#8lah 8lah i talk a lot
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arachnidsgrippysocks · 3 months ago
how dare you hate rose
Associ8ions with 8ad people who were mean to me that identified with Rose! Not to 8e petty and h8 a fictional character for something a kinnie did, 8ut I really just can't 8ring myself to like her again. ::::(
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steakbones · 4 years ago
i love it when ppl put subtitles/closed captions on their youtube videos. there is nothing with more sex appeal
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amicicidalgambler · 5 years ago
I know godtiers talk a lot a8out how they aren’t real gods 8ecause their powers are very narrow and 8lah 8lah 8lah 8ut honestly I think if anything they’re already far too 8ig in scope.
Where is the Witch of Haircut Mistakes (Application or Removal Of). I’d like a preemptive word with them.
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violetbard · 6 years ago
troy bolton betrayed me.
alright, so lets get this out of the vway: high school musical is grease. i enjoy it a lot for vwhat it is still, despite howv corny it can be at times, but it literally is just grease. some nice looking jock/cool guy vwith baby doll eyes meets a girl during some vwacation scenery prior to school starting, and then the girl (vwho i assume comes off as vwealthy in both vwersions) magically finds herself a sudden transfer student at the vwery same school the cool guy is going to. from there on out theyre cursed to break into song no longer past ten minutes, and the girl and guy havwe to deal vwith the pressure of their peers along side vwith the guy trying to keep up a reputation. all vwhile none of these kids can understand that you can engage in tvwo different afterschool activwities? it looks good on the resume. 
and for danny specifically ovwer there, you can get the girl and still keep your image. the coolest guys are the ones that are the least fake. OKAY 8UT THIS ISNT A MOVWIE REVIEWV OR COMPARISON SO 8ACK TO THE POINT. high school musical being grease isnt the betrayal part as much as the lion king isnt for being hamlot (no, that movwie goes into that category specifically for kimba the vwhite lion, but thats another article. man, i knowv too much about human movwies nowvadays.) high school musicals betrayal doesnt come from the fact that vwe nevwer talk about the title literally being nothing but a synopsis for a prototype script. no....im talking about the movwies rising actions, climax, and character dynamics. because i, a dedicated fanatic of human entertainment and the formulated logic to followv, am disgusted after opening my eyes to the truth.
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i like this movwie, but theres one element i despise that i vwouldnt havwe thought about had a clowvn not pointed it out during a movwie stream. during the rising action of the movwie, the friends are trying to get troy bolton and gabriella montez to stop being into each other so they dont sing vwith each other and distract from their other activwities (basketball and science specifically, despite the fact that they can do 8OTH). theyre so incredibly selfish and evwen troys lusus- dad - is so fucking stuck up like "oh no youre the captain you havwe to only fixate on this sport being the only accomplishment on your resume for higher tier schoolfeeding." nowv evwentually through deception they get them seperated due to making troy look like an ass after more peer pressure. after feeling bad they cheer them up and get them back together and they all vwin at the end of the day and blah blah 8LAH. heres the fucking thing. i call crap on that.
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they still dont givwe a shit about troy and gabriellas feelings. notice something off about the scenes in vwhich people feeling sorry for them? its the fact that the moments that theyre noticing the tvwo acting odd is vwhen it corelates back to howv its foreshadowving howv that vwould affect basketball game and science competition. troy doesnt vwanna eat lunch vwith them because he becomes moody and introvwerted. gabriella is clearly depressed and shrunken avway from her friends. they start getting distracted. the vwery problem that their friends had before vwith them. except its vworse. the dad. troys fucking lusus. sees his son missing hoops. and funny enough its only after hes missing hoops that he decides to confront his son about being able to support him through the guilt. someone for my sake please revwatch the movwie to see if their are any actual apologies or vwerbal realizations from those characters as to vwhy they vwere vwrong for peer pressuring them! you see vwhere im getting at. evweryone vwas supporting gabriella and troy by the end, not because they felt bad (or truly learnt a lesson about the status quo being shit), but because it vwas affecting them evwen vworse right before their competitions. they vwanted to up their skills so they didnt fuck up. i can assure you that if they vwere as good before, no one vwouldvwe said shit. because you dont just break up tvwo lovwe interests vwithout thinking about howv bad it vwould be for their feelings and then SUDDENLY feel bad after. not until you start noticing that your plan backfired. fuck you, chad.
