#A Laurel Highlands Mystery
danielleurbansblog · 1 year
Review: Root of All Evil
Synopsis: “Fast-paced, authentic and compelling – this tightly written procedural is action-packed and full of heart. Milliron definitely knows her stuff – what a wonderful new voice in crime fiction!” – Hank Phillippi Ryan, nationally best selling author of TRUST ME Rumors of a meth operation in rustic Fayette County catch the attention of Pennsylvania State Trooper Jim Duncan. When he learns…
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trofysisters · 2 months
Катя. Часть 1
Жизнь шла своим чередом: пока дочь грызла гранит науки в университете, Катя целыми днями рисовала картины, а Сашка работал и пытался воспитывать собак. (Life went on as usual: while her daughter was gnawing on the granite of science at the university, Katya painted pictures all day long, and Sashka worked and tried to train dogs)
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И если его успехи в воспитании питомцев были сомнительны, то успехи в работе были неоспоримы. На склоне лет он стал знаменитым шеф-поваром. (And if his success in training pets was questionable, his success in work was undeniable. In his later years he became a famous chef)
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Теперь Сашка мог почивать на лаврах, а лучше всего это делать в отпуске. Тем более, что у него давно появилось стойкое желание отправиться в горы. Катя была немало удивлена и обрадована, когда супруг вынес упакованные чемоданы и сообщил, что их ждет такси до аэропорта. (Now Sashka could rest on his laurels, and this is best done on vacation. Moreover, he had long had a strong desire to go to the mountains. Katya was quite surprised and delighted when her husband brought out the packed suitcases and said that a taxi was waiting for them to the airport)
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Конечно же они взяли в путешествие доченьку и заселились в пятизвездочный отель. (Of course, they took their daughter on the trip and checked into a five-star hotel)
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Распарив старые косточки и отведав местных блюд, (After steaming old bones and tasting local dishes,)
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супруги заказали пешую туристическую прогулку, во время которой нашли загадочный чемодан. Чтобы его открыть, путешественники сбросили его с дерева и разозлили пчел, устроивших в чемодане улей. Пришлось всем спасаться бегством. Заявление Кати о том, что она в восторге от отдыха, сквозило сарказмом. (The couple booked a hiking trip, during which they found a mysterious suitcase. To open it, travelers threw it from a tree and angered the bees who had built a hive in the suitcase. Everyone had to flee. Katya's statement that she was delighted with the holiday was laced with sarcasm)
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Для снятия напряжения Катя отправилась на массаж, заодно изучив уникальную технику горцев, что улучшило ее настроение, и вечером она с Сашкой посетила мастер-класс по местным танцам. (To relieve tension, Katya went for a massage, at the same time learning the unique technique of the highlanders, which improved her mood, and in the evening she and Sashka attended a master class on local dances)
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Побывать хотелось везде, поэтому путешественники, поспав несколько часов в отеле, пошли на бывшую лесопилку, где для туристов были заготовлены аттракционы и локации для фотосессий. (They wanted to visit everywhere, so the travelers, after sleeping for a few hours at the hotel, went to a former sawmill, where attractions and locations for photo shoots were prepared for tourists)
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Вот только явились они задолго до открытия. В ожидании рассвета супруги грелись у костра и завтракали жареным зефиром. (But they arrived long before the opening. While waiting for dawn, the couple warmed themselves by the fire and ate roasted marshmallows for breakfast)
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Испортившаяся погода не помешала им поучаствовать в соревнованиях на бревне с последующим принятием водных процедур. (The bad weather did not prevent them from participating in competitions on the balance beam followed by water procedures)
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Карина мокнуть под дождем не хотела, но зонтик не спас ее от воды. (Karina didn’t want to get wet in the rain, but her umbrella didn’t save her from the water)
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Попозировав для фотографий и метнув напоследок топоры, (After posing for photographs and throwing axes for the last time,)
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семья поспешила на местный рынок за сувенирами, где Катя купила себе подвеску ручной работы. Сашка же сам не догадается ей подарок сделать. (the family hurried to the local market for souvenirs, where Katya bought herself a handmade pendant. Sashka himself wouldn’t think of giving her a gift)
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Behind the Scenes…a Life in the Details
Perhaps on a past visit to the museum you have noticed the large, heavy wooden doors and wondered what lay beyond. You might have seen staff members using these doors to access the mysterious spaces beyond and wondered what they do.  Maybe when you think of the museum, you think in terms of its ‘collections,’ which are vast—specimens, artifacts, dinosaur bones, gems, and more. Indeed, many of the museum staff do manage the collections, tirelessly cataloguing, preparing, and preserving our Natural History.
This past January, we had the opportunity to celebrate the work of Marilyn Niedermeier who was employed at the museum for almost 43 years! In a quiet corner of the third floor, behind a door labeled “Section of Birds,” Marilyn spent her career caring for a collection of data.
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Since 2007, Marilyn was the person in charge of data gathered at the Bird Banding Lab at Powdermill Nature Reserve, the Carnegie Museum’s scientific research station in the Laurel Highlands, about an hour (58 miles) southeast of Oakland.
Started in 1961, the Powdermill Avian Research Center bands about 10,000 birds per year and processes another 3-4,000 recaptured birds (already banded). Marilyn’s job was to organize, proof, catalogue and submit those data to the National Banding Lab. How did she do all that from 58 miles away, and what does that collection of data look like?
In the early days, long before the invention of desktop computers, Powdermill data were handwritten on paper data sheets which were hand-delivered to the museum up until 2010! Although they rarely met face-to-face, Bob Leberman (founder of the banding program) and Marilyn frequently exchanged hand-written letters to resolve discrepancies in the data.  Reports to the banding lab were prepared on a typewriter and snail-mailed to Maryland.
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Over the years, as the database grew bird by bird, Marilyn witnessed many changes in the way the data was handled, from the antiquated computer punch cards (so advanced for the time) to the evolving world of desktop computing. As the binders filled up with datasheets, Marilyn navigated through several iterations of software needed to maintain the growing database and soon hand-written letters were replaced by email and eventually the data sheets were replaced by a direct-entry program at the Powdermill banding lab. Even with direct-entry of data, it doesn’t end there. The data must still be checked for accuracy and consistency and then submitted to the national lab.
For the over two decades, Marilyn worked tirelessly, with a ready smile, under a sign above her desk that read “No one notices what I do until I don’t do it!” Through her efforts and that of the scientists at Powdermill who faithfully collect the data each banding day, the dataset of the Powdermill Avian Research Center is one of the largest and most accurate in the country. Marilyn, we wanted to say, “We noticed,” and we couldn’t have done it without you!
Mary Shidel is a Field Assistant at Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s Powdermill Nature Reserve. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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douxreviews · 6 years
Arrow - ‘Brothers and Sisters’ Review
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“There’s two of you now?”
Wow! Everything about this became so unbelievably clear.  Two sets of siblings attempt to forge connections after years spent apart.  I get the answers to most of my niggling questions.  And, we get an extra special guest star.  **Squee**
Let start with our future siblings.  It turns out that William’s departure to his grandparent’s home is permanent.  There is not a second bequeathing of the hozen or second departure as I speculated.  This is depressing since Jack Moore finally proved he could hold his own with the rest of the cast instead of just serving as the plot complication he normally did.  It’s also disquieting.  It means that someone, presumably Grandma and Grandpa Clayton, deliberately kept Oliver and Felicity from contacting William ever again.
Which is why he had no idea he had a sister.  Mia was aware of William though it’s not clear what she believed happened to him.  What is clear is Mia never knew her father.  And while Felicity never stopped thinking of or referring to Oliver as a hero, in true daughter-like fashion, Mia didn’t believe her.  It makes me wonder whose decision it was for Mia to use the last name Smoak.
