#A Month of Whump
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serickswrites · 3 months ago
Sugar Plums Dancing in Their Heads
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, temporary character death, nightmares, flashbacks, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery
Caretaker ran down the corridor. They couldn't be too late. Their exhausted body protested being pushed further, their lungs screaming for air. But they couldn't stop. They were so close. They had found Whumpee. Whumpee needed them.
Caretaker skidded to a halt at the end of the corridor, where it opened up to a great room. "NO!" They screeched as their brain finally made sense of what their eyes were seeing.
Whumpee hung limply in the chains keeping them suspended the air. Blood dripped from the deep cuts that littered their body. Their head hung low, obscuring their face from Caretaker's view.
"Whumpee, no! Say something! I'm here!" Caretaker shouted as they raced forward. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
Whumpee didn't move. Didn't groan. Didn't so much as even breathe as Caretaker called to them. "Whumpee, please, say something," Caretaker said as they reached Whumpee.
Caretaker gasped as they could finally see Whumpee's face. Their eyes were closed, their features lax. Blood and saliva dripped from their mouth. "Whumpee, please. Please, you have to be ok. You have to be ok." Caretaker pressed two shaking fingers to Whumpee's throat.
"NOOOOOOO!" They screamed as there was no pulse beating beneath their finger tips. "PLEASE NOOOO!"
"Caretaker, Caretaker," a voice called gently, wrenching Caretaker out of their horror, "Caretaker you have to wake up."
Caretaker jolted awake. They blinked against the bright lights in the room. Where were they? Whumpee? "I didn't fall asleep."
"You were having a nightmare," Friend said with a gentle smile, "you fell asleep after we got home from visiting Whumpee. You were so exhausted, I thought it best to let you sleep."
Caretaker breathed a sigh of relief. It was a nightmare. It was only a nightmare. Whumpee was alive. Whumpee was alive and healing in the hospital. Whumpee wasn't dead. They had arrived in time. "Thanks for waking me."
Friend nodded. "How about we get you some nice chamomile tea and see if we can chase that dream out of your head."
Tags: @mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @st0rmm @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 years ago
A Month of Whump Day 1: Environmental
Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch
Warning: violence
Summary: Hunter takes a few regs to scout the area around a recovered base. What will happen when they are caught in a rock slide?
    Hunter had been sent with some regs to scout the surroundings around the Republic base the battalion had just reclaimed. The other batch members were to stay back to help where needed. The sergeant heard the rocks before the others. Warning them they all tried to get out of the way. Pieces of the land crashed down on top of them.
    Hunter moved from under a thin layer of rock and mub. He escaped to the outside of the tomb. Sitting on the cold ground he started at the rocks. Had anyone survived? After a moment he was able to find the sound of labored breathing. The pain in his wrist already told him he was on his own for now. There was only one thing left to do; dig. 
    The rocks were slippery and sharp. It didn't take long for Hunter's gloves to be torn to shreds. His hands would follow in their footsteps.
    After an unknown amount of time the soldier finally found someone. By this point his hands were covered in his own blood. The reg, known as Butters, breathed healthy. Hunter assessed his injuries and carefully moved him from the pile of rocks to the flat ground. "You're gonna be alright." Butters couldn't keep his eyes open. Multiple bones in the man's body had been crushed. He was drenched in his own blood. Rain pulled the crimson liquid down to the ground where it mixed with the mub.
    Hunter returned to the rock pile. It didn't take too long for him to find someone else. However this time he was dead. The rock had demolished the man's skull. Blood lined the gray rock. Hunter jumped back with freight. Not letting Butters see he removed the body of the unknown clone and took it to the other side of the rock pile.
    After finding a few more dead soldiers and one survivor, Hunter started to give up. At least he found the medic. Of course he was dead as well so he took the supplies from him and went back to the two men.
    "I'm gonna take care of you two the best I can alright?" Butters nodded and the unnamed reg didn't move. "Hey reg?" Hunter moved over to him and shook him a little. Checking for a pulse he sighed and took him to the dead side of the pile.
    After taking care of Butters, Hunter returned to the pile. With only two more people underneath the rocks he once more listened for breathing. One of them had survived while the other hadn't. He would find the alive one first. Another no named reg.
    Pulling him from the pile the soldier went to check up on Butters. His breathing had slowed and it looked like he couldn't stay awake. "Butters, you alright?"
