#911ls producers:
lassie-farce · 2 days
Given my absolute lack of understanding of the texas fire rescue chain of command i just assume by the end of season 5 judd will be captain of 126 and owen will either retire or become the Fire Lord
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unrealisticlea · 1 year
Re: your question about og fans not liking 911ls. From my experience in just the lone star fandom, a lot of what ive seen the hate specifically around when it first came out was that Tarlos was an “knock off” buddie and that fox was going to use them as “an excuse to not make buddie canon”…. and then once it aired a lot of the hate I saw was towards the cast (i.e. Rob lowe is terrible and ronen hypes up the show too much).
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idk what’s funnier, fox thinking “let’s make another show with a canon queer couple, now that will make people shut up about buddie” or some people genuinely thinking tarlos is the reason buddie isn’t canon and hating tarlos (how could anyone hate tarlos wtf) for it. It’s all very weird to me because og and lone star are two separate show and I’m pretty sure they don’t share writers and producers so why would lone star happening be detrimental to 911 og? I get the hate about Rob Lowe because i know he’s controversial. But the Ronen stuff definitely comes from not knowing him very well. I don’t think people realize how unwell Ronen is about Lone Star. Yeah, he does hype up the show but that’s because he’s obsessed with it in a cursed superwholock-2016-kinda-way. like, it’s the only thing he talks about on every social. He makes edits for it and fought with the foxtv account for the #1 Tarlos fan spot. He doesn’t read the scripts (unless he’s in a scene) because “he doesn’t want spoilers”. he’s a lone star fan first and a tarlos stan and he gets carried away and forgets he’s also an actor on the show. so if he said “I’m on the best show on television” (I didn’t hear him say that but who knows) it was not with malicious intent and he was not trashing 911, he’s just insane about the show.
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paperstorm · 2 years
To my fellow 911LS POC-fans who follow you, here's my two cents: I'm a PoC, and I understand the urge to question Ronen's seemingly weird Instagram following list. It seems problematic but I think the issue is we're looking at it only from a 911LS-list-of-actors perspective. I went through all 50+ people he follows and it seems to me that the list can be divided into - 1. His actual family and friends 2. People who are more on the management side of his career (the show's executive producers, casting agents, stylists, sponsors, etc.) 3. His interests / high profile politicians/celebs/artists Keeping this lens in mind, the list of 50+ people seem to be pretty balanced in terms of race and gender. And yes, there might be a couple of people who don't seem to fit into any of the categories above (especially among the 911LS actors). But the ratio is low enough that, in my opinion, it's not really a question of racism/misogyny on Ronen's part but more a matter of us as fans not knowing what his personal relationship with those few people are. Maybe he formed a great bond with those particular people, maybe he's friendly with them from before or outside of the show, maybe he looks up to them in terms of career/experience. But, as a whole, I personally wouldn't accuse him racism/misogyny.
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josephqunnies · 2 years
Some anon sent this to another 911LS tumblr, what do u think of it?
I'm a PoC, and I understand the urge to question Ronen's seemingly weird Instagram following list. It seems problematic but I think the issue is we're looking at it only from a 911LS-list-of-actors perspective. I went through all 50+ people he follows and it seems to me that the list can be divided into - 1. His actual family and friends 2. People who are more on the management side of his career (the show's executive producers, casting agents, stylists, sponsors, etc.) 3. His interests / high profile politicians/celebs/artists. Keeping this lens in mind, the list of 50+ people seem to be pretty balanced in terms of race and gender. And yes, there might be a couple of people who don't seem to fit into any of the categories above (especially among the 911LS actors). But the ratio is low enough that, in my opinion, it's not really a question of racism/misogyny on Ronen's part but more a matter of us as fans not knowing what his personal relationship with those few people are. Maybe he formed a great bond with those particular people, maybe he's friendly with them from before or outside of the show, maybe he looks up to them in terms of career/experience. But, as a whole, I personally wouldn't accuse him racism/misogyny.
I see this point and I have to say, I did not focus on that. But a pattern is that he followed like the cast from no escape for a bit then unfollowed them after the project wrapped, which is cool, you work and you move on to the next project, same thing I think with smiley face killers, but he's actively working with these women, why not unfollow Lisa or Liv? I don't think they have anything in common with him to make him keep following them? Esp if we're gonna go the route that he's curating his feed. People he's close to; he's never hanging out with Raf or Brian but he hasn't unfollowed them? But ya their his friends, so are the girls? We've seen him out and about with Brianna ? Like ? It simply does not make sense
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milenadaniels · 3 years
Hi! I saw your tag on your informal buddie lap makeout poll (Which, exceptional scientific inquiry. Cannot wait to see the results. Especially if it leads you to write something...)
