcome another halftime deficit in the Final Four if coach John Beilein is going to get his first national title.
The Wolverines, who start the second half trailing Villanova 37-28, were down 29-22 at the break in their national semifinal game against Loyola-Chicago and fell behind by 10 early in the second half Saturday night before coming back to win 69-57.
Michigan, trying to win its second national title, is 9-5 this season when trailing at the half.
9:15 p.m.
Villanova has a 37-28 halftime lead in the national championship game, even without a record flurry of made 3-pointers or much from AP Player of the Year Jalen Brunson.
Donte DiVincenzo has 18 points and three of the Wildcats’ four made 3s in the first half against Michigan. Villanova, which had 13 of its record 18 made 3-pointers by halftime of its semifinal win over Kansas, are 4-of-13 from long range against Michigan.
Brunson finished the half with seven points, and didn’t make his first 3-pointer until the final minute of the first half. Michigan missed its last six shots while going scoreless the final 3:34 of the first half. The Wolverines started 8-for-12, but made just 3-for-16 after that.
Villanova scored the last seven points for its biggest lead of the game.
9:00 p.m.
Donte is on fire. Villanova’s Donte DiVincenzo has 16 points through 16 minutes, carrying the Wildcats so far against Michigan. Villanova leads 30-26 after trailing by as many as seven earlier.
DiVincenzo already has his second highest scoring game since mid-February and is two points shy of his NCAA Tournament high of 18 in the second round against Alabama.
8:50 p.m.
Moe Wagner finally missed and even though the 3-pointers aren’t falling for Villanova, the Wildcats are hanging in there with 2s and defense. Michigan leads 21-18 with 7:32 left in the first half.
Villanova is 1 for 8 from 3-point range, but the Wildcats have held Michigan scoreless for 3:27. Wagner airballed a 3-pointer for his first miss of the game. He has 11 points.
Something to watch for Villanova. The Wildcats are one of the best passing teams in the country. They have one assist on eight field goals so far. Usually they are above 50 percent.
8:35 p.m.
Moe Wagner is at it again for Michigan and the Wolverines have the early lead over Villanova. Wagner, who had 24 points in the semifinals, has scored nine points on perfect shooting.
Unlike in the semifinals against Kansas, it took a while for the Wildcats to hit their first 3. Donte DiVincenzo finally broke through at 12:44. They had six by that point against Kansas.
Jordan Poole, Michigan’s Mr. Buzzer-beater, scored to make it 18-14 Michigan with 11:51 left in the first half. The Wolverines are 7 for 11 from the field.
8:20 p.m.
The NCAA championship game is underway, and Michigan or Villanova will be cutting down the nets at the Alamodome in the next couple of hours or so.
Villanova is playing for its second national championship in three seasons, and third overall. Coach Jay Wright and the Wildcats won the title two years ago about 200 miles away in Houston.
The Wolverines won their only national title in 1989. Michigan coach John Beilein, in his 11th season coaching the maize and blue and 40th season overall as a collegiate head coach, is trying to win his first national championship.
8:10 p.m.
A moment of silence was held to commemorate to the 50th anniversary this week of the death of Martin Luther King. Jr. before the NCAA Tournament championship game at the Alamodome.
After the moment of silence, the United State Air Force Band of the West played the national anthem.
During the anthem, two firefighters rappelled down from the rafters in front of a huge American flag that hung over the court.
7:45 p.m.
The Villanova students have to like their seats for the NCAA championship game. Not only are they just off the court, they are at what has been the winning end so far in the Final Four.
Villanova’s student section is at the south end of the Alamodome court, the same as it was Saturday night when the Wildcats beat Kansas.
For the kids in maize and blue, they are on the other end this time. Michigan students were on the south end Saturday night for the victory over Loyola-Chicago, but are on the north end for the title game.
Loyola-Chicago and Kansas students were in the north end when their teams lost.
7:10 p.m.
Back in 1985, before Villanova won its first national title, the Wildcats also faced Michigan in the NCAA Tournament.
That was the only time those two teams met in the NCAA Tournament — until Monday night in the championship game.
The Wolverines were a No. 1 seed 33 years ago when they lost 59-55 to No. 8 seed Villanova in their second-round game. The Wildcats then beat Maryland, North Carolina and Memphis State before their championship-clinching victory over Georgetown.
