#99 1542-2
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guerrerense · 11 months ago
Auf nach Jöhstadt...
Auf nach Jöhstadt... por erzgebirg´s train photography Por Flickr: Nach einem kurzen Halt in Schlössel nimmt 99 1542-2 soeben Schwung für den letzten Kilometer, bevor der Zug sein Ziel erreicht.
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dampfloks · 6 years ago
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99 1542-2 in der Fahrzeughalle der Preßnitztalbahn und ein klein wenig Hintergrund-Information zur Technik der Meyer-Gelenk-Lokomotiven.
Meyer locomotive
 99 1542-2 in the vehicle hall of the Preßnitztalbahn and a little background information about the technology of the Meyer articulated locomotives.
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borisjelinek · 2 years ago
Na první pohled je pojmenování této obce zajímavé, údajně má být odvozeno od staročeského osobního jména Lutobor, což dokládá rovněž prof. Antonín Profous ve své knize "Místní jména v Čechách. Jejich vznik, původní význam a změny. Díl II. CH-L", v níž se píše:
"Litoboř (v Litoboři, do Litoboře), ves 6 km s(sz.) od Čes. Skalice: 1369 ad E. in Chwalcz ad pres. Jesconis de Lythoborz, LC. II, 14; 1399 Leva de Baznicz conqueritur super Hanussium de Litoborzie, Půh. 99 č. 271; 1403 Hanussius de Litoborzye conqueritur super Rubyn de Swyetle, t. 67 č. 176; 1542 (1527) postúpil jim děd. svého - - w Lithoborzi tvrze pusté, dru p. s p., a vsi tudíž - w Horziczkach vsi celé, DZ. 83 B 2; 1542 (1534) hrad Rismburgk - ves Swietla, ves Litoborz, DZ. 3 L 17; 1630 na vsi Swietly - vsi Horziczky - vsi Mecžiowu, půl vsi Lytoborze, DZ. m. 62 E 6; 1694 Lytoborže (v kraji Hradec.), BR. 12/751; 1790 Hft Nachod: Litoborž, Schaller XV, 156.
Jm. L. vzniklo přivlastň. příponou -jь z os. jm. Litobor < Ľutobor (Lutobor, Nekr. P.; Lythobor, TomZ. 1406 n. 206) a znamenalo ՙLitoborův՚, t. dvůr.
Tato ves je poprvé doložena predikátem k roku 1369 (Ješek z Litoboře). V téže době tu existovala tvrz, která zpustla na konci 15. století. V roce 1372 bratři Jan a Lítek (Lyčko) z Litoboře podali na faru ve Chvalči plebána Michala z Broumova. Roku 1405 Hanuš z Litoboře podal plebána Petra na faru na Hořičkách a vedle toho odváděl skalickému faráři kopu grošů ročního úroku. V roce 1448 Václav z Chlumu seděním na Litoboři zapsal panství jako věno své manželce Kateřině na Hořičkách a Libňatově. Věno si poté vyprosil Jan Jiří z Chlumu, který se již od roku 1464 jako pán litobořský připomíná, neboť v témže roce založil rychtu v Libňatově a na Boušíně dřevěnou kapli. 9. července 1464 Jiřík z Chlumu seděním na Litoboři prodal 6 prutů svobodných Pavlovi v Libňatově. V roce 1517 koupil Litoboř, Chlístov a Hořičky Petr Adršpach z Dubé, který tyto vsi nabyl po Kryštofovi ze Švamberka. Ten je zase koupil od Arnošta a Jana, synů Jana Jiřího z Chlumu. Od těch dob patřila Litoboř k panství rýzmburskému. Roku 1527 byla zpustlá litobořská tvrz spolu s Hořičkami, Křižanovem, Chlístovem, Libňatovem a dalšími majetky zastavena Zdeňkovi Lvovi z Rožmitálu a Janu Krušinovi z Lichtemburka, neboť vlastník panství Petr Adršpach z Dubé a na Náchodě nebyl dobrým hospodářem a svoje dluhy řešil postupným odprodáváním svého majetku. 6. června 1534 Zdeněk Lev z Rožmitálu a z Blatné a Hynek Krušina z Lichtenburka prodali rýzmburské a skalské majetky Janovi z Pernštejna (některé prameny uvádějí, že k tomu došlo 7. června 1544). Ten je 11. října 1544 prodal Bernartovi Žehušickému z Nestajova, který zemřel v roce 1563. O rok později zesnul Jan Žehušický z Nestajova, po němž získal rýzmburské panství jeho starší bratr Hertvík Žehušický z Nestajova, jenž zemřel roku 1578. Všeobecně je uváděno, že obec byla jako dědictví rozdělena na 2 části. V roce 1586 Mandaléna Úlibská z Nestajova prodala dvory kmecí v Litoboři, které patřily dosud k Rýzmburku, Jiříkovi z Dobřenic, držiteli Třebešova, s nímž se dostaly roku 1613 k náchodskému panství. Druhá část Litoboře se k němu dostala v roce 1637 s heřmanickým zbožím (Heřmaničky, Hořičky, Hostyně, půl Litoboře, Mečov, Světlá, Vesce). Roku 1794 měla Litoboř 59 domů a 328 obyvatel a v roce 1827 72 domů a 445 obyvatel.
Roku 1849 získala obec díky prozatímnímu obecnímu zřízení svoji volenou samosprávu. Zároveň k ní byly připojeny osady Křížanov a Mečov. 28. srpna 1871 byl ve skupině venkovských obcí zvolen do náchodského okresního zastupitelstva starosta Litoboře J. Rudolf. V roce 1885 byl vystavěn jednopatrový hostinec s velkým sálem, kde bylo téhož roku sehráno první ochotnické divadelní představení. 28. května 1889 zemská školní rada na své sch��zi svolila Litoboři vyškolení ze školní obce Hořiček a zřízení samostatné obecné školy v Litoboři s dodatečným schválením zemského výboru, k němuž nakonec nedošlo. O 3 roky později nebylo vyhověno žádosti obce Litoboře na zřízení exponované stanice zimní jako části školy v Hořičkách. Roku 1895 došlo k potvrzení stanov Hospodářsko-čtenářské besedy. 15. prosince 1896 české oddělení zemské školní rady nevyhovělo opětovné žádosti Litoboře na vyškolení z Hořiček a zřízení samostatné obecné školy. V následujícím roce byl ustaven SDH. Roku 1898 byla vystavěna hasičská zbrojnice. 9. dubna 1910 bylo zapsáno Výrobní tkalcovské a konsumní společenstvo pro Litoboř a okolí, které o 6 let později oznámilo zastavení činnosti po dobu války a zaniklo v roce 1927. Z roku 1911 pochází zmínka o existenci zřízené dobytčí pojišťovny, jež měla schválené stanovy, ale nezahájila ještě činnost. K jejímu ustavení však mělo dojít již v roce 1907. Z front 1. světové války se nevrátilo 14 místních občanů, a to včetně tehdejších osad - Křížanova a Mečova.