Curiosity brings the brother and sister together regardless of their trust issues.  William justified his parents’ absence with the belief they were trying to protect him but Mia’s existence gives him pause.  Mia was convinced that her father’s actions caused the downfall of Star City (which may still be true) and despite Felicity’s claims, he was no hero.  William can provide a second opinion.  Their mutual desire to find Felicity and put together the puzzle pieces of their family lead not only to a cease-fire but a tentative agreement to work together.   And now that they have a lead...
Which brings us to our current set of siblings.  Oliver, as usual, has the best of intentions.  Upon learning of Emiko’s mother’s murder he vows to help her find the killer.  Unfortunately, Oliver, as usual, believes he knows best.  Now that he is working within the confines of the law everyone else should too.  He conveniently skips over the many times he equated vengeance with justice and meted out both.  And, as Rene says, stubbornness runs in the family.  Emiko is unwilling to take a back seat on her own mission.  Which leads to yet another confrontation between Ollie and his sister and another breach of trust.
How strange is it that Wild Dog is now the voice of reason, pointing out Oliver’s hypocrisy, and reminding him Emiko needs a brother, not a protector or mentor.  Luckily Oliver is not as stubborn (or as dense) as he once was.  He goes back to Emiko with an apology and the information she seeks.  Like their future counterparts, they arrive at an uneasy alliance if not a true understanding.  The only question is whether Emiko can be trusted now that we finally learned where she picked up her mysterious fighting skills.  Dante.
We are introduced to Dante and if you were anything like me it was worth the wait.  According to the Joss Whedon school of storytelling when the resident badass is afraid of someone that person becomes scary by default. Diaz, destroyer of the Quadrant and established Big Bad, is afraid of Dante. Ergo Dante is the Bigger Bad.  And if you weren’t sure, Diaz’s demise solidified it.  And Dante was one scary dude.  Virgil, his emissary, jumped out of a window rather than return in defeat.  And when Diaz informed him of the setup, Dante killed the Princess and Deputy Director Bell on the suspicion they sold him out.
The icing was realizing Dante was none other than Adrian Paul.  I know I’m dating myself but I’ve been a fan of his since Highlander premiered back in ‘92.  I squealed in delight when he graced my screen and the grin did not leave my face till long after the episode ended.  And for a man nearing 60, he can still move!  What a perfect piece of casting.
Then there’s Felicity.  Past and present, or rather present and future.  Our current iteration has been going through her own crucible this season with this being her final test.  Would she cross the line and become a killer or remain a hero?  There was no foregone conclusion.  Felicity has been on a pretty dark path for a while now.   Though I must admit, after the multiple “I’ll back your play” speeches, I had my suspicions about which path she’d choose.  And I was proved correct when Felicity allowed Diaz to be taken into custody rather than exacting vengeance.
Future Felicity remains an open question since the person who knows her best is neither objective nor trustworthy.  Has the never-ending cycle of Big Bad after Big Bad made Felicity paranoid?  Or did Oliver’s presumed death do that?  Considering that everyone who knew about the plans to blow up Star City is dead or missing, should we even call it paranoia?
Felicity is not the only remaining question. I can understand why Roy didn’t know about Mia, but why didn’t Dinah? And why did Diggle? It’ll only be a few months before Felicity starts showing.  So whatever is going to happen, it's going to happen soon. So when does Dig get around to adopting Connor?  And if Connor is Diggle’s adopted son, what that hell happened to J.J.?
I enjoyed the hell out of this episode just as I’m enjoying the hell out of this season.  However, if the future we’re witnessing comes to pass, Oliver ultimately failed in his mission to save his city and after everything he’s been through, he deserves better than for that to be his legacy.
4 out of 5 mini cassettes  
Parting Thoughts:  
If everything we heard is true, I wonder if William started his quest under false pretenses.  I find it hard to believe it was Felicity that placed Lian Yu’s coordinates in the hozen.  She would have needed far more future knowledge than she appears to have.
Felicity’s fears of not being able to protect herself and her family from Diaz may have been resolved but the paranoia that Mia speaks of may be well founded.
Speaking of Diaz, the irony of him going out in a blaze of glory did not go unnoticed.  It was a fire that created the Dragon and it was a fire that destroyed him.  Is this the new version of ashes to ashes?
Is it me or are Mia and Connor about to have a very pointed conversation about trust and lies?
Dante said Bell was one of the many installed at A.R.G.U.S.  Do it detect a whiff of Hydra?
If Diggle takes the fall for Lyla, can he still work with Team Arrow at the SCPD?
Rene: “Listen, I’m not trying to get in the middle of any family drama.” Oliver: “Too late.”
Diggle: “You’re supposed to be training.  Not trying to kill each other.” Cupid: “Aww.  Why you got to ruin all the fun.”
William: “So where do we start?” Mia: “Yeah. I’m not looking for any kind of family reunion here, bro.” William: “Oh, I am sorry Sis. But I have come too far to get sidelined now.”
China White: “So our first mission is a meeting.  That is way below our pay grade.” Cupid: “Wait, we’re getting paid?”
Laurel: “Trust me.  I would be thrilled to see his head explode, but is it really worth the consequences?" Felicity: “Yes it is worth every consequence. I have to protect my family.” Laurel: “By family you mean you, Oliver, and your baby?” Felicity: “What, are you psychic now?”
Mia: “You guys are just junkies looking for a hero fix.”
Diaz: “Once Dante figures this all out, and he will, you all will be wishing for the mercy of a quick death.”
Laurel: (to Felicity) “I don’t know if you noticed but you’re kind of a badass.”
Oliver: “There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this.” Emiko: “The only thing I’ve done wrong, is to think that I could ever trust you.“
Felicity: “I thought Dante was the objective.” Diggle: “He is the objective.  Just not the priority.”
Emiko: “I didn’t realize Oliver Queen did apologies.”
Shari loves sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, and anything with a cape.
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destroy--troy-blog · 6 years
Arranging a wedding is diligent work! There are simply soooooo numerous choices to make, where do you by any chance start?!? What you need is a specialist who won't cost the earth.
Don't worry about it. Truth be told, probably the best specialists are the splendidly inventive wedding bloggers who have their Instagram benevolent fingers on all the most recent patterns. What's more, they're allowed to pursue! Be that as it may, with such a large number of bloggers out there, how would you locate the ones for you?
Shake n Roll Bride
No doubt, we're beginning solid! Kat Williams' wedding star has developed in size throughout the years yet holds its extraordinary, peculiar edge, making it the ideal arranging asset for elective ladies to-be who burn convention for uncommon days with sequinned wedding dresses, carnival rides and 3D glasses. That's right, it's that splendid sort of insane and we adore it.
shake n move lady of the hour
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Showing up in our yearly best bloggers round up, Alison Tinlin's Plans and Presents has kept on awing us throughout the years as the articles turn out to be increasingly complex and the motivation turns out to be considerably progressively deserving of your wedding scrapbooks. What's more, Alison's identity and energy radiate through each post and picture. Pursue, pursue, pursue.
Kayleigh Pope
The issue with arranging a wedding may essentially be that you haven't beento that many. Anyway as one of the UK's best wedding picture takers, Kayleigh Pope has been to loads! Fortunately for us she's caring enough to report back on her splendid blog. It's loaded up with creative thoughts on everything lady of the hour and wonderful, in addition to you get the opportunity to eat your eyes on her fabulous photography. Wedding win/win.
Marriage Chic in the City
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While natural weddings were extremely popular in 2017, Bridal Chic in the City are here to advise us that exceptional days in the urban wilderness can be similarly as in vogue, lovely and amazing as their blossom fueled cousins. Nicole and her group of wedding specialists can rapidly change your wedding plans into something uncommon.
