#A mailbox sending letters through time doesn't. Fit
shima-draws · 2 years
for some reason, i remember someone (maybe the person who coined the shipname) saying lakehouse was a reference to some sort of song or show???? don't remember the exact details but like... not everyone is gonna know the reference
Yeah somebody said it's from a movie that I've literally never heard of before aklsdnsakdn
Just stick to smth that makes sense within the confines of Pokemon. Knowing the reference of a movie from 2006 isn't a universal experience
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moon-alight · 1 year
I don't know if you know the game but i feel like you can easily tell someons personality from their animal crossing island.
What would playing acnh be like with &T?
I love Animal Crossing and I must admit, I'm a bit addicted.🤣
&Team reaction to playing Animal Crossing with you.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 952
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-Chaotic island #1
-Has a bunch of random stuff all around because he does not know what to do with most of it
-Funnily enough hates it whenever you move something because even though its chaotic and all over the place, he loves it a lot.
-Tries to speedrun through the game but forgets it exists and gives up a couple days in
-Only to love it a week later and then forget about it again
-Has the most random villagers and has no clue how to get rid of them.
-Marshal is his pride and joy <3
-Never plays acnh ever again once Marshal decides to move lol
-The cleanest and most gorgeous island you have ever seen.
-Seriously, everything is so aesthetically pleasing.
-This man has a bedroom with a queen-sized bed for the both of you
-Loves playing together and giving you sweet little gifts
-Has the cutest and most adorable villagers that fit his island
-Made an entire beach, playground and refuses to use vehicles because "it is bad for the environment"
-Dom is his favorite and he loves spoiling the damn sheep
-Knows what he is doing and does it amazingly
-This guy is a bit lost
-Swears he won't like the game because it is "boring" but you catch him playing at the most unholy hours just to catch fish
-Has no clue what he is doing but somehow his island turns out ok.
-Like, he has weird and random stuff but you can tell he put a lot of work into his paths and scenery
-Will melt when you two play together like watching the stars or visiting the museum
-Date night is usually you two grinding on Animal Crossing.
-His favorite villager is Eugene because -- and I quote -- "He looks like me"
-His first villager was Fauna and he immediately fell in love lol
-Tries his hardest but it never turns out the way he wants it to
-Gets a lot of inspiration from Fuma and sometimes even asks for help.
-Would love it if you visited and complimented his house (because he worked hard for it to look like that)
-The biggest grin whenever he catches a bug but cannot fish to save his life
-He has missed a lot of sharks because of his terrible skill
-His mission is to have every single different type of fruit without help so you can often find him on Nook-Mile islands
-Cries when Fauna tells him she wants to leave
-Chaotic Island #2
-This guy leaves trash around everywhere and then complains about the damn ants on his island
-Collected the ugliest villagers on purpose because he knows you hate them.
-His only decent looking villager is Marlo and he's only there because it was his very first villager so he is proud of him.
-Despite his island looking like a dangerous toxic environment, his house is really cute and pretty.
-According to him it's because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable whenever you visit <3
-Plants random flowers around your house whenever he visits
-The calmest boy ever.
-Plays everyday and does his tasks like he is supposed to but at the same time makes sure all his villagers love him.
-This man once received a gift in his mailbox from Mint and almost teared up because he didn't know they could do that
-Has made it his mission to write his villagers every few days to keep the good vibes
-Funnily enough, his house is pretty empty
-It's because he places everything that's useful outside so his villagers can enjoy it more than him
-Enjoys fishing with you or decorating his island together.
-Sends you letters and cute gifts almost everyday.
-He's determined lol
-Chaotic island #3
-Not because everything is everywhere like the other two but because it is indeed very chaotic.
-He has placed his buildings all around the damn island
-Has a random basketbal field in front of his Nook's Cranny
-Accidentally put his device in English so he has no clue whatever Tom Nook asks him to do
-Always comes to you to translate everything because he is clueless
-Has trouble understanding why his villagers want to leave but he also never speaks to them
-Except for Moe that is
-Harua loves Moe and always has long conversations with him
-Has many different pictures with just Moe and random fish in his hands
-This man had one mission and one mission only
-An island filled with horses and it is almost exactly like that
-The only non-horse villager is Shep and he cannot physically get it over his heart to bully this dog away
-It was his first villager together with Savannah so he decided to love Shep because he was really cute
-His island is pretty normal by the way
-Just does his tasks as normal and donates things to the museum
-Always laughs whenever Blathers shows a disliking into bugs
-Likes to go to other people's islands just to annoy them
-He is a pro at ACNH
-Makes his island look pretty and does his tasks until KK Slider has visited
-After that all hell breaks lose
-His members ask him where he gets all the cool stuff from but Maki knows about Treasure Islands.
-Sneaks the most amazing things from there and makes sure you get a copy of things he knows you'd like
-Does not tell anyone about how he gets these things and remains focused on his own island.
-All his villagers are different types of animals
-His favorite villager is Vic
-Simply enjoys his island and does not let anyone on it lmao
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forviik · 3 years
By some stroke of luck, a letter addressed to Santa himself ended up in Aleks' mailbox, written by one Georgie McBulloch, asking for some very specific things. Resting upon their doormat was a wooden crate painted to look like a gift with the straps criss-crossed on it to look like ribbon. It was quite large, too. Wrapped in the soft handkerchiefs used as filler were likely far too many little packs of camera film, as per request in the letter Aleksander had received. Beneath all of those were a warm quilt, folded neatly and depicting a variety of animals native to those islands that Georgie and their family have inhabited for many years: cows, sheep and the like. Lastly, at the bottom of the crate was a layer or two of properly seasoned firewood and heating coal, set in it's own box as to not smudge the quilt. Tacked to the underside of the lid was a note: God Jul, Georgie! I have checked my list once or twice, and it seems your ratio of naughty to nice has far surpassed your numbers last year! I am quite proud of you. As such, your gifts are enclosed. Unfortunately, I was unable to deliver your Da to you, as he would not fit in the box with the rest of your gifts. I'll build a larger box next year. Father Christmas
Christmas 2021 || no longer accepting
     Georgie's curiosity is immediately piqued upon seeing the crate at their doorstep. It's in far too good condition to have washed up from the sea, and it was too far away from the shoreline anyway. They're not left to speculate for long, however, as it's peculiar paintjob makes it fairly obvious as to it's purpose. Clapping their hands together, they eagerly drag the wooden box inside before the weather can get to it first.
     They don't need much help prying the container open, having become quite proficient with a crowbar in recent years, though it's not exactly an elegant process. The pressure of the top finally coming loose sends them tumbling backwards, but they don't care. It's not long before they're able to get it open and sift through it's contents.
     The camera film brings an excited smile to their face, and a quietly exclaimed 'yes!' escapes them. The timing couldn't have been better. They're already down to their last roll, and who knows how long it'd be before they could to get more?
     That's far from the only thing in the box, though. Further investigation reveals a quilt cushioned beneath the rolls of film, and they immediately recognize every animal portrayed in it's stitching. They've never been a particularly neat person, but something about this quilt prompts them to handle it with more care than usual, even going so far as to gingerly fold it back up before setting it to the side. It was thick and hardy, perfect for cold winter nights at sea.
     Speaking of, the gift resting at the bottom was a welcome addition. Wood and coal to help keep the cottage warm during the winter months. They'll try to make it last.
     Regrettably, they don't notice the letter taped to the underside of the lid until after they've sorted through all their presents. In their defense, it was pretty easy to miss. But when they do get around to reading it, they can't help but smile. As easy as it would be to speculate the validity of the sender's name, they decide not to. It doesn't matter.
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