V roce 1921 vznikla místní organizace KSČ a roku 1929 byla ustavena místní záložna a Družstvo pro rozvod elektrické energie. 16. června 1929 se uskutečnil v obci župní hasičský sjezd. 10. září 1933 okrskové sokolské cvičení se stalo prvním velkým podnikem nedávno vzniklé místní sokolské jednoty. V roce 1939 vyhořela usedlost Ladislava Prokopa a při záchranných pracích se vážně zranil rolník Josef Dvořáček. Téhož roku vznikla místní organizace Národního souručenství. Za německé okupace nesla obec pojmenování Litoborsch. 5. května 1940 se bývalý čeledín Augustin Bejr z Úpice vloupal do stavení rolníka Františka Picha, kde se pokusil o dvojnásobnou vraždu, a to jako pomstu za své propuštění. Roku 1951 se objevil v obci Miloslav Stejskal, který se vydával za západního agenta s úkolem zastrašovat komunistické funkcionáře na Náchodsku a tím zabránit kolektivizaci ve zdejším kraji. 28. prosince 1951 byl během protiteroristické akce zastřelen. Po honu na diverzanta následovalo zatýkání, soudy a nesmírně tvrdá perzekuce litobořských občanů (akce „Teror Náchod“). První monstrproces se konal 26. a 27. ledna 1952 v náchodském Beránku a soudní proces byl jen pro pozvané, obec Litoboř zastupoval předseda MNV Jindřich Řezníček a předseda akčního výboru Josef Vlček z Křížanova. Druhý proces se uskutečnil 25. a 26. července téhož roku v Hradci Králové. Obžalovaní museli odříkávat naučená přiznání podle návodu StB. Jejich rodiny se dozvěděly výši trestu až z novin. V obou procesech bylo odsouzeno 18 obviněných, z nichž 4 dostali trest smrti (Jaroslav Lazar z čp. 18, Josef Řezníček z čp. 52, Josef Vít z Lhotek čp. 11 byli popraveni 10. června 1952; Karlovi Rudolfovi z čp. 59 byl po odvolání trest smrti změněn na doživotní žalář). 20. dubna 1952 bylo založeno JZD, jež bylo v roce 1960 sloučeno s JZD Hořičky. 1. července 1960 byla Litoboř připojena k Hořičkám. Dosavadní osady Křižanov a Mečov se staly součástí Mezilečí. Roku 1980 byla provedena rekonstrukce elektrické sítě a veřejného osvětlení. V letech 1984-1985 proběhla přestavba klubovny občanského výboru a společenských organizací, jež měla být slavnostně otevřena ke 100. výročí vzniku bývalého hostince. O 2 roky později byly vyasfaltovány místní komunikace a kompletně dokončena výše zmíněná přestavba klubovny občanského výboru. V roce 1988 byla opravena silnice do Světlé. V letech 2000-2014 působila v obci jízdárna Donarova samota, jež se poté přesunula na Proruby. Roku 2004 koupil Jiří Pelikán zdejší hostinec, který byl v dezolátním stavu. Místo demolice se rozhodl pro jeho rekonstrukci a o 3 roky později ho skutečně otevřel. V roce 2009 si nechal též zaregistrovat zdejší vinohrad, díky čemuž může Litoboř používat status vinařské obce. V letech 2013-2014 došlo k přístavbě a stavebním úpravám budovy obecního úřadu. 25. dubna 2015 se uskutečnil 1. ročník Litobořské výstavy vín.
Nejvýraznější zdejší pamětihodností je kaplička Panny Marie z roku 1800, která v každé ze světových válek přišla o svůj zvon. Nový zvon spolu s elektrickým pohonem byl osazen v roce 1998 a k poslední rekonstrukci objektu došlo roku 2008. Dále jmenujme: kamenný kříž u rybníka, který nechal postavit v roce 1823 Matěj Drtina a naposled byl zrestaurován roku 2003; kamenný kříž proti čp. 30 z roku 1904; sochu sv. Jana Nepomuckého, jež byla postavena v roce 1876 manželi Janem a Leonorií Dvořáčkovými z čp. 29 a naposled zrestaurována roku 2003 a pomník obětem komunismu, jehož autorem je Miroslav Kubala z Čánek u Opočna a slavnostně byl odhalen 16. srpna 2008. Nejvýznamnějšími místními rodáky jsou: rtyňský svobodník a rychtář Klement Nývlt (* 25. listopadu 1717 Litoboř), červenokostelecký děkan P. Vincenc Dvořáček (22. listopadu 1826 Litoboř - 12. listopadu 1903 Červený Kostelec), P. Isidor (Josef) Vondráček (19. července 1848 Litoboř - 17. února 1920 Broumov), profesor a převor broumovského kláštera a P. Vilém Rudolf (28. března 1874 Litoboř - 5. září 1926 Počáply u Litoměřic), od roku 1922 opat řádu sv. Benedikta a klášterů v Břevnově a Broumově. Jako zajímavost ještě dodejme, že se v obci narodil rolník a obchodník František Dvořáček, pradědeček Konráda Henleina z matčiny strany.
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Kaplička Panny Marie
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Socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého
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Pomník Obětem komunismu
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Hasičská zbrojnice
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lalaounaamina · 3 years ago
Reading Poetry 1
Upon 'the 100 Best Recommended English Language Poets' I am willing to read at least one poem by each poet (1 to 100 is a random pick not a ranking).
