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thenhc · 3 months ago
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michaelsuniversalrobots · 1 year ago
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Heath Vasquez
Kinktober Day #23 ~ Primal
You’re one of the rare humans that learns about the existence of the supernatural. Your partner Heath is a werewolf and brought you into the big secret. There’s one thing he’s always wanted but never had the chance to do and you’ve finally agreed to the form of play his werewolf nature desperately craves.
You’re going out to the forest together and he’s going to give you a head-start. Then when he catches his prey he can do whatever he wants to you.
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raccoon-pizza · 4 months ago
94: 警備員[Lv.19] (ワッチョイ 6ab8-DMGE):[sage]:2024/09/09(月) 18:21:43.73 ID:So7cACXW0
御嶽山噴火 行方不明者家族が民間会社に依頼し独自捜索へ
09月06日 10時05分
101:底名無し沼さん (ヘ���ーイモ MM2e-/Jhb):2024/09/10(火) 06:59:16.28 ID:apvjorgvM
102:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ a691-s93Z):2024/09/10(火) 07:18:16.88 ID:MKUfDxNi0
103:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 36bb-2PHd):2024/09/10(火) 07:42:02.02 ID:00Ez4apM0
194: 警備員[Lv.17] (ワッチョイ 6a75-DMGE):[sage]:2024/09/13(金) 22:03:08.23 ID:aqEEiTcq0
御嶽山 岐阜県側に初の整備 登山者守る「シェルター」
09月13日 19時01分
196:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ c5bb-OncB):[sage]:2024/09/14(土) 00:09:08.93 ID:AUYNxvTe0
209: 警備員[Lv.5][新芽] (ワッチョイ f97e-/VPw):[sage]:2024/09/14(土) 15:34:17.45 ID:PHIpSXn50
221:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 9f22-ISXy):[sage]:2024/09/15(日) 07:50:03.15 ID:y2BBjDfJ0
197: 警備員[Lv.18] (スップ Sdea-DMGE):[sage]:2024/09/14(土) 00:36:52.24 ID:rgsOCt3ld
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haziqhefram · 1 year ago
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Diffuser fine bubble 10 inch adalah perangkat aerasi yang memiliki diameter 10 inci dan dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan gelembung kecil dengan ukuran seragam untuk meningkatkan oksigenasi dalam air. Dengan teknologi canggihnya, diffuser ini mampu menghasilkan gelembung berukuran sangat kecil, memaksimalkan luas permukaan kontak antara udara dan air. Keunggulan lainnya adalah kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan transfer oksigen ke dalam air tanpa menciptakan gangguan yang signifikan pada lingkungan akuatik. Desainnya yang presisi memastikan distribusi gelembung yang merata dan efisien di dalam kolam atau reservoir. Produk ini memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem akuatik dengan memberikan oksigen yang cukup bagi organisme hidup di dalamnya.
Untuk pembelian bisa anda kunjungi link dibawah ini:
Tokopedia:https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/aerator-fine-bubble-diffuser-import-setara-jagger?extParam=whid%3D13549232 Shopee:https://shopee.co.id/Airdisc-Fine-Bubble-Air-Diffuser-10-Inch-i.749609936.12791473143?xptdk=2ab3d48b-b25e-4a2b-9f22-211e1d8b704b
Atau bisa hubungi toko kami lewat no:081335353290