    In response the man tried to answer but instead blood flowed from his month. Hunter gave it everything he had. "It's" stuttered the reg, "alright."
    "You're gonna be fine." Not long after Butters would fall into a permanent sleep. Sadly Hunter moved him over to the dead pile.
    Apologizing to the last reg in the pile he walked over to the only surviving soldier of the ten that had come with him. Picking him up he walked back to the base. Quite a lot of time had passed since the clones had left. The sun was rising, leaving the sky a brilliant mix of reds, oranges, and yellows. Clouds reflected the colors slightly and the light rain caused a wonderful rainbow. If only Hunter could enjoy it.
    Guards welcomed the two and took the unnamed soldier to the medical center. Hunter walked with them and was taken over to a table. The medic assisting him stared at his blood-soaked hands. "What happened Hunter?" He asked.
    The sergeant never took his eyes off the only other survivor, "rock slide. Him and I are all that's left. How long is this going to take?" Some droids took the other back for surgery and Hunter finally looked at the medic. "Oh Tech hi."
    "Hello. This shouldn't take too long. Stay still." Tech grabbed a warm, damp, washcloth and pressed it to Hunter's skin. He hissed as it touched him.
    No long after Tech would begin he would finish. "There. Be careful."
    "We need to retrieve the bodies. I can't just leave them there." Hunter looked up at his brother. The numb look on his face concerned Tech.
    "Alright. We will need help. I will go find Crosshair and Wrecker. Some regs will also be required so I will go talk to the general." With that Tech left.
    Not long after the batch and a few others would leave to retrieve the bodies. Hunter warned them of the horrors that would be ahead once they got close.
    Arriving everyone grabbed a body. The regs knew who these people were, they fought alongside them. Hunter grabbed Butters gently and looked to the others. With everyone ready they set off once more. Walking back was excruciatingly silent.
    The soldiers would be buried near the base. Not long after the batch would be assigned their next mission. Hunter's hands would heal but be covered in small scars. The scars served as a cruel reminder of his failure to protect the regs put under him that day. For a while rain served the same sort of pain on a platter. One day he would enjoy the rain again, one day.
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whump-in-the-closet · 4 days ago
The light fades from a characters eyes in five stages
Denial. This isn’t real. You want me on my knees? I mean, if you ask nicely.
No, I’m not apologizing, I didn’t do anything wrong—
Forced to their knees anyway.
Anger. Snapping at the hands that tie them down.
Resist. Resist. Resist. This isn’t right.
Blood on the floor, iron-bitter blood in their mouth, knocked to the floor. Up again. Back down.
Fuck you, you’d have to kill me to shut me up—
Bargaining. If I lick your boots will you give me my clothes back?
If I stay still, can I please sleep tonight?
They just have to stay strong. Stay alive. Until their friends come.
— god, that’s too far— you can’t make me— anything else? I’ll do anything—
Funny, they thought they had a say in their choices.
They aren’t coming
No more screaming.
The guards realize they can get away with a lot more when they’re dealing with the quiet prisoner.
Doesn’t matter.
Acceptance. Whatever you say. Sir.
They never had a choice to begin with. Fated to fall from the moment it started. The only thing they could control was how long it took.
It took a while.
But now?
Yes, sir. Immediate.
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egg-writes-whump · 8 months ago
A whumpee who (presumably after escaping whumper or just being missing for an extended period of time) gets home, greets everyone like they weren't ever gone, ignores their questions and just immediately goes to bed
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bebellsoterel · 8 months ago
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Thanks to @cirrus-ghoulette for this whumpmonth !
Again, I digressed from the theme. I guess I was horny. (no)
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i think tim is high maintenance the way a boarder collie or austrialian shepherd is. like you have to make sure they're not only given space to expend energy but you have to specifically let them get the herding instinct out and challenge them intellectually or they start destroying ur home
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tansyuduri · 5 months ago
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Art by @kairennart for "Nine Lives" Based on the Five Of Swords Tarrot Card.
Arthur smoothed Merlin's hair again, trying to calm his own breathing. “He’s not waking up,” Arthur’s voice cracked.
“Give it a moment. His body has been through a lot,” Gaius told him. Arthur nodded and tilted Merlin's face upward again. “You’re alright,” he whispered again, “you’re alright. Everything is alright.” Except it wasn’t, and Arthur had no idea how the curse would strike next. 