1 John Milton 1608-1674
2 William Shakespeare 1564-1616
3 Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400
4 WB Yeats 1865-1939
5 William Wordsworth 1770-1850
6 John Keats 1795-1821
7 William Blake 1757-1827
8 TS Eliot 1888-1965
9 John Donne 1572-1631
10 Emily Dickinson 1830-1886
11 Walt Whitman 1819-1892
12 Alexander Pope 1688-1744
13 Robert Browning 1812-1899
14 Wallace Stevens 1879-1955
15 Percy Blysse Shelley 1792-1822
16 Lord Byron 1788-1824
17 Alfred Lord Tennysson 1809-1892
18 Edmund Spenser 1552-1599
19 Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849
20 WH Auden 1907-1973
21 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1934
22 John Dryden 1631-1700
23 Ezra Pound 1885-1972
24 George Herbert 1593-1633
25 Robert Burns 1759-1796
26 Andrew Marvell 1621-1678
27 Thomas Hardy 1840-1928
28 John Ashbery 1927-
29 William Langland 1332-1386
30 Elizabeth Bishop 1911-1979
31 Pearl Poet ?
32 Philip Sidney 1554-1586
33 Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889
34 Robert Frost 1874-1963
35 Matthew Arnold 1822-1888
36 John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester 1647-1680
37 Beowulf Poet ?
38 Robert Lowell 1917-1977
39 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806-1861
40 Christina Rossetti 1830-1894
41 James Merrill 1926-1995
42 Thomas Wyatt 1503-1542
43 Sylvia Plath 1932-1963
44 John Clare 1793-1864
45 Algernon Charles Swinburne 1837-1809
46 Philip Larkin 1922-1985
47 John Gower 1330-1408
48 Ben Johnson 1572-1637
49 Hart Crane 1899-1932
50 William Dunbar 1460-?
51 Geoffrey Hill 1932-
52 Seamus Heaney 1939-
53 William Cowper 1731-1800
54 William Carlos Williams 1832-1963
55 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882
56 Thomas Traherne 1636-1674
57 Adrienne Rich 1929-2012
58 Wilfred Owen 1893-1918
59 AE Housman 1859-1936
60 Thomas Moore 1779-1852
61 Dylan Thomas 1914-1953
62 Derek Walcott 1930-
63 EE Cummings 1896-1962
64 Marianne Moore 1887-1972
65 John Berryman 1914-1972
66 Henry Vaughan 1622-1695
67 AR Ammons 1926-2001
68 Anne Finch 1661-1720
69 WS Merwin 1927-
70 Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882
71 Robert Penn Warren 1905-1989
72 Allen Ginsberg 1926-1997
73 Louise Gluck 1943-
74 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1516-1547
75 Theodore Roethke 1908-1963
76 Felicia Hemans 1793-1835
77 Thomas Gray 1716-1771
78 Paul Muldoon 1951-
79 Thomas Lovell Beddoes 1803-1849
80 Abraham Cowley 1618-1667
81 Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862
82 Jonathan Swift 1667-1745
83 Ted Hughes 1930-1998
84 HD 1886-1961
85 Robinson Jeffers 1887-1962
86 Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593
87 Robert Herrick 1592-1674
88 Edward Arlington Robinson 1860-1935
89 Richard Crashaw 1613-1649
90 Carl Sandburg 1878-1967
91 Langston Hughes 1902-1967
92 Robert Henryson 1460-1500
93 Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872-1906
94 Stephen Crane 1871-1900
95 Anne Carson 1950-
96 Louis MacNeice 1907-1963
97 Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672
98 John Skelton 1460-1529
99 Bob Dylan 1941-
100 Emily Bronte 1818-1848
101 Rudayard Kipling
102 John Green Leaf Whittier
103 Richard Siken
104 Anna de Noailles
105 Edwin Morgan
106 Mary Oliver
107 William Ernest Henley
108 Pablo Neruda
109 Catol Ann Duffy
110 Adrienne Rich
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covid19updater · 3 years ago
COVID19 Updates: 08/24/2021
Iowa:  Iowa school district delays school start due to staff COVID-19 outbreak LINK
US:  The US could have the pandemic under control by spring of 2022 if the "overwhelming majority" of the population gets vaccinated, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Monday. LINK
India:  #COVID19 | Kerala reports 24,296 new cases, 173 deaths and 19,349 recoveries today; Test positivity rate at 18.04%
UK: New cases by day in Scotland since 08/09:  
2021-08-24: 4323
2021-08-23: 3189
2021-08-22: 3190 2021-08-21: 3464 2021-08-20: 3613 2021-08-19: 3367 s021-08-18: 2531 2021-08-17: 1815 2021-08-16: 1567 2021-08-15: 1498 2021-08-14: 1383 2021-08-13: 1542 2021-08-12: 1525 2021-08-11: 1498 2021-08-10: 1032 2021-08-09: 851
Florida:  32-yo #Florida Polk County Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Broadhead has died of #COVID19. Sheriff Grady Judd said ~50 deputies have #COVID19 & at least 4 are hospitalized LINK
World:  The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines LINK
US:  US covid hospitalizations reached nearly 96,000 today. That's 74% of pandemic peak, despite some recent reduction in rate of rise (and it isn’t even fall yet)
RUMINT (US):  I have a friend who just tested positive. She's vax'd and her household has VERY little exposure. She and husband work from home and son is virtual school. They only do curbside pickup for groceries. She 1st lost taste/smell then started forgetting things and mixing up words.  She was sure she couldn't possibly have covid but had someone pick up home tests. Her husband tested neg. The only exposure is husband took son to a covid safe appointment last week. Fever is 99. Worst part is major brain fog. This is getting WILD and scary
Israel:  Are we doomed? Israel's Prime Minister is crazy (or an idiot): "People who received two vaccine shots walk around feeling like they are protected... they don't understand that the second vaccine has faded against the "Delta" - they must quickly get vaccinated with the 3rd dose!".  Israel government next outrageous step: The "Green passport" will be valid only for 6 months from the moment you received the 2nd shot! Tomorrow the director of the iMoH will decide whether the booster shots will be permitted/coerced for 30+ people(or for the entire population?!)
Florida:  Florida’s COVID-19 resurgence: State reports 42,143 new cases and 726 new deaths over two days LINK
US:  U.S. COVID update: 253K new cases as many states, including Florida, dump weekend backlogs - New cases: 253,182 - Average: 158,238 (+8,764) - In hospital: 95,743 (+1,556) - In ICU: 23,994 (+496) - New deaths: 1,312
Singapore:  All 62 Covid-19 cases detected among migrant workers from the North Coast Lodge dormitory in Woodlands on Monday (Aug 23) were fully vaccinated, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Tuesday.
Louisiana:  A tense standoff in Slidell, Louisiana, over mask mandates is one of dozens that have unfolded at local school board meetings across the US in recent weeks as schools debate how to return to in-person instruction amid the resurgent threat of the Delta variant;
Hawaii:  Hawaii’s Governor has asked that visitors & residents reduce travel to the islands, while the state struggles to control the spread of Delta variant. Gov David Ige said on Monday local time that he wants to curtail travel to Hawaii through to the end of October;
World:  #BREAKING US VP Kamala Harris' trip to Hanoi delayed due to 'health incident': embassy
UK: +30,838. That is 4k more cases than this time last week. 174 new deaths. The most since early March.
Israel:  The Ministry of Health of Israel announced that today, Tuesday, that 9,831 new cases of coronavirus were diagnosed yesterday. This is the highest figure recorded since last January, and almost the most cases ever for a single day. The infection rate is currently 6.63%. Currently, there are 72,572 active cases of COVID-19 nationwide, including 1,124 who are hospitalized. The number of patients in serious condition is 678. Of this number, 168 are in critical condition and 123 are intubated on artificial respirators.
