#95 brand italiani
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year ago
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Scarpe da favola
Calzature italiane da sogno
prefazione di Lorenzo Cantoni, testi di Lucia del Pasqua, illustrazionidi La Fille Bertha
Assocalzaturifici, 2022, 176 pagine, 23,5x28,5cm
euro 50,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
il libro “SCARPE da favola”, edito da Assocalzaturifici e presentato a MICAM Milano 95 dal 19 al 22 febbraio 2023. In questo volume, le favolose calzature di 95 brand italiani di calzature sono le protagoniste. Organizzato in 3 capitoli, ciascuno dedicato ad una fiaba di #micamtales – MICAM in Wonderland, MICAM Glass Slipper e MICAM of OZ -, il libro raccoglie le fiabe riscritte da Lucia del Pasqua, le illustrazioni di La Fille Bertha, la prefazione del Professor Lorenzo Cantoni e le immagini delle 95 scarpe da favola. Il progetto editoriale ha trasformato le protagoniste femminili delle fiabe originali in veri e propri modelli del contemporaneo: Luce è una scrittrice-attivista, Gloria un’imprenditrice digitale, e Verdèlia un’idealista negoziante.
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l-ucidgh0u-l · 5 years ago
Date of updating this: 30/10/19
200: My crush’s name is: Irl i don't have one now but, celebrity crushes? A bunch. Obsessed w/ Alice Pagani at the time being.
199: I was born in:
- Terribly hot but diverse in culture.(🇲🇾)
198: I am really:
- Just sad, angry & confused.
197: My cellphone company is:
- Samsung.
196: My eye color is:
- Dark brown
195: My shoe size is:
194: My ring size is:
193: My height is: 5'0
192: I am allergic to: Seafood, fine particles of dust tba.
191: My 1st car was:
190: My 1st job was: Administrator for a pre-school / kindergarten.
189: Last book you read: *still reading :
188: My bed is: a divine combo w/ my aircond. My safe place @ home.
187: My pet: Tabby cats, 1-yearold Latte & Mocha.
186: My best friend: from highsch Alicia.
185: My favorite shampoo is: Random i switch. Don't really have a salloon brand shampoo.
184: Xbox or ps3: Playstation all the way.
183: Piggy banks are: non-existent & should start one.
182: In my pockets: Nothing.
181: On my calendar: *in my phone, that's rarely used.
180: Marriage is: Terrifying. Sometimes i feel like i don't want to be wed.
179: Spongebob can: throw me a krabby-patty party.
178: My mom: I love her with my entire being and soul but she's beastly.
177: The last three songs I bought were? None.
176: Last YouTube video watched:
- Juice WRLD "Fast" lyrics.
175: How many cousins do you have?
- Too many.
174: Do you have any siblings?
- 4 inc me. I'm the eldest, a younger sister + 2 younger brothers.
173: Are your parents divorced?
- No, thankfully.
172: Are you taller than your mom?
- Same height.
171: Do you play an instrument?
- No but i wish i could. A guitar most likely.
170: What did you do yesterday?
- Played games on the phone, cleaned the house & binge netflix on tv.
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: Yes but can only work with physical appearance Personality wise, it's a must to sit down and have a conversation. Takes a month or two to see if we vibe. Comfortably (a day or two..i could tell.)
168: Luck: Maybe? but I don't think i'm lucky.
167: Fate: Absolute yes, what goes around comes back around. Our lives revolves around the Him, universe and people. We can't change fate but we could alter our desicions.
166: Yourself: Yes but sometimes no. As much as i believe in myself. I have low confidence in believing myself.
165: Aliens: No.
164: Heaven: Yes yes yes.
163: Hell: Absolute yes.
162: God: Ultimately yes.
161: Horoscopes: Are you kidding me? Of course. Yes.
160: Soul mates: Maybe..but Big. Fat. "?"
159: Ghosts: Yes.
158: Gay Marriage: Neutral thoughts but No w/ my religion.
157: War: Yes...
156: Orbs: Science? Yes.
155: Magic: Dark sorcery..maybe.
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Why not both?
153: Drunk or High: Uh..high..
152: Phone or Online: BoTh
151: Red heads or Black haired: Not a problem w/ both. Depends on person.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
149: Hot or cold: Cold.
