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cornflowercanine · 4 years ago
reasons why ena from ena is autistic*
*no i dont think she is canonically or was intended to 8e autistic i just am autistic and like s33ing characters like me
she does funky arm things 
she sways around 
she talks in funny voices sometimes
she stims a lot . a lot a lot a lot
has jack shit mood regul8ion like how ND 8rain instead of 8eing more happy or less sad we’re REALLY REALLY REALLY happy 8ut then smth makes us REALLY REALLY REALLY sad 8c emotion stays on same level regardless of what the emotion is instead of emotion changing 8y .. specific emotion !
also SAD sad ena is her having RSD (i know this is adhd thing 8ut she can 8e adhd and autistic alright theyre shakes hands)
talks very ver8osely/has voca8ulary a little to the left, at least in comparison to the other chars from her universe weve s33n so far (this can also 8e a stim)
her hair 8eing asymmetrical as all hell could 8e due to sensory issues (’hairtips is fine on polygonal 8lue side 8ut on yellow adventure time-esque side it f33ls like things crawling on/touching me!!!!!!!!!’)
she doesnt understand moony’s jokes (8onus; moony also autistic cuz she makes jokes ppl dont understand 8ut make sense to her)
and her responses to such are like when u are autistic and unintionally very 8lunt, 
or looping 8ack around to having issues with emotional regul8ion she doesnt understand the jokes to the extent it frustr8s her and so she will say shit like ‘what is wrong with you’
this is vague 8ut i also wanna note in tempt8ion stairway teaser she is surrounded 8y regular humanlike figures 8ut 8ecause of that she is not like them at all, which makes her sad and upset and [static mouth]
and these figures are just dancing with eachother and 8eing happy and just.. fine 8ut she is alone and unhappy and not fine (8c she cannot 8e happy and together in the way that they are)
insert smth a8t the very title ‘tempt8ion stairway’ 8lah 8lah she is tempted and wants to 8e like them 8ut it would 8e an upward clim8 struggle 8ased on tempt8ion alone and not own 8est self-interest to do even 'simple’ things like not stimming 8lah 8lah 8lah
she is very cool and i love her (common autistic tr8 if you didnt know /lh)
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