World:  JUST IN - Pfizer CEO says #COVID19 vaccine-resistant variant likely to emerge, but the big pharma company would be able to turn around a "variant-specific" new mRNA jab within 3 months (Fox)
Ohio:  After 8 fully-vaccinated family members get COVID, Miami Valley woman still encourages vaccines LINK
Arkansas:  BREAKING: There are no empty ICU beds left in Arkansas, according to Gov. Asa Hutchinson. LINK
Tennessee:  Nashville public schools reported 395 students and 67 teachers tested positive for COVID in the last week. LINK
Alabama:  "Per the Alabama Hospital Association, the state currently has 1,536 staffed ICU beds and 1,589 ICU patients. That means the state’s ICU bed deficit has ballooned to 53." LINK
California: LA COVID-19 Breakthrough Cases Climb As Young Adults Drive Spread LINK
Florida:  Orange County Public Schools in Florida reported 400 students + teachers have tested positive for COVID overnight. LINK
Canada: British Columbia:  As of Aug 25, masks will be mandatory in all indoor public spaces for people 12+, to help slow COVID-19 transmission and help prepare for the fall respiratory illness season. This applies to everyone, regardless of vaccination status. LINK
Op/Ed: Doctor:  My extreme confidence in effectiveness of vaccines was misplaced. It was based largely on how well they performed initially in Israel, which is nearly fully vaccinated. The recent data there is horrible with even deaths now picking up.
RUMINT (Florida):  My son went back to school yesterday for his senior year after missing the last 1.5 years of in person edumication. He was nervous but loved it and even more so today....he did say prepare to get sick (even though we got a vax) as the halls were so packed between classes that kids could barely move. Did report that everyone appeared to be following mask protocols at least, and outdoor lunchtime with friends (which they all do need)....but his exact words were: "PREPARE TO BE SICK". Only 2 days in and not heard of any reported cases yet....I say give it week. They have enacted strict seating charts so that if someone does get sick, they ONLY toss out temporarily those other kids sitting immediately around the infected one instead of the entire class like last year (but for each class the infected kid was in)...and there is currently NO plan in place for those forced to quarantine from school for 10 days to be able to at least stay up on the classes missed via ZOOM watching (not interactive ZOOM like last year...no ZOOM at all!). Just a 10 day paid vacation from school...oh, and they will have to keep up on their own apparently. I will provide an update on this after Labor Day unless all hell breaks loose before then....mega sigh.
Georgia:  Nearly 2K Georgia children testing positive for COVID-19 a day on average. School districts in metro Atlanta are reporting that over 13,000 children and teens have tested positive for COVID-19 since the start of the school year. LINK
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guerrerense · 11 months ago
Entlang der Pressnitz...
Entlang der Pressnitz... por erzgebirg´s train photography Por Flickr: Kurz vor dem Haltepunkt Forellenhof verläuft die Pressnitz parallel zur Pressnitztalbahn. Hier schnauft die 99 1542-2 "gegen den Strom" in Richtung Jöhstadt.
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dampfloks · 6 years ago
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(English text in italics below each section)
Besuch bei der Preßnitztalbahn Im Februar 2019 haben wir ein paar Tage im Erzgebirge verbracht. Es hatte kurz zuvor stark geschneit, und man hatte überall rechts und links der Straße Wände voll Schnee. Bei herrlichem Sonnenschein, bot das Erzgebirge traumhafte Aussichten in eine wunderschöne Landschaft.
Ein besonders schönes lebendiges Denkmal ist die Preßnitztalbahn, die zwischen Jöhstadt und Steinbach an insgesamt 9 Stationen halt macht.
Visit to the Preßnitztal Railway In February 2019 we spent a few days in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge). It had snowed heavily shortly before, and there were walls full of snow everywhere to the right and left of the road. With wonderful sunshine, the Erzgebirge offered fantastic views into a beautiful landscape.
A particularly beautiful living monument is the Preßnitztalbahn, which stops at 9 stations between Jöhstadt and Steinbach.
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Liebevoll und originalgetreu restaurierte und wieder aufgebaute Eisenbahn-Wagen rollen, gezogen von einer Sächsischen IV K (Meyer-Lokomotive aus dem Jahr 1913), durch durch Wald, am Fluß Schwarzwasser (mündet bei Schmalzgrube in die Preßnitz) entlang und vorbei an großen schneebedeckten Wiesen und Äckern. Ein Traum für Eisenbahn und Naturfans.
Lovingly and authentically restored and rebuilt railway carriages roll, pulled by a Saxon IV K (Meyer locomotive from 1913), through woods, along the river Schwarzwasser (that flows into the Preßnitz near Schmalzgrube) and past large snow-covered meadows and fields. A dream for railway and nature lovers.
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 Neben tollen Impressionen im Zug und auf der Strecke hatten wir die Gelegenheit die Fahrzeughalle zu besichtigen und die „technischen Innenwelt" der Preßnitzralbahn kennenzulernen. Hier haben wir bei einer Führung durch die Halle viel Interessantes rund um die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Vereins und der Fahrzeughalle  erfahren.
Es ist schon eine großartige Arbeit, die hier geleistet wird. Die originalgetreue Wiederherstellung oder Neubauten bei den Lokomotiven und Wagenmaterial, die technische Instandhaltung und der Betrieb.
Beside great impressions in the train and on the track we had the opportunity to visit the vehicle hall and to get to know the "technical inner world" of the Preßnitztalbahn. During a guided tour through the hall we learned a lot of interesting things about the history and development of the club and the vehicle hall.
It is already a great work, which is done here. The original restoration or new construction of the locomotives and wagons, the technical maintenance and operation.
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Auch die professionelle und herzliche Betreuung aller Fahrgäste schaffen ein tolles Erlebnis.
Hier nun ein paar Impressionen von der Preßnitztalbahn in phantastischer Schneelandschaft und bei besten Wetter.
Also the professional and heartly care of all passengers creates a great experience.
Here are a few impressions of the Preßnitztalbahn in a fantastic snow landscape and in the best weather.
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thursday7econlive · 5 years ago
Topic: The international Trade and Efficiency
Yuke Shi: #20796313
Zeqing Chen: #59454726
In our daily life, there are many problems that need to be solved by applying economic knowledge. We all know that China is a big country of light industry. And it has a lower labor cost compares to America. So, the cost to create toys for China is cheaper. That’s why people say “ 99 percent of Christmas decoration is from China”. Therefore, it is better for America to trade with China to import toys. Meanwhile, China also need to import cereals from America, because America has larger farm areas and more advanced agricultural harvesters. So, comparing to China, America can produce more cereals with the same production area, with lower total labor cost.
The United States opens to trade with China
US manufactures toys
US equilibrium price of toys is higher than the world price
China also manufactures the toys, but the equilibrium price is lower than the world price
China has comparative advantage ,relative to US, in producing the toys
In summary:
US consumers better off by purchasing more toys, at the lower price
US sellers worse off selling fewer toys, at lower price
On the balance, US as a society better off that they choose to trade with China
We can assume that an industry needs to produce 300 toys in total. Since the US labor costs (for each person) are 2.57 times higher than China’s labor costs. We can compute the the cost of producing the same amount of toys. Suppose each person can create 5 toys a day.