6:15 p.m.
Villanova hasn’t needed any buzzer-beating shots so far in this NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats won each of their first five tournament games by double digits. They are only the fifth team to reach the championship game that way since the tournament expanded to 64 teams in 1985.
The last team to do that was North Carolina in 2016, but the Tar Heels then lost in the championship game — when Kris Jenkins hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer to give Villanova its second national title.
Those first three teams with double-digits sweeps into the championship game won titles — Michigan State in 2000, Duke in 2001 and North Carolina in 2009.
4:30 p.m.
The late Rollie Massimino used to write a number on the board before games that he coached at Villanova and elsewhere, setting a target for the total of points allowed that he thought would guarantee victory.
For the Wildcats this season, that number is clear: It’s 75. Villanova is 25-0 this season when allowing 75 points or fewer.
And that might be a magic number of sorts for Michigan in the national title game as well: The Wolverines are 15-1 when scoring more than 75 this season, and a still-good —but nowhere near as good— 18-6 when they don’t surpass that number.
Michigan has only scored more than 75 points once during this tournament, when it beat Texas A&M 99-72 in the Sweet 16.
3 p.m.
There’s quite a few statistically noteworthy items Villanova will be chasing on Monday night.
If the Wildcats beat Michigan, they’ll be the third team in NCAA men’s Division I history to win at least 36 games and the national championship — joining Kentucky (38-2 in 2012) and Kansas (37-3 in 2008).
Villanova has already set the national record for 3-pointers made in a season, and if the Wildcats score at least 59 points on Monday night they’ll also finish the year as the highest scoring team in the country for the first time since 1950.
The last team to lead the nation in scoring and win the NCAA title was North Carolina in 2005.
The only others to do it since the NCAA began compiling the stats were Ohio State in 1960 — and Loyola of Chicago in 1963.
1:10 p.m.
When the AP Top 25 preseason men’s basketball poll came out, Villanova was a very respectable No. 6.
Michigan was an afterthought.
The Wolverines were unranked when this season began, and didn’t even crack the Top 25 for the first time until mid-January. Michigan was 39th in the preseason poll balloting, behind seven ranked teams that wouldn’t even end up making the NCAA Tournament — No. 10 USC, No. 14 Notre Dame, No. 15 Minnesota, No. 16 Louisville, No. 19 Northwestern, No. 22 Saint Mary’s, No. 24 Baylor.
Michigan wasn’t the only big preseason poll whiff: Virginia ended the regular season ranked No. 1, and the Cavaliers were also unranked to start the season.
Only four teams in the last 50 years started the season unranked and won the NCAA title — UConn in 2011, Florida in 2006, Syracuse in 2003 and Villanova in 1985.
11:40 a.m.
There’s a reason so much of the talk surrounding the NCAA Tournament championship game is about 3-pointers.
Villanova is commanding that by making its case as the greatest 3-point shooting team in college history.
The Wildcats set a Final Four record with 18 3-pointers against Kansas to get to the title game against Michigan on Monday night. Villanova (35-4) also has 454 3-pointers this season and 66 during the NCAA Tournament, both records.
The Wildcats use a motion offense and can shoot 3s from every position.
Michigan’s goal will be to get Villanova away from the 3-point line and redirect shots. The Wolverines have been effective at both against other teams this season.
10:30 a.m.
College basketball’s wild 2017-18 ride ends in San Antonio, where Villanova meets Michigan in the national championship game of the NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats are playing for their second title in three years under coach Jay Wright. The Wolverines are vying for their first championship since 1989 and to make up for the one coach John Beilein lost in 2013, at least a little.
This meeting on Monday night will come down to strength against strength.
Villanova is one of the greatest 3-point shooting teams in college basketball history, breaking season and NCAA Tournament records. The Wildcats blasted Kansas in the national semifinals, hitting a record 18 from beyond the arc.
Michigan rode its defense into the title game. The Wolverines are the nation’s third-most efficient team on defense and one of the best at defending the 3-point line.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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investmart007 · 7 years ago
NCAA Latest: DiVincenzo carrying Villanova to lead
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/kyZR5J
NCAA Latest: DiVincenzo carrying Villanova to lead
SAN ANTONIO  /April 2, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —The Latest on the championship game of the NCAA Tournament (all times local):
9:00 p.m.