He watched Merlin, trying not to hyperventilate as he cradled the other man’s cheek. His thumb stroked it gently. “Come on…” Arthur begged, “wake up… You’re alright…” He had to be alright.
Finally, Merlin’s eyes slowly flickered open. The blue that reminded Arthur of a night sky flicked around the room quickly before meeting Arthur’s own eyes and focusing slowly. It was the most beautiful sight Arthur had ever seen. 
It was all he could do not to kiss him right then and there. Let him breathe, he reminded himself. Let him breathe. His thumb continued to stroke Merlin's cheek. He bent forward and kissed his forehead again. Pulling back, he discovered Merlin's eyes still focused on him. 
“Merlin…you can hear me?”  Arthur asked.
Merlin gave a very slight nod, eyes still staring up into Arthur’s. 
“Good, it's about time you woke up from your beauty rest.” It was all Arthur could do to keep his tone even and his voice from cracking as he spoke. 
Merlin’s gaze instantly switched to being utterly incredulous. His eyes practically screamed “you ass”. 
Arthur started to laugh hysterically, and he leaned down, embracing Merlin with both arms. Taking a few deep breaths of his own before pulling back, he sat on the end of Merlin’s bed and pulled the other man close. One hand rubbed up and down Merlin’s back while the other caressed the nape of his neck and the bottom of his black hair. Arthur’s lips pressed over Merlin’s skin wherever he could reach.
Internally, he continued to panic, because this could never happen to Merlin again. And it would if he didn’t do something. An idea struck him, perhaps he could plead with the witch— convince her that her revenge was better if the victim of it was him. 
Fic found here!
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serickswrites · 3 months ago
Up on the Housetop
Warnings: referenced torture, wounds, hurt/aftermath, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
Whumpee was exhausted. They had to be. Caretaker knew they had to be exhausted. Caretaker themself was exhausted, and so Whumpee had to be too.
But no matter how much Caretaker tried to coax Whumpee to rest, to sleep and recover, Whumpee wouldn't. They lay awake in the bed, moaning quietly. Their sweat soaked brow as feverishly hot and Caretaker began to worry that Whumpee was hurting themself further.
"Darling, you need to sleep. It's the only way your body is going to be able to heal everything from..." Caretaker let their voice trail off at seeing the terror fill Whumpee's eyes again.
"From Whumper. You can say it," Whumpee croaked. They stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I....I can't sleep."
"You can, darling. I'm here. You're safe. I'll watch over you. I promise. Please, please just let yourself rest. For me?"
Caretaker felt guilty as Whumpee nodded. They knew every time Whumpee shut their eyes they were reliving what Whumper did to them. But they needed to rest. It was the only way their body was going to heal. "It's ok. I'm here. You're safe. I'll watch over you," Caretaker repeated softly. They rubbed soothing circles on Whumpee's palm as they watched Whumpee slowly fall into a fitful sleep. "You'll be ok," Caretaker whispered again as they watched over Whumpee. Whumpee had to be ok. They just needed time.
Tags: @mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @st0rmm @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe
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befuddled-calico-whump · 11 months ago
I am not immune to injured sad man unconscious on the pavement in the rain
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retributory · 4 months ago
if you think binghe is bad now i want you to take a moment and imagine how bad binghe would be if sy transmigrated right before binghe joined the peak. take a moment with me to imagine how terrible binghe would be in a world where he is coddled and enabled every second of every day by his shizun up until the exact second he is shoved into the abyss. a binghe who was routinely abused and ostracized by his shizun for several years still manifested ways to trip into his boobs and massage his thighs. "am i pleasing to look at" . . . he would be unstoppable if he had only known an sqq who loves him with a sort of sickly fervor. if he had only known the sqq that physically cannot stop himself from petting binghe's head, scratching his chin, pinching his cheeks, wiping his tears away . . . just to throw him away in the end. hold my hand and frolic in these lucious fields with me
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
@0nelittlebirdtoldme Guess my Whumpe for this one!
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It's that time of year again! AMonthOfWhump's Winter Whumperland event runs from December 1-12, with a collection of prompts for your inspiration each day. To participate, create in any medium and share your works on Tumblr. Use the event tags or @ us in your post to get reblogged here. Prompt list transcript, tagging info, and a free-to-use post header under the cut.