China: 30 workers in total (labor cost: 10 dollars per person)
30 x 5=150 toys a day
300/150=2 days
30 x 10 x 2=600 dollars
America: 30 workers in total (labor cost: 25.7 dollars per person)
30 x 5=150 toys a day
300/150=2 days
30 x 2 x 25.7=1542 dollars
Thus, 600<1542 dollars.
China opens to trade with the United States
China produces cereals
China equilibrium price of cereals is higher than the world price
US also produces the cereals, but the equilibrium price is lower than the world price
US has comparative advantage ,relative to China, in producing the cereals
In summary:
China consumers better off by purchasing more cereals, at the lower price
China sellers worse off selling fewer cereals, at lower price
On the balance, China as a society better off that they choose to trade with US
Suppose that we need to produce 100 tons of corn, same as we mentioned above, the labor cost (for each person) of US is 2.57 times higher than that of China. We can compute the use of time that need to spend.
China: one production harvester can produces 1.5 tons per day, 30 workers(labor cost: 10 dollars per day)
100/(1.5 x 30)=2.222 days
2.222 x 30 x 10=666.66 dollars
America: one production harvester can produce 22 tons per day, 5 workers(labor cost: 25.7 dollars)
100/(22 x 5)=0.909 days
0.909 x 5 x 25.7=116.81 dollars
Thus, 0.909<2.222 days, 116.81<666.66 dollars.
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According to the previous, trading in toys and cereals is benefit for both China and America.
0 notes
albruic · 8 years ago
Downtempo to techno
DJ Albruic - 9 Hours DJ Set - Downtempo to Techno - 05.05.2017 - Part 2
Playlist :
1) La Chica - Oasis 2) I Cube - Adore 3) Rodrigo y Gabriela - Ixtapa 4) Guts - Friends 5) Cook & Stans - Sunday Morning 6) Massive Attack - Protection (feat. Tracey Thorn) 7) The Incognito Traveller - Issues Of Exclusion 8) Stateless - Ballad Of NGB 9) Alex Gopher - The Child 10) Calibre - Gentle Push 11) Mella Dee - Massimo (Horns Cru mix) 12) Lake People - Pull Off 13) Gong Gong - Birds in Books 14) Jynx - Ember 15) 80s Casual - Fiesta 16) Guts - Peaceful Life (feat. Lorine Chia) 17) Bonobo - Ontario 18) Oceanvs Orientalis - Revenge Of The Wankers 19) Mister T & Lucy Lune Gillespie - Mental Playthings 20) Magda Shortankard - Mr. Hammond 21) Dopedemand - Follow Me 22) Ant Orange - Yesterday 23) Maroshi Sumo - Hanguk 24) Xique-Xique - 1542 25) Chinese Man - Calling Bombay 26) Kiwi - We Are Here 27) Yesking - Hardground (Crazy P remix) 28) Cesaria Evora - Angola (Carl Craig Mix) 29) Bob Moses - Far From The Tree 30) Letherette - Wootera 31) Dirtytwo - Time & Space (Enter The Void remix) 32) St-Germain - Rose Rouge 33) Marcel Vogel - I Got Jesus 34) Roots Manuva - It's On 35) Uner - Pallene 36) Bugge Wesseltoft / Henrik Schwarz - Leave My Head Alone Brain 37) Free Association - Polyrhythm Jizm (Lay-Far Rework) 38) Dennis Ferrer - Son Of Raw 39) Jared Wilson - Getting That Feeling 40) Martin Herb - Soul Drums (version 1) 41) Krankbrother - Dreamscape (Fort Romeau remix) 42) Fred Everything & JT Donaldson - Here Come The Beats (Ian Pooley's dub) 43) Steve Paradise - Zultan (Pablo Fierro remix) 44) 808 State - In Yer Face (Bicep remix) 45) Kuo Climax - Tomorrow (Dennis Cruz remix) 46) Mr. G - One For The Headz 47) Marquez Ill - Damn Right (feat. Jessica Care Moore) 48) CamelPhat - The Quad 49) Dehousy - Ritual 50) Kid Enigma - Revolution 51) Axel Boman - 1979 52) Andy Cato - The 7AM Drop 53) Endian - People 54) Julien Jabre / Hysteric Ego / Chubby Chunks - War 55) Jichael Mackson - GTI 56) Nick Hoppner - Box Drop 57) Alex Niggemann - Materium (Ripperton remix) 58) Brassica - Time Tunnel (The Sphinx edit) 59) Kerri Chandler - Turn Off The Lights (Satoshi Tomiie remix) 60) Kink - Beats 61) Laurent Garnier - 1-4 Doctor C'est Chouette 62) Skream - Minor Smooth 63) Agoria - Anni Mari 64) Phil Kieran - Saturdays (Catz 'n Dogz remix) 65) Karim Sahraoui & Hiroshi Watanabe - When A Bird Flies 66) Siobhan Donaghy - Don't Give It Up (Carl Craig Vox Remix) 67) Life Recorder - Star Chaser 68) Aril Brikha - Groove La Chord 69) Francesco Farfa - Universal Love (album version) 70) Fold - Bend Sinister 71) Paul Nazca - Paramel 72) DJ Rolando aka The Aztec Mystic - Jaguar 73) Electric Rescue - Forwer 74) Acid Pauli - Gefallt Mir 75) Hiroshi Watanabe - The Leonids 76) Gary Beck - Famoo Funk 77) Paul Nazca - Memory 78) Zippo - Sensi 79) Slam - Ghosts Of Detroit (Slam's dub interpretation) 80) Oxia - Domino 81) Mystery Jets - Two Doors Down 82) Anna Clark - Sleeper In Metropolis (Hardfloor 97 version) 83) Amotik - Solah 84) Yann Lean - The Quest 85) Maxime Dangles - Resilience 86) DJ Deep - Surge 87) Rod - Nitecollage 88) Foremost Poets - Moonraker 89) Nathan Fake - Outhouse 90) Matrixxman - Arrival 91) Sebastien Leger - DXB 92) Laurent Garnier - Wake Up 93) Nina Kraviz - Ghetto Kraviz (Steve Rachmad Jack mix) 94) Copy Paste Soul - Blurred 95) Lapien - A Change Is Gonna Come 96) Hiroshi Watanabe - Inner Planets 97) Gregor Tresher - The Life Wire - Petar Dundov Variation 98) Endian & Trevino - Exotica 99) Maceo Plex / Gabriel Ananda - Solitary Daze 100) Qlons - Second 101) System 7 / Derrick May - Icon (Montage mix) 102) Chronophone - The Wizard of Melno Park Master
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ineedtobemissed · 8 years ago
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gwendolynlerman · 6 years ago
Discovering the world
Ireland 🇮🇪
Basic facts
Official name: Ireland/Éire (English/Irish)
Capital city: Dublin
Population: 5 million (2023)
Demonym: Irish
Type of government: unitary parliamentary republic
Head of state: Michael D. Higgins (President)
Head of government: Simon Harris (Taoiseach)
Gross domestic product (purchasing power parity): $712.05 billion (2024)
Gini coefficient of wealth inequality: 27.9% (low) (2022)
Human Development Index: 0.950 (very high) (2022)
Currency: euro (EUR)
Fun fact: It is home to the oldest maternity hospital.
