lovinkiri · 1 year
Hi lovelies! So, we've reached 903 followers recently! 🎉🎉🎉
I just want to thank everyone! Not just those who follow me, but also the people who just read, like, and comment on my stuff. It means the absolute world to me!
I remember my first milestone of 50 followers, and now I'm at 903. I literally can't believe there are 903 people out there who like my writing that much. I love you guys so much, and again, thank you.
Special thanks to my moots: @ineedgarlicbread @awilddreamermain @the-wild-nerdy-gay @tqnk I love you guys 💕💕💕
And separate special thanks to my moot @jix-the-dragon for commissioning me and trusting me to tell the story of her amazing OC, I have so much love for you and that story hun 💕💕💕
But enough rambling! I might work something else out but in the meantime, have a face reveal!
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exo-levi · 1 year
Could we please have 1. “I told you not to follow me.” “I couldn't just let you face this alone.” from your Levi prompt list?🫶🏼💕
Yes, sure! I hope you’ll enjoy this one! ☺️
Inseparable Bonds
1. “I told you not to follow me.” “I couldn’t just let you face this alone.”
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader
Word count: 903 words
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Levi Ackerman paced restlessly through the dimly lit corridor of the Survey Corps headquarters. His boots echoed softly against the cold stone floor, a metronome to his racing thoughts. The impending mission weighed heavily on him, a gnawing anxiety that refused to be quelled. He knew the fate of humanity rested on their shoulders, and the burden was crushing.
As he turned another corner, he couldn't ignore the sound of footsteps behind him. He recognized that presence instantly—it was you. You'd been shadowing him discreetly for the past few minutes.
Levi stopped abruptly, his steel-gray eyes narrowing as he faced you. "I told you not to follow me," he said, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and concern. He hadn't wanted you involved in this perilous mission, fearing for your safety in a world teeming with Titans.
You met his unwavering gaze, determination shining in your eyes. "I couldn't just let you face this alone," you replied, your voice firm and resolute. Your heart ached at the thought of Levi bearing the weight of the mission on his shoulders without your support.
Levi's jaw tightened as he wrestled with his emotions. He longed to protect you, to shield you from the horrors that lurked beyond the safety of the walls. Yet, a part of him couldn't deny the relief that washed over him at the sight of you steadfastly at his side.
Before he could utter another word, you closed the distance between you, reaching out to gently grasp his hand. Your touch was warm, a comforting contrast to the chilling uncertainty of the world outside.
"Levi," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. "We're a team, remember? We face these challenges together."
His stormy gaze softened as he stared into your eyes. In that moment, he realized that he didn't have to bear the weight of the world alone. You were there for him, just as he was there for you.
Levi nodded, a rare and genuine smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah," he admitted softly. "Together."
With that unspoken agreement, the two of you continued down the shadowy corridor, walking side by side. The tension that had gripped Levi's shoulders eased as he felt your presence beside him. He wasn't alone in this battle anymore.
As the hours passed, the tension grew thicker in the air. The mission drew closer, and the weight of their responsibility bore down on both of you. The quiet moments between you were filled with unspoken words and shared glances, each serving as a reminder of the unbreakable bond you shared.
Eventually, you found a secluded spot in the headquarters where you could talk without prying eyes. Levi leaned against the cold stone wall, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes fixed on a distant point. You couldn't help but worry about him.
"Levi," you began gently, "I know you're worried about this mission. We all are. But you don't have to carry the entire burden by yourself."
He glanced at you, his expression softening. "I'm the captain," he said quietly. "It's my duty to protect humanity."
You stepped closer to him, your gaze unwavering. "And it's my duty to stand by your side," you countered. "We face these challenges together, remember?"
Levi sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he relented. "I know," he admitted. "But I can't help but worry about what might happen to you."
You reached out and placed a hand on his arm, your touch reassuring. "I can take care of myself," you assured him. "And I know you'll always have my back."
He met your gaze, a mixture of gratitude and affection in his eyes. "I don't say it enough, but I'm glad you're here," he confessed.
A small smile graced your lips. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
The tension in the air began to ease, replaced by a sense of unity and determination. You and Levi were a team, facing the challenges of their world together. It was a bond forged in the crucible of battle, and it was unbreakable.
As the day turned into night, the two of you retreated to your quarters to rest before the mission. The silence was comfortable, the weight of the impending battle hanging over you like a heavy blanket.
Levi sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I don't know what we'll find out there," he admitted. "But I promise I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."
You sat down beside him, your hand finding his. "And I promise I'll be right there with you," you replied. "No matter what."
The room was filled with the soft glow of candlelight, casting dancing shadows on the walls. You leaned in, your lips meeting his in a gentle, reassuring kiss. It was a promise sealed with warmth and tenderness, a promise that no matter the challenges they faced, you would face them together.
As you lay in each other's arms, the weight of the world seemed to lift just a little. In that moment, there was only the two of you, bound by love and duty, ready to face whatever the future held.
And so, as the night deepened and the world outside grew darker, you and Levi found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that had brought you together in a world on the brink of destruction. Together, you were ready to face the unknown, to fight for humanity, and to cherish the moments of peace and love that you found in each other's embrace.
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Prompts List. Masterlist.
