kidnapped mu7an7 anon re7urning again 7o say I've escaped 7he maze and given up on 8eing murdered for 8eing 8orn "wrong" as 7he empire says. clown si7ua7ion s7ill weird 8u7 now he's inves7ed in me reading re8el 7ex7s and 8eing a freak a8ou7 7he Sufferer/Signless guy so 7ha7s improvemen7s all around. I guess if my exis7ence is re8ellion I should ac7ually play 7he par7, righ7? some friends mo7iva7ed me 7o ge7 8e77er and s7op 7rying 7o die so I did and now suddenly 7he re8el 7ex7s are all 7he dum8 chucklefuck wan7s 7o 7alk a8ou7. 8e77er 7han 7he maze 8u7. I kind of 7hough7 we had a rela7ionship 8rewing on 7he 8ack8urner. 7hough7s convolu7ed, will upda7e again soon.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Aranea Serket, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5398
ARANEA: The Witch of Time was not always the party's 8iggest trou8lemaker. If you recall, you wore that tiara for a long time. ::::)
MEENAH: yeah yeah
ARANEA: Once she was as meek as can 8e. Hailing from the eastern provinces, she migrated across the seas and settled near the forest concealing Rufioh's guild. The two of them 8ecame quite fond of each other, and shared many interests!
ARANEA: He secretly 8egan seeing someone else, 8elieving she knew nothing. 8ut she always suspected his infidelity, and over time grew quite distraught. 8ut her sadness never quite turned to rage and malevolence. Not until you... involved yourself.
MEENAH: ugh do we really have to go through this
ARANEA: If you'd like to earn your money, then yes!
MEENAH: bleh fine
ARANEA: After we 8egan our game, you quickly determined that winning was going to 8e an uphill 8attle with our team. Everyone was so preoccupied with their interpersonal issues, and no one seemed in any shape to 8e fighting major 8attles. Sound familiar?
MEENAH: deja vus a bitch serk
ARANEA: So you did your 8est to rile up the crew any way you could. Appealing to peoples insecurities, 8uried hostilities, 8rewing rivalries... needling anyone you could into confrontation with others. Your theory was that increasing everyone's state of aggression would make them 8etter equipped to play the game. And you were sort of right a8out that! 8ut the Alternians would prove it. Not our group, sadly.
ARANEA: The poor girl who took the 8runt of your 8ullying tactics was Damara Megido. You talked up her matesprit's 8etrayal making her feel even more dreadful, while pushing him further into the arms of her rival, until she simply snapped. She attacked him, paralyzing him from the neck down. You finally got the aggressive confrontation you were looking for. Unfortunately, you unleashed something even you weren't prepared for, and you had to deal with her yourself. After a long 8loody duel, she killed you. And you would have stayed dead if not for me!
ARANEA: You never listened to me. You just kept needling and fussing and meddling until eventually you paid the price, and I had to 8ail you out.
MEENAH: (arg how bad do i even want this stupid money...)
ARANEA: Damara has 8een unhinged ever since. 8y increasing her violent tendencies, instead of 8eing an asset in the game, she 8ecame a loose canon, ar8itrarily showing up at key moments throughout the timeline to sa8otage us.
ARANEA: So radical was her shift in personality, I've had a hard time 8elieving your incitement was solely to 8lame. It always seemed like other forces were in play, as if her acts, though apparently haphazard, were in keeping with some inscruta8le agenda. Of course it doesn't help that it's so hard to understand her even on a good day.
ARANEA: Strangely, the only time she was eager to help us was when we were preparing to initiate the Scratch. And it's a good thing she was, since I'm not sure anyone else would have had the a8ility to do that kind of damage to the Cardinal Movement and release its energy.
ARANEA: It was almost a little eerie how happily she complied with our plan. What did Rufioh say she said? Something a8out how we would all finally get what we deserved...
