whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Legio XXI Rapax
Legio XXI Rapax was a legion of the Roman army whose name name "Rapax" means "rapacious" or "greedy". It is not clear when the legion assumed this name; it may or may not be the same 21st legion Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) formed before his Gallic Wars and the 21st commanded by Mark Antony (83-30 BCE). Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) also formed 21st.
In his Histories, the Roman historian Tacitus (l. c. 56 - c. 118 CE), who reportedly commanded the Rapax legion from 89 to 92 CE, called it "a corps of old and distinguished renown." (II. 43) Aside from its participation in a mutiny in 14 CE, the Legio XXI Rapax served with distinction at the First Battle of Bedriacum, at the Battle of Rigodulum during the Batavian Revolt, and at Vetera (Old Camp) before it was massacred by the Sarmatians in Dacia in 92 CE.
The Legion’s Formation
Early legions were identified by a number, not a name. So, the legion of both Caesar and Octavian may or may not have been the legion that later became known as XXI Rapax. There is some indication that Octavian retained a 21st that served with him at the Battle of Actium against Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BCE, and there is evidence that he later formed a 21st legion for his conquest of the Alps and the Cantabrian campaigns in Hispania (27-19 BCE).
After 15 BCE, the 21st was stationed in Raetia situated on the Danube River. In 6 CE, it was in preparation to be part of the Roman commander and future emperor Tiberius’ (r. 14-37 CE) abandoned campaign against the Marcomanni. After Publius Quinctilius Varus lost three legions in the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE, Legio XXI Rapax was transferred to the Lower Rhine at Vetera (modern-day Xanten), sharing the fortress with Legio V Alaudae. After helping suppress the Pannonian Revolt, the 21st took part in Germanicus’ campaign against the Chatti in 14 CE.
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
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Camouflet pour l’Occident: le G20 ne condamne pas la Russie dans sa déclaration finale
Après de longues discussions, le groupe s'est mis d'accord sur une formulation beaucoup plus neutre, «la guerre en Ukraine», appelant à une «paix juste et durable».
Pas de mention d'«invasion», d'«agression» ou de territoires à rendre.
«Il existe un large éventail d'opinions à ce sujet. En toute équité, il était juste d'enregistrer ce qui était la réalité dans les salles de réunion», a diplomatiquement expliqué la partie indienne, hôte de l'événement.
Mais dans la réalité des faits, il s'agit d'une défaite majeure pour le camp occidental, qui était encore parvenu en novembre dernier à pousser le G20 à évoquer «l'agression de la Fédération de Russie contre l'Ukraine» dans sa déclaration commune.
Comme le confie (https://www.ft.com/content/af2cf577-9295-4b56-92ce-263abe202c43)un haut diplomate au Financial Times, face à l'intrinsigeance de Moscou et Pékin - et aux soutiens dont ils disposent - l'Occident collectif n'avait cette fois-ci «qu'une option: un texte ou pas de texte».
Or une absence de déclaration commune signifiait la mort effective du G20, obsolète face à l'émergence de nouveaux groupes, à commencer par les BRICS (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/3925).
Voilà pourquoi les Occidentaux ont été contraints de baisser les yeux: pour «maintenir la plateforme et l'organisation en vie.»
Qui est isolé ?
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kaishirase · 2 years
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guncelkal · 2 years
Panasonic LUMIX G7 4K Digital Camera, with LUMIX G VARIO 14-42mm Mega O.I.S. Lens, 16 Megapixel Mirrorless Camera, 3-Inch LCD,
Panasonic LUMIX G7 4K Digital Camera, with LUMIX G VARIO 14-42mm Mega O.I.S. Lens, 16 Megapixel Mirrorless Camera, 3-Inch LCD,
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richo1915 · 2 years
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Legio XXI Rapax "Predator, Twenty-First Legion" was a legion of the Imperial Roman army. It was founded in 31 BCE by the emperor Augustus, probably from men previously enlisted in other legions. The XXI Rapax was destroyed in 92CE by the Sarmatians.
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guncelkal · 2 years
StarTech.com 19" 24U Server Rack Cabinet - 4-Post Adjustable Depth 2 to 30" Network Equipment Rack Enclosure w/Casters/Cable
StarTech.com 19″ 24U Server Rack Cabinet – 4-Post Adjustable Depth 2 to 30″ Network Equipment Rack Enclosure w/Casters/Cable
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/vse-vms-transcoding-artifact-us-east-1-prod/6b2aa865-31ed-4f9b-92ce-91800a676db7/default.jobtemplate.mp4.480.mp4 This server rack provides 24U of storage space in a sleek, secure cabinet for storing standard 19″ rack-mount devices such as Dell, HP and IBM servers, along with telecommunication and A/V equipment. The rack is compatible with EIA-310 compliant…
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7 things to know about potential presidential candidate and confirmed Hufflepuff Pete Buttigieg
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With 14 potential candidates and no clear frontrunner, there's already a lot to keep track of in the 2020 democratic primaries — but there's also a lot of opportunity. One potential new entrant to the race could make things even more interesting.
Pete Buttigieg has been the mayor of South Bend, Indiana since 2012. Despite his low profile compared to the rock star members of congress and outspoken CEOs running for president, Buttigieg has gained fresh attention in recent days. 