Yours truly,
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Hey Blue, I’m pretty sad and depressed right now because we had to give up one of our dogs due to us moving 😭. So can I get a happy one shot of Nora with Nick, Piper, Codsworths, Cait, and Curie playing around with Dogmeat. It doesn’t need to be long, just really happy.
A/N: I am so, so sorry 💖 I tried to make this one as happy and sweet as I could! I'm sorry it's not too long, but I've been super out of inspiration and I've been really busy this week. I hope it's still good though! Maybe it can cheer you up at least a little! 💗 I know how hard it is to lose a dog, but I can't imagine having to give one up 💕
Word Count: 903
“Come here, buddy!” Nora called, patting her legs, and Dogmeat came bounding over, his tail wagging madly as he jumped up on her with his big paws on her shoulders.
“That’s my big guy,” Nora praised, rubbing his ears. He leaned heavily into her scratches before angling his head up and licking her chin. Nora chuckled warmly, leaning forward and kissing his nose quickly. Nora then looked around, quirking an eyebrow as she smirked just a little before looking back at the German Shepherd.
“Alright… So, what do you say we put that nose to work, huh?” Nora whispered conspiratorially, and he just snuffled at her face. She grinned at him, moving out from underneath his weight so that he got off of her. She withdrew a sweet roll wrapper, holding it in her hands as she looked down at her dog.
“Piper, Shaun, Curie, Cait, Nick, and Codsworth are hiding somewhere around here, bud. Shaun wanted to play hide and seek, and I can’t find any of them, so I thought I could ask you to help,” Nora filled him in, and Dogmeat’s ears perked up a bit as he listened to her, his head tilting adorably.
“Okay, Dogmeat… Search,” Nora told him, holding out the sweet roll wrapper. Dogmeat moved forward, sniffing it carefully before sniffing around the air. He barked happily and bounded off in a direction. Nora quickly hurried after him. They approached a bush, and Dogmeat bounded into it quickly.
“AHH!!!” a voice loudly shouted, and Nora laughed happily as she looked through the leaves to find Piper with Dogmeat standing over her and licking her face all over. Shaun was sitting nearby Piper, laughs erupting from him as he looked at his honorary aunt and the dog.
Nora grinned down at them victoriously, and Piper narrowed her eyes, trying to look serious as she glared at Nora. However, Dogmeat was too happily attacking her with kisses for her to be too angry.
“Shame on you, Blue! Using poor Dogmeat for your own gain!” Piper scolded before reaching up and hugging Dogmeat’s neck as she gave him a ton of neck scratches. Dogmeat wagged his tail excitedly, loving the attention. Shaun reached out, petting his back, and Nora held out a hand to Piper to help her out. Piper begrudgingly took it, and Nora pulled her out of the bush. She then helped Shaun out, ruffling his hair fondly.
Piper just raised an eyebrow at Nora, and Nora barely held back her laughter as she reached out and plucked the small branch from Piper’s hair. Piper just groaned, and Nora reached out, wrapping an arm around her neck fondly, squeezing a bit before letting her go.
“Okay, guys. Now we’ve got to find Codsworth. Do you two know where he is?” Nora asked, and Piper shook her head with a smirk.
“I know where he is, but I’m not telling you, you cheater,” Piper retorted, and Nora just laughed a little before looking to Shaun, placing her hand on his cheek.
“Are you going to tell me where he is, Shaun?”
“Nope,” the boy told her after shooting a quick glance in Piper’s direction. Piper nodded approvingly, and Nora just sighed a little before looking at Dogmeat.
“Alright, buddy. Find Codsworth, okay? Find Codsworth,” Nora repeated, and Dogmeat barked happily as he trotted over to the nearby cellar behind one of the old houses in Sanctuary. Nora followed him over, opening the cellar quickly and stepping down into it.
To her pure shock, Cait, Curie, Nick, and Codsworth were all down there. Cait growled a curse, and Curie clapped her hands excitedly with a giggle. Nick was just smirking and shaking his head.
Dogmeat rushed past her and jumped up on Codsworth. He moved just a little with the impact, but moved a pincer to pat Dogmeat gently on his head. Nora smirked widely, and Piper poked her head in behind Nora near her shoulder as she took in the sight.
“Huh… Not too bad. Who picked this place out and why was I left out of the loop?”
“I did, but these bloody idiots followed me here. And you didn’t get an invite because I hate you,” Cait complained, and Curie reached out to hug Dogmeat tightly. He wriggled and writhed in her grasp, trying to lick her face and finding himself overwhelmed with the vast amount of affection he was receiving. Nick came over to pet him as well, scratching his side and patting it fondly.
“Ah… Reasonable explanation. Thanks, leprechaun,” Piper retorted with a wicked smirk, and Cait narrowed her eyes, getting up quickly and starting toward the entrance to the cellar quickly. Piper quickly backed out, making sure Nora was standing between her and Cait.
Nora reached out, placing her hand on Cait’s shoulder and squeezing gently. Cait looked at Piper with a slight snarl before shifting her gaze to Nora. Her eyes softened, and she stepped back a little, leaving Piper alone.
“How ever did you find us, mum?” Codsworth questioned cheerily, and Nora smiled as she patted her leg to beckon Dogmeat. He pulled away from Curie and Nick quickly, rushing over to his person. She stroked his head as he loyally stood next to her, her eyes filled with love as she looked down at her beloved dog.
“You guys always forget that I have the best dog in the world.”
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