Anyway, what is your thinking on lonestar and a potential buck +e ddie sex scene? (FWIW, I don't watch LS. I tried, but just could not. Not yucking anyone's yum, just didn't work for me.)
Curious what you think?
Thank you! The study is going well, I look forward to analyzing the results in depth!
(Please note: after three hours of writing out this response, I realize I may have misunderstood your question 😂 If you meant "what do you think a buddie sex scene would look like given tarlos", please let me know and it would be my genuine pleasure to describe that in great detail. What follows is not that.....)
I have been thinking about the potential of a buddie sex scene more than I ought to, I'm sure. You could say I've been a smidge preoccupied since realizing all the legit sex scenes in the show happened in season 1/early season 2. In seasons 3/4, the closest I think we've gotten to textual sex is Madney having sex to induce labour and that consisted of Maddie throwing her shirt at Chimney from off-screen.
Someone on that post (can't find it now of course) said that 911 Lone Star took over the original 911 later time slot and thus took over the ability to have sexier content.
As someone who hasn't watched a television show live in like 5 years, your ask has prompted me to do actual research to confirm this 🤓 According to pogdesign, 911 currently plays Mondays at 8pm and 911LS plays at 9pm which supports the theory.
That said, it kind of strikes me as weird that 8pm is considered too early for sexy content? But maybe I'm just out of touch with cable television??
So I did more research! So much research omfg this took 3 hours of my life. 😅
First we define the issue at hand
I'm defining a "sex scene" as a scene that involves two or more people mackin' on each other with any of the following:
the beginning of clothing removal onscreen
the movement towards a bedroom or bed
getting into someone's lap as a sign of escalation
post-coital pillow talk or cuddling
actual shots of naked skin and writhing (softcore porn essentially)
So 911 got moved to 8pm. Do any other 8pm shows have sex scenes?
CW - The 100 🔥 (I know there was a minimum of 2 wlw sex scenes, though they may have been post-coital)
CW - Riverdale 🔥🔥 is another teen show that I don't watch so I youtubed "Riverdale sex scenes" and I'm led to believe at least one couple is banging semi-onscreen well into season 4 (it has 4 seasons???)
NBC - Chicago Med 🔥, a procedural show not about teenagers and seems to have a least 1 couple with sexy scenes (the other Chicagos air at 9pm and 10pm) and I saw lap sitting for a hardcore makeout for the other couple!!!!! TIM TAKE NOTES!
NBC - Superstore 🔥, a half-hour comedy that played at 8pm on NBC, did have at least this one cut-away sex scene
So 2 teen shows, 1 procedural and 1 comedy all had something in the way of "sex scenes" while airing at 8pm.
But what if Fox the network is the sex-scene-killers??
Apparently Fox literally has only 5 scripted dramas of which the 911 is one and the others are:
The Resident 🔥🔥, a medical drama that plays at 8pm as of season 2 (9pm for season 1) and the main couple seem to have several sex scenes, but interestingly from what I can glean from YT, they may have stopped after s2 (though the couple stays together until at least s4 from what I can tell)
LA's Finest 🚫, a rebroadcast through Fox, it airs at 9pm and YT didn't show me any sexy scenes
Fantasy Island 🔥🔥 which plays at 9pm and looks to have sexier content based on the trailer
911: Lone Star 🔥🔥🔥 which plays at 9pm. Tarlos have had like 2 heavy makeouts/implied sex scenes plus a pretty hardcore-for-tv sex scene in the s2 finale
So it seems like even for Fox, the 8pm timeslot isn't necessarily what's vetoing the sex scenes in 911. But just to hammer that home, I did even more researching into the watershed hours, which is apparently the designated time broadcasters can show sexiness, but in the US that's 10pm to 6am so if the restrictions were such that they couldn't show any sex scenes before 10pm, Tarlos wouldn't have gotten that finale action (thank you, IRL bff who watched 911LS so I didn't have to!)
TL;DR - a summation of our findings
The 8pm timeslot is not the sex-scene-killer I once thought it was (see: all them filthy shows)
911 being a cop show is not a sex-scene-killer (see: dramas, procedurals and comedies all had sex scenes)
Fox is not anti-sex in their 8pm scripted dramas in general (see: The Resident)
Fox is not anti-sex homophobically (see: Tarlos, Hen/Eva)
However!! There seems to be a somewhat weird, somewhat isolated trend of Fox shows either cutting off or tapering off sex scenes (see: 911, The Resident) after 2 seasons or specifically after 2019.
So what are the theories (from least to most favourite)?
Theory #1 (Buddie loses 🚫): "Something" happened at Fox in 2019. The Resident is the only true analogue to 911 as it's also on Fox, also premiered in January 2018, also started at 9pm but was moved to 8pm (in season 2, not season 3 like 911). If my very brief googling can be trusted, The Resident saw a lot of sex scenes in season 2 (at 8pm) but after 2019 there isn't much to write home about. That lines up with what we've seen in 911. If something happened internally at Fox that changed broadcasting guidelines for 8pm, then canon Buddie will not get sex scenes unless the timeslot changes back.