ARANEA: Which at the time, I thought sounded chilling. 8ut there's really two ways of looking at it. One is how the Scratch re8ooted our world into a state of pure chaos, culminating in the annihilation of our universe. 8ut on the other hand, we all got the chance to live out our wildest fantasies as adults on Alternia!
ARANEA: At least you and I sure did. And I wouldn't dou8t she feels the same way.
MEENAH: we done?
ARANEA: That's it!
MEENAH: toughest 5 bucks i ever made
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awayweekendtours · 5 years
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Good night #chachoengsao #8rew #8riew https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qqUFUHoq4/?igshid=resof0j8mzll
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itsy8itsy8itch · 3 years
@blxndingin PLEASE. I would LOVE a cold 8rew.
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melon3x · 3 years
Memories long forgotten
(This is an Au where basically Tyzias Relives/gets memories of the Ancestors past. Had this idea after seeing a picture of like the ghost of the ancestors surrounding her while looking at a book so uh here we go!) Tw: Mentions of gore, slavery, death, and vomiting
The rotten wood groans underneath her as dust clogged her nose. This ship had seen better days, everything looking as if frozen by time, telling a story of long ago. Even with rotted wood tables and worn down valuables, phantom images of a lively crew celebrating countless victories played behind her eyes. With these images also came tales of betrayal, of heartbreak and longing.
Tyzias couldn’t stop the shiver that goes down her spine, couldn’t help grazing the well worn table in front of her with a tentative touch. Just from looking at it all, a sense of home filled her, like the famed pirate captain was standing next to her and telling her all the stories of their time at sea. Mindfang was notorious for her cruelty towards lowbloods, so many rumours about her misdeeds and punishments still scream loudly in her mind.
Yet, as Tyzias glances around the ship, she could understand there was more to the story than was once said. Something was whispering to her, begging her to figure out the truth, calling for her to look deeper, to connect the dots.
‘Just a little further land lover...just a l8ttle further…’
A soft whisper, so quiet that it could only have been the wind tricking her, caresses her ear, pulling away from her thoughts on the tauntingly empty room.Shaking the rest of the warm images from her mind, she heads for a rotten door to her left, a door that could only be the captain’s quarters from the gold trimmings and jewels that lined it. A sense of foreboding washes over her as she pushes the fragile door open gently.
Unlike what most would think for the great mindfang to have, her quarters weren't flashy or even that extravagant. It looked more like a bookworm's haven than a pirate's living space, with towers of books lining a broken desk. Shelves made up the walls, all filled with books of different genres, most looking to be non-fiction. Everything looked to have a place, so chaotically organized it even took a smart ass like her a second to really see it, the only thing out of place was that of a book laying half-hazpardly on the floor.
Picking it up, it didn’t take long to deduce it was a captain’s log, though it looked to be more like a personal journal. Flipping through it, Tyzias feels her interest peak as she reads over it all:
Today is the 2nd coming of the full moon whilst at se8,
That 8astard Cronus cam8 t8 chat with me t8day. We argued as usu8l. Swear that rotten violet 8itch is out to make m8 deck him. He f8und my little 8ook stash and now won't stop call8ng me a f8cking 88okwriggler. Well m8ster 8ig 8ad orphaner, at le8st now I can capture and enslave more effectively than your 'eh vwahtevver' ass.
Nausea swirls a little in Tyzias stomach at how flippant Mindfang was at enslaving people, trying to shake it off she flips a few pages over, seeing as most early entries were just complaining about this..Cronus person:
T8day is th8 14th full moon since we set sail
Cronus came 8ack again, appar8ntly a re8ellion is 8rewing on land, One calling for th8 end 8f the hem8caste. It's 8unch of hogwash 8f yo8 asked me, 8f the hemocaste has 88en going on for this long. What do a 8unch of low8l8ods think they'd 8e a8le to do? Esp8cially aga8nst th8 empress of all people. I don't understand why Cr8nus is rooting for these people. Doesn't he und8rstand what wo8ld h8ppen if our system were to c8llapse?
