#A Very Temmie Hoiliday
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shadeyshopinc · 6 years ago
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Oh? What’s this?
You appear to have been sent an RSVP notice! A handwritten (paw... written?) letter inviting you to a special celebration with an old friend (and some new!). It’s taking place from FEB 8 - FEB 10 ! 
So thatwe know who (and how many) to expect, it’s required to fill this form out! While we might allow last RSVPs, it’s recommended to fill the form out by  -> FEBRUARY 3RD! <-
Check out the links below for more information!
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If you’re interested in coming to A Very Temmie Hoiliday, please fill out the ‘RSVP’ form [here!]
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6souls · 6 years ago
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Make a wish, everything’s going to be ok now...
((The @shadeyshopinc firefly lantern lighting was beautiful~))
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sixvoidventurers · 6 years ago
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Some simple drawings of the kiddos, all decked out in their cool, new winter wear~! Now available at @shadeyshopinc​!
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eightcurioussouls · 6 years ago
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                                           “I love you guys...”
Ft. @a-persevering-soul‘s Lillian and @seven-bitter-souls‘s Emily.
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nxtgxnnadie · 6 years ago
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Local tag team Momo (@6souls) and Teddy (@nolvlost) found trolling a 10 year old, more at 8
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those-who-know-darkness · 6 years ago
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(I caved)
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yesanothertale · 6 years ago
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“Let’s go trusty steed!!” Triton suffered by the hands of tiny children, what’s good?--karma considering. ( @angelfriskandcrew )
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integrity-dancer · 6 years ago
A Very Temmie HOI-lday Recap Day 1
*[A tired, but happy looking Alexis pops up on screen. She’s wearing a black hoodie with a single blue pawprint on it. You get a distinct feeling this is going to be a long one.]
* Hey everyone! It’s been awhile...life’s been hectic around here. Adding onto my home, seeing friends, all that good stuff. Speaking of friends, I got to see so many again recently!
*[The Blue Soul took a deep breath, getting herself ready to discuss what she had just been though, getting her thoughts in order...]
* I was really surprised to get a invite back to Soul Island...it had been quite awhile since the last one, that I thought the Sky Temmies were no longer holding camps.
*[She pulls out a key, and a walkie-talkie...seems like it has a blue case, and a pair of buttons, and perhaps unusual for a walkie-talkie, a video screen on it.]
* The key is what got us to Soul Island...it’s a bit different then the previous one. My sis wants to study the keys we all got at some point, but I wanted to do this first. The walkie-talkie is the cooler part for me, though...it works just like the pins from the camps, and now people can see each other! Emma’s going to test if the pins and the walkies are compatible with each other later.
*[Pausing to breathe, the ballerina puts the stuff down in front of her. Just building up to this was a bit hype for her!]
* Anyways, we arrived, got some yummy breakfast, and were taken on a tour of the island by Mira...it seems most of the Temmies had gone on vacation, so they brought us to the island to celebrate the holidays! We weren’t allowed to go to some places, like Soul Sanctum, but that’s fine...better to focus on what’s new anyways! There was a mysterious staircase and a door...didn’t really get to learn about that much.
* I also got to reunite with some good friends of mine, Penny and Val! They fell into the lake for some reason...guess the teleport to the island wasn’t absolutely reliable...what really surprised me, though, was seeing Winter again! It had been so long, I was worried something had happened to her! Hopefully we can keep in touch more...maybe the walkie-talkies will help with that.
* Lunch was pretty good...I don’t know how the Temmies do it, really. Every time I come to Soul Island, the food is just...wonderful. Anyways...we tried to have a bit of a eating contest, but decided to save it for another time because...uhh...Val nearly choked on the food. She was fine, though...thank goodness!
*[The ballerina is practically giddy with cheer at this point. Just thinking of the good times had a great impact on her mood.]
* After supper...some yummy mac and cheese, it was time to engage in making pillow forts, where it was revealed all of us would be split into four teams. I was on Team Daybreak Warmth...and by working together, we made the best overall pillow fort, that combined structure, comfiness, and looks...though we did lose out in the last two, if barely. Still, it was very close in those categories!