Donte is on fire. Villanova’s Donte DiVincenzo has 16 points through 16 minutes, carrying the Wildcats so far against Michigan. Villanova leads 30-26 after trailing by as many as seven earlier.
DiVincenzo already has his second highest scoring game since mid-February and is two points shy of his NCAA Tournament high of 18 in the second round against Alabama.
8:50 p.m.
Moe Wagner finally missed and even though the 3-pointers aren’t falling for Villanova, the Wildcats are hanging in there with 2s and defense. Michigan leads 21-18 with 7:32 left in the first half.
Villanova is 1 for 8 from 3-point range, but the Wildcats have held Michigan scoreless for 3:27. Wagner airballed a 3-pointer for his first miss of the game. He has 11 points.
Something to watch for Villanova. The Wildcats are one of the best passing teams in the country. They have one assist on eight field goals so far. Usually they are above 50 percent.
8:35 p.m.
Moe Wagner is at it again for Michigan and the Wolverines have the early lead over Villanova. Wagner, who had 24 points in the semifinals, has scored nine points on perfect shooting.
Unlike in the semifinals against Kansas, it took a while for the Wildcats to hit their first 3. Donte DiVincenzo finally broke through at 12:44. They had six by that point against Kansas.
Jordan Poole, Michigan’s Mr. Buzzer-beater, scored to make it 18-14 Michigan with 11:51 left in the first half. The Wolverines are 7 for 11 from the field.
8:20 p.m.
The NCAA championship game is underway, and Michigan or Villanova will be cutting down the nets at the Alamodome in the next couple of hours or so.
Villanova is playing for its second national championship in three seasons, and third overall. Coach Jay Wright and the Wildcats won the title two years ago about 200 miles away in Houston.
The Wolverines won their only national title in 1989. Michigan coach John Beilein, in his 11th season coaching the maize and blue and 40th season overall as a collegiate head coach, is trying to win his first national championship.
8:10 p.m.
A moment of silence was held to commemorate to the 50th anniversary this week of the death of Martin Luther King. Jr. before the NCAA Tournament championship game at the Alamodome.
After the moment of silence, the United State Air Force Band of the West played the national anthem.
During the anthem, two firefighters rappelled down from the rafters in front of a huge American flag that hung over the court.
7:45 p.m.
The Villanova students have to like their seats for the NCAA championship game. Not only are they just off the court, they are at what has been the winning end so far in the Final Four.
Villanova’s student section is at the south end of the Alamodome court, the same as it was Saturday night when the Wildcats beat Kansas.
For the kids in maize and blue, they are on the other end this time. Michigan students were on the south end Saturday night for the victory over Loyola-Chicago, but are on the north end for the title game.
Loyola-Chicago and Kansas students were in the north end when their teams lost.
7:10 p.m.
Back in 1985, before Villanova won its first national title, the Wildcats also faced Michigan in the NCAA Tournament.
That was the only time those two teams met in the NCAA Tournament — until Monday night in the championship game.
The Wolverines were a No. 1 seed 33 years ago when they lost 59-55 to No. 8 seed Villanova in their second-round game. The Wildcats then beat Maryland, North Carolina and Memphis State before their championship-clinching victory over Georgetown.
6:15 p.m.
Villanova hasn’t needed any buzzer-beating shots so far in this NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats won each of their first five tournament games by double digits. They are only the fifth team to reach the championship game that way since the tournament expanded to 64 teams in 1985.
The last team to do that was North Carolina in 2016, but the Tar Heels then lost in the championship game — when Kris Jenkins hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer to give Villanova its second national title.
Those first three teams with double-digits sweeps into the championship game won titles — Michigan State in 2000, Duke in 2001 and North Carolina in 2009.
4:30 p.m.
The late Rollie Massimino used to write a number on the board before games that he coached at Villanova and elsewhere, setting a target for the total of points allowed that he thought would guarantee victory.
For the Wildcats this season, that number is clear: It’s 75. Villanova is 25-0 this season when allowing 75 points or fewer.
And that might be a magic number of sorts for Michigan in the national title game as well: The Wolverines are 15-1 when scoring more than 75 this season, and a still-good —but nowhere near as good— 18-6 when they don’t surpass that number.