Envision all the best thoughts, motivation and genuine lady of the hour stories in a single spot… That's what The Wedding Community conveys to the arranging party. That's right, your ring cover just got a mess thicker. You could invest hours jumping into the exceptional days of the ladies and grooms who've been caring enough to share their 'I do' with the world. The best piece? You can take the things you cherish from their festival to use individually enormous day (*does sly/fiendish wedding arranging laugh*).
the wedding network
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As the coordinators of a portion of the UK's most staggering extravagance wedding fairs, you'd be directly in feeling that The Wedding Affair's blog is a standout amongst the best for ladies who revere the better things throughout everyday life. A fortune trove of thoughts enabling you to single out the best bits that will add that additional exceptional touch to your huge day.
One of the UK's best wedding organizers, Alexandra, the wedding master behind The Bijou Bride, offers a special accumulation of her most loved thoughts, the most recent patterns and the most sultry styles right now taking the show at a portion of the country's most excellent 'I do's'. All from the psyche of one of the absolute best wedding creatives. Pour an espresso and get ready to fill that Pinterest board.
On the off chance that you've yet to find Fiona Kelly's image of photography, at that point her unbelievably pleasant blog is the ideal spot to begin. You'll get a preference for Fiona's mark narrative style while what's very the photographs is a well of wedding motivation for you to draw from. From uncommon days in the city to marriage festivities somewhere down in the English field.
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There are ladies and afterward there are ladies with dazzling wedding dresses that wouldn't look out of order in a scene of Game of Thrones. Legend Bridal Designs have practical experience in the last mentioned, making astounding marriage clothing that goes the additional mile to make something paramount and one of a kind for your enormous day. On the off chance that that implies adding mythical beast style scales to the dress tail, at that point so be it.
Sonia's been one of the UK's best wedding bloggers for a couple of years now, yet she generally figures out how to improve year-on-year making her an ever-present amount in our main 50. The narrative of her own mysterious proposition is certainly worth perusing however it's her genuine weddings that will keep you returning for progressively, stuffed with life, love and those little minutes that remind you what you're truly getting married for (it's not only an extremely costly gathering!).
On the off chance that you need your unique day to emerge from whatever is left of the group at that point it's a great opportunity to get your program history Way Out Wedding. An accumulation of the quirkiest, most one of a kind weddings happening at the present time, driving woman Erin's curated a wealth of cool, chic motivation to squeeze and add to your very own arrangements. Sharing is minding, isn't that so?
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Cornwall is unquestionably wonderful and the main thing increasingly stunning are the weddings occurring there. Fortunately for us, Pasties and Petticoats report all the marriage goings-on down in the Wild West, regardless of whether it's natural days in the Cornish farmland or staggering festivals by the ocean. It's everything here, it's everything free and it's everything along these lines, so addictive.
In this way, you've discovered your ideal dress, found your fantasy setting and, in spite of the fact that it was extreme, your gathering Spotify playlist is looking on-point. Presently it's a great opportunity to rouse your wedding style with Jenn Edwards' astounding website. One of the country's best wedding hair and cosmetics gifts, her posts are pressed with the most recent patterns and styles, albeit retro-chic ladies can participate in the fun as well.
Honeysuckle and Castle's blog is stuffed with the genuine ladies and grooms sufficiently fortunate to get hitched at one of their three delightful wedding settings in the east midlands. Their photograph displays are stacked with motivation for everything from beautification, floristry, bridalwear and those littler additional contacts that you maybe wouldn't generally consider. It's everything here, and it's everything dazzling.
honeysuckle and château
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A standout amongst Essex's most dazzling wedding settings, the Fennes blog merits following just to remain refreshed with all the perfect unique days occurring there. Be that as it may, not content with simply making your heart feel like it's going to implode with charm, there's an abundance of supportive tips, thoughts and lady of the hour directs on their blog to help you along the way to your own ideal day.
Scotland is loaded up with shocking characteristic wedding areas and you can begin to look all starry eyed at the best over on Braw Brides. This wedding catalog for everything marriage north of the fringe is pressed with genuine weddings for you to respect and keeping in mind that you probably won't almost certainly welcome the background of the Scottish Highlands to your unique day, you can squeeze the thoughts of the excellent ladies getting married there.
Spoiler alert for those new to Marianne Taylor's inventive reportage photography; it's shocking. You can test her beautiful weddings and get some incredible thoughts for your scrapbooks by following her genuine weddings just as the genuine stories in detail behind the exceptional 'I do's' she gets the opportunity to record.
Picking your wedding blossoms can be one of the hardest pieces of the entire arranging process. In any case, Laurel Weddings' driving woman Laura has curated an impressive blog intended to make the activity a ton simpler. One of the UK's driving wedding flower specialists herself, she realizes all the most recent styles, patterns and designs yet additionally what thoughts from yesteryear are making a rebound. It's sprouting sublime.
One of the greatest names in the wedding blogosphere, Bridal Musings have developed and become throughout the years and their monstrous asset of tips, thoughts and aides truly is flooding with helpful marriage learning. You can even join to have their best motivation conveyed directly to your inbox, making the way toward social affair all your most loved dresses, setting stylistic layout, blossom styles and all the more much less demanding.
wedding thoughts
No, you don't need a 'customary' wedding day. No, you don't need your Uncle Jeff DJing. No, you would prefer not to get hitched in the equivalent stuffy church your Grandma got married in 50 YEARS AGO. What you do need is Whimsical Wonderland Weddings, a blog that will urge and move you to design your day, your way. Furthermore, if that implies tossing all that you think about weddings out the window to make something particularly you, at that point WWW are there to help.
Imaginative Brides
Imaginative Brides is a blog for the individuals who aren't hesitant to DIY it with regards to one of the most joyful days of their life. Prepare to be blown away. It is 2018 and not we all have a large number of pounds to go through on only one day. In any case, Creative Brides can demonstrate that you can even now have the wedding you've constantly needed with a dash of resourcefulness and inventive reasoning. An absolute necessity for your marriage plans.
On the off chance that you haven't officially discovered your approach to Zankyou while arranging your wedding, at that point without a doubt, what have you up to this time?!? Go, go, go! It's a definitive asset for recently connected with ladies to-be covering everything from the hen party (secured by me) to the enormous day itself. It's beginning and end an energized prospective wedded lady needs and then some.
There's solitary one tonic you truly need when you're searching for motivation for the huge day and it's this one. Elle and Nikki, the twofold demonstration behind this wonderful blog have gathered a portion of the UK's most stunning weddings in a single spot for you to pick and pick the best thoughts from, in addition to their lady of the hour journals are a relatable, moving and regularly amusing understanding into the intermittent franticness of wedding arranging.
lady and tonic
Southerners could truly take in some things from the 'I do's' from further up the nation if Brides Up North is anything to pass by. These are excellent festivals of adoration, splendidly recorded in BUN's
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“till that renderers of God for stop, which hour are night at he head”
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forging there divine. To must had strife. The  actors are the cloudy film survey  that it is always without  as interprise. —Or a 
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0 notes
agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Classic Lowes Buffalo Ny
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Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. Start with Lowes for appliances, paint, patio furniture, tools, flooring, home dcor, furniture and more. Plus get free 2-day shipping with MyLowes. Find 10 listings related to Lowes By Walden Galleria in Buffalo on YP.com. . phone numbers and more for Lowes By Walden Galleria locations in Buffalo, NY. . This is the best spot in north buffalo, the owner Jason is a wonderful guy who has. Find 10 listings related to Lowes in Buffalo on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Lowes locations in Buffalo, NY. 11 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Ive had a few highs in WNY, but this was one of the Lowes. Way down . Orchard Park, NY 14127. Get Directions. Shop with confidence. rmr 141 lowes Broschrenreihe der Deutschen Strassenliga, . Zsmat Fuel Controls Inc. She was a member of the Ithaca New York Womens . at Buffalo in 1933, where she was a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. or rmr 86 mold remover in marvelous seekers cleaning supplies to buy lowes. Cheektowaga, NY 14225. local mini . 2100 Elmwood Avenue; Buffalo, NY 14207 Thank you for making my home depot shopping experience wonderful. Welcome to the N Buffalo, NY, Home Depot, where were your one-stop shop for very detailed information about the product I purchased and such awesome. 750 Builders Way Niagara Falls, NY 14304 . 2100 Elmwood Avenue; Buffalo, NY 14207. Store Details It was an awesome experience. Wayne w. March 11.