*[Alexis blinks, seeming to look at something, and gasped.]
* This video’s running really long! I think I’ll split it up...don’t want to bore everyone to death watching a massive video of me rambling about the fun I had!
*[And with that, the video log ends.]
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persevering-eidetic · 6 years ago
A Very Temmie HOI-lday Recap Day 3
*[It looks like it’s been only a couple minutes since the last video. In addition to the walkie-talkie still being in that one machine in the background, the key is in another now, being studied by the power of science. The display for the walkie seems to be displaying some info now, but it’s too far away to make out.]
* Well, here we are. The last day. It was very good, though I did sleep in a bit...the study of those ruins late at night may have been unwise. Unfortunately, I could not continue my study right away, as my sister decided to drag me to some sled race...though it was fun, I will give it that. And we won, which is also important.
* Following the victory, however, I resumed my studies. I decided to photograph everything for future efforts...however I cannot discern at this time if the murals present represent a actual historical entry, or are a fictional, mythical one. The same is true for the stained glass room...unfortunately, I was not able to determine this before the end. I will cross reference with prior studies at a later date.
*[The small Soul of Perseverance leaned back in her chair at this point, closing her eyes, seeming to be deep in thought.]
* Then the firefly catching came...there was so many people that...I may have froze up for a bit, until I realized I should seek out someone I knew. I could not find my sister, so...I found Teddy instead. He asked if I could help with his lantern, so I did. T..then we held...hands...
*[There’s a giggle off camera, but Emma pays it no mind, though her eyes do start to water a bit as she opens them.]
* And then we made our wishes upon them as we let them go. I hope they all come true...I want to see my friends again, and have the strength to protect them. And with that, I departed with Teddy. We decided to leave together...it was a lovely end to a wonderful event.
*[Emma starts to sniffle a bit...Alexis comes onto the camera at this point, giving her sister a big, tight hug, which only gets slight flailing in response. Emma reaches over to turn the camera off at this point, and with that, the video ends.]
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°What's my wish...?
°I wish... I wish we were all together again. My void friends and I. I miss them. I miss them so much.
°It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter what world. I just want them back in my life...
°Back together again.
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shadeyshopinc · 6 years ago
*You receive a package
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A hand-wrapped care package appears in your line of sight! It’s been signed with a big ‘M’ and when you open it... you find a walkie-talkie, a note, and a key.The note reads: “Hoi! If yoU’s recieveD thiS then yoUs reAdy fOr somE HOIliday fUn!!! But... be careful. These keys are... bootlegs.... and for Communi-cations... We’s all got TALKIES NOW. GeT heRe sAfe!!!!  - loev Mira. R. Tem”
We’re dropping the link a bit in advance to properly filter people in! When you join, you will have to wait ten minutes before you will be given access to the channels. Please read the rules and sign in to get your role! We love you, and hope you have a fun time!- The Mod Team
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6souls · 6 years ago
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Happy Hoi-lidays~! @shadeyshopinc
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those-who-know-darkness · 6 years ago
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*Tulip, actually, isn't as fond of this poncho as she is of her normal one. Its far to tight around her neck and she much prefers something smaller and looser. But even so she likes it kinda!*
(And heres that second one I promised with Tulip in the poncho as well.)
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yesanothertale · 6 years ago
[h00rah has logged in.] [cuthroatcute has logged in.]
[Welcome to Skynet!]
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integrity-dancer · 6 years ago
A Very Temmie HOI-lday Recap Day 2
*[Another video, picking up right after the first it seems. It looks like Alexis has gotten some of the goodies from the event on display in the background, including a white t-shirt with blue paw prints and the walkie-talkie from earlier.]
* Hey again everyone! We got two more days of Soul Island fun to go over...I woke up a bit late on this day...but not so late to miss any real fun! Breakfast was light, but that’s okay! Once that was done, though, the Tems had set up a Cops and Robbers game, and assigned my sister and I to the Criminals team...
*[The ballerina frowns for a brief moment.]
* ...But I got taken out instantly at the Crystal Canyon. It’s almost like some of these people know I’m a threat in these sorta things...
