#A Not so Sunny World
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kriimhild · 1 year ago
What would happen if we put together or joined animutants with biomatronics?
Would you do another collaboration with Pixel Chills?
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actually we already had talked about this with @pixelchills :D I made this weird idea about the melting of the two dimensions, but don't take it canon. i was just having fun while drinking wine xd for real, Sunrise would be very curious to compare a lot of stuff to his own world, and Moondrop would just keep his Sunny under his eye. I want to believe that if they talk a bit with each other, they can relax in their company. After all, Moon and Sun are just as protective personalities like the animutant boys. :)
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pixelchills · 2 years ago
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This meme but it's my fic
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asukisuki · 1 year ago
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I try recreate this scene
Au by pixel chills
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macdenlover · 9 months ago
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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bigcitymac · 2 months ago
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fake idgafer i saw u texting ur bf just to check in
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ihavealavalamp · 3 months ago
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Never Quite Free, The Mountain Goats [x]
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sunny-sourzii · 24 days ago
I wanted to show what Starbug looks like under his blanket so here!!
Also TW for nonsexual nudity (I know he's not COMPLETELY naked but still)
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chrliekclly · 11 months ago
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beeguillotine · 8 days ago
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Haaaappy Miriam Monday!!!
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shkika · 1 year ago
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guilty little guy
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pixelchills · 1 year ago
Well, would you look at that! Sunrise and Moondrop hopped between dimensions to meet up with Dusk Lounge boys >:)
//honestly Kriim you're so amazing and I love you so much for these sketches <3 x 10000
What would happen if we put together or joined animutants with biomatronics?
Would you do another collaboration with Pixel Chills?
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actually we already had talked about this with @pixelchills :D I made this weird idea about the melting of the two dimensions, but don't take it canon. i was just having fun while drinking wine xd for real, Sunrise would be very curious to compare a lot of stuff to his own world, and Moondrop would just keep his Sunny under his eye. I want to believe that if they talk a bit with each other, they can relax in their company. After all, Moon and Sun are just as protective personalities like the animutant boys. :)
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pixelchills · 9 months ago
I think I have enough time to finish 2 artworks this month if the weather isn't too melting...
One for pride month and one for Midsummer...
And I'll let my Tumblr followers pick up the characters this time!
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lilac-gold · 1 year ago
thinking about how one of kel's first lines is "man, aubrey always gets what she wants". thinking about how aubrey wanted to go see sweetheart's show for hearts, so hero took them all to sweetheart's show for hearts. thinking about how aubrey told molly not to touch omori, and she didn't again.
thinking about how all aubrey wanted was to keep her friend group together. thinking about how aubrey's clothes are too big in headspace, she only has one toy and in the real world, her house is a tip with her room almost bare. thinking about how aubrey wanted to keep the photos of mari and throw the rest in the bin, and how she put them back in the album after kel picked it out of the trash.
thinking about how sunny viewed her as a protector of his as a kid, someone who'd look for for him, and how the hooligans trust her to lead and look out for them, and how hero and mari were like older siblings to her when she was younger, and how aubrey's parents didn't look out for her. thinking about how aubrey is angry and insulted and violent and vengeful, and how she wants the girl she knew as a sister to come back. thinking about how she believes she wasn't enough for her old friends, for anyone. thinking about how little possessions she has, how she pushes away people who care about her, how she's viewed as a "bad kid" by the residents of faraway.
want is such a big theme with aubrey. in headspace, every one of hers is fulfilled. in the real world, we see almost none being.
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rainecreatesstuff · 1 year ago
here’s the thing is. It’s not about Sunny being a little spoiled diva (ok it totally is but keep listening), it’s about her and her siblings being rescued from an island that has been hell for every single person who has encountered it. And they are told they will get parents. And she is a kid. They have nothing, as far as we know they didn’t have parents before.
if I went up to an eight year old right now and asked them what rich people do, what do you think they would say?
Maybe that they have big fancy tea parties, with feather boas and crowns.
Maybe that they can have anything they need, anything they want. That the world is at their fingertips.
Maybe, they might say they have people taking care of them, all the time. That they have someone at their beck and call at all times.
I want you to think back to the first time you can remember getting a present from your parents. What did it feel like? Was it magical, was it warm? Were you excited?
Think back to playing with your parents. What was that like? Was it fun, was it warm? Did it feel like safety and adventure at the same time?
What about the first time you remember being sick and your parents needing to take care of you. Did you cuddle with them, did you watch your favourite movies and eat your favourite snacks? Did it feel nice? Was it warm? Did you feel loved?
Did it feel like home?
if you never got to have any of those experiences, would you want them? Would you know to want them?
If you didn’t, how do you ask for that? For those feelings? How do you say that you want those feelings?
Well… what about a tea party? We can wear crowns and feather boas and ride around in a fancy train. Please? I want it. A lot.
Can I have money? Or a crown? Or a warp stone? Can I have coffee, and a factory, and a train? Please? I want it a lot.
I don’t want to wear armour. It’s heavy and ugly. I don’t need it. You’ll protect me. Stay by my side and protect me. Please, I want it a lot.
I want you to live in that. That moment of asking for love and affection and safety in the only way you know how. The only way you would know people might get those feelings.
And I want you to live in the next moment, where someone looks at you, and they smile so wide, and they say yes.
And then try to tell me you would stop asking.
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thrutheinferno · 10 months ago
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happy birthday to my dear friend @venomnipx and our charmac AU we have together !!!!!
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leslie057 · 2 months ago
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when your boyfriend moves into his new home aka a radio station so you have a little housewarming celebration
+ close-up
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