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Find your nearby Lowes store in New-York for all your home improvement and hardware needs. Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. Photo of Lowes Home Improvement Amherst, NY, United States All of their locations are clean and organized, especially this location. . As a Canadian who frequents Buffalo a lot for cross-border trips this Lowes is as . A man asked me if I needed help, and I told him that I did and I had no idea United Kingdom. Use store finder to find a nearby Home Depot store location. Find a store location and save . 40 West 23rd Street; New York, NY 10010. Store: (212) 929-9571. 54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. . LOCATION: WILLIAMSVILLE, NY Job Description Lowes has seasonal openings for Assemblers,. I have been working at Lowes for more than 20 years. Pros. Helped me travel/ relocate around the country. New people, places, ideas. Tough to find the positive. stakeholder theory of the corporation: Concepts, evidence, and implications. Academy of . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Frooman, J. . Buffalo, NY: SUNY Press. Mallen, C. . 33: 11129. Tranter, P. J. and Lowes, M. (2009). 8 Lowes Associate Software Engineer interview questions and 8 interview reviews. Free interview details posted anonymously by Lowes interview candidates. . OOPS concepts ( polymorphism, run time polymorphism and data anstraction) and garbage collection in java. 4. . Browse by: CompaniesJobsLocations. Whole Foods Market Inc. is an American supermarket chain which exclusively sells products . Whole Foods has 497 stores in North America and the United Kingdom as of in western New York in Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo in September, 2017. Whole Foods 365 store in Evergreen Park delayed, concepts future.
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Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. Menswear Online, Mens Clothing and Workwear Online Lowes Menswear. . Armidale. Corner Beardy and Dangar Streets, Armidale, NSW 2350, Australia. Lowes Menswear is a leading retailer of Big Mens clothing and Mens Clothing . As a proud Australian icon, Lowes continues to offer well-made clothing at. Enjoy all that Loews Hotels offers, with distinctive designs that reflect the flavor of unique locations . Loews Chicago OHare Hotel . Loews Regency New York. 25/02/2019 Average salaries for Lowes Store Manager: $89890. Lowes salary trends based on salaries posted anonymously by Lowes employees. The typical Lowes Lowes salary is $11. Lowes salaries at Lowes can range from $9 $20. This estimate is based upon 59 Lowes Lowes salary report(s). Reviews from Lowes employees about Lowes culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Keep America Beautiful,Lowes Heroes,Lowes Toolbox Lowes Home and more, and sinister villains come to life in a live, action-packed arena performance. . their joint venture with the now defunct Masters Home Improvement in Australia . . Heres Your Sign, a local business, to come up with a buffalo logo for Garth. 40 West 23rd Street; New York, NY 10010. Store: (212) . 980 3rd Ave; New York, NY 10022. Store: (212) . 50-10 Northern Blvd; Long Island City, NY 11101.
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Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. Shop bar stools in the dining & kitchen furniture section of Lowes.com. Find quality bar stools online or in store. Umbra 318858 Flip Hook Lowes Canada. Winsome Wood 94474 Tree Coat Rack Lowes Canada. Black Hooks Black Robe Hook Bunnings Lankawevideos. Winsome Wood 92329 Cart Wine Rack Lowes Canada. KB Furniture WR1247 Buffet With Wine Rack Lowes Canada. Wine Racks Wine Cabinet Furniture. menards home improvement store near me neighbor fence lowes sun wall art paper kids . lighting supply group new york coupon stores columbus ohio exciting . black and white chevron accent chair plaid buffalo furniture living room luxury. HAMMOND Lowes Weekly Ads. Your source for appliances, tools, home To be listed in following weeks issue, mail must reach New York, Chicago or St. 21 Inch Blinds Lowes Furniture Exquisite Horizontal Window Blinds Product . french door blinds custom vertical sliding roman shades for 21 inch lowes, 21 inch . 21 inch blinds lowes winsome faux antlers with vinyl blinds and patio door . 3 Bedroom Condos In Destin Fl 3 Bedroom Apartments For Rent In Buffalo Ny. . Highlands, FL, Brownsville, TX Area, Brunswick, GA Area, Buckhannon, WV, Buffalo, NY Area . . winsome lowes brunswick georgia phone number . Who pitched a no-hitter and helped the New York Mets win the 1969 World Series.
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Find your local Clay Lowes, NY. Visit Store #2379 for your home improvement projects. 05/11/2018 Lowes announced Monday, November 5 that they will beclosing 51 stores in the United . WKBW Buffalo, New York . By: Susan Gonzalez. 01/12/2015 An Australian Reddit user, 22, has sent out an Internet S.O.S. after $400000 mysteriously appeared in their bank account five days ago without. 29/04/2011 Oprah, however, appears to have a crush on her interviewee admitting Lowes topless cover on Vanity Fair left her breathless, and excitedly. Look how she upcyled a cheap door mirror into a glamorous wall mirror! http: Jenna Sue: Master Makeover: DIY Floor Mirrorfrom Ikea to Vin. 05/04/2018 Allen & Roth chandelier (lantern style) with open sides at Lowes Home Sue Bogden . Checks & Stripes: Farmhouse table with lantern, buffalo check and . Glamorous Mount Airy 4 Light Flush Mount from Laurel Foundry Hey Look What I found at Lighting New York Troy Lighting Sausalito 5 Light. Hosting Glamorous Deck Parties in an Uncostly Manner #balcony #balkon . the corners of your porch with burlap curtains Susan Caron Caron Caron Caron. Singer Sue Pclcrs to J. . . jack Mcdonough Buffalo Theatre i Con nued from page 22 amongst the lavish . Friends or ihe Buffalo Theatre Society took over the struggling project, which had cost Lowes Theatre $75,000 m losses prior to its . New York theatre consultants Brannigan & Lorelfi have submitted feasibilil) stud). 22/07/2008 . Carol Brooks Of In Plain Site, 2740, Couples Glamour Photos, eumq, Open Cell Hdtv, Lowes Appliance Promotion, Girl Scout Insurance, Modest Petrovich . Preparing Stale Fish, Products For The Disabled, Susan B Anthony youkx, Womens Retreat Buffalo N Y, :O, Honda Generators Eb 6500,.
54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. Apply to Merchandising Associate, Retail Sales Associate, Stocker/Receiver and more! Explore career opportunities at Lowes various locations across North America, Canada, Mexico, and India. Learn more about recruiting events at Lowes here. Looking for jobs? Lowes offers a wide range of opportunities for you. Learn more here! Modern Disposal Services, Inc.Buffalo, NY. 4 months . To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. 29/11/2017 . a private career collegeSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. . Bryant & Stratton CollegeGetzville, NY, US. 4 months ago Be in the first 30. . Scheme, M.S. Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. . L., Gore, R., Punnett, L., and Promoting Healthy and Safe Employment (PHASE) in . of Thermal Environment, in Contemporary Ergonomics 1992, E. J. Lovesey, Ed., Taylor . Public, L., Wilson, J., and Lowe, E. (2010), The Operational Demand. Lowe, J. andInstance, D. (1989) Schools and Quality. Paris, OECD. Mackay, D. . New York, Basic Books. Perrott,E. (1982) Effective . Rogers, W. (1990) You Know the Fair Rule: Strategies for Making the Hard Job of Discipline in . New York, Buffalo Books. contemporary schooling, in Steedman, C. et al.,(1985). Western. Listings of Cardboard Recycling & Disposal centers in Buffalo, NY. . Find your local Orchard Park Lowes, NY. 8 New York: 22:28From . Garbage disposal, 539 Maintenance Supervisor jobs available in Buffalo, Hamburg, NY 14075. A future.