*[A voice off camera makes a comment that sounds like ‘you were not paying attention’.]
* I was paying attention...but it was a bit too pretty there and distracting. Yeah. You should do one of these videos, Emma, it would be fun!
*[There’s a pretty firm ‘no’ as a response.]
* Don’t know what you’re missing...anyways...after becoming a hardened criminal, it was time for lunch...sandwiches. Not too much to say there, really...the real fun would come later near supper time. Pizza was the plan, buuuuut...one of the Tems decided to eat all of the pizza. Even I don’t know how he did it, there was like forty of them.
* So instead, the other Tems recruited everyone to help out. Some of us prepared dough, some of us gathered ingredients. Emma and I helped with the second one. I found a utterly massive tomato, and a huge mushroom to match...though I did get bonked in the head with a apple. After that we got to help make the sauce...and about a hour later...it seems the Temmies had made the biggest pizza I have ever seen.
*[Alexis pulls out her phone and brings up a picture of a utterly absurd pizza.]
* Think they mentioned it was like, 100 foot diameter. I’m sure that breaks some sort of record. Helping out in making it, though...made it all the tastier in the end! Val and Daf decided they wanted to compete over who could eat the most pizza, so I joined in too. Probably was a mistake, honestly...it’s gonna take forever to work all this off!
* And to make it worse, we got in trouble with the Tems because we made a mess...though most of it was Val blowing up one of Daf’s robot arms. The Tems bribed some of the other guests with cinnabuns to catch us when we fled, and catch us they did.
* ...Still worth it in the end, that pizza was really good. I snagged a bunch of extra slices for later.
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persevering-eidetic · 6 years ago
A Very Temmie HOI-lday Recap Day 2
*[The video starts up again...the room’s brighter now, showing off some electronics projects in the background. One piece of machinery seems to be scanning the walkie-talkie from the prior video, reading out some technical nonsense on a screen.]
* Since my sister insists I keep doing this...I suppose it is good to discuss this, organize my thoughts a bit better...the second day was a bit less tuned to my interests, but it was still measurably fun...I woke up to being suddenly selected to be a Criminal in the Cops and Robbers part of things. Unfortunately, my tactic of teaming up with Camilia and Tulip, as well as my sister, ended in failure when most of us got picked off early on in the proceedings.
* Camilia did well, though, so there is that at least...but it was not enough to claim victory. We got demolished. The rest of the day was fairly quiet overall, until it got closer to supper time...where we learned that Boof, one of the Temmies had eaten all forty pizzas. Somehow. He puts my sister’s eating habits to shame...
*[Alexis is quite clearly heard commenting that a growing girl needs to eat.]
* ...There is so many things wrong with that comment. Anyways...we were recruited to help create a replacement meal. While others gone to prepare the dough, Alexis and I gone to help gather ingredients. Since she is far more physically adept then I, she did all the heavy lifting and found some quite suitable ingredients...more then enough to make forty more pizzas.
* We did not receive forty more pizzas, however. We received a utterly absurd pizza that I would estimate was roughly one hundred feet in diameter. I am not sure how they got it into the dining hall...regardless, it was rather delicious, though I only had a few slices, and grabbed a few more for later. My sister on the other hand, decided trying to out eat her friends was a wise move, and got sent to Tem Jail, eventually, for making a mess of things.
*[There’s a shout of ‘it was worth it!’]
* ...Was gaining that weight worth it, though?
Alexis: * Only slightly less worth it. I can work this off!
* ...Riiiight. After all that excitement, there was some chatter on the Skynet, suggesting that the door at the Staircase had been opened. I decided to investigate this. Inside was some rather decaying ruins...a bit surprising, given that even Soul Sanctum supposedly rose out of the ground and was in great shape. In the back of these ruins was a far more intact room...a rather pretty one, if I say so myself.
*[Emma shows some pictures, first of a ruined looking room with several murals, and then one seemingly made of stained glass, showing several Tems from ancient times.]
* Unfortunately, answers were not quite forthcoming, and due to the hour, I decided to head to bed. I suppose next time, we will cover the events of the final day.
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