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During a compelling interview with CNN at its South by Southwest Town Hall, he had a viral moment that boosted his profile when he trounced the self-described religious conservative Vice President Mike Pence for being "the cheerleader of the porn star presidency." Buttigieg had to work closely with Pence when Pence served as Governor of Indiana from 2013-2017.
There's also the fact that Buttigieg is 37, an Afghanistan war veteran, and a married gay man. 
Here's a fresh voice whose star is rising fast. Go Pete! https://t.co/04jw3OShaH
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) March 12, 2019
In terms of his national profile, Buttigieg might seem like an underdog at best. But political kingmakers like David Axelrod are already predicting that he's a potential candidate to keep an eye on. 
I have rarely seen a candidate make better use of televised Town Hall than @PeteButtigieg is on @CNN tonight. Crisp, thoughtful and relatable. He’ll be a little less of a long shot tomorrow.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) March 11, 2019
On Saturday, Buttigieg captured headlines once again as he announced that he had reached the Democratic committee's 65,000 donor requirement for an invitation to the first primaries debate. Buttigieg has not officially announced a presidential run, but he has launched an exploratory committee, and is actively soliciting more donations and support.
I know I can hold my own on the debate stage and represent your values with honor and integrity, but I need to know we can build a strong organization, too. Make a commitment to stay involved: https://t.co/UWrEa7oGMc
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) March 16, 2019
So who is Pete Buttigieg, a candidate whose biography and big ideas could be capturing the attention of progressive Americans? Here are seven things to know.
1. It's pronounced "Boot-edge-edge."
Before we go creating a whole "her-mee-own vs. her-my-oh-knee" situation, let's get one thing straight: the correct pronunciation of Buttigieg's last name. According to the mayor's Twitter bio, his last name is pronounced "boot-edge-edge." According to Buzzfeed, Buttigieg's husband pronounces it "buddha-judge," which is pretty much the same thing, if you say "boot-edge-edge" fast. Whew, glad to get that one out of the way! Now we can proceed.
Hired. https://t.co/59rj9H17Td
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) March 16, 2019
2. He seems progressive as hell — and has some big ideas.
In just the last week on his Twitter, Buttigieg has affirmed his support for gun reform, strong action on climate change, and transgender rights. The Chicago Tribune reports that he supports the Green New Deal and single-payer health care. 
He is also outspoken about changes he believes we need to make to the democratic institution as a whole. According to the Tribune, he wants to abolish the electoral college, and has proposed changing the composition of the Supreme Court to include 15 Justices, with five of the total appointed by the other 10.
“At risk of sounding a little simplistic, one thing I believe is that in an American Presidential election, the person who gets the most votes ought to be the person who wins.” #CNNTownHall #PeteforAmerica pic.twitter.com/L2KCeyqMDO
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) March 11, 2019
3. He came out in 2015 in a local op-ed essay.
"I was well into adulthood before I was prepared to acknowledge the simple fact that I am gay," Buttigieg wrote in the South Bend Tribune in 2015. He wrote that he came out in so public a manner — after becoming mayor — to help de-stigmatize sexuality for people who might themselves be struggling. 
If elected president, Buttigieg would, obviously, be the first gay president. There would also be a First Gentleman!
Buttigieg married his now-husband, Chasten Buttigieg, in 2018. The story of their first date, which Buttigieg writes about in his memoir Shortest Way Home, will give you all the feels.
4. He is an Afghanistan war veteran
Buttigieg became a naval intelligence officer in the Navy Reserve in 2009. He was deployed to Afghanistan for seven months as a reservist in 2014, taking temporary leave as mayor of South Bend.
He has both spoken eloquently about what serving in the military adds to experience in government, as well as, erm, tastefully burned, others for their inflated military claims. 
5. He's a big nerd
Buttigieg went to Harvard, graduated Magna Cum Laude, and went on to earn an honors degree at Oxford during the completion of his Rhodes Scholarship. 
His education doesn't completely sum up the role of learning in his life. According to The Guardian, his memoir also shows that he's an expert in parts of American history and has made modernization — and understanding technology — a big part of his policy work as Mayor. A recent anecdote shared by Time editor Anand Giridharadas also showed that he's the kind of guy who, oh, just learns a whole new language so he can read books in the original text.
A true story about @PeteButtigieg. pic.twitter.com/ojFXa8IguU
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 16, 2019
6. He's a Hufflepuff
Perhaps the most important fact of all is that Mr. Rhodes scholar Boy Mayor Buttigieg is not a Ravenclaw — but a Hufflepuff! Chasten Buttigieg had his husband take the official Pottermore quiz, and found that Buttigieg belonged to the house of Cedric Diggory and badgers. Just, loyal, true, and unafraid of toil, indeed!
You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil pic.twitter.com/fYMJHppK4Z
— Chasten Buttigieg (@Chas10Buttigieg) March 17, 2019
7. He is actually a Millennial.
In addition to being the potentially first openly gay president, Buttigieg would be both the youngest, and the first Millennial, president. Buttigieg is 37 years old, and was born in January 1982. According to the Pew Research Center, "Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is considered a Millennial." 
Is America ready for a progressive, nerdy, gay, millennial, HUFFLEPUFF president? It's a long road to 2020. But Buttigieg's Twitter prowess, experience speaking to a range of Americans, and compelling personality could just get him noticed. Keep your eye out for Pete Buttigieg. And remember: that's Boot-edge-edge. 
WATCH: Breakdancing proposed as new sport for 2024 Olympics
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atelierfigurine · 3 years
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