Pros: It would be a hell of a coincidence wouldn't it?? Both shows airing around the same time, both stop showing sex scenes around the same time???
Cons: It's pretty weak, I can't find anything that supports "something" happening in 2019 that would affect an 8pm timeslot but not the 9pm one.
Theory #2 (Buddie loses 🚫): Sex as a short-term sales tactic. Fox uses sex in the first two seasons of shows to boost ratings and get people hooked because sex sells. But then, for whatever reason, they taper it off. If so, Buddie being canonized would not produce any sex scenes as we're far removed from season 2.
Pros: The Resident and 911 both stopped showing sex scenes after season 2 from what I can gather
Cons: If sex sells, why wouldn't it keep selling all the way to the bank?? There's no reason to stop something that's working.
Theory #3 (Buddie wins 🔥): Actors are the roadblock. Fox is fine with sex scenes at 8pm but the actors aren't comfortable! If so, Buddie sex scenes could be in the cards as both actors have had on-screen sex scenes previously.
Pros: Angela Bassett, Peter Krause and JLH are bigger names and they presumably get to not get naked on screen or simulate sex scenes if they don't want to. Aisha Hinds as a (criminally) smaller name wouldn't have had that kind of leverage in season 1, nor would Ryan Guzman in season 2? And Oliver Stark knew what he was signing up to to play a self-diagnosed "sex addict" so.
Cons: This is absolute, complete conjecture. I have zero idea what each of their comfort levels with sex scenes are or how that might relate to the writing/direction of their characters.
Theory #4 (Buddie wins 🔥): Stable canon relationships kill sex. Fox dramas use sex only pre-maritally to build relationships and the network or the showrunners/writers decide it's not as important once characters are in stable relationships/married. If so, we will get Buddie sex scenes as their canon relationship develops.
Pros: The Resident couple did get married post-season 2 I think? Athena stopped having onscreen sex after she married Bobby. Hen had sex but out of her marriage.
Cons: That's dumb, let married people bone. And we technically do have a Madney sex scene, tame as it was (but maybe they straddle of the line of stable but pre-marital???). Also if sex = building relationship, EddieAna have been excluded from that formula oops 😌
Theory #5 (Buddie wins 🔥): We're overthinking all of this. There hasn't been sex scenes past season 2 because the stories haven't called for it but when it does, such as the start of a new relationship, then we'll get some!
Pros: We haven't had any "new" relationships other than EddieAna since season 2 and their lack of intimacy is a glaring reminder they aren't well suited - they're not boning for plot reasons. While not strictly meeting the aforementioned definition of a "sex scene", we could use Albert coming out of Veronica's shower as a use of sex-as-relationship-building.
Cons: That's dumb, let married people bone, the sequel. Especially since HenRen is criminally neglected in terms of development and could use a fun playful sex scene.
So what have we learned?
Should Buddie go canon, 3 theories indicate we'd get some sex scenes for them, and only 2 say we wouldn't. The odds are in our favour. 🤡
I will do literally anything to procrastinate writing this damn fic that's been tormenting me for weeks. Please someone, anybody...send help...
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
i said it in the post (which is currently sitting in my drafts) and i’ve said it on other occasions as well but my tracking tag is #crockettstiddies for anything you guys want me to see !!
my only rules are:
no 911 or chicago pd (911LS and chicago fire are fine tho!!)
nothing to do with mental health issues bc. I’m hanging on by a thread rn (this rule still applies even if I’m producing mental health-related content — what I feel comfortable being in control of writing and what I feel comfortable reading isn’t always the same)
nothing to do with v*miting
and this should go without saying but nothing that’s a copy/rip off of anything I’ve created
that’s it!! i do genuinely love seeing people’s work and i want to support other creators where i can!!
