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mizfs · 2 months ago
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total: 838c@l
plus: i dyed my hair
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shenshuaitbrtire · 6 months ago
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نحن إطارات Rockblade!
تخلص من الأعباء التي تشغل بالك مع إطاراتنا الموثوقة ذات تقنية التصميم الأوروبي!
مع Rock 838C وRock 828C، أصبح السفر مع البضائع الثقيلة أمرًا في غاية السهولة! إن أخاديدها الرأسية الثلاثية وكتلة المداس متعددة الزوايا تجعل حمل الأحمال الثقيلة أمرًا لا يقترب من التحدي. لن يعيق أي شيء تسليمك!
اطلبها الآن! أرسل لنا رسالة للمقاسات والاستفسارات الأخرى.
إذا كنت مهتمًا بالاستيراد يمكنك النقر على الواتس اب الخاص بي !! للاستيلاء على صفقة ��يدة
https://wa.me/8613586544640 أو راسلنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني @ [email protected]
مرحبا بكم في التحقيق، من يأتي أولا يخدم أولا!
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الموقع: الغرفة 1C4-16، المبنى B، المنطقة 6، منطقة التجارة البوتيكية، مدينة جنوب الصين، مدينة Hefei، مقاطعة Anhui، جمهورية الصين الشعبية. ;
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hazmatsuitguys · 4 years ago
409893ee-838c-43ea-bcf3-1688f5a2168d by Oliver Madsen
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shenshuaitbrtire · 7 months ago
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نحن إطارات Rockblade!
تقديم روك 838C! مناسب للرحلات البرية الطويلة لشاحنتك!
تم تصميم Rock 838C لتحقيق الاستقرار والراحة في القيادة! يعمل تصميمه "الصامت" على تقليل الضوضاء بشكل كبير بينما يعمل تصميمه "المحاكي" على تحسين القبضة وتقصير مسافة الفرامل، ويعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع تصميم الجدار الجانبي الأبيض الذي يعد رائعًا لتعديل السيارة!
تجربة تكنولوجيا التصميم الأوروبي على شاحنتك!
Rock 838C متوفر بمقاسات مختلفة، فقط أرسل لنا رسالة للاستفسار.
إذا كنت مهتمًا بالاستيراد يمكنك النقر على الواتس اب الخاص بي !! للاستيلاء على صفقة جيدة
https://wa.me/8613586544640 أو راسلنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني @ [email protected]
مرحبا بكم في التحقيق، من يأتي أولا يخدم أولا!
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الموقع: الغرفة 1C4-16، المبنى B، المنطقة 6، منطقة التجارة البوتيكية، مدينة جنوب الصين، مدينة Hefei، مقاطعة Anhui، جمهورية الصين الشعبية. ;
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detetives-blog · 5 years ago
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Vai vendo!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #CACs #taurusguns #taurus_official123 #cbc_oficial #umpoucomais #380acp #838c #pistol (em Central Única Federal dos Detetives do Brasil - Ltda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLBHUlH4JQ/?igshid=12yloh9ztanaq
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begeek-fr-yahoopartner · 8 years ago
Sony MDR-ZX770 : le casque Bluetooth à -50% pour les soldes
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Sans-fil et doté de la technologie antibruit, le Sony MDR-ZX770 est le plus accessible des casques audio de sa catégorie.
Plus de fil, plus de bruit : l’expérience audio idéale proposée par Sony ne coûte même pas 100€ chez Fnac pendant les soldes.
Lire la suite de l‘article sur Begeek.fr
A découvrir également sur Begeek.fr
Castlevania : un casting ambitieux pour la série animée de Netflix Game Critics Awards : les grands gagnants de l’E3 2017 sont connus Netflix : voici les nouveautés à voir sur le service en juillet You’re the Worst et Better Things reviennent sur FX en septembre Et alors que l’on reparle de l’adaptation de Fondation en série
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Train for the resistance like Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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For Ruth Bader Ginsburg, training for the resistance requires a resistance band.