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cornflowercanine · 4 years ago
reasons why ena from ena is autistic*
*no i dont think she is canonically or was intended to 8e autistic i just am autistic and like s33ing characters like me
she does funky arm things 
she sways around 
she talks in funny voices sometimes
she stims a lot . a lot a lot a lot
has jack shit mood regul8ion like how ND 8rain instead of 8eing more happy or less sad we’re REALLY REALLY REALLY happy 8ut then smth makes us REALLY REALLY REALLY sad 8c emotion stays on same level regardless of what the emotion is instead of emotion changing 8y .. specific emotion !
also SAD sad ena is her having RSD (i know this is adhd thing 8ut she can 8e adhd and autistic alright theyre shakes hands)
talks very ver8osely/has voca8ulary a little to the left, at least in comparison to the other chars from her universe weve s33n so far (this can also 8e a stim)
her hair 8eing asymmetrical as all hell could 8e due to sensory issues (’hairtips is fine on polygonal 8lue side 8ut on yellow adventure time-esque side it f33ls like things crawling on/touching me!!!!!!!!!’)
she doesnt understand moony’s jokes (8onus; moony also autistic cuz she makes jokes ppl dont understand 8ut make sense to her)
and her responses to such are like when u are autistic and unintionally very 8lunt, 
or looping 8ack around to having issues with emotional regul8ion she doesnt understand the jokes to the extent it frustr8s her and so she will say shit like ‘what is wrong with you’
this is vague 8ut i also wanna note in tempt8ion stairway teaser she is surrounded 8y regular humanlike figures 8ut 8ecause of that she is not like them at all, which makes her sad and upset and [static mouth]
and these figures are just dancing with eachother and 8eing happy and just.. fine 8ut she is alone and unhappy and not fine (8c she cannot 8e happy and together in the way that they are)
insert smth a8t the very title ‘tempt8ion stairway’ 8lah 8lah she is tempted and wants to 8e like them 8ut it would 8e an upward clim8 struggle 8ased on tempt8ion alone and not own 8est self-interest to do even 'simple’ things like not stimming 8lah 8lah 8lah
she is very cool and i love her (common autistic tr8 if you didnt know /lh)
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cornflowercanine · 5 years ago
i love love love when ppl like..... just openly wholly love homestuck, smth a8t it is so nice to s33 theres a Lot of hs fans who like. 8orderline h8 or are super ashamed of their interest to which i say get well soon, and most fans do like homestuck and will talk a8t it and share it and shit regularly and its nice 8ut theres kinda still some like... Reserved-ness? a8out it, im not saying ppl should 8e talking a8t hs 24/7 all contexts cause time n place for everything 8lah 8lah 8ut like.... sometimes ill s33 ppl who KNOW that a lot of ppl h8 homestuck, and that a lot of ppl are really ashamed of it, and just! really really really do not care or let that dampen their enjoyment of it!! and its so like... Refreshing to s33, someone whos open and enthusiastic a8t and just!! likes homestuck!!!! someone who is actually Excited to talk a8t the characters and the settings and the stories and ships and aus and what have you, someone who actually understands and takes seriously when hs has an impact on u (ex classpects helping u understand ppl, a good fucking amnt of ppl realizing or starting to realize theyre lg8tq+ 8c of hs, just general things in the story that impacted u) and its like....... its so fucking nice to s33 ppl who take hs seriously 8ut not in a ‘crytype in ur in8ox for saying dirk is gross’ way. ppl who are happy and excited and enthusiastic a8t homestuck 8ut not in a ‘if u dont like homestuck ur wrong fuck u’ way. its like these ppl achieved a perfect 8alance and god i wish that were me.jpg
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cornflowercanine · 6 years ago
its 5 am and i have literally nothing to do so im just gonna write my opinion on all the main homestuck characters 8ecause i want to in short i have chronic les8ianism and i care a8out only like 3 of all the 8oys in homestuck and most of the girls are very good