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paramedictk · 3 years
To get to write for a major network show that is super popular right now and this is what they come up with? It’s not always bad of course I’m not saying that. But I just mean the constant Owen in our face. And I’m also not saying he’s a bad writer or he doesn’t deserve his job as a writer for lone star I’m saying it seems like he feels like he HAS to write like this because his dad is a major actor on the show and has influence behind the scenes and so maybe he’s like oh I have to write about his character so much. Dude I’m sorry but that’s just downright not good. And I know he has potential to write other good storylines because Marjan’s storyline was rly good. Owen has not once progressed as a character so how good are you even writing him? Yeah he has his nice moments but they’re always overshadowed by him being an asshole or ignoring TK or trying to be a hero over anything else, including sitting down with TK and formally meeting Carlos’ parents for dinner. To purposely choose not to develop other characters and write for them with less energy as you write for Owen is downright just wrong. I know it’s not all his doing of course but he’s one of the writers for the show so he has an input into this. It’s just not right. I want to be a tv show writer and eventually showrun and create my own tv shows one day so to see someone who just has the job whether it’s because of their last name or because they worked for it just choose to write like this for this show is kind of frustrating to me. Because I see moments in some episodes of how good the show could be. If they just unclenched and stop acting like we care about Owen when we don’t. What are the causal viewers seeing that we aren’t because Owen isn’t even likable. Sorry not sorry. If you’re gonna make it the Owen Strand show at least make him likable. This isn’t even meant to be mean it’s just an observation from someone who wishes they had the job that his son currently has and seeing what we see every week with each new episode. It’s so frustrating. Just my opinions though
i have a loooot of problems with the writing. i can't remember if it bothered me this much during s1, maybe i just didn't pay attention to it or maybe it's the fact that even though owen was on screen a lot at least he wasn't insufferable idk... but apart from ep8 and a few scenes in other eps the entire first half of the season was torture for me and that's entirely because of owen
i think you could be right about john lowe feeling like he should focus on his dad's character but that goes for other writers as well. even when you look at the difference between the social media management of 911 and 911ls it's so obvious that r* b lowe is taking advantage of his influence as executive producer. i've never seen angela bassett act so selfishly, hogging the screen time and being the main focus of every promo. and i've said this before, angela is not only more talented but definitely has more star power than r*b lowe. maybe it just comes down to the fact that r*b seems like the type of guy who constantly needs his ego stroked idk. he kinda has minear and murphy in his pocket so i wouldn't be surprised if the writers were pressured to give him a certain amount of screen time every week
when it comes to owen the problem is that he has an actual decent multiep character arc about survivor's guilt and depression and that could make for a very interesting story but for some reason the writers responsible for individual eps are not executing the steps of that arc very well and the whole thing just falls apart. that's why it feels like we're just going in circles instead of seeing actual character progression. and after making the first half of the season so hard to get through they honestly can't expect the fandom to have much patience left for owen lmao
i just hope they learn from this and listen to fandom feedback because at this point almost everybody is getting tired of them constantly using their diverse characters for woke points while still favouring the white cishet man over them
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reyesstrand · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
tagged by the amazingly talented @bellakitse @letitialewiss @howtosingit and @brilliantbanshee (thank you for your amazing work and your kindness and support 💗💗)
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
i just have to say that my productivity and creativity this year has been inspired by all of your engagement and support with my content, and i’m so thankful for that!! i read every tag and appreciate every like/reblog and it makes me very 🥺🥺🥺, especially in such a talented fandom that produces incredible content!!
so, in no particular order, here’s some of my 2020 creations!
01. lit the spark (that set a fire) — this fic took me several months to outline and write and i really like how it turned out!! it was so much fun (and admittedly stressful in some moments) to reimagine events in this canon divergent take on season one, and it’s my longest one-shot to date at 20k words, so i’ll always be proud of it!!
02. like thunder under earth — besides 911ls, the old guard really became a comfort for me this past year, so getting into the fandom with my first thought-out fic was big for me! i just love little missing moments and domesticity, and that’s really all this fic is so. yeah!
03. reeling through the midnight streets — besides tarlos, i love the possibilities of the found family and friendships that come out of 911ls, and it’s no secret I adore the marjan & tk dynamic, so this was born from that, and i like how it came out!!
04. take me back to the light — this fic was one of the first i wrote immediately following an episode, specifically after tk got shot in 1x08. i think it aired at 9pm and i posted the fic at like...2am?? just because i had an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. and the support for it was unreal, and i really liked the way i sleepily wrote the characters, so yeah!!
05. and every harm (is lovingly washed away) — this was one of the lone star week fics, and i had so much fun imagining the future for tarlos, specifically them getting engaged. idk it was just one of those ideas that started as a notes app drabble that then fit into one of the prompts and it all came together from there!!
honourable mentions: the dark in me (has now seen the day) — my first tarlos fic!!! the amount of love this got truly made my week at the time of writing, and still makes me so warm inside. it also got me into really writing fics for the show, and led to where we are now!!! and i have to include my most recent joenicky fic, at some distant star — i just love writing for them because i can be as soft and mushy as i want and it’s in character?? and i just grew really attached to some of the moments i wrote in this fic so yeah, i thought i’d share it here!!
tagging (only if you want to, of course!): @sunshinestrand @rafaelsilva @officerrxyes @aziraphalescrowley @evanzbuck @teaamfreewill @terramous @tkstreyes @ladder126 @buttercupstrand apologies if you’ve already been tagged/done this already!!