Dan juga untuk promo menarik kami bisa kunjungi link dibawah ini: https://shorturl.at/rD238 https://shorturl.at/lqrHM https://shopee.co.id/Molase-1-kg-molases-tetes-tebu-murni-i.348517840.21604943552?xptdk=67e2766d-ebb4-4e24-8f6f-c08950105b44
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laramiraoui · 1 year ago
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xingobd2 · 1 year ago
2023 Best Quality B M W ICOM NEXT A + B + C V2023.6 ISTA-D 4.41.30 ISTA-P 70.0.200 with Engineers Programming with Dell E6440 laptop kits https://www.ebay.com/itm/2023-Best-Quality-B-M-W-ICOM-NEXT-A-B-C-V2023-3-with-Dell-E6440-laptop-kits/125791019263?pageci=62287e60-02ce-4835-9f22-2402bbf79612
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bella-tw-yahoopartner · 7 years ago
TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路
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戒糖、戒加工麵食 攝取過量糖份,會導致肌膚糖化,糖化就是老化的關鍵。營養師朋友曾告訴她,喝奶茶、吃冰淇淋等會使身體糖份負擔過多,多餘的糖就會附在肌膚的膠原蛋白上,當膠原蛋白糖化斷掉,就會長皺紋、皮膚變黃,甚至掉頭髮。因此一定要控制糖份攝取,主食多吃粗糧、全麥麵包等,少喝飲料。實在忍不住想吃甜,就喝蜂蜜水解饞。
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20歲開始補充膠原蛋白 隨著年齡增長、工作熬夜、減肥節食都會讓膠原蛋白流失,張韶涵從20歲就開始用食補補充膠原蛋白,像是花生豬腳湯、古早味滷豬蹄和花膠燕窩等等。因為工作的關係,很難保證能靠食物吃到充足的營養,所以每天會額外補充膠原蛋白營養品,選擇營養品時會注重兩大原則:看含量和看膠原來源,如��膠原蛋白每天只補充1~2g,補充的沒有流失的多,等於白吃。另外深海魚油提煉的膠原蛋白會比牛膠原好很多,較不會有激素的問題。從去年開始,她便開始喝營養師朋友從西班牙帶回的BECHI膠原蛋白,每天兩小包泡水喝,可補充實實在在的10g深海魚膠原蛋白,喝了連續兩個月加上護膚產品,皮膚真的慢慢有變好,提醒大家膠原蛋白沒辦法有立即性效果,一定要有耐心慢慢調理。
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每天自製Superfood果汁 因為工作無法準時吃飯,所以每天都會來杯自製的果汁,一方面補充能量,一方面幫助抗氧化排毒,比如百香果、檸檬搭上雪梨,又或是番茄、胡蘿蔔和蘋果汁都很搭,除此之外,抗氧化水果也不能少,像是石榴含有很多鞣胺酸,能幫助曬黑肌膚變白,但是它抗氧化成分大部份在石榴籽中,一定要榨汁來喝,還有聖女番茄、藍莓都是營養價值很高的水果喔!
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一定攝取充足水分 張韶涵隨身會攜帶大號保溫杯,就算再忙再累,每天一定要喝足夠的量。喝水最好是溫水小口慢慢喝,這樣比較容易被皮膚細胞吸收,如果覺得喝白開水沒味道,也可以準備點茶葉或是花茶,像是綠茶、石斛花、玫瑰花等都能替肌膚額外補充營養,想美白的話,可以多喝點檸檬水,但是水溫要控制好,千萬不要用熱水,這樣維他命C都被破壞了,5分鐘內喝完才能保證維他命C的活性。
同場加映肌膚保養小秘訣 1. 充分了解自己的肌膚類型和問題,精準護膚。 2. 防曬是每天必做的功課,不只是早上要塗,還要依照情況補擦防曬。 3. 肌膚清潔不可忽視,不管多累多晚一定要卸妝。 4. 疏通淋巴排毒,有空就要多做做。 5. 補��面膜要常備在手邊。 6. 長痘痘和黑頭粉��千萬不要用手擠,暴力擠痘後患無窮。
  延伸閱讀 張韶涵如何維持39公斤少女身!3招飲食+運動雕塑法瘦超快 這回又美出新高度,劇中用的彩妝原來是這些!拆解李聖經《About time:想暫停的瞬間》妝容的美麗秘密
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thenhc · 1 month ago
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haziqhefram · 1 year ago
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Diffuser fine bubble adalah perangkat yang menghasilkan gelembung-gelembung kecil dengan ukuran seragam dan tahan lama di dalam air. Dirancang untuk meningkatkan oksigenasi dan sirkulasi di dalam air, diffuser ini memperbaiki kualitas air dengan memecah udara menjadi gelembung halus yang efisien. Dengan teknologi canggih, gelembung yang dihasilkan memiliki luas permukaan yang besar, memfasilitasi pertukaran gas yang optimal antara udara dan air. Proses ini membantu dalam meningkatkan kehidupan akuatik, mempertahankan kondisi lingkungan yang sehat, serta meningkatkan kesehatan organisme akuatik seperti ikan dan tanaman air, membuat lingkungan perairan lebih optimal dan ramah lingkungan.
