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mauraeyk · 6 years ago
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cole and cassie standing as close to each other as possible ♡ 
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mauraeyk · 7 years ago
me when you watched lucifer @thedanceneverends 😂😂😂
When your friend starts getting into a series you already know
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nympha-doras · 5 years ago
so apparently i have 2k followers and i’m all
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how? why? i’m a mess, idk what i’m doing. thank you 😘
here have some beautiful people to follow:
@enchanted-keys @chloexdecker @modernlifehistorian @chasethesun18 @jerrpie @rebel-belles @captainmorningstar @amazalina @simply-anya @vivianelynne02 @anglowitch @christie-gwendoline @azriaphales @thedanceneverends @cautriona
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mauraeyk · 6 years ago
lux con in brighton is next weekend and i still don't know how i got so lucky that i'll meet my best friend & the lucifer cast both for the first time at the same time.. i'm readyyyy
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modernlifehistorian · 7 years ago
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@chasethesun18 @enchanted-keys @timelessbae12 @dopemixtape @chloeswans @bestshipcaptainswan @the-suriel-deserved-better @simply-anya @nikkialexander @thescarlettpeacock @vivianelynne02 @thebracingbibliophile @thedanceneverends @captainmorningstar @amazalina
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mauraeyk · 7 years ago
@thedanceneverends at least we can spend that awkward moment together 😏😏😏
that awkward moment between birth and death
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lighbringer · 7 years ago
Lucy & Wyatt ● Lose My Mind
This one is for the goats.
@chloeswans @amazalina @simply-anya @enchanted-keys @jiyamarrii @modernlifehistorian @the-suriel-deserved-better @timetravelandfairytales @mockingjayne12 @thedanceneverends @thebracingbibliophile @bestshipcaptainswan @dopemixtape @mockingjays-daughter @bellarke-princesswarrior @lyatttrash @missyriver @chasethesun18 @vivianelynne02
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missyriver · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Timeless (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wyatt Logan/Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin/Jiya Characters: Wyatt Logan, Lucy Preston, Jiya (Timeless), Rufus Carlin, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Season/Series 02, Post-Canon, Timeless Fanfic Prompt Summary:
After a hellish year, the Team needs a night out.
@timeless-fanfic-prompts @thebookjumper @hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @rittenhousetl @lucy-wyatt @timelessfan227 @mockingjays-daughter  @idatheactivist @thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain @mockingjayne12 @amazalina@dopemixtape @lyatttrash @chasethesun18 @modernlifehistorian @the-suriel-deserved-better @timetravelandfairytales @thedanceneverends @thebracingbibliophile @bestshipcaptainswan @enchanted-keys @bellarke-princesswarrior @huntersixtyseven @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @lost-generation-lights @vivianelynne02 @simply-anya@captainmorningstar
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simply-anya · 7 years ago
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Thankyou so much guys for be so loveable and just really the best people!!! Love you goats!!!
@amazalina @modernlifehistorian @the-suriel-deserved-better @thedanceneverends @thebracingbibliophile @bestshipcaptainswan @dopemixtape @chloeswans @bellarke-princesswarrior @missyriver @chasethesun18 @vivianelynne02 @captainmorningstar @enchanted-keys @nikkialexander @mockingjays-daughter
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enchanted-keys · 7 years ago
rules: answer eleven questions, make eleven new questions, tag eleven people
I was tagged by @chasethesun18, thank you, my beautiful goat ♥♥♥
MARVEL OR DC? TV-VERSE OR FILM-VERSE? WHY? I will limit myself to a very superficial answer, because aside from those few super heroes that I love with my whole heart, I’m not that much into the superheroes universe. I’m gonna say Marvel, because it comprehends most of characters that I love, and film verse, because I found out that tv shows about superheroes tend to bore me in the long term.
I’M LOOKING FOR NEW TV SHOWS TO WATCH. RECOMMEND ME A SHOW AND TELL ME WHY YOU THINK I’D LIKE IT. LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. Legend of the seeker. L e g e n d  o f  t h e  s e e k e r. Did I mention Legend of the seeker? I will recommend this show literally to anyone who asks me for something to watch. Because the world the show is set in is amazing, the characters are incredible, well rounded and they will become your best friends. Because this show was ahead of its time regarding representation and dynamics between the characters. Because it evaluetes principles and values that are often trivialized or taken for granted. Because the cast is hella hot and talented, and ultimately because Richard/Kahalan is one of the most precious otp of all time.