148: Summer or winter: Both.
147: Autumn or Spring: Both but gravitating towards Autumn.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanillaaaaaaa!
145: Night or Day: Night.
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples, bcus of it's tart-ness.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Both, depends on person.
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD.
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate-
140: Mac or PC: Both.
139: Flip flops or high heels:
- High heels are gorgeous but i can't stand them. Flip flops for comfort!
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:
137: Coke or Pepsi:
136: Hillary or Obama:
135: Burried or cremated:
134: Singing or Dancing:
133: Coach or Chanel:
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:
131: Small town or Big city:
130: Wal-Mart or Target:
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:
128: Manicure or Pedicure:
127: East Coast or West Coast:
126: Your Birthday or Christmas:
125: Chocolate or Flowers:
124: Disney or Six Flags:
123: Yankees or Red Sox:
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War:
121: George Bush:
120: Gay Marriage:
119: The presidential election:
118: Abortion:
117: MySpace:
116: Reality TV:
115: Parents:
114: Back stabbers:
113: Ebay:
112: Facebook:
111: Work:
110: My Neighbors:
109: Gas Prices:
108: Designer Clothes:
107: College:
106: Sports:
105: My family:
104: The future:
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone:
102: Last time you ate:
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:
100: Cried in front of someone:
99: Went to a movie theater:
98: Took a vacation:
97: Swam in a pool:
96: Changed a diaper:
95: Got my nails done:
94: Went to a wedding:
93: Broke a bone:
92: Got a peircing:
91: Broke the law:
90: Texted: hour ago
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most:
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
87: The last movie I saw:
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
84: People call me:
83: The most difficult thing to do is:
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:
81: My zodiac sign is:
80: The first person i talked to today was:
79: First time you had a crush:
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from:
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:
76: Right now I am talking to:
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
74: I have/will get a job:
73: Tomorrow:
72: Today:
71: Next Summer:
70: Next Weekend:
69: I have these pets:
68: The worst sound in the world:
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
66: People that make you happy:
65: Last time I cried:
64: My friends are:
63: My computer is:
62: My School:
61: My Car:
60: I lose all respect for people who:
59: The movie I cried at was:
58: Your hair color is:
57: TV shows you watch:
56: Favorite web site:
55: Your dream vacation:
54: The worst pain I was ever in was:
53: How do you like your steak cooked:
52: My room is:
51: My favorite celebrity is:
50: Where would you like to be:
49: Do you want children:
48: Ever been in love:
47: Who’s your best friend:
46: More guy friends or girl friends:
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
44: One person that you wish you could see right now:
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die:
41: Have you pre-named your children:
40: Last person I got mad at:
39: I would like to move to:
38: I wish I was a professional:
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy:
36: Vehicle:
35: President:
34: State visited:
33: Cellphone provider:
32: Athlete:
31: Actor:
30: Actress:
29: Singer:
28: Band:
27: Clothing store:
26: Grocery store:
25: TV show:
24: Movie:
23: Website:
22: Animal:
21: Theme park:
20: Holiday:
19: Sport to watch:
18: Sport to play:
17: Magazine:
16: Book:
15: Day of the week:
14: Beach:
13: Concert attended:
12: Thing to cook:
11: Food:
10: Restaurant:
- Italianies. But there's waaaay too many fine restaurants with endless cuisines.
9: Radio station:
- Hitz.fm / Spotify playlist.
☆ 8: Yankee candle scent:
7: Perfume:
Jo Malone / scents of warm vanilla, nutty-spice.
6: Flower:
- Baby's breath, roses & i just love flowers.
5: Color:
- Black, a spectrum of blue/red/green, silver - metallics and pastels.
4: Talk show host:
- Jimmy Fallon!
3: Comedian:
- I don't have one. Love jokes though.
2: Dog breed:
- Siberian huskies / Huskies all the way.
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?
- Yes.