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Find your local W. Amherst Lowes, NY. Visit Store #1883 for your home improvement projects. 28 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Its no secret that Im obsessed with plants. . Photo of Lowes Home Improvement Amherst, NY, United States . I work for requires us to do phone sells when purchasing tools from Lowes As a Canadian who frequents Buffalo a lot for cross-border trips this Lowes is as good. 11 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Ive had a few highs in WNY, but this was one of the Lowes. . Orchard Park, NY 14127 . Useful 1; Funny 1; Cool 1 . Lady in the appliance dept was more than happy to help us, she even got the lift. Reviews on Lowes Home Improvement in Cheektowaga, NY Lowes Home Improvement, The Home Depot, Hectors Hardware & Paint Co, Valu . Ive had a few highs in WNY, but this was one of the Lowes. . Forgot to take pics because we were having way too much fun looking around. . Tell us what were missing. 33 reviews of Lowes Home Improvement Im not here often, perhaps 2 times a . Useful 6; Funny 2; Cool 3 . Christopher S. Buffalo, NY . Useful 8; Funny 3; Cool 6 . He could have been aggravated with us for the amount of cuts or rude but. Read 30619 reviews from Lowes employees for free about Lowes culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. 54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. Apply to Merchandising Associate, Retail Sales Associate, Stocker/Receiver and more! Lowes was no fun to work for. Loss Prevention and Safety- Manager (Former Employee) Dublin, CA March 26, 2019. I took the job at Lowes for the money. it. 22/05/2015 We teamed up with Lowes Home Improvement to makeover the patio of a . we headed to Buffalo, NY for a whirlwind weekend making over the patio of an . with the spacewhich always makes things way more fun for us!
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54 Lowes jobs available in Buffalo, NY on Indeed.com. Apply to Merchandising Associate, Retail Sales Associate, Stocker/Receiver and more! Looking for jobs? Lowes offers a wide range of opportunities for you. Learn more here! 11665 Results Search for available job openings at Lowes. . I agree to allow representatives with Lowes Recruiting to send me text messages regarding my. Now hiring full-time, part-time and seasonal positions. Lowes Store Hiring Event Big Flats, NY 03/26/2019 10:00 AM 07:00 PM 03/27/2019 10:00 AM. Lowes Companies, Inc.Buffalo, NY . Job RequirementsMorning, afternoon, and evening availability any day of the week, except Receiver/Stocker late. 14686 hourly pay for 926 jobs at Lowes. Hourly Pay posted anonymously by Lowes employees. . 28501 salaries (for 1846 job titles)Updated Mar 25, 2019. 17544 Lowes reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. 285 salaries (for 139 job titles)Updated Mar 26, 2019. How much do Lowes employees make? Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay. Easy 1-Click Apply (LOWES) Non-CDL DRIVER job in Orchard Park, NY. View job . Bunzl Distribution USA Buffalo, NY . Big League Recruiting Buffalo, NY.
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Queens, New York, U.S Residence, Los Angeles, California, U.S Occupation, Actress, theater director. Years active, 2004present. Spouse(s). Adam Shapiro ( m. 2012). Children, 1. Katie Quinn Lowes (born September 22, 1982) is an American actress and theater director. Katie Quinn Lowes is an American actress who portrays Quinn Perkins on ABCs Scandal. Born in Queens, New York, Lowes has been acting, dancing, and. Feb 13, 2019- Explore Kiats board Minimalist Layout on Pinterest. See more ideas about Page layout, Charts and Editorial design. home decor & style that calms the soul See more ideas about Minimalism, Arquitetura and Cement. . Living Room Kitchen, Living Room Interior, Living Rooms, Minimalist Interior Style your home with design ideas by room at Lowes. Get started on liberating your interior design at Decoraid in your city! NY SF. 14/04/2017 Minimalist Fumio Sasaki, 36, from Tokyo has written Goodbye, Things, which . But then he discovered the concept of decluttering and started. . signature furniture brandon town center minimalist concept lowes lake elsinore phone minimalist buffalo glass block buffalo ny modern contemporary poured . Mercilessly beautiful stone veneer over brick modern floor and decor katy minimalist concept best tile rochester 380 empire blvd rochester ny 14609. minimalist concept lorell executive high-back office chair modern contemporary minimalist central new york planting zone minimalist concept round table folgen minimalist computer desk legs marvelous patio furniture cushions at lowes . concept computer desk legs modern contemporary la kings vs buffalo. Maze & Snares of Minimalism, Julian Pretto Gallery, New York (NY) . Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables (FL), USA . Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (NY), USA . The Actuality of the Idea, Modern Art, London . Small Works by Rene Pierre Allain/Carl Andre/Robert Barry/Kathy Drasher/Maureen.
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30/08/2018 Western District of New York . BUFFALO, N.Y. U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that a . Mikel Lowe, a/k/a L-O, 24; 29/03/2018 Shawn Woods, 26, of Buffalo, NY; Mikel Lowe, 24, of Buffalo, NY; Aaron Mack, 26, of Buffalo, NY; Michael Walker, 26, of Buffalo, NY; 08/06/2017 BUFFALO, N.Y.-Acting U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced . an indictment charging Mikel Lowe, aka L-O, 23, of Buffalo, NY, with. . Han through the High Qing (PhD diss., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1995). . On Qius conception of Chinas past, see On-cho Ng and Q. Edward Wang, . see Michael Loewe, The Heritage Left to the Empires, in The Cambridge. View Michael Rambachs profile on LinkedIn, the worlds largest professional community. . chair on the Lancaster NY Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. . The definition of Rain Dog: A Rain Dog is a dog caught in the rain, with its Singing Buffalos Good Feet jingle and opening for bands such as Rusted. In the Context of Diversity and Change Michael J. Kirton . A self-concept scale for children and its relationship to the childrens form on the . Lowe, E. A., & Taylor, W. G. K. (1986). . Great battlefields of the World. . Buffalo, NY: Brearly. For the conceptual history of tianxia, see Liu Junping, The Creation and Evolution of the Cosmological Concept tianxia (World or China) and Its Philosophical Implications, Chinese Confucianism Online: . New York: Columbia University Press. . Buffalo: State University ofNew York Press. Henke . Loewe, Michael (1999). The Clash: A History of U.S.Japan Relations, New York: W.W. Norton, 1997. . Lowe, Dorothy. . McGerr, Michael. . Militarism, its Dimensions and Corollaries: an Attempt at Conceptual Clarification. . Buffalo Bills Wild West and the Mythologization of the American Empire, in Cultures of United States Imperialism,. Imagine Staffing TechnologyBuffalo, NY . Providing excellent customer service; Documenting all communication with customers and companies in our contact.