WATCH A RANDOM EPISODE OF TIMELESS. TELL ME YOUR OPINIONS ON THE EPISODE AND I’LL TRY TO GUESS WHICH EPISODE YOU WATCHED. I can’t actually watch it right now, but I’m picturing it in my head. This episode has one of the most precious and innocent historical figures of the whole show, and it’s great because the whole time team is fighting for each other, and in the end the one who needs to be saved also becomes the savior. There’s also an additional historical figure, which is both interesting and creepy, to say the least.
DO YOU HAVE A SKIN CARE ROUTINE? IF YES, WHAT IS IT? mmm not really? I mean, I usually wash my skin with cold water and soap in the morning and before going to bad I use a skin cleanser and afterwards an Argan oil cream...but I forget very often to do it, lmao.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE PAIR OF SHOES? WHY? My wedges probably...because of the lovely floreal pattern on the upper part.
WHAT IS YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER? WHAT IS YOUR DESKTOP WALLPAPER? Phone wallpaper: Harry and Hermione dancing in the tent in Deathly Hallows. Desktop: timeless s2 poster.
IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH ONE PERSON - DEAD, ALIVE, OR FICTIONAL - WHO WOULD IT BE? WHY? Probably Audrey Hepburn, because she’s been an icon and a role model for me since when I was 12. She’s an incredibly talented, smart, elegant and compassionate woman.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE SMELL? WHY? I can’t choose one, it’s not fair. Probably the smell of the wood, because it reminds me of the things that I love the most, which are: books, autumm/winter and mountain.
WHAT IS YOUR HOROSCOPE FOR TODAY? I have no clue, because I don’t believe in horoscope, gotta go to check on it somewhere. It says:  “ You're organized and rigorous, Virgo. You plan everything. But with today's energy, you'll be inclined to let the day go by without keeping to a tight schedule. After all, not every day has to be a workday. You can worry easily, but don't let this get you down. Follow the people around you. They'll teach you to see the world differently. You'll even think about new ways to organize your life.” This is so inaccurate, because I’ve lost any ability to keep a tight schedule for the past 3 years...I’m becoming a lazy, useless person who does everything at the very last minute, lmao.
my questions:
1. Your favorite food 2. What would you like to have in your room that you don’t already have? 3. A sport you would like to practice. 4. Three books you love and three books you’ve never read but want to. 5. Top 3 historical figures. 6. A language and its respective culture that you would like to learn about. 7. What kind of morning person are you?  8. A popular movie you don’t like. 9. Describe your aesthetic in 7 words. 10. What annoys you the most? 11. Three qualities you look for in people.
I tag: @jiyamarrii @modernlifehistorian @captainmorningstar @chloeswans @bestshipcaptainswan @dopemixtape @thedanceneverends @amazalina @thebracingbibliophile @thesurieldeservedbetter @simply-anya and all the other goats :D
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mauraeyk · 6 years ago
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modernlifehistorian · 7 years ago
So one of the biggest questions we’ve been wracking our brains to answer is how the Time Team+Flynn manage to travel to 1888 without the Lifeboat after Jessica steals it with Jiya as a captive pilot. I think I have an idea.
So based on the synopsis we have a very interesting piece of information to take into account:
When Jiya makes a daring escape from Rittenhouse that strands her in San Francisco's Chinatown in 1888 with no way home, the fractured Time Team goes back to save her in this emotional and action-packed finale that leaves the team questioning everything.
Strands her in...1888 with no way home.