Supreme Court Justice and fitness icon Ginsburg is the subject of an upcoming exercise manual co-authored by none other than her personal trainer Bryant Johnson.
SEE ALSO: This is what you need to do at the gym to keep up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Per the Associated Press, The RGB Workout: How She Stays Strong...And You Can Too! will detail the 84-year-old justice's robust exercise routine for all to follow. 
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt says co-author and illustrator Patrick Welsh will illustrate Ginsburg performing each exercise, dressed in her black robe, purple leggings and sneakers. 
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Image: houghton mifflin harcourt
Ginsburg's workout routine has become a source of fascination in the last few months, due in large part to increasing concern about what an empty seat in the Supreme Court would mean in the current political climate. 
Johnson gained popularity himself earlier this year when Politico joined the trainer for a run-through of Ginsburg's hour-long workout. 
As reporter Ben Schreckinger found, it's no simple routine. Each session includes weight training, pushups, planks, squats, and more. And yes, she can do a real, honest-to-God pushup.
Ginsburg isn't Johnson's only Supreme Court client— he also trains Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer.
WATCH: Become the master of the ring with this extendable boxing glove
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abr · 5 years ago
Il primo nato a Torino è stato Hadega; a Brescia Youssef; in Calabria Harshita; in Liguria Daniel; in Friuli Venezia Giulia Amar; in Sicilia Mohammed; in Puglia Iuliana. (...) tutti figli di immigrati. (...) Questo articolo presumo non piacerà. Forse, alla fine, nemmeno al suo autore. Perché anche chi scrive vorrebbe non vivere la contraddizione italiana di temere l’immigrazione, specie se disordinata, e, nello stesso tempo, di averne razionalmente bisogno.
Non piace quello che dici e neppure TI piace? Allora fatti delle domande, caro Ferruccio DeBortoli. Che sia forse perché FINGI di ragionare razionalmente, vendendo in primis a te stesso le tue FAKE? 
Tipo questa, la più ridicola se non fosse tragica: i migranti tampone alla denatalità a livelli drammatici degli aborigeni. Tampone peraltro insufficiente e provvisorio, dicono i numeri - Oracolo del Signore! - quelli che NON sai e/o non vuoi leggere completamente. 
Un minimo di analisi sui PERCHE’ della denatalità, o Nobiluomo? Magari dire che il DEGRADO IMPORTATO ne è concausa - perché corrobora l’incertezza sul futuro, i bassi salari, in un contesto di deresponsabilizzato edonismo low end già di suo. Sostenere che i migranti “risolvano” la denatalità, caro Ottimate, è come dire che se al popolo manca il pane può mangiar brioches (o, meno citazionista ma più adeguato, biomassa).  
Per intervalla insaniae l’Ottimo Ferruccio arriva a intuire il vero:  il problema più grave dell’Italì è davvero L’EMIGRAZIONE, perché riguarda i (pochi) giovani più preparati e intraprendenti. Però il Cul-turato non riesce a e non vuole unire  i puntini. Del resto ha i Padroni suoi che caldeggiano l’import di schiavi a basso costo per sostenere le loro industrie decotte e professioni parassitarie invece di innovarsi; giocoforza chi può, invece di rimanere nel degrado, assistere impotente al nepotismo continuato ed aggravato, al vivere di espedienti dei furbetti del quartierino che approfittano della politica perché non hanno nulla da perdere, SE NE VA A FARE INNOVAZIONE E A CRESCERE INDIVIDUALMENTE DOVE SI FA SELEZIONE. 
Debortoli sei solo (una delle tante) Voci del Padrone Socialista, un produttore professionale di FAKENEWS in conto terzi. Sfortunatamenter per te, sei come una dattilografa o un linotipista: travolto ed eliminato dall’evoluzione tecnologica che ha reso le news - e le fake - come le tastiere e il publishing, nella disponibilità di tutti. 