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hehe, i watched 911LS Season one mainly because of TK and Carlos. I never watched 911 to that point. Thought i should give it a try. And oh my what have i been missing. Buck is amazing snd every other character is so likable. Rare for a tv series. I literally am in love with that show and i never returned to Lonestar because all these characters are just so bland in comparison to the original. I do watch my Tk and Carlos clips online however but i don‘t care for the other characters.
911′s great, right? All the characters are wonderful, and the show mostly manages to give each of them ample screen time - and their main and extended cast is larger than that of 911LS.
I get what you’re saying about 911LS, I wouldn’t say that the characters are bland, they are just severely under-served by the show. Even Tarlos was super whacky in S1, and what could’ve been a GREAT queer storyline, was just a nice one - bc the show kept skipping important steps (in favor of more Owen, even though it wasn’t as blatant in S1 imo). They have incredible chemistry, and Rafa and Ronen are as much of a blessing as Vlamburn, but the show keeps sleeping on them (and on Carlos as a character in particular).
I really like Paul, Marjan and Mateo, Gina Torres’s Tommy is a goddess, Judd and Grace are amazing (i love them so fiercely), and TK and Carlos are not just the queer ship of dreams, they’re also great characters (my boo Carlos in particular 🥰, bless Rafael Silva), but between getting some actual 911 stuff done, and 20 minutes of each episode being reserved for Owen, it’s hard for the other characters to really shine. 
I’m still invested in the show, and I hope that the RLowe HYPE™ dies down eventually (even though he’s an exec producer and one of his kids is a writer on the show 🙃🙃🙃), I just want more QUALITY screen time for the other characters I’m actually interested in. 
Still, 911′s my favorite 🥰
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neworleansspecial · 4 years
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Flash event!
You have 48 hours to:
write at least 200 words of 911LS fic
produce at least four 911LS icons
produce at least two 911LS moodboards
You can choose any of the three options, or mix and match! The rule is it must be made and posted in 48 hours (IE within 24 hours of the premiere, before or after) from the time of posting.
Anyone can participate!
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sevensoulmates · 4 years
Yeah!! you're right, also that part of the toxic fandom does not realize that if they continue like this they will achieve the opposite of what they want (that is, Buddie becomes canon) and that Oliver and Ryan feel annoyed with the ship (something that I am sure they are starting to feel or already feel)
So I took some time to ponder over this because I’ve been seeing this general assumption/fear going around not just in the 911 fandom but within other fandoms as well, past and present. And I just became curious as to why we as an audience feel like if we make a wrong step--like being too pushy about something we do/don’t want--that creators will do the opposite to spite us.
In this day and age, it is very easy to access content creators, even ones who exist as part of a larger corporation. I did some research about how fans have generally been able (or unable) to impact how a show or movie has moved forward with any particular story and it seems that those who have (shows like Arrow that changed up storylines/pairings to suit comic book fans or fans of other ships) have been met with backlash and ultimately no satisfaction for anyone. I’ve also read of some shows (example like BBC Sherlock) adding in meta-level “fans” to their show, or writing in “undertones” to please fans, and that backfiring because the show didn’t actually want go forward with it, so when they backtracked (or didn’t make certain plotlines/ships canon) people were upset because of the false hope they were given.
We’ve also seen the rise in fan support saving certain show from cancellation. We watched it happen with One Day at a Time and with Brooklyn Nine-Nine. What was important to realize on that end, was that the shows weren’t “saved” by their original networks, but were instead bought up by other networks who believed the show could fit their brand and wanted to continue it and still felt like they would find those fans shifting to watch wherever the show went. These shows were saved not because of fan support (although that was a big factor) but mostly because the networks that bought them saw potential in continuing the show.
On the flip side, we’ve seen fan petitions to do things such as re-make the entire last season of Game of Thrones, or remake Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Neither of these fan petitions ever even came remotely close to influencing creators. But then we have the negative backlash of things like Sonic the Hedgehog where fans literally bullied the animation team into redesigning (and therefore re-making entirely) their film. But in that case the creators didn’t necessarily change up the story but rather a character design. Still, it showcases that fans DO have some sort of power to influence things that happen higher up. But how much really? In my opinion, way way less than we think we have.
From what I’ve read (and you can google ‘fan impact on tv shows’ if you want to read some older and newer articles), when it comes to the writing of shows, most creators and their writers are not writing to give the audience every little thing they want--but rather, they write to create the story that the writing team wants and the story that they best feel suits the characters. And this might not always line up with what the fans believe best suits the characters. Of course, TV shows WANT fans to enjoy what they make. They want to have fans in the first place. But because of how active people are online, and how easy it is to have your voice and opinion reach someone high up, fan voices are beginning to be drowned out--purposefully. 