Even if it were for 88tter, our f8cked up system won't just dissape8r. We are so intertwined with th8s system 8nd design of s8ci8ty that just throwing it out in one day will 8nly c8use an even 8igger divide, and a h8ll of a lot more d8ath.
Ugh, I have a headache.
Stopping for a second, She looks at the words with a contemplating look, skipping ahead a few more pages, Tyzias almost drops the book in surprise.
Day wh8ver the fuck.
He 8etr8yed me.
It was the end of the journal, and yet images of there after played in her vision, leaving Tyzias to collapse to the ground, gripping her hair in agony.
“Hah, they sent a small fry like you to de8l with me?” Her blinded eye sached, spikes of pain were lacing where an arm should've been. Despite it all, Aranea smiled cockily, still radiating an air about her that people only dreamed of.
Never showing off how god damn scared she truly was.
Neophyte never responded to her once, unwilling to give her any leeway. So many mixed emotions curled around Mindfang’s core, the hurt of her ex-kismesis betrayal easing slightly at the mere sight of Neophyte.
“You know, if you weren't so adamant a8out s8ck8ng the law systems dick, we could've 8een g8od rivals.” Saying this was such a nonchalant voice, Mindfang let a bitter smile ease onto her face when the famous Redglare let annoyance show on her face.
“This 8s the part where your own audience 8etrays you!” Relishing in the alarm that suddenly appeared on the masses, the ex-pirate captain calls on her blood's power, whispering sickly words as she washes away all rebellious thoughts from the scared bystanders. As the noose meant for her wraps around Latula Pyrope speaks her final words,
“1 h4v3 h1gh3r st4nd3rs th4n to 3v3r h4v3 you 4s my k1sm3s1s.”
Memories flood Tyzias head, leaving a searing heachache in its place as she lives the life of Aranea Serket. Only as the Summoner, Rufioh Nitram she learns in one memory, brings down his lance and the agonizing pain of being skewered in the heart, holy fuck that hurts more than I though it would, did all pain ease.
Unable to stop herself, Tyzias regurgitates her food from earlier. It was kind of Ironic how a twisted person that was Aranea, died for a cause she was against. Shakily pulling out her notebook, Tyzias writes down the new information: the weight of...something...finally easing off of her shoulders. Having gone through this a few times, a sigh of relief escapes her chapped lips,
The story of Marquise Spinneret Mindfang is officially finished…
Only three more to go.
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8lowdart-blog · 5 years
are you 8usy with college ::::?
i'm well! minding shop and 8rewing up the 8est 8ath salts ever to 8ath salt
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ardentguilt · 6 years
for a dream my muse has never told anyone.“I’ve kind of always wanted to open a tea store. One of those ones that sells the fresh tea leaves, just floor to ceiling shelves of various 8lends and 8rewing equipment. I never told anyone 8ecause I figured they’d all think it was lame. I mean really? A 8eat up teal8lood with a tea store? Who’s gonna take that seriously?”
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pixieflix · 6 years
8utcher said: 8ut what if you 8rew the first fifty and while you're making the second fifty the first fifty get........ cold.
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~ On tha 14th 8ilunizzle perigee of tha 2nd dim season equinox ~
The Orphana pozes a caliginous rizniddle lizzike no pimp I've met. I be perpetratin' hizzle 8othered 8y jealousizzle, n it would 8e sicken'n if it were not so marvelously amus'n. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. 8ut thizzle, who 8ut royalty could have tha finned cheek ta sizzy disdain fo` tha manna 'n whizzay his 8lizzy lova conducts ha rizzle conquests yeah yeah baby? Lizzy has accizzle meeka tizzy I ta homicide, n tha viol8tion wizzay hizzay me aghizzle, agizzle, if his pimpin' did not complement hizzle so endear'n arsenal of qu8nt flaws. It be impossi8le ta stizzay dis grin even now as I write. Its just anotha homocide.
