#A word from Mun Photon
A Long-Awaited Update
((This blog is done, to put things bluntly. My drive to run this ask blog has finally dried out.
My main reason for this decision is that I’m simply not proud of what I posted here anymore. I don’t think I understood the characters- especially Prosciutto- very well. Perhaps it’s because I just didn’t make enough content to explore their characters in depth, but a lot of them feel very one-note and/or exaggerations in retrospect. Like when I wrote Prosciutto, despite him being the main star, I feel like I just made him “ultra serious man who is tired of everyone’s shit” even though he’s more than that in both canon and my headcanons. And even if I did write them well, it doesn’t feel like my AU added much new stuff to the table, at least in terms of characterization.
I suppose that I could always try again with writing these fellas, but 1. This heavily ask-dependent blog hasn’t gotten any asks since the Kyubey saga, and 2. I simply think elements of this AU work better for an OCverse of mine.
I’m not deleting this blog, and the only thing related to it that is being deleted is the invite link to the server, as I don’t see any point in keeping it up. Despite all this, I’ll still post from time to time so I can showcase character designs and any doodles I do and post lore tidbits I never got to explore. I will also keep asks open, though there won’t be any more character responses.
I’m sorry if this news saddens anyone, but the motivation to continue this blog isn’t there anymore.
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photon-crest-art · 3 years
((I completely fucking forgot to make a sheet for basic info on Mente </3
Lemme fix that right now.
Name: “Mente” (Real name unknown)
Age: 19
Gender: Agender (Prefers they/them, but will tolerate other pronouns)
Affiliation: Passione (La Squadra di Esecuzioni)
Stand: Muse
Mente is a rather mysterious individual. Nobody, not even themselves, know who they were prior to joining Passione. They were found and retrieved by Risotto and Melone while on a hit, where they discovered that not only was Mente a Stand user, but they lacked any memory of who they. Believing Risotto saved their life, Mente swore loyalty to him, and they were soon taken under his wing. Although the team was unsure if they were fit for the job, Mente was able to prove themselves to be capable, and their temporary stay became permanent.
Despite their upbringing, Mente is a rather carefree and mischievous person. They enjoy messing with others, teammates included, for no reason other than the hell of it, though they will stop if they feel as if they’re taking things too far. They care a lot about their squadmates, and try not to get on their bad sides too much (Especially with Risotto). They frequently joke around in casual situations, and even to a degree in missions, to both the targets and their partners. Although it seems like they rarely take things seriously, they are capable of being serious when the situation calls for it. After all, they are rather experienced in hand-to hand combat...
Mente’s Stand, Muse, takes the form of a purple, black, white, and yellow mechanical bat-like creature. Compared to other Stands, it’s rather small, being able to be held in Mente’s hands and sit on the heads of others.  It mainly operates on 4 legs, though it can stand on 2 for short periods of time. Unlike most Stands, Muse is bound to gravity.
Muse’s primary ability allows Mente to ability to communicate telepathically. They can speak to anyone within 3 miles, though Mente frequently only talks to people within their sight. Their voice behaves as if it’s playing inside the target’s head, and thus can only be heard by those they’re talking to.
Muse also has a sub ability Mente dubs “Panic Station”. When activated, Muse’s eyes will begin to glow and rapidly alternate colors, anyone Mente is talking to at the moment will suddenly hear a still, high-pitched ringing. Those who have been affected by Panic Station often describe the sound to be akin to Tinnitus. Much like Muse’s regular abilities, Panic Station cannot be heard by anyone not being targeted.
Although Muse is very weak combat-wise, it is highly mobile, being able to run at considerable speed, and possesses the ability to fly. The drill-like tip of its tail is its most powerful tool, being strong enough to gouge out eyes.