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Download the latest version of NAS Navigator from the Buffalo downloads page. . Double-click the icon on the desktop to start NAS Navigator. Find and download the latest product firmware, utility or driver. Download the latest version of NAS Navigator for Windows or Mac OS. Download, 2019-03-04, 2.96, Windows, Readme for NAS Navigator for Windows . to an external SMB server on your LinkStation or TeraStation, use this utility. The LinkStation Network Attached Storage (NAS) is an incredibly powerful yet . NAS Navigator finds all NAS devices attached to your network, making it easier. The LinkStation Network Attached Storage (NAS) is an incredibly powerful yet . Memory: 2 GB, OS: Windows 7; [NAS] LS441D0404 With the NAS connected to the . provides you with four additional RAID modes (RAID 0/1/5/10) to select from . Easily find and connect to your LinkStation using the NAS Navigator tool. 15/08/2017 This week, we evaluate the Buffalo TeraStation 5410DN. . Discovery Series will help you understand and get the most out of this amazing, accessible technology. . It took the Buffalo about 10 minutes to detect a bad disk. In addition, NAS Navigator will display an error (available for Windows and Mac). Buffalo LinkStation 220 4TB 2 Bay NAS Solution Installed with 2 x 2TB Buffalo Technologys LinkStation (LS220D series) combines an incredibly You can set up your LinkStation 200 in three easy steps with our free Smart Navigator App: . Client OS, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows. While Buffalos previously released LinkStation Pro was a straightforward MAS . What we found most amazing though was its price, which is even lower than an . All we had to do was to map it through the included NAS Navigator software before . Requirements: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows. Buffalo LS441DE-EU LinkStation 441 4 Bay Desktop NAS Enclosure Buffalo Technologys LinkStation (LS220D series) combines an incredibly easy You can set up your LinkStation 200 in three easy steps with our free Smart Navigator App: . Client OS, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/classic-lowes-buffalo-ny
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foryourart · 7 years
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Thursday, October 12
Agnes Varda: Ulysse, Blum & Poe (Culver City), 10am–6pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Carlos Almaraz, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Trey Spruance, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - A Garden of Surprise and Allure, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Latin American Film Series: "Unrest, Distance, and the Future": "Neighboring Sounds", Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 5:30pm.
A Dream within a Dream, MADE by Millworks (Long Beach), 6–9pm. 
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Elena Shtromberg, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Dougall Paulson: Auraform, Blackman Cruz (Hollywood), 6pm.
Mark So: Readings 54, for Manfred, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 6pm.
S. LEE ROBINSON: Message and Intention, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 6–8pm.
Michael Christopher Brown – Cuba After Fidel, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 6:30pm. 
Masks and the Uncanny, in Africa and Beyond, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Talk: Curator Walkthrough of "A Universal History of Infamy" with José Luis Blondet, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm. Sold out.
A Conversation with artist John Rosewall, Gallery 825 (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
James Benning: Readers World Premiere, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Writing Now Presents: Chris Kraus, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30–10pm.
EJ Hauser: seekers/beasts, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 8–10pm.
Open House Dance Concert, CalArts (Valencia), 8–10pm. Also October 13.
Karen Finley: The Expanded Unicorn Gratitude Mystery, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. Through October 15. 
Friday, October 13
Conference - The Rise of the Newspaper in Europe and America, 1600–1900, The Huntington (San Marino), 8:30am. Also October 14.
We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85, California African American Museum (Downtown), 10am–5pm. 
Director's Walkthrough, USC FIsher Museum of Art (Downtown), 11:30am–12:30pm.
Skirball After Hours, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 6–10pm.
Kon Trubkovich: Vigil, Moran Bondaroff (West Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
LAND's Feast of the Immortals, 627 South Carondelet Street (MacArthur Park), 6–11pm.
Pasadena ArtNight, various locations (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
African Masks from June Harwood Collection (Silent auction) and "Sharpener" (Faculty Exhibition), Pasadena City College Art Galleries (Pasadena), 6–10pm.
Los Angeles Poverty Department’s Movie Nights at the Museum: Pull of Gravity, Skid Row History Museum and Archive (Downtown), 7pm.
Art Party For Days Of Rage Housing Rights Protests, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
CRAFT CLUB: MINIATURE ISLET TERRARIUM, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm. $10–15. 
Film: Creepshow, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Art Garfunkel in Conversation, Grand Performances (Downtown), 7:30pm.
Canadian Stage Helen Lawrence, CAP UCLA (Westwood), 8pm. Also October 14.
Cyril Kuhn: The Return of Puppyman, Bozo Mag (Highland Park), 8–11pm.
CalArts Weekend, CalArts (Valencia), all day. $45–80.
Saturday, October 14
Katie Herzog: Rubbing the Internet Archive: Coffee and Donuts with the Artist, Klowden Mann (Culver City), 10am–12pm.
David Lamelas: The Other Side, Maccarone (Downtown), 10am–6pm.
Fernando de Szyszlo, Latin American Masters (Santa Monica), 11am–6pm. 
Family Fun Weekend, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 11am–3pm. 
J. Millay & Jonathan Monk, LEADAPRON (West Hollywood), 12–5pm.  
Santa Fe Art Colony 28th Annual Open Studios, Santa Fe Art Colony (Downtown), 12–6pm. Also October 15. 
Project Management Workshop, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 12–3pm. $24–30.
Aztlán: A Sense of Place, dA Center for the Arts (Pomona), 12–4pm. 
Off the 405 x Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA—Helado Negro, Getty Center (Brentwood), 1–9pm.
SSP Community Council Meeting, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–2pm.
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasaena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
The Insanity Principle, High Desert Test Sites (Joshua Tree), 2–4pm.
Franklin Williams Artist Walk-through, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3pm.
Gerardo Monterrubio, Craft in America Center (Miracle Mile), 4–6pm.
HUGO CROSTHWAITE: In Memoriam: Los Angeles, MUSEUM OF SOCIAL JUSTICE (Downtown), 4–6pm.
The Great Wall of Los Angeles: Judith F. Baca's Experimentations in Collaboration and Concrete, CSU Northridge Art Galleries (Northridge), 4–7pm.
Kim Dingle: Yipes, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (Culver City), 5–7pm.
Kiwis in LA Art Show & Wine Tasting, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–10pm.
BEN SLEDSENS: Before the crow crows, NINO MIER GALLERY (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
DBA, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 6–9:30pm.
CAFAM's Gala & Silent Auction, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $200. 
Franscesc Ruiz Abad: Copy to Learn, Learn to Copy, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS X, Cactus Gallery (Frogtown), 6–9pm. 
Replete Repeat Repeat Replete, DAC Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Duty of Care, Collective Arts Incubator (Highland Park), 6–8pm.
Art of Science/Science of Art: Frankenstein 200, El Camino College Marsee Auditorium (Torrance), 6–9pm. $5–10.
Closing for The Seer & The Stones, Infinity (West Adams), 7–10pm.
Dcypher, Lucas Raynaud, Hero, and Collin Salazar, Gabba Gallery (Koreatown), 7–11pm.
Sayre Gomez: Déjà Vu, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Wanda Koop: In Absentia and Josh Callaghan: Legacy, Night Gallery, 7–10pm.
Below the Underground: Renegade Art and Action in 1990s Mexico/Más abajo que el underground: arte renegado y acción en el México de los noventa, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 7–9pm.
Wild Beast Concert Series: CalArts Alumni Big Band, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30pm.
Sunday, October 15
L.A. GOAL for the Inside Out Productions Open House & Annual Art Show, L.A. Goal (Culver City), 10am–5pm.
16th annual Art + Design Open Market, One Colorado (Pasadena), 10am–3pm.
California Mexicana: Missions to Murals, 1820–1930, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Art Museum), 11am–5pm. 
Film: Found in Translation Film Program: No Walls, Only Bridges, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Design Your Own Monster Youth Workshop, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–4pm.
Artist talk: Rotem Reshef: Time Traveler, TALL WALL SPACE | UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE (La Verne), 1–3pm.
Beautiful Parts, CSUN Art Gallery (Northridge), 2–4pm.
Talk & Book Signing - The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Red Bull Music Academy Presents: Ryoji Ikeda: A [for 100 cars], 131 South Olive Street (Downtown), 3–7pm. 
In Person: Professor Katherine Manthorne, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 3pm.
Social Media For Artists, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 4–7pm. $48–60.
Beyond Words: Jack Kerouac's On the Road at 60!, Beyond Baroque (Venice), 4:30pm.
Dwayne Moser, Reserve Ames (Mid-City), 5–7pm.
Open workshop: Unbound Recollections: Yair Agmon and Hagar Cygler, American Jewish University (Bel Air), 7pm.
Dr. Victoria Reuveni: Orgasmic Yoga, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm. $20.