1: Santa Claus
Forced Celebration
Panic Attack
Comfort: Secret Santa Exchange
2: Krampus
Sensory Overload
Comfort: Decorating Cookies
3: George Bailey
"We've lost everything we have."
Comfort: Christmas Market
4: The Grinch
Yandere Whumper
Comfort: Ugly Sweater Party
5: Ebenezer Scrooge
Power Outage
Time Loop
Overworked Whumpee
Comfort: Snuggling by the Fire
6: Jack Frost
Post-apocalyptic Winter
Comfort turned to Fear
Comfort: Snowball Fight
7: Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
Inhuman Whumpee
Comfort: You’re Not Alone
8: John Mclane
Held Hostage
Russian Roulette
Forced to Watch
Comfort: Rescue
9: Jólakötturinn
Feral Whumpee
Left Behind
Comfort: Wiping the Other’s Tears Away
10: Tio de Nadal
Left to Die
Final Countdown
Comfort: Holiday Traditions
11: The Yule Goat
Public Whump
Comfort: Trimming the Tree
12: Elf on the Shelf
Bedside Vigil
Used as bait
Comfort: Mistletoe (or avoiding it)
Event Tags: #amow winter whumperland 2023, #day1, #claustrophobia, (tag the prompt you're using)
And lastly, here is a post header to use for the event if you like. Happy whumping!
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theredrenard · 5 months ago
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Incorrect 9-1-1 + text posts (part 34/??) prev || next
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cassieloveswhump · 1 year ago
Blindfold your whumpees.
Tie their hands together over their head, and put those bindings onto a hook dangling from the roof so that their hands are secured above their head and they can't move away, then blindfold them. Leave them there until they're so tired they'd fall asleep if they could, then beat them up. Punch them in the stomach, and watch them be unable to curl up to protect themself, or use a crowbar if you want more force. Watch them work themself into a panic trying to anticipate and brace for the next blow, then strike at where they're most vulnerable. Rinse and repeat until satisfied.
Bonus marks if whumpee's arms are secured in a way that forces them to stand on their tiptoes in order to relieve the weight pulling on their shoulders, and with every blow they take they lose their balance and have to frantically resume their tiptoe position before their shoulder gets dislocated.
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bebellsoterel · 9 months ago
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DAY 17 : Religious trauma Thanks to @cirrus-ghoulette for this whumpmonth !
Here's the concept : Terzo find a crucifix in Copia's drawer and want to confront him about this. That's it, that's all.... Free interpretation, guys !
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Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new master. Good trope, right? But check this out;
Caretaker doesn't notice.
Because the morning after the day they were rescued, all Whumpee did was get Caretaker a cup of coffee. It was only after then that Whumpee realized new master new rules, and Caretaker might not like coffee at all. So after an hour or so of a panic attack, Whumpee decides to stay put and not do anything.
But Caretaker didn't say anything about that coffee, so Whumpee should probably keep doing that?
And so, every morning, Caretaker gets a cup of coffee, says thank you, that's a nice gesture, and gets done with the day, while Whumpee tries to stay as quiet and unnoticed as possible. Not angering Caretaker is their top priority. Caretaker notices Whumpee is really, really quiet, but hey, they might just like it quiet. They do seem a little scared, but they've been putting off well, so Caretaker is positive that they'll get better with time.
Then Caretaker hears Whumper liked a cup of coffee every morning.
That's.. a strange coincidence.
I hope that's a coincidence.
And they finally try to talk to Whumpee about it, and Whumpee breaks into tears and Caretaker realizes what a mess this is,
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farter-imperator · 10 months ago
Ghost BC Whump Month is back!
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That's right. 30 days of hurt with no (or very little) comfort!
For Whump Month, you can use any characters you want in the Ghost universe, including OCs. You can use platonic relationships, you can use romantic relationships, you can use relationships where both characters hate each other, you can use relationships where neither characters have met!
Starting on the first of June 2024, you can write, you can draw, and you can create in any way you want for these prompts.
If you do create anything, please tag me in it! I wanna see your work! I'll reblog any Whump Month creations.
Of course, make sure your creations are CWed appropriately, and then make sure you tag 'Whump Month 2024', so that everything can be found easily!
Have fun!
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