He surely understands this as my maritime ovizzle, a superior W-H-to-tha-izzile through gritt'n fangs he would concede thizze expanze of mah pusha makizzles his S-to-tha-izzeem hardly worthwhile ta trou8le a map wit gizzay ink ova. I kizzy he understands. I will takes whiznat I W-to-tha-izzant. I expizzle nuttin less from Dualscar, n truly, lizzy would offizzle me. Is it tha crude 8L-O-to-tha-izzood of tha suitors from which I have taken enjoyment recentlizzle? If hiznis displeasure be wit mah 8lizzy treatment of tha social orda T-H-to-tha-izzen he hizzy either not S-P-to-tha-izzent izzle tizzay in tha wiznarm company of mah indifference, or is sizzle very stupid. I saw tha look he gave. He so secure 'n knowing I cizzan't feel what 'n hizzy mind he forgets tha tr8tizzles ways of his own F-to-tha-izzace. Hizzle shawty looks be wizzay ta me, interjections 'n our deliciously 8itta repartee. F-to-tha-izzirst a L-to-tha-izzook as I summon a slave from tha hold, with such eaze 8etween mah remarks. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. Why yes, Dualscizzle, thizzey wizzay the verizzle slaves in yo' hold until 8ut dis hour. Anotha sizzy deployed carelessly, languish'n 'n stratizzle vulnera8ility. Be dis nizzy our routine ya feelin' me? Our D-to-tha-izzance? Whizzay be dis L-to-tha-izzook, mah diznear kismesis? Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Be it shame? Envy? Contempt fo` what he knows will follow?
I nod drug deala ova. Shizzay be fizzle n it mizzles ha prettia. He scoffs witout a movement or sound. I know there be disgust hatin' tha shadows 'n his corna of mah 8lizzle. At lizzay prick ha 'n tha lizzay, he surely thizzinks. Determine what vulgar hue she 8lizneeds 8efizzle persist'n wit yo' a8izzle, Marquize so bow down to the bow wow! Do try ta understand, Orphana. Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Not clockin' be tha point, n if you truly understood dis, yo' crizzle against the Gam8lignants wizzle nizzot 8e among oizzy Grand High8lood mizzay uproarious punchlines. (If izzle one truly needed ta 8e so high ta fiznind it amus'n!) N so not know'n, I take gangsta wizzle, 8ut leave enough of it ta enjoy ha responze, betta check yo self. Ha hizzay be 'n mah service 8ut thizzle still shake fo my bling bling. T-H-to-tha-izzey unfasten the first 8utton at my jacket wizzy, clumsilizzle. I have masked tha line 8etween mah gang bangin' n ha volition exquisizzle, n ha uncertainty ova ha own control fuels ha fizzle. Shizne unfastens tha second 8utton, n 8izzle tha second n tizzy, I make a casual remark ta Dizzle, continu'n oizzy convers8tion and my money on my mind. He dizzay not rizzle. Slap your mutha fuckin self.
I lizzook again at tha face of mah slave, chillin' fo` a momizzle motherfucka mind be not an unguardizzle pizzort ta hustla everizzle dizzy. I imagine I cannot fizzy shot calla conviction thizzay it niznot merely a pimp of whetha shizne wizzy 8e pizzut ta tha irons, 8ut how hizzy they W-to-tha-izzill 8e if she fizzle ta pleaze. P-to-tha-izzoor th'n. Ha hizzle make attractive shapes n piznair themselves pleasantly amizzle ha vizzle snarls of hizzair. Shot calla finga, which I have lost track of, ta mah surprize have come 8etween tha petticizzle n mah skin. The heat of ha touch tells me the likely range fo` tha color of ha 8lood. I wouldn't have guessed it ta L-to-tha-izzook at ha, not wit motherfucka siznign strippizzle. Ha mizzay opens slightlizzle n I sqizzay. Ah! Razor sharp, and none straight trippin'. Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Perfect. How disappoint'n it be ta find quiver'n lips blunt-rollin' dull teeth cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. I pauze ta rappa. Whiznat will hustla fiznear 8izzle if I chooze ta show ha mercy drug deala? N even, 'n dizzy, kindnizzles upside yo head? Will dis 8e tha rizzle dalliance thizzat 8ecomes fully flushizzle fo' sheezy? Love demands mah cunn'n just as mah raids gangsta style. If it be ta 8e, she W-to-tha-izzill killa understand how thoroughly she was manipizzle, ha 8ody, ha mind, hustla devotion.