john; i literally do not care a8out him. he is so generic. he is so plain. like yeah hes A Character 8ut like. pick literally any other interesting character in homestuck to give a shit a8out. i dont H8 him at all and he’s tolera8le enough i could actually read the shit he says 8c you cant read homestuck otherwise, 8ut hes just. so. so so so generic. jade; VERY VERY GOOD.. very distinctly rel8a8le in weird specific ways? i just. i dont have any d33p meta on how she shouldve 833n treated in the story or anything 8c i haven’t the 8rain cells to muster up such a thing 8ut jade harley is a very good and rel8a8le character to me and i love her rose; shes literally so good. the way she talks. shes. so magnifique. 8eloved les8ian. i love her. also very pretty! dave; I ACTUALLY INITIALLY H8ED HIM FSR??? i thought he was like Trying To 8e Cool Edgy 8oy 8ut like. in the way cishet men do it. aka really annoying and insincere and ugh. now i think hes p good tho!!! hes funny and has good meta (if im using that word right..) and is nice. shoutout to the 2000 diff dave kinnies
jane; IM SO SORRY I JUST REALLY DONT GIVE A SHIT A8OUT HER EITHER. shes literally the only girl character i just cannot 8e assed to give a single fuck a8out. i dont know WHY and like, shes GOOD i just. god. 8orderline forgetta8le. i will say though if you make her the ONLY white alpha kid or kid in general; why. why would you do that to her jake; i dont care a8out him either. reading longass posts a8out him is interesting and i kinda CAN 8e assed to care a8out him and read his discourse 8ut i don’t really like... think a8out him a lot or anything. he’s just jake. he exists. doing jakey things. i don’t ACTIVELY think he’s whiny loser piss8a8y 8itch 8oy 8ut i don’t ACTIVELY think he’s interesting development dynamics with other characters 8lah 8lah 8lah. he’s just. eh. he’s jake roxy; I!!! LOVE!! THEM!!!!! i tend to forget a8out them too (s33ing a trend with the alpha kids?...) 8ut they’re good! deserves 8etter!! also literally the one thing im taking from the epilogues is that they’re N8LN8 which as local N8LN8 makes me. h. hng. [enough heart emojis it makes your pc lag] [oh w8 i have alt codes] ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ [ok there we go] dirk; heart players represent 8ut also i don’t give a shit a8out him like literally at all. same with john as in i just don’t fucking get what people s33 in him. you like him talking for eons and eons and eons and not in an amusing or funny way? you think hes hot? you like him crying over his 50 splinters? what do you care a8out??? i Cannot 8e Assed. who give a shit. i skipped his pesterlogs in my reread of homestuck. i do not care a8out him
aradia; GOOD... REALLY FUCKING HOT.... I RESPECT HER A LOT. VERY GOOD. ALSO HER HAIR IS 8IG AND FLUFFY AND CURLY AND I LIKE THAT tavros; i may 8e a 8orderline vrisstan 8ut I Love The Tavros Nitram. hes a good 8oy. a8used 8oy. deserved so much 8etter. @ people who say he was mean or that HE was 8ad to VRISKA are you literally okay? have you 833n drinking enough water? getting enough to eat? did you have at least 8 hours of sl33p? are you okay? are you g sollux; one of the most, if not THE most forgetta8le main-ish characters in all of homestuck. i’d 8ully him. he is fun to laugh at oh right karkat exists; SAME WITH JOHN. HE IS LITERALLY SO FUCKING GENERIC AND PLAIN N LIKE, I KNOW O8JECTIVELY HE HAS DISTINCT CHARACTERISTICS AND SHIT 8UT. DUUUUUDE. I LITERALLY ACTIVELY DO NOT CARE A8OUT HIM AND GENUINELY DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HE CAN 8E ANY8ODY’S FAVORITE CHARACTER. THATS LIKE SAYING WATER IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK WHILE STARING AT AN ARRAY OF SODAS AND SMOOTHIES AND JUICE ETC ETC nepeta; very very very good... deserved so much 8etter. i love the her kaNyaNya; HOT!!!!!!!!! very good!!!! i like reading her pesterlogs and shit!! shes good!!! i like her!!!! aaaaaaa!!!!!!!! terezi; good... gremlin... is funnie.,.. people should give more fucks a8out her vriska; like, mainly and ultim8ly, she’s just really fucking hot, 8ut otherwise i honest to god do not know how i f33l a8out her. like on one hand she is still a fucking jerk and did a lot of 8ad things even if she had reasons 8ehind them she was genuinely a 8ad person and she knew this and did nothing to change, 8ut also the fandom (mainly 8oys) dilute her down to 8luh 8luh Huge 8itch and act like thats it and her only character and way of