Michigan has only scored more than 75 points once during this tournament, when it beat Texas A&M 99-72 in the Sweet 16.
3 p.m.
There’s quite a few statistically noteworthy items Villanova will be chasing on Monday night.
If the Wildcats beat Michigan, they’ll be the third team in NCAA men’s Division I history to win at least 36 games and the national championship — joining Kentucky (38-2 in 2012) and Kansas (37-3 in 2008).
Villanova has already set the national record for 3-pointers made in a season, and if the Wildcats score at least 59 points on Monday night they’ll also finish the year as the highest scoring team in the country for the first time since 1950.
The last team to lead the nation in scoring and win the NCAA title was North Carolina in 2005.
The only others to do it since the NCAA began compiling the stats were Ohio State in 1960 — and Loyola of Chicago in 1963.
1:10 p.m.
When the AP Top 25 preseason men’s basketball poll came out, Villanova was a very respectable No. 6.
Michigan was an afterthought.
The Wolverines were unranked when this season began, and didn’t even crack the Top 25 for the first time until mid-January. Michigan was 39th in the preseason poll balloting, behind seven ranked teams that wouldn’t even end up making the NCAA Tournament — No. 10 USC, No. 14 Notre Dame, No. 15 Minnesota, No. 16 Louisville, No. 19 Northwestern, No. 22 Saint Mary’s, No. 24 Baylor.
Michigan wasn’t the only big preseason poll whiff: Virginia ended the regular season ranked No. 1, and the Cavaliers were also unranked to start the season.
Only four teams in the last 50 years started the season unranked and won the NCAA title — UConn in 2011, Florida in 2006, Syracuse in 2003 and Villanova in 1985.
11:40 a.m.
There’s a reason so much of the talk surrounding the NCAA Tournament championship game is about 3-pointers.
Villanova is commanding that by making its case as the greatest 3-point shooting team in college history.
The Wildcats set a Final Four record with 18 3-pointers against Kansas to get to the title game against Michigan on Monday night. Villanova (35-4) also has 454 3-pointers this season and 66 during the NCAA Tournament, both records.
The Wildcats use a motion offense and can shoot 3s from every position.
Michigan’s goal will be to get Villanova away from the 3-point line and redirect shots. The Wolverines have been effective at both against other teams this season.
10:30 a.m.
College basketball’s wild 2017-18 ride ends in San Antonio, where Villanova meets Michigan in the national championship game of the NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats are playing for their second title in three years under coach Jay Wright. The Wolverines are vying for their first championship since 1989 and to make up for the one coach John Beilein lost in 2013, at least a little.
This meeting on Monday night will come down to strength against strength.
Villanova is one of the greatest 3-point shooting teams in college basketball history, breaking season and NCAA Tournament records. The Wildcats blasted Kansas in the national semifinals, hitting a record 18 from beyond the arc.
Michigan rode its defense into the title game. The Wolverines are the nation’s third-most efficient team on defense and one of the best at defending the 3-point line.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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investmart007 · 7 years ago
NCAA Latest: Villanova turns up D with 3s not falling
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/t4Gu9Q
NCAA Latest: Villanova turns up D with 3s not falling
SAN ANTONIO /April 2, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —  The Latest on the championship game of the NCAA Tournament (all times local):
8:50 p.m.
Moe Wagner finally missed and even though the 3-pointers aren’t falling for Villanova, the Wildcats are hanging in there with 2s and defense. Michigan leads 21-18 with 7:32 left in the first half.
Villanova is 1 for 8 from 3-point range, but the Wildcats have held Michigan scoreless for 3:27. Wagner airballed a 3-pointer for his first miss of the game. He has 11 points.
Something to watch for Villanova. The Wildcats are one of the best passing teams in the country. They have one assist on eight field goals so far. Usually they are above 50 percent.
8:35 p.m.
Moe Wagner is at it again for Michigan and the Wolverines have the early lead over Villanova. Wagner, who had 24 points in the semifinals, has scored nine points on perfect shooting.
Unlike in the semifinals against Kansas, it took a while for the Wildcats to hit their first 3. Donte DiVincenzo finally broke through at 12:44. They had six by that point against Kansas.