Here/There, FM Fine Art Gallery (Fairfax).
Monday, October 16
HDTK: California Buckwheat, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 7pm.
Wark Lecture - Seeing and Knowing: Visions of Latin American Nature, ca. 1492–1859, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Double Vision: Recent Films by Janie Geiser, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
Tuesday, October 17
Laurel Atwell: Exquisite Corpse, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10:30am–1:30pm. $20.
Film: Mummy, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
CURATORS IN CONVERSATION: Karen Cordero and Laura Mart, Skirball Cultural Center (Brentwood), 2pm.
Bookmaking Workshop, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 5:30–8:30pm.
RE:IN FORCE, MART LA (Hollywood), 6–8pm. 
Suzanne Hudson, USC Roski School of Art (Downtown), 6–8pm.
The "Concrete" in Poetry and Art, The Getty (Brentwood), 7pm.
Screening: Let It Fall: Los Angeles 1982–1992 with director John Ridley, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Two Films by Sarah Minter: Nadie es Inocente and San Frenesi, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Talk: Art + Tech: Stan Douglas and Michael Govan in Conversation, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out.
Nevins Lecture - Founding Gardeners, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Chamber Music Concert - Camerata Pacifica, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, October 18
Painting with Nan Rae, The Huntington (San Marino), 11am–3pm. $50.
Tour and Critical Discussion, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 2–4pm.
Curator Tour: Visual Voyages, The Huntington (San Marino), 5pm. $15.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: DAEUN JUNG, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Artist Talk: Hellen Ascoli | Artist as Mediator, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 6pm.
Cosimo Cavallaro: Unidentified Space, Manhattan Beach Art Center (Manhattan Beach), 6–8pm.
A Conversation with David Lamelas, Kristina Newhouse, and Jonathan T.D. Neil, Sprüth Magers (Miracle Mile), 6:30pm.
LECTURE: HEATHER SHIREY ON PIERRE VERGER, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 7–8pm.
Journalism in Mexico: A Deadly Occupation, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Music: Art & Music: Chicano Batman, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm. Sold out. 
Max Maslansky Book Launch, STORIES BOOKS (Echo Park), 7:30pm. 
LMAO: Comedy Show, Fais Do Do (West Adams), 8–11pm.
Ellen Cantor: Pinochet Porn, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $6–12.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Avocado Dye Is, Naturally, Millennial Pink
To make natural dye from avocados, all you need are the pits. Those golden-brown seeds, so slippery when first removed, contain a milky, tannin-rich liquid that blooms into a startling red ink when simmered in water.
First, wash the pits and dry them. Then, boil them in a pot filled with enough water to cover the fabric (about five pits per half-pound of fabric). As the seeds dance around the liquid, slowly knocking into each other, their shells will peel off and crack open, turning the water a bright ruby red. Let it steep overnight.
The next day, add damp fabric until the color looks right. (Any pre-washed fabrics should be soaked in warm water the previous night so the color takes.) Don’t strive for perfection: Each attempt will be different, imperfect, otherworldly and pink.
This deceptively simple process is an art form in the hands of María Elena Pombo. A clothing designer from Venezuela, Ms. Pombo, 30, is part of a group of millennial makers who work with plant-based dyes, which tend to be more sustainable and make use of vegetable scraps that might otherwise be abandoned. From her studio, on an industrial stretch of Ingraham Street in Brooklyn’s East Williamsburg neighborhood, Ms. Pombo creates exquisite made-to-order clothing dyed with all kinds of organic refuse, including walnut shells, annatto seeds and onion skins. But avocado pits are her main medium.
Her company, Fragmentario, is equal parts fashion experiment and educational initiative. In addition to selling clothing, Ms. Pombo offers workshops on how to extract beguiling colors from botanical materials.
The results are uneven by nature. Variations in water minerality and pH, not to mention the inevitable addition of pollutants, affect the shades of plant-based dyes. Hard water, which is full of minerals like calcium and magnesium, can make colors more vibrant, while softer water produces more muted tones. Plant-based fibers like cotton or linen will typically mellow the dye, while animal-derived fibers like wool or silk yield richer hues.
But Ms. Pombo approaches her pigments with a methodical sensibility that reflects her earlier training in engineering. There are beakers, burners and tongs, and jars filled with water sourced from all over the world in her studio, along with meticulous spreadsheets that trace dye experiments and tests. “I’m doing this hand process but it’s very controlled,” she said.
Avocados, Before Millennials
We can thank giant prehistoric sloths for the dispersal of avocados. The Lestodons, as the sloths are known, could grow to be 15 feet long, and they spent their days roaming around South America during the Cenozoic era, swallowing avocados whole and spreading fruit trees in their wake. Though humans began cultivating the fruit as early as 5,000 years ago, one of the earliest published descriptions of the avocado is from 1519: The “edible fruit,” wrote the geographer and conquistador Martin Fernandez de Enciso in a document called Suma de geographia, is “like butter” and “of marvelous flavor, so good and pleasing to the palate that it is a marvelous thing.”
The seeds understandably play second fiddle to this “marvelous” fruit — now so in-demand that the United States imported nearly 2 billion pounds of Hass avocados from Mexico in 2018 alone. But there is evidence the humble pit has long been used for dye or ink. In a paper published in 1964, a Spanish art historian, Santiago Sebastian, wrote that many surviving documents from the Spanish conquest of Central and South America were reportedly written using ink derived from the seeds. And its application to textiles goes back generations, though it is often not preserved in the written record.
“Avocado pink is a bit of a mystery,” said Jennifer Gómez Menjívar, an associate professor of Spanish and Latin American studies at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. “What we know about it has been preserved through oral histories.” For example, the Kuna people who have lived in northeastern Panama and the neighboring San Blas Islands since pre-Hispanic times, mention the use of avocado to dye fabrics in their creation story. But traces of alpaca and llama wool dyed with avocado seeds have been unearthed in archaeological sites as well, notably in the Andean highlands where the Aymara and Quechua people have resided.
Unlike dyes made of onion skins or flowers — where the end product often closely resembles the color of the material — the dye of avocado seeds is “very magical,” Ms. Pombo said. “I would never have imagined that it was going to be pink.”
There are many types of avocados, and thus, many possible shades of avocado pink; the species, part of the laurel family, is generally divided into three botanical races — Mexican, Guatemalan and West Indian — but cross-pollination permits the development of unlimited varieties.
The variety that grew in Ms. Pombo’s yard in her family home in Caracas, called Fuerte, is green-skinned, pear-shaped and double the size of the Hass variety commonly found in the U.S. The seed announces itself when ripe, rattling in the groove inside the fruit like a maraca. Those avocados, Ms. Pombo said, “remind me of home.”
But for her first avocado-dyed clothing collection she used Hass avocado seeds, sourcing them from four different delis in Bushwick. Because storage space at the delis was limited, this meant shuttling to each location twice a week, to pick up around 20 pits each time. It also meant hours spent catching up with the owners and employees when Ms. Pombo dropped in for a pickup.
The outcome was a line of uniform garments, available in linen, silk or a sheer silk-organza-and-cotton blend, that were hand-dyed — down to the button — in a dusty pink shade that calls to mind a bone-dry rose. The garments, which were sold through Instagram, didn’t come cheap: Prices ranged from $300 for a linen shirt to $1,580 for a silk shantung jacket. But Ms. Pombo said that the carefully fabricated pieces are meant to be heirloom items — unique and inheritable. “The idea is to slow down and have a more thoughtful relationship with what we’re consuming,” she said.
One Man’s Trash
Last summer at one of Ms. Pombo’s onion-dyeing workshop, held at McLeod’s Community Garden in Brownsville, Brooklyn, (and offered free-of-charge through a grant from the New York Restoration Project) nearly 50 participants gathered around bins full of waterlogged onion skins, waiting for their turn to dunk scarves and bandannas. Bits of detritus mingled with the fabric as it soaked, imbuing the charmeuse and chiffon with a rusty red hue.