When you have large-scale protests, such as the huge backlash The 100 and several other shows received for perpetuating the “bury your gays” trope, these criticisms are not petty complaints about ships or contradictory lore, these criticisms are about socio-cultural level problems that NEED to be addressed due to the harmful and deadly ramifications they can have on real world people. These protests are needed so that going forward, other media are AWARE of what ramifications may come from such decisions and can make better choices when telling their stories. Shows that have failed to comply often face heavy backlash--or are quick to get the boot (looking at you The Magicians). For problems like this, creators absolutely should be listening to their fans. For things like shipping, or other minor disagreements that are based heavily on individual fan preference, creators can very easily let that roll off their backs.   
My point is that with the ever-closing gap between fans and creators, fans voices have grown louder, yes, but creators ability to tune it all out has grown stronger. TV shows want passionate fans. And those who have been in the field for a while know that comes with having obnoxious, disrespectful, and rude fans as well. At the end of the day, unless a show is writing in storylines or character stereotypes that are disrespectful or harmful to groups of real people, they should not have to bend to every will of every faction of fans. And most won’t. Because you can’t please everybody, so the writers and creators are going to choose to do what works best to them. At the end of the day creators/writers are going to do whatever they want and take the storyline wherever they think is the most interesting (and logical) for their characters. (An aside to say I’m talking about shows that actually know what they’re doing in the writers room--not shows like Riverdale (no offense)).
Shows (like Supernatural for example) are always going to choose to do what they want to do above anything the fans say they want. If they want to make a certain ship happen, they’ll do it. If they don’t, they won’t regardless of how vocal fans (or antis) are. What show writers do and don’t want may shift over the course of time. It happens. (Like for example, in my personal opinion, I don’t believe the writers were at all trying or necessarily wanting to write Buddie as a legitimate thing/possibility in s2, but with s3 I feel that has changed). When writing to please fans, you can risk certain decisions coming off as pandering (like in Star Wars:TROS). And when certain decisions feel inauthentic to the show or underdeveloped/OOC for a character (even things that people claim they really wanted) it can feel disappointing even to the most loyal of fans.
For 911 specifically, we’ve seen that the show can and does focus on character’s love lives. It’s not unreasonable to expect that from them like it might with say shows like The 100 where the plot-heavy sci-fi action has always been the priority for the show’s writers, above whatever romantic side-plots they have with their characters. And we’ve seen that 911 is generally positive when it comes to how they represent queer characters (as for other minority rep, 911LS has some issues on the muslim rep, but I am not qualified to speak on that as someone who is not muslim). The show is not perfect in it’s writing, they’ve made mistakes or done things that not all fans have liked, but from my perspective (and I think a lot of other people’s perspectives too) the show does its best to remain true to its characters and tell a genuinely interesting and engaging story. The show (both the writers, producers and actors) seems to care for their characters and the stories they give them a whole lot.
So, tldr, no. I don’t think the writers would simply choose to not make buddie a thing if they genuinely thought it would work for their characters and the story they want to tell. Even if the shippers are obnoxious and annoying. Even if the actors may occasionally get frustrated with shippers online. If it was right for the show, and right for the characters, I do feel like 911 would go for it. Hell, they might feel like buddie is right for the show/characters but not right right now, and that’s where character development, plot development and relationship development comes in. Ladies, gents and non-binary pals, that’s where patience comes in. 
In the meantime, show your enthusiasm! But be respectful, always.
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braveclxrke · 4 years
hey there!! i’m your 911ls gift exchange, and i was just wondering if there is anything particular you’d like to see in your gift — would you like it to be specifically holiday-oriented, for instance, or are there any tropes you’d love to see? i can’t wait to write something for you!!
Hey!💞 Ooooo honesty I know I’ll love anything you produce but something holiday-oriented which is h/c or fluff would be amazing, maybe tk struggling with the holidays and Carlos and the team being there for him, I don’t mind, just something that ends happily ☺️ thank you for your message and hope you have a good day/night!💘
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blaircanada757-blog · 6 years
See XXL Adult TV Channel.
Occasionally a girl only must let go and have a bit properly that is actually simply what Friary as well as I carried out today. Penjaga itu berkata lagi, Awak tidak boleh masuk, tetapi awak lihatlah bagaimana keadaan mereka yang beragama Yahudi dan Nasara Beautybodyportal.Info (Kristian). Sagamore Feeling, Baltimore, MD. This provider industries an Indiana rye whiskey that was actually previously bottled through Distilled State of minds Center. When he was actually 19, He married Susan LANE, child from Lewis STREET as well as Nancy DEAN, Feb TWENTY, 1848 in Flannigan, Hamilton, Illinois, U.S.A. They likewise make Lead Mine Moonshine, which originally utilized feeling distilled by Flagler Feelings however is actually currently made in-house.