Untuk pembelian bisa anda kunjungi link dibawah ini:
Tokopedia:https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/aerator-fine-bubble-diffuser-import-setara-jagger?extParam=whid%3D13549232 Shopee:https://shopee.co.id/Airdisc-Fine-Bubble-Air-Diffuser-10-Inch-i.749609936.12791473143?xptdk=2ab3d48b-b25e-4a2b-9f22-211e1d8b704b
Atau bisa hubungi toko kami lewat no:081335353290
Dan juga untuk promo menarik kami bisa kunjungi link dibawah ini: https://shorturl.at/rD238 https://shorturl.at/lqrHM https://shopee.co.id/Molase-1-kg-molases-tetes-tebu-murni-i.348517840.21604943552?xptdk=67e2766d-ebb4-4e24-8f6f-c08950105b44
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xingobd2 · 1 year ago
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Where to get 2023 Best Quality B M W ICOM NEXT A + B + C V2023.6 with Dell E6440 laptop kits https://www.ebay.com/itm/2023-Best-Quality-B-M-W-ICOM-NEXT-A-B-C-V2023-3-with-Dell-E6440-laptop-kits/125791019263?pageci=62287e60-02ce-4835-9f22-2402bbf79612
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thenhc · 6 months ago
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bethevenyc · 8 years ago
Melania Trump stands by her man - just like many high-profile wives did before her
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President Trump with first lady Melania Trump [Photo: Alex Brandon/AP]
In between promoting oil pipelines and immigration restrictions, President Trump has returned to familiar territory by publicly objectifying women — first when he told an Irish reporter in the Oval Office that she was “beautiful” and had a “nice smile,” and then again on Thursday morning via tweets in which he taunted Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzenzinski about her “facelift.”
And all of that has, in turn, sent First Lady Melania Trump into her own familiar territory: standing by her man.
“As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back ten times harder,” the first lady’s communications director Stephanie Grisham said in a statement to CNN when asked about the Brzenzinski-related tweets.
Melania Trump’s comms director: “As First Lady has stated publicly…when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.”
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) June 29, 2017
Melania is far from alone when it comes to publicly sticking by one’s husband, despite allegations of his sexist behaviour. Take, just for starters, the following women who displayed loyalty (at least initially) despite a lack of it from their spouses: Camille Cosby, Huma Abedin (wife of Anthony Weiner), Silda Wall Spitzer, Hillary Clinton, and Elin Nordegren (ex-wife of Tiger Woods).
Why they remain so devoted in the face of such betrayal is layered and complex, say relationship experts familiar with the phenomenon.
“The deepest and most complicated reason is that it’s familiar — that [these women were likely] raised in a household where inappropriate sexuality was part of the normal equation,” Beverly Hills–based couples therapist Bethany Marshall tells Yahoo Style. “Love, violence, betrayal, sexual perversion was all a part of the equation and becomes fused. That’s the analytic perspective — that it’s part of their attachment system growing up [via their fathers].”
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Actor Bill Cosby and wife Camille Cosby arrive at the Montgomery County (Pa.) courthouse on June 12, 2017 [Photo: Gilbert Carrasquillo/WireImage]
Although each individual woman named above, as well as those in similar situations, are in different situations, there is a common denominator with all, observes Marshall. “[The men] are sexually acting out, or have poor boundaries with women. They objectify women and are not deeply loyal,” she says. “Most of these men — Trump, Cosby, Weiner — are bordering on sex addiction or being sexually compulsive or impulsive. At the core is their wanting to have power over women.”
Other reasons for wives publicly supporting disloyal high-profile husbands, according to Marshall, include the idea of “brainwashing,” as in when the men act erratically but “try to convince the other person that what we do is normal,” and then there is no one outside of the relationship willing to criticise the man (especially POTUS) and therefore provide any helpful perspective. This happened with Nordegren, she notes, who started out supportive of Woods and changed her mind “only when other women came forward and forced her to realise [what was happening].”
Another factor, particularly in politics, she says, is when spouses sometimes “make a pact with the devil,” meaning, “I’ll overlook your flaws if you get me power/status/to the White House.”