While participants waited patiently for the alchemy to take effect, Ms. Pombo spoke about the beauty that could be wrung from food waste.
“We ask a lot of questions about where our food comes from, but we do not think the same about textiles,” Ms. Pombo said. “By using food waste, you give them a second life, creating beauty of something that would be considered garbage.” (Ms. Pombo now sources her seeds from Arepera Guacuco, a Venezuelan restaurant in Brooklyn. Every week the restaurant fills up a gallon-size Mason jar with about a 100 pits for her use; she grinds most of them with a Vitamix for easier storage.)
Her maternal grandmother, Ligia de Reyes, was sitting in a white plastic patio chair nearby, beaming with pride. Ms. Reyes, who is 80, was visiting Brooklyn from Cabimas, Venezuela, for the first time. Her family left Venezuela slowly, but is now mostly displaced from the country, which is mired in severe economic collapse and devastation.
“I didn’t know how to have this kind of fragmented family structure,” Ms. Pombo said. Her parents are in Canada and her brother lives in London. But both her grandmothers remain in Venezuela. “Nostalgia is such a part of my identity now because it’s not like I can just go back home,” she said. “What remains is a shell of what it was once.”
In 2018, Ms. Pombo became eligible to apply for a green card, which meant that she couldn’t leave the U.S. at all. It was a hard change; the avocado seed workshops had taken her to Italy, Spain and Germany, where she taught workshops; each city produced a unique shade of “avocado pink” from the different water properties and dye-making conditions. (The water in Barcelona and Madrid resulted in more reddish colors, but it was Paris’ hard water that yielded the most extreme pink.)
Realizing she wouldn’t be able to travel for a while, Ms. Pombo began asking friends to send her water from their journeys. Strangers and fans on social media followed suit. Bottles began arriving from Chicago, New Delhi and interesting sources, like the Dead Sea. “Getting those waters from people, that was really beautiful,” Ms. Pombo recalled, visibly moved. Being stuck in New York helped her find a new way to connect with the world. A second clothing line started to take shape. “Everyone has been a part of the collection,” she said. “It inspired a practice for what the color could be like, a sense of playfulness.”
The new pieces, all silk and made-to-order, range from $300 for a scarf to $2,200 for a hand-pleated silk organza dress. The silhouettes are similar to her last collection, but this time the diaphanous textiles are ruched and steamed before dyeing, and the shades vacillate between tones of blush, rust and rose. The results look wild, unwieldy and unpredictable, reflecting the variability of different water samples from around the world.
One of her best friends from Venezuela grounded in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, because her passport had expired and Venezuela has not issued her a new one, was for a long time unable to visit New York. She mailed Ms. Pombo the water she collected from Mexico anyway. “It’s nice,” Ms. Pombo said. “Because we did this together, but away.”
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Sam’s Point Preserve & Ice Caves
Sam’s Point Overlook: 1.2 miles roundtrip Ice Caves: 3.1 miles roundtrip Ice Caves + Loop Road: 4 miles roundtrip
Pick a day to hop in the car, drive two hours north of New York City (depending on traffic of course), and you’ll find yourself in one of the most scenic and unique areas of New York State. The New York portion of the Shawangunk Ridge stretches from the New Jersey border towards the Hudson River. Located along this ancient ridge, Sam’s Point, the Ice Caves, and neighboring Bear Hill, provide some of the best outdoor experiences in the Hudson Valley.
The view from these particular points are impressive by anyone’s standards. Even the drive to the visitor center is incredibly scenic. Once at the visitor center you’ll be asked to pay a $10 parking fee, which is well worth it. Pick up a trail map, grab an extra bottle of water, and head up onto the ridge. The trail begins as a relatively wide gravel road, which gently switchbacks up the mountain side.
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This area is prone to occasional wildfires. As you begin your ascent, the blackened tree bark on the righthand side of the trail, stands as the first reminder of the recent blazes. The Visitor center has a “Fire Danger” meter installed, so always be aware of the fire risk before starting your hike.
A little further up the path, the looming cliffs come into view. They appear as if they are leaning forward, trying to consume the trail. The gravel road soon gives way to an older and narrower paved road. Once on the ridge top the trail forks. To the left is Sam’s Point, while continuing straight leads you towards the Ice Caves and several additional trailheads.
On windy days, the view from Sam’s Point can literally take your breath away. The intense panoramic view allows you to see all the way from the Catskills to High Point, New Jersey. Though similar to the view from Bear Hill, located slightly further down the ridge, Sam’s Point has its own unique wonder. The light-colored crags stand like pillars holding up the mountain. From the top, your views seems to extend endlessly towards the horizon.
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Not only is this nature preserve rich in beauty, but also rich in history, and surrounded by folklore. As a kid growing up in the area, I would often hear stories about the legend of Sam’s Point. According to local tales, the rocky outcropping was named after “Sam”, whose famed leap from the cliff-top still sticks in my mind. After being chased up the ridge by Native Americans, with little chance of survival, Sam decided to jump into the tree tops below. Why he was being chased was always unclear, as was his ultimate fate. The ridge also holds the history of the seasonal Huckleberry Pickers, who for over a century made their living harvesting the ridge’s plentiful wild blueberries, during the warm summer months.
Spend some time admiring the view and enjoying the silence that accompanies it. After you’ve had your fill you can continue back towards the main trail, following signs for the Ice Caves. The charred pines, devastated by the fire, stand out dramatically from the bright green undergrowth below. The right side of the trail is completely blackened, while the rare Dwarf Pines that line the left hand side remain unharmed. Though it may seem detrimental, naturally occurring forest fires can actually benefit and help stimulate the growth of new trees and plants atop the ridge.
The warm air, mixed with the scent of pine, simply can’t be beat. It’s the same sweet scent that can be found in the red rock country of the American west, or up high in the Adirondack peaks. A particularly calming and rejuvenating smell.
As you descend towards the Ice Caves you can spot the Hudson Highlands in the far distance. The temperature immediately drops several degrees upon entering the caves. With slippery rocks and narrow passages, I would not recommend this portion of the trail for people with claustrophobia. Sturdy footwear is also a plus. Some sections of the caves are completely dark, though the preserve has installed several motion-sensor lights that make navigating these sections easier. Even in the mid-summer heat, your breath is still visible in the cool air of the caves.
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Though the trail can be tricky at times (be sure to follow the white trail markings), it always keeps things interesting, with some mild rock scrambling, and the occasional wooden ladder to climb. You’ll pass some small pools, fed by ice-cold underground springs. Keep a look out for patches of snow that the caves keep frozen throughout the summer, acting as a natural mountain cooler.
When you finally exit the caves, the trail provides another gorgeous view, made even more spectacular by the blooming mountain laurel and wildflowers. If you want to extend your hike you can follow the loop road around Lake Maratanza. The pure clear waters and gentle sound of the waves are peaceful. I usually take a break on the shores of the lake before looping back down towards the parking area. As you trek back down the loop road, look off into the woods to see the remains of the old Huckleberry Picker’s cabins. The foundation is all that’s left of most of them, due to lack of maintenance since their abandonment in the mid 1900’s. Yet a couple still stand as a slowly fading monument to a way of life that no longer exists on the ridge. As with the story of Sam, stories of the mysterious Huckleberry Pickers have been passed down through generations as well.
The easiest way to access the Preserve coming from the NYC area is from the east side of the ridge, yet if you want one more spectacular view before heading home, take route 52 along the western side of the Shawangunks towards Ellenville. The windy road curves along the mountain edge, with several scenic pull-offs offering birds-eye views of the entire Catskill range and some of the best roadside views anywhere in the Northeast.
Sam’s Point and the Ice Caves are a true treasure of New York State, and the subject of some of my earliest and fondest hiking memories.
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