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darkvitas · 6 years
We Can Do This. Writing by Mun
The ground suddenly began to shake beneath DV and Kirito. In surprise, they both tried to dig themselves into the ground somehow; so they wouldn’t fall over; DV with his sword tip implanted into the earth, and Kirito with his feet planted. Onyx eyes glanced around in a panic, as the rumble continued. “Are we having an earthquake or something?” yelled the Black Swordsman over the clamor. DV shook his head, before glancing in front of him. “I think we’ve reached the final area of this place,” he shouted back. “Which means...” Before he could finish, suddenly, a shockwave managed to knock them off their feet, sending them rolling in discomfort. “Ahh,” hissed DV, lifting his head. A hand went to retrieve his blade... “...the big guy...” Sure enough, there was a large mech in front of them. It had a white body, and multiple visual channels on its face - on one of its hands, there was... “Look at that,” Kirito noted, slowly rising from the ground. “Its hands probably aren’t going to be the only attacks it can do, if that’s the case...” Gripping his sword pommel tight, DV planted his feet onto the concrete, before breaking into a sprint. Kirito’s eyes widened, as he held out a hand, calling out in an attempt to stop him - but it was too late. DV swung his blade, and nicked the mech’s metal, but it didn’t seem to do much. And now he was regretting the decision. Before he had a chance to react, the robot’s large metal fist made contact with his stomach, and with such force; sent him flying. Kirito rushed to his side as soon as he hit solid ground, helping the other to his feet. “Don’t run in without a plan,” he scolded. “That could injure you, or worse-” “Fatally,” rasped DV. “I’m sorry.” The two decided to take cover, before locking eyes with each other. “I’m surprised your sword hardly didn’t do a thing, though,” the Black Swordsman said, surprise evident in his words. “You had that thing custom forged, right?” DV then glanced down to his sword, and back up to Kirito, before nodding his head. “It’s made of sturdy, yet strong, material,” he replied. “As far as I know, it should be able to at least do SOMETHING to him.. but I guess not?!” Kirito was about to reply, before he heard gunshots hitting behind their hiding spot. Wincing, he stepped back. “Crap. Guns. Just what we needed! DV, listen, stay calm. I know it’s a gun, but we’ve got to focus,” he pleaded. “I have a plan... I can deflect its bullets with my sword as a distraction, get in close with my handgun, and while I do that, you can see whether there’s a weak spot on him.” That was a risky move, but whatever Kirito was wanting, DV would follow his orders. Besides, he knew the guy was loads stronger than him. “You got it.”
And with that, the Black Swordsman was gone, activating his Photon Sword, called the Kagemitsu G4; which, at first, looked like a grey metal tube, but when Kirito pressed the switch upward, a purple laser beam began expelling from the top. The mech began firing its gun-hand, which looked like a revolving weapon with multiple barrels. Kirito waited for the right moment, and then began swinging the blade, deflecting some of the bullets, and slicing some of them in half. DV took the chance to come out of his cover, and hurry behind the mech. The thing was so huge he had to crane his neck almost painfully upward! But, his red eyes widened when he saw something on its back: A large, shining blue orb. Could that be the weakpoint?! “Haaaaaah!” cried Kirito, pulling out his FN-Five Seven handgun and firing rounds off. It didn’t seem to do much, but it was definitely doing something. And if it did something, it was doing damage. DV then dove for cover. Eventually, Kirito fell back and met with him. “It’s got a weak spot on its back,” DV said in relief. “But... It’s so freakin’ tall, there’s no way we can get up there. We can’t do this, Kirito. We need to r-” “No,” Kirito abruptly cut him off. “I’m not running. If we found a weakspot, there’s a way to get up there! We can do this!” DV grunted, gritting his teeth. His mind was awhirl - what COULD they do? It would be so much better if Weiss were here. Or Yang. Better yet, Ruby. But it was just the two of them. “Listen, I have another gun in my arsenal,” Kirito explained quietly as the mech was searching for them. “It’s not exactly a gun, it’s more of a grappling hook. You aim, and pull the trigger - a green laser beam attaches to the surface you aimed at, and it’ll pull you in. If you can aim that toward it’s back and stab the orb once you get close enough, we should be able finish this.” With that, Kirito reached and grabbed a silver gun. Honestly, at first glance, it just looked like a basic pistol. Once DV took it, Kirito reloaded his own handgun, and went in for more distraction.
DV then inhaled slowly, and exhaled to calm his shaky palms. He was full aware this wasn’t a real gun, but he had to deal with it for now. If he was trembling the way he was, he could screw up bad and cost his, and Kirito’s, lives. Aiming carefully toward the mech’s back, he lined it up with the large gem... ....and firing. Like Kirito said, a green laser beam fired from the barrel, attached to the gem on the robot’s back, and pulled him in. That’s when he gripped his sword pommel tight in his dominant hand, before crying out... “YAAAAAAH....!” ...and impaling the robot’s weakpoint right in the center. The whole droid’s form began to spark and seize, but despite the crazy shaking, he grappled the shoulder of the large enemy with the gun yet again, going in. He then pulled his sword back, and let out one last mighty cry- “HYAAAAAAHHH!” ...and impaled the mech in it’s visual channel. DV quickly took this time to leap to a nearby tree branch, watching the large robot collapse onto the concrete with a resonating THUD. It then seemed to glow white, before shattering into thousands of blue and white polygons. Letting out a breath, he hopped down, and approached Kirito, sheathing his blade. He held out his palm for a high five; and the Black Swordsman obliged. “Yeaaaahhh,” said DV in a happy, tired manner. That’s when he collapsed forward, and Kirito tried to keep him steady. “Whoa, man, easy,” he told him. “Are you hurt anywhere?” A beat. “I don’t think so,” DV panted. Let’s just...head back to the palace... and... go from there.”