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Ex-New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner speaks during a news conference alongside his wife, Huma Abedin, in New York [Photo: John Minchillo/AP]
Other times, Marshall explains, a woman in this position may be suffering from a “crisis of boundaries,” meaning “she knows her man is suffering but she thinks it’s somehow her fault. … ‘If only I were better in bed he wouldn’t have to cheat,’ for example.” Also, she posits, there can often be a failure to integrate the positive and negative aspects of a disloyal spouse.
“One of the earliest developmental tasks in life is to be able to see the good and the bad in people,” Marshall says, although sometimes people, particularly abused women, have “not integrated the reality.” For example, as children, she says, “eventually we see that mum is a nurturing provider but that she also lets us down… and it’s part of good mental health to see both sides.”
Paul Hokemeyer, a Los Angeles–based marriage and family therapist, has a slightly different take on the ‘stand-by-your-man’ phenomenon.
“I don’t view it as a stand by your man. I see it as a stand by the institution of marriage and take care of private matters in private,” he tells Yahoo Style. “Women want to resolve personal matters in their own time, based on their own intuitive and factual data. Once they have sufficient data, they make decisions guided by on their moral, emotional, and physical compass. Eventually they act, even if an action is a non-action — and in so doing, own their decision, rather than being thrashed around by the harsh and unforgiving opinions of others.”
Hokemeyer adds, “Women who stand by their husbands in the face of controversy demonstrate an extraordinary capacity to honour this institution. Marriage is also a very private agreement that is constantly being negotiated between two imperfect human beings.” And in his experience, he says, men and women tend to go about that differently. “I’ve observed that in contrast to men who too frequently lack the capacity to tolerate their mates’ imperfection because they suffer from higher rates of narcissism, women overlook extraordinary lapses in their mates’ judgments for the good of the marriage as a social and religious institution and the emotional well being of their family. Simply put, women are not ruled by their narcissistic egos and are able to make less emotional, more strategic and logical decisions then men.”
Bottom line, of course, is that women could simply be afraid of losing their mates, Marshall says, and that “the betrayal is unthinkable.”
As she points out, “We all want to believe our loved ones.” And that can also be said for the public wanting to believe the oft-manipulative politicians and celebrities they adore. “We,” Marshall says, “can be like the abused wife too.”
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9 things Vanity Fair’s article taught us about Donald and Melania Trump’s marriage
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Does Melania Trump really not want to hold her husband’s hand?
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haziqhefram · 1 year ago
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Perangkat diffuser fine bubble berukuran 10 inci adalah solusi inovatif untuk memperbaiki kualitas air. Dengan desain canggih, diffuser ini menghasilkan gelembung-gelembung kecil secara konsisten. Materi berkualitas tinggi memastikan efisiensi dan ketahanan jangka panjang. Difusi yang tepat mengubah udara menjadi gelembung-gelembung mikroskopis untuk meningkatkan oksigenasi dalam air. Distribusi merata dari gelembung-gelembung ini mengoptimalkan kontak udara-air, mendukung aerasi yang efisien dalam aplikasi beragam seperti pengolahan limbah, akuakultur, dan kolam renang. Kelebihan diffuser ini terletak pada konsistensi kinerja yang tinggi, efisiensi optimal, serta peranannya dalam menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan air yang sehat. Kombinasi fitur canggih dan hasil yang konsisten menjadikannya pilihan unggul untuk meningkatkan kualitas air secara signifikan.
Untuk pembelian bisa anda kunjungi link dibawah ini:
Tokopedia:https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/aerator-fine-bubble-diffuser-import-setara-jagger?extParam=whid%3D13549232 Shopee:https://shopee.co.id/Airdisc-Fine-Bubble-Air-Diffuser-10-Inch-i.749609936.12791473143?xptdk=2ab3d48b-b25e-4a2b-9f22-211e1d8b704b
Atau bisa hubungi toko kami lewat no:081335353290
Dan juga untuk promo menarik kami bisa kunjungi link dibawah ini: https://shorturl.at/rD238 https://shorturl.at/lqrHM https://shopee.co.id/Molase-1-kg-molases-tetes-tebu-murni-i.348517840.21604943552?xptdk=67e2766d-ebb4-4e24-8f6f-c08950105b44
diffuser fine bubble,fine bubble air diffuser,fine bubble diffuser price,fine bubble tube diffuser,fine bubble diffuser brands
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xingobd2 · 1 year ago
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V2023.6 BMW ICOM NEXT A + B + C with Dell E6440 laptop ready to work
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