Jordan Poole, Michigan’s Mr. Buzzer-beater, scored to make it 18-14 Michigan with 11:51 left in the first half. The Wolverines are 7 for 11 from the field.
8:20 p.m.
The NCAA championship game is underway, and Michigan or Villanova will be cutting down the nets at the Alamodome in the next couple of hours or so.
Villanova is playing for its second national championship in three seasons, and third overall. Coach Jay Wright and the Wildcats won the title two years ago about 200 miles away in Houston.
The Wolverines won their only national title in 1989. Michigan coach John Beilein, in his 11th season coaching the maize and blue and 40th season overall as a collegiate head coach, is trying to win his first national championship.
8:10 p.m.
A moment of silence was held to commemorate to the 50th anniversary this week of the death of Martin Luther King. Jr. before the NCAA Tournament championship game at the Alamodome.
After the moment of silence, the United State Air Force Band of the West played the national anthem.
During the anthem, two firefighters rappelled down from the rafters in front of a huge American flag that hung over the court.
7:45 p.m.
The Villanova students have to like their seats for the NCAA championship game. Not only are they just off the court, they are at what has been the winning end so far in the Final Four.
Villanova’s student section is at the south end of the Alamodome court, the same as it was Saturday night when the Wildcats beat Kansas.
For the kids in maize and blue, they are on the other end this time. Michigan students were on the south end Saturday night for the victory over Loyola-Chicago, but are on the north end for the title game.
Loyola-Chicago and Kansas students were in the north end when their teams lost.
7:10 p.m.
Back in 1985, before Villanova won its first national title, the Wildcats also faced Michigan in the NCAA Tournament.
That was the only time those two teams met in the NCAA Tournament — until Monday night in the championship game.
The Wolverines were a No. 1 seed 33 years ago when they lost 59-55 to No. 8 seed Villanova in their second-round game. The Wildcats then beat Maryland, North Carolina and Memphis State before their championship-clinching victory over Georgetown.
6:15 p.m.
Villanova hasn’t needed any buzzer-beating shots so far in this NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats won each of their first five tournament games by double digits. They are only the fifth team to reach the championship game that way since the tournament expanded to 64 teams in 1985.
The last team to do that was North Carolina in 2016, but the Tar Heels then lost in the championship game — when Kris Jenkins hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer to give Villanova its second national title.
Those first three teams with double-digits sweeps into the championship game won titles — Michigan State in 2000, Duke in 2001 and North Carolina in 2009.
4:30 p.m.
The late Rollie Massimino used to write a number on the board before games that he coached at Villanova and elsewhere, setting a target for the total of points allowed that he thought would guarantee victory.
For the Wildcats this season, that number is clear: It’s 75. Villanova is 25-0 this season when allowing 75 points or fewer.
And that might be a magic number of sorts for Michigan in the national title game as well: The Wolverines are 15-1 when scoring more than 75 this season, and a still-good —but nowhere near as good— 18-6 when they don’t surpass that number.
Michigan has only scored more than 75 points once during this tournament, when it beat Texas A&M 99-72 in the Sweet 16.
3 p.m.
There’s quite a few statistically noteworthy items Villanova will be chasing on Monday night.
If the Wildcats beat Michigan, they’ll be the third team in NCAA men’s Division I history to win at least 36 games and the national championship — joining Kentucky (38-2 in 2012) and Kansas (37-3 in 2008).
Villanova has already set the national record for 3-pointers made in a season, and if the Wildcats score at least 59 points on Monday night they’ll also finish the year as the highest scoring team in the country for the first time since 1950.
The last team to lead the nation in scoring and win the NCAA title was North Carolina in 2005.
The only others to do it since the NCAA began compiling the stats were Ohio State in 1960 — and Loyola of Chicago in 1963.
1:10 p.m.
When the AP Top 25 preseason men’s basketball poll came out, Villanova was a very respectable No. 6.
Michigan was an afterthought.
The Wolverines were unranked when this season began, and didn’t even crack the Top 25 for the first time until mid-January. Michigan was 39th in the preseason poll balloting, behind seven ranked teams that wouldn’t even end up making the NCAA Tournament — No. 10 USC, No. 14 Notre Dame, No. 15 Minnesota, No. 16 Louisville, No. 19 Northwestern, No. 22 Saint Mary’s, No. 24 Baylor.