0 notes
gwallgaming · 7 years ago
Esports: AESVI presenta il primo Rapporto sul settore in Italia in collaborazione con Nielsen
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AESVI, l'Associazione che rappresenta l'industria dei videogiochi, ha presentato oggi a Roma il primo Rapporto sugli Esports in Italia, realizzato in collaborazione con Nielsen. Secondo la ricerca, nel nostro paese oltre 260 mila persone (definite “Avid Fan”) seguono quotidianamente eventi Esports. Il 35% delle stesse, circa 90 mila persone, afferma che molto probabilmente assisterà anche a un evento dal vivo in futuro. Questo bacino di utenza si allarga fino a raggiungere 1 milione di persone se si considerano anche coloro che dichiarano di seguire eventi non ogni giorno ma più volte durante la settimana (“Fanbase”).
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“Come Associazione abbiamo ritenuto che i tempi fossero maturi per realizzare uno studio che delineasse, anche per il nostro paese, i contorni di un fenomeno che sta riscuotendo tanto successo sia dentro che fuori dal settore del gaming” – ha dichiarato Thalita Malagò, Direttore Generale di AESVI. “Gli Esports sono non solo una modalità di gioco, in grado di coinvolgere una base di utenti molto ampia, ma anche una nuova forma di comunicazione, e soprattutto il fulcro di un ecosistema che ci auguriamo possa crescere in modo importante anche nel nostro Paese nei prossimi anni”.
Cosa sono gli Esports?
Il Rapporto definisce gli Esports come “una modalità di gaming competitivo e organizzato, che coinvolge di solito (ma non esclusivamente) singoli player o team professionisti”. È quindi una categoria ‘ombrello’, che racchiude al suo interno differenti generi di videogiochi in funzione dei diversi titoli utilizzati per le competizioni.
Chi sono gli appassionati di Esports in Italia?
In Italia gli Avid Fan, ovvero coloro che dichiarano di seguire eventi Esports ogni giorno, sono principalmente uomini (62%), con un livello di educazione medio-alto, di età compresa per lo più fra i 16 ed i 30 anni (52%), ma con discreta incidenza anche fra i 31 ed i 45 anni (33%). Le tipologie di videogiochi con il più alto livello di conoscenza tra gli Avid Fan (95%) sono i videogiochi di corse o sportivi, mentre il livello di interesse più elevato in assoluto nei confronti degli Esports si registra tra chi conosce i First Person Shooter (83%). FIFA si posiziona al primo posto per la partecipazione a competizioni gaming (62%) e la categoria dei videogiochi sportivi è quella più utilizzata per eventi Esports: quattro tra i primi cinque titoli per frequenza di gioco appartengono a questa categoria. La notorietà delle singole leghe di giocatori professionisti va di pari passo con la popolarità dei relativi videogiochi di riferimento. La notorietà dei team di Esports creati dalle squadre di calcio, per esempio, è chiaramente influenzata da quella del relativo club calcistico, con i team di AS Roma (45%), Ajax (35%) e Valencia (34%) a occupare le prime posizioni della classifica.
Dove e quando si parla di Esports?
Le conversazioni rilevate nell’ambito del Rapporto provengono da profili social appartenenti principalmente a maschi con meno di 25 anni, localizzati in Lombardia e Lazio. Le conversazioni si concentrano nel pomeriggio fino alle 19.00, con un picco nel primo pomeriggio, e, come emerge dall’analisi quantitativa sul numero di discussioni relative ai titoli più giocati in Italia, riguardano principalmente Overwatch, FIFA18 e Call of Duty. Twitter, le News e i Forum rappresentano le 3 piattaforme digitali in cui si rintraccia il 76% delle conversazioni sugli Esports in Italia. Twitch è la piattaforma preferita per la fruizione di contenuti in live streaming, mentre Instagram e Youtube stanno guadagnando utenza tra quanti vogliono seguire i loro eventi e professionisti degli Esports preferiti.
Chi investe oggi negli Esports?
Il Rapporto comprende anche un ampio approfondimento dedicato alle sponsorship. Gli appassionati di Esports mostrano un’attitudine positiva nei confronti delle sponsorizzazioni, si informano spesso sui brand che partecipano alle diverse competizioni e spesso attribuiscono loro un maggior appeal. Le forme di adv che integrano il brand o il prodotto all’interno dell’evento, invece che ‘occuparlo’, sono quelle verso cui si registra la migliore predisposizione, in particolare l’utilizzo del prodotto da parte dei player, l’applicazione del logo sull’abbigliamento e la titolazione di un evento.