I baller Dizzle izzle. My distractizzle from our 8anta was momentarizzle a8solizzle, n I inquire into tha shadows. 8ut he be gone.
Then go, mah kismesizzles spittin' that real shit. Fume wit tha indizzle I gave you. I cizzy only pray it 8lackens our 8ond. I must know such exhi8itions izzle8 him n hence why I 8otha, otherwize it would 8e easy to dismiss hizzy 8efore I partizzle. Let it 8e a gift of antagoniz8tion ta yizzy, mah dear rival, on which yiznou may 8rew pitch fo` me anew, know what im sayin? N if it be true envy, a vermilion yearn'n I can't a8ide, then though it pains me it will 8e farewell. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue.
Alas, it may 8e that I be tiznoo good at blunt-rollin' h8. Too good, at lizzle, fo` hizzy. I only hope he be not so foolish as ta trizzle a pizzle of less torrid malice.
Fo` if he does........
> ==>
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tabescentabasement · 8 years
@themindfang replied to your post: 11 50r7 0f w4n7 70 74lk 70 7h3 p30pl3 11 c4n...
Nothing 8rings convers8tion more than 8rewing up some8odies anger with an insult to their entire existence. “Hello’s” are overr8ted anyhow.
m4y83, 8u7 wh3n y0ur 3n711r3 3x11573nc3 115 4 811g j0k3 4nd y0u m057ly c0mpl411n 4nd 5h4r3 5h1177y m3m35 0v3r 7h3 11n73rn37, 7h47 74c711c ju57 73nd5 70 84ckf11r3
84ckf11r11ng, 11n 7urn, u5u4lly l34d5 70 7h3 5w11f7 4nd 8ru74l 3nd 70 wh473v3r 73rr118l3 4773mp7 47 c0nv3r547110n w45 8311ng m4d3. 8u7 gr347 4dv11c3, 11'm 5ur3 y0u'v3 p3rf3c73d 7h3 4r7 0f 5455-m47ch11ng 0v3r v11r7u4l pl47f0rm5 70 4v011d 7h3 pl411n 4nd 8ru74l "H3ll0"
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awayweekendtours · 5 years
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.tired. #satitithaporn #suansomdej #chachoengsao #8rew #gardeninthecity #park #cityhall (ที่ สวนสมเด็จพระศรีนครินทร์ ฉะเชิงเทรา) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAk7wYHqEu/?igshid=wwycdqhhfd1
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awayweekendtours · 5 years
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เข้าวัดทำบุญตัดบาตร สงน้ำพระ #satitithaporn #chachoengsao #8rew (ที่ วัดแหลมใต้ วัดแหลมใต้) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOo2dzlgA9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1izmukeuw59x5
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8lowdart-blog · 5 years
hmmmm college is a (wishy washy hand wave) sort of term 8ut there ARE military academies and the like for the highest of high8loods
so i know what it is at least
anyway the 8ath salts i am 8rewing are artisinal! revolutionary! and they smell good
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8lowdart-blog · 5 years
i sure hope some8ody is getting up to exhor8itant amounts of political su8terfuge or something soon 8ecause i am in a real 8rewing mood
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