Michigan wasn’t the only big preseason poll whiff: Virginia ended the regular season ranked No. 1, and the Cavaliers were also unranked to start the season.
Only four teams in the last 50 years started the season unranked and won the NCAA title — UConn in 2011, Florida in 2006, Syracuse in 2003 and Villanova in 1985.
11:40 a.m.
There’s a reason so much of the talk surrounding the NCAA Tournament championship game is about 3-pointers.
Villanova is commanding that by making its case as the greatest 3-point shooting team in college history.
The Wildcats set a Final Four record with 18 3-pointers against Kansas to get to the title game against Michigan on Monday night. Villanova (35-4) also has 454 3-pointers this season and 66 during the NCAA Tournament, both records.
The Wildcats use a motion offense and can shoot 3s from every position.
Michigan’s goal will be to get Villanova away from the 3-point line and redirect shots. The Wolverines have been effective at both against other teams this season.
10:30 a.m.
College basketball’s wild 2017-18 ride ends in San Antonio, where Villanova meets Michigan in the national championship game of the NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats are playing for their second title in three years under coach Jay Wright. The Wolverines are vying for their first championship since 1989 and to make up for the one coach John Beilein lost in 2013, at least a little.
This meeting on Monday night will come down to strength against strength.
Villanova is one of the greatest 3-point shooting teams in college basketball history, breaking season and NCAA Tournament records. The Wildcats blasted Kansas in the national semifinals, hitting a record 18 from beyond the arc.
Michigan rode its defense into the title game. The Wolverines are the nation’s third-most efficient team on defense and one of the best at defending the 3-point line.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
0 notes
investmart007 · 7 years ago
NCAA Latest: Wagner, Michigan hot to start, lead Villnova
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/uprRCq
NCAA Latest: Wagner, Michigan hot to start, lead Villnova
SAN ANTONIO/April 2, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —  The Latest on the championship game of the NCAA Tournament (all times local):
8:35 p.m.
Moe Wagner is at it again for Michigan and the Wolverines have the early lead over Villanova. Wagner, who had 24 points in the semifinals, has scored nine points on perfect shooting.
Unlike in the semifinals against Kansas, it took a while for the Wildcats to hit their first 3. Donte DiVincenzo finally broke through at 12:44. They had six by that point against Kansas.
Jordan Poole, Michigan’s Mr. Buzzer-beater, scored to make it 18-14 Michigan with 11:51 left in the first half. The Wolverines are 7 for 11 from the field.
8:20 p.m.
The NCAA championship game is underway, and Michigan or Villanova will be cutting down the nets at the Alamodome in the next couple of hours or so.
Villanova is playing for its second national championship in three seasons, and third overall. Coach Jay Wright and the Wildcats won the title two years ago about 200 miles away in Houston.
The Wolverines won their only national title in 1989. Michigan coach John Beilein, in his 11th season coaching the maize and blue and 40th season overall as a collegiate head coach, is trying to win his first national championship.
8:10 p.m.
A moment of silence was held to commemorate to the 50th anniversary this week of the death of Martin Luther King. Jr. before the NCAA Tournament championship game at the Alamodome.
After the moment of silence, the United State Air Force Band of the West played the national anthem.
During the anthem, two firefighters rappelled down from the rafters in front of a huge American flag that hung over the court.
7:45 p.m.
The Villanova students have to like their seats for the NCAA championship game. Not only are they just off the court, they are at what has been the winning end so far in the Final Four.
Villanova’s student section is at the south end of the Alamodome court, the same as it was Saturday night when the Wildcats beat Kansas.
For the kids in maize and blue, they are on the other end this time. Michigan students were on the south end Saturday night for the victory over Loyola-Chicago, but are on the north end for the title game.
Loyola-Chicago and Kansas students were in the north end when their teams lost.
7:10 p.m.
Back in 1985, before Villanova won its first national title, the Wildcats also faced Michigan in the NCAA Tournament.
That was the only time those two teams met in the NCAA Tournament — until Monday night in the championship game.
The Wolverines were a No. 1 seed 33 years ago when they lost 59-55 to No. 8 seed Villanova in their second-round game. The Wildcats then beat Maryland, North Carolina and Memphis State before their championship-clinching victory over Georgetown.
6:15 p.m.
