#8x23 Ash
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thefandomlesbian · 3 months ago
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"We're still partners, ain't we?"
Sure, we are. We're still partners.
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masterwords · 3 years ago
Aaron Hotchner
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Season One
1x08 - Natural Born Killer
1x19 - Machismo
Season Two
2x10 - Lessons Learned
2x15 - Revelations
2x19 - Ashes & Dust
2x19 - Ashes & Dust
Season Three
3x18 - The Crossing
Season Four
4x02 - The Angel Maker
4x13 - Bloodline
4x14 - Cold Comfort
4x18 - Omnivore
4x18 - Omnivore
4x18 - Omnivore (for the half-zip lovers)
4x18 - Omnivore ("I'll tell them you're sorry.")
4x18 - Omnivore ("Then why can't you catch him?")
4x18 - Omnivore ("You'll regret this.")
4x18 - Omnivore ("Then you'll have to pay for my sin.")
4x18 - Omnivore ("So you think this is your fault?")
4x18 - Omnivore
4x23 - Roadkill
4x23 - Roadkill
4x24 - Amplification
4x26 - ...And Back
Season Five
5x01 - Faceless, Nameless
5x10 - The Slave of Duty ("What's Your Hesitation?")
Season Six
6x02 - JJ ("...no way you can make her go.")
6x02 - JJ ("It's a big deal.")
6x02 - JJ ("You don't get it.")
6x02 - JJ (goodbye)
6x02 - JJ (...more goodbye)
6x02 - JJ
6x02 - JJ
6x06 - Devil's Night ("Teamwork, right?")
6x09 - Into the Woods
6x09 - Into the Woods
6x16 - Coda
6x22 - Out of the Light
Season Seven
7x08 - Hope
7x09 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
7x10 - The Bittersweet Science
7x16 - A Family Affair
Season Eight
8x06 - The Apprenticeship
8x12 - Zugzwang
8x14 - All That Remains
8x15 - Broken
8x23 - Brothers Hotchner
8x23 - Brothers Hotchner
8x23 - Brothers Hotchner
Season Nine
9x02 - The Inspiration Pt 2
9x05 - Route 66
9x05 - Route 66
9x05 - Route 66
9x23 - Angels
9x23 - Angels (w/JJ)
9x23 - Angels (his profile)
9x23 - Angels
Season Ten
10x05 - Boxed In ("The world could use more good fathers.")
10x05 - Boxed In ("...never reveals her secrets...)
10x05 - Boxed In ("Ha-ppy Halloween)
10x07 - Hashtag
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x20 - A Place at the Table
10x21 - Mr. Scratch
10x21 - Mr. Scratch ("You don't know what I did to him.")
Season Eleven
11x01 - The Job
11x01 - The Job
11x06 - Pariahville
11x09 - Internal Affairs
11x11 - Entropy
11x13 - The Bond
11x22 - The Storm
Cry Baby volume 1
Cry Baby volume 2
Cry Baby volume 3
Sleepy Head volume 1
Pretty Hands (1)
"I did it to save lives." (Foyet arc in 3 photos)
Strauss & Hotch (3x01 - 8x24)
Hands Vol. 1 (10.21/9x05/5x08)
Hotch & his godly profile
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finaledenialist · 4 years ago
so it appears this is the day I start listening to taylor swift? you were so many to talk about it on my dash that I had to know so I just listened to 10 songs from folklore (had to stop bc Im getting easily exhausted) and. you were all so right about the deancas parallels?? I mean- my tears ricochet :
Weepin' in a sunlit room, and
If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe
All the hell you gave me?
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you
'Til my dying day
this is just straight up 15×18
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
And you're the hero flying around, saving face
And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
Look at how my tears ricochet
the chorus makes me go INSANE. I don't even have to explain "If I'm dead to you" because that's literally the same sentence with dean saying "You're dead to me" to cas. and "wishing I stayed" jfsgjjfq direct parallel to "I left but you didn't stop me"/"I should've stopped you", the whole 'dean is afraid of people leaving him and cas is afraid no one asks him to stay' gsksjggsj
And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain
Crossing out the good years
and then dean in 15×19. Im not okay
I mean you probably already said better things about these lines in your post and I should probably read it but. needed to get that out I guess? also wanted to add it's kinda funny that the two things I was introduced to through your blog are 1. some very calming beautiful love songs and 2. a smut fic
How often do these two things come together, right? hahaha Well I am happy I could do that for you!<3 I don’t think I talked about my tears ricochet yet though because I usually talk only about songs people send in their asks to avoid being That Bitch who rants about one thing all day long haha but let’s talk. 
Everything you said is On Point. This song is such Cas POV song that it gives me actual physical pain. Because on one hand we have very obvious destiel stuff that relate to 15x03, 15x18 and 12x23 and on the other hand, if we’re willing to break the 4th wall, this is Cas @ the CW. Look: 
(putting this under the cut because it got so long because I have no self-restraint when talking about folklore x destiel)
If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day
So, obviously a callback to 15x03 as you mentioned, apart from the first line which is re: Dean’s behaviour after Cas dies (in 12x23 or in 15x18). Now let’s look at the bigger picture here: 
If I’m on fire (= if I die) you’ll be made of ashes too. Look what happened when they wrote Cas off. In season 7 or in 15x19 and 15x20. How unbearably this show sucked without him. 