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detetives-blog · 5 years ago
Pra quem nunca jogou truco, vou explicar na prática a diferença entre Zap e o 7 copas. O rapaz de camisa preta está com sete copas, o de camisa branca com zap. 😂😂😂 #peba #ladrão #pistol #838c #atiradores #caçadores #javali #cacdf #ceaccdf #lojabigboar #aquitemjavali #manualdavidaselvagem #sobrevivencialismo (em Central Única Federal dos Detetives do Brasil - Ltda) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9c7rXUHzs2/?igshid=72sc6rdmfuxb
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pollicinor · 5 years ago
Gabriele Genah racconta la peculiare tradizione ebraica
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We have a few questions about Dove's new 'body positive' soap bottles
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Of course this is how it ends. 
Dove, friendly soap company and bastion of body-positive marketing, finally goes too far and literally engineers its packing to reflect the women to whom it markets. 
SEE ALSO: Dove's new campaign challenges how the media portrays women in sports
According to Dove: 
And apparently the best way to make sure women are reminded daily of our special snowflakeness is to turn our soap bottles into literal reminders of our figures. Because bathing isn't just a time to get clean and enjoy a hot shower and some peace, but also to be, you know, empowered. By our soap bottles. 
We've reached out to Dove to ask a few of our most burning questions, including: 
Will the bottles all contain the same amount of soap?
Do the body-positive cost bottles cost the same as normal ones, or will we pay a premium for our empowerment?
How long will we be able to purchase these limited-edition keepsakes? 
Where in the world did this idea come from?
The shade is already starting to roll in. 
@Dove Is this real? I don't care what the bottle looks like, I care if the product inside works. https://t.co/kKGZTmh1gd
— Allison Churchill (@Aloe9678) May 8, 2017
i don’t want fat representation in soap bottle form. i’d prefer it in the form of fat people not being systematically treated poorly. https://t.co/NfdEP6lXPA
— nicolle (@rogueclown) May 8, 2017
Can someone come over and help me measure my butt so I know which dove body wash to buy
— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) May 8, 2017
thanks Dove but I already have a body wash that matches my natural curves :) pic.twitter.com/IIkKAn0LjQ
— Tim Federle (@TimFederle) May 8, 2017
Who at Dove thought this was a remotely good idea? https://t.co/MGdg2SgMOc
— Steph Haberman (@StephLauren) May 8, 2017
For a company that has spent years building up a store of good will through their 'Real Beauty' campaigns, we'll have to see whether they have enough in reserve to see them through what could be a major misstep. Or is the benefit of the doubt something that simply doesn’t exist for brands today?
WATCH: 3 shower speakers to upgrade your shower time
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detetives-blog · 4 years ago
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Obrigado pelo carinho! ❤ #tiroesportivodf #tirobsb #tirodf #cac #cr #exercitobrasileiro #fuzileirosnavais #militaresdobrasil #armasdefogo #caçadores #ceacc #cacbrasil #taurus_oficial #cbc_oficial #cbc #municaodemanejo #invictus #7022 #boitopump #838c #rt605 #t4clubebrasil #clubedetiroatacc #clubedetirobrasilia #clubedetiromatsumoto #instrutordetiro #armeirosdobrasil #mulhernotiro #tirodefensivo #tirodeprecisão (em Tiro Esportivo DF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMI-zbWHkDD/?igshid=1abkl239l4zzx
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furniturestylish · 2 years ago
The Secret of a Successful and Well Decorated Bedroom
Decorate your space with outstanding decor. Scattering the room with interesting decor items is a very fun way to liven up your space. You can go for many little decorative items such as scented candles, wall hangings, wind chimes, etc. This brings a sense of texture to the room.https://www.reddit.com/user/arvindsinggh/draft/6d244e9a-6cb1-11ed-838c-ba2b8d3945f1
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