Villanova hasn’t needed any buzzer-beating shots so far in this NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats won each of their first five tournament games by double digits. They are only the fifth team to reach the championship game that way since the tournament expanded to 64 teams in 1985.
The last team to do that was North Carolina in 2016, but the Tar Heels then lost in the championship game — when Kris Jenkins hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer to give Villanova its second national title.
Those first three teams with double-digits sweeps into the championship game won titles — Michigan State in 2000, Duke in 2001 and North Carolina in 2009.
4:30 p.m.
The late Rollie Massimino used to write a number on the board before games that he coached at Villanova and elsewhere, setting a target for the total of points allowed that he thought would guarantee victory.
For the Wildcats this season, that number is clear: It’s 75. Villanova is 25-0 this season when allowing 75 points or fewer.
And that might be a magic number of sorts for Michigan in the national title game as well: The Wolverines are 15-1 when scoring more than 75 this season, and a still-good —but nowhere near as good— 18-6 when they don’t surpass that number.
Michigan has only scored more than 75 points once during this tournament, when it beat Texas A&M 99-72 in the Sweet 16.
3 p.m.
There’s quite a few statistically noteworthy items Villanova will be chasing on Monday night.
If the Wildcats beat Michigan, they’ll be the third team in NCAA men’s Division I history to win at least 36 games and the national championship — joining Kentucky (38-2 in 2012) and Kansas (37-3 in 2008).
Villanova has already set the national record for 3-pointers made in a season, and if the Wildcats score at least 59 points on Monday night they’ll also finish the year as the highest scoring team in the country for the first time since 1950.
The last team to lead the nation in scoring and win the NCAA title was North Carolina in 2005.
The only others to do it since the NCAA began compiling the stats were Ohio State in 1960 — and Loyola of Chicago in 1963.
1:10 p.m.
When the AP Top 25 preseason men’s basketball poll came out, Villanova was a very respectable No. 6.
Michigan was an afterthought.
The Wolverines were unranked when this season began, and didn’t even crack the Top 25 for the first time until mid-January. Michigan was 39th in the preseason poll balloting, behind seven ranked teams that wouldn’t even end up making the NCAA Tournament — No. 10 USC, No. 14 Notre Dame, No. 15 Minnesota, No. 16 Louisville, No. 19 Northwestern, No. 22 Saint Mary’s, No. 24 Baylor.
Michigan wasn’t the only big preseason poll whiff: Virginia ended the regular season ranked No. 1, and the Cavaliers were also unranked to start the season.
Only four teams in the last 50 years started the season unranked and won the NCAA title — UConn in 2011, Florida in 2006, Syracuse in 2003 and Villanova in 1985.
11:40 a.m.
There’s a reason so much of the talk surrounding the NCAA Tournament championship game is about 3-pointers.
Villanova is commanding that by making its case as the greatest 3-point shooting team in college history.
The Wildcats set a Final Four record with 18 3-pointers against Kansas to get to the title game against Michigan on Monday night. Villanova (35-4) also has 454 3-pointers this season and 66 during the NCAA Tournament, both records.
The Wildcats use a motion offense and can shoot 3s from every position.
Michigan’s goal will be to get Villanova away from the 3-point line and redirect shots. The Wolverines have been effective at both against other teams this season.
10:30 a.m.
College basketball’s wild 2017-18 ride ends in San Antonio, where Villanova meets Michigan in the national championship game of the NCAA Tournament.
The Wildcats are playing for their second title in three years under coach Jay Wright. The Wolverines are vying for their first championship since 1989 and to make up for the one coach John Beilein lost in 2013, at least a little.
This meeting on Monday night will come down to strength against strength.
Villanova is one of the greatest 3-point shooting teams in college basketball history, breaking season and NCAA Tournament records. The Wildcats blasted Kansas in the national semifinals, hitting a record 18 from beyond the arc.
Michigan rode its defense into the title game. The Wolverines are the nation’s third-most efficient team on defense and one of the best at defending the 3-point line.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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investmart007 · 7 years ago
Dissecting the defenses of the Final Four teams
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/DXDU7m
Dissecting the defenses of the Final Four teams
SAN ANTONIO  /March 31, 2018 (AP)(STL.News)—  The high-motion, position-less offenses are the shiny objects of this Final Four. Crisp passing, alley-oop dunks, cavalcades of 3-pointers — what’s not to like?