Did I deserve all the hell you gave me - 15x03, yes, of course but also what the show put this character through. The amount of bad writing and straight up torture for so many episodes (for example in season 8 or 9x03 ugh) and then being cut off from the finale. 
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you ‘til my dying day - that is obviously 15x18. 
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And you're the hero flying around, saving face And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet
This is 12x23, 15x03, 15x09 and 15x18 mixed up. 
You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene
Again, Cas dying in 12x23 and 15x18. Hell even when Dean sees Cas in the deleted scenes of season 10 after he almost killed him. Or when he keeps seeing him at the beginning of season 8 because he feels guilty that Cas didn’t make it out of Purgatory. 
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home
9x03 :(((((((((((((((( and 15x03 :(((((((((((((((((((
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky) And when you can't sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)
I am so sad at this point that I don’t even know what to say. You can aim for my heart, go for blood, (this corresponds so damn well with ‘and my words shoot to kill when I’m mad’ from this is me trying asfhsdfj) you can talk shit to me and make me leave but you are still going to miss me, how about that. And it’s going to hurt both of us. 
And I still talk to you - this is the only Dean line in this whole song because: prayers, also 8x23 finale comes to mind when the angels are falling and Dean looks at the sky and the falling stars and screams his name. And of course then a line about Dean not getting to sleep peacefully whenever Cas is gone. 
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same Cursing my name, wishing I stayed You turned into your worst fears 
Aaaaaand here we go, let’s shatter that 4th wall, huh? Something something about sinking ship. Not any ship. A battleship. A damn big ship. That gets sunk. Hm. You had to kill me because god forbid Dean and Cas get their only logical happy ending right? but it killed you just the same because look now how the last two episodes sucked and everyone is so damn angry and hurt and no one liked what you did and the whole show is now being criticized and being called out on being nonsensical due to the ending. You turned into your worst fears , that speaks for itself. 
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finaledenialist · 4 years ago
Don’t be shy. Worst/laziest/shockingest scenes from the show?? 😦😮
This is the moment where I develop sudden amnesia and can’t think of anything. I generally try to be positive and don’t give much thought to scenes or whole episodes that I don’t like, but let me just browse through my negativity tag to see what was I angry about (sorry this answer took me so long Nonny). Also I am putting this under the cut, because negativity, and we don’t need that now :)
I am gonna start with season 9 because I loved season 1-5, I really liked season 6-7 and was very content with s8. Now:
I remember that apart from human!cas storyline in s9, for which I was really hyped up after 8x23, I didn’t like s9 overall, I felt that the whole season was kind of poorly executed and was a wasted potential. Of course it had good episodes but it also had 9x03 which makes me want to throw up to this day... I also recall a bittercasgirl blog which I was visiting after every episode because I was bitter too... I was never more disappointed by supernatural in my life with human!cas. NEVER. But I got over it eventually, because...
...in season 10 I had such high hopes for demon!dean and well... I was disappointed, not gonna lie, I still have the feeling that they turned Dean back into a human so he can be himself in 10x05 which was the 200th episode; Sam’s arc in season 10 was boring at times because he was like ‘I need to save Dean’ 24/7, his whole personality was basically gone; also 10x22 and Dean beating Cas up (heartbreaking) but also they never ever talked about this, just like they never (at least onscreen but it was never confirmed by text they did it offscreen) talked about the crypt scene. When scrolling through my posts I see so many of them being angry at the 10x23 finale and yeah. I would love to blame it on Bucklemming but it was in fact the whole Carver era that sucked even though it started off from a very high note (s8 purgatory). It ended with 10x23 finale being the finale with the lowest ratings so...
I found s11 generally boring, Amara plotline was boring (s15!Amara is the queen though, well at least until the moment she surrendered to Chuck anyway), there was this whole forced Amara/Dean thing even though they lacked chemistry (I know Jensen and Emily did all they could, they are amazing but the scripts didn’t give them much to work with); season 12 was utterly dumb with the British Men Of Letters thing, but again had some pretty good episodes too! More than season 11, you can really feel Dabb was taking over this show because we got the 12x12 ‘I love you. I love all of you’ line, and we also got 12x07 which gave us Dean pretending not to like cucumber water and then drinking it anyway. I must admit I can’t really complain on season 12-15 much because they were much better than 9-11! 
I don’t know if this is the answer you expected Anon, but here it is! 
As for shocking scene - shocking as in good or bad? If good then I will forever remember when Dean drank the phoenix ashes in s6 and made Eve bite him which caused her death, it was brilliant and I didn’t expect that at all; as for bad-shocking: Charlie’s death. IT WAS AWFULLY WRONG
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