cyranojoness · 6 days
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i’m goin in
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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I feel like someone is standing next to me talking about how I'm dead
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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Let them cook
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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cyranojoness · 6 days
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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turned my childhood LPS guys into cool college kids :)
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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arts and crafts :,)
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cyranojoness · 6 days
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cyranojoness · 6 days
Okay so actually copper based blood is colorless, unless oxidized and then it's blue SO now my hc is that vulcans bleed green blood but it dries into a deep blue
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very quick very shitty visualization
And this is what we in show buis call a dramatic irony
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cyranojoness · 20 days
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FILMS WATCHED IN 2024 Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) dir. Martin Scorsese
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cyranojoness · 25 days
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DISNEY'S MULAN (1998) FA MULAN: Hairstyle aligns with Character Development The changes in Mulan's hair is like her character, presenting transformation and growth in herself until slowly yet surely, she becomes a strong young woman who can finally be true to herself.
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cyranojoness · 25 days
hi any life advice for 21yo
Don't date thirty-year-olds until you are at least 25.
Having a glass of water for every glass of alcohol will give you a 50% reduction in hangover viciousness.
Bad people will use your willingness to be quiet as a weapon against you. If someone's being awful to you and trusting you'll be quiet to keep from making waves, surprise them.
There is no physical object in the world that is worth as much as your honor.
Honor is not the same as dignity. Retaining one sometimes means leaving the other aside.
Don't have any sex you don't want to have; have as much as you want of the sex that you do, whether that's a lot, a little, or none at all. Nothing you can do to your own body is immoral, unless you're doing it as an act of self-punishment.
Food is morally neutral. You do not have to earn the right to eat calories. Fat and sugar keep your brain from eating itself.
Learning to sit still and breathe--in, in, in, hold, hold, hold, out, out, out, out, out, out--can give you five feet of clear space around yourself in a maelstrom.
Find out how to make three good meals: A comfort meal you can make for just yourself relatively easily, a fancy meal you can use to wow a date, and a meal you can feed a bunch of people. All the other cooking can come later, but you can build a community on those three meals.
If you ever get to the point that things are so bleak you can see no other way forward but to die, make any other choice. If that means leaving everything you own and being a beach bum, or quitting your career, or taking up or leaving a religion, or deciding to bicycle across the country, so be it; living means more chances, dying means everything stops and you don't get to see any more interesting things. As you have not yet seen all the things that can interest you, it is better to live.
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cyranojoness · 25 days
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@andorology asked: #13- a film whose main genre is drama
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cyranojoness · 26 days
Thing is, I'm not just anti-fatphobia as in "I don't want people to be mean to fat people"
I am pro fat liberation as in "I want to dismantle the systemic biases against fat people and the diet culture and medical industrial complex that feeds into the very real systemic oppression that fat people face"
I don't see fatphobia as a mere interpersonal issue where if you are being nice to fat people or saying things in a polite way to them you're automatically free of fatphobia. I see it as essential to challenge every bit of diet culture myth that we might encounter and break the unscientific ideas of "health" as defines by weight, fat, calories, bmi, and other nonsense. I see it as essential to view fatphobia as the political issue it is and take it seriously as such, and to unlearn and help others unlearn oppressive baseless ideas we have assumed to be true and natural.
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cyranojoness · 26 days
noooo trans person don’t mistake your dysphoria-based apathy towards transition and your assumption that it can’t make you more happy with yourself as radical acceptance of your body that proves you don’t need (or more internally, deserve) hormones and gender affirming clothes, nothing will really happen but god you could be so much more fulfilled and could stop whenever you want if you don’t like it… crossdress in your room TODAY
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cyranojoness · 26 days
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Cecil C. Bell (American, 1906 - 1970) - Alice Feeding her Goat
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