Analizzando le aziende che hanno investito nel mondo degli Esports, Nielsen ha rilevato una crescita della presenza di sponsor non endemici al settore. Su tutti, i brand legati a tecnologia, beverage e snack sono considerati ‘semi-endemici’ per la facilità di integrarli nell’esperienza di gioco. Molte sponsorizzazioni riguardano anche le categorie automotive, personal care e financial services. Amazon, Red Bull, Sony, Coca Cola, Samsung, Nintendo, GameStop, McDonald’s e Microsoft sono i brand che vengono più spesso riconosciuti e citati per le loro attività di sponsorship nel mondo Esports da parte degli Avid Fan.
Cosa ne pensano gli operatori del settore?
Il Rapporto ha anche raccolto le opinioni di un gruppo rappresentativo delle diverse tipologie di operatori del mercato italiano: publisher, team di giocatori professionisti, organizzatori di eventi e sponsor.
Dalle interviste effettuate emerge come i principali trend positivi del mondo Esports siano percepiti anche come gli ambiti su cui c’è bisogno della maggiore accelerazione per far decollare il settore in Italia. È vero che oggi vediamo un maggiore consumo digitale da parte della popolazione, ma perché questo porti i frutti sperati è necessario migliorare l’infrastruttura. La maggiore frequentazione on-site da parte degli appassionati degli eventi Esports va di pari passo con la necessità di ambienti – palazzetti, arene, sale dedicate - maggiormente attrezzati per ospitarli. Alcuni brand esterni al settore, definiti “non endemici”, iniziano a interessarsi al fenomeno, ma sono ancora pochi e scettici. Emergono infine nuovi revenue stream, ma mancano ancora le specifiche professionalità.
È stato fatto anche un approfondimento sui fattori di sviluppo e sulle criticità del settore Esports in Italia. In particolare, tra i driver di sviluppo gli intervistati hanno identificato le sponsorizzazioni, soprattutto da brand non endemici (50%), lo sviluppo di venue ed eventi dal vivo (19%), la crescita  di player italiani e successi sportivi, soprattutto all’estero (19%), la crescita del consumo mediatico tramite streaming online (13%) e la professionalizzazione dell’ecosistema degli Esports (6%). Tra le criticità, la non adeguatezza dell’infrastruttura di rete, in particolare banda larga e fibra, (22%), la mancanza di un quadro di riferimento chiaro per il settore (22%), la mancanza di competenze specifiche (18%), lo scetticismo di sponsor e investitori (18%) e, infine, la bassa disponibilità verso investimenti a medio-lungo termine (14%).
L’indagine è stata realizzata attivando 3 flussi di ricerca distinti ma complementari:
Web survey su un campione di 575 appassionati di Esports in Italia, rappresentativi per età, genere e distribuzionegeografica
Monitoraggio e Listening delle conversazioni generate dall’argomento Esports su Social Network (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram), Blog, Forum, Siti News, in Italia, nel periodo Gennaio 2016 – Maggio 2018
Interviste con 16 stakeholder della industria Esports in Italia fra Aziende, Organizzatori, Publisher, Team
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joejstrickl · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
The 60th anniversary of the Fiat 500 is being celebrated with local events and throwback advertising:
Including a new ad campaign starring Adrien Brody and Anna Manuelli, the splendor of Milan and the unforgettable voice of Mario Lanza singing Come Prima (extended version here):
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad appeared first on brandchannel:.
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davisgordonc · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
The 60th anniversary of the Fiat 500 is being celebrated with local events and throwback advertising:
Including a new ad campaign starring Adrien Brody and Anna Manuelli, the splendor of Milan and the unforgettable voice of Mario Lanza singing Come Prima (extended version here):
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2tMoumM via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
The 60th anniversary of the Fiat 500 is being celebrated with local events and throwback advertising:
Including a new ad campaign starring Adrien Brody and Anna Manuelli, the splendor of Milan and the unforgettable voice of Mario Lanza singing Come Prima (extended version here):
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad appeared first on brandchannel:.