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But their are actually opportunities when I sit by myself and also realize, that right stuff shes trying to conceal, at this moment in her life I do not presume this would be that significant a bargain from she told her spouse. Louthan Distilling, Baltimore, MD. This distillery brings in Baltimore Dark-Oak Corn Bourbon. Dragonfyre Distillery, Endurance, NY. This distillery helps make Monster Moon Luster, a corn based scotch. ( Note - in 1820, Hamilton Region carried out not exist, that carried out not come to be a county till 1821.) Thomas passed away in Illinois, however the specific date and area are unknown. 7 Stills, San Francisco, CA. This whiskey organizes to earn 7 whiskeys off completed beer, until now they have actually helped make: Chocasmoke, a peated scotch distilled off a chocolate oatmeal stout; Whipnose Bourbon, made off an IPA and Dogpatch, produced coming from a sour. Louisville Distilling Firm (Bacardi Ltd.), Louisville, KY. Founded by past Brown Forman distiller Lincoln Henderson, this business is actually constructing a distillery in Louisville, but for right now it is discharging Angel's Envy, a Whiskey distilled elsewhere and after that ended up in port water pipes and Angel's Envy Rye, distilled through MGP. She died 1870 in Hamilton, Illinois, U.S.A. Then someday I remained in the shipping ward in the medical facility as Mommy shone with take pride in storing a lovely little one female - the item of our incestuous marital relationship. Devil Moods, Nashua, NH. This whiskey creates a white whiskey and a solitary malt under the Beat 3 label. Firestone & Robertson Distilling Co. (also known as F&R), Fortress Worth, TX. This whiskey uinitially discharged a sourced combined bourbon under the label TX Scotch and also has actually now launched Firestone & Robertson TX Straight Bourbon, distilled in-house. Broadslab Distillery, Benson, NC. This whiskey makes Broadslab Tradition Reserve Corn Whiskey as well as Doug Stone's Stone Age Whiskey. When I heard a penis croaking in the area and it was a certain sign that my mom would certainly wake up any sort of moment today, I was actually shed in all these ideas. Component I provides all American bourbon distilleries which are presently producing whiskey, or even have plannings to make bourbon in the future, along with their brands, specified by condition. Peak Feelings, Hotchkiss, CO. This distillery creates CapRock sens and also is actually focusing on Luna White Pet Dog, a white scotch made off a mash made by Wynkoop Brewery. Wade Lyn Cattle Ranch Distilling, Waynesburg, KY. This winery is considering discharging a corn scotch, a diehard, and Gun barrel Evidence Whisky, a bourbon of unrevealed kind. Water Vapor Distillery, Stone, CO. In The Past Inn State of minds, this distillery is actually intending to release Stone Bourbon. Pada tahun 1972, beliau berjaya mendapat authorization bagi empat buah lori Kelas A. Beliau mendapat bantuan pinjaman sebanyak RM110,000 daripada pihak MARA yang digunakannya bagi membeli dua buah lori Mercedes 911LS. Sebenarnya, seorang peniaga Cina menawarkan sejumlah wang bagi baki dua allow yang tidak digunakannya.
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neworleansspecial · 3 years
I really hate to ask you this, and I don’t mean to like squash anything you had planned but I just wanted to make sure that you knew with your new fic (loved the chapter, just to let you know) that you might want to tread carefully, not that I don’t think you will or make sure you’re respectful, but just because a lot of authors everywhere tend to blow past it completely, but: with the fact that the strands in your fic are rich, old money, and secretly powerful, there’s a lot there that could edge into harmful stereotypes for Jewish people, and since TK is canonically Jewish, I just wanted to make sure that…I dunno to reassure myself that you would use some delicacy (I KNOW you’ll use delicacy, but like, it’s totally different from actually hearing it, you know?) I’m Jewish, and I’m really hoping that the entire fandom and the 911ls writers will give Jewish people the respect that they deserve in writing…I’m so sorry if I offend you, I really don’t mean to. ❤️
Hey there, thanks for coming into my inbox!
I will admit that this thought didn't occur to me, so I'm glad that you brought this to my attention. I will say insofar as my plans with WTPO, there isn't any intention to discuss religion in any capacity, but I understand that regardless of that fact I still need to be mindful with my words.
As I continue to move forward in writing this fic (seeing as only the first posted chapter has been written so far), I will take extra care in how I put my story to the page and not only my own intentions, but the potential impact that I could have for my readers.
I do always strive to keep in mind the context of my works to avoid producing things which are harmful to minorities, be they ones I'm part of or otherwise. Like anyone, I've made plenty of mistakes in the past, but I'd like to think that I've grown as a person and a creator since then, and works I've identified which do not reflect these values have been removed from my pages. Truly, I do appreciate you coming to me about this and I'll work harder to see my ideas from every angle in the future.
