cosmic-potato-art · 4 years
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(forgot to post it here as usual oops)
Some Chloe900 because uh
I had a male and a female model and somehow this popped in my head ? I'm not complaining
It's a cute ship 🥰
I'm not very sure I'll use those uh Body chan and body kun (?) things... I'm not convinced 😕
(Plus I had my first drawing panic crisis in MONTHS on this drawing sooo I'm kinda scared to try again 😅)
I spent something like four hours on this one, I think it looks cute so it's fiiine I'm happy 🥰
I'm glad I drew another ship than my usual ones 💕 (I don't draw AFABs anymore HELP)
Also, Nines with curls. Change my mind.
(Also, RK800s and RK900 in suits. I love this so much.)
I always go a little wild with tags on IG you don't know what you're missing XDDD Just sayiiing XP (my descriptions are such a mess heeelp)
Anyway hope you like it 🥰 This ship needs more content !!!
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I was reading a ship rating post and it derided one ship as basically oc/ oc because the two canon characters have very little to no characterization (character a has like, only one character trait, character b shows up for like 1 minute and just stands there looking pretty), which honestly, sure that's pretty fair they are honestly pretty much shared fandom ocs at this point, but you dont have to be an asshole about it
Especially since they then rated another ship between character b and a third character, who ALSO has basically no canon personality and so it's basically oc/ oc, really really highly
Like come on bud, be consistant, either you like background character ships or you dont, they're both literally the same concept
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