thinking and intentions are just. 8eing a fucking jerk! like she did all the 8ad shit she did Just 8ecause She Could and never put any thought into it!!! and like!! NO!!! people are 10000% allowed to not like vriska and i get it 8ut like!! she’s complex!!! there is so much more to her than her 8eing a fucking jerk!!! if you’re gonna say she sucks at least say she had Valid Reasons 8ehind sucking 8ut still sucks!!!! cmon!!! also @ vriska stans Acknowledge (Vriska)/punk vriska/ghost vriska/pre-retcon vriska/etc More You Fucking Cowards. equius; i dont like him not at all i literally have his tags 8lacklisted i do not want to s33 him ever. i wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s PRO8LEMATIC 8ecause 8lah 8lah 8lah he was literally raised That Way and was 13 and died at like, 15 at the very most, 8lah 8lah not his fault. 8ut he’s just fucking scary!!! i think it’s 8ecause he’s so hypermasculine and that freaks me out a lot?? 8ut anyway. i dont like him gamz33; im makarapho8ic. i p much Always knew he was The Murderer so i didn’t really have an opinion on pre-apeshit him 8ut i just. don’t like him. also if you say ‘8ut it was all lil cal’s influence!!111!1′ eat me pingy lil cal would have had a8solutely no reason to make gamz33 a8use terezi so if him 8eing 8ad isnt for anything else, its for That. eridan; literally what a fucking joke. the person who got me into hs was an eridan kinnie so i never really put any thought into him 8eing like pro8lematic or 8ad he’s just. so so so so stupid. he is such a fucking joke. he is so fucking 8ullya8le. its like vriska stans are wlw, gamz33 stans are mlm, 8ut eridan stans? cishets. if you think eridan is hot i’m so so sorry for your loss and your taste. feferi; GOOOOOOOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOOOOOOD I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE HER. LITERALLY MY ONLY COMFORT CHARACTER. VERY GOOD I LOVE HER IF YOU THINK SHES “PRO8LEMATIC” GET A FUCKING GRIP LMAO
damara; hot. i respect her a lot. like o8jectively she was mean and 8ad 8ut shes good i like her rufioh; if the captors dont take first place for most forgetta8le characters in all of homestuck, its this guy specifically. i dont think we acknowledge the fact he was like 90% horse at a point enough though. may8e we choose to forget that fact for our own sake mituna; same as sollux. stupid forgetta8le. if i wouldnt 8ully him i’d just forget he ever existed. oh right kankri exists;  TAKES THE FUCKING CAKE FOR THE “IS A FUCKING JOKE I WILL NEVER TAKE SERIOUSLY” TIER. literally genuinely seriously how do people ACTUALLY LIKE him. if you think hes a good character im so sorry for the death of your taste in characters. like i APPRECI8 him existing to point out how fucking ridiculous some of yall sound and THATS interesting 8ut otherwise oh my god. ohhh my godddddd what a fucking joke. meulin; VERY VERY GOOD.. deserved 8etter... also people saying shes a fujoshi are literally so funny to me 8c directly after she says the line that makes people think shes a fujoshi she literally says she doesnt fucking know what “gay” means. like cmon porrim; HOT. GOOD. I LIKE THE HER. there are people with actual genuine good takes on her 8c shes feminist and shit 8ut i cant articul8 that so just. Hot. latula; wife.... i initially h8ed her JUST 8ecause her theme jumpscared me in open8ound and i didnt like it at all 8ut gnhgnhhh she is hot and cute and very good i love the her aranea; lissen i KNOW i shouldnt define her 8y That One Thing 8ut ghnghnghhhh she makes me so Angery. i think shes the only girl hs character i just downright Dislike. fuck her horuss; also scary. i know hes innocent 8ut hhhhhhhhh kurloz; im a meulin kinnie. thats all there really is to say on the matter. i Also have his tags 8lacklisted. i dont care if hes o8jectively relatively innocent i just dont like him cronus; honestly playing open8ound i didnt realize He was the guy everyone h8ed. i just dont care a8out him either, he’s also a joke m33nah; hotter than god. like i KNOW shes 8ad 8ut shes SO SO SO FUCKING HOT HOLY SHIT FUCK
ancestors; all the female ancestors are milfs and i love them and all the male ancestors are 8ullya8le except may8e the grand high8lood 8ut also 8ullying him wouldnt 8e Impossi8le it’d just 8e a Challenge
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