The country’s name comes from Ériu, a goddess in Irish mythology.
Ireland is located in Northern Europe and borders Northern Ireland to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, south, and west.
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The island has a subtropical highland climate. Temperatures range from 2 °C (35.6 °F) in winter to 20 °C (68 °F) in summer. The average annual temperature is 9.4 °C (48.9 °F).
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The country is divided into twenty-six counties (contaetha). The largest cities in Ireland are Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Waterford.
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2800-1800 BCE: Bell Beaker culture
1200-800 BCE: Hallstatt culture
853-1170: Kingdom of Dublin
1169-1177: Anglo-Norman invasion
1177-1542: Lordship of Ireland
1536-1603: Tudor conquest
1542-1800: Kingdom of Ireland
1593-1603: Nine Years’ War
1641-1653: Irish Confederate Wars
1798: Irish Rebellion
1801-1922: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
1845-1852: Great Famine
1848: Young Irelander Rebellion
1867: Fenian Rising
1919-1921: Irish War of Independence
1922-1923: Irish Civil War
1922-1937: Irish Free State
1932-1938: Anglo-Irish Trade War
1937-present: Ireland
1968-1998: The Troubles
Ireland mainly imports from the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States and exports to the European Union, the United States, and Germany. Its top exports are blood, meat, and medicines.
Foreign multinationals are the main driver. Services represent 60.2% of the GDP, followed by industry (38.6%) and agriculture (1.2%).
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Ireland is a member of the Council of Europe, the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
White Irish people represent 76.6% of the population, followed by other white people (10.8%), Asians (3.3%), and Black people (1.5%). The main religion is Christianity, practiced by 75.7% of the population, 69.1% of which is Catholic.
It has a positive net migration rate and a fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman. 62% of the population lives in urban areas. Life expectancy is 80.1 years and the median age is 37.1 years. The literacy rate is 99%.
The official languages of the country are English and Irish. The former is spoken by 84% of the population, and the latter by 11%.
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Ireland is a Celtic nation known for its music and dance. Irish people are known for their sense of humor and warmth.
Men traditionally wear a white shirt, a jacket (inar), a tweed skirt, and long, wool socks. Women wear a white blouse and a long skirt or a dress.
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Traditional houses in Ireland are made of stone and have thatched roofs and many windows.
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The Irish diet is based on bread, meat, potatoes, and vegetables. Typical dishes include boxty/bacstaí (a potato pancake served with vegetables), coddle/cadal (a stew made of bacon, carrots, potatoes, and sausages), colcannon/cál ceannann (mashed potatoes with cabbage), goody (bread boiled in milk), and Irish stew/stobhach (a meat and vegetable stew).
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Holidays and festivals
Like other Christian countries, Ireland celebrates Easter Monday, Christmas Day, and Saint Stephen’s Day. It also commemorates New Year’s Day.
Specific Irish holidays include Saint Brigid’s Day on the first Monday in February or February 1, Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17, May Day on the first Monday in May, June Holiday on the first Monday in June, August Holiday on the first Monday in August, and October Holiday on the last Monday in October.
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Saint Patrick’s Day
Other celebrations include Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, a music festival with parades; Fleadh Nua, which features dance workshops and concerts, and the Killorglin Puck Fair, where a wild goat is crowned king of the town.
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Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann
There are two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Brú na Bóinne – Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne and Sceilg Mhichíl.
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Brú na Bóinne
Other landmarks include the Burren, the Cliffs of Moher, the Glendalough Round Tower, the Kylemore Abbey, and the Rock of Cashel.
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Kylemore Abbey
Famous people
Becky Lynch - wrestler
Bono - singer
Conor McGregor - mixed martial artist
Enya - singer
James Joyce - writer
Maeve Binchy - writer
Packie Bonner - soccer player
Pierce Brosnan - actor
Saoirse Ronan - actress
Sonia O’Sullivan - athlete
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Maeve Binchy
You can find out more about life in Ireland in this article and this video.
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vfstreaming · 5 years ago
Vfhd Fr 1 Rue Sesame Saison 12 Streaming Vostfr 1980 Gratuit
Vfhd Fr 1 Rue Sesame Saison 12 Streaming Vostfr 1980 Gratuit
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[Vfhd@fr] » 1 Rue Sesame » Saison 12
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1 Rue Sesame Saison 12 (Tous les épisodes)
Titre: 1 Rue Sesame
Date de première diffusion: 1969-11-10
Dernière date de diffusion: 2020-06-06
Nombre de saisons: 50
Nombre d’épisodes: 2899
Pays d’origine: US
Langue originale: en
Runtime: 54 minutes 60 minutes
Production: Sesame Workshop / Children’s Television Workshop /
Genres: ComédieKids
1 Rue Sesame
Season 12
Vue d’ensemble::
Liste d’épisodes
Episode 1
Episode 1446 1980-11-24
Episode 2
Episode 1447 1980-11-25
Episode 3
Episode 332 1980-11-26
Episode 4
Episode 333 1980-11-27
Episode 5
Episode 334 1980-11-28
Episode 6
Episode 335 1980-12-01
Episode 7
Episode 336 1980-12-02
Episode 8
Episode 337 1980-12-03
Episode 9
Episode 338 1980-12-04
Episode 10
Episode 339 1980-12-05
Episode 11
Episode 340 1980-12-08
Episode 12
Episode 341 1980-12-09
Episode 13
Episode 342 1980-12-10
Episode 14
Episode 343 1980-12-11
Episode 15
Episode 344 1980-12-12
Episode 16
Episode 345 1980-12-15
Episode 17
Episode 346 1980-12-16
Episode 18
Episode 347 1980-12-17