I will say that this story does contain multiple dark themes- it is by no means a happy or fluffy story and it will involve very severe topics. The warnings are of course available in the first chapter post and in the AO3 tags, but if you need elaboration on these warnings for your own safety or concern, please direct message me for more information and I'd be happy to help you achieve a safer reading experience.
As I continue with this story and with others, please always feel free to come to me if you feel that what I'm producing may be harmful to those already in a vulnerable position, and we can discuss what the issue is and how any unintentional harms can be mitigated.
I hope that this response brought you reassurance, and please feel free to contact me again via ask or direct message if you feel I haven't adequately addressed your concerns.
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reyesstrand · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
tagged by the loveliest @brilliantbanshee and @letitialewiss 💗💗💗
name(s): maddie
fandom(s): predominately 911: lone star, though ever since the summer i’ve also been hooked on the old guard! before that, i had some fandoms (as can be found on my ao3 asjfksls) but i never had such amazing engagement and community before this year!
where you post: mainly on ao3, though some shorter tarlos one shots were also cross-posted on tumblr.
most popular one shot (by kudos) overall/this year: like a bright new dream, which apparently has 604 kudos?!? 🥺
most popular multi-chapter (by kudos) overall/this year: i’m much more of a one-shot writer, so i only have one multi-chapter fic! it’s tangled in the willows, at 453 kudos 🥺💗
favourite story you’ve written so far: this is so so difficult...for the old guard, probably cast him in violet for the simple fact it was super self-indulgent and let me go in deep with the soft domesticity!! for 911ls, i’d have to say my firefighter!carlos au lit the spark (that set a fire) just because it took me so long to plan and write and i had so much fun re-imagining the season!
fic you were most nervous to post: it’s a tie!! either my judd & tk fic been twisting to the sun because it’s an exploration of the love between a non-romantic pair and deals with a pretty heavy subject. that, and i just love their friendship so much, i wasn’t sure what the response would be! the other option would be like thunder under earth because it was my first fic for the old guard and capturing character voices is always difficult the first time around!
how do you choose your titles?: i rely fully on music when i’m writing, and so i almost always title my fics with song lyrics. literally all the respect to people with original titles because it’s the hardest thing in the world!!
do you outline?: if notes app rambling counts!! the only fic i’ve ever fully outlined was the aforementioned firefighter!carlos au, everything else is born from like three bullet points or random scenes i’ve just strung together.
complete: 32 (28 for 911ls and 4 for the old guard) in total for this year! i looked at my ao3 stats and this was by far my busiest year, as i’ve written 142426 words! this was also the first year i felt really emerged in fandom, so i think that helped move my writing along!
in-progress: there’s for sure one more 911ls fic (my gift exchange!!) and one more the old guard fic coming by the end of the year. i have a couple other 911ls wips going, but with finals and three 12+ page papers due in the middle of december, i don’t know when they’re going to be finished asfkdnsls
coming soon/not yet started: so. many. i’m constantly adding to my wip ideas doc, so with winter break being extended to january 11th i’m really hoping to get a ton of things done!! there’s at least two or three ideas per fandom i hope to get out before classes resume!!
prompts?: send them my way!! it sometimes takes me forever to produce something i’m happy with when it comes to prompts, but whenever inspiration strikes i love writing things for people, so i’m always open for suggestions in my inbox!
upcoming work you’re most excited about: i have a one shot for the old guard planned that i’m loving writing just because i can be as cheesy as i desire with it, so i’m pumped for that!! but mainly i’m excited for my 911ls gift exchange because i really love writing things for people!!
tagging (only if you want to do this of course!): @bellakitse @sunshinestrand @aziraphalescrowley @howtosingit @crockettstiddies (apologies if you’ve already been tagged!)
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reyesstrand · 4 years
13, 14, and 21💜
thank you!! 💗
13: favourite writing song/artist/album of this year?
i’d have to say anything by matt corby, phoebe bridgers, mitski, lord huron, bon iver or hozier!! the vibes their music produces are perfect for me to focus and be productive!!
14: a fic you didn’t expect to write?
either lit the spark (that set a fire) because i’ve never been so deep in a fandom to write such an outlined/long au?? or the white fire of the stars & like thunder under earth because while i loved the old guard i didn’t initially plan on writing fic for it, but then these two spilled out of me.
21: most memorable comment/review?
okay so like...this fandom shows support like none other?? i get comments on my 911ls fics that i think about for days after because they’re just so nice!!! so can i cheat here and just say every comment i’ve ever gotten??
(i will say though that i’ve gotten multiple comments that my fics have brightened people’s days or made them feel better when they were under the weather and 🥺🥺 just that alone makes me so grateful)
send me a number from this list!!
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