@ddvitasfan @lujam-desu7u7 @longingfor2002 @zzzzbebop
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“Alone on a Friday night? That’s entirely understandable. Not everyone can handle being out with others, especially after a long week of work, and that’s perfectly okay. Remember to take a stretch, drink some water, and do anything else that helps you de-stress. Self care is important if you want to reach your full potential.”
((I know this is like the hundreth time in a row I’ve said this, but I promise you all: This blog isn’t dead. I’ve been focusing on school in the past few weeks, as I was in danger of not graduating. And don’t worry, this all payed off! I’m graduating in 2 weeks! On top of being done with school completely, hopefully this will mean that I’ll be making more content on both in and outside this blog. I can’t promise anything though, knowing me, but I will spare y’all a crumb of hope, as a treat.
Anyways, to close this post out, here’s a color palette I made to help me color this drawing. I as gonna use just these colors, but I ended up adding a few more for shading.
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((The only character besides Prosci I can make in PT :pensive:
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((When your mun is incapable of managing your blog responsibly Feel free to plop him into some random place if you want
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((Potential Pesci design tweak? I wanted to try to make him a lil younger since he is the youngest of the Squadra boys here. I was also thinking that later down the line, those antennae-like appendages could grow into those lures angler fish have, thus giving him some kind of fish-like trait I guess. Idk though; do you guys like this idea, or should I just keep his design the way it is?
(I’ll be posting a more refined version of this soon-ish)
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All I wanna say is that your drawings are ✨amazing ✨ keep up the good work😊
Ps. Sorry this isn't an awkward for the characters I just really wanted to tell ya that😅
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((I know it may not always seem like it, but as someone who lacks self esteem and feels like they don't pull their own weight, comments like these mean the world to me. I'm eternally grateful for those who have stuck around in spite of my tomfoolery. Again, thank you anon, and thank you everyone else who's still following this blog.
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((Greetings followers. Today I bring you all a concept for Ghiaccio’s design!
There’s an even older concept than this on a different  sketchbook, so this ain’t the first time I drew him by any means. Perhaps you all will be able to see that sketch someday. Hell, maybe I’ll finally deliver that concept art showcase I promised...
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((Hated that smug-ass Melone so much I redrew him entirely. </3
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Yet Another Progress Update
((I figured this blog’s due for another update since I don’t think I’ll be able to get this fable revamp out soon:
Same shit as always sadly. Art’s taking too long, I can’t focus for shit, and not a lot of progress is being made. Kinda amazed people are still following this blog, to be honest.
But that’s enough skin for the meat; time for the progress shots to let you all know that I’m not dead:
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So this is actually apart of a bigger image, but I don’t wanna show the full portion since it the Pros redesign that I still wanna keep a secret’s in it, so you just get this Melone. Unfortunately that cursed face was NOT intentional.  I’m currently outlining him, so I’m hoping I can fix it by then, but I don’t have much hope because I find drawing small images difficult.
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Next image! This is a concept for what the main area of the squad’s base is supposed to look like, AKA the living room of Risotto and Prosciutto’s apartment. I’m not very good with complex backgrounds and landscapes like this, but I’m hoping I can pull this and the other 2 or 3 rooms off and stop putting in generic “Hell” backgrounds. Like with the above image, this is in the lineart phase, but it’s.... Not going great.
Anyways, happy 2022, I guess? I’m not particularly excited for this year for hopefully obvious reasons, but here’s to hoping this year treats everyone better than the last.
Oh, and a bonus shot:
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Can you see why I’m struggling to line this image now?
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((Hey guys, happy Halloween! Progress has been pretty slow on the the blog revamp, but I did at manage to get at least one shot of Pros from the updated reference sheet down! I’d figure I’d share a snippet, for both the end of Spooky Month, and because I’m unsure of when I’ll be able to finish this.
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((Surprise Character Design Reveal!!
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Hi, here’s Illuso’s design out of nowhere! While his design is concrete, his color palette is subject to change, as I’m not particularly happy with it. This also isn’t a reference sheet; just a small concept. I’ll probably make one once I introduce him proper.... Whenever.
So uh, this blog isn’t dead yet; I’m just in a period where I’m not really motivated to draw anything. I’m still trying to produce content, but it’s gonna be super slow for the time being, so please be patient with me. I’m not necessarily focusing on asks right now, but I do wanna get back onto that soon (There is one that I’m especially excited to respond, but I won’t spoil the details right now). 
I can’t promise I’ll be releasing more concept art like this in the future, but I will try to slowly work on them until I feel motivated to answer asks again. Again, please be patient with me! I really hate letting y’all down like this, but I don’t really think there’s much I can do about it.
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((Random thought:
What if I made a Discord for this blog? Would anyone be interested in that? That way I could engage with y’all while I’m still on hiatus, and maybe show off some more WIP stuff...
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((Another redesign concept for Pesc, this time with his full body! Didn’t change much, but there’s still some differences.
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It looks good so far! Keep up the good work!
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(( Ehehehehehe :)
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