0 notes
montydozier · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
The 60th anniversary of the Fiat 500 is being celebrated with local events and throwback advertising:
Including a new ad campaign starring Adrien Brody and Anna Manuelli, the splendor of Milan and the unforgettable voice of Mario Lanza singing Come Prima (extended version here):
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://montydozier.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/fiat-500-turns-60-with-a-new-home-at-moma-and-adrien-brody-ad/ via IFTTT
0 notes
glenmenlow · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
The 60th anniversary of the Fiat 500 is being celebrated with local events and throwback advertising:
Including a new ad campaign starring Adrien Brody and Anna Manuelli, the splendor of Milan and the unforgettable voice of Mario Lanza singing Come Prima (extended version here):
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a New Home at MoMA and Adrien Brody Ad appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/fiat-500-turns-60-with-a-new-home-at-moma-and-adrien-brody-ad/ via IFTTT
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glenmenlow · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/07/04/fiat-500-turns-60-with-a-permanent-home-at-moma/ via IFTTT
0 notes
montydozier · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://montydozier.wordpress.com/2017/07/04/fiat-500-turns-60-with-a-permanent-home-at-moma/ via IFTTT
0 notes
davisgordonc · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2tJ4G3Y via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 8 years ago
Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA
The Fiat 500 has been recognized as a work of modern art by MoMA and will be added to the museum’s permanent display on July 4th, the 60th anniversary of the first 500 model. The specific model that MoMA is acquiring is the Fiat 500F series, the most popular 500 ever—known as the “Berlina” or Cinquecento—which was made from 1965 to 1972.
More details from the press release:
The Fiat 500 Acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Fiat 500 becomes a work of modern art and joins the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York
An extraordinary tribute to the artistic and cultural value of the Italian style icon in the world on its 60th birthday
July 4, 2017 , New York, NY – The best-loved car in Fiat’s history, the icon that made Italians into car owners and worldwide ambassador for the country, celebrates its 60th birthday today with a special event that honors its history and the style and design that made it famous across the globe. Not by chance, it is joining the permanent collection of the MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art, in New York.
60 anni e nn sentirli #fiat #fiat500 #500gram #fiat500love #cinquino #italianstyle #classiccars #orgoglioitaliano #filatelia #posteitaliane
A post shared by Rocky87 (@miky_vespista_wlf) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:45am PDT
“While the Fiat 500 has unquestionably left its mark on automotive history, it is equally true that it has never been just a car,” said Olivier François, Head of FIAT Brand and Chief Marketing Officer, FCA – Global. “In its 60 years of history, the 500 has transcended its material manifestation to enter the collective imagination and become an icon, which has now the honor of being certified by being acquired by MoMA in a tribute to its artistic and cultural value.”
60th Anniversary Fiat 500! Happy Birthday #500 #fiat #fiat500 #cinquecento #cinquino #italy #italia #car #cars #beautycars #instacar #instacinquecento #insta500 #fiat500cinquecento #igers #igers500 #igerscar #retroautos #retrocars #500love #love500 #thehappycar #500happypeople @Regrann from @500novaralaghi – Buongiorno 4 Luglio 1957 nasceva la Nuova 500, progettata dall'Ing. Dante Giacosa, in un'epoca in cui l'Italia era in pieno sviluppo economico. Iniziava il processo di motorizzazione di massa, le #Vespa con qualche anno di anticipo, ma il bisogno di una vetturetta che riparasse dalle intemperie dell'inverno era necessario, così venne presentata la prima Nuova 500, erede della Topolino, ma con un prezzo più accessibile; ecco l'idea che cambió il modo di vivere degli italiani con tanta libertà, spensieratezza e simpatia. Oggi, dopo 60 anni, questa idea esiste ancora ed è diventata un'Icona, un Mito nel cuore di tutti gli italiani e non solo! Noi, da Oleggio ringraziamo tutti i partecipanti di Domenica giunti per celebrare questo bellissimo anniversario, il Sindaco Massimo Marcassa e tutti gli Sponsor! ✨ #Auguri500 Staff #500NovaraLaghi #Fiat500ClubItalia by @Fabio Bartella
A post shared by Fiat 500 (@fiat500cinquecento) on Jul 4, 2017 at 11:24am PDT
“The Fiat 500 is an icon of automotive history that fundamentally altered car design and production,” said Martino Stierli, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA. “Adding this unpretentious masterpiece to our collection will allow us to broaden the story of automotive design as told by the Museum.”