Episode 19
Episode 348 1980-12-18
Episode 20
Episode 349 1980-12-19
Episode 21
Episode 350 1980-12-22
Episode 22
Episode 351 1980-12-23
Episode 23
Episode 352 1980-12-24
Episode 24
Episode 353 1980-12-25
Episode 25
Episode 354 1980-12-26
Episode 26
Episode 355 1980-12-29
Episode 27
Episode 356 1980-12-30
Episode 28
Episode 357 1980-12-31
Episode 29
Episode 358 1981-01-01
Episode 30
Episode 359 1981-01-02
Episode 31
Episode 1476 1981-01-05
Episode 32
Episode 1477 1981-01-06
Episode 33
Episode 1478 1981-01-07
Episode 34
Episode 1479 1981-01-08
Episode 35
Episode 1480 1981-01-09
Episode 36
Episode 1481 1981-01-12
Episode 37
Episode 1482 1981-01-13
Episode 38
Episode 1483 1981-01-14
Episode 39
Episode 1484 1981-01-15
Episode 40
Episode 1485 1981-01-16
Episode 41
Episode 1486 1981-01-19
Episode 42
Episode 1487 1981-01-20
Episode 43
Episode 1488 1981-01-21
Episode 44
Episode 1489 1981-01-22
Episode 45
Episode 1490 1981-01-23
Episode 46
Episode 1491 1981-01-26
Episode 47
Episode 1492 1981-01-27
Episode 48
Episode 1493 1981-01-28
Episode 49
Episode 1494 1981-01-29
Episode 50
Episode 1495 1981-01-30
Episode 51
Episode 1496 1981-02-02
Episode 52
Episode 1497 1981-02-03
Episode 53
Episode 1498 1981-02-04
Episode 54
Episode 1499 1981-02-05
Episode 55
Episode 1500 1981-02-06
Episode 56
Episode 1501 1981-02-09
Episode 57
Episode 1502 1981-02-10
Episode 58
Episode 1503 1981-02-11
Episode 59
Episode 1504 1981-02-12
Episode 60
Episode 1505 1981-02-13
Episode 61
Episode 1506 1981-02-16
Episode 62
Episode 1507 1981-02-17
Episode 63
Episode 1508 1981-02-18
Episode 64
Episode 1509 1981-02-19
Episode 65
Episode 1510 1981-02-20
Episode 66
Episode 1511 1981-02-23
Episode 67
Episode 1512 1981-02-24
Episode 68
Episode 1513 1981-02-25
Episode 69
Episode 1514 1981-02-26
Episode 70
Episode 1515 1981-02-27
Episode 71
Episode 1516 1981-03-02
Episode 72
Episode 1517 1981-03-03
Episode 73
Episode 1518 1981-03-04
Episode 74
Episode 1519 1981-03-05
Episode 75
Episode 1520 1981-03-06
Episode 76
Episode 1521 1981-03-09
Episode 77
Episode 1522 1981-03-10
Episode 78
Episode 1523 1981-03-11
Episode 79
Episode 1524 1981-03-12
Episode 80
Episode 1525 1981-03-13
Episode 81
Episode 1526 1981-03-16
Episode 82
Episode 1527 1981-03-17
Episode 83
Episode 1528 1981-03-18
Episode 84
Episode 1529 1981-03-19
Episode 85
Episode 1530 1981-03-20
Episode 86
Episode 1531 1981-03-23
Episode 87
Episode 1532 1981-03-24
Episode 88
Episode 1533 1981-03-25
Episode 89
Episode 1534 1981-03-26
Episode 90
Episode 1535 1981-03-27
Episode 91
Episode 1536 1981-03-30
Episode 92
Episode 1537 1981-03-31
Episode 93
Episode 1538 1981-04-01
Episode 94
Episode 1539 1981-04-02
Episode 95
Episode 1540 1981-04-03
Episode 96
Episode 1541 1981-04-06
Episode 97
Episode 1542 1981-04-07
Episode 98
Episode 1543 1981-04-08
Episode 99
Episode 1544 1981-04-09
Episode 100
Episode 1545 1981-04-10
Episode 101
Episode 1546 1981-04-13
Episode 102
Episode 1547 1981-04-14
Episode 103
Episode 1548 1981-04-15
Episode 104
Episode 1549 1981-04-16
Episode 105
Episode 1550 1981-04-17
Episode 106
Episode 1551 1981-04-20
Episode 107
Episode 1552 1981-04-21
Episode 108
Episode 1553 1981-04-22
Episode 109
Episode 1554 1981-04-23
Episode 110
Episode 1555 1981-04-24
Episode 111
Episode 1556 1981-04-27
Episode 112
Episode 1557 1981-04-28
Episode 113
Episode 1558 1981-04-29
Episode 114
Episode 1559 1981-04-30
Episode 115
Episode 1560 1981-05-01
Episode 116
Episode 1561 1981-05-04
Episode 117
Episode 1562 1981-05-05
Episode 118
Episode 1563 1981-05-06
Episode 119
Episode 1564 1981-05-07
Episode 120
Episode 1565 1981-05-08
Episode 121
Episode 1566 1981-05-11
Episode 122
Episode 1567 1981-05-12
Episode 123
Episode 1568 1981-05-13
Episode 124
Episode 1569 1981-05-14
Episode 125
Episode 1570 1981-05-15
Episode 126
Episode 1571 1981-05-18
Episode 127
Episode 1572 1981-05-19
Episode 128
Episode 1573 1981-05-20
Episode 129
Episode 1574 1981-05-21
Episode 130
Episode 1575 1981-05-22
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1 Rue Sesame Saison 12
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guerrerense · 4 years ago
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99 1542-2 Saxonian IV-K in the evening por Peters HDR hobby pictures
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asianhdclub-blog · 6 years ago
It’s My Life-비켜라 운명아 Episode 2 Eng Sub KBS1
It’s My Life-비켜라 운명아 Episode 2 Eng Sub KBS1
It’s My Life-비켜라 운명아 Episode 2 Eng Sub KBS1 has been released. Watch Latest It’s My Life Episode 2 Eng Sub Online, Korean Drama. Download It’s My Life Episode 2 in High-Quality Dailymotion Full Video. Watch KDrama It’s My Life-비켜라 운명아 Episode 2 English Subbed and free download all episodes in HD. AsianHD.clubwill always be the first to have the update new episode. So Now, please Bookmark and add…
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thursday7econlive · 5 years ago
Topic: International trade and efficiency
Yuke Shi: #20796313
Zeqing Chen: #59454726
In our daily life, there are many problems that need to be solved by applying economic knowledge. We all know that China is a big country of light industry. And it has a lower labor cost compared to America. So, the cost to create toys for China is cheaper. That’s why people say “ 99 percent of Christmas decorations are from China”. Therefore, it is better for America to trade with China to import toys. Meanwhile, China also needs to import cereals from America, because America has larger farm areas and more advanced agricultural harvesters. So, comparing to China, America can produce more cereals with the same production area, with lower total labor cost. 
The United States opens to trade with China
US manufactures toys
US equilibrium price of toys is higher than the world price
China also manufactures the toys, but the equilibrium price is lower than the world price
China has comparative advantage ,relative to US, in producing the toys
In summary:
US consumers better off by purchasing more toys, at the lower price
US sellers worse off selling fewer toys, at lower price
On the balance, US as a society better off that they choose to trade with China
We can assume that an industry needs to produce 300 toys in total. Since the US labor costs (for each person) are 2.57 times higher than China’s labor costs. We can compute the cost of producing the same amount of toys. Suppose each person can create 5 toys a day.
