#A fair number of men making eye contact way too repeatedly but silently without followup
rottingfacade · 3 months
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#Whatever here’s last night nothing interesting happened nothing matters and I have no photos but these. at least I’ll remember i was there#It’s something#it’s some experience#Uncomfortable vibe for me and the people who actually talked to me were high schoolers so I didn’t hang out really#and didn’t follow when they left to get picked up#I got one instagram and felt like I didn’t really have much in common#Guy who invited me preformed before I showed up and he looked to uncomfortable to talk to me after just saying hi to eachother#I once again got high as soon as I was offered weed and just went quiet and sat in on the conversation without really connecting#I wrote down some names so I at least didn’t forget them while high#Didn’t realize the music would be so death metal-y so I stood away and smiled while wearing my snoopy shirt and rainbow bracelets#A fair number of men making eye contact way too repeatedly but silently without followup#without anyone approaching for just a light convo first made me feel scared and i didn’t even want to be approached anymore#A lot of pressure for showing up without someone familiar to stick with#Felt like everyone had made up their minds on me from the stares and if I approached any of them I was just giving a green light on myself#Either they already decided I was boring or already decided that if I said anything to them they would try to hit on me#Way too interested before if said anything is obvious like anything they say to me is just gonna be them like#forcing conversation they dont care about to get to what they already wanted#me
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