K… but if she escapes RH couldn’t she at least have the possibility of a way home with the Lifeboat still being there? Yes. From clips from the promo we see these two clips
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We’ve been thinking this might be the makeshift RH bunker, but if you look closely at the buildings behind Emma and Jiya, they’re clearly that industrial era architecture, so it’s safe to assume that that bitch Jessica demands Jiya take them to 1888 to meet up with the rest of her team, but manages to escape. We see in this shot she is making a (fairly) clear escape to the lifeboat, but Emma is still behind her. So what if Jiya makes it to the Lifeboat, and begins programming it to go home, but Emma catches up to her, and either knocks her out or manages to drag her out of the Lifeboat before it can make the jump (let’s be real it takes a while to get that old thing booted up) but it certainly doesn’t give Emma enough time to stop the Lifeboat’s escape. And Emma certainly can’t let Jiya escape, but she also can’t jump back to the present WITH Jiya. She’s not arrogant enough she can take on Flynn, Wyatt, and Denise alone. And it isn’t like she can hold a gun to Jiya and force her to jump straight back to 1888 cause the Lifeboat is drained after two jumps, so Emma would be stranded in the bunker. She does what will cause the least damage with the situation. She captures Jiya again, but the Lifeboat is off to the present without a passenger. That’s where we get this scene:
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The only reason I can think Denise would be asking that is if they didn’t expect the lifeboat to come charging back in. And now the Time Team+Flynn are free to jump after the Lifeboat is charged because there are only four of them, and Jiya is really stranded in 1888 with no possible way home.
@chasethesun18 @enchanted-keys @amazalina @nikkialexander @simply-anya @chloeswans @its-been-you-all-along @bestshipcaptainswan @vivianelynne02 @thebracingbibliophile @thedanceneverends @bellarke-princesswarrior @missyriver @thescarlettpeacock @shorthairdontcare22 @the-suriel-deserved-better @timelessbae12
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missyriver · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Timeless (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wyatt Logan/Lucy Preston Characters: Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan, Rufus Carlin Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Season/Series 02, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Timeless Fanfic Prompt, Songfic Summary:
Wyatt’s gone.
He left the bunker, the team.
He left her.
Lucy’d shoved him away for so long he had no choice but to leave. It was her own fault.
@timeless-fanfic-prompts @thebookjumper @hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @rittenhousetl @lucy-wyatt @timelessfan227 @mockingjays-daughter  @idatheactivist@thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain @mockingjayne12 @amazalina@dopemixtape @lyatttrash@chasethesun18 @modernlifehistorian @the-suriel-deserved-better @timetravelandfairytales@thedanceneverends @thebracingbibliophile @bestshipcaptainswan @enchanted-keys@bellarke-princesswarrior @huntersixtyseven @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @lost-generation-lights@vivianelynne02 @simply-anya@captainmorningstar
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mauraeyk · 7 years ago
looool same, we'll scare each other so many times when that freakin lamp suddenly turns on 😂😂 @thedanceneverends
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me pressing this stupid lamp at 1am to wake that bitch up
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mauraeyk · 6 years ago
happy 3rd friendiversary, mate! 💖 @thedanceneverends
i just wanted to thank you for the past three years. i'm so lucky i've you by my side because i wouldn't be here where i am today without you. you make me stronger and better in so many ways. you show me what real friendship means and even tho we had a few problems lately we can even work through those, together.
i'm already counting the days until we meet for the first time ever. 53 days till the six best days in our lives. i'm ready to meet you & the lucifer cast.
i love you so damn much, friend soulmate! 💖
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modernlifehistorian · 7 years ago
So last week’s score was pretty dismal. I won’t even say. Let’s see if I can do better this week! 
Buckle UP!
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“It is bloody dangerous.” Well, hello, there Conor Mason. So glad you’re joining the time team this week. Maybe referring to something the team has to do to take out the sleeper? I don’t know this sassy Brit doesn’t scream “danger” to me, so I’m figuring anything out from behind a computer is gonna seem a little sketch to him. 
“Only if we give up hope…” If I could say Mary Margaret Blanchard I definitely would. Like seriously this sounds like it was taken straight out of OUAT... BUT since I can’t do that, I’m going to say Jiya. With all her talk of fate and a higher power, she seems to be the light to the group right now. 
“But. I really have to pee…” Well Jiya said a line like this in Public Enemy No. 1, so maybe it’s her again? Honestly she’s the only one in the bunker I could see saying this.
“This baby was put together with tin foil and Juicyfruit.” LOLOL okay so I’m gonna say either the one and only Robert Johnson or one of his gang talking about their instruments. They didn’t exactly have instruments made of the best quality maple or pure brass.
“Keep them safe.” *tears up only slightly* Oh goodness I’m sincerely hoping this is Wyatt talking to Flynn before the team leaves. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
“And boom goes the dynamite.” The ever present sassy ex-terrorist Garcia Flynn, right after some crap hits the fan. 