Oggi la Fiat 500 compie 60 anni. Auguri all’auto simbolo del Made in Italy e del boom economico. Auguri alla più bella di tutte. (#500byVink in Martina Franca, #Puglia) . . . #weareinpuglia #igersvalleditria #yallerspuglia #ig_puglia_ #volgopuglia #pugliaview #apuliatravels #pugliacom #top_pugliaphoto #loves_united_apulia #adayinpuglia #traveling_puglia #thehub_puglia #pugliamia #amepiaceilsud #italiale #italia_dev #pocket_italy #ilikeitaly #italy #italya #Ιταλία #이탈리아 #イタリア #意大利 #Италия #loves_united_taranto #martinafranca
A post shared by Vink (@vinkweb) on Jul 4, 2017 at 3:13am PDT
The model acquired by MoMA will be a 500 F series, the most popular 500 ever, made from 1965 to 1972. Fiat’s “great little car” was an instant success worldwide and the 18 horsepower of its 500cc engine gave it a top speed of 59 mph (95 km/h). Over 4 million units were made from 1957 to 1975. From the New 500 in the late ’50s, on to the Sport and then the D, both more powerful, followed by the F, which holds the record for the number produced, through to the more comfortable L and finally the R.
As MoMA’s site notes,
The Museum of Modern Art has acquired an original model of the Fiat 500F “Berlina,” commonly referred to as the Cinquecento. The most popular version of the 500—which was in production from 1965 through 1972—the Berlina exemplifies a clear expression of form following function, a logical and economical use of materials, and a belief that quality design should be accessible to all. The development of inexpensive, reliable cars like the Fiat 500 was instrumental in knitting together communities and nations and fostering a feeling of freedom of movement throughout the postwar European continent. Through its design and its centrality to the story of mid-century Italy, the 500 embodies many of the principles that typified mid-century modernist design and connects it to themes explored in works throughout the Museum’s collection.
The Fiat 500 is not just a symbol of mass car ownership. Over time, it has become a style and design icon. Unmistakable design has inspired the imagination of artists, who have responded with elegant, exclusive and sporty interpretations. It has achieved the feat of maintaining its identity while remaining youthful over 60 years of history and lifestyles, fashion and society. A successful car, but also a cultural phenomenon on center stage for 60 years, never going out of fashion.
With the launch of the new generation in 2007, the 500 has appeared in a variety of original and cool interpretations, both hatchback and convertible, with an array of extraordinarily successful special editions (such as the 500 by Diesel, the 500 Gucci and the 500 Riva).
Success is reasserted by numbers: the Fiat 500 is the best-seller in Europe, ranking first in eight countries and among the first three in six others. The 2007 version won over 2 million motorists in just 10 years and has reaped accolade after accolade since its debut, including Car of the Year and the Compasso d’oro design award.
The Fiat 500 is the symbol of Italian creativity which has always inspired artists and designers worldwide, becoming an icon of beauty and art. Today, it makes another step forward becoming a work of art in its own right by the side of the other great icons of Italian design and yet again remaining “Forever Young.”
The FIAT brand stands for discovery through passionate self-expression. That philosophy is embodied by the iconic Fiat 500 or Cinquecento – a small car that lives big. Italian at heart and rooted in a rich heritage, the 500 is sold in more than 100 countries and is synonymous with modern, simple design blending form, function, technology and a pride of ownership that is genuine.
In North America, the Fiat 500 was introduced in March 2011 and was soon followed by the Fiat 500c (Cabrio), the high-performance Fiat 500 Abarth and Abarth Cabrio, the fully electric Fiat 500e, the five-passenger Fiat 500L and the all-wheel-drive 500X crossover. The FIAT brand continues to expand with the introduction of the Fiat 124 Spider, a revival of the iconic roadster that combines Italian style, performance and engaging driving dynamics.
Happy 60 th birthday 500#fiat500#60thanniversary #boomeconomico#famiglia#vacanze#autostradadelsole#mito#500
A post shared by Rodolfo(Rudy) (@rudygalliano) on Jul 4, 2017 at 12:00pm PDT
The post Fiat 500 Turns 60 With a Permanent Home at MoMA appeared first on brandchannel:.
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