China: 30 workers in total (labor cost: 10 dollars per person)
30 x 5=150 toys a day 
300/150=2 days
30 x 10 x 2=600 dollars
America: 30 workers in total (labor cost: 25.7 dollars per person) 
30 x 5=150 toys a day
300/150=2 days
30 x 2 x 25.7=1542 dollars
Thus, 600<1542 dollars.
China opens to trade with the United States
China produces cereals
China equilibrium price of cereals is higher than the world price
US also produces the cereals, but the equilibrium price is lower than the world price
US has comparative advantage ,relative to China, in producing the cereals
In summary:
China consumers better off by purchasing more cereals, at the lower price
China sellers worse off selling fewer cereals, at lower price
On the balance, China as a society better off that they choose to trade with US
Suppose that we need to produce 100 tons of corn, same as we mentioned above, the labor cost (for each person) of the US is 2.57 times higher than that of China. We can compute the use of time that we need to spend. 
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China: one production harvester can produces 1.5 tons per day, 30 workers(labor cost: 10 dollars per day)
100/(1.5 x 30)=2.222 days
2.222 x 30 x 10=666.66 dollars
America: one production harvester can produce 22 tons per day, 5 workers(labor cost: 25.7 dollars)
100/(22 x 5)=0.909 days
0.909 x 5 x 25.7=116.81 dollars
Thus, 0.909<2.222 days, 116.81<666.66 dollars. 
According to the previous, trading in toys and cereals is beneficial for both China and America. 
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albruic · 8 years ago
Downtempo to techno
DJ Albruic - 9 Hours DJ Set - Downtempo to Techno - 05.05.2017 - Part 1 
Playlist :
1) La Chica - Oasis 2) I Cube - Adore 3) Rodrigo y Gabriela - Ixtapa 4) Guts - Friends 5) Cook & Stans - Sunday Morning 6) Massive Attack - Protection (feat. Tracey Thorn) 7) The Incognito Traveller - Issues Of Exclusion 8) Stateless - Ballad Of NGB 9) Alex Gopher - The Child 10) Calibre - Gentle Push 11) Mella Dee - Massimo (Horns Cru mix) 12) Lake People - Pull Off 13) Gong Gong - Birds in Books 14) Jynx - Ember 15) 80s Casual - Fiesta 16) Guts - Peaceful Life (feat. Lorine Chia) 17) Bonobo - Ontario 18) Oceanvs Orientalis - Revenge Of The Wankers 19) Mister T & Lucy Lune Gillespie - Mental Playthings 20) Magda Shortankard - Mr. Hammond 21) Dopedemand - Follow Me 22) Ant Orange - Yesterday 23) Maroshi Sumo - Hanguk 24) Xique-Xique - 1542 25) Chinese Man - Calling Bombay 26) Kiwi - We Are Here 27) Yesking - Hardground (Crazy P remix) 28) Cesaria Evora - Angola (Carl Craig Mix) 29) Bob Moses - Far From The Tree 30) Letherette - Wootera 31) Dirtytwo - Time & Space (Enter The Void remix) 32) St-Germain - Rose Rouge 33) Marcel Vogel - I Got Jesus 34) Roots Manuva - It's On 35) Uner - Pallene 36) Bugge Wesseltoft / Henrik Schwarz - Leave My Head Alone Brain 37) Free Association - Polyrhythm Jizm (Lay-Far Rework) 38) Dennis Ferrer - Son Of Raw 39) Jared Wilson - Getting That Feeling 40) Martin Herb - Soul Drums (version 1) 41) Krankbrother - Dreamscape (Fort Romeau remix) 42) Fred Everything & JT Donaldson - Here Come The Beats (Ian Pooley's dub) 43) Steve Paradise - Zultan (Pablo Fierro remix) 44) 808 State - In Yer Face (Bicep remix) 45) Kuo Climax - Tomorrow (Dennis Cruz remix) 46) Mr. G - One For The Headz 47) Marquez Ill - Damn Right (feat. Jessica Care Moore) 48) CamelPhat - The Quad 49) Dehousy - Ritual 50) Kid Enigma - Revolution 51) Axel Boman - 1979 52) Andy Cato - The 7AM Drop 53) Endian - People 54) Julien Jabre / Hysteric Ego / Chubby Chunks - War 55) Jichael Mackson - GTI 56) Nick Hoppner - Box Drop 57) Alex Niggemann - Materium (Ripperton remix) 58) Brassica - Time Tunnel (The Sphinx edit) 59) Kerri Chandler - Turn Off The Lights (Satoshi Tomiie remix) 60) Kink - Beats 61) Laurent Garnier - 1-4 Doctor C'est Chouette 62) Skream - Minor Smooth 63) Agoria - Anni Mari 64) Phil Kieran - Saturdays (Catz 'n Dogz remix) 65) Karim Sahraoui & Hiroshi Watanabe - When A Bird Flies 66) Siobhan Donaghy - Don't Give It Up (Carl Craig Vox Remix) 67) Life Recorder - Star Chaser 68) Aril Brikha - Groove La Chord 69) Francesco Farfa - Universal Love (album version) 70) Fold - Bend Sinister 71) Paul Nazca - Paramel 72) DJ Rolando aka The Aztec Mystic - Jaguar 73) Electric Rescue - Forwer 74) Acid Pauli - Gefallt Mir 75) Hiroshi Watanabe - The Leonids 76) Gary Beck - Famoo Funk 77) Paul Nazca - Memory 78) Zippo - Sensi 79) Slam - Ghosts Of Detroit (Slam's dub interpretation) 80) Oxia - Domino 81) Mystery Jets - Two Doors Down 82) Anna Clark - Sleeper In Metropolis (Hardfloor 97 version) 83) Amotik - Solah 84) Yann Lean - The Quest 85) Maxime Dangles - Resilience 86) DJ Deep - Surge 87) Rod - Nitecollage 88) Foremost Poets - Moonraker 89) Nathan Fake - Outhouse 90) Matrixxman - Arrival 91) Sebastien Leger - DXB 92) Laurent Garnier - Wake Up 93) Nina Kraviz - Ghetto Kraviz (Steve Rachmad Jack mix) 94) Copy Paste Soul - Blurred 95) Lapien - A Change Is Gonna Come 96) Hiroshi Watanabe - Inner Planets 97) Gregor Tresher - The Life Wire - Petar Dundov Variation 98) Endian & Trevino - Exotica 99) Maceo Plex / Gabriel Ananda - Solitary Daze 100) Qlons - Second 101) System 7 / Derrick May - Icon (Montage mix) 102) Chronophone - The Wizard of Melno Park Master
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