Behind the eye-catching, highlight-reel-inducing sparkle is a gritty underbelly.
Yep, defense.
One of sports’ deepest-rooted clichés is defense wins championships. Tired and not necessarily true, but it certainly doesn’t hurt.
The Final Four of Villanova, Kansas, Michigan and Loyola-Chicago all play different brands of D and it will be worth watching that side of the ball when they hit the floor Saturday in San Antonio.
A rundown:
The Wolverines had been the type of team that tried outscoring teams by raining 3-pointers. Defense was what always held them back.
No more.
Coach John Beilein has made defense a point of emphasis in recent years, and Michigan has become better for it. With the help of former Illinois assistant and defensive guru, Luke Yaklich, Beilein has transformed the Wolverines from one of the Big Ten’s worst defensive teams to one of the nation’s best.
While most teams have one, maybe two strong on-the-ball defenders, Michigan has three: Charles Matthews, Zavier Simpson and Muhammad-Ali Abdur-Rahkman.
The trio is quick, physical and good with their hands, making every move by ball handlers and cutters a chore.
German big man Moe Wagner is by no means a hulking presence inside, but he’s active, athletic and moves his feet well, allowing him to keep smaller players in front or soar in for backside blocks.
The Wolverines are No. 3 nationally in defensive efficiency and completely shut down an athletic Florida State team to reach the Final Four.
“If you do play good defense, it will give you a chance to win every day,” Beilein said.
The Wildcats lost a few games during the regular season they probably would like to have back, in part because their defense was nowhere near their uber-efficient offense.
Villanova’s run to a second Final Four in three years can be attributed, at least in part, to its increased ability to shut opponents down.
The Wildcats have long, athletic players with mostly interchangeable skills, allowing them to switch on screens a majority of the time. Mikal Bridges and Eric Paschall are versatile, so they can guard multiple positions and players of varied skills.
Big man Omari Spellman has become a better post defender and is more active after reshaping his body.
The Wildcats are holding teams to 36 percent shooting in the NCAA Tournament and are 14th in adjusted defensive efficiency, according to KenPom.com.
“They were so efficient offensively and picked up so many things that we were teaching offensively, that I thought it might be really tough to get them to be a good defensive team,” Villanova coach Jay Wright said. “They stuck with it and they’re becoming one of our best defensive teams, which I would have never thought midway through the season.”
As a mid-major team, the Ramblers are almost always undersized when going against Power Five schools.
They make up for it with discipline, tenacity and a commitment to coach Porter Moser’s methods.
Loyola’s perimeter players are active, have quick hands and often switch on the perimeter. The Ramblers also like to switch on ball screens and keep freshman center Cameron Krutwig, their last line of defense, in the paint.
Loyola is a superb transition defensive team because it rarely sends players to the offensive glass and triggers its own run-outs and transition 3-pointers with aggressive defense.
The Ramblers are 19th in adjusted defensive efficiency and have held their last 10 opponents to 68 points or less.
“It’s five guys, about being connected, working together to get a stop,” said Loyola guard Ben Richardson, the Missouri Valley Conference defensive player of the year. “We’re outsized in a lot of positions, but we have a lot of techniques to tap into to make up for the size.”
The Jayhawks, on paper, are the worst defensive team left in the bracket, coming in at 40th in adjusted D.
Kansas is exceptionally strong in one defensive area: Defending without fouling.
Because they don’t have a lot of depth, the Jayhawks can’t afford to foul a lot, but that also limits the number of easy points opponents get from free throws.
Udoka Azubuike is a load in the post at 7-foot, 280 pounds, and can soar in for backside blocks if a teammate gets beat. Svi Mykhailiuk showed off his defensive chops in the Elite Eight, when he repeatedly knocked Duke All-American Marvin Bagley III off the block and beat the freshman to his spots.
The Jayhawks also are playing harder after coach Bill Self called them soft midseason.
“I probably had verbally gotten after this team more and been more critical in some ways,” Self said. “But also with that being said, I think I’ve also made it real clear in many ways I’m more proud, too, because we have altered our personality traits to the point that it’s given this team the best chance.”
By JOHN MARSHALL, AP Basketball Writer,By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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