#A science
asalescommunity · 1 year
A private clinic where procedures according to a medicine are being obeyed is legal.
A patient can have an access to a patient`s card in order to verify a diagnosis. And the diagnosis is a beginning of a medical treatment when a time and medications are being monitored based on a technology.
An access to a consultation is available for an immigrant, and for all immigrants who want to pay for a private service.
A doctor can not be spied, and a spy can be fined.
A bank of sperm is available in a country where a democracy does exist.
A woman can be pregnant without knowing a man.
An author Piotr Sienkiewicz
Have a read about an economy.
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Tree roots following the pattern of concrete footpaths
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catchymemes · 2 months
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myjetpack · 2 months
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my latest cartoon for New Scientist.
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prokopetz · 2 months
I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".
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unbfacts · 1 month
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nando161mando · 8 months
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toadbreath · 2 months
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forgor his pants. how embarrassing
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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furryfeet · 3 months
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asalescommunity · 1 year
A government in a city of Warsaw can be proven to lead a criminal organization with CBA without obeying legal procedures based on a law.
Due to a fact an education is a basis of all qualifications, a required qualification meets a work`s description based on the law.
A terminology that is being used among employees who failed to develop a knowledge in a university is not permitted for them to use.
According to all procedures based on a science, a teacher can not do a research for a student.
In a case when the research is being made for an amount of monies paid by a person who is not representing an authority, a knowledge from the research can be used to do a crime.
In such the case it is an act against a law.
For example: A laboratory can not be used as same as a letting agency can advertise a flat to rent for consumers according to an economy.
An entry to the laboratory can be permitted only for scientists and for students who are supervised based on a science, and for a student who is being taught to work as a scientist.
A security system based on a technology can record a database of experts who enter the laboratory.
According to health and safety an environment at a working place then, and only then, will meet all requirements based on a law.
And the law can not be broken.
In a private sector a private service can guarantee the service in a correct manner. While the public service in the public sector can guarantee an investigation in the correct manner, and a report for a local Council for free.
An author Piotr Sienkiewicz
+48 721 951 799
Have a read about an economy.
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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Solar Eclipse Shadows
These solar eclipse shadows form due to the distance between the sun and the leaves on the trees. The distance and the proximity of the leaves to one another cause for a "lensing" type effect, making the eclipse shadow clearer to the human eye.
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catchymemes · 3 months
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Ohio Total Solar Eclipse
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mitchipedia · 7 months
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nasa · 3 months
Do You Love the Color of the Sun?
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Get dazzled by the true spectrum of solar beauty. From fiery reds to cool blues, explore the vibrant hues of the Sun in a mesmerizing color order. The images used to make this gradient come from our Solar Dynamics Observatory. Taken in a variety of wavelengths, they give scientists a wealth of data about the Sun. Don't miss the total solar eclipse crossing North America on April 8, 2024. (It's the last one for 20 years!) Set a reminder to watch with us.
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Mythbusters have 3 categories of myths
the general public doesnt know how physics works
the general public doesnt know how lying works
oh crap this ones real
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