“It wasn’t us.” Rufus trying to get the team out of... something sketch.
“To Hell with oblivion.” First off, love this line. It’s kind of oxymoronically and dark and I dig that, and I really think it sounds like something Flynn would say so I’m gonna go with the sinnamon roll once again.
“Are you calling me a coward?” PLEASE let this be Lucy. And then have her prove that she is nothing of the sort cause my baby is FIERCE. But I could see it coming from a lot of the characters so this one is definitely open for debate.
“This is me, returning the favor.” Ummm... I have two theories. Both might be wrong.
1) Flynn to Lucy when he begins telling her about the journal. Maybe he feels like that would make up for her getting him out of prison or something.
2) Carol to Wyatt. Maybe she gives him important Rittenhouse info or something in return for Wyatt protecting Lucy.
“Is it ok to keep secrets from someone you love?” Well this is... very loaded. Ahhhhhhh I’m simultaneously getting a headache and a panic attack thinking about who will say this. Here are the people I can see saying it: Lucy, Wyatt, Flynn, Rufus, Carol, Denise, and Jiya. (with my luck it’s probably going to be someone they meet in the past thought) My biased Lyatt heart really really really wants it to be Carol or even Denise to Wyatt or maybe Rufus to Lucy and then we can get a kind of parallel to War to End All Wars with Rufus again leading the Lyatt charge and calling Lucy out on her feelings. But I feel like if I guess that then I’ll jinx it so my answer for now will be Jiya when she’s debating on whether or not to tell Rufus about a vision. 
“Your lips to God’s ears!” Um.... I’m going with one of our Delta Blues friends. I don’t have much of a clue on context lol
“I get what you’re doing. It’s a shameless manipulation.” Maybe I’m biased but I think this is 100% Lucy to Flynn with everything about the journal this is definitely something she’d see right through.
“The day Connor Mason is officially, nobody.” Oh goodness lol maybe Flynn poking fun, or even Rufus
“Wyatt! I need to speak with you.” I think (and really hope) this will be Carol. After her failed attempts at swaying Denise, she knows the only other person who will care about Lucy’s wellbeing more will be Wyatt. She’s getting desperate.
  “I don’t need this crap! I’m out of here!” JESS!!?!?? Um but really I don’t know who else would say that. Maybe a figure they meet in the past?! We shall see.
“First? What are we dealing with second?!” Okay the lack of info we’ve gotten on this episode is making my guessing a little more difficult. But maybe Conor? He’s gonna be the only one who’s super confused about how to deal with all of this.
“Get some clothes. Steal a car.” Ah yes our ever present OG Pilot and Historian. 100% done with the crap their having to deal with. 
“You’re delusional.” Like this is the first time the Time Team has heard that. Probably someone from the past. 
“If you’re not here to provide intelligence, what are you good for?” Rufus to Flynn probably. That’s the only thing he possesses that makes him unique in the context of the team. Plus Rufus isn’t exactly Flynn’s #1 fan.
“On that day, in San Antonio, Robert Johnson and Don Law changed the world.” Hmmm normally something like this I would say Lucy, but I think Conor is actually going to be the brains for this operation.
“You people are Philistines!” Well Philistines would imply they’re like giants, or maybe just very intimidating or confrontational... I’m kind of at a loss for this one, but maybe Conor fingerling over the Robert Johnson gang... 
“We don’t have time for your mid-life crisis!” LOL Flynn to Conor maybe? Or Rufus to Conor. He’s the only one I would assume would be having a mid life crisis.
“Life is but a walking shadow. A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.” Alright, Macbeth, slow down there. Who would be going around quoting Shakespeare? So far we have no inclination as to who would be a Shakespeare buff and I would be tempted to say Flynn maybe, but I can also see it being one of our Delta Blues friends... 
We’ll see it all live tonight! Sorry that these are kinda bland, but since we got so little context for tonight’s episode it made it a bit more difficult...
@chasethesun18 @enchanted-keys @timelessbae12 @dopemixtape @wyatttoldme @bestshipcaptainswan @the-suriel-deserved-better @simply-anya @vivianelynne02 @thedanceneverends @nikkialexander @thescarlettpeacock @timelessobsessed
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